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Should you prep for an economic meltdown?
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 22, 2020:
Rand Paul can bitch all he wants about the $600 payments. Not once did he bitch about Pakistani gender education, Egyptian military assistance, all the arts payments to facilities that are currently CLOSED for business, and all the other international funding. But Americans who are losing their businesses or the jobs can suck a dick!! Sorry buddy, you just told me you too do not work for the American citizen... not by a long stretch.
Your government’s covid stimulus plan!
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 22, 2020:
Pretty clear who they DON"T work for.
Dark Truths Behind Great Reset "Transhumanism" Exposed [youtube.
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 22, 2020:
If you've ever spent time examining and reading all the articles on the WEF sites you will see, just under the surface of the sugar-coating this Academic refers to, the areas that are currently being explored and the elites behind them you would not be able to sleep well. Ethics, like truth, is a moot issue to these players and they have both the interest and the money necessary to actively pursue their wildest dreams. People like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and Elon Musk do control the very near future. Honoring creation as we now know it is considered primitive and base. Without a moral code to guide these activities there is no limit to the nightmare future they are planning. Obscene wealth is now fully engaged in transhumanism and will leave normies in the dust, to be treated as defective by these omnipotents.
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 21, 2020:
With the initial roll out in the US, health care workers and the elderly are first in line to receive the vaccine (along with powerful politicians, the rich and powerful in general). Are they going to hide negative reactions and possible deaths? or will they publish results and possibly slow the roll out. I am very suspicious that only whistle blowers will bring events to light. The fact that Dr. Coleman has to use non-traditional web services to get out his message makes it quite clear to me that fatalities and serious harm will be hidden from the dumb masses.
EXPOSED:Supreme Court Justice internal meeting & why Pentagon Terminated Transition!!lawyer React ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 20, 2020:
Never dreamed I'd live through the fall of Rome (USA) but that's exactly what we're looking at. The Right's naiveté is its downfall.
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 20, 2020:
When individuals such as Jocelyn Benson "pretend" to protect democracy... we know the Democrat party will doom everything this country used to stand for. At what point did members of this party become so utterly corrupt with emboldened pride in that trait? I looked up a bit of information about Ms. Benson: Jocelyn Benson Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is the Secretary of State of Michigan. She is also the former dean of Wayne State University Law School in Detroit, Michigan, a co-founder of the Military Spouses of Michigan and a board member of the Ross Initiative in Sports for Equality. She is the author of State Secretaries of State: Guardians of the Democratic Process. Can I barf now????
Poll Worker Was Fired at Her Job Site For Speaking Up!! []
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 18, 2020:
It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings. And if that causes civil war, so be it.
LYING is like playing laser pointer with a kitten.
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 17, 2020:
Sadly Terry, I had already posted this "story" here earlier today. At the very bottom of any posts and responses there is a text link. here is the one on mine (of your story) If you want to make a link to this post in your posts and comments, just include the text: "LYING is like playing laser pointer with a kitten."
Third SERIOUS anaphalactic response to vaccine... []
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 17, 2020:
Bartlett Regional Hospital in Juneau says the two workers showed adverse reactions about 10 minutes after receiving the vaccine and were treated. One received the vaccine Tuesday and will remain in the hospital another night under observation while the other, vaccinated Wednesday, has fully recovered.
Tick...tick... tick... tick... tick..
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Trump's clock, I'm assuming. Will he declare martial law?
Being Salty.... Welllllll what should we be Styx ? Happy ?? []
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Spot on!
Congratulations President Elect Biden! With that said, I’m going to need some help from my ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Crickets..... just crickets from the Left. Go figure.
Shitty monday with Katie []
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 15, 2020:
Glad I listened to this vid. I laugh because truth these days is quite laughable against the shit-heads f'ing us over in grand dictatorial style. Mutant Ninja Covid is the perfect label for the latest surge and you know damned well the (tongue in cheek) "life saving" vaccines are, they will discover in retrospect, absolutely no good against the newest mutated strain. I'm sure at some point years down the road we will hear all about the toxic side-effects of these savior vaccines but for now of course we should all jump in line "for the greater good".
