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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 7, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I suggest that if Biden is inaugurated on Jan 20th, that Q is done as a movement....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 7, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
This applies to most people in every day life too: > "Most people in politics are, whether they know it or not, much more comfortable with failing conventionally than risking the social stigma of behaving unconventionally. They did not mind losing ...
Politics, Law & Policy
Nov 6, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Can we all agree that the media polls over the last four months were not only wrong, but PURPOSEFULLY wrong. How can you have Biden up double digits with the counts that actually have been counted? Did they all poll the same 1500 people in South ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 6, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The Left hates: 1. The Constitution in totality, but specifically: The 1st Amendment - freedom of association and freedom of religion (if it is Christian); the 2nd Amendment; the 4th Amendment; the 5th Amendment; the 6th Amendment; the 9th ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 4, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Has anyone done an extended dry fast? 4 days or more?
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 4, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Luntz is correct: professional polling organizations have seriously failed the last three elections and can not be relied on to tell us what day of the week it is. I haven't trusted polls for more than a decade - and they have been getting worse, ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 3, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I am not anxious about today. Whatever happens will. I've done my part: I've brought up points, debated those on the other side, promoted my candidates to others and I've voted. The rest is up to the other 135 million or so that will vote this ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 2, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Posted to my FB: There is not a single one of the people that can read this that I will disown, dislike, hate, block, ignore or otherwise shun from my life over the election tomorrow. No one. My caring about you is not changed by your vote, or an ...
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Politics, Law & Policy
Nov 2, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
My prediction: Trump carries MN and PA. In addition to the previous predictions!
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 2, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I won't say they will all vote for Trump, or that they didn't in 2016, but there is plenty of betting money on the idea that MOST of them will vote for Trump in 2020: > NSSF surveys showed 58 percent of firearm purchases came from Black men and ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 2, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Relative campaign events: > "On Friday, when asked why a Biden event was allowed but a Trump event was not, a spokesperson said it does not allow political rallies on the airfield. "The Airport does not allow political rallies on the airfield, ...
Politics, Law & Policy
Nov 1, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Disparate outcomes is NOT evidence of discrimination. This is a concept alien the Left which believes that if there are more men, or more whites, or more X, it means there was an effort keep women, blacks or -X away from the population of ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 1, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Because mail-in balloting is so widespread this year, voter participation could be 20% or more higher than normal. With a change of that magnitude, there is no way to accurately predict (HA!!) the election. High turnout has always screwed up ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 1, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I would say that the average person can live in thrive in the world envisioned and worked for by Trump. I can not say the same thing for the average person in the world envisioned and worked for by Biden and certainly not for the world according to ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 31, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
In 2012 I hoped that half the country would recognize the mistake they made in 2008. They didn't. I think 2020 is likely to be a repeat.
Oct 31, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
If 25 Trump supporters show up at a Biden rally, they'll overwhelm (and outnumber) the Biden supporters. If 25 Biden supporters show up at a Trump rally, will switch candidates...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 30, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
50% increase in the black vote (from 8 to 12%) and a drop of 10% by college students (who are not AT traditional polling places because they are not away at campus), would swing the election. I think predictions (and I've made mine) are all over the...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 30, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I just read that the latest Bond film cost $250 million to make. A quarter of a billion dollars to make a 115 (est) minute film. I once heard it cost Apple about $85 to make an iPhone. So, a 2 hr film or almost 3 MILLION iPhones. The NBA will pay...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 30, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I've been rewatching The West Wing. Amazing how prescient it little has change politically over the last 20 years....
Oct 29, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Repeat, repeat, repeat - get a Vitamin D test done and supplement!! > VITAMIN D UPDATE: More than 80 per cent of hospitalized COVID-19 patients had vitamin D deficiency. “For the study, the 216 hospitalized patients’ vitamin D levels were ...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 29, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The announcement of the 33.1% increase in GDP is stunning. I hope it gets lots of news coverage, but assume that the mainstream will try to spin it as nothing big....because Trump. Obviously the growth rate can not be sustained, but it reflects ...
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Oct 28, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
To those that have gone through transition therapy: I had about 14 months of therapy, a primary psychologist and a supervising psychiatrist at a well known university gender program. Their original 'demand' was weekly for 2 years. We agreed to ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 28, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I'm seeing a little bit of a disconnect here: If Biden wins, Trump complains about voter fraud, but the Left says no such thing exists If Trump wins, the Left will complain about Trump stealing the election via...fraud? Heads they win, tails we ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 28, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I find it interesting that EXACTLY the same thing that happened to Trump is happening to Biden EXCEPT, the DOJ, the FBI and the press are working to suppress the actual evidence against Biden while they had promoted the false evidence about Trump. ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 28, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I hate to keep harping on this, but as we move into winter, Vitamin D levels continue to drop.... > Research has linked vitamin D, in particular, with boosting immune system function, and being deficient in the nutrient has been found to increase a...
