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Taxpayers Need to Hold Public Schools Accountable. []
tracycoyle comments on Jul 12, 2020:
ha. hahaha. HA! HAHAHAHA!! Yea.....The buildings are not at fault - it is the people in them, our neighbors, our friends that try to abdicate responsibilities rightly belonging to them. The examples given to children. More and more when I see kids acting up and parents telling them to behave (over and over and over and over) with no consequences to the kids for their failure, I see a kid that will be a problem to society in the future. I see the destruction of Antifa and BLM and wonder where are the parents? Hiding under a rock somewhere with their fingers buried in their ears going LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!?!
If there is something anybody can do about all of this, that some thing is something you could do as...
tracycoyle comments on Jul 12, 2020:
I've done two things that can help society and they are the MAXIMUM that I could do: 1. Live my life with respect towards all others and own the consequences of my actions 2. Taught my child #1 Leading and living by example. Though to be honest, most others are doing the same, and their effort is NOT #1
If men and women were the same, there would be no need for two words, if races were the same we ...
tracycoyle comments on Jul 12, 2020:
Our courts are courts of equity - however, "fair" is often the LAST thing people want. I agree with the last statement but given the generational deficiencies I think we are going to need a 'purge' before we can get back to some semblence of rationality amongst the greater population. Justice = consequences. People SHOULD get what is coming to them. However, that is not something that others can demand or enforce. And on the Left, it is something to be avoided. When people demand social justice, they are not looking for actual justice (they really don't understand the term), they want resultant equality - equality of outcome. An impossibility. Even if you could have all the power in the world, the effort would result in mass slaughter, such as: 20mil dead in Russia, 70mil dead in China, millions dead in Cambodia. Your first statement is true, which is why the Left is trying desperately to eliminate the "inequality of language" and get rid of the offending word.
Hey! I’m so happy to finally join the group! I’ve followed Arielle for so many many years (way ...
tracycoyle comments on Jul 9, 2020:
Let me take a shot: I am going to make three distinctions first - 1) transsexuals generally are moving from one sexual identity to the other, either Male to Female(MtF) or Female to Male(FtM) - they may or may not (me) consider themselves part of the broader transgender community; 2) Identity (self) is ALWAYS a matter of self-awareness. I can not tell you what your identity is - you have to tell me. Because of the changes in our society, the traditional cues used by people to identify others have been muddled. 3) Activists, the loudest mouths, are MOST OFTEN the least representative of a group. My personal opinion is that activists, those that generally make their living as such, have ZERO concern for the group they "represent". Their activities are political and their goals are not individual liberty/freedom/rights. So, given those distinctions let me offer a definition (mine, for the purpose of this conversation but based on the last 40 years of my adult life) of feminism: the effort to ensure that women have the same opportunities, the same rights, and the same "privileges" as men. For the last 30-40 years, many inequities in society between men and women have largely been eliminated. What remains, in my opinion, are those things that are artifacts of the real differences between men and women. The transgender activist community wants to ignore biological differences - it wants to pretend that biological differences are social constructs. It want to eliminate any distinction between males and females AND to do so 'by fiat'. In other words, ignoring ALL biological evidence, the transgender activists wants people to self-identify: so a 6'4", 300# white male could conceivably SELF identify as a 5'2" 125# black female and demand others recognize them as such. It is insanity AND it is an attempt to ELIMINATE WOMEN by ignoring the actual, biological differences between male and female. Arguing that men have privilege and we should all be treated as MEN there would be true 'equality' Trans identity exists because in each person that recognizes "trans" within themselves, that recognition is BASED upon the acknowledgment of the differences between male and female. Eliminate that and you eliminate trans identity - a situation conveniently ignored by the trans activists. Feminism directly recognizes femaleness and womanhood. Trans activists are trying to eliminate those distinctions. They are incompatible.
Fireworks became a hostile debate in my neighborhood, a large planned community.
tracycoyle comments on Jul 6, 2020:
There are always good reasons for laws that infringe upon the rights of the few, or even the many. Our politicians (and many others) have decided that 'for the good of the community' overrides all other factors. While I respect that there are people that can not tolerate fireworks well, there are lots that are still respectful and seek to have their respect for their country (or just having a good time). I know someone that used to have quite the neighborhood show - they paid for it, everyone (mostly) enjoyed it and they and their family policed the neighborhood the next day. Did they get ALL the debris? No. But they made a good effort and people respected them for it. Yep, it is just one day - one day that many of us who have served consider amongst the most important of celebrations - to acknowledge that without it, all the rest may not be able to be held. Just because a law exists, doesn't mean it is a good, or even just, law.
Recently something happened involving Arielle and Storm Ryan.
tracycoyle comments on Jul 6, 2020:
I've been part of the transsexual community for 33 years (late 80s) and Arielle is a good ally. I've met REAL TERFs that HATE me...for being transsexual (MtF). With nothing more than the label, I've been vilified. The TRA are destroying the 'good faith' of the CIS community towards transgendered in general and the transsexual in particular. I watched Ryan's video. He is a young man that can't handle backlash for not being sufficiently 'woke'. I get it and give him a pass - but as he pointed out, he was an adult - and for that, I'll hold him accountable for his actions. Ryan: you lost respect, not because you worked with Arielle, but because you think you had to apologize for it and threw her under the bus to prove your loyalty to the TRA.
