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How the British press would react if a Covid 19 vaccine was discovered From Tim Montgomerie today ...
Edgework comments on Apr 27, 2020:
Oh. I see they have the same termites across the pond. Pity.
Below the radar: H Res 702.
Edgework comments on Apr 27, 2020:
Pressley is the Shemp of “The Squad,” which is why this has gotten no coverage. Omar is far more corrupt, Tlaib is louder and way more obnoxious and has a typo for a last name, and AOC has the social media brand on ignorance locked up. Meanwhile, Presley’s been pulling her hair out trying to get some respect. With a resolution as clumsily titled as this, she shows why she’s still on the “B” list: no imagination, no charisma, no talent. None of them has anything to offer except recycled leftist platitudes from the 40’s and the 60’s, but the other three are entertaining in a campish sort of way. The only tool in Pressley’s bag is a Marxist club with which she bludgeons anyone within earshot.
Faucci says Americans are anti Science.
Edgework comments on Jun 30, 2020:
What do you think’s behind that, Tony? Maybe the fact that we ruined our economy on your predictions, which were WRONG!!! And when it was clear they were WRONG!!! did you reconsider the lockdown? No. Of course not. That would have disturbed the narrative and disrupted the agenda. We’re fine with science, Tony. But you’re a political hack, and science driven by politics gave us phrenology, eugenics and climate change. And, the aforementioned pointless lockdown. Speaking of science, know where we might find some?
Gen. M. Flynn sieze the machines - Now!
Edgework comments on Dec 17, 2020:
Don’t you love it that Micharl Flynn is back in the game, firing shots across the traitors’ bow?
Iran’s largest navy ship sank early Wednesday in the Gulf of Oman after catching fire, according ...
Edgework comments on Jun 2, 2021:
Awwww. Somebody done broke it.
This is how you combat a cancel culture boycott.
Edgework comments on Jul 15, 2020:
A link might have helped, eh?
Tom Cotton: If John Roberts wants to write laws, he should resign and run for office- ...
Edgework comments on Jun 18, 2020:
They have something on Roberts. They don’t yank his chain too often; only when it really counts, like his notorious last-minute flip on Obamacare, or this latest outrage. Whatever it is, it’s enough for him to stain his reputation, to keep it from coming out.
This movie Bright is like some studio mutts were sitting around one day and realized Alien Nation ...
Edgework comments on May 30, 2020:
I saw it: clever but stupid. They assume that history would unfold in exactly the same way and never notice the existence of orcs and all the other mystical creatures, who just might have offered some influences of their own.. I kind of think the unfolding timeline would have shown a bit more deviation WITH THE ADDITION OF MAGIC, but no, that would have meant letting a real scriptwriter get their hands on the project and the budget get likely wouldn’t cover it.
Canada's Major Banks are Now Reported to Be 'All Offline' After Trudeau's Emergency Order to ...
Edgework comments on Feb 17, 2022:
He’s already lost. The only place left for him is to start shootings people. How’s that going to work. Nicolae CeauČ™escu, they never learn, do they?
For once.... Good job Bill Maher.. Is your show going to be watchable eventually ? []
Edgework comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Bill Maher is infuriating, 1) because he’s a first rate comic who makes me laugh, even when I don’t want to; 2) he’s not a knee jerk ideologue and he’s willing to talk to people he disagrees with. He just can’t help himself from taking cheap shots when he doesn’t need to. He was well behaved here. Likewise with Jordan Peterson, who he pretty much agreed with, though the discussion was largely confined to free speech. But I loved watching him spar with Ben Shapiro. And, of course, his relationship with Ann Coulter proves that opposutes really do attract.
When a guys says "go make me a sandwich", what's a good comeback?
Edgework comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Come back with two slices of bread and a jar of mayonnaise. By the time you’ve smeared half the mayo on him, you probably won’t need to attach the bread.
LEONARDO Not an artist Not an actor Not a Ninja Turtle Don’t look for it on CNN
Edgework comments on Jan 18, 2021:
Watching all this unfold about Trump, his assassination of a military leader in another country, ...
