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We watched in amazement as one after another of our society’s foundational pillars collapsed and refused to even make a pretense of adhering to the law, truth or Constitutional procedure. Biden’s cadaverous corpse was dragged across the finish line in what can only be called a coup driven by his CCP owners, aided and abetted by those in government and media who they have likewise corrupted.

The Obama years left half the country disappointed, disgruntled, and committed to re-exerting our political power, but still engaged in what we thought was the political system. But the four years of the Trump administration, and the disgusting dramas of this past year, have shown us that there is a power in this country that has nothing to do with our illusions of a constitutional republic, has nothing to do with us, and that has corrupted the entire system from top to bottom.

Trumps lasting legacy will be the unveiling of this power in all its naked evil. For decades it’s been content to skirt along beneath the surface, wrapped in the camouflage of the Democratic Party, while we dutifully swallowed every bite-sized morsel of shit fed to us, pretending the evidence right in front of us didn’t really mean THAT.

Well, it did. Exactly THAT, and the existential threat Trump represented to their agenda drove them to drop, once and for all, the pretense, step from the shadows and reveal themselves. Now, there’s no more confusion. They are the enemy, and the ration of shit they would feed to us will not go down so easily.

If they carry this to what appears to be its inevitable conclusion, they will find it a Pyrrhic victory. We didn’t trust Obama, but we did not yet know the extent of his corruption, and that of the cabal behind him. Now we know what we’re up against. Over half the country knows: 80,000,000 Americans who know, without ambiguity, that the campaign to destroy their legitimate president was a criminal enterprise that has enlisted the entire elite class, those that would pretend to lead us. This would seem to be a most inauspicious beginning for the Hope and Unity administration.

The only thing Americans agree on, after this, is that the Constitution has ceased to have any relevance. The criminals about to claim victory consider this to be the crowning achievement of the long game they’ve played, more or less, since 1798, but formally since 1848.

The other half of the country views this as a call to arms..

Edgework 8 Jan 14
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But why bother fighting? What will winning do but make the other side more disgruntled and more determined to destroy everything even more ruthlessly than before?

Why not secession? Some brave individuals thought it the best alternative in 1860. They kept the Constitution, mostly identical, and simply restored it.

I'd even be for restoring the Articles of Confederation, maybe adjusting them slightly to give the federal level some ability to pay debts incurred as a whole, but also to make it clear that the federal level was SUBordinate to each individual state's government, except in times of war (when war is declared on the United States, not giving the federal government any power to declare war on another nation).

If enough Americans demand a Convention of States, the "reset" would be back to the original Constitution - pre 1942, when there was zero Federal bureaucracy, and no one looked to the Federal Government to figure out what to do about anything. We looked to our local, accountable communities. We knew who they were. We knew who were the alcoholics, the pedophiles, and the corrupt, and we kept them at arms length. We let those we knew were reasonable people, serve in public office.

Even if you successfully secede, they'd just send over their Marxist airheads to subvert you. And after 15 to 30 years - WALAH! - you'd still be in a mess.

@eschatologyguy So the answer is to what... give up? Embrace the communism?

@jamesdomus1861 no.

@eschatologyguy Then what? I'm genuinely curious. I'm not trying to start animosity, but allow me to say it how it seems like you're saying it and correct me.

It sounds like: why bother, because they will just infiltrate all over again?

So, if we can't separate, if we can't live in the same nation when both sides, really ALL sides, because there is more than just left-right, can't even listen to the other anymore without spewing hatred and vitriol and animosity, then what is the solution?

My thought was to try something new. Yes, secession isn't exactly new, the NE briefly considered secession due to the War of 1812 and 'hotheads' like John Lowell Jr. and Josiah Quincy were big proponents of secession of the NE, it hasn't been tried in the modern era and people have new agendas and reasons for wanting separation than in 1860.

@TimTuolomne Let’s make it pre 1913 where there was no income tax and no Federal Reserve.

In a way, the process has already started. The Blue states have decided to go their own way, creating sanctuary cities, refusing to cooperate with ICE, defunding police, tolerance for riots and engineering the election theft. I can see Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, South Carolina and some others nullifying gun confiscation laws, and the host of other bold, new programs in store for us.

But... but... what about the courts? There will be lawsuits. As Andrew Jackson said about a Supreme Court decision he disagree with: John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it.

It’s not going to require a formal secession. Rather, myriad flash points will slowly erode the Federal Government’s authority. When they resort to the totalitarian repression that is always the left’s endgame, we’ll see which soldiers and police (those that remain) will be willing to shoot fellow citizens. I predict a nation-wide Nicolae Ceaușescu moment.

@jamesdomus1861 if you didn't have so many enemies who would cartwheel should the dissolution happen, if you didn't have such a strong military that would put China at bay, maybe. Because once you dissolve, you'll be easy pickings just like the rest of us in the third world. My answer would have been to confront the enemies domestic of the state, a 1776 2.0. But I believe that the October surprise has been moved to January, so I'm optimistic. It could be bloody, America might be shaken to the core, but I believe you'll get out of this mess by the skin of your teeth.

Edit: by the way, this has CCP Asymmetric warfare fingerprints on it all over the place.

@Edgework I wish I could believe that, I really do. But we've already seen municipal police forces growing more militant and willing to do whatever the mayors and city councilmen tell them to. Sheriffs are a different story, as most if not all are elected, but I can totally see city police saying "I'm just following orders" as they drag you from your house for posting 'Biden sucks' or something else the power structure deems 'seditious'.

It may get better over a longer period of time, but it's going to get a LOT worse in the short term, I think the writing is definitely on the wall when Democrats can call on their 'supporters' to commit violence on the opposition and get away with it with impunity.

