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Terroristic tactics from a member of the "tolerant left" Does anyone believe it would be difficult ...
tracycoyle comments on Aug 25, 2022:
I abhor violence. However, sometimes we are left with no choice. As to this - stupid violence is the worst kind. People like Taylor-Greene need not be made martyr's for their beliefs. However corrupt and vile those beliefs are because it gives credence that they are doing 'righteous' behavior, killed for their beliefs. Terrorists are killed for their beliefs too - so, the killing is irrelevant. As are the beliefs. Just the desire to make OTHERS live the way YOU believe they should is the foundation of tyranny. Killing over beliefs is wrong - killing tyrants? No choice. PS: When the DOJ executes a raid on someone without actual evidence of a crime, that is different when someone is swatted - because the DOJ is an institution for the better good.
Scarcella, why do you like tweets that spread unsubstantiated conspiracy theories?
tracycoyle comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Fauci has been wrong so often in the last 5 months that listening to the 'most prominent US health expert' is like listening to Baghdad Bob. If someone said 2 weeks ago that the anti-lockdown protests were dangerous, but the current spat are more important - then yes, they LIED about the risks.
Arielle, you'll really enjoy this one from Alteori. []
tracycoyle comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Yep, I worked and bled too hard to be a woman to have the word and meaning corrupted JUST because I happened along....fuck.
My comment on another site: > Most of us just want to live quiet, normal lives.
tracycoyle comments on Nov 30, 2021:
BTW, I got banned from the subreddit channel over this....
Why do women look like this?
tracycoyle comments on Aug 1, 2020:
Audience. Perceived or reality depends on the person.
The Way Forward | Peter Boghossian. []
tracycoyle comments on Aug 1, 2020:
I've always been one of those people that people either like or hate, but nothing in between. And being forthright is a core aspect of my belief in how to be with others.
The Way Forward | Peter Boghossian. []
tracycoyle comments on Aug 1, 2020:
As an agnostic, again astounded how Jordan Peterson uses Scripture to explain what is going on in ...
tracycoyle comments on Nov 13, 2022:
Not just abdicating, actively rejecting any responsibility for themselves....
Trans Gets EMBARRASSED! Couldn’t Answer This SIMPLE Question! [youtube.
tracycoyle comments on Apr 19, 2023:
1. Biological sex: the chromosomes that determine 'male' and 'female' in dimorphic species 2. Physical sex: the physical gonads and body structures that indicate 'male' and 'female' 3. Gender: the psychological foundation based on an awareness of 1 and 2. Gender is NOT a social construct. Gender expression and roles CAN be. Gender is BIOLOGICALLY based upon the dimorphic poles - it's expression is a spectrum from female: very feminine to very masculine; to male: very masculine to very feminine. A very feminine MALE can still be a man. A very masculine FEMALE still can be a woman. A mature human female distills the nature of a woman to her biology - ignoring all the inherent nature and characteristics that make her a woman. A mature human male distills the nature of a man to his biology - ignoring all the inherent nature and characteristics that make him a man. We are MORE than our biology. We are not bound by our instincts. We can exceed natures limitations. Notes: intersex occurs in about 2% of the population; 1 of every 33 children are born with a defect; the most common chromosomal abnormalities occur in about 1 of every 400 births. 6.4/100,000 girls are born with XY chromosomes; 5/100,000 boys are born with XX chromosomes. Reliance upon chromosomal sex would suggest we need to carry papers with us to present anyone who questions our sex. And finally: what level of violence are people willing to accept to enforce conformity with established beliefs of what is acceptable male/female behavior? Because we get violence now. You or others might dismiss it. And I was not hospitalized, but was physically attacked (once on a crowded subway train in chicago during rush hour) almost a dozen times. VERBALLY attacked more than 20 times. All in my first 2 years of transition in the late 80s. You might rightly abhor violence, condemn it, but by making our treatment illegal, you condemn us.
If you're 63 and being threatened with vaccine or termination, retire?
tracycoyle comments on Oct 6, 2021:
I'm 63, and retired. It's doable. But given the situation - retire. If you have marketable skills, find something new to do.
So why isn’t msm reporting this? []
tracycoyle comments on Dec 11, 2020:
There are always people that are negatively effected by any medicine - that is the risk you take with something mass produced. And it is a risk many people are too scared to evaluate for themselves. Better to hide the bad news under an avalanche of bullls...., sorry, good news.
