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Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Mar 9, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
In 1980 I developed a 'tic' around my left eye. I was in the military and they called it 'stress'. In 1982, after I'd been out of the military for a year, that tic turned into a full on grand mal seizure. I had three over the next two days. I was...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 9, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I would argue that having riots in 100 cities suggests the government isn't working for some people. I would argue that having an UNARMED armed insurrection in DC suggests the government isn't working for some people. Amazing that Pelosi wants ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 8, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I'd wager the answer is yes, but for some reason I can't encompass the entirety of the debate in my head to answer for myself: Can affirmative action survive the demand for equity?
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 8, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
This is from Vox, not exactly a 'right-wing conspiracy site'... > May 29, 2020, 9:20am EDT > While working in Beijing last year, I regularly bought packs of N95 masks at my local 7-Eleven. Across the city, masks were a common accessory: In packed ...
Mar 8, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Bidet is not fulfilling the Democrat voter wishes, but he sure is filling the Democrat politicians wallet....oh, and he (and I want to stress I don't believe JOE Bidet is running anything), so, his Administration will continue to do what the Obama ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 8, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
If the House passes the changes the Senate made to the "covid" (blue state bailout) relief bill (9% going to voters, the rest to 'institutions), and Bidet signs it by Wednesday, the first checks might go out as early as Friday. Otherwise, next week ...
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Mar 8, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Faced with telling family about your transition? I enjoyed this book - covers most of the bases. A MtF story.
Mar 7, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Are we going to have to cancel "White Christmas"?
Mar 7, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
23. Iran: Has sworn to destroy Israel and do all it can to destroy the United States. I am willing to take them at their word and do whatever is possible to prevent them from obtaining a nuclear weapon, and I am for doing it as soon as possible.
50 Policies
Mar 7, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
22. Innovation: Is the lifeblood of our economic future. Rather than cut spending on research and development, we need to spend more. Basic research into biology and technology needs more funding. I am not suggesting government provide the funding,...
Mar 7, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Canceling books, speeches, ideas, philosophy is NEVER done by the good guys.
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Mar 7, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Thinking about transition - I was asked recently my suggestions to someone considering it: 1. It is hard, but get two weeks of fitting clothes appropriate for the environments you will be in - work, school, shopping, exercise, etc. This includes ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 7, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
In 1967 my father was told he could not adopt (from a Catholic charity) because HE could still father children despite my mother losing her uterus to a damaging pregnancy. He left the Catholic Church over the idea that he should create a bastard. ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 6, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
> Natasha Crain pointed to some fundamental flaws in a widely read piece by Russell Moore of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) of the Southern Baptist Convention: > > > “Similarly, Moore says that we all must acknowledge the ...
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Mar 6, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
This is a woman that if my friend, I'd have compassion for. But I would tell any man I know to avoid like the plague: (her father just died from covid related causes, she is 29) > I feel a physical pain like I am being ripped in half. Very ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 6, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Are they going to cancel Betty? After all, she is White.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 6, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Weekend at Bidet's: Not just for the movies!
Mar 6, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The current debates around transsexualism is creating serious problems going forward and I blame BOTH sides....
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Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Mar 6, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
There is plenty of argument from a segment of the TG community about gender being a construct. I have seen people here (not in this group) talk about how gender is a social system that is 'imposed' upon people. In other words, a MtF or FtM is ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 4, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Projection is not always (implicitly) a bad thing. Take for instance the idea that if someone sets a rule and you think it is just you will follow the rule and the spirit of the thing - and you will assume everyone you know will do the same thing. ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 4, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
A favorite saying of mine: How many conservationists does it take to change a light bulb? CHANGE???
1 comment
Mar 3, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Filed my taxes today. Will get back $25 from the Feds, nothing owed/returned from CA. But! I do have over $9k in net loss carryover .... so, that's something to look forward to!
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 3, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Get out of jail free cards. Available at your nearby liberal arts private college for 50k. Available in female, non-binary or minority allocations.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 3, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Biden has failed to address Congress as has been done by every President for the last 30 years. Biden has failed to hold ONE press conference so far. The 'lid' is getting to look more like the curtain in Oz....
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 3, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
This is how I deal with it: Written: 24. Have you ever been convicted of a felon? Answer: No. Oral: Have you ever been convicted of a felon? Answer: I've never been caught. Never even been arrested. Timing is everything....
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 3, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I never considered the skin color of the person I was dealing with. People were people and I took them as they were. We engaged, in many cases became friends, because they were GOOD people. Not black people, or brown people, or white people. I ...
1 comment
Mar 3, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
A Youtuber asked the question and I don't have a good answer....maybe you do > March is Womxn's History Month Can you help me PRONOUNCE womxn?
