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So it’s pretty obvious that what with everything that’s going on, and what is inevitably coming, the world is kind of going to shit. Does anyone have any ideas to make things right? We can’t sit pretty on this site and continue to watch the world go down the toilet. How can we stop our rights from being taken, stop socialism and all it entails, fix the economy, etc.?

Tati 6 May 1
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When someone says "I stubbed my toe on that rock." they are passing information. When someone says "I stubbed my toe on that damned rock." they are pushing an agenda. Terms like "going to shit", "make things right", "fix the economy" can be agreed to by all sorts of people because everyone has their own ideas about what going to shit is, what making things right is and what fixing the economy is. When you get down to exchanging those ideas between individuals is where the fighting begins. Things cannot be fixed by waving a magic wand and saying "kill all the libtards" or "wipe out socialism. If you listen to Jordan Peterson you will understand that things are complex and not easily sorted out.

To try to answer the original question there is no fixing what is going on. The world stepped over the line over 200 years ago with the use of steam power. We reached the point of no return about 50 years ago with "too big to fail" kleptocracy. We now have exponentially increasing demand on fixed resources and within the next 20 to 50 years it will collapse. No getting around it, it's a done deal.

Humans are just doing what we have evolved to do to survive. Every day lfe of hunter-gatherers was uncomfortable sometimes frightening and always uncertain. In order to survive we had to take advantage of things when they were available. We first look out for ourselves and our nurture group to secure and control as many resources as possible. We have come to the point that it is now working against us and don't know how or are not able to change how we do things.

Can’t argue with that, and yea there was some bias there so I apologize. Do you really think the damage is impossible to reverse?

ya, its like were all gonna die anyway so why bother. like the wise old homer simpson said, anything hard to do is not worth doing

@Tati We all have bias and I have to work to avoid expressing them with only partial success. If you have ever watched those landslide videos on youtube, we are at the point when some of the larger rocks are starting to let loose. By now the damage is impossible to reverse. There is a mass extinction of wildlife, and by wildlife I don't mean just polar bears and whales, I mean across the board species especially the small ones we don't usually notice like insects, arthropods. We do not realize how much we depend on them to keep things in balance. The earth will not be destroyed. These mass extinction events have happened many times in the past and will happen in the future. It is not likely that humanity will be wiped out but there will be a massive die-off. The earth could possibly support up to a half billion people.

@Tati We all have bias and I have to work to avoid expressing them with only partial success. If you have ever watched those landslide videos on youtube, we are at the point when some of the larger rocks are starting to let loose. By now the damage is impossible to reverse. There is a mass extinction of wildlife, and by wildlife I don't mean just polar bears and whales, I mean across the board species especially the small ones we don't usually notice like insects, arthropods. We do not realize how much we depend on them to keep things in balance. The earth will not be destroyed. These mass extinction events have happened many times in the past and will happen in the future. It is not likely that humanity will be wiped out but there will be a massive die-off. The earth could possibly support up to a half billion people.

Please understand these are my opinions as honestly as I can express them. I try to maintain a good amount of humility because I know there are faults within my reasoning.


Go to the streets?

change the ? to !

  1. Convention of States to repeal all-powerful, unaccountable federal bureaucracies.
  2. When Leftists start speaking, walk away from them. Make it clear that you do not respect them, nor believe them.
  3. Campaign aggressively for conservatives.

We we are in the midst of the rise of the new incarnation of hitlers reich, and we must do the same thing to stop it as we did last time. dig deep enough you will find this is brought about by the decendants of the same people who failed before, this time using china as there object of action.


We can help the cause by re electing Trump. We can do that by pointing out the left and in particular the Dems agenda of the UN's globalasation agenda first, America a distant second, to every single undecided voter.
Elect the pedo groping Biden and all Trump has achieved in the past 3 years in making America strong again will all be lost. Not to mention that Biden is incompetent and not capable of being the leader of the free world.

angelo Level 8 May 2, 2020

Biden is just a mask, he won't be ruling the country but the cabinet he 'chose' (aka Obama), which means the destruction of America once and for all.