Edgework comments on Jan 13, 2020:
A point I made in a post on this very topic, but which I feel bears repeating; SOME FOLKS JUST NEED KILLIN’ —old Texas proverb
Democratic socialists ignore Cuban protesters railing against communist dictatorship Thousands of ...
Edgework comments on Jul 12, 2021:
Not so. The regime of the ex-vice president has identified the ruckus as protests against COVID. Nothing to see here
Pro Abortion Feminists In Mexico Throw Molotov Cocktail, On Themselves. []
Edgework comments on Mar 9, 2020:
My Ever Present Past.
Edgework comments on Dec 7, 2020:
An interesting compilation from the Ace of spades website As follows: [ace.
Edgework comments on Oct 5, 2020:
Good analysis. I fear your upcoming suicide will come as a shock to all who know you.
China's UK embassy releases statement on origin of coronavirus.
Edgework comments on Apr 14, 2020:
So? They’re brutes and lying scum, a dirtbag government that considers itself constrained by no code of ethics or morality whatsoever, a festering boil on the buttocks of humanity. Truman should have let Mac Arthur nuke ‘em.
Racist Math? []
Edgework comments on Feb 13, 2020:
First rule of story writing: if your characters are all either wholly good or wholly bad, you haven’t done your job as a writer. I happen to agree with the point of this video, but when all the characters are cardboard cutouts meant to embody some abstract principle like some medieval allegory. Three-dimensional characters and real-world situations are difficult; otherwise everyone would do it and no one would think it special.
People see this and understand there's a concerted, coordinated effort at "reporting" news.
Edgework comments on Jul 5, 2020:
They’re playing a different game, by different rules. By their standards, they’re winning. Two options: 1) try to play their game by their rules. We’ll keep losing. 2) Shut down the game. Replace it with our own game, with our rules. This will require a major rewriting of our brains. At the moment we act like we don’t even have a game.
Epstein--think about his secretary/procurer for the last 30+ years.
Edgework comments on Aug 21, 2019:
My only question regarding such a doomsday device is why Epstein himself didn’t have one. If Maxwell could rig such a set-up, surely it was in her mentor’s scope. I’m thinking of a couple ways to resolve this apparent conundrum: 1) he’s not dead. He served his intelligence masters well and was whisked away out the back foot while some wino look-alike was allowed to be photographed on the gurney before sipping up the body bag. More than one comparative analysis commented on the difference in the shape of the nose against known photos of Epstein. Or, he was never more than a pawn, and the avenues through which such damning evidence would flow are locked up tighter than a sphincter. If an event takes place, and no media reports it, did it ever really happen?
Anyone keep up with the Babylon bee?
Edgework comments on Oct 2, 2020:
As much as I can. Best satire going.
California May be Losing a Congressional Seat .
Edgework comments on Dec 31, 2019:
You betcha. They move to Texas and vote for Beto.
Just Hoomans things...
Edgework comments on Oct 2, 2020:
It tells us what kind of year we’ve been having that the Pentagon issued a press release acknowledging, unambiguously, that they have encountered craft not of earthly origin. They said that. AND NOBODY EVEN NOTICED! Congratulations, 2020. You’ve turned The Invasion From Mars into just another sidebar.
The first time I saw one of these compilations of news stations across the country all reading the ...
Edgework comments on Mar 21, 2020:
Who do you think let him win? I’m just curious.
I just read that the San Francisco teachers union is voting to cut aid to Israel.
Edgework comments on Jun 7, 2021:
The Teacher’s Unions are nothing more than a financial arm of the Democratic Party. Their support, and money, are a mainstay of Democratic political strategy. So when they stage a vote like this, they are announcing to any potential candidates the orthodoxy they will be required to support, guaranteeing that all Democratic candidates will march in lockstep.
Well, duh.
Edgework comments on Mar 22, 2020:
The left has a serious aversion to facts. They just get in the way
Orwell - double think.
Edgework comments on Sep 1, 2020:
And here we see, reduced to its barest essentials, Green New Deal math.
Barack Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, became famous for suggesting that a good politician ...
Edgework comments on Apr 2, 2020:
The only truth is political truth, that which sways opinion and furthers the agenda.