Mar 3, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Hey, I remember back in the 90's how the media was all happy about the 2 for 1 the country would get with Hillary helping Bill!! So, why not play up all the help Jill Bidet is providing Joe!
Mar 3, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
> "'We have not, to date, seen any evidence of anarchist violence extremists or people subscribing to Antifa in connection to the 6th,' Wray told the Senate on Tuesday Maybe he should look at the arrest records before commenting...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 3, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
A year ago (my how times were a changin'): > “We want New Yorkers to go about their everyday lives — use the subway, take the bus, etc.,” city Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot said, explaining that COVID-19 “is not an illness that can ...
1 comment
Mar 3, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
John Brennan is sorry he is a white male. Well, he could always come out trans - gender and racial....and then he could claim his privilege all over again....
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 3, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
So, let me comment on this: > MSNBC’s Ali Velshi says racism defines America. Does that mean that places like NYC and LA and Chicago are major racist hellholes because of their massive populations? OR, does it mean that only places like Des ...
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Mar 2, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
> Trans- (prefix): From the Latin meaning "across, over, or beyond." Medical terms containing "trans- " as a prefix include transcription, transfusion, transplant, transsexual, transurethral, transvaginal etc. It also adds 'transvestism' in that, ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 2, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Two things: 1. Don't go overboard to try and make transsexuals feel welcome. 2. Don't dismiss us because Liberals are going all woke and shit to try and bend over backwards to accommodate activists. Balance....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 2, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Conservatives were pleasantly surprised by Trump over his policies and accomplishments. Too bad Liberal's surprise is likely just the opposite...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 1, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Seen at the Bookworm Room: > If you want to understand why we won't give an inch on gun 'control', we are ONE YEAR into 30 days to flatten the curve. And if you complain it is because people aren't following the rules....then you'll understand why ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 1, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
So, if Covid deaths are so bad.... > Each year between 2009 and 2013, about 660,000 people in the U.S. were diagnosed with, and about 343,000 people died from, a cancer related to tobacco use, according to a new report by CDC. Three in ten cancer ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Mar 1, 2021Mar 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Honest question: is there ANYONE that truly believes Joe Biden is running the Federal Government??
1 comment
Feb 28, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Proof that elections matter and that just getting elected does not prove you have any more brains than a pretty rock: > La Mesa, California Trustee Charda Bell-Fontenot told fellow board members that in-person school learning is “a very white ...
1 comment
Feb 28, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
MY position: I do NOT support cross sex hormones or surgical options for minors. Those under 18. Blockers I am supportive of...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 28, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Bill Quick noted a typo, thing for think. He noted he makes the same error. He asked if others did so. Yep, I do it. Usually thing for think, but almost never think for thing. You?
Feb 28, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
My daughter and I are discussing hate. I said ALL hate comes from fear. She asked, where fear comes in because we are not born afraid. This was my next response: > I believe fear starts with a child's first nightmare - and ALL children have ...
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Feb 27, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Rand Paul to Rachel Levine: > "Do you support the government’s intervening to override the parent’s consent to give a child puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and/or amputation surgery of breasts and genitalia?" My response: No, yes, yes....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 27, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Equity: punishing success, rewarding failure
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 27, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
DOUBLE DOUBLE STANDARDS: > From "Biden Won’t Penalize Saudi Crown Prince Over Khashoggi’s Killing, Fearing Relations Breach/The decision will disappoint the human rights community and members of his own party who complained during the Trump ...
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Feb 27, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
A friend published a series of books that were very enjoyable for me. One, he is unabashedly Catholic - and made me at least think about reconsidering Catholicism again. Two, he is strongly traditionalist. Finally, he believes individual rights are...
Feb 22, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
A VERY liberal friend called late Saturday to ask me about the Cruz fiasco. I said it was diverting attention from Cuomo. She didn't know what I was talking about. I can't say she represents liberals. But....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 22, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Anyone want to join me in having a pool for when the 25th will be invoked against Bidet? I said within his first 100, I'll stick with May 1st.
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Feb 22, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I don't generally go looking for non-fiction books on transsexuals. But there has been a little upset over Amazon removing a book (apparently it came out 2 years ago) because it points out detransitioners as examples of why medical intervention for ...
Western Political Centrism
Feb 22, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
File a suit before the election, and it is not ripe. File a suit after the election, and it is moot. These are not court rulings, they are dodges by people avoiding their job...
Feb 21, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I refuse to function in this society by looking FIRST to the color of someone's skin and treating them differently based on that observation....