Can true conservatism and true classical liberalism exist within the same person? Why or why not?
tracycoyle comments on Jun 20, 2020:
Libertarians occasionally argue they are the inheritors of the Classical Liberals - but I would disagree. At least as they are formulated with regard to a political ideology. There are lots of similarities but it comes down to the role of government. The Classical Liberal sees it as necessary for the protection of individual rights, the Classical Conservative sees it as required to maintain SOCIETY, and the Libertarian hates it. Over-simplification maybe, but no incorrect. Note there is no where in this that the current Liberal resides...which is as the Society organized by the State. The individual is despised by them.
Thought this a well thought out and well put together essay. []
tracycoyle comments on Oct 26, 2021:
> Until the day I die, my body will regard the vagina as a wound; as a result, it will require regular, painful attention to maintain. This is what I want, but there is no guarantee it will make me happier. In fact, I don’t expect it to. That shouldn’t disqualify me from getting it. … > > I still want this, all of it. I want the tears; I want the pain. Transition doesn’t have to make me happy for me to want it. First, getting my ears pierced resulted in a 'wound' that the body eventually recognized as 'ok'. And her characterization of 'painful attention' would surprise most women given intercourse is often quite pleasurable - unless you are a radical feminist that thinks all intercourse is rape...<ugh>. Her expectation that the surgery will not make her happier is THE NUMBER ONE REASON she should not HAVE THE SURGERY. And a therapist, having heard this statement, would, should, NOT be recommending surgery. Transition should fundamentally improve the mental wellbeing of the patient, even if the process is difficult. Failure to do that is a significant red flag to transition and certainly a major reason to avoid surgical intervention.
My daughter and I are discussing hate.
tracycoyle comments on Mar 1, 2021:
Adding this comment: I don't fear anything. Not hyperbole, I just don't.
Thought this a well thought out and well put together essay. []
tracycoyle comments on Oct 26, 2021:
> They receive double mastectomies at age 13 and hysterectomies at age 16. Boys get castration and penectomies at age 16 to 17. The result in both cases is sterilization. I am unaware of ANY surgery prior to 16 in the United States. And the number of cases under 18 is relatively few - and often with strong reasons to support it rather than JUST desire/want/need. As to the sterilization - that is one of the things therapists seek to discuss with transitioning patients, the acknowledgement that the process results in sterilization. I had to not just acknowledge, but understand that in the end, there would be no offspring from me. I DO question whether a pre-20 person can really understand that, even as I acknowledge that we put guns in the hands of 18 year olds and point them at other humans....16-18 is not too young to at least have the discussions.
Thought this a well thought out and well put together essay. []
tracycoyle comments on Oct 26, 2021:
It was a thoughtful essay, but, and this is not a slam, but a thought, that he wasn't just looking into the issue, he didn't understand it. He apparently lives in the San Diego area....I'm going to reach out to him.
Manchin: IRS bank reporting proposal dropped from budget bill Removing the provision would poke ...
tracycoyle comments on Oct 26, 2021:
Free is getting more expensive all the time...
tracycoyle comments on Dec 4, 2021:
Not surprised about Chicago - born and raised on the South side.
Asians will assimilate social liberalism ("Woke") even if it kills them
tracycoyle comments on Nov 10, 2021:
And of course, if the young girl flinches when approached from the blind side by a black, she will be called racist...
Transgender Girl Scout Leader Under Investigation After Dominatrix Photo is Discovered
tracycoyle comments on Nov 26, 2021:
I hope there are other more damning photos not included in the article, because if that is all they got, they don't have anything. That said, theoretically, scout leaders should be role models in the community and for their charges. Given the state of many communities, I don't think she is too off center - obviously a center well to the Left. Given what I have learned about the men, actual community male leaders, that I grew up with - she is vanilla pudding. Adultery, porn, embezzlement, wife and child abuse were just a sampling of the things that were kept hidden in my lower/middle class neighborhood. And I know it was worse in the more upscale neighborhood nearby. So, the fact that it might be in the open - digital photography and the internet making sharing of kink WAY EASIER - doesn't mean things have changed over the last 40 years. Ok, maybe trans stuff is more open. But remember, I transitioned in the late 80s, and I was dealing with my issues (in the family) back in the early 70s.
People who are voting for Biden. Why?
tracycoyle comments on Sep 29, 2020:
I think the results are a true reflection of the Left's motivation - the majority just want to get rid of Trump and given Biden's issues, they are willing to accept Harris as President....
Came here after your most recent video.
tracycoyle comments on May 11, 2020:
Figuring out where on the spectrum of gender you fit, rather than questioning your gender specifically, right?
