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Dec 19, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
7. Corruption: Corruption has been part of every political system since we have had political systems. Political corruption or crony capitalism as it is sometimes called is causing widespread damage to our economy and to our ability to function well ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 19, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
From Don Boudreaux: > As far as we know now, the chance that Covid will kill an American aged 25 to 44 is roughly 1 in 3,040. Here’s a sample of the lifetime odds of Americans dying from activities or events other than Covid: > > – ...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 19, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
There is not now, but will need to be in the future, a distinction between dying WITH covid and dying FROM covid. The later is a fraction of the former. When someone with serious heart disease dies trying to climb a long flight of stairs, the death...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 19, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I would say that there is an element in the BLM organization (and amongst some of it's supporters) that believes slavery is acceptable, as long as THEY are in charge.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 19, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
On another site a friend asked what is your most influential movie. I spent 4 days on my answer, going through, finally, my very small collection of DVDs to find an answer. This morning I woke up and had my answer - but it is not in my collection ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 18, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Every year, usually between Christmas and New Year I spend time reflecting on the previous year's goals and accomplishments and on next year's goals and planning. I don't specify a particular day or time or even an amount of time to do so - after ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 18, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The wrong people are being held up for ridicule, shaming and canceling. I hate to invoke the Soros bugaboo, but "All is proceeding as I have foreseen" Seems as though 1984 is just going to be 40 years later than titled.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 17, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
From Powerline's (Paul Mirengoff) > If Jill Biden hadn’t insisted on being called “Dr.” I doubt anyone would have examined her doctoral dissertation. And if someone had, I wouldn’t have piled on. > > But Jill insisted on the appellation, so...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 17, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Speaking about Chief Justice Roberts: It seems to me that the idea of maintaining the status quo falls to the side also if the institution itself might be at risk. Therefore, Roberts (and Barr) and others that are near or at the top of our Federal ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 17, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
As noted previously, the danger, especially to the young, is MUCH greater from the response to Covid than from Covid itself: > A survey of high school athletes conducted by the University of Wisconsin this summer found that approximately 68 percent ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 17, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I'm going to enjoy, for the show, the effort of Biden to fill a cabinet with people acceptable to the Left. And when he is done, I will enjoy them trying to stab each other in the back. And then I will enjoy the complaints nothing is getting done....
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 17, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
> Why are state and local officials still shutting down businesses and the media still pushing the overall narrative of fear? Recently the highly manipulative left have stated that even after a person receives two vaccine shots, they must still wear ...
Dec 17, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
BTW, my daughter's business saw a 40% jump OVER the 20% jump they predicted for Thanksgiving. Yea, they are not retail.
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 17, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Couldn't happen to nicer guys.....except THE GUYS aren't going to feel it, the average worker IS feeling it.... > Neiman Marcus and at least 28 other major retailers have filed for bankruptcy. Hotel occupancy is down 32%. The Journal reported last ...
Dec 16, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. The Democrats want more transportation funding....
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 16, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
What is interesting to me is that NO ONE is suggesting that there were ANY voting irregularities with regard to the votes for TRUMP. 11.3 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016. An unprecedented jump and total. Except that Biden was more popular ...
1 comment
Dec 16, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
A NYC hedge fund manager that produces $30m in profit from credit default swaps and receives $200k in income "contributes" more to the economy than a farmer in Iowa that produces 30k bushels of corn and soybeans. Next time someone tells you that ...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 15, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
John Hinderaker: "I plan on getting the vaccine, and after I do, I will throw away my mask. If anyone says, “Hey, where’s your mask, buddy?” I will tell him to get stuffed. There is no remotely plausible scientific reason to wear a mask if ...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 15, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I think it is pretty simple, whether you believe Biden won or not: there was serious fraud in the November election that allowed hundreds of thousands of votes to be cast for Biden, illegally and unConstitutionally. Admit it. I am not asking for ...
1 comment
Dec 15, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
6. Climate Change: The climate changes. It has been changing for four billion years, will continue to change for the next four billion years. And? Oh, we might be causing 'more' change. Well, if someone can tell me when the Earth is at the best ...
50 Policies
Dec 15, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
5. China: The most populous nation on the planet has realized that its 'one-child' policy has come back to bite it in the ass. Men are unable to find wives. It has begun the process of changing the policy but it will take a generation to do so and ...
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Dec 15, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
A Youtube transactivist demanded that ALL pre-teens be put onto puberty blockers until they could claim their rightful gender....ok, stop laughing, it (them?) was serious. Anyway, below is my comment on the idea: > When someone has at their ...