I watched your video about how you think BLM and the LGBT are acting similarly.
tracycoyle comments on Jul 6, 2020:
I watched the video also - and commented over on Patreon, but add this comment: Political activists on the Left do NOT care about the rights of the people they say they 'represent'. They don't care for the entire community, only that part that supports their political positions. They don't care about rights, only political power. BLM was based on a lie. BLM is a marxist, anti-white, anti-capitalist, anti-US "organization" seeking to destroy, not help. I strongly support #walkaway, blexit (and Brexit for that matter) because I support INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. Not group rights, not 'ideological rights'. And like so many others, I am vilified for it. So be it. I can listen and respect opinions that I disagree with - I can be friends with people I disagree with - I can hang with and support people I disagree with. And I have found, that many people 'on the Left', can do the same. But the "political activist" woke Left? Destructive, bigoted, hateful, intolerant....and in many regards (generally not physically) violent: riots, destruction of property, screaming hysteria. Sigh - so much can be done, is being done, in the face of so much destruction and hatred by the 'woke Left'.
Being misgendered - It never really bothered me and still doesn't.
tracycoyle comments on Jul 5, 2020:
My mother said, about a year after surgery, so 6+ yrs after transition, that she thought I was more masculine than I had been before transition. It set me back on my heels. (4"!) Until I realized I was being more ME than I had ever been. That said - some people go through a phase where their internal discussion focuses on us as individual and for a short time, they are 'confused'. She might have a little 'passive aggressive' angst, but I think more likely it is just ...a phase. If it happens again, sit her down and ask her what has changed for her recently (maybe someone else she knows has 'flipped the other way!'.
What's your opinion on the standard becoming too high professionally as a factor in the Cultural ...
tracycoyle comments on Jul 3, 2020:
I think the primary standards people react to are those they set for themselves. When they are realistic, you get ambitious, responsible adults. When they are not realistic, you get children acting out. Now, that is probably too broad a brush to paint with in the latter case, but I think it more accurately describes the current culture - lots of people have set their own expectations unrealistically. They've created their own expectation strawmen....
My expectation is that by this time next year, like seat belt laws, helmet laws, we will have MASK ...
tracycoyle comments on Jul 2, 2020:
I also think there will be a push to have mandatory sick days provided all employees. I'd wager it is going to be 14 days.
I'm looking for sweet feminine girly chicks videos on YouTube for a project, and it's IMPOSIBLE to ...
tracycoyle comments on Jul 2, 2020:
I'm thinking you fail to understand the nature of a Google search.... ! :)
How do you know if someone is projecting "hate" or "just venting"?
tracycoyle comments on Jul 2, 2020:
Real simple, adults apologize for venting, recognizing that it is just emotional release not actually directed at the people around them. Children scream their hate and are PROUD of it. No apologies, no understanding for the people around them at the time, just spewage.
Why am I not hearing Jack-Shit from the Republican party about the atrocities being committed ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 30, 2020:
The Republican Party is not different than the Democrat Party - they only care about power and they don't care if they are in charge or not. They are not conservative, classical liberals or even traditionalists. They are narcissists at best, sociopaths at worse and (mostly) don't give a shit about US, or U.S.
The Admin woman here is the link [] OK
tracycoyle comments on Jun 28, 2020:
I've noticed more and more instances of double standards and I don't understand how this is legal.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Free speech is often the purview of the provider of the space it happens in. In the public sphere, it is limited by the mob. In private spaces, by their owners. So double standards persist and yea, are basically legal 'out there in the wild'. You have enough free speech (always) to point out double standards. I tend to just laugh at the people using them.
I'm still a very new member,and haven't been able to tear into Slug like I normally do,something I'm...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Pick a topic you like and comment. Respond to others. You've got to be here a bit (and active) they you can add to the topics of interest to you and hope others join in those conversations. Best way to dive in, is to jump in with both feet!
The following is a theory I've been nursing for some time, now.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 28, 2020:
I generally am unwilling to consider, however small, speculation about such events. I let them play out in a courtroom where I can see the conspiracy play out in real time!
I feel lonely as a "black" non-victim in American society.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 28, 2020:
I don't care what 'race'/color you are. Intelligent people don't care - they are looking at the internal. I absolutely agree with you it is a class issue. And it is not race dependent. Great post.
According to conventional science the first modern homo sapien was born somewhere between 70,000 and...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 28, 2020:
I would suggest, implicit in your argument, and I would say explicitly, that internal dynamics ALLOWS for and encourages such destructive immigration. It is the internal power brokers that allow the damage to benefit themselves. So, fundamentally, it is not the barbarians that are the problem, it is the people that open the doors for them.
Am I the only one that is noticing a changing undercurrent in IDW/SLUG since the name ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Given I've been around online social media was created, there has always been tension between those that want to have serious conversations and those that just want to demand fealty to whatever brand of 'nuts' is on special this week. If you have a small group, it will tend to be dominated by the 'serious' because it is hard and time consuming to have those types of conversations. Once it is 'found', you get the other kind too. That is good because you get more serious types....but the noise ratio climbs. As @Thasaidon says - adaptation and change.
Regarding your video: "I Lived As A Woman For 10 Years, Then Missed Being A Man" The part that ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 27, 2020:
I do exactly the same thing: the story remains the same, only the pronouns change. Much easier to tell a real history than to try and hide or make up something. I noted the same thing in the video as a major red flag for transitioning. He was much more invested in being the girl than in being himself. I'm glad he found his path.