Ok mostly a question for the Conservatives out there but anyone can chime in.
tracycoyle comments on Jan 26, 2021:
I think that from the Right you are going to hear much like the first two comments: they don't watch TV. I haven't in a decade....
Phoenix officer brutalized woman during minor traffic stop, then took her to jail [theguardian.
tracycoyle comments on Jul 15, 2020:
I think the commentary with the footage mischaracterizes the incident in several ways. I think she WAS uncooperative, that always presents a risk. I think there was no CYA in the sense they were trying to cover UP anything, but in stead making sure all the t's were crossed and i's dotted. She got out of the vehicle as he walked up. NO ONE is supposed to leave their vehicle unless asked and she should have had her ID ready - but she said she DIDN'T HAVE any ID. Both are red flags. If she had behaved, there might have been an explanation and a warning - she escalated the situation to her detriment.
Outrage Over Max Lucado Shows There Is No Room For Dissent In LGBT Church Politics ...
tracycoyle comments on Feb 23, 2021:
Most of the people in the American Conservative Party were much more tolerant of my relationship with Victoria than the people in our Episcopal Church were of my political positions.
Hi Arielle, I want to give you something.
tracycoyle comments on May 11, 2020:
Interesting in that I say that post-surgery (SRS) I attained congruency - physical. Transition had allowed me to gain emotional congruency while learning about myself from the point I knew I was TS to transition was about intellectual congruency. I commented on Medium, but I'll add this here: ***ANY*** attempt at social engineering is a violation of individual rights. (Let THAT stew for a while!)
For months, "fringe" news sites (meaning places where you can learn information censored by the ...
tracycoyle comments on Nov 26, 2021:
Using a viral vector to change the way the body produces and reacts to proteins is going to create complex consequences, priming the response for covid is ONE, but certainly, common sense says, there can be more, will likely have more, in a subset of the population. Safe and effective was the terms used at the beginning of the year. I think it is clear the shots were neither...but their placebo effect can't be ignored either.
How many of y'all are there on this site?
tracycoyle comments on May 23, 2021:
Texas GOP Official Says Call for Mitt Romney’s Head Was Just a Metaphor About ‘Separation’ of ...
tracycoyle comments on Jan 5, 2021:
Gee, does the guy have a guillotine? Or is he channeling Scarface - which of course is FICTION? And in law, each word has meaning, "should" does not suggest intent, only desire. Not actionable....
That feeling when everybody is going ballistic over few unusual Sun-farts but you're pretty cool ...
tracycoyle comments on May 13, 2020:
Debate strategy? Interesting take.
So, is fat phobia only an issue if the recipient is a leftist, or a woman.
tracycoyle comments on May 24, 2020:
It's because he is a Republican politician. I am, by medical definition, morbidly obese. Though I do not show it, I am, now just under 300 from a high of 394 and I was 362 when I started the current effort. I carry my weight better than most. I walk 3mi/day amongst other exercises. I don't get much in the way of ANY type of crap from people. I've been told I have a look that can kill - and that I use it liberally. That said, fat-shamming is ignorance. Ok, ALL shamming is ignorance. And when I see it/hear it, I tend to IGNORE that person's future commentary. I can't stand stupid and the most common form of stupidity is willful ignorance.
Hi Arielle! Please consider making a response video to this: [youtube.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 10, 2020:
I saw the video. Gawd I hate trans-activists.
Is there still a storm coming?
tracycoyle comments on Jan 21, 2021:
dissipated upon hitting a high pressure cell...
You should see if you can talk to cal fox, he has a fascinating de/transition story.
tracycoyle comments on May 24, 2020:
Thanks for the video. It highlights my concerns with people transitioning (regardless of age) especially without the involvement of a good therapist.
It’s the law!!!
tracycoyle comments on Nov 22, 2021:
Actually, have you heard about Coyle's Law? Murphy was an optimist.
A British Columbia woman has failed in her attempt to halt gender-altering surgery on her teenager.
tracycoyle comments on Jan 19, 2021:
I lament the damage being done to children and teens by adherence to a transactivist agenda.
SO many people constantly tell us that the reason the LGBT community has rights, is because "trans ...
tracycoyle comments on Oct 30, 2020:
Relevance. Stature. Empathy. Encouragement/approval. People do things to make themselves feel better and to gain elevation and power within social structures.
