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Racist, misogynist, or just psychosomatic...

timon_phocas 9 Aug 1
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Once upon a time one of my children went off as usual to Uni to attend her Geeky Blockchain class and came home and said not going back it's boring and then lived happily ever after.Perhaps we all didn't realise at the time she was a Racist.


Was it all those things? Or was it your inability to do physics why you felt out of place?


It's sad to know that there seem to be so many people who just cannot pass beyond 'appearance'.

Naomi Level 8 Aug 1, 2022

Almost all of us CAN, in time. It's just that many of us have nurtured various triggers to the point that we're no longer able to stay the instantaneous bias long enough to make the time.


Lib goof


If "little things" like this bother you, get back on your meds and stay away from people in general. If you think there are messages in this sort of occurrence, there is a tree down the block from me that could probably keep you amused with arguments for the rest of your life.


A combination of all 3.

FEWI Level 8 Aug 1, 2022

When you are supposedly studying college physics and actually write, "not where I'm supposed to be at," you are correct. You are not there because of your intellect.


Delusional. That's the technical term for people whose Paradigm do not reflect reality.


Massively insecure for sure. Time for some to get over themselves and grow up.

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