His tough childhood and a strong fear are the reasons why Xi Jinping’s kids don’t stay in China...
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 15, 2020:
In this world there is no place one can hide if powerful persons want to find you. LOL Penrodster, I think you are right.
China Warns Australia, US & UK | 10 News First "We will fund BLM and Antifa to riot in your ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 15, 2020:
The Five Eyes: Canada: We all know how enamored Trudeau and many in his government are of the CCP and confirmation recently of 18 Chinese military war exercises on Canadian soil. USA: Eyes Poked: election interference?? CCP members at every level of government and the Confucius Institute at major US Universities influencing and bribing State and local governments to affect policy change. Not sure about CCP involvement with BLM and Antifa but seriously does not require a stretch of anyone's imagination. Australia: serious trade import/export issues flagrantly ignored and denied. UK: someone else can fill this in. NZ: ditto The UN's appointment of China as a member of the Human Rights Tribunal ... a totally bizzare move on the part of the UN considering China's well known human rights record
This is deeply troubling' | Trish Regan Why is the fakestream media picking up this story now?
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 15, 2020:
Sadly this report/discussion never did address the issue of "why now". I saw this little video as 7th grade level reporting. Hopefully Newsmaxtv isn't that lame in both comment and interpreting ramifications of that content. Big tech censoring was more "oh my!" level response, not the proper outrage or the direct question as to Section 230 needing to be overturned. Biden's now declared Presidency and the ramifications of Hunter's (fake timing) exposure wasn't really addressed directly. We all know Biden was Harris' shoe in to the Presidency. The question now is when and how they are going to remove Biden. From what I see, the options are: a. impeach him b. 25th Amendment declaration (as discussed by Pelosi several months ago); or c. He develops serious illness and resigns (as he himself recently alluded to). and WHEN?
Did anyone see this today? Did Youtube get hacked/crashed/come-upance?
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 14, 2020:
Is is possible they are down in order to purge all election inteference videos and anti-vax videos?
Pope Francis and the Vatican enter a "global alliance" with Mastercard, Visa, Bank of America, the ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 13, 2020:
I guess Pope Francis doesn't want to miss a chance to join the Great Reset right at the beginning of this new phase of the world. Does he really buy the great sales job and flowery language of all their articles and reports? Is he that naive? Somehow I doubt that very much. He's just showing his cunning perception of where his bread will best be buttered.
THE CENTER OF RIJEKA, Croatian coastal city! We have never seen anything like this in the city… ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 12, 2020:
Very dramatic commentary with the suits and the notation. Kudos. Damn tyranny is everywhere!
Covid Vaccination Cards: How They Will Change Everything - YouTube
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 12, 2020:
And what if you are not a candidate for the vaccine because you have a strong history of allergic reactions?? Although governments currently are saying they can't mandate it, there is absolutely nothing to stop businesses and corporations from demanding proof or you don't work, travel, etc.
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters 24 Carl and Callum discuss the impending civil war over the 2020 ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 11, 2020:
Now that there are two fellows talking I find the broadcasts not nearly as effective as they tend to wander around a subject. Sad to see the loss of focus.
Trump announces Israel-Morocco peace deal – 4th Trump-era Middle East peace deal ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 10, 2020:
But according to MSM he's busy golfing and crying over his loss. The disconnect between his accomplishments and the way the press and Dems treat him are truly heartbreaking.
Here’s a piece of shit from the Michigan legislature who the other day accused all (that’s ALL) ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 9, 2020:
Michigan Republicans strip Democrat of her committee assignments after she posts viral warning to 'you Trumpers'
Here’s a piece of shit from the Michigan legislature who the other day accused all (that’s ALL) ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 9, 2020:
She was the same shit head making a witness clarify her full name. Even her co-chair members were very unhappy with her foolish questioning. And now she is warning Trump supporters her "militia" would be coming for them?? Just how corrupt are all levels of government in this country?