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Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Oct 28, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I was considering something this morning.... At first, I was thinking that same sex attraction is a form of narcissism - BUT REJECTED that idea...yet. Maybe it IS a form of self love: Really likes, loves, the physical self so much that ...
Politics, Law & Policy
Oct 28, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I like that the mainstream press is promoting polls showing Biden ahead by double digits. It will suppress the Biden vote and encourage (hopeful not deflate) the Trump vote. Hard to tell....but I think it goes that way
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 27, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Ok...interesting question for everyone: If the average flu season has between 20 and 30 million cases, in which we get a .01% mortality rate, and the covid flu which has run now for 9 months has a reported 9 million cases with a mortality rate of ...
Politics, Law & Policy
Oct 27, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
If they can't get enough votes, cheat. If they can't get enough votes, change the rules. If they can't get enough votes, be violent. If the Left can't win, it will destroy.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 26, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Here is James Madison: > It has been objected also against a Bill of Rights, that, by enumerating particular exceptions to the grant of power, it would disparage those rights which were not placed in that enumeration; and it might follow by ...
1 comment Senate
Oct 26, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I didn't get a welcome!!! ;) Both newer additions are great additions to the discussions we have everyday!
Oct 25, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I think there are two mistakes commonly made with regard to voting: 1. Voting early often leads to regret - leave it till election day for the most complete understanding of the candidates and issues 2. Voting via mail opens the door to mail/vote ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 25, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
IMO: The people that liked Trump in 2016, still like him. A lot. The people that hated Clinton and held their nose for Trump, have converted to general acceptance. Biden doesn't alter the Democrat profile. The people that hated Trump in 2016, ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 25, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Just remember, it is often the coverup that is the greater crime... ie...Biden
Oct 24, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The difference between Left and Right is the difference between intent and consequences.
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 24, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
People on the Left want what's best for all of us. Only problem it is what THEY consider to be 'what's best'. And choice is not an option...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 24, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
A week from today in-person voting begins in California. We will have four days of open polls. I've actually been in support of this for 40 years. Of course, I meant it in replacement of mail-in ballots, so no trophy for CA on that...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 24, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Math is hard. I work with bankruptcy attorneys across the country. I review client docs in preparing petitions. I look for things like a claim of only owning $300 in jewelry while having a Jared's charge card with 8k on it from 2 years ago. ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 24, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Global warming leads to next Ice Age. Hey, I actually agree with that. Just not in a The Day After Tomorrow timeline. However, over the next couple of days, people in the Midwest and East might be triggered by the movie. Check on your neighbors....
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Oct 24, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The reason Biden can't get anyone to show up at his rallys is because they don't allow accelerants into the venues..
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Oct 24, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I think it is possible for smart people to support Biden.... No, really. I do. Stop laughing, it's possible.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 24, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I get some people are anxious about the re-election of Trump. After all, they are anxious about kids trick-or-treating. Scary things cause anxiety.
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 24, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Hey, it doesn't make any difference if a "Bernie bro" was planning on assassinating Biden. A crazy person shouldn't be associated with a particular candidate like Bernie. A person bent on murder shouldn't be associated with candidates like Bernie. ...
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Politics, Law & Policy
Oct 23, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I believe it is true that a majority of Democrat voters are voting FOR Harris. I think a majority of them KNOW Biden wouldn't survive 4 yrs in office. And Harris is an empty suit.
Politics, Law & Policy
Oct 23, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
There is more evidence of Joe Biden's corruption today than there was evidence of Trump's collusion after 2 years of intensive investigation by the FBI and Mueller. But the narrative....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 22, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Why is that women are less inclined to engage in politics? I know there are alot of us, and it can be a bit rough and tumble....but WE are often the most effected by political efforts.... ....I mean other than abortion bringing out every crazy...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 22, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
For 8 years he was the Vice President. Two of those years they had control of Congress. If there was a failure, he owns a big chunk of it.... > “America was an idea, an idea,” he says in the clip. “‘We hold these truths to be ...
