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Genesis Chapter 22 King James Version 1 And it came to pass after these things, that God did ...
KeithThroop comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Hebrews 11:17-19 By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, 18 of whom it was said, “In Isaac your seed shall be called,” 19 concluding that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead, from which he also...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 14, 2020:
@NathanPumphrey Right. My citation of Hebrews was just to give the added perspective that Abraham knew that, even if he had slain Isaac, God would have raised him from the dead in order to keep His promise to him.
DaveO276 comments on Sep 13, 2020:
Isn't modernism basically the idea that there is a one-size-fits-all way of seeing the world and that all truth can be deduced through science and reason, which everyone should subscribe to, resulting in identical opinions and understandings across the board? Then those who had different ways of ...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 13, 2020:
@DaveO276 Your point reminded me of a similar point made by William Lane Craig, who has argued in answer to the question "Do We Live in a Post-Modern Society?" that: "I’m convinced that Western culture, as the stepchild of the Enlightenment, remains at heart deeply modernist and so must be addressed as such. This is not to say, of course, that there aren’t powerful currents of post-modernism flowing in our culture. Post-modernism is entrenched in the university subculture in departments of literature, women’s studies, and, significantly, religious studies. But with respect to our culture at large these radicals are relatively isolated—indeed, even within the university as a whole they are a minority. I’m proud that my field philosophy has stoutly resisted the encroachment of post-modernism. Most people don’t for a minute think that there are no objective standards of truth, rationality, and logic. As I said in the article, a post-modern culture is an impossibility; it would be utterly unlivable. Nobody is a post-modernist when it comes to reading the labels on a medicine bottle versus a box of rat poison. (If you’ve got a headache, you better believe that texts have objective meaning!)"
SHOCK STUDY Shows GEN Z 18-Year-Olds Are as CONSERVATIVE as 40-Year-Olds!!! [youtube.
WilyRickWiles comments on Sep 13, 2020:
Keep dreaming.
KeithThroop replies on Sep 13, 2020:
Right now it does seem a bit like wishful thinking to me. I guess we'll see.
MacArthur Plans to Defy Recent Court Ruling this Sunday ‘We’re going to have Church’ ...
KeithThroop comments on Sep 12, 2020:
As a pastor myself -- albeit in Illinois rather than California -- I've been following this story with great interest. I agree with the stance this church has taken, and I am hoping that the courts will get around to following the Constitution on this issue.
KeithThroop replies on Sep 12, 2020:
@lawrenceblair You may well be right.
These days I find myself questioning just about everything...
Krunoslav comments on Sep 12, 2020:
With proper usage of memes, you can disprove gravity. Just saying. Memes play on emotion and often lack context. This makes them fun and easily digestible, but hardly an a complete information source on serous matters. So if you are going to question everything, start with that.
KeithThroop replies on Sep 12, 2020:
Well said!
UN-ilever issues apology statement after running a racist commercial hair care campaign in South ...
DaveO276 comments on Sep 12, 2020:
I see other articles have reported violent riots have broken out over this... I also saw some of the "offending" images. I agree the ad was insensitive and they should have done it differently. A better way would have been to use the same model for both before and after shots. They could even do...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 12, 2020:
Great points, as always.
I have been listening to the media all day going on about what happened 19 years ago today!!! It ...
DaveO276 comments on Sep 11, 2020:
Don't forget - in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 there were already plenty of people trying to undermine that unity with allegations of "racism" and "Islamahobia" and those efforts have proven to have had some degree of effectiveness. It is definitely worse now, but the decline was already well ...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 11, 2020:
Excellent point.
I have been listening to the media all day going on about what happened 19 years ago today!!! It ...
iThink comments on Sep 11, 2020:
8 years of Obama might have something to do with it...doncha think
KeithThroop replies on Sep 11, 2020:
Precisely what I was going to point out.
Topless voter shocks New Hampshire poll workers in dispute over political clothing rule ...
DaveO276 comments on Sep 10, 2020:
While I disagree with her politics, isn't a ban on political clothing anti free speech?
KeithThroop replies on Sep 10, 2020:
@DaveO276 I couldn't agree more! I think the Supreme Court should have been more clear on this as well, at least as I currently understand its ruling, which I've only read reports about but haven't read yet myself.
TN Legislator John DeBerry Speaks Up [youtube.
FEWI comments on Sep 10, 2020:
You can thank the Obamas.
KeithThroop replies on Sep 10, 2020:
@Leroy_Dumonde Well, given that there were no more slaves legally permitted to be imported into the United States beginning in 1808, the vast majority of slaves after the Civil War had probably been born in the States and lived their whole lives here. This country was, therefore, their home, and they should not have been deported but rather given full rights as citizens immediately. If there were a lot of problems it was not because these black people remained here, but because so many racist people in America refused to accept them as fellow citizens with the same God-given rights that they themselves enjoyed. To be sure, the problems we are now experiencing have virtually nothing to do with this past history, but this past history is still what it is, and IT certainly cannot be blamed on them or on their continued presence here.
Pelosi’s San Francisco salon going out of business, owner describes receiving 'nothing but ...
DaveO276 comments on Sep 10, 2020:
Hopefully she will be able to move to a red state and get back on her feet... and vote Republican!
KeithThroop replies on Sep 10, 2020:
I think I heard one report that she was considering a move to Montana, but she actually said in one interview that a couple of state governors had contacted her and welcomed her to come to their state. I think one was the governor of South Dakota.
Topless voter shocks New Hampshire poll workers in dispute over political clothing rule ...
DaveO276 comments on Sep 10, 2020:
While I disagree with her politics, isn't a ban on political clothing anti free speech?
KeithThroop replies on Sep 10, 2020:
Actually, I think most states had banned wearing political clothing to the polls because they argued it might intimidate other voters. But I believe the Supreme Court ruled that this is, in fact, unconstitutional in some cases where the state laws were too vague in defining such "political" clothing. It was a 7-2 decision back in 2018. I'm not sure if their ruling would cover this instance or not, but I'm guessing there could be a good case brought.
“It’s Obvious that Joe is Reading the Answers Off the TelePrompter” – President Trump ...
DaveO276 comments on Sep 10, 2020:
I can't see them being able to pull that off in the debates... He's going to need an ear piece then - and maybe a drug or two. Not long to wait now!
KeithThroop replies on Sep 10, 2020:
Yes, IF the debates happen. I still can't imagine his handlers will let him debate. But, then, I couldn't imagine he would be their candidate, or that they would let him out of the basement, so ....
Biden Claims More Than 6,000 Members of US Military Died From Coronavirus – The Actual Number is 7...
DaveO276 comments on Sep 10, 2020:
And of those 7, how many died ***OF*** Coronavirus, and how many just died ***WITH*** it?