[] generation gap or education failure
tracycoyle comments on Jun 27, 2020:
I'd suggest it is not JUST the educational system failure, but a failure at home by the parents - that screaming hysteria is a child throwing a two-year olds' tantrum.
oh, my god, you guys! Ever wanted to see a class of socialism indoctrination! THIS is how the magic ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 27, 2020:
I am going to stop, 6:16 into this video because he has made statements that are false, yet stated in a way that suggests disagreement exists because those disagreeing are in some ways, disingenuous. Socialism was not taught because of fear, but because it FAILS. Always, every time. It can NOT succeed because economics, fundamentally, is about human behavior and socialism REQUIRES to succeed that humans act in the best interests of the group - all the time. Anyway, beyond that, the teaching of economics - and my degree is in economics from the University of Illinois at Chicago (the bastard child of the University of Chicago!) and it took my taking econ classes in three different schools. Anyone that has a brain, that takes economics, knows that the foundations of economic theory are based on, as he suggests, delusions - based on fundamentals that are not found in the real world. I saw it over and over again and know matter how much 'math' or 'science' was used to justify the delusions, they were, and are, delusions. That doesn't mean that SOCIALISM is better because the foundations of capitalism are not found IN economics, but rather in human behavior that only requires each person act in THEIR own best interests. Economic behavior is found everywhere in our lives (my daughter, then a college sophomore, upon taking her first econ class gushed that and found it fascinating - so much so that SHE got her degree in economics also - University of California!) and yet, our understanding of it barely scratches the surface. I can imagine that I would spend the next day, dozens of hours, fisking this video to no one's benefit so I'm stopping now. For all his degrees and education, he's a product of negative space: he sees the failure and because the failures are not recognized assumes that the opposites must be true and their absence is the result of malicious intent. ARGGGGGHH! I love economics - I hate the way it is taught in universities.
Nahhhhhhhhhhh you've completely fuck up your city... let people move out []
tracycoyle comments on Jun 26, 2020:
Like locusts, they consumed the resources and left the land barren....moving on.
Change My Mind: The Case for Reparations On January 16th, 1865 Field Order 15 Set aside 400,000 ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 26, 2020:
1) We don't bind the children for the errors of their parents. 2) An order of the President can not take from a State what belongs to it's citizens and redistribute it without compensation to those from whom the takings were made - that cost would be a 'net wash' I bet.... 3) Less than a million blacks were brought to this country, if there is one that is still alive, give them what the Americans, out of their own pockets, through no effort of the government, give to that person (or people). 3a) Wait you say, none of them are still alive? Ok, their children alive at the time. No? Too bad for the next generations because while we don't bind the children for their parents, we don't "reward" their descendants either. 4) Fortunately (yep, fortunately) this country does not operate according to Scripture. While it might inform the sensibilities of individuals, it does not form any basis in government. 5) Society changes, evolves, adapts. We can't go back and fix what was done AT THE TIME in keeping with the values THEN in place. 6) Scripture by the way has nothing bad to say about having slaves, so reliance on that would seem ...hypocritical at best. 7) And this one is for my benefit - my family didn't come to this country until 1956 (dad) 1958 (mom). I was born 2 months after my mom got here. Neither my parents, nor me or my sibs owe ANYTHING to blacks for what happened over 150 years ago. Further, while blacks certainly contributed to the economic growth of the United States, it was by far not the engine or backs it was built on. Go talk to the Irish and Chinese slaves that built buildings and railroads. Yes, in real numbers, both were less than blacks, but they DID exist - suggesting reparations are due only blacks is discrimination. It is not just for me to pay for something neither I, nor my family did. Nor is it just to pay someone for something they were not harmed by. Like destroying property because 'slavery' is retroactive vigilantism, reparations are retroactive virtue signaling. Neither are 'just'.
Delaware Police Fired After Being Caught Threatening to Kill N Words []
tracycoyle comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Well, good. I am for free speech but there are threats, and then there are the situations where those in authority need to be more mindful. I also happen to think that CONSEQUENCES are the natural result of actions and there is no right to be free of THEM!
Seattle leaders allow rioting while strictly enforcing parking and tax payments- ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Well, do you think they get paid....
Seattle autonomous zone sparks class action lawsuit from local businesses- []
tracycoyle comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Now that the threat to their businesses is ending (they had to be nice when they were alone), they can speak more openly. Gee...who would have thought that a 'free zone' would be such a threatening environment... Duh, everyone with a brain.
'Woke' white woman verbally assaults black police, claims officer with black wife 'could still be ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 25, 2020:
The persistent idea that only whites can be racist (yes, that's what she said) is wrong. Idiotically wrong. And even if it were it fails given the number of blacks in positions of political power in this country - specifically Democrat controlled urban areas. I don't care about 'total numbers'. Hell, we had a black President and two black Attorney Generals. According to the woman, being white = racist. Such bigotry, racism from such an ignorant child.
from my own experience.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 25, 2020:
I fully support more trade schools, technical schools and community colleges that support 'additional learning opportunities'. Too many kids are going to college, failing at worse, getting nothing out of it at best.
Maybe its because I'm a northerner, that I never liked the place, or the people, or the attitude etc
tracycoyle comments on Jun 25, 2020:
I visited there 2 years ago and had a wonderful time. Sorry, but the tubes fascinated me.
Many are adamant that higher education is worthless.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Depends on the goals of the student - career wise. In far fewer cases than current enrollment suggests, it is worthless.
We no longer live in a free country.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Sure we do - but the range of liberties is being eroded. For too long most of us abdicated our responsibilities as citizens to be 'normal'. ie just leave me alone to live my life as I choose.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 24, 2020:
The concept of 'community' is fairly important to most individualist type people, so I don't see the issue. Your last paragraph, to me, is a misunderstanding of the 'hyper individualism' generally understood to be of the Right. I don't think it is inherently adversarial. The statement '...rights end where my rights begin...' doesn't create an adversarial divide, it recognizes the limits of the individual looking outward. And I don't see the 'logic' as stated, at all. The nature of rights exists ON AN ISLAND with just one person: the ability to act based on ability, knowledge and resources.