@eschatologyguy But isn't that the same as saying "Wait for someone else to fix everything for you"?

In my opinion, and I'm not here to take away anyone else's opinion, but I won't give up mine, I will hear yours and speak mine equally, in my opinion, as I've witnessed over the last couple of decades, every two years, mysterious actors will pop up, this time a couple of names I've found are Wade McKinney & Simon Parks, they pop up, say "the secret cabal is moving toward getting rid of the NWO and their pedophilia, so just sit tight and do nothing, everything will be taken care of for you." Then, after the timeframe they give (if they give one), expires, they disappear and in another couple of years (just in time for the next election cycle, coincidentally of course) another group of actors will appear and say the same thing.

I've seen this pattern play out on the internet a dozen times already. Anyone who tells me not to worry, someone else has it covered, is suspect in my opinion. I will continue to go and speak my mind to my co-workers or anyone else who engages me in conversation out in the real world to try and effect the change I wish to see happen, not wait for someone else to do it.

Sorry if that sounded like I was getting mad at you. I'm not, just telling it how I see it.

@jamesdomus1861 it won't be somebody else fixing it for you. America will fix herself. Remember that Pilosi laptop filched by US Special Forces? Did you ask yourself what that was all about? What I saw in that was some generals needing more proof before they jumped on board. Prepare yourself for a voluntary 2-week lockdown to give the white hats room to do their thing. Do you see Trump worried? He knows something we don't. Are you a Christian? This needs your prayers.

@eschatologyguy This is what I've heard from 'Wade McKinney' and 'Simon Parkes'. I've googled and looked them up on swisscows. Simon Parks or Parkes, doesn't exist. I found the two videos of him that I've seen saying that, and I found a Simon Parkes who disappeared in 1986 and a Simon Parkes who is some executive who looks nothing like the actor Simon Parkes. Wade does have a Twitter and Facebook, but because I don't have either, I can't say when his pages were created.

Also, McKinney's video is at least 6 days old, as it was first brought to my attention Saturday Jan 9th. He said it was only going to be a 'couple of days' before martial law was declared. It's been 3 times that long and there is NO sign martial law will be declared.

I've heard this stuff before and I've heard it in the past, too. The people who said it in 2018 have since vanished from the Internet. The people who said it in 2016 were long gone by 2018 and the list goes on.

Yes, I am a struggling new Christian. I believe that once this purgatory of an existence is done, I'll go to heaven. But I've been paying attention to marginally weird 'conspiracy theories' all the way up to and into the weirdest, most outlandish tinfoil hat wearing 'ideas'. This martial law theory I put closer to the latter than the former.

I can hope I am wrong and will be the first to admit it if I am. But I believe January 20th will come and go and Sleepy Uncle Joe will be sworn in from his basement and he'll immediately drop his copy of the Constitution into the shredder.

@jamesdomus1861 shouldn't you be praying then? I'm not even American, but I am.

@eschatologyguy Yes, I am, and thanks for the prayers. We're all gonna need 'em. Well, except the atheists. They need them, but they'll deny they exist.

@jamesdomus1861 a sorry lot, not even knowing the meaning of their existence. They oppose Marxism without realising they carry Marxism's biggest baggage: Atheism.

@eschatologyguy Something interesting I just discovered. This Simon Parkes guy, suddenly has a website & a wixsite, whatever that is. Just two days ago when I googled and swisscows'd him, neither of those pages were up and I started speaking about how he doesn't exist. Now, he does. Isn't that interesting?

@jamesdomus1861 link?

@eschatologyguy & []

And here's a link to the wiki page of the disappearance of Simon Parkes. All very interesting.


@jamesdomus1861 This may have something to do with her laptop! In your face Nancy!

@FEWI Again, I would love to be wrong and hope that I am. I will be the first (assuming I get to be the first, lol) to admit to being wrong.

But, he sent that letter to Pelosi and Pence, as Pence is the President of the Senate. It's his duty as president to notify them. Not so much a slap in the face, in my opinion.

God knows I want to be wrong, but I don't see significance in the act.

Many presidents, when leaving office, take the time to do all kinds of things: declassifying documents, pardons, etc.

EDIT: but thanks for pointing it out. It's good information to have regardless of what comes of it.

@jamesdomus1861 On Saturday a video was released of Gen McInerney he mentioned Pelosi’s laptop being taken by special ops and proof that Pelosi was in contact with China. I’m just connecting the dots.

@FEWI I genuinely hope something good comes from it.

@TimTuolomne Exactly my first thoughts. Aren't there a considerable number of states already on board?

@toronto_Georgia. At one point we had 41 States, but before the Convention could be called, the resolutions of some States expired. The Constitution calls for 34 States to call the convention, and 38 to pass an Amendment, just like Congress. We are right at the tipping point of calling a Convention of States.

The Convention can not act beyond these three areas: 1) limit the size, scope, and jurisdiction of the federal government, 2) impose fiscal restraints on the federal government, and 3) create term limits for government officials, so those who fear the Convention of States are Leftists who know that their mischief can be undone.


I fear you are right.


Biden Derangement Syndrome.

This is why Biden won.

bastion Level 7 Jan 14, 2021

Geez, you guys stealing everything!!

@2peros He is your president 🙂

@bastion wrong again, he’s the American President.

Ah, but did the creep win legitimately? Much evidence suggests sniffer Joe won fraudulently.

@angelo There's no evidence, this is just a way for you guys to feel like victims.

Not to put too fine an edge on it, but you wouldn’t see truth if it took a dump on your shoes.

@Edgework yes, yes, it's all unfair and trump won really and this is all just so unfair 😟

@Edgework Just for you. We have one with a spine!

I know, I know. That’s always been my advice : Trolls die in silence.

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