KeithThroop replies on Sep 10, 2020:
That is THE question, isn't it?
TN Legislator John DeBerry Speaks Up [youtube.
BlackoutNJ comments on Sep 10, 2020:
He spoke the truth and they punished him for it.
KeithThroop replies on Sep 10, 2020:
I'm not surprised, and I don't think he was either. Maybe he should cross over to the Republican Party.
TN Legislator John DeBerry Speaks Up [youtube.
CharliePrime comments on Sep 10, 2020:
I love how people think someday Blacks will suddenly be satisfied and say... _"No more gibs please. We appreciate your past generosity and no longer wish to burden you"._
KeithThroop replies on Sep 10, 2020:
Well, I suspect that most black people feel similarly to the way John DeBerry does. They just don't get heard or represented by the liberal media. Maybe more of them will be heard via their votes in the upcoming election though. We'll see.
TN Legislator John DeBerry Speaks Up [youtube.
FEWI comments on Sep 10, 2020:
You can thank the Obamas.
KeithThroop replies on Sep 10, 2020:
Yep! And the sad thing is, this man probably voted for Obama.
DaveO276 comments on Sep 10, 2020:
Is it just me, or does the portrait above Jared Kushner's head at 4:08 look like Andrew Cuomo?
KeithThroop replies on Sep 10, 2020:
LOL! I think if you put a beard on Andrew Cuomo it would be the spitting image.
DaveO276 comments on Sep 10, 2020:
That was an incredibly powerful video! Especially the last story... that brought me to tears! I hope Chrystal is receiving the help she needs and that she will one day recover from that horrific disease and be reunited with her child.
KeithThroop replies on Sep 10, 2020:
My wife and I watched the whole RNC this year, and we were repeatedly brought to tears. It was the best RNC we've ever seen, and it was powerful and moving every night. It was a wise choice to just let Americans tell their stories.
Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for actually doing something- []
KeithThroop comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Yes. He deserves it.
KeithThroop replies on Sep 9, 2020:
@iThink Your opinion has been duly noted. We will have to agree to disagree on that point.
Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for actually doing something- []
KeithThroop comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Yes. He deserves it.
KeithThroop replies on Sep 9, 2020:
@iThink Well, you may disagree, but I think the accomplishments listed in The American Thinker suffice: "The Norwegian noted that Trump played a key role in this development, the biggest platform for peace since Israel's entente with Egypt several decades ago, and what's more, other Arab states would likely follow suit. In fact, quite a few are. And the troublemakers among them, such as the Palestinian "state," are walking back their opposition to the accord, with peace breaking out all over. On merit alone, by any objective standard, Trump's act is a massive contribution to peace. And it's not just the Israel-UAE peacemaking, either. Fact is, the Trump umbrella of peace is multiplicative. Trump's rub-out of Qassem Soleimani, Iran's chief terrorist, has led to global terrorism waning. Trump's peace-brokering between longtime enemies Kosovo and Serbia snuffed out another smoldering ember of war in Europe. Trump's risky move to engage North Korea's psychopathic dictator one-on-one, breaking all foreign policy conventional wisdom — created even more peace or at least bought time for something steadier, too — the freak, after all, had been hurling rockets at Los Angeles before that. And for keeping the U.S out of all wars and bringing troops home during his term, Trump deserves credit there, too. Yes, that's a heady record of peacemaking, and the Nobel committee couldn't ignore it if it cared about its credibility." Here is the link:
Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for actually doing something- []
KeithThroop comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Yes. He deserves it.
KeithThroop replies on Sep 9, 2020:
@iThink Well, just because some who received it before did not necessarily deserve it doesn't mean that President Trump doesn't deserve it. I don't think it is a meaningless gesture, by the way, especially since it would really annoy the Left. :)
Fox: First shots fired in Chinese/India border area. []
KeithThroop comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Will this become a hot spot in the ongoing cold war with China? I certainly hope not.
KeithThroop replies on Sep 9, 2020:
@Machiavelliwar I know we have been in a cold war with China for decades. The "ongoing cold war with China" was the premise of my question. Are you saying that there has been armed conflict between India and China for years that we have overlooked?
Hello! Apologies if this is a vague question, but how can you be certain there is a God, and he is ...
lawrenceblair comments on Sep 9, 2020:
According to your rules one must use modern sciences to prove the existence of God. That seems to cut out a lot of proofs. Is there a reason for that. I would think a good logical argument would outweigh a modern scientific one considering the state of modern science. After all don't we want truth ...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 9, 2020:
Good point.
Ideology has officially replaced aesthetics in American film making with tough new race and gender ...
Edgework comments on Sep 9, 2020:
For a long time, the evangelical Christian community has existed in a kind of parallel universe, media-wise, one that functions along side secular institutions, but which remains largely invisible to them. Robust music, publishing, television and movie industries, news organs and a vast array of web...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 9, 2020:
Thanks for that thoughtful and interesting perspective.
Roger, roger.
ScottforKing comments on Sep 7, 2020:
Roger that Roger, what's your vector Victor?
KeithThroop replies on Sep 8, 2020:
@camerakid61 LOL! I just got that your "Huh? What? Who?" was also a reference to the movie. Talk about slow on the uptake.
How are you doing under Covid lockdown?
iThink comments on Sep 8, 2020:
you need another vote category - "Doesn't matter when - I won't get the vaccine"
KeithThroop replies on Sep 8, 2020:
Same here. I have no desire to get a vaccine for a disease that will likely not harm me at all even if I get it. I also have no desire to be guinea pig for the government.
Roger, roger.
ScottforKing comments on Sep 7, 2020:
Roger that Roger, what's your vector Victor?
KeithThroop replies on Sep 7, 2020:
@camerakid61 It was a reference to an old comedy movie called Airplane.
Dark Times Ahead []
SpikeTalon comments on Sep 7, 2020:
Very dark times ahead, with no shortage of unknowns.
KeithThroop replies on Sep 7, 2020:
Well put.
Trump is a hero!!!! []
timon_phocas comments on Sep 7, 2020:
FB has shut down the link. Another reason why I abandoned that leftist propaganda outlet.
KeithThroop replies on Sep 7, 2020:
I was able to see it just now. It was about President Trump attacking human trafficking.
Are people more racist now than they were 20 years ago?
coalburned comments on Sep 5, 2020:
People aren't more racist. The media and politicians just want people to believe we are because they want us divided. And not only by skin color....that's just the easy sell. The more division, the better. They divide us by skin color, sexual preference, religion, world view, gun control, wealth, ...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 5, 2020:
Well said. I suspect that there is a younger generation here in America that has been constantly told that we are a racist nation by people who have an agenda in that being the case. It just doesn't happen to be true. This is one reason why they have had to adopt the whole "systemic racism" point of view to try to make their case. There are not enough clear examples to make anyone believe that this is a racist nation, so the Leftists have to try to come up with a way to make the charge that sounds plausible but which they think cannot be disproven. Never mind the fact that it cannot be proven either. It is simply an item of faith held by what is essentially a Leftist cult, an item of faith which, once adopted, leads them to view every negative experience they have as the result of racism. This in turn leads to the anger we see today.