Edgework comments on Jan 27, 2020:
The real bullshit is thick enough. No need to pile on with fake BS
It's an embarrassment to be a woman these days, and almost impossible to find an actual manly man.
Edgework comments on Jul 11, 2020:
I had a front-row seat back when feminism first went mainstream. It took a lot of guys by surprise, and from what I can see, most haven’t sorted themselves out yet. The thing about feminism is the same for all social transformations: despite the radicals who are only too glad to take credit, the truth is, when it’s time for change, change will happen. What feminism accomplished, talking points aside, is to first awaken women to the truth that they did not NEED a man in their life. Along with that was a steady breaking down of barriers to heretofore inaccessible paths to accomplishment and success. For the purposes of this discussion, where it’s failed, miserably, and continues to compound its failure throughout whatever wave we’re on now, is that, theory and ideology notwithstanding, for the woman who finds that she might still WANT a relationship with a man, it’s crickets in a cornfield and a dry wind. It’s the classic leftist fallacy: everything’s a fixed pie. For one to gain a bigger piece, another has to lose. Truth is, women have done okay. Today’s woman is a member of the most educated, most affluent, most liberated class of women in the history of the planet. It’s men who are wandering in the wilderness with no compass. That is the result of an increasingly strident feminism that seeks not an opening of opportunity for women, but the closing off of options for men. Boys are lectured from grade school that they are inherent rapists, oppressors and all-round brutes and thugs, that the very thing that defines them as men is now considered toxic. And you wonder where the “manly” men have gone? Most of them are apologizing for being men, to women who are trying mightily to adopt all the character traits that men are apologizing for. The men not inclined to apologize, finding no affirmation of themselves in the culture, are just pissed off. They certainly aren’t in the mood for a relationship. Men have lost their balls. They need to get them back. This is not something that a woman, however well-intentioned, can teach them. They can only learn it from other men, but all the societal structures that used to support that transfer of knowledge have been steadily feminized out of the culture. A man with balls isn’t aggressive, he’s certain. He’s not oppressive, he’s assertive. He’s comfortable with his territory, knows where his boundaries are and so doesn’t fear intimacy. It’s the deballed eunuch with no concept of his territory who casts his defenses as far and wide as possible to make sure no one trespasses on him. A man with balls doesn’t fear a strong woman; he’ll play hard and push hard and he’ll find it a pleasure to encounter someone of substance who pushes back. What he most ...
So, about the concentration camps on the border. []
Edgework comments on Jun 28, 2019:
criminey359 You would have effortlessly fit into the leftist clown car on display the past two nights. Like all of them, you simply posit the “border crisis” as an act of God, like a tornado wiping out a small town in Oklahoma or a passenger jet crashing on takeoff, events calling for a humanitarian response from all who aspire to a standard of good will. God had nothing to do with this. This “crisis” is the product of the cynical, radical left, willing to create and exploit any measure of human suffering, as long as it furthers the political narrative and their agenda. The list of fallacious premises upon which your position rests is both exhaustive and indefensible. A few of the more egregious offenders: * These migrations are nothing more than a spontaneous, grassroots movement of huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Bullshit. This is classic Cloward and Piven. (Look it up if you don’t know who they are.) By your own definition, they are the poorest of the poor, the genuine wretched of the earth. So who’s footing the bill, and why now, at this point in history? Who is orchestrating these mass movements? * It doesn’t matter how they got here. They’re here now and we have to do something. The children, the children, the children!! If the intended result is to overwhelm the system (see the aforementioned Cloward and Piven), and said system is, in fact, overwhelmed, and you now use the situation that you have carefully put into place, as a political club to further your agenda, you are immoral and your claims of compassion are revealed as lies, pure and simple. * They all have a right to be here. In other words, we as a nation have no right to control the integrity of our borders. Why don’t you just say it: you want to eliminate borders, which, is to say, you want the United States to cease to exist as a nation. This has always been the ultimate goal of the left, regardless of whatever “crisis du jour” onto which you piggyback your agenda. Come on: say it; I dare you. * Disagreement with any aspect of the agenda can only be due to racism, bigotry, xenophobia and all round nastiness. I’ll respond to that in the only way it warrants: go fuck yourself.
