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Where is Trump's Roadmap for COVID19?

Trump owes us a roadmap. The available data suggests that the pandemic will overwhelm our health care system and cause possibly millions of deaths and lung injuries if we don't practice social distancing immediately. Thankfully that has begun.

So what's next? A month or two of this may "bend the curve," but it is likely to spike again as soon as we resume socializing. And there won't likely be a vaccine until over a year from now. I don't think Americans are willing to accept social distancing for a year or longer, nor accept an authoritarian surveillance state to manage our social lives.

But perhaps we can avoid that fate by mass manufacturing and distributing tests, a process that has unfortunately been delayed by the missteps of the federal government. Once we have population estimates and the curve has been bent, we can move to more targeted quarantines. Meanwhile, the federal government and military can work on building more temporary capacity in our health care system.

So, Mr. President, what is your roadmap in terms of the length of social distancing, test production, test deployment, targeted quarantines, and health care capacity building? Knowing the length that we will be expected to social distance will go far toward restoring certainty in the economy.

WilyRickWiles 8 Mar 19
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you do realize you are socializing in the comment section of this post...right?

Let's hope the virus can't travel over the tubes!


How about a victory lap and a high-five to Bayer?


From your posts Rick it is clear you have never managed significant numbers of people or dealt with complex problems where you were personally responsible.
Do you really think the Potus has time to write you a nice roadmap to satisfy your curiosity?
He is putting actual actions in place and does not have time or the capability to satisfy everyone’s needs for information.

I dealt with small scale events myself and learnt how difficult it is to solve the problem and communicate in a way that everyone understands.

Furthermore, and be honest here. Do you look for an actual roadmap or some reason to criticise him?

Hanno Level 8 Mar 19, 2020

hanno, you think the sugeon general doesnt develop the road map, in a sense.

There would be many people involved. In NZ it is the Officer of Health, your equivalent Surgeon General, who leads it.
The PM in the end communicate... just like Trump did.

Don’t know what Rick Wiles expects other than to try and find a reason to blame Trump for something.


POTUS has no idea that you even exist, and frankly posting your diatribe on the IDW is simply an indication to the rest of us of how delusional and removed from reality you are.
Your making an even bigger fool of yourself than you usually manage to accomplish.

Rick-A Level 8 Mar 19, 2020

Do you have an argument with the substance, sir?

Funny how you demand an argument of substance from Rick-A, however when I post an argument to you your only response is laughing emoji.
You used to be better than this.

@Hanno I've long stopped expecting arguments of substance from you. I am looking for an actual roadmap, by the way. Some of us argue in good faith.

@WilyRickWiles Jeez your are full of your self!

You can only laugh at the pompous pr!ck.


I just heard that all of California is on lock down!!
As of 5 hours ago, 19 people in California have died from corona virus!!!
The population of California is just short of 40,000,000!!
The death rate is all the way up to (.)0000475% of the population!!!
How many died in traffic accidents this year in California, at least one per day this year!! if stats are right that means 79 deaths!!!
One thing for sure, this LOCK DOWN will reduce the number of traffic deaths!!!!

Serg97 Level 8 Mar 19, 2020

What I want to know is how much spare capacity is in the hospitals from night to night.

@WilyRickWiles Ricky, I think California can handle 20 to 40 more patients!!

@Serg97 You know many many more people get severe cases and are hospitalized than die, right? And that affects everyone in the medical system--not just people with COVID19. Do you know how many hospital beds are at your hospital?

@Serg97 I know my hospital only has a few hundred, and that's in a big city. For suburban hospitals it's around a hundred something, and probably less for rural.

serg, you know that the test kits that they sent out don't work and we have no actual honest numbers orher than those highest risk and died. like dudes with copd and emphysema that got it and already died.

@WilyRickWiles Ricky, I understand this issue better than most. I live in a town of 57K, and it is the largest town within 350 miles, so we get people from all around!!
My better half was a Trauma Coordinator for a trauma hospital on the west coast before retiring, so I do understand, do you???????????

@WilyRickWiles You don’t need to know, because your not even cleared to rumour level 001.


Google the daily updates and press conferences. It is a good place to start. Everything you say must start, has been underway for days and is common knowledge. We may not get past this until everyone has been exposed and many people die, but that is not the fault of government. It is merely biology. We will all eventually become exposed to it. Everyone who survives this will have been exposed. Coronavirus vaccines have not been successful in the past. There is no cure for the common cold. Our bodies must build our immunity ourselves. With a collapsed economy, there will be little money to spend on infrastructure. The federal government is rarely the answer to anything.

Facci Level 7 Mar 19, 2020

Yes, such efforts are underway, but the President has not announced a roadmap. We don't know how those efforts fit into a larger plan. We don't know whether to expect to shelter in place for two weeks, two months, a year, or longer. And that makes it very difficult to make decisions about what to do with our lives and our resources.

@BobCoffey1 Oh I won't. There's an income cap.


The head of the CDC does not know that. How is Trump suppose to know. It is an evolving scenario.

Things will be different in each country. Will USA go the way of South Korea or Iran?

You as an American received far more information from your president than what I as a New Zealander received from prime minister.
Even though I am not an Ardern supporter, I do not make demands on her and criticise her every move. I support her in this fully. She is doing all she can.

@Hanno He does not have to predict the future exactly, but he needs to make goals, projections, and contingency plans based on the current available information.


I suppose you have experience as an executive. If you have, then you know you don't make a move until you know what you are dealing with. Only a fool would take a step that might endanger his people more if it is in the wrong direction. And in an adversarial environment, I would not make my plans known - especially to someone like you. I have been an executive and know that those who throw rocks at leadership because they haven't the faintest clue about what is going on, are those I happily ignore, and promote to the latrine.

💯% agreement with you.
Only once I became an executive manager did I realise how many difficult decisions you need to make with very little
Information and no time.... people who has not been there has no clue.
And when you make your plans known, everyone criticises however no one has solutions or better ideas.

To demand that Trump provide a road map indicates Rick Wiles never had to manage large numbers of people or be responsible for significant problems... like most socialists.

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