An important motivational message regarding Right to Repair. Good point. []
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 6, 2020:
The right to repair actually is crucial to the future. Environmentalists in particular should be fully on board with this concept in order to reduce waste by simply buying a new product and tossing the now non-working product. Case in hand, my son purchased all new appliances about 5 years ago. Recently the washing machine broke down and he (engineer) did figure out it was the circuit board that needed to be replaced. The replacement board ended up costing 1/2 the original washer purchase, and there was a 2 month waiting period to fulfill his order for the part. THAT is ludicrous and, like anyone else under those circumstances, he ended up having the replace the washing machine. Really environmentally sound policies on behalf of these companies right?
Biden won fair and square.
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 6, 2020:
I for one am sick and tired of gaslighting media. We have no news, its all BS. One item which made me laugh. Geoengineering is now no longer a "tin foil hat" conspiracy. Nice little article on how they could use it to cool the planet LMAO.
TimPool: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 5, 2020:
It ain't over until the fat lady sings. I'm hanging in there. No matter how you look at this election there were far too many irregularities to say it was fair and above-board.
John Kerry (the Great Reset) "will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 4, 2020:
Feeling extremely grumpy at the moment
Biden Administration Confirms Great Reset "Coming Soon"! []
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 4, 2020:
Ergo Trump has to go.
OANN: Hewlett-Packard, the first tech giant of Silicon Valley, just moved its headquarters to Texas.
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 3, 2020:
That's all fine and dandy. Texas is business friendly, good for everyone. EXCEPT these Silicon Valley types are bringing their blue state thoughts with them which threatens Texas and all Texans with the insidious policies that ultimately forced them to leave California in the first place. This is becoming a serious issue in numerous parts of red US states.
The President of the United States Donald J.
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 3, 2020:
When my husband voted (NY State) the person at the counter could not get his name straight after several attempts. He then pulled out his ID. She freaked out ... as though she'd seen the devil. This alone speaks volumes.
Sky News Australia: Those opposed to Trump are 'all globalists' []
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 3, 2020:
The sound to the truth is so refreshing.
Orwell Tried To Warn Us About 1984 But No One Listened! []
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 1, 2020:
I've been referring to this novel for years as to our current state of affairs.
Retired 3 Star General Calls On Trump To Invoke Insurrection Act. []
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 1, 2020:
That's what I figured. With such systemic corruption and questionable judges in many of these states, they have to set up military tribunals to try the massive number of people involved. Further, as he said, non-corrupt judges would not have a knowledge base necessary to understand the cyber crime aspects of the cases. The scale too is unfathomable. Only a military tribunal would have the capacity to try all the parties involved and guarantee equal treatment and fair outcome.
Democrats Nuke Georgia Voting Machine Server on "Accident" []
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 1, 2020:
A few weeks ago I would never had said this but with all the shenanigans going on at all levels of the Democrat Party throughout this election it appears ethics, or total lack thereof, is systemic.
Dominion Trained IT Contractor Blows Up Michigan Hearing.
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 1, 2020:
Holly F! Her testimony shocked the Senate panel. Equally damning was her discussion with FBI for 40 minutes and zero follow up. Hopefully she is being watched by a security detail.
toronto_Georgia comments on Dec 1, 2020:
LOL, I have a bridge ... prime real estate location LMAO. Just because we'd like it to be so doesn't mean it is.
THEM: He’ll be gone in less than two months! Why is he rearranging the Department of Defense?
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 29, 2020:
I agree Edgework, he won't be gone in two months. DOD is his to clean house for the work to come.
WATCH: THE KRAKEN Revealed: Proves Domestic Traitors And Foreign Enemies Attempted To Steal ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 29, 2020:
Shocking massive group involved in this Coup. Very happy to hear Kraken defined and that they are involved now in all of this. Treason is the charge. We'll need something akin to the Nuremberg Trials in order to try so many. Will the Supreme Court be able to do this or should it be JAG.
Are my posts about recent Farm Attacks in South Africa too much?
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 28, 2020:
The information is very worrisome. Sadly, with a raging fire in the US state of affairs, we are all more than a little myopic regarding things in our own neck of the woods. Keep providing this information though, we do appreciate it but I doubt there is much any of us can do.
“The left, in all its myriad forms, is unified by a utopian vision and end goal.
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Integrity, prudence, accountability, self-restraint, self-reliance, adherence to the law without excuse are characteristics which are highly valued by the right of all ilks. No need to divide us all, but rather the pleasure of agreeing on attributes that define us and our values.