This is Fraud: 10% of Reported COVID-19 Deaths for Those Under 35 as Reported by the CDC Are Due to ...
DaveO276 comments on Sep 5, 2020:
And how many deaths have COVID-19 lock-downs and restrictions contributed to?
KeithThroop replies on Sep 5, 2020:
Great question!
‘I Had No Choice’ – Antifa Militant Gives Interview to Vice News Five Days After He Murders ...
DaveO276 comments on Sep 5, 2020:
> “I had no choice. I mean…I had a choice. I could have sat there and watched them kill a friend of mine of color. But I wasn’t going to do that,” Reinoehl told Vice News virtually admitting to shooting and killing Danielson. What evidence was there that Jay was going to do such a thing?
KeithThroop replies on Sep 5, 2020:
Apparently there is absolutely no evidence that what this man -- who has every incentive to lie -- claims took place.
Judicial Watch Files Suit after Secret Service Admits to Destroying Records Related to Alleged Biden...
DaveO276 comments on Sep 5, 2020:
What exactly does Judicial Watch believe is happening here? Do they think that the records still exist? Are they alleging that the destruction of the records, if true, would have been illegal?
KeithThroop replies on Sep 5, 2020:
I'm pretty sure that any official record made of the accusation/incident would be property of the U.S. government and subject to public availability under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). There is a legal procedure for the proper destruction of certain records under certain circumstances, but apparently Judicial Watch believes there was a violation of the law here.
Arizona State job applicants must show their commitment to ‘justice, diversity, inclusion, and ...
DaveO276 comments on Sep 5, 2020:
This is transparently political and bad for America... The question is - is there anything illegal about it?
KeithThroop replies on Sep 5, 2020:
Hmm... Good question. I suspect that, if the university takes public funds, there may be a way to sue based on discrimination. I don't know if a civil rights violation could be prosecuted successfully or not. I would be interested in hearing from any lawyers here.
Party’s Over: Trump Orders Purge of ‘Critical Race Theory’ from Federal Agencies ...
DaveO276 comments on Sep 5, 2020:
It's about time! Now to find a legal way to get it out of universities...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 5, 2020:
Amen to that!
So, what do you think about this story?
Xtra comments on Sep 2, 2020:
KeithThroop replies on Sep 3, 2020:
@Xtra Right, in my experience, even the vast majority of groups that would still call themselves Fundamentalists would see such a view as racist and sinful.
It's still a poor choice it seems.
timon_phocas comments on Sep 3, 2020:
Howdy @Naomi, 3rd parties in American politics are underappreciated. They prove the viability of ideas and platforms to the two major parties. For example, the ideal of an 8 hour work day with a forty hour work week came from Eugene V. Debs and the socialist party. They later became part of the ...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 3, 2020:
Well said.
So, what do you think about this story?
KeithThroop comments on Sep 2, 2020:
I do not believe that the Bible teaches against what we would call "mixed-race" marriages. In fact, the Bible teaches that all humanity comes from two people, Adam and Eve, which means that, despite the differences in people that have developed since that time, we are all really just one race, the ...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 3, 2020:
@CharliePrime I'm not at all surprised you would say that. Have a nice day. :)
This is what you need to know about the pregnant woman arrested yesterday - YouTube
DaveO276 comments on Sep 3, 2020:
That's right... Australians have no constitutional protection for speech. Maybe countries that are more civilized could put sanctions on our governments until they recognize and protect our God-given human rights instead of actively violating them... How's that for incitement, Mr Andrews? Too...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 3, 2020:
That is really sad.
Finding life Purpose on a Train in Germany []
DaveO276 comments on Sep 3, 2020:
Very thought provoking and inspirational. It looks like you have a bunch of interesting articles there. I have favorited your website so I can go back and read some more later!
KeithThroop replies on Sep 3, 2020:
Yes, that is a very interesting-looking assortment of articles.
I recommend this book to anyone who was lucky enough to avoid Critical Theory in college and wants ...
MikeHunt comments on Aug 31, 2020:
This looks promising
KeithThroop replies on Sep 3, 2020:
Yes, it does.
So, what do you think about this story?
KeithThroop comments on Sep 2, 2020:
I do not believe that the Bible teaches against what we would call "mixed-race" marriages. In fact, the Bible teaches that all humanity comes from two people, Adam and Eve, which means that, despite the differences in people that have developed since that time, we are all really just one race, the ...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 2, 2020:
@CharliePrime Apparently you did not read either of the articles I linked. I thought that you would have done so if you were genuinely interested in an answer. At any rate, Adam and Eve lived a very long time and had many sons and daughters (who themselves intermarried and had many sons and daughters, and so on). Genesis, says, for example, that: "After he begot Seth, the days of Adam were eight hundred years; and he had sons and daughters. So all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years; and he died" (Gen. 5:4-5 NKJ). So, Cain could easily have married a distant relative. It may have been a closer relative, of course, but I think most likely a distant one because the Bible describes him as going to the land of Nod before he had children: "Then Cain went out from the presence of the LORD and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden. And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch. And he built a city, and called the name of the city after the name of his son-- Enoch" (Gen. 4:16-17 NKJ). The text doesn't actually say that he married his wife only after he arrived in Nod, nor does it say that Nod was far away, but only that Nod was east of Eden and that he knew her there so that she became pregnant and had children (his other children are mentioned later in the context). It does, however, seem likely that he married her there and that Nod was some distance away given that Cain seems to have been banished from the immediate vicinity due to his crime in killing his brother. Anyway, the Biblical answer is actually pretty easy to discern. There are many today who don't like the answer, of course, and take issue with it, but the whole discussion here is about what the Bible says. This is what it says.
So, what do you think about this story?
KeithThroop comments on Sep 2, 2020:
I do not believe that the Bible teaches against what we would call "mixed-race" marriages. In fact, the Bible teaches that all humanity comes from two people, Adam and Eve, which means that, despite the differences in people that have developed since that time, we are all really just one race, the ...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 2, 2020:
@CharliePrime The common view is that she was a distant relative. Here are a couple of links for you:
So, what do you think about this story?
timon_phocas comments on Sep 2, 2020:
Howdy @Naomi, Numbers chapter 12 is illuminating for this subject. 1¶Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married (for he had married a Cushite woman); Moses had a mixed marriage, for the Cushites were black Africans. Miriam and Aaron ...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 2, 2020:
That is a good example that I have used in the past as well.