Oct 22, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Just remember that Obamacare was passed without a single Republican vote. (for when the GOP approves ACB)
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Oct 22, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
To the few that don't know: if you are under the care of a doctor for any condition, you can not enter military service. End of story. The military does not take on medical care burdens for recruits. If the recruit is injured while serving, of ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 22, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The biggest impact from the 'work at home' movement is NOT going to be the hit on commercial real estate - though it will be HUGE - it is going to be on PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION, especially commuter rail. Already a monetary sink-hole, the need is going...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 22, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
How do you debunk something? Prove a 'fact' wrong. Carter Page NEVER was in Prague, so how could he have met someone corrupt there? Trump paid bad guys via the Miami Consulate - there is no Consulate in Miami. The media wants us to think that ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 22, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Regardless of the characteristic foundation of your identity, the SJW Woke Left that purports to stand for you will attempt to censor, shut down, demonize and attack you if you fail to abide by their agenda. So, to be clear, the Left isn't for the ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 21, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Ok, so she kinda hits the nail on the head with a very nice hammer...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 21, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I've worked the last three elections in CA - and they have always been scrambling for more volunteers. This time? No interest in me. Sure, we have fewer polling places and we need only 1/2 as many workers but I was solicited heavily over the ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 21, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
As someone else pointed out, the chance of a Democrat "October surprise" was seriously undermined by the fact the Democrats have been exposing EVERYTHING Trump does and says in private for almost four years - including saying he hates brown people ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 20, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Women under Islam must wear coverings because not doing so could incite men to lewd behavior. We are told therefore, that men under Islam are pathetic creatures, devoid of rationality and decency that require others to restrict themselves to avoid ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 20, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Two things we've learned in 2020 Author: Wm Jas Tychonievich 1. Satan thinks people are stupid. I mean really, really stupid. So jaw-droppingly, unbelievably stupid that I'm having trouble expressing it properly without resorting to profanity....
Oct 20, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Stacy McCain wrote and quoted: In his classic work Socialism, Ludwig von Mises explained that the attempt to replace the market system with central economic planning could not succeed, because the planners could not possibly have the information ...
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Classical Liberalism
Oct 20, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
There are 4000+ members in this group, so I hope for 10? comments!!? Is there a single principle or statement at the foundation of your support for Classical Liberalism? Mine is from John Stuart Mill's On Liberty. Although not a Founding Father, I...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 20, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
"For the common good" should be treated as a direct threat to whomever it is spoken.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 20, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Has anyone seen, since the Democrat Convention, a crowd of a Biden rally? Anyone seen a Harris/Biden rally at all? All this enthusiasm for Biden must be from Zoom calls....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 19, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The only way to keep the deep state and media masks on was to make everyone wear one....
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Oct 19, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Believe it or not, I am more likely to believe an 8 yr old boy seeking to transition than a 14 yr old girl - assuming both for the first time and no prior history/issues.
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 19, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
My barometer of public opinion on the Left hasn't heard anything about Hunter Biden and a laptop (as of yesterday afternoon). Did know anything about payoffs, or business dealings with Ukraine or China. Oh, and voted this week early. When I ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 18, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Transition is a choice. Between dying and living. Not death of the body - though way too many in fact kill themselves - but of the spirit. You know, SPIRIT. That thing you can't prove exists. That thing you can't define. That thing that most ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 18, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Do you agree with this? > liberal in the most capacious and distinctly American sense of that word: the belief that everyone is equal because everyone is created in the image of God. The belief in the ...
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Oct 16, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Biden made some strong claims/plans for transgendered in his Townhall last night. > Biden, who had earlier insisted that there are things “you can’t do by executive order unless you’re a dictator,” declared, “I will flat-out just change ...
Oct 15, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Some in CA want 17 yr olds to vote.....because 18-22 yr olds don't. I really, REALLY can't understand some people....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 14, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The phrase "if the Left didn't have double standards they'd have no standards at all' has been used so often, appropriately, so many times it's become generally least on the Right. We used to say someone 'is spinning in their grave' ...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 13, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
If Congresswoman Omar was being questioned for the Supreme Court and the Senators brought up the 9/11 hijackers, would that be ok?
Oct 12, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The people that demand that the government DO SOMETHING are the ones least likely to do anything themselves...
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Politics, Law & Policy
Oct 12, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
It tends to give one hope - watching walkaway videos.... Course, depends on who's side you're on as to whether it is hope or despair!
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 12, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
What do you think will happen on the year's busiest shopping day when BLM and Antifa promise to hold 'protests' against capitalism?
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 12, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Get rid of the Electoral College and we don't need Iowa to hold elections, we don't need New Hampshire to vote, we won't need primaries in most states. It will be California and New York and Illinois that decide the candidates and winners. The rest...
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Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Oct 8, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Thought process: It's all in our heads. Can't prove it. Shouldn't establish legalities based on. Beliefs. In God. Too many people believe in God and Creation with nothing more than what is in their heads. No evidence, no science. Yet....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 8, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The 'existential crisis' in the United States is NOT Covid-19, it is the Democrat Party response to it...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 8, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
California is a model for how you turn the United States into Venezuela....
