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So I recently read that a member feels that this forum is an echo chamber of conservative thinking. Point granted I can see why you would think that given that the majority of members appear to be conservative. I dispute this observation however as myself and many other users are conservative on matters of immigration, identity politics (which is a new beast) and small government but that seems to be the majority of the so called right wing ideologues. I would love to see countries like the US and the UK have health care and education systems that work as well as other much smaller western nations as Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Scandinavian nations but it must be noted that these nations are definitely not socialists utopias as some people believe. If any liberal left wing leaning members feel that this is not the forum for the exchange of cooperative discourse then raise your more liberal ideas encourage discussion not stifle it with doggish troll comments like #HighQ and his ilk. It is after all a free for all?

TerminatorX 6 Dec 23
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"I would love to see countries like the US and the UK have health care and education systems"

Gov't owned and operated health care and education are NOT conservative ideals or goals. The first is foundational in creating dependency upon Gov't and the second is used for indoctrination of people in their early childhood and youth to become not only advocates for but progenitors of centralized collectivist governance. They are antithetical to Conservative thought itself.

iThink Level 9 Dec 23, 2019

Brilliant comment!


I dispute both. The modern left is a mirror image of the modern right as far as the base ideology that is contained within the deceptive words Might Makes Right. As soon as someone challenges that base deception the right and the left are either silent or they go into attack mode, shooting the messenger, or diverting the topic by other means, as a rule.

The left and right argue over what the mightiest ought to do to the lesser might once in power. Any discussions on competitive alternatives to the Might Makes Right dogma are uniformly dismissed, and once out of sight, competition in law forms is out of mind.


"I think it's the extremists that make it difficult for the good discussions to happen, really."

I don't understand the thinking there, perhaps you can explain the thinking in such a way as to afford me the ability to understand.

People discussing their Might Makes Right ideology are doing so, and to them, they may be having good discussions, sharing notes, improving their ability to wield arbitrary power. People discussing competitive options to the Might Makes Right Rule, in any form it takes, such as false democracy, or false republicanism, or even false federalism, are people who can do so in private, in groups, in written form, and now on-line.

People can now form discussion groups that reach all over the world. So what exactly prevents you or me from having a good discussion on a topic that you consider to be worthy of the effort?

How about, for example, the concept of democracy? What prevents us from discussing that topic? I could offer information that proves that democracy is not majority rule as people are led to believe today, led by those in the Might Makes Right Cult.

Another example would be a reasonable, good, discussion on the meaning of the word republic. What exactly prevents such a discussion from happening? The word republic means the public thing, as in for the people, by the people, and of the people, and specifically not for special interest groups composed of a minority, a majority, or any division of the whole. A republic is for the people as a whole, or it is not a republic in fact. What prevents these types of discussions?

How about Federalism actual, not false federalism? Federalism is a concept by which groups of like-minded people join other groups of other like-minded people into voluntary mutual defense associations. False versions of the federal concept turn it up-side-down, such as is common in Nation-States which are despotic, arbitrary, Might Makes Right, organized crime cabals.

The extremists create parties of like-minded extremists having a ball as they extract power from their weaker victims. Their dialogues are extensive as they exchange viewpoints on just how to fleece the unsuspecting public thing. They are well-practiced at sharing the art of deception, extortion, and other more violent means to their criminal ends, all under the guise of "good" government, facilitated with "good" discussions.

What prevents the plebs from cooperating through good discussion on defensive topics? Are you saying that the extremists are simply overpowering their lesser-powered victims, preventing the victims from soldiering up an effective defense of the public from extremists? The extremists are powerful enough to censor discussion among their powerless victims?


The only problems I have encoutnered on here has been with the progressive types just leaving asinine comments that have nothing to do wtih anything. I have four, or five so far. Some how though, a couple keep finding a way to leave comments on my posts after blocking them. If they wanted to have actual discussions I would be more than willing, but just being insutling jackasses is not anything I care to deal with.

I have had the same experience, somehow progressive types think that they are the left when in most circumstances they are actually far left of the spectrum on a lot of issues and cannot see a middle ground or even think of a centrist position to promote harmony.

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