Arielle help, i dont know what to say to my friends to wake them up.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 10, 2020:
If I may offer a different approach than 'moral' arguments. Individual right/liberty. Under 18 is not an adult. They can NOT consent - even the really, REALLY, mature ones. But, the individual right to their pursuit of happiness is inalienable. What happens between two consenting adults is a function of their individual liberty/right. Government (even society) has no business getting in between them. I don't have to claim a moral position, a religious position, hell, even a medical position. Individual liberty/right defines MY acceptance or opposition to a behavior. Two 15 yr olds are going to experiment - and to an extent, depending on the genders and what they are going to experiment about - let them. That does NOT mean that a 20yr old can 'experiment' with a 15 yr old. And I really hope those 15 yr olds have responsible parents backing them up. And no, a 15 yr old boy/girl should not be arrested and charged as a rapist (if the 15 yr old girl/boy was a willing participant). Note I said willing participant, not a consenting partner. This example (and the almost infinite variations) needs intelligent, compassionate, adults. It does not need a rigid legal system. But there is no right, period, that gives an adult sexual access to a child. I don't care what their reasoning is. Those that want to change the age of maturity can bring it up with God. I'll stand by 18 (knowing that few people are actually fully mature before 28-30).
Transgender Issue Generates Massive Income To Clinics That Support Them 🌈🤑 - Dr.
tracycoyle comments on Mar 24, 2023:
The estimate of value for surgery in the US for trans patients is estimated at $620m - $1.9b. In country that spends almost a trillion on medical care, this is very small. Taking into consideration my surgery, and hormones, I probably spend less than 1/10th a percent of what someone with diabetes spends for their meds and medical care. Over our lifetimes. And my situation is not likely to kill me or cause great complicatons later in life. Understand, that the above estimate was for ALL transcare.
Seattle leaders allow rioting while strictly enforcing parking and tax payments- ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Well, do you think they get paid....
Look who Uncle Joe put in change of nuclear waste! His magic shoes 👠 turn spent fuel into ...
tracycoyle comments on Feb 16, 2022:
I think the guy is a little nuts...but then anyone in a Biden Administration would be, but the guy has advanced degree from MIT and years of experience (not 30, but like 10) so a Deputy position is not out of line.... The fact that he is GNC just pisses people off....
Tom Cotton: If John Roberts wants to write laws, he should resign and run for office- ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 18, 2020:
Shame Roberts didn't learn anything from Scalia when they were together....
Look this is fucking ridiculous!!!!!!! Parents asserting a 4 year alreasy kniws hes a girl when ...
tracycoyle comments on Apr 30, 2023:
I know science isn't your strong suit, so I won't get too much onto your case....but maybe you should read some before you write some. > Most children between ages 18 and 24 months can recognize and label gender groups. They may identify others as girls, women or feminine. Or they may label others as boys, men, or masculine. Most also label their own gender by the time they reach age 3. > > However, society tends to have a narrow view of gender. As a result, some children learn to behave in ways that may not reflect their gender identity. At age 5 or 6, most children are rigid about gender and preferences. > Also: > 2 to 3 years old: > • At around 2 years old, children are aware of differences between boys and girls. > • Most children can identify themselves as a “boy” or “girl”. >
@TheMiddleWay and I have been having a discussion on experts and I thought I'd share something I ...
tracycoyle comments on Feb 18, 2021:
Climate change coming to a Weather Channel near you...
Growing Body Of Evidence Shows ‘Social Influence’ Is Causing Teens To Undergo Sex Changes
tracycoyle comments on Nov 25, 2022:
I think the evidence is circumstantial, but given there has been no other factor offered that would explain the significant change, it is probably accurate. Given ANY questioning of the situation is shouted down, or rejected out of hand, gives further suggestion of it's validity. How about creating requirements that USED to exist by agreement but which were abandoned: require therapy for a period of time before drugs. Required continued therapy for a period after drugs before surgeries. BTW, all the screeching about "radical surgeries being performed on minors" should know how MANY have been done. According to a study of 300,000 transgender minors between 12 and 18, there were 1,100 between 2016 and 2019. Only 20% were on hormones prior to surgery suggesting only 20% were in therapy - though that is only by inference as the detail was not questioned. And only 143 were done on children under 16. We don't know the REASONS they were done. Glad people are paying attention to our issue - too bad they are demanding the WRONG response.
Anyone else think we shouldn’t give race information for the US census?
tracycoyle comments on May 15, 2020:
Here is the deal IMO: the gov is asking, so it will use the data. Further, the likelihood is that minorities will actually put the information in, while Caucasians may NOT. Thereby indicating to the government - and all the organizations that use the gov info - will see a larger percentage of minorities than actual exist.
Meghan Markle wins Most Black Royal 2021.
tracycoyle comments on Mar 11, 2021:
I find the caricature to disgusting and not humorous at all - the meme, is fine but the photo unnecessarily grotesque.