You are not part of the elite, but you can stop being a serf.
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Epoch Times: Matt Braynard: Evidence of Vote Fraud Enough to Flip States | Crossroads Significant ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Well Done! As an ex-pat of Canada it still shocks me the difference in voting regulations. When I resided in Canada, in order to vote in a Federal election I had to attend at the voting offices with an election voter roll card (cards issued to registered voters well ahead of elections and which voter must have any error corrected ahead of time.. like wrong address, etc.). So, with corrected card in hand I would then have to present government issued photo ID along with card before I could go to the booth and file my vote. In a powerful country like the US it just shocks me the unsecure identification of individuals permitted to vote.
Dominion .
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 27, 2020:
If they have done no wrong and have nothing to hide, why were their offices in Toronto and Denver suddenly closed and executive(s) vanishing? YAY Sydney! Not remotely possible for any legal authority to deny such telltale signs of guilt. Kind of wonder what other rats will start scurrying off into the night over the next little while.
Crinnnnnnnnnnnnngeeeee TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMEEEE []
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Just spent the last hour going through the news listings (nope, not on this site), then for fun watched this. I really didn't know my grey matter could twist and convulse. Learn something knew everyday. Going outside for some fresh air in the hopes my grey matter can settle down prior to a migraine.
Karma is a ruthless bitch. []
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 26, 2020:
Isn't she also being impeached for unconstitutional lockdown measures?
PJMedia: Sidney Powell released her 'Kracken'.
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 26, 2020:
She also filed a similar suit in Michigan the same day. And now we wait.
Victor Davis Hanson | The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special Ep. 106 []
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Hopefully the Republican party, going forward, really takes Hanson's comments to heart. Trump did transform the Republican demographic base in major ways. The Never-Trumpers had best take note and continue enhancing the inclusiveness Trump started. If not, the Republicans will sink into obsurity.
The unusefuls []
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Its not over until the fat lady sings. Buckled in for the countdown.
“There’s No Evidence Of Voter Fraud” []
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 24, 2020:
WOW, just WOW. Great article with such thorough detail. Still shocked at the extensive interference dear Zuckerberg engaged in. No wonder every day of FaceBook you are assured that this was The fairest and most secure election ever. Lock this FKER UP. Lock the owners/heads of all these big tech companies up. The shear audacity of all of them "to know better than the peasants" who should run the country.
Dominion Executive: Trump is not going to win. I made fing sure of that. []
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 24, 2020:
FBI is not going to do shit. They have been fully corrupted since the Obama Administration. Not once have they stepped into the breach, even going so far as to intimidate a witness to vote tampering. They also sat on the Hunter Biden laptop for a year now without ever coming forward with all the evidence on it that fully shows Biden's corruption, Hunter's money laundering for the Russian mayor's wife, the Chinese government ties, and Hunter's indulgences and involvement in underage sex. FBI has consistently conspired with the Dems to take down the Trump Administration.
Biden/Harris Admin's new website "BuildBackBetter.
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 24, 2020:
The Great Reset abolishes the US Constitution & English Bill of Rights
WHERE’S THE EVIDENCE!!! SHOW US THE EVIDENCE!!! No one wants to follow this story.
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 21, 2020:
To look at all of this from the perspective of the "Build Back Better" heads of state (Johnson, Macron, Merkel, Trudeau to name a few along with our own f-faced Biden) none of this matters. We're only obstructing their globalist plans. I, for one, am praying Powell brings the whole Dominion scam down around all their heads. That ballot counting system was used in 28 states this time even though a long history of discreditation exists. At this point, overthrow the entire election ... scap it and start again.
Tucker: Dems, media want to lock up their opponents This is what's really behind Biden's call...
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 21, 2020:
This is getting quite alarming. Trump should be charged with sedition?? When are they coming for us, and we now know they will. According to Findlaw: Sedition is a serious felony punishable by fines and up to 20 years in prison and it refers to the act of inciting revolt or violence against a lawful authority with the goal of destroying or overthrowing it
I wish they would simply be honest.