Kira Davis: How do we cancel the cancel culture? []
tracycoyle comments on Jun 24, 2020:
Use it. I don't buy the idea that 'getting down in the gutter with them' is wrong. You don't fight evil by standing too high above it to reach it....
I am trying to figure out why so many get stuck in the Republican/Democrat rut.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 24, 2020:
I'd argue, after being mistaken for libertarian for the last decade + or so, that most people are NOT libertarian except in the most gross sense of the term. People WANT government safety nets and want to help those 'less fortunate' and to regulate those entities they think are too powerful. The majority are perfectly ok with giving up SOME liberty for SOME safety - despite the admonishments that doing so leads to less of both. They don't see it that way in their lives as they perceive them in the larger societal context. I do agree that the majority, the 60% in the middle between the 20% each to the Left and the Right extremes actually do not agree with much of the Republican or Democrat parties, considering both to be corrupt and compromised elites. But what choices do they have? The Libertarian Party is a joke - truly laughable. The 1 or 2 percent that are true believers scare the middle. Compromise and middle grounds are not what get the true believers out and donating money. And its those people that fund the politics.
The LGBT across social media is the devil.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 23, 2020:
I joined Twitter near the beginning and used it daily, hourly....for more than a year - and I was a BITCH to people that tried to mob others. Eventually - and yes, I got tons of hate - I just got tired of it. It didn't run me down emotionally, I love a shitstorm!, but it was just the same stuff over and over. You could point to the sky and say BLUE and there would be a dozen arguments over the nature of looking was stupid. I went back a couple years laters, saw the same stuff going on but MORE of it. Now, I drop in occasionally but most of my 'friends' who have tens of thousands of followers don't even interact, just post and is SOCIAL media....millions of people talking, no one listening. You are better off - btw, all my personal information is public, I am pretty 'bully' proof. I've been that way from 1995 when I got on the web. As to the trans community - it IS toxic as it is being represented and pushed by the Left Activists - and yes, it is FULLY AND COMPLETELY an artifact of the Left/Progressive/SJW/Woke drone mentality. The transactivists are DESTROYING the transgendered people in the eyes of the general population. People like Arielle who see what is happening and have a platform need the support and encouragement of those of us on the ground with her/them. You're welcome in my place - virtual or otherwise - anytime. San Diego is warmer and drier!
One of the Best Takes on Tolkien: Why Frodo Couldn't Destroy the One Ring []
tracycoyle comments on Jun 23, 2020:
At 8:10 he brnigs up something that I try to get across to people all the time with my first rule - doing what is right/moral when no one is watching. I don't spend time delving deep into the philosophies or details of any story - I want two things: capture my imagination, tell me a story. I have been burned (educationally) with the desire to deconstruction writing ad infinitum to the point of all but ignoring any delving into a work - however, I do like this video and others like it for 'another take'.
Cancel culture is glorified cyberbullying, and it will end in tragedy- []
tracycoyle comments on Jun 23, 2020:
Bullying inflicts emotional damage, cancel culture goes for the throat and inflicts emotional, financial, and psychological destruction. Don't minimize it.
Life, the universe and everything, it’s strange to think that in the vastness of the universe that...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 22, 2020:
There are always humanitarian crisis' to cry about. Many of them are not acts of God, but acts of men. I prefer to help individuals rather than events.
Here is an article from Forbes that argues that capitalism is supremely moral.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 22, 2020:
Generally speaking, goods are not aware of the characteristics of the people using them - unless directly related to their operation. Therefore, the SALE of such would be equally agnostic. Steak doesn't care about anything other than the grill it cooks on!
If gays make you puke you shouldn't deep throat so much.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 21, 2020:
a Scripture somewhat paraphrased: it is what comes out of your mouth that is important, not what goes in. :)
Worth noting
tracycoyle comments on Jun 21, 2020:
For the leadership, it is not ignorance of the past, it is hatred of it.
Watch out if you post on Facebook, there are tag groups calling to get people fired
tracycoyle comments on Jun 21, 2020:
I am pretty much 'blame' or 'bullied' proof; certainly 'blackmail' proof. So I take advantage of it and state principles and positions that are strongly hated by the fascists (antifa, BLM, Democrats...)
Well... this was disturbing. [] (Why I Left The Furry Community)
tracycoyle comments on Jun 21, 2020:
The smaller, relatively, the community, the greater the chance it is 'owned' by the fringe of it.
It is unfortunate that Tulsi Gabbard didn't win the Democratic presidential nomination.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 21, 2020:
Despite being on the Right, I kinda liked her - she certainly would have been competitive in the National.
VA: Alexandria set to create gun free zones, undermine right to carry- []
tracycoyle comments on Jun 21, 2020:
That of course means the LAW ABIDING citizens will be disarmed for the LAW BREAKING criminals to take advantage of.... Gawd the Democrats are least in the direction they fall...
After protestors topple two statues in North Carolina, the Governor orders others removed for ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 21, 2020:
How convenient. Instead of PUNISHING people...
