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Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Feb 8, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Transgendered in the military: To those that joined, and then transitioned, I'm not so happy with you IF you knew going in that you were going to use military health care to pay for the transition. That is hiding a 'pre-existing condition'. In ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 8, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
They will blame Trump, but the lockdowns were done by State Governors. The damage done to students will be blamed on Trump, but local politicians and unions have worked together, to not work FOR the students. I can't help but see a mob with ...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 8, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Let's see: Trump: there is a secret cabal trying to effect the elections in November. Pelosi, the democrats and the Media: CONSPIRACY THEORY!!! Time Magazine: There was a secret cabal trying to effect the elections in November. Pelosi, the ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 8, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The LIE is strong with this one: > “We have Trump terrorists — and call them by their name — they are Trump terrorists. We have Trump terrorists that beat cops to death. We have cop killers in that crowd,” Scarborough said. “We have ...
Saving Western Civilisation
Feb 7, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Notice: that gun control legislation being considered - I will NOT abide by it. You can send the marshalls my way first.
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 6, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
What do you call it when one group is punished for even MENTIONING a word, not using it, just acknowledging it's existence while another group freely uses, abuses, and spouts the word extensively without ANY negative consequences, even to the point ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 6, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Following orders. It starts early, in our childhood, listening to and doing what our parents told us to do. Our individual choice making was conformed to the choices of parents. Soon, that was broadened to include other adults, our teachers. Our ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 5, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Trump turned the tables on the Democrats by releasing the transcript of the Ukraine phone call that put lie to their characterization of it. There is a story of a guy that was stopped by police at 1:30a as they were looking for a suspect to an armed...
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Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Feb 5, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
A good read: insight into the issues faced when someone into mid-life or later considers and enters into transition. Not a bad book to give to family or friends of someone that is transitioning later in life.
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Feb 5, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The ACLU Myth Busters..... Bait and switch - let's talk about sex, when the topic is gender....
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Feb 4, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
By the time I realized I wanted to be/should have been a girl, I also realized it would be BAD, REALLY, REALLY BAD to tell anyone. ANYONE. Including my parents. Although I figured my mom might have been sorta ok, she relied on my father heavily ...
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Feb 4, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Supply chain issues have been on my radar for the last 2 years (consulting work) and I have paid attention to the impact on them from the Wuhun virus via my local Walmarts where I do most of my shopping. Obviously the big hit in April last year took...
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Feb 4, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
19. Homeland Security: We have accepted the idea that a crime-fighting approach to national security is insufficient. We assumed that the large distances most threats had to cross to get to us would protect us from all but the largest foes. A man can...
50 Policies
Feb 4, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
18. Health Care: Is not a right. It is necessary for long life and while everyone wants long life, the cost needs to be a factor in his or her choice. If we continue to remove the cost considerations from individuals and place it in government ...
1 comment
Feb 4, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Bidet said he wasn't coming for our guns. Buttigieg said OH HELL YES WE ARE! Calling 100 million gun owners mentally dangerous would seem to be a first step.... not specifically
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 4, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The Dems should fear this - but like Vader, will do it anyway because THIS TIME it's different.... ....and that was only a movie.....
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Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Feb 4, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
This is the scariest, most dangerous thing I've seen for the trans community since Mexican hormones from back-of-the-magazine ads back in the 70s and 80s. After watching detransitioners talk about their 'experience' with self-identification, ...
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Feb 4, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Go ahead, dispute the points....
Feb 4, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Disparate outcomes as racial discrimination only count if the right people are affected.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 4, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I'm not willing to listen to, or pay any attention to, people that believed the Trump/Russian Collusion conspiracy theory tell me they need to make sure lying isn't allowed in the public sphere going forward....
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 4, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Bidet has been President for two weeks. Can anyone tell me what has done to encourage positive effects on the economy that he felt necessary to 'turnaround' the damage caused by Trump?
Science & Tech
Feb 2, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Follow the science! When a theory is so ingrained even direct evidence is ignored to continue to support it. Yea. You need to understand that scientists are as prone to religious fervor as philosophers.....
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 2, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Interesting. I just 'noticed' that I had 7 blogs out there. I've not posted on some for more than a decade. Some of them are still relevant, others, not so much. If I ever run for public office, I've left quite a 'paper' trail for the haters to ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 1, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I've often been accused of not liking someone because they threaten me in some way. Usually in the context of a difference of opinion. Not true. I like confrontation and I like to be challenged. I respect @TheMiddleWay a great deal for his ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 1, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
You will note that Wuhun Flu cures the Asian Flu..... Based on the number of cases of 'standard' flu being reported. I'd put this under the Science group, but since science is NOT the focal point of Wuhun Flu responses, I figure just leave it ...