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 19, 2020:
A little economic terrorism never hurt anyone. Right? Are they just making sure the Great Reset is welcomed with open arms and massive relief come the new year?
Retired Air Force General blows whistle on CIA vote hacking | Pearson Sharp Reports A new ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 19, 2020:
I'll reserve judgment on this one. A little too over the top. Like the one saying all ballots were watermarked through DHS, when in fact ballots are prepared in each state. Again, time will tell.
Sooooo, Could this be true, did they really have a raid in Germany after all?
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 18, 2020:
Sounds more like a plot from a Jack Ryan novel. Too good to be true.
Show of hands: How many people woke up this morning thinking, “What I really need to kick off ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 17, 2020:
Ever since Obama reluctantly declared his support for Biden, Barry, and to a slightly lesser extent Michelle, have become excessively vocal. The two most racist high profile and extremely vocal people in this country are using every opportunity at their avail to denounce "whiteness" for the evil that it is. Frankly the word "treason" comes to my mind. Eight years they spent in the Big House ... should have been the other interpretation of that word.
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 16, 2020:
I enjoy both Michael and Ben very much. Each emanates from different schools of thought and that is the primary difference. Ben's thought process schooling comes from his orthodox Jewish training assessing and arguing from childhood on up the principles of The Torah. Michael's is more from the Jesuit Order. Each approaches the issues of life from different perspectives and methodologies. The other dramatic difference may well be Ben's perceived less human/robotic view which, I suspect, developed from always being "separate" from his classmates throughout his schooling because he was constantly much younger than his peers due to a brilliant mind. At no point in his formative years would he have ever been considered part of the "in" crowd or "one of the boys". I really don't have a problem with Ben's "commercials". Paying the bills with cash to spare is in fact very capitalistic of him. I don't think Ben flip flops at all. Trump supporters may think so, but Ben's conservatism means he supports Trump but he is not necessarily always enthralled with Trump's approach. Only die hard Trump supporters would have a problem with a man who is principled enough to be comfortable not always siding with The Man. Both bring great insight to any subject or event, I am grateful we have such diverse contributors to the conservative voice.
So, you’re playing poker, and you just laid down a full-house—3 aces and a pair of jacks.
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 16, 2020:
A 'new form of cancel culture' is at work in US presidential election fallout []
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 16, 2020:
SO, who is going to die before all of this hits the courts???
The globalist’s idea is to have people living on a subsistence wage (paid by taxpayers) after the ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Nope, its the Great Reset. You will have no debts but you will also own nothing. All courtesy not of taxpayer's money, nope, not that simple, courtesy of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to which all governments will also be indebted and controlled. COVID was let loose to intimidate governments and their peoples, introduce dictatorial control and loss of personal freedoms, fear monger the populace into total submission, shut down all businesses, bankrupting them and substantial portions of the population in order to introduce a "universal income" to the now destitute. Take note that the high tech industries substantially profited throughout all of this ... evidence of their participation in the initial planning stages at Davos and the World Economic Forum. Following the introduction of the universal income, as no one in the general populace will own their homes anymore, you will see a corralling of people into the cities to be carefully monitored through the 5G networks ... all set up during these lockdowns. Only the very wealthy will be permitted to live in the country.
"Proud boys" riot in DC! [revolt.
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Well, now we know what a wackjob Bastion is. Thanks for the reveal.
AMAZING POLLY: EMERGENCY! Big Tech, Soros & Gates AUDITING ELECTION & did Mail-In Ballots!!
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Senate Intelligence Committee is headed up by Adam Schiff, purveyor of Russian interference hoax and dictator throughout the debunked impeachment process. She didn't mention he headed the committee recommending the NGO auditing software. Why would an NGO be used in the first place. The NGO's are far more dangerous than corporate interests as they are all self-governing with no accountability. All these "wonderful" high tech philantropists set up NGOs specifically because they operate outside government bodies and answer to no one. The fact that an NGO developed the software and implemented it in swing states alone is suspect, compounded by the fact that all contributors to that NGO are major left wing players.
EXCLUSIVE: How a Philly mob boss stole the election — and why he may flip on Joe Biden | The ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Isn't he suggesting Trump "pay for play" so to speak??? Full pardon in exchange for testimony. As tempting as that is, the "value for value" exchange causes all kinds of problems for Trump.