Can true conservatism and true classical liberalism exist within the same person? Why or why not?
tracycoyle comments on Jun 20, 2020:
Libertarians occasionally argue they are the inheritors of the Classical Liberals - but I would disagree. At least as they are formulated with regard to a political ideology. There are lots of similarities but it comes down to the role of government. The Classical Liberal sees it as necessary for the protection of individual rights, the Classical Conservative sees it as required to maintain SOCIETY, and the Libertarian hates it. Over-simplification maybe, but no incorrect. Note there is no where in this that the current Liberal resides...which is as the Society organized by the State. The individual is despised by them.
We who love our western culture are in serious trouble today.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 20, 2020:
I don't think it is beyond repair, but those actively destroying it need to be hammered into the ground without mercy. THEN we can work on the repairs. Choices have consequences. Or should.
This is a re-post of an essay on MEDIUM which probably won't survive.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 20, 2020:
I want to address only one point but first to say I saw the letter as it was originally published and supported it's points. > We need to come as children to the problem of why Asian-Americans and Jewish-Americans do better than European-Americans on every single social achievement scale from income to education to lack of negative things like crime and punishment. Why? The answer is both simple and obvious: a commitment to education in the family by the parents. That is why the destruction of the education system is heinous. It destroys the opportunities to get ahead in a competitive world. Even students in bad schools do well when supported at home. Maybe not as well as students in good schools with family commitment - but certainly miles above those they attend school with. Note: I was raised in the Chicago School System in the 60s and 70s. Went to college in Chicago in the 80s.
The Supreme Court will not defend the Second Amendment... []
tracycoyle comments on Jun 20, 2020:
I am not certain the SCOTUS will defend the CONSTITUTION AT ALL at this point.
Are white people subject to microaggressions?
tracycoyle comments on Jun 20, 2020:
No. Neither are anyone else.
I wish the President would do something about CHOP.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 20, 2020:
Federalism. Insurrection. Those are the two points relevant to the situation. First, it is not the President's, nor the Federal Government's responsibility to do anything - nor generally do they have the AUTHORITY to do anything. And while it certainly does look to be an insurrection - the size of it is not a threat to any government entity, not the US, not the State of Washington, not even to Seattle - so proportion is a factor. Now, the media is covering for CHOP so I don't know if there is any demand from the locals for FED intervention, so without local support, I think the President would be doing more to satisfy the non-local base that actually resolving a problem worthy of FED intervention.
Stepmom of officer who shot Rayshard Brooks fired from her job- []
tracycoyle comments on Jun 20, 2020:
Cancel culture is fascism.
Atlanta police shooting .......Justified?? []
tracycoyle comments on Jun 20, 2020:
Amazon's Second Age of Middle Earth Series They released a teaser image and I'm not impressed.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 19, 2020:
I don't know who is working on it, so I could be wrong. But I'd wager there are too many places where cannon leaves gaps open to interpretation and THAT is where things will go wrong.
Calling all women, trans people, and feminists.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 19, 2020:
Men are men, women are women. Males are males, females are females. Now, you want to qualify those that don't fit those categories nicely, add qualifiers. But you don't change the root. You don't need to 'qualify' the root.
The Lady Galadriel: Effortless Feminism (Part One) Mark Hamill described Carrie Fisher's ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 19, 2020:
Self awareness is the best of all strengths. A strong woman written by a man - strength too.
In order to determine a true Tolkien fan from the casual fan, please weigh in on a pressing question...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 19, 2020:
Like Raven, it's been decades (4?) since I read the books, and while the story line is never lost to me, details can be. I remember the Balrog as a demon and they ALL have wings of a sort...
Tom Cotton: If John Roberts wants to write laws, he should resign and run for office- ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 18, 2020:
Shame Roberts didn't learn anything from Scalia when they were together....
What views can get someone kicked off Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc?
tracycoyle comments on Jun 18, 2020:
I think that banning is not necessary. I think reasonable people (from all points of view) can see when someone is JUST abusive. I've never blocked someone or booted someone on FB or Twitter. Even when we VERY STRONGLY DISAGREED. I however have been blocked on both and been FB jailed a few times. Nothing significant. So, let the community police. But that means when someone IS abusive in some way, we as part of the community MUST address it.
Not sure how to articulate what I want to communicate, but seeing trans related posts from JK ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 18, 2020:
I agree. I started transition in the 80's. That first year was HELL. A truly STEEP learning curve. Don't wish it on anyone, but think it's necessary step in life. I agree also on 'trans-ition', being a temporary state. I call myself a woman. Not a transwoman. Not a transgender. I don't even like noting I am 'post-op' but do so in discussions like this to clarify.
Should women be able to vote?
tracycoyle comments on Jun 18, 2020:
Given the attitude of many women, I'd gladly give up MY right to vote if it happened to all women. Then I remember it was MEN that gave women the right to vote and I realize stupidity doesn't have a gender/sex. So, I'll keep my vote and keep letting women vote, hoping that the bell curve is distributed.....normally.