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Feb 1, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Dems say Marjorie Greene should be banished from the House over her belief in conspiracy theories? My response: You first.
Feb 1, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
You know, I'd suggest that we culturally separate from those on the Left....but I hate the idea of 'shaming' people...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Feb 1, 2021Feb 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
About 6 months ago, I started getting SMS about a new drug that I could get cheap that would help me lose 2 pounds A DAY! Then it was 20 pounds a week! Then it was 40 pounds a week!! Today it was 82 pounds IN A DAY! Amputation never sounded like ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 31, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I wonder: Is it the people that scream the most that they care, actually the people that care the least? Or is that just a quip that sounds all philosophical but is not, really? I often have thoughts about perceptions of things and society around ...
Jan 31, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Stock shorting is a viable market response. There is nothing inherently wrong with it. It should not be considered or made illegal - that would be a negative for the market. However, like EVERYTHING else in life, even good things are bad when ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 30, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I oppose ANY secession talk amongst the States for the same reason I supported Lincoln's efforts to maintain the Nation.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 30, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
It appears the NYTs, in a court case, argues that because Project Veritas uses unnamed sources, it's reporting is suspect. Oh, the irony...
Jan 30, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Our politicians LIVE behind walls and gates and are out of touch with the community they live in. Now they want to build walls and gates around the places they work. Want to be how out of touch they are/will be then?
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 30, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I have a question about Universal Basic Income: how come those proposing it never propose the equivalent of $15/hr? Isn't that their 'basic requirement'?
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 30, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I don't HATE any ONE. I don't hate ANY person. I don't understand anyone that does. I get there are bad people, and when one of them does something bad to you, you 'hate' that person. But I don't. I've had some bad things done to me, but I ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 30, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I can't see a whole lot of difference between the people always screaming 'Jew' and those that scream 'white supremacist'. Or for that matter 'patriarchy' Why is it that people want to always group 'evil others' when things don't go the way THEY ...
Jan 30, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I called GameStop a blackswan event earlier this week. Maybe I chose the wrong focal point in the correct event....maybe Robinhood is the focal point....
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 30, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
When the fear of what others think of you is so great, it borders on narcissism.
Jan 29, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Back in the 80s I worked a futures trading desk where I learned that that cash market and the futures market were NOT intrinsically tied together. Despite rational thought. But there were some maxims that were common knowledge - as pointed out by ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 29, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Clinesmith vs Flynn When the justice system is THIS corrupt - it is unworthy of the appellation.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 29, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The Democrats have moved so far away from their foundations, that even with a telescope they couldn't find their way back.... > We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and ...
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Jan 28, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Is it ever what it seems? > But let’s be clear: We’re told that the Proud Boys are a white supremacist group. Now we’re also told that they were led by a black, hispanic guy who was actually a government agent? >
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 28, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
NASDAQ to limit trading on stocks that are the focus of social media? OH, THAT IS GREAT!! Talk about being able to disrupt the markets! Troll level: expert.....trending towards genius.
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 28, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
GameStop: The Mainstreet vs WallStreet battleground. Gains and losses are being racked up all around - I don't think GameStop is happy being the object....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 28, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The simplest explanation of why EQUITY is the wrong thing to seek: In a society that was 100% equity driven: there could be no SuperBowl, or World Series, or ANY competitive situation where there was a 'winner'. Even in the marketplace, equity ...
Jan 28, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
One person died at the Jan 6th rally at the hands of the Capitol Police (or Senate cops?). Three died of heart attacks away from the Capitol Building. And one cop died but no one knows why/how (other than it happened AFTER the fact). Narratives ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 28, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
How often have we heard: "If it saves ONE life...." Covid vaccine is killing people. I am NOT suggesting that we stop vaccinating people - AT ALL. I am suggesting that there are levels of 'dying' that we are prepared to take for 'the greater ...
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Jan 28, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I FULLY support the rights of transsexuals. But the current moves to dismiss sexual dimorphism is going to destroy the gains made in the last decade. The ENTIRE basis of gender identity is based in sexual dimorphism - eliminate that, and why ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 28, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Media: When is a terrorist a social activist? When s/he is of the Left. When is a social activist a terrorist? When s/he is of the Right. Reality? When it suits a political purpose....