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 7, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I want my tombstone to read: She misbehaved.
1 comment
Oct 7, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I think the media considers anyone that hasn't planned to vote for Biden "undecided"...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 7, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
This is an idea that is still forming in my head, so bear with me as I want to get it out to give it some room to run and breathe. Before people consider a new law (or gov edict) they should consider TWO things: what if you are the ONLY person it ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 6, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Trump getting covid is like Gays getting aids they deserved it! Right?
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 6, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
When hyperbole is taken as true reality: the arguments against Trump by people like Michele Obama are not based in reality....oh, the riots are happening, but it is NOT Trump's fault, even a little bit. Nor is it his responsibility to fix. People ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 5, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I have NO faith in the CIA, the FBI, or the DOJ. I have little faith in most other Federal organizations. I have NO faith in the media - any of it, no matter the medium. Society is based on trust - and too much of ours no longer has mine.
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Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Oct 5, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I have been reading a lot of TG fiction this summer and a lot of the works deal with transsexuals - ie, people transitioning from MtF (primarily) or FtM. In other words, fully medically and surgically. The books (about 40) all tend to have a ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 5, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I am going to do a promo - I love Spotify. I pay for the premium service and it runs 15 hrs a day when I am home. My playlist is about 3,000 songs at this point and the list covers every genre (except opera!) and mostly every era from baroque to ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 4, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
An event happens and people SUGGEST a certain behavior in response. As people engage in the behavior, considered the best response, they chastise those that do not engage in the behavior. Then they claim a moral position that the behavior should be...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 4, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Rule by protest is inherently unDemocratic. Democracy, in it's purest form, is advocacy for slavery. Being anti-Capitalist is the mark of a moron. Socialism is greed, envy and lust deified. I'd laugh in the face of the supporters of the above, ...
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Western Political Centrism
Oct 3, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
United, the United States is the dominant economic, political, cultural and military power on the planet. For a percentage of the people IN the United States, that is unacceptable. And you have to wonder why....
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Oct 1, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
On Liberty, John Stuart Mill: > Like other tyrannies, the tyranny of the majority was at first, and is still vulgarly, held in dread, chiefly as operating through the acts of the public authorities. But reflecting persons perceived that when ...
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The Culture War
Oct 1, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I have found myself increasingly reluctant to read articles of either political persuasion...and let's be honest, most have a political slant. I have spent the last 12 years deeply involved in politics and realize I have finally hit a saturation ...
Austrian Economics
Oct 1, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
My degree was in Economics, I specifically focused on econometrics. Hari Sheldon was my idol!!
1 comment
Austrian Economics
Oct 1, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Economists can predict that tomorrow will be Friday because it ALWAYS followed Thursday (for the modern era!). They can't predict what the weather will be tomorrow however. Weathermen can (mostly) because they see what is happening 500 miles to the...
1 comment
Politics, Law & Policy
Sep 30, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I was wrong. Biden showed up to debate Trump. It was, apparently, a free for all - with the moderator clearly coming down on Biden's side. Trump was right when he said 'I'm debating you now?' I expected that if he did show, Biden wouldn't be able...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Sep 30, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The Left has a problem with linking abortion to a woman nominee. It breaks the rational (?) continuity of the argument that only women should be making the determination over the legality of abortion. It also hurts them that they adopted children....
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Sep 30, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Insights and Issues: > “According to the Centers for Disease Control’s latest numbers, out of the more than 200,000 people who died with COVID-19, only 92 were under age 18. > > “But 1,282 children died from the H1N1 pandemic of 2009-2010, ...
Sep 28, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I hate mosquitos......four bites in the last 20 minutes....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Sep 28, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The Left assumes that if Roe v Wade is overturned that abortion would end in the United States. It would not. It would be returned to the States, individually, to determine what will be permitted or not in each. Big Democrat states like CA, NY and...
Politics, Law & Policy
Sep 27, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Success in faith, marriage and with children along with a highly successful career. Gee, you'd think feminists would be all over Barrett! And they are....with buckets of slime.
Politics, Law & Policy
Sep 26, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
POLLWill Biden debate?
An illness? Some event making the venue 'unaccessible'? Some claim about security?
  • 4 votes
  • 7 votes
Politics, Law & Policy
Sep 26, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I would say that the ONLY way the Democrats can come at Barrett is via religion - and a religious test is about as bad a choice for them as it can get. They are not going to get sexual escapades, they are not going to get bad boy activities - ...


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