Edgework comments on Nov 3, 2020:
Thanks. Glad to discover this group
We Must Alter Our Tactical Mindset or We Have Already Lost "People who believe in Americanism, ...
Edgework comments on Sep 6, 2020:
It's a war. Unfortunately, only one side has been aware of this, and has been behaving accordingly. The other side stands in idle befuddlement and asks, "Why are they acting like this. What do they want?" For the left, it's a religious crusade and always has been. They may disguise it as a philosophical/political debate only our side takes that seriously. We view them as opponents, they view us as heretics. We seek to win elections, they seek to burn us at the stake. It's faith based, and the more one attacks faith with logic, the stronger and more self-assured it becomes. Alter tactics, indeed. You don't bring Robert's Rules of Order to a Knife fight.
What would you suggest Donald Trump do to have a positive resolution to the BLM/Defund Police/ANTIFA...
Edgework comments on Jun 13, 2020:
It would be nice if this issue could be resolved on some patch of common ground, but the fact that the issue exists all suggests that the notion of common ground has been abandoned, at least by the left. As always, their contribution to the conversation is to lie, attack, insult and smear all who take any position counter to theirs, while it is the Republicans who once again occupy themselves with hand-wringing and senseless babble about measured responses I hate to resort to Kamala Harris for an appropriate quote, but it really isn’t so surprising: she’s a member of the war party. The fact that it’s America they’re at war with is incidental. “You don’t ask permission to lead. You just lead.” The people of the country will judge indecision in the face of a crisis harshly. Trump’s reputation was based on “getting it done.” So, Donald: Get ‘er done.
I don’t give a fuck about Matt Yglesias. Pass the popcorn. []
Edgework comments on Jul 10, 2020:
Bullshit. The point is, revolutions eat their own. Robespierre and Danton both went to their beloved guillotine. These people gladly choke off our free speech, but suddenly when the mob proves uncontrollable they start getting nervous. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. That alleged screed against cancel culture made it clear that, whatever platitudes they pretended to embrace, they don’t include us in the ranks of those deserving consideration. I’ve been reading a plethora of posts lately by well-intended souls who seem to have just woken up to notice that we’re about to surrender the entire culture, and the country along with it. These people fight dirty and they are all too willing to exploit the right’s self-destructive idealism. You don’t bring Robert’s Rules of Order to a gun fight.
Let’s see how the new year rolls out.
Edgework comments on Dec 23, 2020:
Time for all the backstage maneuvering to take center stage. The people are ready.
It seems to me the Democrats are using this impeachment to drip feed their involvement in the ...
Edgework comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Classic Clinton spin. Feed rumors for a couple of weeks that suggest something far more serious than what is finally revealed to the public, at which point they claim, “This is old news.”
This list was posted on a you tube channel.
Edgework comments on Jan 24, 2020:
I agree that the attitude of the hard left is leaking steadily into mainstream thinking. This is nothing less than a willful erosion of the foundation of our country. AOC screams, “If someone has a billion dollars, they didn’t earn it; they took it.” Bernie pontificates “There’s no excuse for billionaires at all.” Idiots who can’t balance a checkbook what to “seize the means of production,” like dogs who finally catch the car they’re chasing. Still, you look at the people of privilege cheating to get their snotty brats into a good school where they’ll waste the opportunity, and that list becomes a little more accessible. Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman are a safe distance from the entrepreneurs and innovators who make the economy work, and, frankly, are deserving of all the scorn heaped on them.
Uh-oh...Andrew Yang gets it. If other candidates catch on, they might have a chance in November.
Edgework comments on Jan 25, 2020:
Andrew Yang is as batshit crazy as the rest of them. He just doesn’t bother trying to come up with yet another version of “Promise Them Any Program That Sounds Good To Get Their Vote.” Noooo. Not Dandy Andy. He just cuts to the chase: FREE MONEY!!!! No application necessary, no need to qualify. Just show up. Better hurry—once it runs out, there won’t be anymore. Anywhere.
I must admit, I've never fought with anyone here.
