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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 15, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
In the 1980's series AmeriKa, the wife of the sitting President 'sold him out' and invited the Russians via the UN in to 'secure the country' in a time of crisis - she said he was a traitor, while being the traitor. I wonder about Jill Biden....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 15, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
If Biden, once he has the nuke codes, invites the UN or China into the country to 'protect' the Country, we will have been 'surrendered'. If it happens.....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 14, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I will acknowledge that Biden will more than likely be sworn in as President next week. Will I call him President? Sure. He will have the title. Will he be MY President? No. The President of the United States, but not mine. I even accepted ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 14, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
They LIKE that Pelosi attempted a coup:
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 13, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the ...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 13, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
When I was growing up, men and women carried hankies. We were taught to cover our mouths when we coughed, we were taught to cover our mouths and noses when we sneezed. We were taught to wash our hands often. Amazing that those things have fallen ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 13, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Seems to me that the activist Left thinks if I'm white I must be racist and therefore a white supremacist. Such assumptions are driven not be facts or evidence....
1 comment
Jan 13, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
From Glenn (who seems to have caught a mild case of it...) > “Whataboutism” is a deflection-term whose function is to distract from obvious leftist hypocrisy. Kinda like "denial" and "racist"....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 13, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I'm not saying you don't have principles. I'm saying that your principles are ONLY statements about your opinion on the current issue. When the issue changes, so do your 'principles'. If your principle can be thrown aside when 'it is really ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 13, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The Democrats have been talking impeachment since before Trump was inaugurated. They have wanted to do it as often as necessary to get the result they wanted. This has nothing to do with justice - a term the Democrats use extensively and have no ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 13, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
All violence is not created equal. All words, like all tools are neither good or bad in and of themselves. It is their use that might be questioned. And usually questioned most by those that want to limit their use to 'acceptable' purposes. Means...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 13, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
You would think that the Dems in Congress would be getting more money to the people suffering from lockdowns instead of wasting time on impeaching a guy leaving office in 8 days.
1 comment
Jan 13, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
13. Faith: Is fundamental to almost everyone and it should be respected both as a society and as a matter of law. However, it is not the foundation of our law, nor should it be. Faith can not be the dictator of law.
50 Policies
Jan 13, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
12. Equality: Under the law. This is not a statement that we should have equality of outcomes. We all have different skills, abilities and resources and as such, our efforts will have different results. This is not a bug, it's a feature of our system...
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Politics, Law & Policy
Jan 12, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
One of the consequences of impeachment is never being able to hold federal office again. But I wonder, does that mean Trump loses his pension AND Secret Service protection also?
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 12, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
An interesting viewpoint: > “This is because evangelicals in the English-speaking world have confused Christ’s command to love others with being civil as if that were an attribute of God. (It isn’t.) As a consequence, a superficial, ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 11, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I have archived offline my entire blog contents and my entire GMail account with all contacts and bookmarks. I have backed up all my websites offline. If you post ANYTHING of a political nature, I recommend doing the same.
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 11, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Is there ANY reason to support the GOP at this point? Trump leaves in 10 days. The one or two Congressmen/women that seem to have some principles need to understand the "party" they belong to is not part of the American People. The argument that ...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 11, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Posted to my LinkedIn account today: > I am about to commit professional suicide. > > I fully supported the rally held last Wednesday in DC. I oppose violence, and hope those that engaged in it are prosecuted - including the person that shot the ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 11, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
< instituting maximum snark mode > Merkel defends Trump and opposes the Twitter ban... Well, now you KNOW Trump is a Nazi and white supremacist when the GERMANS support him... < disengaging maximum snark mode >
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 11, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Isn't amazing how many Leftists are supporting big business right now?
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 11, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
If Trump incited the riot as a means to topple the Government - a claim ridiculous on it's face, please put the sentence you think are that incitement. Attached is the transcript of his speech:
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 10, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Shooting downhill is not easy, but it is significantly easier that shooting UPhill. There is a reason why military strategy calls for taking the high ground. People have taken that to mean NOT engaging the forces arrayed below. It means it is ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 10, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Tyranny is not acceptable because a majority of people voted for it. Nor does it gain 'acceptance' because a majority want it. Slavery can't be imposed on people if a majority vote for it no matter the size of the majority. However, if no one ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 10, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Ever watch someone in a failing relationship do everything wrong? They try to make things better but every act has a perfect NEGATIVE result as it regards the relationship. Even if they know it is wrong, they can't seem to help themselves make ...
Jan 10, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
My problem with any arrest made now is that everyone will think it is solely a political move. It may be too late to expose traitors.
