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This documentary from Epoch Times puts to bed for all time the myth of the Wuhan wet market as a source of COVID-19. Analysis of the genome proves conclusively that it is not the product of a natural mutation process. It was spliced together. Period.

Edgework 8 Apr 14
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  1. SARS-COV2 genome sequencing done in the US shows no markers typical of the known splicing carriers that are impossible to avoid in gene splicing.
  2. The connection to the genes in the species of bats in the papers referenced in this article, to the the genes found in the SARS-COV2 sequencing done in the US, shows a much older forensic path than the pangolin. This indicates that the recent gene splicing done in the Chinese labs - even if it somehow happened as claimed, was far older than the latest version infecting humans. So it almost certainly jumped species and became human-transmissable without being genetically engineered by humans.
  3. Non-geneticists are venturing their conclusions about the virus, and no geneticist participated in the article.
  4. logically speaking, there would be almost no likelihood of anyone working with such a dangerous virus being careless, because they would be the first victims. And the military would need both an antidote, and a plan for tactical use of the virus which would be most favorable to its own side. This epidemic has not originated in a way, nor been handled in China consistent with either probability.

As an engineer, able to read the gene sequencing papers done in the US, I find this article not credible, irresponsible, and stinking of the kind of fear that drove us to overreact and cripple our economy.


Ok - great. Excellent research and good information to have. What are we going to do about it - that's what I want to know.
Are we going to have a shooting war w/China and execute Harvard microbiologists for Treason? I don't think so. Will there be some other form of "sanctioned" hostilities in this the digital age? A Veritable cyber war? Given the global dependence on digital operations - potable water and food supply, manufacturing, fuel production, etc etc...that would ultimately lead to mass casualties as well. About as a bad idea as "MAD" of the cold war era.
So what to do - I'm out of ideas on the matter. I hope and pray for someone smarter than I to lead us out of this morass.

iThink Level 9 Apr 14, 2020

The Epoch Times is the propaganda arm of the Falun Gong. Not surprising that they would make false claims about China.

What claims were false?

@Hanno. Yeah, some people prefer conviction without due process, guilt by association, and identity politics, to the truth. I learn nothing from them, so I will not debate them.

@TimTuolomne a while back he posted far left wing propaganda and I called him out on it. He asked what was false and I explained to him in detail showing it was false propaganda
Now the roles are reversed and I wanted to see if he had any integrity left to justify his claim. No response from him ... says a lot about him.

@Hanno, @TimTuolomne It claims that China engineered the virus.

Which you know for a fact is not true?
I don’t know either and I don’t believe that the facts presented necessitate the conclusion.
However it is not false... it their conclusion based on the facts they have.
They could be wrong, which is not the same as making a false claim (say something they know are wrong).
What we do know is that Wuhan was doing research on Coronavirus and that both the CCP and the WHO covered up the start of the outbreak.
I always ask the question why people lie.

@Hanno []

Now where is the evidence for the claims of these propagandists? You folks are so credulous!

@Hanno, @TimTuolomne I'd like to thank Hanno once again for following me from thread to thread, screeching that I impugned his idol Trump's honor by posting about how he called criticism by Democrats and others of his slow response to COVID-19 "their new hoax" (that is the "left-wing propaganda" to which Hanno refers). As a reminder, in the same characteristically incoherent speech, which followed weeks of minimizing the virus, Trump likened it to the flu and suggested that its spread had been halted at 15 cases and 0 deaths thanks to his efforts. In light of those numbers, he accused the media of being hysterical for claiming that tens to hundreds of thousands of people might die.

Hanno, you see, is a Trump fanatic (which is cute coming from a Kiwi), an obsessive (like his fellow Kiwi, Trevor Loudon), a pedant, and hypocritically, often stubbornly illogical himself. Just take this inane exchange a couple weeks ago. []

Ok Ricky, a truce. You stop propagating false claims and making lies and I will stop exposing them.

You may have noticed I have never responded in a negative way and actually supported posts you made that were true.
Also, I have pointed lies and false claims with facts made by numerous contributors here... your not special.

Other than that I enjoyed your ad hominem attack and noted your derogatory statements about NZ. But then again, all I do is expose who you are.

@Hanno, I have no problem with your POV, and can't help but observe that the screeching is coming not from you.

"Slander is the only recourse when the argument is lost." - Socrates.

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