How is SLUG not growing exponentially, especially in light of GAB seemingly having been reduced, in ...
tracycoyle comments on Jan 16, 2021:
Long form requires a more evolved sense of vocabulary....
How Conservative Activist Christopher Rufo Invented the Conflict Over Critical Race Theory ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 21, 2021:
As if there were nothing to be in conflict over? Please. Check your privilege...
SuperStraights Raise Money for Rape Shelter In one day they've raised $1500 for Vancouver Rape ...
tracycoyle comments on Mar 9, 2021:
(Glad to see you back around!!)
Fireworks became a hostile debate in my neighborhood, a large planned community.
tracycoyle comments on Jul 6, 2020:
There are always good reasons for laws that infringe upon the rights of the few, or even the many. Our politicians (and many others) have decided that 'for the good of the community' overrides all other factors. While I respect that there are people that can not tolerate fireworks well, there are lots that are still respectful and seek to have their respect for their country (or just having a good time). I know someone that used to have quite the neighborhood show - they paid for it, everyone (mostly) enjoyed it and they and their family policed the neighborhood the next day. Did they get ALL the debris? No. But they made a good effort and people respected them for it. Yep, it is just one day - one day that many of us who have served consider amongst the most important of celebrations - to acknowledge that without it, all the rest may not be able to be held. Just because a law exists, doesn't mean it is a good, or even just, law.
Jazz Jennings, America's first trans child celebrity, admits all the surgeries and affirmations ...
tracycoyle comments on Feb 27, 2023:
The abdication of responsibility by parents and the medical community. Many, including someone I know that just had surgery, looked to Jennings as a role model. Fortunately, for the person I know, the dysphoria was gender based and the process was not short-circuited and she went through years of therapy and life transition to ensure surgery was the correct option. I still support medical transitioning prior to 18, but STILL DEMAND a return to the old processes to ensure the right people are being helped, and the wrong people get the help they need.
More women beating news []
tracycoyle comments on Sep 19, 2021:
When the patriarchy is promoted as a good thing by Leftist-activists....
3 months after the American Declaration of Independence, the Staten Island Peace Conference was ...
tracycoyle comments on Aug 16, 2022:
> Republican states must secede. This suggests that all Republican States lack democrats, and all Democrat States lack Republicans (or non-democrats). Both are wrong. And destroying the COUNTRY because people within it hate it, is counterproductive.
tracycoyle comments on Apr 18, 2023:
Do not confuse the transsexual community with the transgender community. From my forthcoming book on Gender Incongruity: > The ‘trans’ community has two different groups. The transsex[ual] believes gender is innate and immutable, that we are of a gender different than our biological/physical sex. We believe that those suffering such an incongruity suffer from gender dysphoria and need to medically transition to the other sex. > > The transgender is someone that believes gender is fluid and can change over time. There doesn’t need to be dysphoria, they do not need to medical transition (usually), and they believe the assertion of an identity is sufficient cause to require society to recognize their identification. > > There are transsex people that believe gender Is fluid, and transgender people that believe it is immutable. The groups are not mutually exclusive, generally. That said, at the political level, where the community fights for various causes, the distinction becomes more pronounced. >
White Guy Killed Just Like George Floyd- Justice for Tony Timpa He died in the exact same manner...
tracycoyle comments on Aug 6, 2020:
In part it was a response to the heavily armed and aggressive criminals. I think it was overdone and is being over used. I understand the why and the what. But 'with great power comes great responsibility' and most police are not capable of exercising such responsibilities. It is why I withdrew my support for the death penalty - I still agree it is needed but can no longer support government having that kind of power when it is unable to avoid even the smallest of corruptions.
“As bitter as it may be, the fact remains: It is the irresponsibleness of masses of people that ...
tracycoyle comments on Aug 6, 2020:
I am being less than honorable here - I'm not reading all of your post but rather commenting on the first "premise" or at least my knee jerk reaction to the first paragraph. I apologize for it. IMO: in all but the rarest of cases, the irresponsible/irrational behavior of the individual is curtailed by the masses around them. But when a group of such irresponsible/irrational people get together, you get a mob and that mob gains strength and mass as more are sucked into. So, it is not the individual, per se, that is the problem, but rather the mob of those with a similar mind.