Politics, Law & Policy
Dec 15, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I said this back in the Spring: Tulsi Gabbard was a serious threat to Trump in the November election - but she is smart and serious and therefore not likely to be let anywhere NEAR a position of power in the Dem Party. She continues to prove that ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 14, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I'm missing something: We have a MASSIVE surge in covid cases. Yet. I am NOT seeing massive numbers of people disappearing from public life - the stores (Walmart, Target and Home Depot over the last 3 days) are still busy - even more so versus the...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 14, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
You can't abdicate responsibility, take credit, refuse blame and have anyone (except those that agree with you) consider you seriously.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 14, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Electoral College has voted: Trump 292, Biden 246. Vote totals verified by Gov Whitmer (D) and Gov Kemp (R) using Dominion machines.
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Politics, Law & Policy
Dec 12, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Can someone on the Left offer to me their Top 5 things Biden should do as President that will, reverse, the course it has been on for the last four years?
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 12, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Do you know what they call a place that provides health, housing and medical care along with a guaranteed food subsidy that is generally safe and where the authorities rely on vetted information to decide what you can and can't do and when and where ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 12, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
If you think Lincoln was a great President - and I do - then if Trump asserts a non-Constitutional action to "preserve his Presidency into the next term" you will need to explain the contradiction. There is sufficient 'evidence' to support the claim...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 12, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
There are three people I'd like to send this out to, but the whole community can get in on it if desired. I believe that gay (and trans) couples should be allowed to be married. This is based on the ideal that individuals can choose their partners ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 11, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I am not a big perfume user - maybe a couple of times a week and just a touch so even an ounce will last me YEARS. I found travel sizes .15-.20 z to be a good buy for me and it lets me have a broad range of scents. The advantage is my signature ...
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Dec 11, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I didn't realize to just today that it has been 3 years since I posted to my blog! I guess I've been doing too much here and on FB (and other blog/commentary sites). Corrected. If you are interested, I put up my response to an article on the UK ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 11, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
11.3 million more people voted for Trump in 2020 than in 2016... Apparently even THAT number was not sufficient to exceed the margin of cheating.
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 11, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Remember, socialism is most commonly the result of a democratic process. The next 10 years are because the "majority" wanted it that way.
Dec 11, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The only way Trump remains as President is if he acts as Lincoln did - in contravention of the Constitution in an attempt to rescue the entirety of the Union.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 11, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I don't think that the word means what they (the media) think it means: Debunked: > No one’s explained why a USPS truck driver was trucking 20-30 pallet-sized cartons of already-completed PA ballots into PA from NYFS. > > No one’s explained ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 11, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
BTW, real FLU, the annual Asian variety, is currently at 1% of the normal level of cases here in San Diego County. 1% While covid cases are 'spiking'. Seems that there might be a story there - that the mainstream press is hiding (ignoring).
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 11, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Mask usage is north of 90-95% yet covid cases are surging.....solely amongst those that are not wearing a mask? I hate the mask and do not wear it when I am out EXCEPT when on public transportation: closed space with various unknown people; or when ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 9, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
What will YOU do if on Jan 20th, Trump is again sworn in as President? There is sufficient evidence to negate Biden's "victory". There is sufficient cause to support the Texas lawsuit. What I will do if Biden is sworn in is to stock up on ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 9, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Here is the thing, Facebook and Youtube: YOU might think the Bible is full of shit - but banning it is not the right response. Leave it out there for people to decide. YOUR effort to hide the controversies over the Election and the problems with ...
Politics, Law & Policy
Dec 9, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
From John HINDERAKER: Texas Throws a Hail Mary. “The Texas motion and supporting brief are well-drafted and make a plausible case–importantly, one that, if accepted, does not require extensive fact-finding into alleged voter fraud. Reduced to ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 9, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
For something a little different in this group. Anyone like serious jazz? Check out this and if you happen to have a thing for bass players (guys, you need to check this out regardless!)...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 8, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The Right often sneers at the Left over it's virtue signaling, but the Right has its own version with Moralizing Righteous Indignation. Neither look good and when the Press (Left or Right) and politically oriented organizations get either side ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 7, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The distinction likely to only be acknowledged AFTER Biden/Harris leave office: The deaths attributed to HAVING covid vs FROM covid will show it to be much less deadly than an annual flu to 90% of the population.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 7, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I mean...can we trust the Chinese? The Left says so... > An asymptomatic carrier is someone who has not displayed symptoms after being infected, but may spread the virus to others. This is different from someone who is presymptomatic, meaning the ...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 7, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
There has been some discussion lately about the idea of student loan forgiveness. I made the point that whichever candidate offered as part of their platform in 2016 would win the election. Neither did. It became an issue in 2020, but again, ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 5, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Back in 2016 when I was supporting Trump, my point was that I hoped he 'burned it all down'. If Trump followed through with his campaign promises, it wouldn't need to be burned down because a lot of Washington would lose it's mind - and that is what...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 3, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
If Kamala Harris REALLY believed she and Biden won, why hasn't she resigned from the Senate yet?