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Pick a position - debate
Jan 28, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The idea and goal is to pick a position - like single payer health care - and involve the people here on all sides of the spectrum to see if a consensus can be reached. I KNOW it is possible even amongst those that are far apart ideologically.
Jan 27, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
17. Gun Control: The 2nd Amendment prevents government from interfering with the right to carry weapons. That hasn't stopped it well enough in the past and major efforts are made every time the media picks a story to give the idea that government can...
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50 Policies
Jan 27, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
16. Green Energy (Renewable): We should continue to seek ways to replace oil and coal as sources of energy but wind and solar are never going to be more than bit players. Solar could supply a significant portion of our stationary needs if we consider...
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Science & Tech
Jan 26, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
How serious do you want to take an interest in astrophysics?
Western Political Centrism
Jan 26, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
It seems that if we try carefully, in other words, look at the record, we will find Bidet enacting the foundational principle of the Democrat Party, ie, the only standards are double standards: > Biden said to George Stephanopoulos that he would not...
Politics, Law & Policy
Jan 26, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Here is the thing, and it is playing out again with Bidet: Presidential Candidates make lots of promises on the campaign, then spend their time in office hiding from the promises or just outright breaking them - and their supporters and media howl, ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 26, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I said back in April that the costs of the lockdowns will far exceed their benefit against the Wuhan Flu. One of things I mentioned was suicides. Which are up. Including amongst, strongly, students. Now. Let's discuss this. I thought the ...
Jan 26, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I don't post a photo without a comment. But, I'm going to leave this one alone....
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 26, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
If nothing else breaks through the noise, know this: Equity is NOT equality. If you seek equity, you DISCRIMINATE. You do NOT support equality. As a matter of fact, equality is your enemy. This is not a philosophical difference, nor a semantic ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 25, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I'm generally not a 'fan' of any particular celebrity - or any media personality - in the sense that I follow them and listen to them regularly. They are just people with a job that puts them in the limelight more often. Lots of other people affect...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 25, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
It is interesting, but also note worthy, that Amazon has told me about some of my reading habits: I have read 131 weeks in a row. I have read 274 days in a row I don't know what I did back in April to miss a day....?!
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Jan 25, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Feelings can never trump consequences. Always look to the consequences first. A lesson ALL on the Left need to learn - but will refuse to.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 25, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Look, I don't like the loss of Keystone Pipeline, but in the big scheme of things....oh well. It's impact, and now demise, would have, will not have, much effect. It was always a political football - and I used to live in Wisconsin.... So, when ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 25, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
My comment on another post: There is a class, and I don't mean with regard to social standing, of people that embody the concept of 'individualism' that understand biology is only one factor, and not the dominant one, in their personal growth. I am ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 24, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
True: > May I just say, if you had any respect for the FBI or any belief that it was not a fully partisan organization, you were completely wrong. If there was any “credible intelligence” that there was enough of a threat to require 20,000 ...
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General & Hellos
Jan 24, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Ok, here is the my thing about followers and following: Thank you for following me. I appreciate the interest. I follow people that post and comment, generally without regard to political ideology, as long as they are respectful. Also, those that...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 24, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The problem with individualism is that it allows others to disagree with you. And people demand affirmation of their, and only their, beliefs.
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 24, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Democrats: We don't trust you and we need troops and laws to minimize your impact. If you don't trust us, you are bad.
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Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Jan 23, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
There are some objections from a certain quarter to transsexuals. They are reasonable objections, unfortunately they form a foundation for a larger statement or objections that are NOT reasonable, IMO. Yes, it is not only possible, but likely that ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 23, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The Oath of Service taken when entering the United States Military does NOT demand that someone be apolitical. On the contrary. It does require you to avoid, under possible punishment, from engaging in purely political acts while in uniform - I ...
Jan 23, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
When you oppose something you don't understand, you are not making a stand, you are making a bowl of jello....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 23, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I've been getting a LOT of emails telling me about job openings saying : X Company is interested in you!! Now, I know I am an interesting person, and I DO bring a lot to the table, but I would guess that if I actually responded, they'd be a whole ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 23, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I went looking for this over the holidays and finally found it....where I forgot I left it. How to read job opening ads: Entry Level: Low pay, lotsa work, no future Ability to work independently: No support staff, you're on your own ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 23, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Thomas Paine is one of my favorites and he said a couple, well, a lot, of things that I like, here are two: > The enormous expense of Governments has provoked people to think, by making them feel; and when once the veil begins to rend, it admits not...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 22, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Apparently we are finally getting some winter here in San Diego. The next week to 10 days of cool/wet days. beach days for a while!