Edgework comments on Mar 23, 2020:
You’re right. But your assumptions are guaranteed to lead you to the frustration of which you speak. I have noted many times on this site, as have many others here and elsewhere, that while the conservative right tends to think in terms of philosophy, logic and rational argument, the dedicated left abandoned that realm long ago. For them, their beliefs have evolved into a religion. Given the unblemished 150 year track record of poverty, starvation, authoritarian rule and mass-murder their ideas generate, one has to consider these beliefs as much faith based as the most committed evangelical’s or IIslamic jihadist’s. You don’t argue your faith, which is, after all, belief in things for which there is no evidence. The religious mind draws strength from opposing arguments, the more logical and grounded in evidence, the better. It’s impossible for the religious mind to imagine the world in terms other then us/them. “Them” is not just bad, they’re evil. You want to have a discussion, argue a position, and, perhaps bring them around to your way of thinking. They view you as a heretic and want you burned at the stake. Ok, there are some who wouldn’t go that far: they just want you silenced, banished and stripped of all influence. Their means to accomplish that is to define you as racist, therefore removing you from the category of people who need to be taken seriously. And, in case you don’t get the message, any response they do mske will be to ridicule both your ideas, but, more importantly, you. That’s why the notorious trolls on this site are all leftists. Ridicule us all they think you deserve. But go ahead and make the effort. I’ve extended a similar invitation in the past. It was ignored. Frankly, I have more enjoyable ways to waste my time
You laugh you lose []
Edgework comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Beneath contempt
Is this logical? Is there any flaw? Any room for argument?
Edgework comments on Dec 28, 2019:
The left long ago threw logic and facts into the trash in favor of emotion and opinion. It’s almost child’s play to take any of their core principles and push it to its logical absurdity. Logic is powerless against the closed, self contained belief system of the left. The obvious response to the arguments you posted: sexism. Next.
Anyone feel like being scared shitless?
Edgework comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Don’t get scared. Get even.
The formerly honorable SPLC has become fraudulent and intolerant.
Edgework comments on Jul 9, 2020:
It’s never been anything other that a far left mouthpiece call that honorable if that’s your bent. I disagree,
Unless Biden wins big, violence in streets possible, says WaPo op-ed.
Edgework comments on Sep 12, 2020:
And who does she suggest will be responsible for the violence? What a total crock. The good Prof. Brooks isn’t just reporting on the TIP, she helped found it. But what do you expect from a senior fellow at the Soros funded A Nee America think tank. 10 days after Trump’s inauguration, she penned an op-Ed outlining 4 approaches to removing him from office, including invoking the 25th amendment. The rationale for that extreme step was his clear inability to fulfill the requirements of the office because he wanted to withdraw from Obama’s treaties and other policies that she felt only a lunatic would oppose. They’re real, and they’re planning the next civil war
Katie Hopkins.
Edgework comments on Mar 10, 2020:
She’ll use the threat of a tell-all expose to leverage a huge divorce settlement. Then, as, final negotiations break down, she’ll take a drive through a tunnel in Paris.
Bought, paid for, in the bag.
Edgework comments on Aug 1, 2020:
Check out history. Socialist governments have two classes: the ruling class who does pretty good, and the rest of us who get to share equally in the misery. Despite SOC’s ramblings, Marx was never about going after the billionaires. It was about destroying the middle class, the bourgeoisie. The three pictured here have made millions from their positions. They’ll keep foing just fine in the new order,
The Debunkers vs The Wage Gap - YouTube
Edgework comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Thanks for introducing me to these.
Trump declared.
Edgework comments on May 22, 2020:
Armed groups say they will show up at polling sites on Election Day
Edgework comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Trolls die in silence. When they see “0” in the Likes column and no comments, they wither and die
Edgework comments on Nov 11, 2019:
A valuable article, but with it’s myriad included links, essentially opens a window to the Deep State and beyond. Set aside a few hours; read as much as you can. These sites have been mainstays in my effort to learn what’s really going on in the world.
Edgework comments on Nov 29, 2020:
This goes far beyond Democrats and party politics. When Sydney Powell said “Release the Kraken,” she was sending a message: “We have it all.” What they have is treason within and acts of war from without. That’s why the DoJ has been missing in action. This is a job for Trump’s recently revamped DoD, and his special intel team now headed by Michael Flynn with his restored security clearance.