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 2, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The risk to those under 50 from covid is so statistically small as to be indistinguishable from NOISE. And the risk to those over 50 is balanced by the fact that almost a majority of those affected have been in long term care facilities - meaning ...
50 Policies
Dec 1, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
4. Capital Punishment: I support it. Those that will not abide by the social constructs that we need to live by in order to have a viable society, need to be removed from it and in extreme cases, permanently. However, human justice is no different ...
50 Policies
Dec 1, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
3. Capitalism: No system has done more to raise the standard of living of the entire planet than Capitalism. No one does it well, most do it with lots of sticks and pokes and lots of chiefs stirring the pots and yelling at each other. But no other ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 30, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The reason pedophilia and child abuse continues in massive quantities is because people will excuse it and minimize it when it suits them - regardless of the damage it leaves in individual lives. There is a reason why even in prison abusers of ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 28, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Screams of "white privilege" are from the aristocrats trying to re-impose "mean girl rule".
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 26, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I am not certain that this specific info/source about election fraud has been posted here (I actually think I might have missed as the group here tends to be very well informed - but since I didn't see it here, I'll drop it in): > In particular, we ...
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Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Nov 26, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I like this approach to stating 'gender identity': > While it is true that personal identity is not solely self-determined, gender identity is. It is inherent in the concept ever since it was coined by mental health professionals. This is not to ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 26, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
They are killing the old people.... > An alarming 90% of Minnesota’s nursing homes and 58% of the state’s assisted-living facilities have active outbreaks of the virus, according to new data from the Minnesota Department of Health. That includes...
Politics, Law & Policy
Nov 25, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
It is unfortunate that Trump pardoned Flynn. I am not saying it was a bad thing, or a wrong thing, only that it HAD to happen for justice to prevail. Judges, like damn near everything else, are out of control.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 25, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
So, now nationalism is a GOOD thing! Biden: ‘I Think It’s A Patriotic Responsibility To Wear A Mask, To Socially Distance’
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 21, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Many years ago I understood something about myself and decided that for my own welfare I would pack it away never to be seen again - 40 years and I happily maintain that conviction. But I read someone that knew something similar and their words ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 19, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I can't think of a single thing/policy that is happening in California that is worthy of being exported anywhere else.
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Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Nov 18, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
POLLWe have a small community, but I am curious about where it stands on the question below. For years I have opposed medical transition for minors. I am ready to change PART of that position: I support the use of testosterone blockers on MtF minors ...

Do you support the use of puberty blockers ONLY in minors?

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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 18, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I like this community. I like that I get pushback from others. But generally speaking, the Left and the Right are working on two different sets of goals. I'd like to believe, but know better, that the Right relies on facts only. I'd hate to ...
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Nov 17, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
From The Long Ride Home: > The Christian right who are so quick to damn people like me, fail to see the comparison in the struggle a transsexual goes through and those Christians who lived in the first century. They too had a choice. They could ...
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Nov 17, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
From The Long Ride Home by Katie Leone: > Normal is a myth. > That is the line they feed kids who don't fit in, but when you live outside of what they think is acceptable, those same people who feed you that line are the first to give you nasty ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 17, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I don't think more than 10% of the Democrats CARE if the Dems cheated - I think 90% of those on the Left are happy that Trump lost and WHATEVER it took is fine by them.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 17, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
America was safe from Biden's foreign policy failures because ultimately, he wasn't in charge. Yea.....this is going to work out so well....
Nov 17, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Biden's Lucy moment won't tempt the Right...but the Never Trumpers are definitely Charlie Browns
50 Policies
Nov 17, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Position 2 - Bureaucracy: Government bureaucracy has grown so large and dominant that even the changing of political appointees and elected officials has been insufficient to limit its growth and influence. That has to end. Still, the experience of ...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 16, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
How many examples of emotional blackmail are needed to make you succumb to it?
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 16, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I will take a fine, then jail before I will take a covid vaccine.
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 16, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Why is unity SO important now? Discord and hatred have been the 'go to' position of the Left for 12 years. Racism was claimed if you didn't vote for Obama. Twice. Greed and fascism were the claims against the Tea Party Movement. Sexism was the ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 16, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Don't bring me any buyer's remorse. Virtue signaling has always been the cheapest way to sorrow. Hell, even Used Car Dealerships have a better track record.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 16, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I owe no fealty to a Biden Administration.