HUGE! President Trump: Leftist Leaders “In the Dark Shadows” are Running the Riots and Chaos —...
DaveO276 comments on Sep 2, 2020:
People we haven't heard of are pulling the strings? Probably a team effort with some people we ***HAVE*** heard of...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 2, 2020:
English class focused on antiracism forbids ‘disparaging commentary’ []
DaveO276 comments on Sep 2, 2020:
> ‘We have the collective right to educated opinions,’ University of Louisville scholar tells students > > An English 101 class offered this semester at University of Louisville is focused on antiracism and forbids “disruptive language” and “disparaging commentary,” according to its ...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 2, 2020:
Once again, you've hit the nail on the head.
WARNING: Democrat Data Firm Says Trump Landslide Likely on Election Day – But will Be Flipped to ...
DaveO276 comments on Sep 2, 2020:
Of course, many of the mail-in votes will be fraudulent. Such fraud has been proven to be far more common than Democrats would have people believe, so considering the fact that Democrats still keep trying to revive the Russia hoax, there is no way they will not take this opportunity to cheat ...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 2, 2020:
I wish I could say you are wrong, but you're not.
Congratulations California, I honestly never thought I'd live to see the day that Pedophiles would ...
BikerPetehall70 comments on Sep 2, 2020:
If this is the American dream I'm glad to be English, and I thought we had problems
KeithThroop replies on Sep 2, 2020:
Actually, I think would be more California Dreamin' than the American dream. There are, after all, a large majority of states in which this would not happen.
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Smears Cop After Police Defended His Home []
DaveO276 comments on Sep 2, 2020:
It appears Ted Wheeler is terminally leftist. I see no hope for him, and I see no hope for Portland while he is their mayor. The sheriffs in the surrounding counties did the right thing refusing to send their officers to help Portland. It might do more good to use those officers to "quarantine"...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 2, 2020:
I cannot disagree with the diagnosis here, or the prescription for that matter, but I do feel bad for those few Portlanders who didn't vote for this leadership. Of course, many of them may be leaving now anyway, if they haven't already left.
94% of Belgian doctors support "after-birth abortions" for babies born with disabilities ...
DaveO276 comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Slippery slope is supposed to be a logical fallacy, but where the left is involved, we see them slipping time after time. It seems to be their MO. Reading the article from the two Australian "medical ethicists" it is clear that they are taking the left's existing "ethical standards" and ...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 1, 2020:
Excellent point.
Oregon sheriffs reject Gov. Kate Brown's request to staff Portland protests []
DaveO276 comments on Sep 1, 2020:
So the police are refusing to attend riots where they are not permitted to do what is necessary to enforce the law, and even if they do arrest people, the charges will just be dismissed? It seems to me these sheriffs are doing what needs to be done.
KeithThroop replies on Sep 1, 2020:
Yes, they are being asked to put themselves in danger simply to put themselves in danger for no reason. That is not what they signed up for. They are willing to put themselves in danger in order to enforce the law and get criminals off the streets, but they didn't sign up simply to be abused and attacked for no good reason. They are brave, not stupid.
Kenosha sees nearly $2M in damage to city property so far amid unrest: report []
DaveO276 comments on Sep 1, 2020:
Those who have committed crimes in connection with the Kenosha riots should be forced to cover the cost - in addition to serving jail time!
KeithThroop replies on Sep 1, 2020:
Right on.
Trump: I Don’t Want My Supporters Confronting Protesters []
DaveO276 comments on Sep 1, 2020:
If citizens are going to leave it to law enforcement to confront protesters, they need law enforcement to do their job. If law enforcement are going to do their job, they need prosecutors, etc. to do their job. If prosecutors, etc. are going to do their job, they need executives and legislatures ...
KeithThroop replies on Sep 1, 2020:
Well said, my friend.
The student alleged to Politico that when he stayed over at the Falwell home following band practice...
KeithThroop comments on Aug 28, 2020:
This story just gets worse and worse. I feel bad for the university.
KeithThroop replies on Aug 31, 2020:
@iThink You have also made an important point when you said that, "I take theology to be a serious and highly sophisticated field of inquiry - study. I dare say that the leadership of a given "Faith" or "Congregation" is more apt to know the nuances of the church liturgy etc. There are plenty of preachers and many times that followers who take the intellectual short route - pretty much like all other sophisticated fields of scholarship." It is true that theology can get pretty deep and technical sometimes, but what I should point out is that this really doesn't deal with the point I was making in my earlier comments about Christians believing that only God can save people. I conceded that there may be a portion of nominal or uneducated believers out there who are confused about this point, but I also said I would hardly characterize the majority that way. This is partly because this point isn't one of those deeper or more technical aspects of Christian theology; it is one of the most basic and simple tenets of the faith. So, I say again that most every Christian I have ever known would flatly deny that we can save anyone and would assert quite fervently that only God can do this.
The student alleged to Politico that when he stayed over at the Falwell home following band practice...
KeithThroop comments on Aug 28, 2020:
This story just gets worse and worse. I feel bad for the university.
KeithThroop replies on Aug 31, 2020:
@iThink I agree that there are plenty of charlatans out there. I just don't agree with painting with so broad a brush as your initial comments did. You have now specified that you only intend such comments to apply more narrowly, and I accept that. As for your reference to the Bible's use of the metaphor of the shepherd to describe the church leadership office, you are correct. It is important, however, to understand the way in which the Bible uses the metaphor. For example, the metaphor isn't used in quite the same way of church leaders as it is used of God the Father or of Jesus. Charlatans like Jim Jones deliberately blurred such distinctions, as other charlatans have done, but these are not indicative of the vast majority of pastors. They are, rather, a very small number. I think you know this is true, at least that is what I think you imply when you stress that you are using an EXTREME example in appealing to Jim Jones.
The student alleged to Politico that when he stayed over at the Falwell home following band practice...
KeithThroop comments on Aug 28, 2020:
This story just gets worse and worse. I feel bad for the university.
