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"A national-security state is a totalitarian type of governmental system. North Korea is a national-security state. So is Egypt. And China, Russia, Cuba. And post-World War II United States."

The republic is effectively dead. Our only chance is to realize the threat our own government is to our freedom, far worse than communists, muslims, or the two combined. For what good Trump may have accomplished, I see nothing to indicate he is willing to take on the national-security state, and, in fact, it appears he is whole heartedly in favor of it.


KCSantiago 8 Jan 18
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This gets amazingly less paranoid-inducing when you don’t do things you don’t want other people to see. I could care less who monitors my activity, because I’m not guilty of doing anything wrong.

A clean conscience is a valuable thing, but, when they start defining good as evil, and evil as good....then what?

I wonder how many Russian citizens were killed, or spent their lives in a gulag even though they "Never did anything wrong". Saying you don't care what freedoms the government takes because you don't do anything wrong is incredibly naive at best, or being willfully stupid at worst.

@dmatic why is it important to care what “they” say?

@dmatic, @KCSantiago Assuming everything is going to end in a worst-case scenario is personality flaw.

@Operative_42 Assuming it can never happen therefore one need not keep watch for it happening is rather flawed thinking. TEll, your a cop aren't you? At the very least an employee of the government at some level.

@KCSantiago I’m a sub-contractor. You’re gonna have to polish that crystal ball of yours. It seems a bit fuzzy

@Operative_42 Ya get kicked off the force then? hehehe


Knowing full well that the totalitarian state is poised against him, and the resistance he has had to face, do you think he realizes he needs greater congressional support and another term since if he picked that fight now he would have yet another opponent to a second term?

RCGibb Level 7 Jan 18, 2020

If you’re so deeply concerned about a National Security State, why do you still have faith that your vote matters?

Personally I doubt Trump has ever even read the Constitution, much less made any effort to understand it's importance. If he had, and did hold any respect for it he would never have ordered Sessions to instruct law enforcement to raid homes and takes guns from citizens based on nothing more than some accusations a person might be dangerous. As well I believe any president that did hold the Constitution with the respect all elected officials should he would have made some effort to intervene in the crap going on in Virginia.

If you get past all the hype and take a look at real accomplishments, especially when it comes to "draining the swamp" Trump is proving to be more of the same with nothing of real substance changing. The republicans will promises the next time they will certainly get more done, we just have to keep voting for them because they aren't democrats, exactly like they have been doing since the end of WWII. And yet they never actually do anything better than the democrats, or put an end to any of the programs democrats start that help tear this country down.

Besides this is not just about Trump. THis is corruption that has been in place and growing stornger since even before the end of WWII, it just became more effective with the importation of hundreds and hundreds of nazis smuggled into this country and placed in service to the federal govern

@KCSantiago I think the whole democrat fear of constitutional judges is a rebuke of that. Anyway if you think an outsider that is opposed by both parties, and Paul Ryan was of no help, and with the many things he has done against the "conventional" wisdom; I think his efforts and results are highly evident. Granted if republicans were going to do what he has done they would have altready started, so the danger is the ability, creativity, and desire to change vacuum when he leaves, this fall or in 5 years. Draining the swamp is as we all know the hardest issue, fighting both parties. As am example just look at the Bidens and Lindsey Graham, Lindsey is using his power to prevent an investigation of Hunter Biden right now saying they will get to that later (which he technically could have already started), we know that is BS. And you and I both know this is because the Bidens are an example of the current corruption on both sides. And it would take more than 4 years to combat that given the House controlled by Democrats and before that by crooked Trump resistor Paul Ryan. Trump is not responsible for the opposition that is resistant (or their corruption), although he is doing a lot, he can't undo years of corruption by both parties overnight without help.

@KCSantiago "it just became more effective with the importation of hundreds and hundreds of nazis smuggled into this country and placed in service to the federal government." ???? I don't think it is Nazis I think it is greed, a common factor across the entire spectrum.