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 15, 2020:
If they can prove and win a case utterly discrediting Dominion, and there is already massive evidence to prove that, then 28 States have false results and all should be forced to recount every vote manually. Even if it means postponing the inaugeration so be it.
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 15, 2020:
Of course that would happen. We all knew that. And THE SWAMP stands, unscathed. Trump though is a sore loser (if loosing is the end result). Will he establish a news media to challenge Legacy Media, and will he bust his butt to build powerful cases against his and the American peoples' enemies and then file lawsuits against every one of them? Only time will tell.
Patrick Bet-David's brief reasonable comments on the end results of this election and what we should...
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 15, 2020:
Empires rise and fall all throughout history. Very well said Patrick. Once the suits are settled, and the final decision is evident either way, we must move on and tend to our own lives. I also agree, our one concern moving forward is the targeting of Trump's supporters and those who worked with, for, or are directly connected to Trump. Will be carefully monitoring this dangerous turn of events.
Just put a camera on this clown and let him rant.
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 14, 2020:
Don't you just love the tolerant Left? Truly shocked me and still does how utterly guilty they are of all the labels and accusations they have leveled against the evil Right
Alex Jones RAGES After Tim Pool Podcast Pulled By Youtube & DEMANDS Retraction! It looks like ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 14, 2020:
I'm sure it will all get sorted out. Will YouTube back down and reinstate it?? Pretty questionable as they see themselves as "God".
Bill O’Reilly on possible Trump media EMPIRE to challenge Fox News []
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 13, 2020:
Bill's right. Trump is vindictive. Unfortunately NSY is also vindictive and will try to bankrupt him in legal defense fees. OMG, unlimited Trump news to follow. Trump, on the other hand, is likely to piss bullets to bury Murdock and anyone else he's pissed off with. Will he become the next Conrad Black? Only time will tell. LMAO, Bill's right. Show me the contract.
The tanking of FOX []
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 13, 2020:
WTF was that? Number One: I have no idea who is speaking. You may recognize the voice but I do not. Number Two: This had nothing to do with the tanking of Fox News.
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 13, 2020:
OMG. This is amazing. All of this has been planned and executed through Davos and the World Economic Foundation, with Gates and numerous other tech companies controlling the fear mongering to pull this off and carefully censor dissenting information. Follow the money. Who has profited. We all know this answer... big tech and the pharma industry. Mind boggling to see exactly how the whole thing was planned and executed against the whole world. Yes, there as been as of now 1 million deaths, all of which were vulnerable to specific aspects of this "flu". Just enough to guarantee the results and the fear they wanted. I have to ask one question. The final linchpin has to be the design of the virus to guarantee only specific parts of the general population were truly at risk. For everyone else it is simply a variation on the flu. Massive fortunes have been built directly as a result of this unquestionable hoax. And soon, very soon, the Great Reset stands in the wings waiting to be unleashed on world populations that have been economically decimated from government overreach. Seriously looking forward to see how successful the class actions are.
Levin: Biden’s Call for Unity is a LIE, He's Calling for SUBMISSION! []
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 12, 2020:
I will happily join the New Resistance!! If the challenges fail and Trump is forced to concede, you will see some truly remarkable forces rise. Trump will become the new Conrad Black (news magnet) ... taking over and trouncing MSM, and not just here in the U.S.
Glenn SNAPS Over Dem Corruption: ‘It’s Not OVER!’ | Glenn TV STILL NOT THE TIME TO MOBILIZE...
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 12, 2020:
I am and have been as outraged as Glenn is. From day one of Trump's success in 2016, and every day since, we have seen over and over again hard evidence of atrocious wrong doing at every level of government. NOT ONE PROSECUTION. I agree as well, Bill Bar has seemed to be amazing ... yet he has not once been successful at bringing a single charge to fruition. Glenn didn't even mention Flynn or any of the others surrounding Trump prosecuted on the sacrificial throne of DC filth. I will sit back and see how Trump's challenge in the various states goes. I have little faith the corrupt justice system will be successfully traversed. At this point in time I know this country is an abomination to the nations, corrupted at every single level. May the Dems rot in their hell.
