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The CCP Virus and Vaccines

Modelling used to create panic and lock downs
Dr. Neil M. Ferguson, Imperial College in Britain, is the man who created the models showing hundreds of thousands of people in Britain and 1 -2 million in the USA would die from the coronavirus (CCP Virus). Imperial College also receives funding for the “Gates Foundation”. Ferguson's team warned Boris Johnson that the quest for "herd immunity" could cost 510,000 lives, prompting an abrupt U-turn. I believe the same has occurred in Canada. A competing model from the University of Oxford, and some criticism from contemporaries, is casting a shadow on Ferguson’s work and the government's reliance on modelling.
Immediately, following the shutdowns of Britain, USA and Canada, Ferguson revised his models downward to show much fewer expected deaths. He has been asked to produce the code used to create these models and has replied that the “algorithms” used were “too complex" for anyone to understand.
He is also the “scientist” who created the models in England during the “swine flu” in early 2000s.

*Social Distancing😘 What is the scientific basis for the “2 metre distancing”?

The globalists are watching to see how much “pain” the sheeple are willing to endure for “safety”.

Following are comparisons between countries that locked and down and no-lockdown. I know that Mexico has recently succumbed to fear mongering, and is implementing lock down even though their death rates are among the lowest of all countries listed.

Deaths shut
Country Cases Deaths per million down

Mexico 19,224 1,859 154 no
Taiwan 429 6 18 No
Belarus 14,917 93 1,579 No
Sweden 21,520 2,653 2,131 No
Japan 14,088 430 111 No
Canada 53,236 3,184 1,411 yes
USA 1,097,232 63,905 3,314 yes
UK 171,253 26,771 2,523 yes

Deaths in Canada: Over 90% of deaths occur in nursing homes in people over 80 with existing illnesses. So why do we quarantine healthy people? Why not take better care in quarantining the sick and let the rest return to work?
Stanford Doctors conducted two separate testing of people in a specific area in California. Out of 3,000 and 900 people, they discovered that between 25 – 30% tested positive for the CCP Virus. When they extrapolated that to the population of California, the death rate was 0.2 – 0.3%, not the 4 -5% shown by comparing actual cases vs deaths. Most of the people testing positive had not needed hospitalization or medical treatment. Most had experienced head aches or sore throat for a short period. Hence the case for herd immunity. Again, protect and test the vulnerable while letting the rest of us return to work.

Many doctors in the USA have reported that it has been suggested to them to report deaths as due to CCP Virus even though the initial illness was not the virus. In other words, they would have died even if they did not have the virus.

Wearing Masks: What is the justification for wearing masks? Masks are used in hospitals, not to protect the wearer but to protect the patient. People in far east wear masks to keep from infecting others not to protect themselves.

Wearing a mask actually reduces your immune system by forcing you to inhale carbon dioxide blocked by the mask after exhaling and then inhaling.

*Ventilators😘 people on ventilators have a death rate of over 80%. A New York emergency doctor noted that people with the virus exhibited “high altitude sickness”.

Our Prime Minister (Canada) talks about shutting down until a vaccine for the virus is available. This could take 12 – 18 months. The current vaccines for influenza are only about 5% effective as there are many strains of the viruses and the medical (CDC), and they have to “guess” which of the current strains will be the most prevalent.
Bill Gates, the great proponent of vaccines, continually supports all vaccine manufacturers and researchers. He has been responsible for many deaths in Africa (his test tube for vaccines) and is currently under investigation in India for many deaths there.
In a “Ted Talk” on YouTube, he is directly quoted as saying, “It is necessary to perfect the vaccines, by which we can reduce the world population by 15%”. Bill Gates Foundation also holds the parents on several viruses. How can you hold a patent on something that os naturally occurring? You can’t unless it is manmade.
The pharmaceutical industry approached the US Congress in the 1990s advising that they were going to withdraw from vaccine development, due to the possibility of lawsuits resulting from injuries or deaths from a vaccine. They further stated that in the case of a future “pandemic”, no company would be doing the necessary research to overcome it.
Congress folded and passed a law giving them immunity and creating a fund to compensate families damaged by vaccine injuries. There remained only one way to sue the manufacturers and that was if it could be proven that they had tested the product and distributed it knowing it would be harmful.
The answer to that was that the companies stopped testing the vaccines before distributing. In one case, a company tested the vaccine on 100 people and followed them for 5 days without any reaction. Then they released the vaccine.
In the USA, new-born babies are given an HVP vaccine first day of birth. This is a drug to prevent a sexually transmitted disease. You will have seen the ads guilting parents into having their teenage daughters inoculated. The babies were given up to six vaccines in the first 6 months of birth. This started in the 1990s and was slowed down in the 2000s when they realized that babies were receiving 25 times the allowable levels per kg of weight for a human.
Done enough writing for now, if anyone has bothered to read this far. Doesn’t matter as I am just sharing research in the hope of waking people up.

warminster100 9 May 1
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Not that complicated. The R-nought value for SARS COV2 is well-known now. Its 5.7 over 2.5 days. If you can do the math, you know that over 10 billion people would be infected in 5 weeks. So not only did the Chinese have zero chance of containing it by the time they realized it was a problem, the World was fully infected before even being aware of the existence of the problem in China. Dr Li Wenliang announced the first case to have been known 17 November. Trump closed down flights to/from China and Europe on the 31st of January, while Democrats were celebrating his impeachment in the House, 10 weeks after the first case was known, while WHO was still claiming no transmission to human to human.

99% of COVID-19 deaths are smokers or those with serious pre-existing conditions. That's why Italy has more victims and Sweden fewer. Those of us not in that group are at far more danger of getting killed driving to the grocery store than from the virus. Social distancing was always irrelevant. And while the infectiousness of SARS COV2 is four times the Spanish Flu, the mortality rate is almost certainly less than the flu. See "Multiple Conditions Increases Risk." []

The media has been nearly bankrupt because it is so mistrusted by the public, and badly needed a sensational story, so they made the most of it as a matter of their survival. And the New York Times proudly reported that 87% of the media are Democrats. The public was only too happy to panic on command, and leadership had no choice but to respond accordingly.

Tell your leadership that this ends now.

No allowed to give you more than a thumbs up.

Til now.

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