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 22, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Correction: We made a mistake in an earlier report that we won't reference nor will we detail our mistake. We regret the error. ----- I love the media....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 22, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
In the Spring of 1974 I attended the Junior Achievement Awards Banquet in Chicago's Palmer House. Keynote speaker: Hank Aaron. I don't remember anything noteworthy about the speech OTHER THAN, when racial tensions were high, people respected an ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 22, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Think of the 'senior' politicians that were the supposed patriarchs of the GOP during Bush's first term: Cheney McCain Romney Think about what they (or their family) represent now. We are seeing truth of the underlying principles of the people ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 21, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
More troops were ordered to attend the Inauguration than were people invited....or showed up.
Politics, Law & Policy
Jan 21, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I think we should take a page from the playbook of the Left. Trump or anyone wanting to start a 'new' party that abhors the existing political class should name it: The Liberal Party of the United States.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 21, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
This might be churlish, but shall we keep track of how many times Jill Biden appears on the cover of fashion magazines?
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Jan 21, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
A simple statement: > Gender identity is different from, though connected to, sexual orientation as it is defined, not as it is practiced. Associated thoughts - well establish, or considered. > If I identify as a woman/man and have sex with a ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 21, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
An article asks: > Conventional wisdom holds that sex between consenting adults is a purely private act of no concern to anybody except those directly involved. But is that really true? I don't disagree with the point - that the private act has ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 20, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Apparently the STORM was a light foggy mist....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 20, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I feel kinda bad for VD and Q. They stayed on point til the very end.... Ok, they have an hour left....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 19, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Why does Biden need a tour of the White House....he's been there before.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 19, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Semantics only? Biden will be President, THE President. But certainly not MY President.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 19, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
This my 'you can't handle the truth' comment: People want Washington and every State Capital to stop being run by professional politicians and unaccountable bureaucracies. They do NOT want politics as usual. Hence, Trump. But, the establishment ...
Jan 18, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
15. Federal Reserve Bank: Was created, in part, to get politics out of sound money. Over the last decade the Fed has embraced both politics and the profound mistake that it can fix or control the economy. It has sown the wind. I don't know that it ...
Jan 18, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
14. Federalism: There are limits to the Federal Government, enumerated in the Constitution. We need to prune government back to its roots and stop trying to use the Federal Government to fix society from a perch beyond the sight and oversight of the ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 18, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
This is from the Washington Post: > "For voters who see the very act of acknowledging one’s racial identity as itself racist, the politics of multiracial whiteness reinforces their desired approach to color-blind individualism." > If you ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 17, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I will add my voice to the chorus - STAY HOME ON WEDNESDAY. There is nothing to be served by adding bodies to the count for the Left to use...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 17, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
On the way to the beach today I caught the news on the radio. 1.5 minute newscast used the term 'insurrection' four times. It used 'armed' in discussing the DC rally. It was NOT an insurrection. It certainly was less damaging that the protests ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 17, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
My daughter has had 3 covid tests in the last 10 days. All negative. Why so many tests? Because her live-in boyfriend tested positive a week ago. So, living with someone 24/7 - because they are both teleworking - with covid, sleeping in the same ...
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Politics, Law & Policy
Jan 17, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I WANT the "public servants" in DC to fear the 'unwashed masses'. Maybe then, they will curtail their worst impulses. Ok, who am I kidding. If they did (do) fear us, odds are they will act far worse than we can imagine... And I have a very active...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 16, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Another reason to not take the vaccine? > director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said on Jan. 6 that severe allergic reactions to COVID-19 vaccines were happening at a rate of 11.1 per million ...
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Jan 15, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
<snark> Have all the Democrats, and only the Democrats, show up for the Inauguration, inside the barriers and wire. Then cut the power and communications and block the exits, you get one big prison with all the Dems locked inside. Works for me.... ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 15, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
In the marketplace of ideas, only the Lefts remain for sale. To China....or the highest bidder.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 15, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
A neighbor of mine actually called me a science denier!!! Yea, it's my first!! Why? Because I said CO2 was a minor factor in the atmosphere and not likely to be ANY factor in global climate change. Then I asked him, what were the three most ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 15, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
My comment on a previous post: > More often than not, the same people 'offended' by the Confederate Flag are the same people that will not 'pledge allegiance to a piece of cloth'....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 15, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle


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