KeithThroop replies on Aug 31, 2020:
@iThink I have a bit more time right now than previously, so I thought I would interact with just a couple of things you've said. >>> The students are not the ones who should feel the pain of the Founders hypocrisy IMHO. The kids will be fine even if the university folds its tent - they'll get their education regardless and this might even be a very impressionable teaching moment in their own lives. I have no sympathy for the institution itself. That's not the same thing as the student body. I get your point, and I can definitely understand why you would think that way. I certainly have more sympathy for the students than the institution in a sense, but I am concerned that there are not many institutions that buck the current trend in academia toward postmodernism and socialism (especially in the humanities) Liberty University has been one of those institutions, however, so I would hate to see it damaged precisely because I care about the impressionable young students. >>> I expect my words to be taken in the context of the subject at hand - hypocritical televangelists! I didn't see you specify "televangelists" in your previous comments. What you said was "Any institution, be it college, university, church whatever that holds itself up to or pretends to be "of a higher moral standard" is almost certainly anything but that beneath its thin veneer godlier than thou - "if you want salvation - if you want gods forgiveness come to us! WE can save you!" There you have it, you spoke generally of any institution -- by which you seem to mean religious institution -- or church. I did not take your words out of context, then, when I responded to your words as what I perceive to be a mischaracterization of what most all Christians and as a false stereotype. So, although you may still think your view is correct, I don't see how you can fault me for having taken your words out of context. >>> I would agree with that but with the caveat that it almost exclusively it applies only to serious theologians. This was in response to my having said that I have never personally met an orthodox Christian who thought that anyone but God Himself could save people, and I stand by that point as someone who is very familiar with not only the wider Evangelical Christian community but also with much Christian literature and theology. I don't know what you are basing your perspective on, but most every Christian I have ever known would flatly deny that we can save anyone and would assert quite fervently that only God can do this. Now, there may be a portion of nominal or uneducated believers out there who are confused about this point, but I would hardly characterize the majority that way, which is what your comment seems to be doing. >>> Well now isn't that a critically...
(admin) Is Michael Moore now a Populist instead of a Democrat.
TimTuolomne comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Moore is only a vastly more rotund version of shameless self-promoters, seeking the most effective way to be controversial so he may remain in the limelight, and not starve - lacking any other virtue apparently.
KeithThroop replies on Aug 31, 2020:
I do agree with the newscaster there about the probable motives of Michael Moore. Even thought the things Moore said were right, I doubt he was saying them for what Conservatives would construe as the right reasons.
(admin) Is Michael Moore now a Populist instead of a Democrat.
TimTuolomne comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Moore is only a vastly more rotund version of shameless self-promoters, seeking the most effective way to be controversial so he may remain in the limelight, and not starve - lacking any other virtue apparently.
KeithThroop replies on Aug 31, 2020:
@iThink And whenever you're right you're right -- I give you due credit. :)
We are having a discussion about the nature of wisdom here [slug.
Krunoslav comments on Aug 30, 2020:
I would like to join but there is a bit of a problem it seems with the link. Right now I'm on, but the link takes me to where I am logged off. Its the transition between one site to the next that caused the confusion in the past. Anyway you can post a slug link. Thanks.
KeithThroop replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@Krunoslav The sites are identical except for the address and look of the main page, I think.
The student alleged to Politico that when he stayed over at the Falwell home following band practice...
KeithThroop comments on Aug 28, 2020:
This story just gets worse and worse. I feel bad for the university.
KeithThroop replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@iThink I don't take these things personally. This is supposed to be place where there is open, adult dialog and freedom of speech. That is what we are both doing. Sometimes that means we have to speak directly about things and even risk offending someone in the process. Even if offending someone else is not what we are trying to do, sometimes it cannot be helped if important things are going to be discussed. As far as I can see, you have not used ad hominem attacks, nor have you sought to offend me personally. You have just stated your views forthrightly. Again, this is why we're here, right? So, no offense. Thanks for being as polite and respectful as you could be while being direct. I hope I have done the same. :)
DaveO276 comments on Aug 30, 2020:
> Joe Biden is the worst candidate for President in modern US history. What about Hillary or Bernie?
KeithThroop replies on Aug 30, 2020:
A three-way tie?
Chicago BLM Militant Issues Threat: “We Have Demands and They Need to Be Met…You Can Listen to ...
DaveO276 comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Someone who makes threats like this needs to be on a watch list!
KeithThroop replies on Aug 30, 2020:
The student alleged to Politico that when he stayed over at the Falwell home following band practice...
KeithThroop comments on Aug 28, 2020:
This story just gets worse and worse. I feel bad for the university.
KeithThroop replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@iThink Well, you probably won't be surprised to hear that I would differ with much of what you've said, but I don't see any point in debating such things with you because I suspect it won't make any difference. I would only say that I doubt you would find anyone more realistic than I am about the sinfulness of human beings. I am one of them, after all. But I am glad to say that I've experienced the life-changing power of the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. I'm not so naive, however, that I believe the claims of everyone who professes such faith. There are many nominal Christians out there, and I'm not surprised to run across hypocrites along the way. Truth be told, we are all hypocrites to some extent or other, which is why we are so in need of God's constant grace and forgiveness. But this brings up the fact that there are degrees of hypocrisy, and I wouldn't put the majority of Liberty students in the category of Falwell. That is a patently unfair thing to do, but many people will do it, and that is why I feel bad for the university. There is one further thing that I would point out, though, and it is what I see as your mischaracterization of what most all Christians believe when you falsely stereotype them as saying, ""if you want salvation - if you want gods forgiveness come to us! WE can save you!" I have never personally met an orthodox Christian who thought that anyone but God Himself could save people. In more than 30 years of proclaiming the Gospel, I can tell you that I have never once even hinted at the notion that the Church could save anyone. All we can do is tell people what we believe and leave it up to them to decide whether or not they want to believe it. In fact, you will discover that I don't even bother debating much with people about my faith. I don't think that anyone can be argued into the kingdom of God. I don't think that's how it works. I'm not saying that rational debate does not have its place; I'm just saying that it doesn't produce faith, at least not as I understand how faith works. If you are curious to know something of my journey, although it doesn't by any means get into all the details, I have a brief description on the old version of my blog here: As for who might be out to get Falwell, I suspect there are those who have gotten sick of his hypocrisy and felt the need to expose it. And I suspect that his strong support for President Trump was probably enough to motivate many people to try to take him down as well. Just a couple possibilities to consider. I do have the sneaking suspicion, however, that we are witnessing the principle of "you reap what you sow" in action here.
Civil rights attorney Leo Terrell blasts inaction by Democrats as 'thugs attack law-abiding ...
Augur2748 comments on Aug 29, 2020:
I suspect there is a Great Realignment in progress. The Republican Party that emerges in ten years will have abandoned the rest of its elitist administocracy roots, and the Democrat Party will be fully Neo-Marxist, focused on Intersectional Struggle.
KeithThroop replies on Aug 29, 2020:
You may well be right.
Daily Beast op-ed refers to Daniel Cameron, other RNC speakers as 'token minorities' ...
DaveO276 comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Because, as far as Democrats are concerned, black people are not allowed to think for themselves.
KeithThroop replies on Aug 29, 2020:
Right on.
WATCH: Black Lives Matter Protesters Harass Vernon Jones Outside White House []
DaveO276 comments on Aug 29, 2020:
I wonder if Vernon Jones will follow in the footsteps of Jeff van Drew... Yet another Democrat whose party has left him!