What is your mental image when you hear the term "Transwoman"?
tracycoyle comments on Jun 18, 2020:
I was born a male, and I will die a male - until they have a way to change my genetic structure. I have lived as a woman for more than 32 years. I have been 'congruent' for 27 of them. In other words, I started my transition at 29, had SRS/GRS at 34 and been comfortable in my own skin for that long. I never considered suicide, before or after. I had no homosexual interactions prior to surgery - BTW, those two things were considered DISQUALIFICATIONS for surgery back in the 80s. I have many sexual interactions with men and women AFTER GRS, happily and without hysterics. How I have been perceived, both in the mirror and in public is part of that congruency. FOR THE MOMENT, it is considered a mental disorder - the medical community assumption that something went wrong in the brain is probably correct. As we can not 'fix' the error in the brain (hormonal conditioning), we allow those that have clearly defined gender identity disorder to 'fix' the error by changing the body. Also, those hormones affect our brain chemistry in what for most people is a REALLY good way, we start to feel normal - as we understand it. I doubt ANYONE without GID understands the issue. And saying 'a woman/man trapped in a man's/woman's body' is so far from the reality yet maybe the only useful way to explain it. We are not trying to change reality, we are trying, desperately, to adapt to it. We were born with a defect. You can't see it, but we can see and feel it every day of our lives. Transgender encompasses a broad range of conditions/issues. MANY have little to do with GID. It is a reason I consider myself transsexual, not transgender. For most transsexuals (MTF, FTM), we just want to be 'normal' for the normal definitions of woman and man. For many transgenders, that binary choice/behavior is NOT what they want/desire/need. That distinguishes them from 'us'. Trans-activists are doing, have done, significant damage to the transsexual community - we were slowly gaining acceptance, much of that has been destroyed because of some desire to change society to conform to a fraction of it - this is a typical Leftist type approach to political change and it uses and abuses those it purports to be helping. I reject their "help". My brain format and my body were not congruent. After years of work and effort and medical support, I gained that congruency that 99% of the population not only takes for granted, but is unaware any such issue is possible.
Considering today's total craziness of the world, I believe that only "cloud-type" ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 15, 2020:
Zoom groups, meetups, or more like Github, or LinkedIn? Or individuals/businesses that act a full vertical (co-work consultant types)?
The corporate media is now controlled by the radical left- []
tracycoyle comments on Jun 11, 2020:
Poetry Foundation President and board member resign after criticism over lack of racism response- ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 11, 2020:
So, no longer is 'silence' acceptable. You must swear allegiance to the dominant narrative, or else.
Even though the show’s creator admitted to working hard to dispel stereotypes of criminals (by ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 11, 2020:
Reacting positively to the mob NEVER ends well.
"Many Americans, especially among the young, view the history of the European exploration, the ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 11, 2020:
Because in most cases they've been taught to be ashamed of it. My parents came to this country to give their FUTURE children the opportunities they would not have 'at home'. They raised 6 American (no hyphen) children. I respect the hell out of anyone that makes that kind of move LEGALLY. And the idea that people did it 400 years ago, into a truly primative environment...that awes me. To think they should be shamed, enrages me.
Arielle help, i dont know what to say to my friends to wake them up.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 10, 2020:
If I may offer a different approach than 'moral' arguments. Individual right/liberty. Under 18 is not an adult. They can NOT consent - even the really, REALLY, mature ones. But, the individual right to their pursuit of happiness is inalienable. What happens between two consenting adults is a function of their individual liberty/right. Government (even society) has no business getting in between them. I don't have to claim a moral position, a religious position, hell, even a medical position. Individual liberty/right defines MY acceptance or opposition to a behavior. Two 15 yr olds are going to experiment - and to an extent, depending on the genders and what they are going to experiment about - let them. That does NOT mean that a 20yr old can 'experiment' with a 15 yr old. And I really hope those 15 yr olds have responsible parents backing them up. And no, a 15 yr old boy/girl should not be arrested and charged as a rapist (if the 15 yr old girl/boy was a willing participant). Note I said willing participant, not a consenting partner. This example (and the almost infinite variations) needs intelligent, compassionate, adults. It does not need a rigid legal system. But there is no right, period, that gives an adult sexual access to a child. I don't care what their reasoning is. Those that want to change the age of maturity can bring it up with God. I'll stand by 18 (knowing that few people are actually fully mature before 28-30).
Re: 'Pedophiles are Infiltrating the LGBT movement' "Anything goes" clearly doesn't apply to ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 10, 2020:
The problem today is that 'condemning' anything is "problematic" unless it is happening on the Right. No one on the Left wants to condemn anyone/anything of the Left - it awakens the mob. So, people that speak up have to be fairly confident that the attacks that will come will be toothless. I can't be 'cancelled'. I can't be fired. Doxing doesn't work because all my info is already available out there and 'blackmail' is nothing but a joke to me. My friends and family would be 'meh' is someone tried to point to me and shriek like Donald Sutterland. That said - step up, stand out, speak. It is necessary. I do agree with your list.
Hi Arielle! Please consider making a response video to this: [youtube.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 10, 2020:
I saw the video. Gawd I hate trans-activists.
Scarcella, why do you like tweets that spread unsubstantiated conspiracy theories?
tracycoyle comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Fauci has been wrong so often in the last 5 months that listening to the 'most prominent US health expert' is like listening to Baghdad Bob. If someone said 2 weeks ago that the anti-lockdown protests were dangerous, but the current spat are more important - then yes, they LIED about the risks.
Wow.... 4 hours?
tracycoyle comments on Jun 1, 2020:
Commented there. But I've never had a partner (male or female) that was willing to spend that kind of time. Which is too bad, because I can go hours. Sorry, my jaw couldn't handle 4 HOURS straight (ahem).
Arielle, I just saw one of your tweets saying that "People fact check the right becauaw the right is...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 1, 2020:
I am going to jump in because I am of the 'far right' by general consensus of those on the Left. I'm a classical liberal. That means I am first and foremost about individual liberty. Individual rights. Not group rights, not identity rights. Individual rights. The Left has abandoned that position in favor of group/identity rights. The individual is 'a construct' according to academic Leftists. It is a Marxist concept. As a general rule, look to see if a person is espousing an individual right or if they are demanding that others conform to their beliefs/emotional state/ideas. I can't make you think like I do - to even suggest or attempt it (via shaming, canceling, ostracizing or "raging") violates the entire principle of individual rights. In other words, someone can't make me change because my words or lifestyle hurts their feelings, or makes them feel 'unsafe' or 'oppressed'. I have often said that the Right (at least the classical liberal portion of it) is the natural home for the LGBT community - individual rights (sorry) trump societal demands. I recommend On Liberty by John Stuart Mill.