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 11, 2020:
I just heard elsewhere that FBI are interviewing and intimidating voter fraud witnesses. The FBI is corrupt to the core and cannot be trusted for these investigations. How long does it take for Trump, Bar and others to recognize this. Example in fact is the Hunter Biden laptop that they've sat and kept mum about since December 2019. FOX News has deep sixst itself. Hannity and Carlson need to liberate themselves by leaving and setting up their own podcasts, perhaps with Blaze.
Totalitarian left promises purges and punishment for all Trump voters- [thefederalist.
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 10, 2020:
So somehow they are coming after more than 71 million people in this country? Keep mouthing your sanctimonious "unifying and serving all Americans" bull shit. The siren song of a politician for whom "integrity" is just another pretty word to deceive and lull his sheep to sleep.
Ok let's say that the result stay as they are....What do you guys think Trump will do ?
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 9, 2020:
Haven't we heard rumors of Don Junior running in 2024? Then there is also Tucker Carlson, and who knows who else. I think at 78, and hopefully healed from 4 years of severe abuse, financially backing a younger man he really believes in would be good. Then again, this is Trump... a true Energizer Bunny!
I've noticed that some of our left-leaning brethren have taken to referring to Donald Trump's "false...
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 8, 2020:
Since when does the Media decide the winner of an election. And yet, we are seeing world leaders, based on those announcements, congratulating Biden. This also includes such notables as f'n Obama and George H. Bush. I am dumbfounded that MSM has this amount of power.
Do you believe the election results?
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 8, 2020:
To quote Pelosi "By any means necessary."
It didn’t take long for him to turn his back on Trump.
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 8, 2020:
Am I crazy? The Media has declared Biden the winner. The actual vote counting is not yet complete and even Biden did not say definitively that he won. Why are world leaders responding to MSM's declaration?
Singer wants Trump supporters to 'burnnnnnnnnnn [wnd.]
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 8, 2020:
71 Million Trump voters wait .....
Censorship get worse []
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 5, 2020:
It is beyond me how big tech can silence a Standing President. No one in the right mind could possibly find this legitimate. Even if they don't like what he is saying or tweeting they still have no legal right to deny him his 1st Amendment.
If Trump loses the presidency, 'China will come after Australia' This is a given.
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 5, 2020:
I do remember reading that more countries than Australia has demanded accountability, however, the WHO is actively supporting and protecting China and had agreed to blocking any access to the Chinese facilities which were involved. It saddens me to hear that Australia is likely to be the whipping boy in China's anger at foreign powers questioning them.
When you get Australian news to learn what's happening in chicago.
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 4, 2020:
Does anyone know if this is going on any where other than Chicago?
toronto_Georgia comments on Nov 2, 2020:
This seems to give a very cursory view of some of the issues surrounding the reset, but makes little or no reference to The Great Reset, its timing and methodology. All around I'd consider this pretty lightweight coverage of what is actually going on. Pelosi's refusal to settle on a COVID stimulus deal only tells me she is setting the vast majority up to be desperate enough to step into the NWO Great Reset lair in order to receive debt forgiveness and the promise of a stable (if small) income. The single aspect of the Great Reset is covered here. Note the video is located about 2/3rds of the way down on this page, the page itself is well worth the read, and the video is about 22 minutes long and clearly explains how the plan works and the price to join:
RedState: Truck rams into a line of cops in Philly.
toronto_Georgia comments on Oct 27, 2020:
I get this news directly from a military channel. I was shocked to see how many Twitter users were anarchists and general malcontents cheering the hit on police. Guess I'm rather niave however I'm just wondering how substantial hatred of police and any form of authority is amongst the Twitter generation. I thought Jack Dorsey was anti hate speech. Seems he is more than a little selective on who that policy actually applies to.
US slams UN over China; Supreme Court gives win to Trump admin; China premier warns nation in crisis...
toronto_Georgia comments on Oct 27, 2020:
OMG real traditional news reporting!!! I haven't seen this type of reporting in almost 20 years in US and Canada. I am now subscribed.