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 21, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I meant to comment on a post by....@Naomi or @Hanno ?? concerning common sense but got distracted with ....sleep? This was/is my definition: > Common sense is the ability to observe, understand, articulate, replicate and apply successful activities...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 21, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
If it means: 1. Adding 2 plus 2 and getting 4; 2. Writing with correct spelling and grammar; 3. Reading English literature; 4. Respecting my elders and authority; 5. Knowing the history of this Country (the good and the bad), and HUMAN history; ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 19, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The only 'group identity' allowed is group think....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 19, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
It's not that I want to claim a white identity, it's that so many are labeling me as having such.
1 comment
Feb 18, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
21. Immigration: I am first born to immigrant parents. This Country is built on the blood, sweat and tears of millions of immigrants that came to this country for better, everything. The vast majority came legally. Those that didn't should not be ...
50 Policies
Feb 18, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
20. Homeless: We can't stop people from making bad mistakes that lead to homelessness. We can make it easier for people to get out of that state by focusing on why they are there and addressing those issues. Some, a small percentage are chronic cases...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 18, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
If a teacher's union refuses to go back to work: 1. Terminate teacher's pay; 2. Board up the schools; 3. Pay parents $10k to replace the education per kid or scrub mandatory joining of the unions and hire new teachers...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 18, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Doing the important work during a pandemic....providing support for those affected by the storms and cold... > 13 House Democrats co-sponsoring H.R. 484, the “No Glory for Hate Act of 2021” that bars former President Donald Trump from being ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 18, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
@TheMiddleWay and I have been having a discussion on experts and I thought I'd share something I found today.....Sorry to all the sufferers of the February heat wave....
1 comment
Feb 18, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Now, I am not speaking of direct experience, only based on stories, so, take of that as you will, but.... Want to get into selling drugs, they make you take the drugs to prove you are not a cop. Want to get into a gang, they have initiations that ...
Feb 18, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The more you look at it, the more 'financial considerations' are destroying the economics of capitalism. When a 'bean counter' kills innovation in the name of profit, you know you have a business in decline. And it is happening thousands of times ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 18, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
So, based on the number of cases and deaths in my county, I figure I have a .0006 chance of catching and dying of covid. With the death rate from the vaccine at .003, it makes it more risky to take the vaccine than continuing my actions over the ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 17, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Watching a White House Press Briefing is like watching a moron translate for an idiot to a bunch of clowns.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 17, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Don Boudreaux joins me in insanity: > The following conclusion is now firmly set in (what remains of) my mind: If humanity’s reaction to Covid-19 is sane and rational, then sometime in the past 11 months I’ve lost my mind and I am now ...
Feb 16, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Hmmmm..... Woke is the result of participation trophies....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 16, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I am officially stating that I have evidence of my insanity: Neighbor: "We have all these deaths because people won't wear a mask" Me: "There are almost no annual flu deaths this year." Neighbor: "Because everyone is wearing a mask" See, three ...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 16, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Back in the 80s, I held a season ticket for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. I attened 10 concerts. For several years I attended at least two concerts. Four years ago, my daughter gave me (for us) tickets to a New Year's Eve concert which we loved....
Science & Tech
Feb 16, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I have traveled across this country by car more than 20 times. I've traveled across this country by train ten times. I traveled across this country by air about 30 times. I like each, at appropriate times, for different reasons. But for some ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 15, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Trump lost. The Nov election should have ended him. It didn't. It should have raised the hopes of the Democrats. It didn't. They needed to go after him, to destroy his legacy. Impeachment, again, would do it. It didn't. Far from destroying ...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 15, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Hey Whoopi, when we expressed the same sentiment for the last 4 years, you found us evil.... > “Today is Presidents’ Day, and it’s been a long time coming for all of us here on ‘The View’ because we finally have a president in office who ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 14, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Reliance on wind energy...... > The Electric Reliability Council of Texas emphasized the need for people to reduce energy use… As temperatures dropped to near-record lows Sunday… “We are experiencing record-breaking electric demand due to the...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 14, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Ignorance is a universal trait. Just depends on the topic. Update: sorry, WILLFUL ignorance tends toward universality, but some work to avoid its taint.
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 14, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
If you want or need a chromosomal test to determine how you will treat someone (as a man or a woman) you're doing it wrong....
Feb 14, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Police 'killed' George Floyd so we ended up with months of riots and destruction. Police killed Ashley Babbitt so we end up indicting Donald Trump. I am not confused by the difference - it always depends on the value to political targeting....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 14, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
People wanted to prosecute two police officers for pushing down a protester. Those same people are ignoring a police officer that shot an unarmed woman. Is there any reason to pay ANY attention to "THOSE" people? Laws are only meant to be used ...