Question for people on the left: This has been on my mind for a while but it is even more so after ...
tracycoyle comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Most of my friends and family on the Left are rational people that are NOT on board with much of what is happening in our society today - we can and do have good discussions and are often >< close in our approaches. It is the media, primarily, with a big boost from politicians, that is driving the widening divides. Hamstring them (Trump is doing it a lot on the political side) and we can get back to something approaching "normalcy".
i noticed that at age 5 when watching and helping my father castrate pigs and cattle...
tracycoyle comments on Jan 29, 2023:
If cutting off the balls of a male doesn't make it female, then HAVING balls doesn't make it male either.
Thinking about transition - I was asked recently my suggestions to someone considering it: 1.
tracycoyle comments on Mar 7, 2021:
I did want to add a comment about abuse - when I say 'blow it off, I do not mean to accept the abuse. Leave the situation, if you can't defend without apologizing, if it is a family member tell them to STOP IT immediately. If that isn't possible - leave. If it is at home, you are going to have to address it. And there is no good advice for that except don't be violent.
Sorry, but Texas has stuck it's fking nose into the parent/child/DOCTOR relationship ...
tracycoyle comments on Feb 23, 2022:
And some of the 'community' response:
Man in Trump cap brandishes gun during rival protests in Woodinville
tracycoyle comments on Oct 25, 2020:
Two guys with MAGA hats and a bottle of bleach... Not saying it couldn't happen. Not saying the guy is a moron and maybe a dangerous one. But also not sure that is a real gun...
You Need To Accept That You Have Been Scammed On A Monumental Scale - David Icke
tracycoyle comments on Nov 27, 2020:
As in multiple ways...
Washington Post: She asked for it....?
tracycoyle comments on Oct 28, 2021:
Update from Neo: > What is sexual “consent” for 15-year-olds? They are considered to be under the age of consent, and if that distinction is to mean anything – and I think it should – then neither is capable of consent in the legal sense. Nor were these two previous “consensual” acts statutory rape, because neither of the two had reached the age where that law would be applicable.
Biden, in LGBTQ interview, vows to pass Equality Act in first 100 days
tracycoyle comments on Oct 29, 2020:
I have a problem with the 'gender identity' aspects of the Act - nominally, identity is something that is self proclaimed, but leaving it solely to the basis of self proclamation leaves open the probability of someone abusing the designation - as a matter of fact, I believe it has happened repeatedly already. Also, in private enterprise, I accept that there might be religious objections in organizations in which religion is a dominant factor in operations. And yes, that means there are some organizations that make a religious aspect a principle in their operations. However, it should be noted - and I do repeatedly to people that raise 'religion' as a basis for the basis of laws, or the need for an excerpt to a law on religious grounds - that Islam can make the same objections to laws we consider sacrosanct forcing a business to provide different accommodations to women and men. So, the later objection (the religious exemption) is less an issue for me than the 'claim of identity by proclamation', which can and is and will be abused. So, while Trump's effort to make countries recognize and protect homosexuals, and his efforts to support same sex marriage (while Obama and Biden and Clinton all opposed it - and of course Bill Clinton signed into law DOMA and DADT), Biden seems to believe that a man who identifies as a woman should be allowed to compete against other women - even prior to any surgery and post-puberty. I find that to be a significant problem and therefore his position is untenable to me.
The sad story of Jazz Jennings, guinea pig for the transgender surgery racket
tracycoyle comments on Oct 1, 2023:
This was abuse by the mother. Even if Jazz was transsexual. The surgeon (marcie bowers) is currently the head of WPATH, the organization formed to help transsexuals but now has completely erased the term/diagnosis from it's standards of care. The colon use was state of the art in the 1990s, it was not in 2015. Jazz's emotional problems are not solely the result of surgical issues - but the relationship with mother and her very public childhood.
Considering today's total craziness of the world, I believe that only "cloud-type" ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 15, 2020:
Zoom groups, meetups, or more like Github, or LinkedIn? Or individuals/businesses that act a full vertical (co-work consultant types)?
Only a few members are regularly making posts, which, unfortunately, hardly ever lead to any ...
tracycoyle comments on Sep 9, 2023:
It is difficult to recreate a social environment once it is left to whither on the vine. Discussions often need controversy and what is left here are those that, generally IMO, either have similar viewpoints, or there is so much controversy that people are burnt out on it. In the USA, division is so deep, that only when you can get two (or a small group) of people willing to sit down and hash things out, do we find out, yeah, not so much. But media and politicians and even activist groups THRIVE on controversy and so seek to perpetuate it. No one trusts the other side to be good faith debaters, or people willing to see a middle ground. I put up 50 viewpoints here, many have been on topics controversial in society over the last 2 decades and got very few comments and no debate. BEFORE this site got abandoned. People have to be willing to engage. Most, are 'social media mavens', the attention span of gnats.
