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Expect I am about to piss off some republicans, and Trumpeteers. It's a dirty job, but I reckon someone has to do it.
Now if O-bomb-a had pulled some EO crap like this, especially with this focus and reasoning, every republican in the country back then would be having massive hissy fits, getting in front of the cameras every chance they got to talk about the tyrannical actions that democrat was taking. Hell even McCain, Graham, and Romney would have been bitching about it. I guaran-damn-tee ya they would.
But since it is a republican, and better yet The Donald!!! making such a jackass tyrant move he is being seen as some kind of political hero.

Here are some problems with Trump's actions. First and foremost these social media outlets have been censoring Christian, and conservative content for years now. It's not like this is anything new. The only reason Trump is acting now is because Twitter put some kind of fact check disclaimer on one of his posts. He was fine with them censoring the more authentic and dedicated Christians, and conservatives all these past year, and most likely would have no qualms about them doing it in the future, but they crossed the line, they censored him personally, TIME TO ACT DAMN IT!!! And republicans across the land will never acknowledge Trump is not acting for the good of the people, he is just reacting to his own butt hurt feelings.

Now here is the real crux of the matter. This is not the government's place for taking any kind of control! Twitter, Youtube, Facebook are all private companies. Sure they have been hostile to the groups previously mentioned, but if you are that troubled about it, if you have done FB jail time, or had content deleted you have a very simple choice. You can delete your accounts and start accounts on other platforms that do not have the same censoring aspects. Bitchute is like Youtube that does not censor. IDW is like a FB site that also does not censor. Not sure about a non censoring site like Twitter, but take time and I bet you could find one. And should you have objections to joining these free sites then you can simply find other ways to fill your time. Personally I am trying to get my vegetable garden planted again this. What you should NEVER do is support government intervention into these private businesses.

Seriously, would you support the government shutting down, or taking over, through EOs, and other agencies Christian content movie sites? Would you be just as glad to see Trump, or the next democrat have these government overlord agencies force those sites, and channels to play R, or X rated movies, and to let all the perverts and Christianphobes have all their commentaries left in place rather than deleting them because, well for whatever reasons you have for supporting Trump doing what he is doing. Okay I realize that is stupid after I wrote the sentence because the main reason most people support Trump so fanatically is because it is Trump. The flip side to the Trump Derangement coin. One side simply hates something Trump does because it is Trump, the other side sees everything he does as being the next best thing to having the Lord Jesus do it because it is Trump. So I will amend the question. Would you justify such actions for the same reason you are justifying Trump sticking the federal government where it does not belong?

NOW, if all ya want to do is make some asinine comment about the "source" rather than the content. Please do me a favor, put that thought in your hat, put you hat in you chair, then sit on it, and leave it there. I would seriously appreciate that. Complaining about the source is like the socialist dimwits responding to everything they disagree with by saying, "Uh you just watch Faux news so your just stupid, and don't know what you're talking about". That really is exactly the same thing when a Republican whines about MSNBC or what ever isn't Fox, and then they will just complain about Fox when they have run the same story, most often word for word even.


KCSantiago 8 May 28
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If Twitter were actually fact-checking I would not have a problem with them doing it. They aren't though. They are exhibiting a bias. There is lots of evidence that mail in voting is too easily subject to fraud.

Trump, although he may claim to be, is not perfect. You would have to have been around the block a few times and a little rough around the edges to take on the Washington establishment, the MSM, social media, Hollywood and the globalist organizations and elite that feel they have a calling to save the planet.

Americans should be happy they don't have sellouts like Canada's Trudeau or a Merkel or Macron. You dodged a bullet when Hillary lost and spent 8 long years under a scandal free administration (haha) that worked tirelessly to "fundamentally transform" the nation in to some sort of oligarchy or socialist state.

@Leroy_Dumonde Yeah. I know and Israel is getting so powerful they are going to take over the world. We need an Obama to sell us out to China so they can take care of Israel.

@Leroy_Dumonde Wow! I always wondered if there were any Chinese Jews. I was out for Chinese food one night and I asked the waiter if there were any Chinese Jews. He said he didn't know and would ask the chef in the kitchen. When he came back he said, "So sorry, sir. No Chinese Jews. Only apple jews, orange jews, tomato jews.


I think I'll wait until I read the text of the executive order. I voted for Trump to build the wall. His boisterous attack against the one sided media I consider an extra. Calling attention to Twitter's bias should motivate a lot of people to rethink their use of the platform. The market works.


Whatever one may think of the Donald, ATM he's the only Western leader who's defending our freedom and Western values. It certainly makes a huge difference to have a strong leader such as Trump after enduring 8 long years under the weak, appeasing and wimpy Obama.

angelo Level 8 May 28, 2020

I hear where you are coming from in regards to them being private businesses but it's not that simple. They are having their cake and eating it too. We have certain rules for platforms and we have certain rules for publishers. If they are a platform and aren't responsible for content, then that's fine but they are acting as a publisher as well and censoring content and deciding what is fact or fiction. Here is an article talking about their public vs private stance on being a publisher. Link below about Facebook:


Your focus is too heavy on Trump. Trump didn't necessarily take the red pill much before 2015 but he's been complaining about social media in some form since he was running. Other Republicans have complained about it as well. The difference is that no one gives a shit about one republican senator that no one remembers the name of...but the president of the united states will always have a microscope.


I can of course only speak for me but here are my two cents. I supported President Trump in the past, I plan to in the future. I certainly do not agree with all he does, and I also wish he would handle things a bit different at times. To me the real issue you have touched on here is social media and I will go ahead and toss the media in here to. This is getting to be a dead horse, but they censor many groups and ideas and its a constant thing. This is bad enough but in the bigger picture, they are also forming many people's perception of the world.

It disturbs me greatly that young people and people that are easily swayed only see what they want them to see. Their heads get filled with this crap. They start forming their believes and views about the world, its people, and cultures based on what they have seen through these outlets. The bias of these outlets become the people's bias.
Our news is no longer news, its propoganda. It seems to me that social media is on the same path. It really makes me fear for where we are headed.
I could go on, but I have only had one cup of coffee this morning and I just don't think thats gonna be enough to save the world. So I will just stop here.

First, something odd happened with the last 2-3 sentences. They strung out over the list of Related Groups. Never have seen that before, and wonder what caused it to happen.

I do agree with a good bit of what Trump has done, but it troublesome to me when he pulls something like this, far out of appropriate actions for a president, or the government in general, and yet people not only refuse to speak out against it , but show unquestioning support and fervor for all his actions as though he could not possibly do anything wrong. This is along the same lines of ideology over substance that you find disturbing with the influence people allow talking heads to have over them, and not actually coming to any real conclusions themselves. It would be nice to see more folks willing to stop the fawning and hero worship and face some harsh truths once in a while.

As an example I saw post on FB about how Trump just made deals with pharmaceutical companies to bring the monthly cost of insulin for people on Medicare down to a mere $35 dollars a months as opposed to over $70 a month previous to his intervention. Not only is that not his job, he has much more important issues to face, but from personal experience this is just not reality. I am on disability, and use Medicare. I have been on insulin for a year now, and my monthly costs are only a little over $4.00 a month and always have been.. The people I know in the same set of circumstances are all paying under $10 a month for these meds. But folks on FB were offering up all kinds of praise as though he just healed a blind man.

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