1 comment
Feb 13, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
How can mathematics possibly be racist? Like coffee, is there anything it can't do? > The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) recently encouraged teachers to register for training that encourages “ethnomathematics” and argues, among other ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 13, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
From Neo: > That five Republican senators managed to do just that is bad enough, but since there were actually seven Republican votes for conviction – Burr, Cassidy, Collins, Murkowski, Romney, Sasse, and Toomey – that means that two of them, ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 13, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
From Carol Roth: > Schrodinger's Douchebag: A guy who says offensive things and decides whether he was joking based on the reaction of people around him. Let me tell you - this is SO common that I'm surprised this wasn't defined decades ago - you ...
1 comment
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Feb 13, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Guys, somewhere around 4-7 YOU noticed you were 'one of the guys'. Is it so hard to believe that girls figure out they are 'one of the girls' at the same time? Then why is it so hard to believe that someone could realize they were 'one of the ...
General & Hellos
Feb 13, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Hey people....if you post a link, how about adding something about what MIGHT BE THERE....I hate spending time looking at a video I don't care about just because I don't know what it is I DON'T.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 12, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I post a lot, but if I posted EVERY time I started a post, you'd all be pissed at me for monopolizing the site. Fortunately, I check my sources, or at least the premise...which cuts down on a lot....really, a lot. Too much. Anyway, Andrea Mitchell...
Climate Crisis or No Climate Crisis
Feb 12, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I know most of you have noticed that we have had 10 years to fix climate change issues for the last 30 years before we would be burning up and snow and ice would be things of the past....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 12, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The truth(?): the creation of a program to be anti-something usually fails upon it's success. Or it should.... What happens to the Never-Trumpers?
Politics, Law & Policy
Feb 12, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
There is so little need (ahem..) for our military to defend our soil and our people that we have to think of new ways to use them.... > “There is no aspect of our agenda of the 21st century leadership where the women and men of the Defense ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 12, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Incoherency: Block travel to and from Florida due to covid AND allow illegals to cross into the US without covid testing. We used to speak of double standards, or even double think, is double idiot a thing?
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 12, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
If the vaccine is safe, why did the government protect the companies from any liability? For what? There are treatments with less risk than the vaccine itself - which does not provide immunity.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 12, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
From the NYT: > California, as the biggest state in the nation, and one where Democrats hold total control of the government, carries a special burden. If progressivism cannot work here, why should the country believe it can work anywhere else? > >...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 12, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Nathan Shranasky (via Paul at Powerline): > we need a Twitter Test challenging bottom-up cultural totalitarianism that is spreading throughout free societies. That test asks: In the democratic society in which you live, can you express your ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 12, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The idea that Trump will run in 2024 is what is driving the demand to 'impeach' him - to make sure he can't run AND WIN again. THAT is the concern. That he could win again. But really? He got 12 million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016, and...
1 comment
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Feb 12, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Re-reading some of my posts I can across something that I managed to put into a short statement: Normal does not mean acceptable. Acceptable does not mean normal. We see lots of examples of 'normal results' being unacceptable to a ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 12, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Anyone want to offer an explanation as to why this is in a UK publication and not in the front of the news here in the US? Or in Illinois? Maybe because their black? Maybe because Democrats rule there? And in IL? I recall a story about Flint ...
1 comment
Austrian Economics
Feb 12, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
From a post by Don Boudreaux on Cafe Hayek: > Eric Maskin on the proposal to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour. Asked by surveyors at Chicago’s Booth School of Business if “A federal minimum wage of $15 per hour ...
1 comment
Feb 11, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
India refuses to give blanket immunity to Pfizer for it's covid vaccine, so Pfizer withdrew from the country. Remember, all the vaccine companies have received such blanket immunities here in the US - so even if there is fault found with their ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 11, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Who says Twitter will be relevant in 2024? > Twitter confirms Trump’s ban is permanent, even if he runs again in 2024.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 11, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Note: if 2020 death stats show a jump in deaths over the previous 5 years or so of averages, it DOES NOT mean covid was the killer. If we find 2021 and 2022 deaths below those averages, we will note that covid hastened deaths already baked into ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 10, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
There is no right that exists that you can assert that violates MY rights. And I welcome examples to the contrary.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 10, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Can you think of someone that this might apply to in your life? I can. And do so acknowledge them. But the otherside would do well to do the our society, I find fewer on either side than we need. > I am well aware that it would be ...
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Feb 10, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Interestingly I have over the last year or so, on three or four occasions, considered masculinity. I can't imagine having it, or being male. It is truly, they are a different species!
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 9, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
There is someone here that posts anti-semitic tripe all the time - I generally ignore it. But I don't block him either. There are others, though too few in my opinion, that consistently put out liberal points of view. I DO engage with them and ...


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