Okay, think it's time for some deeper thoughts here regarding the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth ...
tracycoyle comments on Sep 10, 2022:
I am not generally opposed to the concept of peerage, as long as it holds little control over the average person's day to day IF THEY so oppose it. Many a commoner, citizen, of the United Kingdom are quite happy with the Monarchy and if that is what they choose, so be it. I, who am not bound by such, have no ill against what another willing accepts for themselves, or even their posterity. Burke made a case for the monarchy and Paine destroyed it. So has time and understanding. But traditions are hard to break, and sometimes broken for the wrong reasons. I think destroying the British Monarchy would, now, be done for the wrong reasons.
My best guess is that this site will not exist in 15-20 yrs (but one can hope! - and that I might be...
tracycoyle comments on Apr 20, 2021:
So I am talking about 6 degrees of latitude change
Amazon's Second Age of Middle Earth Series They released a teaser image and I'm not impressed.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 19, 2020:
I don't know who is working on it, so I could be wrong. But I'd wager there are too many places where cannon leaves gaps open to interpretation and THAT is where things will go wrong.
GOP Congresswoman Blamed Wildfires on Jewish Space Laser
tracycoyle comments on Jan 29, 2021:
Embrace the power of 'neither'....
Abortion Rights : As a Feminist & Believer In Science It can get a bit tricky, but I will always be...
tracycoyle comments on Nov 5, 2020:
I posted on this video elsewhere, but will add my comment to add to the discussion here: 1. Blackstone and many others put 'viability' as the point where things change with regard to rights of the mother and child. RvW also used a similar set of arguments. That is where I stand - no abortion post viability unless the pregnancy risks the mother's life. Incest and rape can usually be covered prior to that 5/6th month period of pregnancy. 2. Amy Coney Barrett and the SCOTUS can't change RvW unless they are dealing with a new court case that has to come out of the Appellate Courts, which requires two cases of similar facts, from different Districts decided differently. I also think the privacy issue is a red herring in the decision.
To me, beauty is something objective.
tracycoyle comments on Nov 30, 2020:
Because we have been, in general, socialized in similar ways, our appreciation of things tends to be consistent with others, yet it is still subject to our particular biases. We can not, generally, reach a benchmark of 'beauty' that applies in all similar cases.
tracycoyle comments on Oct 24, 2020:
It's just a compilation of Tim Pool cuts....?
Well... this was disturbing. [] (Why I Left The Furry Community)
tracycoyle comments on Jun 21, 2020:
The smaller, relatively, the community, the greater the chance it is 'owned' by the fringe of it.
Anyone have a problem using Google voice on this site?
tracycoyle comments on Oct 1, 2020:
Pelosi has turned into a delusional paranoid.
tracycoyle comments on Jan 8, 2021:
Apparently the calls for impeachment are just meant for public media consumption - the House is "not in session' until after the Inauguration.
[] BREAKING:Sidney Powells Supreme Court election case thrown out. []
tracycoyle comments on Mar 4, 2021:
No court wants that hot bomb....
HORRIFYING: Former Trans ‘Woman’ Describe the Brutal Horrors of the Lifestyle
tracycoyle comments on Jun 15, 2022:
This is a load of crap. Maybe that is what happened to that person, in some foreign place with no standards and no medical review. But I am sure you can find people that have had ALL KINDS of elective surgery that when botched, is PROOF that all such surgeries are destructive. People CHOOSE these surgeries. They must go through years of hrt, therapy, and then are given DETAILED descriptions and risks associated with them. IF then, they regret (and generally, best estimates are less than 3% do), they want others to bear the blame for what has happened - maybe they should, but that doesn't change the benefits for those that need such surgeries.
HORRIFYING: Former Trans ‘Woman’ Describe the Brutal Horrors of the Lifestyle
tracycoyle comments on Jun 15, 2022:
BTW: “Any pleasure I do get comes from the Prostate that was moved forward and wrapped in glands from the penis, meaning anal sex isn’t possible and can risk further damage,” he added. No, just no. No surgeon does this.
Wow.... 4 hours?
tracycoyle comments on Jun 1, 2020:
Commented there. But I've never had a partner (male or female) that was willing to spend that kind of time. Which is too bad, because I can go hours. Sorry, my jaw couldn't handle 4 HOURS straight (ahem).
tracycoyle comments on Jan 20, 2021:
The day the seas begin to recede and the Earth begins to heal...???