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Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Nov 15, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
This is going to seem like a taunt, it is not. This is purely for MY benefit. I just finished the 2nd of a four book series. When an author can make me laugh, I put that book on my shelf to be read over and over again. When an author can make me...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 14, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I've had a couple of twitter accounts since....2007 or 2008. One personal, one business. I deleted the personal in 2012, but went back in 2015 and then deleted it in 2017. Today I deleted the business account. I am off the platform and do not plan...
Politics, Law & Policy
Nov 13, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
If Russia made such an effort to get Trump into office in 2016, why was there no effort in 2020?
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 13, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I said the other day that with this much smoke, there is fire - not that MY opinion matters....but can we add a bunch of experts and THEIR opinions too?
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 12, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
From a major business magazine: "...protecting majority rule...." Care to guess what they are arguing for/against? Hint: The Chamber of Commerce and the Democrats cheer...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 12, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
There are only two times a man considered his actions: When he as succeeded and when he has failed. In both cases, he is trying to figure out how.
Nov 12, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Unity = we're in charge again and now YOU have, MUST, support us. Or else....
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 12, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Apparently twice as many blacks voted for Trump in 2020 than did in 2016 Apparently many more latinos voted for Trump in 2020 than did in 2016 Apparently more muslims voted for Trump in 2020 than did in 2016 Apparently the people most affected by ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 11, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The disconnect here is so profound that Orwell just burped up embalming fluid... > For the conservatives who are mad about this: yes, it is possible for a story to be factually accurate and for it to be part of a misinformation campaign aimed at ...
Nov 11, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
In my opinion, the best response to a Biden Presidency is for those of us on the Right to walk-away. From the social melting pot, from the developing society. I've tried to stay engaged with friends, family and associates on the Left, but I am ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 10, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
My FB post just now: Don't expect me to be ok with the election results - IF they stand as they are. And I shall make my displeasure known often and repeatedly and I shall denigrate each and every action of the demented and incompetent President ...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 10, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Watch the true authoritarians come out amongst us over the next year. It won't be just politicians, but friends, family and neighbors that DEMAND we follow every edict of government, OR ELSE. Voicing unpopular opinions will become voicing ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 10, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
If Biden is sworn in, I am officially part of the Resistance Part Deux. And I can't believe anyone that voted for him cares about anyone else...
Nov 9, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
@Vogue, you might think the last 4 years was a nightmare, well, you can wake up and deal with the real world from a nightmare - which is just a delusion - and if Biden is actually President, the real horror will begin. I don't really believe @Vogue ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 9, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The same people that believed the polls for the last year are the same people that cheered when Fox called AZ, supported their not calling FL but are now scoffing at the idea of 'statistical anomalies' in the voting tabulations...
Politics, Law & Policy
Nov 9, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I hope Romney joins a Biden Administration - gets the turncoat out of the Senate early.
1 comment
Nov 9, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Position 1- Abortion: Should be rare. At some point rights attach to the growing human life. I consider the child to be human life from the point of conception, heck, even before conception the components are human and alive. But it is not "a" life....
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 9, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Although I don't have cable (as of 3 years ago), I did watch the election results in 2016 on Fox News. And then stopped bothering watching Fox. Even this year, when I went online to catch some of the reporting on Tuesday night, I didn't bother with...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 9, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The same organizations 'calling it for Biden' spent 3 years claiming PROOF of collusion by Trump with the Russians. Mueller found no such proof. And as further evidence of absence of evidence, the House did not bring any Articles of Impeachment ...
Politics, Law & Policy
Nov 8, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
There are 51 exceptions the comment: the Peter Principle does not apply politicians. 50 State Governors and one President. We have seen half dozen of the former and we are going get two examples of the later over the next 4 years. Assuming ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 8, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
There is more smoke around this election than there was evidence of collusion by Trump in the last one... The collusion narrative was absolute gospel for three years on the Left (still is in many quarters - the lower quarter and the higher quarter)....
Science & Tech
Nov 8, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
In other words, the ice isn't melting as fast as they claimed. > The CS2 thickness observed later than that of ICESat was found to be thicker, contradicting the thinning expected under global warming conditions. Correcting for the 50‐cm difference...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 8, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I am going to post 50 policies/positions for general debate discusion. One per week for the next year. I strongly encourage input from all sides of the political spectrum.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 8, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I actually think ghislaine maxwell is safe in jail from 'accidental suicide'. If it happened, it would make a porta-potty smell absolutely heavenly.... ...and likely open up Epstein's suicide case, again.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 8, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
With absolute certainty we are told: Biden Won. and Epstein committed suicide.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 8, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I'd be open to some debate/discussion on the following concept:
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Nov 7, 2020Nov 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
If Biden is President, the most common phrase for the next 4 years will be: "Who could have known?"


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