Attn: All WWG1WGA Zombies - YouTube
Edgework comments on Jul 19, 2020:
Not sure about your point. Is the gratuitous slur against the Q community meant to cast the information in the video as one-more look conspiracy? If so, it’s a weak connection. The video comes across as fairly straightforward and fact-based, not at all something from tin-foil hat territory. The points made should certainly be up for discussion, but unless you are suggesting that they are lies, in whole, or in part, the smug, condescending tone of your post would seem to be unwarranted. As for Q, that’s a different conversation entirely. That’s also worthy of attention.
So. This is what getting older is like?
Edgework comments on Nov 9, 2019:
Took me a long time to learn that “What if?” and “If only.” Don’t exist. All my dumb choices brought me to exactly where I am, and that’s ok by me.
What is the future of conservatism America/Canada?
Edgework comments on Jun 2, 2020:
I believe that the coalition of which you speak is the only hope for any kind of future that we would find recognizable. But in order to overcome the differences that cause you to raise the question in the first place, we’ll have to stop babbling about Russia this, China that, Ukraine here, impeachment over there, virus virus virus and now protests protests protests. We have to make it easy on ourselves; otherwise we’ll go crazy from splitting our focus. In truth, there’s one narrative and one only: the decades-long effort to undermine and finally collapse our culture is ongoing, unrelenting and shifting now into overdrive as the enemy is smelling victory in the smoldering ruins of our cities, the boarded-up businesses that will never reopen and a once-thriving economy that is in precisely the place that China and their servants in our business community and ruling class want it to be—on life support. Unless we find a way to crystallize our efforts into a campaign with a single focus, we’ll keep rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. That means finally acknowledging what has been obvious for years—this is a war. Until recently, only one side recognized this. What is still uncertain: are we willing to mobilize for war, or will we continue making excuses for giving everything away?.
That feeling when you wake up and realize it's all futile.
Edgework comments on Jun 21, 2020:
Here’s what I remind myself of when I start to feel the way you’ve described. Trying to predict the future based on current circumstances is a loser’s game. When the future gets here, it’s never as good, or bad, as we imagined. It’s just different. Rule of thumb: whatever scenes go through your head you can probably write off. The future has its own agenda. So what are worry and despair, if not really bleak attempts to predict a future that’s unknowable. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that whatever you expect won’t happen. The future always takes you by surprise.
Edgework comments on Sep 1, 2020:
It’s a totally fabricated dimension. If Ellen, Mariah Carey, the industry that contains them and the media complex that pumps them full of fake importance all vanished tomorrow, the status of the country, and the people who make it work, would be affected not one bit.
The social engineers are out in force. []
Edgework comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Fortunately, there are committees right now made up of people you never heard of making the kind of decisions that will save us from our own worst instincts.
Pretty much..
Edgework comments on Mar 30, 2020:
The craven political smear job on Bill Barr will go about as well as the one on Kavanugh.
Edgework comments on May 2, 2019:
They’re screaming for him to resign, because they see what’s coming. Sad to say, they expended all their ammunition on trump, and there’s nothing left but the threat of violence in the streets. Good luck with that.
Oh, please. What would he know about this?
Edgework comments on May 30, 2020:
A bad cop got caught, arrested and charged. Zero—that’s zero— people in this country think it was anything other than a travesty. But if you think, once again, that this is a reason to indict all cops and declare it open season on black men, you are lying. Look at the statistics. I know facts can be annoying and inconvenient when you have such a compelling narrative to push, they’re also stubborn things.
Like take the movies Cuties for example, just making an observation, people act like it's ...
Edgework comments on Sep 15, 2020:
It’s a cynical cheat. The movie presents the very thing it purports to be against. If your intent is to combat sexualization of young girls, you figure out a way to present that message without actually sexualizing them. It’s like the old days of Times Square smut. You couldn’t just show people getting it on and having fun, so they made “educational” films about sex that just happened to include—you guessed it— lots of graphic sex along with some academic type narration to provide gravitas, Cheap.
Under what time and circumstance is the use of violence warranted?
Edgework comments on Jan 8, 2021:
The only similarity is that in both cases, the same group was responsible.
