5 9

There's no need to respond to this post. This is what I see. Consider this...when the President is a jerk...
The bottom line has been that Trump is a jerk. He’s crude, he bloviates, he gets his feelings hurt and he’s a hot head.
Let me tell you what else he is. He is a guy that demands performance. He is a guy that asks lots of questions. The questions he asks aren’t cloaked in fancy phrases, they are “why the hell....” questions.
For decades the health industry has thrown away billions of face masks after one use. Trump asks, “Why the hell are we throwing them away? Why not sterilize them and use them numerous times?” He’s the guy that gets hospital ships readied in one week, when it would have taken a bureaucrat weeks or months to get it done. He’s the guy that gets temporary hospitals built in three days. He’s the guy that gets industries to build ventilators and face masks in a business that’s highly regulated by agencies that move like sleuths.
He’s the guy that asks why we aren’t using drugs that might work on people that are dying; what the hell do we have to lose? In spite of all the naysayers. He’s the guy that shut down travel from China, when the liberals and the media were screaming xenophobia and racist. He’s the guy that ran on securing the border in the face of a screaming press and media. When he shut down borders in the midst of the coronavirus virus they were up in arms over such a draconian move. Then the rest of the world followed suit all over, including the European Union between member countries.
Has he made mistakes, yep. Everyone I know would have. All of these experts wouldn’t have done any better. Trump is working harder than I’ve ever seen a President work. He isn’t hiding in his office, he’s out front every day.
Take for instance, all the shortages of PPE’s and ventilators. I’m unaware of anything that prevented all of these governors from ordering all the PPE and ventilators for emergency purposes over the last two years. And yet, it is Trump’s fault that they didn’t.
He’s balanced his approach and listened to the experts, when his distractors said he wouldn’t and couldn’t. When he offers hope, he’s lying and when he’s straight forward, he should be hopeful. It’s a no win, but he is not deterred by all of that BS coming from the press and the liberals.
I’ll take this kind of leadership over a nice guy that can make eloquent speeches.
Cowboy logic...

And I might add that he is working 7 days a week for no money. Can you name any other person in government, or private sector for that matter, who would do that, and put up with all the crap he has had to endure.

Can you imagine what this country would be like right now had President Trump NOT been elected? I shutter to think!

2peros 8 Apr 6
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Yipee Ki Yay Hombre! Orale!


He's also the guy who never asks about the party affiliation of sick, wounded, or dead Americans. He just extends hope, comfort, assistance, or condolences.


TRUMP 2020 was the answer normal thinking Americans voted for after that laughable unlovable anti American joke of a clown Barry Obama.


I did, and will VOTE for him again!!!!!!!!!!!!
I told the wife that I wanted a shirt with "TFL" on it!!! (TRUMP FOR LIFE) just to piss off the LIBS!!!!!!!!!!!

Serg97 Level 8 Apr 6, 2020

I’m with ya, unfortunately I was born and raised in The Peoples Republik Of Kalifornia, ancestral home of the fruit loop and bastion of the looney left. I wish my vote mattered but the fix is in. Between the gay bay and the massive sprawl that is LA, we here in SoCal are fighting an uphill battle.
There is still hope ...

@2peros. Never give up. So many people are leaving CA, that to me it means they are fed up. Lets hope there are more smart guys like you still there to turn that place around. I lived there 25 years and I met a bunch of folks like you, and we all rolled our eyes at the daily news there. Most of them are still there.

@TimTuolomne I live in fly over country, and a lot of ex-Californian are moving here!!
The ones I have talked to claim to be "Conservative".
Usually after a short conversation, I have to inform them that they may be Conservative in California, but here they are still LIBS!!!!
And I ask them not to vote on anything local until they have lived here for 5 years, they don't need to ruin this area also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Serg97. I was born in Colorado, and now people like that have so turned the place into California East, that it is no longer recognizable. I will be leaving Colorado for a place that still honors the Constitution. I am hopeful such a place still exists.

@TimTuolomne There is a place not far from where you are, The Black Hills, life is still good here!!!


Trump is an asshole, but he beats the alternative.

govols Level 8 Apr 6, 2020

I'll keep the asshole, thank you very much!!!

Try sewing up yer arse-hole and you'll soon figure out who is boss.

@WayneHawthorne That is true in so many ways!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!

Given the times the Lefties have brought us to, what kinda guy would you expect? They don't respond to civility, and in our system of justice, you just can't nuke em.

@TimTuolomne To bad about that Nuke thing!!

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