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JacksonNought has been banned from this group for some time now, and I don't know why he was banned in the first place or if the reason for banning him was legitimate...
I say so because I have seen many of his comments in other groups. He is clearly left-leaning, and although many of you, right-wingers, may disagree with his views, I'm sure you would agree that he is a decent enough member and he contributes himself to the community well.
I think JacksonNought should be allowed back in this group. What do you think? @WorldSigh? @RemiDallaire? @Admin?

Should JacksonNought be allowed back in this group?

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Naomi 8 Sep 30
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I find @JacksonNought petty and small minded, also many of his posts have a child like naïveté that’s quite irritating, however I believe that no one should be banned without a very good reason, such as violating T&C. All things being equal, I’d vote to let them back

2peros Level 8 Jan 22, 2021

Well @RemiDallaire, so many of us, including @govols, @tracycoyle, @Rick-A, @saramarylop3z, @maxmaccc, @Imastel, @Machiavelliwar, @DaveO276, @Grandoodle, and @Ranticore, believe that JacksonNought should be allowed back in this group.

As the originator of the group, would you consider unbanning JacksonNought, please?

Naomi Level 8 Oct 1, 2020

Done...i do it because it's Naomi... Jackson better behave... I don't ban lightly. I'll have my eye open on this

Thank you Remi!
And welcome back @JacksonNought!

@Naomi thanks, it's good to be back. I won't get into the reasons why I believe I was banned. I promise I'll keep it interesting 🙂

@JacksonNought Fight your corner well. Lol


I don't know why he'd be banned. He and I have butted heads a couple of times, settling on agreeing to disagree, we've spoken about similarities, I've even defended him at one time. He doesn't appear to be a bad person, just a person with a different belief system. Sure, left leaning, but that's no reason to treat him like all the major companies like YouTube and Facebook censoring conservative belief systems.


I have found I have little (if anything) in common with Jackson's views, but I am not aware of any good reason why he should be banned...


I vote yes. He is short tempered, and a curmudgeon. Not dangerous.

"He is short tempered, and a curmudgeon." Lol!


Either there's freedom of thought and conversation or there's not. I'd rather hear many viewpoints to reach the best conclusion.


I look over the comments and I am proud of the manner in which this was resolved. It shows that we have a core value that allows someone to make a fool of them self. I have found helping them on the way very satisfying.

Rick-A Level 8 Sep 30, 2020

Banning is a YouTube thing. Lets not make everywhere YouTube-esque.


I said yes. I haven't seen anything ban worthy on here. Granted, I'm still fairly new and not seen everything. So, if I'm mistaken, I'll go with what the mod says. I do want to respect rules.

Personally I'm against going down the slippery road of ban, censor, etc. I dislike how bad it's gotten online in general on that. I've really liked being able to see other peoples views in a more "un self censored" kind of way. The more POV the better. I've actually learned a few new things too being on here. I just worry about ending up with a "walking on eggshells" mentality that's fairly prevalent on other sites.

I'm not promoting bad behavior on purpose or anything. It's just some things may be more offensive to one person or the other, so it's hard to generalize. Plus, often times it's hard to even tell if it's intentional to begin with.

I'm guessing it had to be a serious no-no. Folks here are highly tolerant and strong advocates of free speech, so name-calling and general bad behavior wouldn't be a reason. Folks here don't get butt hurt easily, either, so who knows.... I'm sure the mods had a legitimate reason. A reading of the Ts & Cs of using the site might shed some light on what can get a person banned.

@coalburned I was thinking it had to be too. Still wanted to weigh in. I did look through the rules, I was just wondering if anything may have changed. Pretty much so I know I'm not doing anything wrong personally. I still have that "big social media" mindset where I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or not. It's not like that on here at all of course. Just want to make sure I'm staying up to date.😁

@coalburned, @saramarylop3z We need the originator and the moderator to explain why Jackson was banned in the first place. @WorldSigh, @RemiDallaire please?

This is the first I have heard about JacksonNought being banned.

@WorldSigh You've got to be kidding me. You're not pretending ignorant, are you? Wouldn't be like you if you were.
I know Jackson is banned from this group, and I confirmed that with him a few hours ago.
The matter was brought to my attention when there was a good debate happening in this group some time ago. Among other left-leaning members, I tagged Jackson, thinking that he would be interested to join the debate. He then messaged me and told me that he couldn't come on because he was banned from the group.

@WorldSigh If banning/unbanning of members is practised unnoticed/unannounced, no matter which group, that is wrong, I think.

Do you think I spend every waking moment combing through threads, searching for controversial debates? I have interacted with Jackson a few times. I don’t recall anything out of the ordinary.
I checked the record yesterday, and he was indeed banned from Culture War; although, I see that Remi has reinstated him. Once again, I have no knowledge of why he was banned.

@WorldSigh Fair enough. I thought you weren't a moderator for nothing; I assumed that you shared the authority with Remi to delete comments, banning members, that sort of things. Anyway, thanks for your response.

@Naomi Yes, I do share the authority to ban members. I just had no involvement with this particular rhubarb.

@WorldSigh In that case, you should've been consulted IMO. Like I said, I think it is wrong IF deleting comments or banning members is exercised at the discretion of just one person, let alone going unnoticed and unannounced. 😟


Well , he’s called me a racist, a bi- polar racist. But that is a typical far than center liberal. What else is new. I didn’t know he had been banned, I guess I’m still seeing his postS in other groups.

FEWI Level 8 Sep 30, 2020

You can always report out-of-order comments to Admin if you feel strongly about them. It was a long time ago, but someone who was in Turkey at that time was immediately labelled as a paedophile. That was a horrible thing to say...

@Naomi No worry, I turned into a duck and it rolled like water off my back. I voted yes. Lol!!!


Without knowing the reason, it's impossible to answer. I'm sure his views had nothing to do with it. I think this is a matter for the moderators.

A fair point. And it is odd that I wasn't aware that he was banned from this group. Maybe others were, I don't know. Remember Thaw? His 10-day probation was officially announced by @Admin subsequent to his particular comment regarding anti-Semitism.


I believe in free speech, especially even if it’s troubling, so yes.

Rick-A Level 8 Sep 30, 2020

That's the very point. Couldn't agree more.


This goes to a topic elsewhere on this site: what constitutes a banning offense?

I have had one interaction with Jackson, it was respectful, despite the fact we STRONGLY disagree on, at least the topic discussed.

I think people can handle opposing viewpoints. I don't know the story behind any banning so I have no opinion on it. But....let opposing viewpoints thrive - it makes us all better.

Well said.


Why talk to the left they think I they have already won the culture war and are now in the process of cleaning up the Nazis 🙂.

In some sense it is true. The left controls most of the mainstream media, Hollywood, tech, the large cities, and are partnered internationally by similar hegemony throughout the West. Everywhere you go you are inundated with left leaning propaganda. The point is I almost always know what someone on the left is going to say before they say it making conversation kind of irritatingly redundant and boring.

wolfhnd Level 8 Sep 30, 2020

So... Should Jackson be allowed back in this group or not?


I don't care, I think we are committed to a no censorship website so without further explanation as to why he was removed I would vote to let him back in.


I'll vote yes if it's up for a vote.

govols Level 8 Sep 30, 2020

That's a good idea. I'll create a poll.

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