Hey Arielle.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 1, 2020:
I tried to transition at 26 and 'failed' mainly because I didn't think I had sufficient "support". Three years later I realized that the support I needed most, was me and I could live with my choices even if it was only me that ended up on my side.
You should see if you can talk to cal fox, he has a fascinating de/transition story.
tracycoyle comments on May 24, 2020:
Thanks for the video. It highlights my concerns with people transitioning (regardless of age) especially without the involvement of a good therapist.
So, is fat phobia only an issue if the recipient is a leftist, or a woman.
tracycoyle comments on May 24, 2020:
It's because he is a Republican politician. I am, by medical definition, morbidly obese. Though I do not show it, I am, now just under 300 from a high of 394 and I was 362 when I started the current effort. I carry my weight better than most. I walk 3mi/day amongst other exercises. I don't get much in the way of ANY type of crap from people. I've been told I have a look that can kill - and that I use it liberally. That said, fat-shamming is ignorance. Ok, ALL shamming is ignorance. And when I see it/hear it, I tend to IGNORE that person's future commentary. I can't stand stupid and the most common form of stupidity is willful ignorance.
Anyone else think we shouldn’t give race information for the US census?
tracycoyle comments on May 15, 2020:
Here is the deal IMO: the gov is asking, so it will use the data. Further, the likelihood is that minorities will actually put the information in, while Caucasians may NOT. Thereby indicating to the government - and all the organizations that use the gov info - will see a larger percentage of minorities than actual exist.
100,000 businesses have permanently collapsed under pandemic lockdowns- [thefederalist.
tracycoyle comments on May 15, 2020:
I saw a # a couple of weeks ago that put 7.5 million businesses at risk. I'd be inclined to go with the larger number and I'd count places like Lord & Taylor not as a single business but 57(?) such because of the local effect each shutdown has.
Trump needs to recruit a medical 'red team' to challenge lockdown manic governors- ...
tracycoyle comments on May 14, 2020:
I will note that Trump does have the power to bring actions against Governors that he believes have exceeded their Constitutional authority...which I believe ALL of them that have instituted lockdowns longer than 30 days have
'Future Shock' is a documentary film based on the book written in 1970 by sociologist and futurist ...
tracycoyle comments on May 14, 2020:
One would wish they retained the old ways with regard to prophets: stoning them when they proved wrong of even the smallest prophecy.
Trump needs to recruit a medical 'red team' to challenge lockdown manic governors- ...
tracycoyle comments on May 14, 2020:
As Tim suggests, the States are sovereign. Trump administers the Federal Government, NOT the individual States.
American news.
tracycoyle comments on May 13, 2020:
To be honest, that has been true of politicians for decades....if not centuries!
That feeling when everybody is going ballistic over few unusual Sun-farts but you're pretty cool ...
tracycoyle comments on May 13, 2020:
Debate strategy? Interesting take.
Does anyone else genuinely miss dangerous conversation?
tracycoyle comments on May 13, 2020:
Interesting that you use 'dangerous' in the question, but then seek to avoid 'offense' as the qualifier. I would assume that dangerous reeks of offensive opportunities. Otherwise, why wouldn't it be dangerous? I appreciate people with strong opinions - ESPECIALLY if they disagree with me! I love a good debate/argument. But I NEVER take it personally - nor do I intend it as such. My partner of 18+ yrs was a radical Leftist, I'm a serious Classical Liberal (ie of the Right). Many people couldn't figure out how we lived together - respect. And THAT is the foundation of good, dangerous conversations - respect for the other.
So this is something ive been sitting on for awhile and I've yet to see anyone cover it, my ...
tracycoyle comments on May 11, 2020:
I heard people (ok, men) directly say they are 'male lesbians' in the context of supporting feminism. I find the concept silly - at best, dishonest at worst. People that transition later in life don't usually give up those communities - the communities ostracize or shun them. Confirmation bias demands that communities are self affirming and transition pretty much calls that into question (across the board). So, my position is that as humans we are not confined by our biology and that includes the inherent sexual preferences. Step away from what others or society deems appropriate or acceptable. Find what you are comfortable with in your own skin (seems you have at least partially), then BE that. If someone asks, tell them as YOU understand yourself, not in the context or terms of a 'standardized version'. If someone says 'I'm still confused!', then laugh and say "how do you think I FELT, until I just accepted me for who I am" which is a challenge to them to do the same. Good people will accept that, and you. Who cares about the rest? Sounds like you are basically happy - it's a nice place to be. Don't overthink it!
The tidal forces of the planets could have other effects on the Sun in addition to their role as ...
tracycoyle comments on May 11, 2020:
Tidal forces, ie gravity, is too weak to have an impact - however, electro-magnative forces between the planets and sun DOES. Maybe a look at the plasma universe would be enlightening....
Hi Arielle, I want to give you something.
tracycoyle comments on May 11, 2020:
Interesting in that I say that post-surgery (SRS) I attained congruency - physical. Transition had allowed me to gain emotional congruency while learning about myself from the point I knew I was TS to transition was about intellectual congruency. I commented on Medium, but I'll add this here: ***ANY*** attempt at social engineering is a violation of individual rights. (Let THAT stew for a while!)