KeithThroop replies on Aug 29, 2020:
Let's hope so. :)
Alice Johnson receives full pardon from President Trump []
KeithThroop comments on Aug 28, 2020:
Frankly, although I had no problem with the commutation of what appears to have been an obviously unjust sentence, I see no good reason to pardon someone who actually committed the crime for which she was convicted and admits that she did. After all, if correcting an injustice is what the President ...
KeithThroop replies on Aug 29, 2020:
@DaveO276 Good points, but I think she would still have been guilty under current laws, even if the current laws wouldn't have demanded or allowed such a stiff sentence as she originally received. After all, possessing illegal drugs with intent to sell and money laundering are still crimes. Having said that, I'm all for forgiveness. I'm glad she has been forgiven by God, and I certainly have nothing but forgiveness toward her in my own heart. I'm just a bit nervous sometimes about either establishing or continuing a precedent of issuing pardons to those whom we are certain have actually committed crimes. Such a power can easily be misused -- just think of what Joe Biden would do with it. And, given that it is pretty much an absolute power that the President has, it should be used very carefully. At any rate, if it is going to be used in a case where the person is known with certainty to be guilty of the crime, I can't think of a better candidate than Alice Johnson, and I can honestly say that I am happy for her.
“Don’t cry and don’t rage.
KeithThroop comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Frankly, I think I would want to nuance this statement quite a bit. Spinoza seems to be advocating a sort of Vulcan rationalism here (the analogy is a bit anachronistic I know, but I hope you get the point). He seems to be saying that we should avoid emotion altogether in favor of rational ...
KeithThroop replies on Aug 29, 2020:
@Krunoslav >> "You said you don't need to understand Nazi's to condemn them, and that is understandable emotional reaction. But if you do not attempt to understand the way the regime came into existence, how can you hope to prevent it from happening again?" This misses my point, I think. I didn't say that there was no value in understanding the past, such as how the Nazis came to be as they were. I just said that one doesn't have to understand why they did what they did in order to see that it was evil and to react to it as an evil. To be sure, understanding it more will impress upon us even more just how evil it really was, perhaps, but I don't have to withhold all judgment or refuse to allow myself to experience what is the appropriate emotional reaction until I achieve such a deeper understanding. And, by the way, one doesn't have to be religious in order to think such a thing. To clear up any further possible misunderstanding, I also did not say that emotions ought to take priority in our reactions or that we should simply be led by our emotions. I would, as a matter of fact, reject such a notion. I recall the words of the Apostle Paul when he said, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God" (Rom. 12:2 NKJ). Now, he often spoke of the importance of emotions in his teaching -- such as experiencing joy in trials or hating evil, for example -- but he placed priority on the renewing of the mind. So, from a Christian point of view, although emotions are an important part of who we are, we should not simply be led by our emotions; rather our emotions ought to be trained and informed by the mind as it is renewed and grows in understanding. We don't start from scratch, however, with no ability at all to react properly. We are after all, created in the image of God, and, from the historic Christian point of view, even though that image has been tainted by sin, it has not been eradicated by it. Anyway, I hope this more balanced explanation will help you to see my point of view a bit better. >>"To set aside your emotions and to observe something using intellect, is not the same thing as agreeing with it or disagreeing with it. it is about understanding the nature of it. And once you understand something, you can deal with it in a more appropriate way." I hope you can see by what I said above that I'm not advocating what you're reacting to here. I'm just saying that I can understand that mass murder, for example, is an evil thing, and react to it emotionally as such, even if I don't yet fully understand what motivated a person to commit mass murder. I'm not in any way decrying the potential value of seeking to understand what motivated ...
My fear was not of death itself, but a death without meaning. -- Huey Newton
turnerjolene48 comments on Aug 28, 2020:
Most of us have a death without meaning, do we not? Most of us are more or less anonymous in our lives and deaths. We may have loved ones and friends who mourn our deaths but were we famous and had deaths that meant anything to anyone else? No, we are anonymous in life and death.Except if we die ...
KeithThroop replies on Aug 29, 2020:
As the author of Hebrews said of Jesus, "Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage" (Heb. 2:14-15 NKJ).
I finally agree with Black Lives Matter.
Lightman comments on Aug 28, 2020:
Been seeing and hearing many BLM protestors who are "black" complaining bout Trump and how he has made their lives worse and created a greater divide between races in the US. None of the reporting etc seems to back this up. So is it true and what has been happening over there? Are these people ...
KeithThroop replies on Aug 29, 2020:
"... many BLM protestors who are "black" complaining bout Trump and how he has made their lives worse and created a greater divide between races in the US." -- No, this is not true. The Left has nurtured the divide and blamed it on President Trump, just as they have been doing with previous Republican Presidents. But none of them can actually point to any concrete evidence for their racist claims.
MSNBC's Joy Reid claims RNC 'trotted out' Black speakers to make Whites 'feel good about white ...
DaveO276 comments on Aug 28, 2020:
I wonder how Joy will react when Trump wins a record high share of the black vote for a Republican president...
KeithThroop replies on Aug 29, 2020:
I sure hope we get to find out. :)
The student alleged to Politico that when he stayed over at the Falwell home following band practice...
KeithThroop comments on Aug 28, 2020:
This story just gets worse and worse. I feel bad for the university.
KeithThroop replies on Aug 29, 2020:
@iThink Well, there have been some pretty bad stories coming out about both Jerry Falwell, Junior, and his wife, and it has given the school a black eye in the eyes of many. I think this is unfortunate. Although I've had my disagreement with the Falwell's, and even with some stances of the university, over the years, it is generally a good school so far as I know, and I hate it when the actions of some rub off in a bad way on people who are not involved with those actions.
Biden says some funding should 'absolutely' be redirected from police []
DaveO276 comments on Aug 28, 2020:
I hope Joe enjoys losing the election!
KeithThroop replies on Aug 28, 2020:
I hope he does lose the election. I'm still nervous about it, but more optimistic every day,
Gaslighting from the Lefties... Which is your favorite?
Jmann44492403 comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I don’t have any favorite quotes. I’ve just noticed over the past several years that whatever accusations the Left hurls at Conservatives/Republicans/Trump and his supporters, chances are they (the Left) are engaged in that exact activity.
KeithThroop replies on Aug 28, 2020:
Yes, I've seen this same kind of projecting over and over again.
Pelosi says Biden shouldn't debate Trump: 'I wouldn't legitimize a conversation with him' ...
KeithThroop comments on Aug 27, 2020:
We all know the real reason she doesn't want any debates. She and other democrat leaders know full well that there is very little likelihood that it won't be a political disaster for them.
KeithThroop replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@RAZE I'm thinking you are probably right. In fact, I suspect that the real reason Joe Biden has been so adamant about wanting to debate is that he knows he won't have to. The Democrats will call it off while trying to give Biden cover and blame the President (as per usual). Pelosi has just started the process, perhaps? If so, I suspect it will backfire on them. Or, at least I hope it will.
