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In a room full of people, who all spout the exact same thoughts, it’s a sure bet an extremely small minority of those present are doing any actual thinking. What has been so revealing in the ongoing effort to nullify the 2016 election has been its universal scope, and the single-minded script from which everyone is reading. Media, Democratic Party, academia, Hollywood elites: the attacks have been both vicious and unrelenting. There was never even a pretense of waiting to see what the new president would do, measure where to cooperate, where to oppose. There was nothing measured at all. Impeachment was being tossed about as an option before he was even sworn in. One could be forgiven for thinking that they are all marching in lockstep according to some higher plan. But if the faces that appear to be fueling the opposition are just puppets, who are the puppet masters?

You have to ask yourself what about Trump is seen as so much more a threat than the kind of politicians we’ve become accustomed to? Who stands to lose, if Trump succeeds?

I don’t believe party politics has much to do with it, at least not as we’ve come to think of the parties for the past 60-70 years. The Democrats seem to be caving in to their far left wing, except that if you look at their history throughout this time, there’s not that much of a cave in. No matter how much they wrapped themselves in the flag and American traditions, a socialist heart always beat underneath the Democratic facade. It was kept in check, opting, as they have, for a gradual, incremental evolution instead of a political Cambrian explosion. But when you realize that in 1973, George McGivern was viewed as a dangerous radical, and today he would be considered a dangerous moderate by his party, and that their patron saint, JFK, would be a complete non-starter today, you realize that their campaign has not been one of invasion and conquest, but rather a simple process of greater and greater revelation.

Republicans sold out long ago, settling for mouthing platitudes about conservative principles they never acted on and certainly didn’t believe, in exchange for seats at the table: not the best seats, mind you, but at least they could show up at cocktail parties and get interviewed on Sunday morning. It may well be that Trump’s true lasting legacy will have been to cripple the established Republican order, then kick it in the head when it was down. It wouldn’t surprise me if we end up with a much more populist party made up of current Trump supporters and the disaffected Democrats left behind by the new open borders crowd. I wonder what we’ll call it? God only knows what mutation the Democrats will end up with.

But is the threat of political realignment enough to explain the comprehensive assault we’ve witnessed? The news media wing of the opposition has unmasked themselves as a propaganda machine on par with anything Pravda or Goebbels fashioned, devoting nearly 100% of their coverage trying to cast Trump in the worst light possible. The entertainment wing has cheerfully advocated throwing away The Constitution (and its accursed Electoral College) if it would nullify the election results. Academia has permitted the banishing of any dissenting views and has revealed our institutions of higher learning to be nothing more than indoctrination centers.

As for the opposition’s political wing, their actions speak for themselves. They have abandoned any pretense of trying to make this government work. Their near universal opposition to anything and everything Trump attempts is all-encompassing; they are willing to break the country if it’s the only way to keep history from turning away from their grand agenda.

One thing that is apparent is the increasing desperation of those plotting this coup. Initially, they were frightenly well-organized. The pieces of the frame-up against Trump were put into place with methodical precision, and appear to have been assembled by well-placed individuals both in our government and those of some of our so-called allies. What’s clear is that he was never intended to last this long. The second his candidacy became viable, the effort to destroy him was initiated. The steady drumbeat of opposition, the Mueller investigation, the tightening circle of indictments, were all intended to make him give up. Quit. Run back to the safety of Trump Tower.

But he didn’t, and once he started fighting back, the “plan,” if it could be called that, seems to have devolved into a series of poorly executed improvisations, with fraudulent charges following one after another like a bad vaudeville show, one discredited witness after another with scarcely an effort to hide their lies, and a smoking gun, always promised with the next “bombshell,” but yet to materialize.