Good question. Fifty years too late. Instead of asking what needed to be done, we did nothing. We watched as the entertainment industry, then the media as a whole, then the education system and now fully one half of our political system turned into a vast propaganda mill pushing an ideology that is and always has been antithetical to the principles on which this country was founded. I’d say it’s not a question of what we can do, but, rather, what we need to stop doing.

• We need to stop standing by passively while the institutions that have made this country great are denigrated, minimized and rendered impotent.

• We need to stop accepting the terminology of the left as we attempt to define who we are and what they stand for. They aren’t progressives, they are Communists. They aren’t activists, they are traitors. They don’t exercise their constitutional rights when they attack the Constitution and use the freedoms enshrined therein as a means to destroy those freedoms. They commit treason.

• We need to stop letting the left frame the argument.We need to stop trying to define ourselves as not being what the left accuses us of being. “I am not a racist,” is as pathetic a rebuttal as is possible. You don’t defend against accusations based on lies, you attack the lies.

• Stop apologizing. Stop acquiescing. Stop giving in.

After all that, fight. When Lincoln wanted to put Grant in charge of the army, his advisors clutched their pearls and wailed, “He’s a drunkard, and he’s reckless.” Lincoln said, “ I cannot spare this man. He knows how to fight.”

The fighters aren’t safe, they aren’t predictable, they upset plans and disrupt the status quo. They make people uncomfortable and they make mistakes. They force people to take sides. They scratch lines in the dirt. And they understand what it means to win.

Ronald Reagan went against the advice of all his advisors when he went to Berlin and spoke at the Brandenburg Gate. “Mr. Gorbachev,” he said, “if you want peace, tear down this wall.” How quaint, in these nuanced times, to hear issues reduced to such basic concepts. Early in his presidency, he let the experts, the career bureaucrats and the spineless weaklings who wanted to set policy towards the Soviet Union know how he felt about the issue. “How about we win, they lose.” He never wavered, and they lost.

Today, one man is fighting. His enemies are organized and rabid. Too many who should be allies are tepid and half-hearted in their support. Maybe he’s flawed, but who else will show us how to fight?


I have thought for a long time that things will never get better unless the people of this country face the fact that the two political parties are actually aiding and abetting each other to sell us out to globalist interests. We will have to take up weapons to restore the Constitution, and real liberty in this country. Either a full fledge real civil war, or if states should start seceding I will find one I would be glad to make a new home in to travel to. As it is I know Oregon is far too gone for a move like that.


I'm fairly optimistic.

The world is a very different place than at any time in recorded history. Globalism is based on a passing reality in which labor is a significant factor in cost. With automation and the ability of a single factory to produce unlimited numbers of unique products the assembly line may be passing into history. With local production comes the opportunity for a degree of local independence not seen since the days of the city state. Local independence means people will be able to vote with their feet to choose the style of government that suits their personality.

Gene therapy and bio engineering offer an end to the tyranny of natural selection. The social epistatis amplification model as derived from the mouse utopia experiments may no longer be applicable.

Right before these kinds of revolutions social structures tend to disassociate, we just need to get through a few decades without liberal democracy completely collapsing.


You have a blind spot. Socialism (or at least social democracy--i.e. Fed policy that provides capital to smaller businesses and individuals--not just large corporations) is part of the solution!

I see what you’re saying, and if it was just putting more money in the hands of the middle class, socialism would indeed be part of the solution. Unfortunately, it is very dangerous, and the first step to making us communist. Especially democratic socialism.

@Tati I can tell you're scared, but can you tell me why?

@WilyRickWiles Sure. I don’t want to tell you what to believe, but please be aware. Socialism makes a lot of promises, like free healthcare, free education, and putting more money in the hands of the middle class. Socialists say that the system can work for the US because it works for small countries like Norway and Finland. However, a closer look into how socialism would really work for us proves these statements as false.