Mainstream Media Guilty of Treason, Usurped Constitutional Powers of the Electoral College, Violated...
Edgework comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Everything you say is spot on. You know it. I know it. Everyone who thinks like us knows it. Everyone who hates people who think like us knows it. None of those people will read a post like yours, thoughtfully presented though it may be, and think, in an epiphany, “Oh gosh; he’s right! Talk about unintended consequences. We’ll have to give the election back.” My point is, to quote Rachel Maddow on the evening of the 2016 election, “This isn’t a bad dream. You’re awake. This is happening. This is who we are. This is our country now.” The question is, what do we do next?
Get rid of them
Edgework comments on Nov 18, 2019:
Let’s be real. No one voted for Donald Trump for legal reasons or based their choice on fine points of constitutional jurisprudence. Neither did they kid themselves that they were voting for a skilled, diplomatic politician who would work hard to fit in. They voted for him because they are sick of the shit show in Washington DC and Trump said the magic words “Drain the Swamp,” and these two otherwise unemployable swamp creatures are at the top of the list. Their entire program has been one of deception, fraud, lies and obstruction. But we have to worry about being constitutionally pure?
I wanna watch too :( Somebody has a link? :(
Edgework comments on Sep 29, 2020:
Multiple live streams on YouTube
OK here's my latest conspiracy theory! :D [for which I have very strong circumstantial evidence.
Edgework comments on Jun 17, 2021:
Sounds good. Let’s see some results, finally. How will they get around AG Garland? He’s a corrupt clown who, thank God, never got close to the Supreme Court, but he has a grip on all the levers of power. Who are these leak hunters going to turn to when they want to prosecute their cases?
Are you smarter than []
Edgework comments on Feb 15, 2020:
HEY!!! Don’t confuse me with facts!!!
The Fountainhead What can I say about Ayn Rand that won’t start an avalanche of hair-pulling on...
Edgework comments on Apr 16, 2019:
Ayn Rand was an interesting kind of triple threat: a clumsy writer, a naive economist and a somewhat inconsistent philosopher. And yet, somehow the result was far more than the sum of its parts. I always thought she was too early for her own good. She existed in a world where academic argument and presentation was the accepted context for ideas such as hers. She would have fared much better in the est/Forum environment of transformational workshops. She was trying to do through intellectual interaction what is essentially a paradigm shift in worldview, something that is achieved much more successfully in the confrontion with self experience of such seminars. I too was affected by The Fountainhead, but moreso by Atlas Shrugged. While she never created real characters (if your characters are all bad or all good, you haven’t done your job as a writer), but she serves the necessary function of defining the black and white poles, for only the do we have an accurate scale to evaluate the myriad shades of grey in which daily life actually takes place.
Chelsea Clinton Tweet About Michelle Obama Being a Man. Somebody Tell Me If This Is True?
Edgework comments on Mar 13, 2020:
That’s pretty funny. I can’t imagine Twitter letting a fake Chelsea Clinton account stay up at all, let alone one tweeting out such heresies. On the other hand, Chelsea’s political instincts make her mom look like her dad by comparison, so I don’t know: she might think this is the wokest thing she could do. Maybe they really do want Michelle/Michael to parachute into the brokered convention and save the day, and this is how they get the bad news out there early enough that they can brush it off as “old news,” when the time comes
Do you believe that JoeBiden is actually ahead of DonaldTrump in the polls? Trump2020 Biden2020
Edgework comments on Jun 9, 2020:
Whenever you hear the term “scientific poll,” you can bet it’s the same science that gave us the lockdown, and the Green New Deal.
WHO want some masturbating to occur []
Edgework comments on May 9, 2020:
I dunno... I never needed to have it explained to me.🤷🏼‍♂️
Our Republic Is In Crisis America's Traitors Must Not Go Unpunished By Justin O.
Edgework comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Superb post. Kudos
How much do you expect "payback" to influence Democrat policy?
Edgework comments on Nov 8, 2020:
Their malevolent intentions are limited only by their political clout. Re-education camps? “Protective internment?” 4 am Firing squads? Guillotines? As Pelosi says, “Nothing is off the table.”


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