Megachurch Pastor: Abortion 'Is Consistent with' Christianity and 'I Will Fight' to Keep it Legal...
DaveO276 comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure...
KeithThroop replies on Aug 27, 2020:
That Scripture perfectly addresses the issue.
Golden Rule
DaveO276 comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I agree with @KeithThroop Even many atheists / agnostics would probably agree that this is a good principle to live by, but believing in a principle and following it are two different things... kind of like making a new year's resolution and fulfilling it (only this has eternal implications). ...
KeithThroop replies on Aug 27, 2020:
Right on.
Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"?
iThink comments on Aug 26, 2020:
I don't like the way you entangle two different questions into your poll question. Separate "Q" from "Deep State" then you have two poll questions that can be answered. Q does not exist - Deep State definitely exists. However, you have defined "deep state" as a cabal of super powerful people who ...
KeithThroop replies on Aug 26, 2020:
I basically agree with your assessment, and I definitely think these should have been two separate questions.
Jacob Blake is paralyzed from waist down and has 'eight holes in his body' after being shot in the ...
DaveO276 comments on Aug 26, 2020:
This selfish idiot just deprived his own son of the healthy father he should have had!
KeithThroop replies on Aug 26, 2020:
Yes, and he put his son in a very bad situation as well. That poor child is the real victim here, in addition to the police who are being falsely maligned.
Kenosha protesters, police clash in second night of unrest, 'massive fires' reported ...
DaveO276 comments on Aug 25, 2020:
> Evers and a number of other Democrats condemned the shooting. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden called for “an immediate, full and transparent investigation” and said the officers “must be held accountable.” > > “This morning, the nation wakes up yet again with grief and ...
KeithThroop replies on Aug 25, 2020:
Well said, my friend.
Left-Wing Protesters Intimidate Diners in Charlotte: ‘White Silence Equals Violence’ ...
DaveO276 comments on Aug 25, 2020:
As far as they are concerned, anything other than absolute blind obedience to them is violence against them, to the point that there have actually been white people literally bowing to black people, sometimes under duress!
KeithThroop replies on Aug 25, 2020:
As I type this comment, I'm wearing a t-shirt that says "I stand for the flag and kneel before the cross," and I mean it. Oops! I put the wrong picture. Here is a link to the right one:
Report: Gretchen Whitmer the Lone Governor Holding Up Big 10 Football Season []
DaveO276 comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Why not just make it the Big 9?
KeithThroop replies on Aug 25, 2020:
I get the point, and it is a good one, but I should point out that the Big 10 Conference actually has about 14 teams in it right now. It has been called the "Big 10" for so long that the name was never changed when they began adding additional teams. Kind of silly, I think, but there you have it. Anyway, I suppose they could drop Michigan, which I believe was one of the earlier teams in the conference, and still be called the Big 10. :)
The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel [statementonsocialjustice.
GeeMac comments on Aug 24, 2020:
This is exactly what’s needlessly killing Christianity. Right here in my neighbourhood.
KeithThroop replies on Aug 24, 2020:
There are a number of things to point out here. First, I don't think such things are "killing Christianity." Our Lord Jesus promised, "I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18b NKJ), and nothing has stopped the Church from growing since that time. I certainly don't think some fringe group of protestors is going to "kill" it. So, I would prefer that we leave such hyperbole aside. Second, there is much debate about the wisdom and effectiveness of street preaching, which is protected speech, at least in America where I live. In fact, we have street preachers in our town, some of whom simply preach evangelistic sermons and some of whom seek to be more deliberately inflammatory. The latter tend to give the former a bad name, and I wish they would shut up and go away. But there seems to be more than that going on in this instance. In this instance there seems to have been a group there with the preachers who are said to have been performing "anti-gay chants," whatever that means. As a Christian pastor, I have no problem with the street preaching, even if it is not my thing, so long as it follows the law. I know that this will be offensive to some people regardless of how lovingly it is done, but that doesn't mean it is wrong to do it. However, I am definitely against attempts to be deliberately offensive just for the sake of being offensive, which appears to have been going on in this case. Third, shifting from the issue of the wisdom or lack thereof concerning the very idea of street preaching, I would observe that, at least here in America, there is a double standard that Christians should not feel obliged to encourage. For example, gay activists can march or protest virtually any time or any place they wish -- and believe me, they typically have absolutely no regard for how offensive they may be to others -- and this is not seen as a problem, but allow just a few street preachers here and there and suddenly they cry "hate speech" and want to have it shut down. Now, I do not think Christians should ever deliberately seek to be offensive, as I said before, but the simple fact is that there is no way not to be offensive when proclaiming truths that some people hate and who vocally express that hate (without ever being accused of hate speech, by the way). Should we, then, cease proclaiming the message we have been called to proclaim simply because some people will find it offensive? If Christians did that, then the Church really would never have survived. So, there are issues here that have become intertwined. There is the issue of whether it is wise to engage in street preaching in the first place, which is a legitimately debatable issue from a Biblical point of view. Then there is the issue of how ...
John MacArthur argues that true Christians cannot vote Democratic.
coalburned comments on Aug 23, 2020:
Whether true or not, I don't think it's his place to make such a statement. But then I've never liked hearing politics from the pulpit. My faith may shape my world view, and thus my political views, but I could vote for a candidate for any number of reasons, some of which could be totally unrelated ...
KeithThroop replies on Aug 23, 2020:
He wasn't speaking from the pulpit. He was giving an interview in which he stated his own opinion. You may question the wisdom of doing so, or even the opinion itself, but he does have the right to his opinion. Being a pastor does not require that he stay quiet on matters he thinks to be important.
Research Finds Google Responsible for 2.
DaveO276 comments on Aug 23, 2020:
And what has anyone done about this? At the very least it is to be hoped that some voters have woken up so Google won't fool them this time! Still, it would be nice if congress would put in place some good legislation to try to combat this.
KeithThroop replies on Aug 23, 2020:
I couldn't agree more. It would take a Republican majority in both houses, as well as a Republican president, to get this done, though. The Democrats will never stop something that helps them win, no matter how obviously corrupt or unconstitutional it is.
DaveO276 comments on Aug 23, 2020:
Her district did well with her!
KeithThroop replies on Aug 23, 2020:
Yes, she appears to be a genuine conservative and a rising star in the Republican Party.
Do Conservatives believe in Climate Change?
DaveO276 comments on Aug 23, 2020:
I'm conservative, and I don't know what/how much impact human activity has on climate. There are people (including scientists) on both sides of the debate who likely have hidden interests that their activism benefits. I am very concerned about the other kinds of activism that climate activism is ...
KeithThroop replies on Aug 23, 2020:
@DaveO276 OK. I just thought you had the same idea, as many have.
