8 3

Hey! This is a great way for me to have conversations like this without my friends and family seeing because they're all sensitive about these topics in one way or another so thanks for recommending the site. Anyways you're new video brought up my confusion again so I thought I'd ask for advice. I'm technically bisexual but homoromantic. Since coming to the realization I wasn't emotionally compatible with men I've labeled myself as a lesbian to cut down on confusion from people and so I didn't have to explain it to anybody that asks for whatever reason. Do you think labeling myself as a lesbian is fine or should I just suck it up and explain my longer but more accurate label of being homoromantic and bisexual?

nerdgirl1821 3 Apr 20
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I really wish that this was the case, that lesbians start deciding to have sex with men, that would be awesome. I think an open minded lesbian would be a great lover.


Yay im so glad you're able to speak freely here! i think homoromantic bisexual makes the most sense and I'm telling you there are SO many bisexual women out there, but most are heteroromantic haha


Yeah I tend to just say I'm a lesbian to acquaintances to make it easy but I always tell anyone I'm looking to date what the whole picture is so they aren't caught off guard. I don't love labels for this reason but they are sometimes necessary for quick communication. I just don't like the label bisexual for myself anymore because men get the wrong idea and it's automatically assumed that I'm also bi-romantic.


Maybe it depends on context? Maybe it depends on how sexually attracted you are to men? If you call yourself a lesbian and then you're watching TV with your girlfriend commenting on how hot Mr. Muscles is she'll probably raise an eyebrow. Haha yeah there's probably some threshold of sexual attraction to men that you would have to be below to use the term "lesbian" and not have it come across as disingenuous. I don't know where you're at, so I'm not sure. If it's like a 50/50 deal then yeah I probably wouldn't use the word lesbian.


I recommend that you don't call yourself a lesbian if you aren't one. imo the split attraction model causes more problems than it's worth. however, there is a new term some bisexual women in your position have created to describe themselves: febfem (female exclusive bisexual). you may want to look into that. febfems also don't tend to be SJWs--they're well aware of what makes someone homosexual or bisexual without gender identity nonsense.

Bilitis Level 4 Apr 20, 2020

Interesting, as I am the opposite. I can be romantically attracted to anybody, but am only homosexual. Because of this, I only date men. Makes sense to me lol. So maybe you're bisexual, but when it comes to dating may prefer to date women?

At the end of the day, all that really matters is you find somebody with which you can make each other happy.


I'm romantically attracted to both men and women, but only sexually attracted to women. Because the thought of being with a man sexually makes me sick to my stomach and sex being quite important to be in a relationship, I will never actually be with a man. I've had discussions with people about my sexuality before and the answer people give me seems to be 50/50 between "you're definitely a lesbian" or "you're definitely bi". If someone I don't know all that well asks I just say that I'm a lesbian because the intricacies of my sexuality really isn't their bussiness and using the label lesbian explains it well enough I suppose. If I wanna go more in-depth with it then I'll just explain what my preferences are and leave it to that, no labels included.

As @Lt-JW said, there's not really any point to try to fit yourself to the criteria of any given identity label. A label is really just a simple way to communicate what you are, it doesn't mean anything more than that. And because we humans are as multi dimensional as we are, sometimes there just isn't a good label for some of us out there.

So wether or not you should use the label lesbian, bisexual or even no label at all is completely up to you and how you feel. Just make sure that you aren't saying something because you feel that there is a pressure to label yourself a certain way or even to have to label yourself at all if you don't want to. Best of luck


You get the best answer, if you free yourself from those stupid nonsense vocabulary.

Struggling to find a label that could describe yourself with, means you are pretty much living your life in a desperate cry for approval from whichever crowd that would accept you so long as you fit the criteria to be entitled their identity label.

Free yourself from all that shit and live your life just the way you and only you feel happy and fulfilled.

Lt-JW Level 8 Apr 20, 2020
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