7 earthquakes in 5 days in China county; China food crisis worsens, may disrupt global supply chain...
toronto_Georgia comments on Oct 27, 2020:
Thank you for posting this link. We need to see this on a regular basis. Very informative!
Sex tape ??? []
toronto_Georgia comments on Oct 26, 2020:
I was surprised there was no mention of Biden's daughter, Ashley, who apparently used to shower inappropriately (read what you want there) with Joe Biden when she was young. Her diary was obtained somehow and she is dealing with sex addiction as well as drug addiction. Found mention of it early today but can't provide my source. I forgot to record it. Interesting reading in her diary though.
Frontpage: Michael Ledeen.
toronto_Georgia comments on Oct 17, 2020:
The CCP will insist on continuing its rule in the face of decline. I don't see Xi Jinping stepping aside, nor do I see him being overthrown. I see some massive maneuvering by the party as a whole to attempt to get through these major setback by making massive changes and at the same time clamping down severely on any word getting out as to how badly the people are suffering and how much needs to be done to fix water management throughout the region. They have made far to much headway on the Belt and Road plan to give up now, and their recent growing influence and power within the UN is more than proof that Xi knows what he is doing. No, the people will suffer in enforced silence until all the adjustments are made. Hopefully not too many will starve through the food shortages, but I'm sure the whole country is going on a rather severe diet. Heads will roll in the part of the party responsible for the disastrous dam management projects and substantial changes will ensue ... both in the nature of "fixes" as well as the membership proposing those fixes.
I didn't support/like Ted Cruz in 2016 and didn't consider "Lying Ted" worthy of the presidency.
toronto_Georgia comments on Oct 17, 2020:
I would not have supported Ted Cruz in 2016, but he has been a loyal supporter of Trump for quite some time now and has done an excellent job for the party including his contributions during the SCOTUS confirmation hearing. PS: He's a Senator
The Exodus []
toronto_Georgia comments on Oct 17, 2020:
It would be interesting to see the resignations and early retirement numbers in cities like: New York Rochester Detroit Chicago Seattle Portland Los Angeles San Diego
Takeaway: Trump was Trump.
toronto_Georgia comments on Sep 30, 2020:
Both of you make excellent points. He's definitely a street scraper. I will run one strange thought by you. I have often wondered if Trump had some form of autism. Not such a strange idea if you understand anything about the spectrum of autism. Trump's extremely limited vocabulary is what makes me think this. Brilliance also falls within the spectrum ... so it is not said to discredit him in the least.
Wallace was definitely biased toward Biden. Almost obsequious. 🙄
toronto_Georgia comments on Sep 29, 2020:
First I'll make it clear Trump 2020. NOW, to me the debate was an outright disaster. Our dear President cannot stay on point. He is a lousy debater with little experience at debate protocol. Biden, the consummate politician, was on point for the most part throughout. I give Wallace credit for at least trying to moderate that debate. Did he favor Biden? I honestly couldn't say. Trump was absolutely terrible at respecting the 2 minute windows which led to Biden also somewhat ignoring them. I'm still a Trump supporter LOL.
How 'bout Ray Cyst for my English stage name?
toronto_Georgia comments on Sep 29, 2020:
Cyst makes me think of a diseased lump :( Ray Cyst (racist) might well put backs up but if that is your intent, go for it.
PortlandTribune: Federalized PPB officers will remain federally deputized through the rest of 2020.
toronto_Georgia comments on Sep 29, 2020:
YAY. Dems again shooting themselves in the foot. Gotta love it.
It's interesting to compare Trump supporters certainty of his re-election as a foregone conclusion ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Sep 29, 2020:
Never count your chickens before they are hatched. Good adage for one and all.
MarketInsider: It's not just Steyer.
toronto_Georgia comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Dem States increasingly think they can nail the rich to cover their poor fiscal management forget that the wealthy are also the most able to just up and leave a poorly run State. In most cases there is absolutely nothing to stop them from simply relocating outside of the entire 50 States if they so choose.
RedState: Slow Joe going off the rails (again).
toronto_Georgia comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Maybe Trump's demand for drug testing before or after the 1st Debate is not such a bad idea after all.
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