Jan 10, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
11. Environment: First we want to preserve as much of the natural environment as possible - our health depends on it. What that doesn't mean is to do so at the expense of caring for the humans that depend upon it. I believe that the Federal ...
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50 Policies
Jan 10, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
10. Education: There are two types of education: one is learning from experience, the other is learning from books - which generally are written about and by people that have learned from experience. I support education, by experience and by books. ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 10, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
How far could it go? I get booted from FB and Google - costing me my access to friends and family. I get booted from AT&T for using my phone to disseminating false information. I get booted from COX for using my internet to talk to insurrectionists....
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 10, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The stupidity of the American Public can not be overestimated: > More than half of the participants in the Yankelovich focus groups questioned the price of our burger. “Why,” they asked, “should we pay the same amount for a third of a pound of...
Politics, Law & Policy
Jan 9, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Isn't Pelosi inciting a coup?
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 9, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Interesting question: If the media has been lying for the last 5 years (obviously much longer), then why would anyone believe them NOW?
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 9, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The arguments against long involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan is that you can not put democracy and freedom in a place where there is no foundation or desire for them. Who would have thought the same thing applies to the Left of the West?
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 9, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Facebook, Google, and Twitter have begun a major purge of people it deems 'offensive' or 'inciteful'. I expect at some point I will fall afoul of their definitions. There have been political people calling for the purge of 'Trump supporters' from...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 9, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
If you can not see the political and media manipulation going on right now then there is no common ground for us to have a conversation about. For five years, Trump's words have been manipulated, have been misquoted, have been ignored for the ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 9, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
People are giving Trump grief about not attending the Inauguration. You have an invitation from someone that hates you, to 'celebrate' with them and a couple thousand of their friends that all hate you and want you dead. Yea, sure. Sounds like ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 8, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
A neighbor said the best way to deal with Trump is to have someone shoot him in the head. Yea, that is the Left. Not enough to get him out of office by whatever means necessary, they want him DEAD. Unity? They want us wiped from society.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 8, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
Pelosi has turned into a delusional paranoid. Trump leaves office in 12 days. Why impeach him when they couldn't complete the process within the 12 days and she is stating it will be Monday before anything can start, leaving just 9 days, 6 business...
1 comment
Jan 8, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
There were several striking differences between the Capitol RALLY and a BLM/ANTIFA riot: Little or no damage No fires set No looting . And the one that seems most interesting to me: no masks....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 8, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
> “I just don’t even know why there aren’t uprisings all over the country, and maybe there will be when people realize that this is a policy that they defend,” > Pelosi said
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 8, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The 'conservative class' lamenting the "insurrection" reminds me of the Red Coats marching in New England during the civil war. Red coats, marching, into a guerrilla war zone...clueless, thinking the other side will play by the rules...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 8, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I love the Cranberries. I put them up on Spotify last night and they've been running now for about 15 hrs....
Politics, Law & Policy
Jan 7, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The rats are abandoning ship..... Look at the "resignations" happening....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 7, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
It is impossible, yes, impossible, for Biden to do anything other than add to the destruction of the civil discourse in this Country. If that was ALL he did, we'd survive. We WILL survive a Biden Presidency. What will not survive is the cohesion ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 7, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
From Sarah Hoyt: (I agree with her) > And for the record, no, I will not condemn the protesters. Should they have gone into the Capitol? I don’t know. Why shouldn’t they have? It’s not like they went and hanged the corruptocrats using their ...
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Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 7, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
How many riots in the last year started when the police shot and killed a "protester" or even just someone on the street interacting with police? Then point to the riot last night or today. Then tell me the Left is aghast at the "violence" at the ...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 6, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
When the victim of a bully finally fights back, the parents and adults that "protected" the bully for years scream for JUSTICE. Adults and parents dismissed the bully's tactics and the harm to his/her victims as 'childish behavior', kids being ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 6, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 6, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The MOSTLY PEACEFUL rally at the Capitol resulted in one person shot by police. My question is: did police shoot anyone during the mostly peaceful protests over the summer at the Capitol (or anywhere else?). Racists....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 5, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I have started thinking of the 'mask mandates' as a modern version of the 18th Amendment. With all the associated social disasters on the calendar....
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 4, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
People that don't know the meanings of words demand we use their definitions. The level of stupid on display is amazing - not that it is the stupid that is amazing, it is the absence of anyone calling the stupid, stupid. Democratic Rep. Emanuel ...