Socialism works for Norway, Finland, etc. because they are small countries and a socialist government can be properly enforced. We mustn’t hold the US to the standards of these European countries because they are much smaller. It is impossible to enforce socialism here as in Finland, because, for one, it would cost the US about 3 Trillion more dollars than she already spends per year, and that is without taking into consideration the cost for the Green New Deal. That’s why it can’t work for large countries. There is more cost involved with more people. Smaller countries have less people to support, so it can work for them. We would run out of money. That means even heavier taxes among other things.

You see, when my grandfather lived in China and later my mother in Russia, they were drawn to socialism as a means of free healthcare, low cost education, and many of the other things socialism promises to the US. It seems like the perfect solution. Unfortunately, like communism, the only way to enforce these economic changes is strict government involvement, and that’s how those countries became communist.

And while Democratic socialism seems like the best of both worlds, it is not sustainable.

I wish it could, but democracy cannot save socialism. On the outside, it could, because if we have elected a leader or CEO we don’t like, we can just “vote the bastard out” as they say. Any future Lenin or Hugo Chavez wouldn’t get elected in the first place. But what about voter ignorance? After all, Hugo was democratically elected, and look at Venezuela today. Most Americans can’t even name the 3 branches of government, but somehow they can monitor socialist leaders for corruption? It is unrealistic. And besides, with more government control, there will be more suppression of opposition, and so the average voter will be unaware of a threat to democracy. The government will have more control over the economy, and by using their resources and censoring the truth, any power- hungry leader can ensure that the country will not be democratic for long.

Now, this couldn’t happen right away to us. With our constitution, it’s not easy to make us communist. We have more wealth then the average Venezuela, after all. Also, we have checks and balances, and the judicial system wouldn’t allow any threats. However, over time, these constraints are not perfect. Court- packing is when additional leaders are elected into the justice system so that a party has a lot of people in charge supporting its views. Both the left and the right are attracted to this strategy. American socialists could use this strategy to get the judicial system and constitution off of their backs. So, in the long- run, democratic socialism could not be sustainable. Maybe in a perfect world.

Final thought. I don’t know if you’re a religious person, but check this out. The threat of communism through socialism is more imminent when you look at it through a biblical lens. Socialists really want a one world government, but to do that, America would have to be out of the way because we’re so powerful and capitalist. What’s interesting is that the Bible never mentions the US in its end times prophecy. Perhaps that is because America will be out of the picture thanks to getting undermined from the inside out. Scary.

I’m sorry for this big essay, and if I sound lecture-y, but I’m just very concerned that what happened to my family in Korea, Russia, etc. could happen here. I didn’t leave one communist country to have it follow me here lol. In my opinion, socialism is the first step.

What do you think? Are you socialist, and do you think it is a good fit for America?

@Tati Well said!

@Tati. There are no better spokespeople against socialism than those who have suffered, or have family who have suffered under its yoke. Most Romanians I know think American socialists are idiots, and I agree with them.



  1. Demand that the quarantine be lifted.
  2. Vote out the power hungry (every single Democrat) who want to get rid of the Constitution, because it limits their power.

The Brits tried to enforce draconian laws, WE shot them!!!!!!
We can hope it does not come to that, but be a "MINUTE MAN"!!

Serg97 Level 8 May 1, 2020

It’s a good question. My only answer is to support resistance in any way you can whenever and wherever you see it.


I think "the people" better start on learning how to prepare food/meals with basic ingredients. Learn to plant, cultivate fruits and vegetables and learn to can or preserve them. Learn how to dress out a chicken or small game...learn how to sew...learn how to filter or purify water. Learn how to use basic hand tools.
The recent hoarding of things like toilet paper and other grocery items should serve as a warning to everyone. It is plausible - maybe even likely IMHO the day will soon come when the "grocery store" will no longer be where you go to get your next meal. And if there happened to be a stocked store somewhere the money will have no value. Maybe

iThink Level 9 May 1, 2020

Call me pessimistic, but it's going to take degrees of violent push back that could well lead to all out war. That could come either before or after we are all under the foot. Hard to say what the breaking point will be.

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