3 3

Guys, feel free to respond, and share your opinions!!! Please!!! <3

In response to your most recent video, I think that a big issue when it comes to labels, is that someone can build their entire identity around a label. However, if something ever breaks down that label/perception that the person has for themselves, it can result in a person having a difficult time adapting to their new circumstances. In the case you brought forth, I think that obviously the person is not 100% only attracted to women, because obviously she found herself attracted to a guy. I think the biggest takeaway though is that the person clearly is highly invested in herself being lesbian, and has probably herself, or been exposed to other people who, thought of bisexuality in a negative light. I have heard many friends and people in the lesbian community say that they refuse to date a bisexual woman because of one reason or another. As someone who prefers dating other women, I'm sure she is just concerned about how this might affect her in the future.

Full disclosure, I have not read the article, nor do I plan to, but I do believe that this mindset is not only not fair to bisexual women, but also toxic.

CreatorZaw 4 Apr 19
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Haha the article is horrible. She's also a sex worker and is a bit of an SJW. Maybe she's afraid of her reputation. Who knows. I can understand that being invested in being one way (or thinking you're one way) for so long and then having that change, can be scary. it right to misuse a label?

Always the problem with labels. Especially when you write an article wording it in a way that reduces the label. I think the article should have been reviewed better and as you did criticized. The more open a label is the more it can be misused by those who want to hurt others. Inclusion is a great thing, but unfortunately we have to analyze the damage it can cause as well. This is why new labels are created all the time, and sometimes in a less than healthy manner 😟


I think there are a lot of factors that could go into this, but here is something fundamental about humanity. While we may not like labels we as a species desire labels. Now what we do with those labels unfortunately is up to the individual.

I'm not sure how you can fix this issue. There will always be some people who use labels to stigmatize or out-group people. There will also always be people who base there entire identity around a label. I'm not sure we can change either of those we can only try to help those it affects.

I think she could still be a lesbian, but I would lean toward it being more likely she is Bi. I also see how another lesbian who can't see that as a possibility would not see her as a lesbian. Now do you make a new label like Bi-Lesbian to define a woman who mostly likes women but finds some men attractive? Does it matter or are we just trying to ridicule her? Honestly it is all about intent for why we want to make a clarification.

I honestly think most people reading the article would say she is Bi and just didn't realize it or want to admit it. That is something she will need to struggle with. As for the title of the article, I think it needed a change to relate that maybe she was questioning herself. Unfortunately I think this could easily be used by religious extremists as a validation that being homosexual is a choice. You can't stop that, you can only clarify the subject.


I think there's a lot of internalized biphobia, for the reasons you mentioned. I even struggle with it sometimes, as if my liking women will mean I'm "less valid" as someone who likes men. I do think sometimes people fear exclusion in coming to terms with their bisexuality within the LGBT community, not only in dating (I touched on in a previous comment that I think at the end of the day sexuality will always be up to individual preference, but I do wonder how much biphobia colors the perceptions of bi people in a dating sphere, for both gay and straight people), but with feeling "gay enough" to actually belong. Like you pointed out, a gay/lesbian label can mean a lot for those who identify with it, so to come to the realization that she might be bisexual might feel like a "step down" within the community, in a sense.

That's all just speculation and things I've felt myself that I've struggled with.

Jayyy Level 4 Apr 19, 2020

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