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Jan 4, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The people dealing with gender identity issues are facing real problems. However, the 'activists' have taken things to an extreme in such a way as it destroys ANY credibility over the issue AND destroys the community by snapping the small gains made...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 2, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
When you compare Florida to New York, the results aren't even close - New York KILLED their citizens and behaved, badly.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 2, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
The problem isn't covid, the problem is 'just in time' delivery of health care....ala national health care....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 1, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
How about in your neighborhood? We had a TON more fireworks tonight than last year....
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Jan 1, 2021Jan 2021

Posted by tracycoyle
I joined this site in April. It has become a goto place for me to offer observations and rant on occassion. There are a handful of people here that I have had multiple conversations with and I want to thank them! I look forward to 2021, not ...
1 comment
Dec 31, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The problem with unintended consequences is not that they weren't considered, it's that no one wanted them but couldn't figure out how to separate them from good intentions.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 31, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I don't know if it is going to be good or bad, I only know it's going to be a New Year. To all of you!
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 30, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
You're being lied to. Every single source you rely upon is lying. EVERYTHING is a a matter of degrees. How do you determine what is not a lie?
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 30, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I could be, really, it's a REMOTE possibility I have to acknowledge....but the person most likely to succeed Rush as the voice of the Right.... Tucker Carlson
Dec 30, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Of course the news is all about those refusing to wear a mask.... > New York City and Philadelphia have both seen homicide rates skyrocket as their Democrat leaders impose strict lockdown edicts and make efforts to defund the police. >
Politics, Law & Policy
Dec 30, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Unless Trump and the DNI provide clear evidence to the American public of election fraud - and understand, there is plenty of it - then Biden will be President, for a short time, after Jan 20th. And may God have mercy on your soul....
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 30, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Math is hard for some people: > Also, it's not true that "millions of Americans" have been vaccinated, which Pence surely knows. > Roughly 2.1 million people have been vaccinated so far, per CDC. > — Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) December 30, 2020
1 comment
Science & Tech
Dec 30, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Have no fear, our robot overlords have entered puberty....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 30, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Neo points out something that I finally came to recognize about the time of the 2012 election cycle: > To me, the issue is how much people care about matters such as liberty, history, or truth. Many years ago I used to think that the vast majority ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 30, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
On average, I get one text message a day from some site offering me, weight loss, weight gain, bigger boobs, bigger d^k, packages waiting for my signature, money transfers, etc... Last week I got a bunch of texts telling me I had just hours to get ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 30, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The $600 stimulus payment is already scheduled at my bank for a Monday deposit. Just a heads up for those wondering.
Dec 29, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Rising serpent on Twitter: “Remember all those social media videos of Chinese people dying in the streets of mysterious causes, bleeding to death, having seizures and stuff? How come none of that happened to Americans, and how come those videos...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 29, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The possibility of me being able to do so approaches nil, but : I'd hire Mimi Groves; I'd fire James Galligan, or rather, I'd never hire him in the first place.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 29, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The lack of principles shown by the political Left should immediately and forever taint their efforts in the minds of honest people. Yet, it is the absence of principles that is claimed to be virtuous by those supporting the political Left. The ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 29, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
To the Libertarians here, an interesting response that resonates well with me. What say you? > > Here’s a letter to University of San Diego philosopher Matt Zwolinski: > > Matt: > > I write with what I trust you know is enormous and rock-solid ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 29, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Two things to ever be mindful: Those that seek to instill fear; And the reason for the fear they are perpetuating.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 29, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Victoria believed that she could not run for a judgeship because her opinions on some topics would be detrimental to the run, and it would hurt her law practice (both in Chicago and in Madison). She was a diehard liberal and feared that OUR ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 29, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Did you know that solar panels are not recyclable? Nor renewable - as they age they have to be replaced. And that their lifespan is generally less than 20 years (with significant efficiency drops in the final 1/4th of their lifespan). And that to ...
Politics, Law & Policy
Dec 28, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Little bit in the weeds here: Court rules against Trump BEFORE the election that the argument is 'not ripe', in other words, no harm has/is shown AT THAT, he has to wait for the election to happen to complain. THEN the Court rules that ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 28, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Can someone better informed than me tell me if it is possible to get DNA results back in less than 48 hrs, over a holiday weekend, when the source DNA is exploded and burned to a crisp? I mean, they found out who owned the RV, located his residence,...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 28, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
If you are offended, maybe you should consider your own thoughts rather than demand another censor theirs or your demand they STOP thinking. There are many things in modern life that are offensive - it is what YOU do when you feel that way. If you ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 28, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I'm not certain this is true, but then, it sounds like it: (isn't that the criteria used today?) > The CDC says the flu is almost nonexistent this year because of wearing masks and social distancing. > > The CDC says COVID-19 is out of control ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 28, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
If you are offended, maybe you should consider your own thoughts rather than demand another censor theirs or your demand they STOP thinking. There are many things in modern life that are offensive - it is what YOU do when you feel that way. If you ...