Hello everyone, its the leftie of the community here! I just got done watching Contra's new video...
tracycoyle comments on May 11, 2020:
I knew that she had a debate video with Blair, that I didn't watch, so this is the first time I saw any of her video (and I did jump to the 43;00 point then til the end). I WANTED to be....contra.... to her, but she DID make some good points. I've been following Blair (what is with the Vanessa thing?) for a couple of years but I don't watch all of her videos (none of the Jessica Yaniv ones in particular) because I am just not interested in a lot of that content - from Blair or anyone. I will probably go watch a couple of Contra's videos just to get a better idea of her. I will say this about 'transtrenders': I think they have been a problem, ARE a problem for the community at large, not because they give the transgender community a bad name but because they are bad for the greater society. They present a view that is not helpful to people desperate for information and understanding. My biggest problem with Riley was her POV - leftist ideology - rather than her appearance....which I was letting influence me too much.. I understood that I had the same opinion, and ultimately failure, of Riley. And it made me more aware of the fact that while I was not engaged in any effort to discredit, I agreed with such efforts. Oh, and I don't care what others think about me so, zero cringe, TODAY. Lots of cringe about myself in the past - but about things I did, rather than who I was. We grow. Hopefully. Thanks for the video post/link.
Democrat Law Professor Blasts Obama For False Statements About DOJ Dismissing Flynn Case.
tracycoyle comments on May 11, 2020:
Obama: Constitutional scholar!! Riiiiiight....
Came here after your most recent video.
tracycoyle comments on May 11, 2020:
Figuring out where on the spectrum of gender you fit, rather than questioning your gender specifically, right?
That was a great interview.
tracycoyle comments on May 11, 2020:
Presentation is important for people focused on appearances - and lets acknowledge that is most people - rather than WHO a person is. Those of us outside 'norms' tend to spend more time thinking through the hows and whys of relationships and usually, usually, act better towards others because of it. Individualism tends to promote acceptance of a diversity of people better than identity-tribalism. I will be the first to admit that tribalism is significant on the Right too but often less about appearances than behavior.
Hey Arielle :) I really have been loving a lot of the stuff you've been doing recently by really ...
tracycoyle comments on May 9, 2020:
Although directed at Arielle, I'll jump in too. I think sex+ is a good thing. There is too much neo-Victorian craziness going on. I think that animals have to be treated 'humanly' but they have no rights. This falls under the heading of 'responsibility'. Adults understand responsibilities and the obligations associated with them - if you have an animal, you have responsibilities and obligations, but they have no rights.
Hello! Abstract: I just totally approve of your video I watched today, about Trans kids being ...
tracycoyle comments on May 9, 2020:
I support your POV, but respectfully disagree on the age. If we state (and we do legally and socially) that a person 18 and older is 'an adult' for all purposes, then their choice what to do with their body is their's to make. While there may be sound reasoning to put an age restriction in place, AT WORST, it would be 21. I transitioned at 29, the 2nd attempt. I tried 3 years earlier but couldn't put together a sound support mechanism to make it work. But I PLANNED on transition from the time I was 14. At 13, I found the term "transsexual" in a dream and looked it up the next day and that was my AH HA!!!! moment. This was 1972. Not a lot of info available back then. And I also think brains are not really done until the late 20s but that is purely IMO.
Hi Arielle I’ve been watching your videos for the past week and I feel like you’ve voiced ...
tracycoyle comments on May 9, 2020:
We are male and female. We have innate sexual preferences. Then we build ourselves, day by day, experience by experience. And it takes time and effort. If we are otherwise healthy, that process results in an individual that can live within the society they grew in. But when we are not healthy (in body or spirit), then the process gets corrupted and it becomes difficult to understand where we fit into that society. I like that you got healthy and THEN understood who/what you were/are. Therapists seem to have forgotten or never understood this process and they are doing damage to people. I DO think there are NB people, but they are EXTREMELY rare - the rest are still working it out and trying to fit in without yet knowing.
I'm curious about something.
tracycoyle comments on May 9, 2020:
I would argue that level of self-harm is NOT helped by transition (especially in a child) and needs help to address issues more serious than GID. Even if I concede such an extreme example MIGHT exist, it's rarity would not, should not, inform general approaches to GID in kids.
Do you think that homosexual women should identify as lesbians even if they are biromantic or ...
tracycoyle comments on May 9, 2020:
I think sexual preference is innate. Therefore, while you might be able/willing to consider someone of the same (or opposite depending on your innate preference) due to emotional connections, your innate preference is unchanged. Let me confuse the issue further - I consider myself straight. I prefer men. However, I'm post-op transsexual which means to the average person, preferring men is a gay preference. Neither I nor my partners would agree with that. AND I was in a relationship (18+ years) with a woman while post-op. I am NOT an animal constrained by my biology to adhere to nature's demand for procreation. I am a reasoning human being capable of ignoring both the biology AND the sociological demands to conform so that I can be both body, mind and soul congruent by MY definition of self.
If anyone wants the best solution to the world today, just check my revised Profile.
tracycoyle comments on May 9, 2020:
A note on population size: in most big cities around the world (and parts of Chicago and NYC here in the States), there are areas with a population density of 25,000/sq mile. Using that density, the ENTIRE population of the planet would fit into the State of Texas. Of course, that would make many things less polluting - but also more difficult to work around. Our planet's carrying capacity is unknown - many of the projections made 40 years ago have not even come close to happening despite a population twice the 'danger limit'.


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