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Quilette: Rowling was right, biological sex is real:

[] (paywall)

Maybe you should interview this Colin M Wright.

Here's a thought experiment: A female has breast cancer and as a result has a double mastectomy. Does that make her less of a female? If you believe that sex is not a binary, that you can change your sex by altering your primary and secondary sex characteristics, I think you must say yes. Who wants to break the news to the cancer survivors?

Anders 6 June 10
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Transgender people change their sex characteristics to make their body align with the gender they identify as, to alleviate dysphoria and make themselves more comfortable in their body. Having a double mastectomy is removing a sex characteristic, but as the woman in question does not wish to change her body to fit with the gender she identifies as—which is of course female—this does not make her transgender.

In your post, you also said "If you believe that sex is not a binary, that you can change your sex by altering your primary and secondary sex characteristics…" which would lead me to believe that you think that believing gender is a spectrum is the same as believing that sex can be altered. This is wrong, as the two beliefs are unrelated.

fry-me Level 3 July 23, 2020

@Anders No one rational believes sex is a spectrum. Those who are convinced the majority of the left does are only fooling themselves.
A belief in the ability to alter sex also does not indicate a belief that sex is a spectrum.


Okay but do you realise that the left would just laugh at you and say "Well they identify as a woman... so they are still a woman, right?"


I'm a trans man. I also agree with you! And you may be surprised to hear that I think MOST trans people would agree with you.

I think that the point where people on both sides of this debate are getting tripped up is the definition of the word "sex." We are using the same word, but we mean different things in different contexts.

I didn't expect to join this group, but for this I've done it. Sex. Same word, different contexts. Yes. True.

I think this "trip up" was intentional, and dreamed up by gender theorists to muddy the valid topic of social and cultural expectations for the sexes to express gender roles appropriate to the norms as they've continuously developed over time. That's a valid topic. So is the treatment of pre-, post-, and currently transitioning individuals. And many other adjacent topic. The idea of sex as a spectrum was intentionally incendiary, a cocktail of obfuscation designed for disruption and sown to raise discomfort and controversy.

@govols My theory of life is that most people aren't intentionally wrong and most people aren't intentionally just stirring up discord for the sake of trouble. But maybe I'm naive and optimistic.

My theory about the "trip up" would be more along the lines that gender theorists are very eager to find "proof" of their beliefs and are grasping at anything that seems like it could be "valid." It's bad science, in my opinion, more than an intentional obfuscation to sow discord. But I would agree with you that "sex as a spectrum" is pretty questionable.


i agree with you!


And there is that whole X. XY chromosomes thing

iThink Level 9 June 10, 2020

Okay so we test your DNA and find you have the chromosomes of the opposite sex. What are you, a man or a woman?


Well I’ve always agreed that sex is real I never thought of this as a an example but boy does it fit

Mika95 Level 2 June 10, 2020
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