So now, with the initial plot steadily unraveling and the rats deserting the sinking ship, we have to ask: who has been doing the thinking? Brennon? Clapper? Comey? Ha! Larry, Moe and Curly would be better candidates. The Clintons? Of course not; they’re cheap hustlers at best, though going into business with them has proven to shorten life-expectancies. Obama? Please. Show me any official records that prove he actually exists. Not only has his party moved on, as they’re so fond of saying, but the minions under him are getting ready to pin him with the “I was only following orders” defense. The Bushes? Possible. Grandad Prescott made the family fortune doing business with the Nazis. Daddy George had his fingers in so many deep state pies no one’s been able to come up with an accurate assessment of his true influence. And don’t forget, he was the one who turned “New World Order,” into a politically viable term. But George the younger was a well-meaning dufus, and Low-Energy Jeb was the Shemp of the bunch. Any grand plots coming from that family are well in the past.

All of these suspects hate Trump and would love to see him drawn and quartered, but as ring masters of the circus we now are witnessing, I don’t buy any of them. They all stink of “small change.”

So again it must be asked: what threat does Trump pose that calls for near-global opposition.

America first.

Those two words stand in opposition to a century of careful, incremental elimination of the idea of nation-states and the quaint notions of national sovereignty that accompany it. Trump believes in the idea of America as a nation, one that stands apart from all others, that is, yes, exceptional, both in the terms of its founding and in the opportunity for individual achievement it offers.

They call him a racist, but they hate him for opposing open borders, the trade agreements and treaties that offer us nothing but continued looting of our coffers, and for his willingness to state the simple truth: not all systems are equal; not all cultures are beautiful in their own way; we are better; we have a right to look after our own.

Just look at the virulent opposition to Brexit and the scorn heaped on Hungary, Poland and others political movements opposed to the iron grip of EU bureaucrats on the lives of people they know nothing about.

In this country, those people elected Trump and have been dismissed as deplorable, racist xenophobes for our efforts. Think about it: they’ll destroy this country, rather than let the levers of democracy be used as originally intended.

It’s enough to make you think that Alex Jones and his megaphone might be on to something, after all. I’m becoming a believer. Can you say “Illuminati?”

Edgework 8 Oct 30
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Years ago, I worked with someone who withdrew completely from politics when JFK was assassinated. I never understood her reasoning, but I'm starting to.


Good insights all. Putting all our faith in princes has never been a good idea. I suspect that modernism is the central culprit. It has all happened before. Victor Hanson points to this: []


I wonder if Trump, even with his overblown ego, understand how important it is what he is doing and how it is changing the world.

Unbelievable that a man I used to dislike and laugh at so much in the past has became so important for everyone of us... non-Americans included.

We are watching very significant history unfolding in front of us and Trump will become one of the most important historical figures of the 21st century. It is vital he wins 2020.

Hanno Level 8 Oct 30, 2019

Wow. ...Very impressive... if you are not paid to write, you should be. Sending a virtual hug.

FEWI Level 8 Oct 30, 2019

@MaskedRiderChris An excellent choice. Many writers will lose you after the second or third sentence ... I was glued through to the very last word.


I’m loath to assert the existence of a wide-spread, sinister, all-encompassing conspiracy to explain this behavior. But it is tempting to do so, I agree. Instead, I see the whole thing as a bandwagon that people hop on and off of at various times and in response to various events. I mean, there’s no conspiracy to a flock of birds or a school of fish. That behavior is instinctual rather than intelligent.

Interesting comparison. However, just as "diversity" is a good thing in hierarchy of animal and plant life and in reality not so good or beneficial (as leftists would have you believe) when applied to human organized cultures so to is the stimulus-response behaviors of birds and fish not so applicable or comparable to human behaviors.

Unlike birds and fish human beings are sentient and emotional. The animals really are not free to decide about "going along with the crowd". They instinctively move too and fro, up and down as anonymous members of the flock and the school. Individual choice or choosing to NOT become part of the flock or the school is not available to them.

Sentience is the capacity for utilizing judgement and making conscious choices. Sentience, like language is one thing that sets human kind apart from animal and plant life.

@iThink Agreed, except I have not found the left to be particularly sentient. Hence the comparison.

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