@RCGibb Socialism got it's first and strongest foothold in this country in 1913, long before citizens had any clue of what it really was, or the dangers it presented. Even after they had some idea the IRS, and the Federal Reserve were never shut down. Between these two organizations this country has suffered some of it's greatest losses. People like to think we have all kinds of freedom that does not exist any more. Simple things like owning property has been stolen. You can spend decades paying off a mortgage on a house but once it is paid the property is not actually yours. You simply spend the rest of your life renting from the government with property taxes. It is not yours to pass on to your kids before the government steps in to takes it's unfair share first, and even after that your kids will be paying more taxes (rent). People do not actually own their own businesses either. Private property is the basic first step to true liberty and we lost that over 100 years ago, yet we have been so well indoctrinated 99% of our population has no clue.

Once Operation Paperclip became public knowledge the feds bragged it was a good ting because we got the nazi rocket scientist the helped us get an edge in the nuclear race creating missiles that could send nukes any where we wanted them to go in the world. That was just one of 100s. The rest of the nazis were low level members of groups like the SS, Gestapo, and propaganda units. If you look at the course our federal government has taken since the end of WWII it was not unlike the course of the nazis rise to power.

We keep getting burdened with some new federal government agency with each passing administration yet they do nothing to actually improve life for us. The EPA routinely issues false reports about environmental reports to cover government screw ups, and things like the illegal dumping of toxic wastes by companies like Monsanto because they pay off our elected officials for such favors. When they do get caught our government takes actions to protect them as best they can. George Bush's start of the bail out scams was little more than taking over private banks, turning them into arms of the Federal Reserve. Since the creation of the federal Department of Education our school graduates keep getting dumber by the year. This is not the work of evil democrats, while republicans make some kind of valient fight to turn the tide. This is the combined works of democrats and republicans both. We have invested more people, and resources into committing war since the end of WWII than all the legal wars this country fought up to and including WWII in it's full history. Again the combined work of the alleged two party system we have. One of the difference of now and then. The nazis took singular power so there was no guess work in knowing who was at fault for the ills of their society. We are given the illusion of choice, and the two parties make a show of being at odds, yet when you look at what passes there is really no struggle between the two. When one party sets up an illegal system, organization, or laws the other party never dismantles it no matter how much they will complain about it and promise to do. Instead they only build on it.

@KCSantiago its 75 years since WWII, don't think we can blame 3rd or 4th generation nazis for our ills, both parties are corrupt, and greed is the cause not ideology ... I think big government creates big opportunities for abuses of all kinds ...

@RCGibb Well I thoroughly disagree. Nazism did not die with the defeat of the Third Reich. In fact well over a thousand architects of nazism were imported to the United States. The bulk of them were given new identities, and put to work in our federal government, and to think they were saved from imprisonment and/or death to simply give them jobs as mail room clerks, janitors or some other mindless government job is rather naive to say the least. Even through a secular view of the world I would think the fact our federal government had every intent to implement nazi programs in our own country would be obvious.

As a Christian I am aware the real fight is against spiritual enemies, and as such know full well nazism did not die with the defeat of Germany. The forces that pushed the leadership of the Third Reich to do the inhumane things they did are very much alive, and active today. They used the corrupt and evil politicians of that time to actually spread the ideologies of the nazis, and there really was not a better conduit than the United States as long as things progressed with more patience, not trying to get it all done in one generation.

You point out the oppertunities big government presents to industry for greed and corruption. That was one of the facets the nazis used in their rise to power. They promised the big industry leaders to get back the riches they had prior to WWI, and those that made military gear, weapons, and vehicles were promised the most. The rise of our military/industrial complex is very much in line with events of Germany through the 30s and 40s. Both created all kinds of false flag attacks to justify endless war, and restriction of liberty for citizens.

@Operative_42 Where have I ever said that in ANY of my posts?

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