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I recently read this post providing some insight into democrats views on the current administration....

My Democrat Friends are Getting Very Embarrassed. Now that the implications of the Harris/Biden administration are setting in, my Democrat friends are becoming very embarrassed. They bought into the propaganda that all the turmoil in Washington was created by the erratic and immoral behavior of Donald Trump. Their vote for Harris/Biden was a vote to return to normal. They didn’t realize that the Democrats weren’t offering a return to normal, they were offering the establishment of a “new normal.” The “new normal” includes restricted energy exploration and cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline. This has caused a loss of well-paying union jobs, damaged relations with Canada, and triggered skyrocketing gasoline prices. It also threatens to return us to dependence on the most unstable region in the world. To those who would like us to leave the Middle East to resolve its own problems -- we can’t now.

dd54 8 Mar 13
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Sarah Silverman has a history of mean petty attacks on Trump. She just red pilled. She denounced both Republicans and Democrats, and denounced their elitism.

It's so fing elitist, you know, for something called 'progressive,' it allows for zero progress," she explained. "It's all or nothing. No steps towards. All or fking nothing."

The comedian described it as "righteousness porn"

"I don't know that I want to be associated with any party," Silverman said. "I really, I think I don't want to be associated with any party anymore. It's just, it comes with too much baggage."

According to the comedian, every political party comes with the baggage she's referring to. So much so that "no ideas can be taken at face value."

"And without ideas, what are we?" she asked rhetorically. "Without a common truth, how can we talk about it?"

She said that the divide between the parties prevents us from being a nation of ideas.



David Brooks:

On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks said that “the guiding force within the Democratic Party” is a belief that the Republican Party is “so illegitimate” that compromising with them isn’t worth it.

Brooks stated that he thinks there is a possibility of bipartisan compromise, but “The question to me is, Democrats, do they really want to? They hold the power here. Do they really want to? Or do they regard the current Republican Party as so illegitimate, it’s not worth compromising? And I think that sentiment is really the guiding force within the Democratic Party right now.”



If the Woke are really gaslit, they will be seeing all of this as normal. That would be why they are quiet now. After all that has happened, we should not expect that they still think like we do


Wait for when the #IllegitimatePresident is replaced by that low-life unelected, unpopular #IllegitimateVP - then the proverbial will "hit the fan" although the low-life unelected #IllegitimateVP has been speaking with foreign leaders already, which is not her role!

w0tn0t Level 8 Mar 13, 2021

I've noticed the leftist types in the News and Politics sub-forum on one of my car forums have become quite abusive in their language. Oh, they are still all in on Biden and the dems but their demeanor has changed for the worse. It might be cheap psychoanalysis on my part but it's my belief it is because they subconsciously know they've made a huge mistake and the cognitive dissonance is getting to them. Whether or not it will make them move from their established beliefs is debatable.


Seriously - they fell for all the lies & couldn't see this coming? Oh wait, they're Democrats .....

Ex-Clinton adviser Naomi Wolf warns US becoming 'totalitarian state before our eyes' under Biden
Author tells 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' Americans must wake up before it is 'too dangerous to fight back'


w0tn0t Level 8 Mar 13, 2021

I would dearly LOVE to believe that this is what people on even the moderate Left are now thinking, because such a thing would give me hope that maybe we aren't lost as a society just yet.

But in order for them to think this, one of two things has to happen: either A) the media is telling them things aren't improving under Biden (which isn't happening; Biden is our saviour, according to the MSM) or B) their critical thinking skills are telling them that something is rotten in Denmark.

Yet, if they had those critical thinking skills to begin with, they never would've come to the conclusion that everything was Trump's fault.'s a beautiful story, but I'm not convinced just yet.


I have not heard a peep out of the Dems and Never Trumpers that I know. Eerily silent in fact. That to me speaks volumes.

Add to that the New Big Bold Infrastructure Bill Pelosi is working on now, expected to cost at least $2T, Biden is considering raising taxes as a way to pay for the infrastructure plan—including an excise tax on fuel, some form of a user fee for electric vehicles on highways, and a carbon tax. Garamendi did not provide specifics on taxes, nor on the overall cost of the package.

He has reduced our energy independence but wants to add an excise tax on fuel.
The move to more electric cars will be offset with a user fee for those same cars on highways.
And just to make life really livable, lets just add a carbon tax to the whole shebang.
Sure Joe, we're all dying to pay for your next massive spending spree. Cat food anyone?? How about a life on ramen??

I hear cat food has chicken feathers ground into them and labeled "protein".

I only give cats food that I would eat myself. I give them fine meat.
I eat with the cats. Animals connect to food.


I'm seeing liberal friends shifting uncomfortably in their chairs. Do you find yourself wondering how they didn't see this coming?

I'm wondering...

Democrats bullied Republicans for years. After they're proven wrong, will they apologize?

Democrats bullied Republicans over the assumption of Russian collustion, and the investigation found nothing. Did Democrats apologize? No. The next day they launched a new hoax, the Ukraine hoax. They based it on a secret informant that they refused to disclose, and the informant turned out to have nothing. After the Ukraine hoax collapsed, did Democrats apologize? No. They looked for more attacks.

Democrats have the maturity of a baby. They can't handle being proven wrong. They melt down and double down with their psychological defense mechanisms. Whatever happens, they blame Trump and climate change.


Rich topic.

I've been watching Democrat discussion groups and I see many Democrats feeling regret over Biden, but I also see many Democrats praising Biden. My god!

That means they're cheap. Suckers.

And they're missing out. Jefferson is a better Democrat than Biden. Democrats chose Biden over Jefferson. Democrats are Jefferson blind. Democrats cannot recognize the value of a Jefferson. Democrats will never know Jefferson glory.

Democrats proved their Jefferson blindness by being blind to Gabbard.

Back in the day, both Democrats and Republicans embraced the 1st and 2nd amendments.

If you were to gather the people praising Biden, it would be an interesting gallery to say the least.

Definitely put them on record. Don't let them squirm out of it.

Republicans can virtue signal with "I told you so".


Howdy @dd54,

Nice summary, thank you.

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