1 comment
Gender Critical
Dec 28, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
What will you do if VP Pence does NOT accept the electors from the four (or six) states with massive suggestions of fraud? There is no appeal to the Supreme Court and once it is done, it is over. What will you do?
50 Policies
Dec 27, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
9. Economics: Everything you need to know about economics can be taught in one minute. Too bad the average citizen, politician and journalist hasn't given it even that much thought. First and foremost, economics is about human behavior. If the price ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 27, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
It will be with a sad heart WHEN it is announced, sometime in 2021, that Rush died. He didn't expect to still be here now, and I don't expect him to see another Christmas. His impact on radio was transformative. His contribution to the political ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 27, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Note to any of those that think, or want, a civil war (violent or otherwise) that DOES NOT include retaining ALL of the current United States as a contiguous whole: YOU WILL NOT SUCCEED, YOU WILL NOT HAVE MY SUPPORT, AND I WILL FIGHT YOU.
Transsexuals - Pre, Post, Straddles
Dec 27, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Noted.....not sure I believe the number, but then again....wokeness? > Neither the societal shift away from traditional gender roles nor the downstream cultural consequences of that shift are anywhere near complete. As Rebecca Traister has ...
50 Policies
Dec 24, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
8. Crime: More than anything else I believe the infringement of an individual's rights by someone else is a crime. There is no 'thou shall not kill' on the books in any state or municipality. We punish people after they have done something; there is ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 24, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Maybe I am sheltered, maybe I wasn't informed enough, maybe I didn't pay enough attention, but.... mail-in ballots eliminate the privacy of the voting booth. A mail-in ballot is NOT anonymous. They can know how you voted.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 23, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
This is my fear: that the Right has been told (by virtually everyone with influence) to 'let the legal means play out'. This has been true of the Russiagate investigations, the Biden investigations, and the election issues. Wait for the "X" report ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 22, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The slippery slope: SF to rename Lincoln named school because he didn't care that black lives matter. When someone tells me that socialism, if it is DEMOCRATIC socialism, is good, I tell them there is no end to that process. The covid lockdowns are...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 22, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Authoritarian, or Libertarian? Conservative or Progressive? Left or Right? If you support government intervention in the individual rights of citizens; If you support mandatory associations; If you support government redistribution of wealth; ...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 21, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
If you think bad ideas or false news needs to be suppressed, then YOUR concept of free speech is corrupt. And if you promote that corruption, you serve not liberty, but tyranny. (Note: on this site, this is seldom an issue or problem)
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 21, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Note: Because scientists say it doesn't make it science.
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 21, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I do not believe the long term risk to the mental health of everyone, especially the elderly and the young, is worth the short-term benefit of covid lockdowns. We are creating a decade long problem....
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 21, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
30 days to slow the spread: Day 281 One of the graphics used to explain why we needed to wear masks and maintain 6' between us was how sneezes and coughs spread droplets containing the virus. Some of the graphics showed sneeze/cough clouds going ...
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 20, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I think this might have gotten some notice here before, just adding it again to emphasis: > … Stringent COVID-19 control measures were imposed in Wuhan between January 23 and April 8, 2020. Estimates of the prevalence of infection ...
1 comment
Politics, Law & Policy
Dec 20, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
In recent days two reports about Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts have come out seriously suggesting a significant bias by him against President Trump and willingness to compromise, potentially, judicial ethics during Court deliberations. I ...
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 20, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I just read a story of a religious cult and how it created 'followers'. And I can see EXACTLY the same means being used by BLM with Antifa supporting.
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 19, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
I have a classification system for disasters and preparedness. My status for the last year has been unchanged - covid has not had an impact on it. If you're interested....
1 comment
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 19, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Ok, this is far-fetched, but hey, it's 2020: Biden takes the Oath, gets removed in March 2021, his wife divorces him so he can get free care. Harris becomes President. Jill Biden AND Kamala Harris come out as lesbian and Harris nominates Jill to ...
Dec 19, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
Omar’s Radical Views On Display Abolish the death penalty. Abolish the electoral college. Abolish ICE. — Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) December , 2020 I'd say we need to abolish her....
Culture - Our day to day interaction with society
Dec 19, 2020Dec 2020

Posted by tracycoyle
The current progressive, Leftist mindset: > The envious are not satisfied with equality; they secretly yearn > for superiority and revenge. In the French Revolution of 1848, a > woman coal-heaver is said to have remarked to a richly dressed > lady:...


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