Do Conservatives believe in Climate Change?
DaveO276 comments on Aug 23, 2020:
I'm conservative, and I don't know what/how much impact human activity has on climate. There are people (including scientists) on both sides of the debate who likely have hidden interests that their activism benefits. I am very concerned about the other kinds of activism that climate activism is ...
KeithThroop replies on Aug 23, 2020:
You would have liked one of our nation's founding fathers, who famously said: "Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" (Patrick Henry)
Tennessee mom says parents asked to sign 'ridiculous' waiver they will not eavesdrop on kids' online...
BrianFey comments on Aug 22, 2020:
I asked that question on Quora. Feel free to add your thoughts before others do. [Should parents be allowed to see the educational materials a public school gives their ...
KeithThroop replies on Aug 23, 2020:
Yes, they should definitely be able to see anything their children see at school.
I grew up in Indiana around guns, and I carried a gun sometimes while in the U.
FreedomRocker comments on Aug 22, 2020:
The trend has been going on for a long time, Barack Obama was nominated Gun Salesman of the year numerous times! I'm glad you've decided to defend yourself, but it's too bad that you waited until ammo is unavailable or priced thru the roof!
KeithThroop replies on Aug 22, 2020:
Actually, I purchased the gun months ago, when all this stuff started, and I was able to get plenty of ammunition at a good price. But, then, I purchased a Smith and Wesson Model 10, which takes .38 or .38+p, which I think is usually pretty easy ammunition to come by. And, by the way, I would have defended myself before, just not with a handgun. Now I can defend myself much more effectively, though.
I grew up in Indiana around guns, and I carried a gun sometimes while in the U.
B1967 comments on Aug 22, 2020:
That is good are you getting some training on how to use it
KeithThroop replies on Aug 22, 2020:
@B1967 Good idea on moving quickly.
I grew up in Indiana around guns, and I carried a gun sometimes while in the U.
timon_phocas comments on Aug 22, 2020:
Howdy @KeithThroop, I purchased an antique Russian rifle just after Obama was inaugurated. I bought it because I could purchase ammo for it in vacuum packed, 440 round cans. In 2015 I bought a pistol because I thought Hillary might get elected. Peter Stzrok wasn't the only one looking for an ...
KeithThroop replies on Aug 22, 2020:
One of my fellow elders at our church is getting his CCP and will be carrying at all times, even for all our services. I will do the same after I obtain my permit.
I grew up in Indiana around guns, and I carried a gun sometimes while in the U.
B1967 comments on Aug 22, 2020:
That is good are you getting some training on how to use it
KeithThroop replies on Aug 22, 2020:
Oh, yes. Having had experience with guns in the past, I know that it is a serious thing to wield such weapons, and I would never assume that my past experience is sufficient. One always needs more and better training because things are forgotten and reflexes die over time. Laws also change dramatically, and we need to be brought up to date. In fact, although Illinois requires a certain amount of training before they will issue a permit to carry, we intend to get additional training. We are also going to join the NRA and USCCA.
Because they’re nuckin futs “It never occurred to me that somebody would actually reject a ...
BlackoutNJ comments on Aug 21, 2020:
This is absolutely ridiculous. TDS has spreaded to the representatives of the dead now.
KeithThroop replies on Aug 22, 2020:
@Brumalis Yes, they've had dead people voting for decades now, haven't they? As they about Chicago, "People vote early and often and even after they're dead."
DaveO276 comments on Aug 20, 2020:
Going well, Mr Barr! How long are these people being locked up for, and what is the US policy concerning voting rights for inmates? Could this hurt Democrats in the election - even slightly? Maybe have the potential to tip the odd extremely tight race?
KeithThroop replies on Aug 20, 2020:
The determination of whether prisoners or felons can vote is made by the states individually. Right now there are only a couple of states that allow inmates to vote. You might be interested in this article:
If you think that this kind of billboard is a problem, then you are the problem.
BlackoutNJ comments on Aug 20, 2020:
It is funny when sound advice is seen as an attack. That woman, willing to bet, is likely a single black mother. She probably sees marriage as an attack on her situation when it isn't. Life doesn't always work out but advocating for marriage is a good thing and has always been a good thing. ...
KeithThroop replies on Aug 20, 2020:
Yes, very well said.
Chicago police are retiring at twice the normal rate: report []
DaveO276 comments on Aug 19, 2020:
It would be so nice to see Illinois flip back to red after three decades! Even if Chicago is a lost cause, I won't be particularly surprised at how the state votes this November, whichever way they go. This is just from my looking at historical trends, along with my relatively uninformed ...
KeithThroop replies on Aug 19, 2020:
@DaveO276 Well, people have actually been leaving the state at a pretty good clip for some time now, many of them conservatives sick of how things are here. The state has been driving businesses and citizens out with high taxes and bad policies. Here are a couple of articles about it:
The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel [statementonsocialjustice.
GeeMac comments on Aug 19, 2020:
One of the reasons for the profound decline of the culture is the decline of the Church. Leaders of the Christian Church, specifically evangelicals and wealthy televangelists, and those who turned a blind eye to sex scandals in the Roman Catholic Church, have turned Christianity into a laughing ...
KeithThroop replies on Aug 19, 2020:
@GeeMac We'll leave it at that so as not to beat a dead horse.
The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel [statementonsocialjustice.
GeeMac comments on Aug 19, 2020:
One of the reasons for the profound decline of the culture is the decline of the Church. Leaders of the Christian Church, specifically evangelicals and wealthy televangelists, and those who turned a blind eye to sex scandals in the Roman Catholic Church, have turned Christianity into a laughing ...
KeithThroop replies on Aug 19, 2020:
@GeeMac What if we are convinced that the Word -- by which I mean the Bible -- requires, for example, that we deliver "a message that we are all sinners" to everyone in order to explain why we need to trust in Jesus Christ to save us? After all, He died on the cross and rose from the dead in order to save us for our sins, according to the Bible. That is what the Gospel is all about. Yet you gave this above as an example of something we should stop doing. I could not disagree more strongly on that point, however. To be sure, we can perhaps better explain what we mean when we say such things, but say them we must. It may not be popular, and it may mean that our numbers will shrink, but the Gospel is ours to faithfully proclaim, not to edit in order to please others in the hopes that we might somehow win them over, all the while forgetting that what we have won them with is what we have won them to. If we have won them with some watered down, anemic version of Christianity, one that is a pale imitation of Biblical Christianity, then that is what we will be stuck with. And, as I see it, is this type of "Christianity" which has actually led to "the decline of the Church" and has led to what you have referred to as "evangelicals and wealthy televangelists, and those who turned a blind eye to sex scandals in the Roman Catholic Church [and] have turned Christianity into a laughing stock at the precise moment of our greatest need."
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