Donald Trump revives a strange attack on Ron DeSantis- []
tracycoyle comments on Mar 14, 2023:
I think Trump in 2015-2016 only had to articulate his positions to make his GOP opponents look bad, and the DEM opponents look worse. In 2020, Trump's failures (at the hand of the GOP establishment) made him look ineffectual (despite some major wins). NOW, he has to nit-pick and blow it out of proportion to make his opponents look bad - and that make him sound more like a whiny little girl, than a leader.
Getting my COVID vaccine today.
tracycoyle comments on Dec 23, 2020:
Vaccines create the conditions to cause your body to create antibodies for that particular bug - but! Your body may not create a lot, or do it slowly, or may even not work because the vaccine is "dead" and your body recognizes it as such, which are all why vaccines tend to be somewhere between 20 and 80% effective. The idea that a vaccine is 95% effective is VERY unusual. So, once your body has antibodies, the infection can still get in, it is just that your body doesn't have to go through all the motions of creating a correct antibody - the vaccine helps speed up the process. But it still takes time for the body to ramp up production which can happen slower than the virus spread. And that process can still allow for symptoms to arise.
All tech companies tbh []
tracycoyle comments on May 28, 2021:
We don't have slave labor in this country.
On this Memorial Day, we remember the sacrifices made on behalf of American exceptionalism.
tracycoyle comments on May 31, 2021:
Yep. The United States are better than any other country, and it has a better culture than anyone else - though the BLMers, Antifa and progressives are trying desperately to destroy it...
If Trump wins it will be the biggest "PULL YOUR HEAD IN" to the Progressive Left and Socialist ...
tracycoyle comments on Nov 1, 2020:
Making people prove their ignorance is never a good thing...
I keep wondering who is locked down where a lock down exempts manufacturing, construction, health ...
tracycoyle comments on Nov 2, 2020:
Clothing stores, bars/taverns, salons, barber name some. Most are small businesses, locally owned/operated.
This just happened a few days ago: anyone hear about it?
tracycoyle comments on Apr 14, 2023:
One of the most difficult things we do is to transition in a job. And if students bully, a teacher, there is little they can do depending on 'name calling'. I don't excuse her a second - if she said what was reported, and removing the guns, a good idea. And @iThink....yea, a transwoman pre-op still has that useless, chunk of flesh and will die with XY chromosomes. How nice of you to point that out....
McConnell unloads on Trump: 'Morally responsible' for provoking mob | TheHill
tracycoyle comments on Feb 14, 2021:
Moral responsibility ( and I don't think he was or is) is not the basis for our laws. It is a dangerous proposition. X begets Z ignores Y does not work. And making an exception because of high office, or because of a related act, creates inconsistent applications. The other side: none of the people arrested were charged with insurrection. So, if Trump were a private citizen, neither would he have been, right? Speech can incite, but the criteria is pretty specific - Trump didn't meet those criteria. So, it was unConstitutional because he was no longer in office, but even his terms failed to meet the criteria. We had dozens of lawsuits about the election dismissed in the same way as 'unConstitutional', never reaching the merits. Assuming therefore there were merits is incorrect. If he were still in office, the same acquittal because his free speech was not, did not, meet the requirements of the term 'incite'. As the old saying goes: a prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich; anyone can be sued. Neither means, of themselves, anything. Moral culpability is a dangerous legal claim. Go, and sin no more.
Nahhhhhhhhhhh you've completely fuck up your city... let people move out []
tracycoyle comments on Jun 26, 2020:
Like locusts, they consumed the resources and left the land barren....moving on.
Not sure how to articulate what I want to communicate, but seeing trans related posts from JK ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 18, 2020:
I agree. I started transition in the 80's. That first year was HELL. A truly STEEP learning curve. Don't wish it on anyone, but think it's necessary step in life. I agree also on 'trans-ition', being a temporary state. I call myself a woman. Not a transwoman. Not a transgender. I don't even like noting I am 'post-op' but do so in discussions like this to clarify.
In secret texts, U.
tracycoyle comments on Sep 1, 2021:
AND THEY LEFT.....just following orders...
Trans Activists Funded By Big Pharma Push Biased Research Promoting Medical Transitions For Children...
tracycoyle comments on Mar 7, 2022:
This is an important statement: complaint against the Stanford study was that it was a 'survey' rather than a randomized control trial: > The study acknowledged that a randomized controlled trial, as opposed to the survey method, would have helped to determine causality, but “many have noted that such a trial design is unethical in this context.” UNETHICAL to do what the "opposition" wanted. Also, no one suggest Stanford changed or doctored any of it's findings. Further, ALL of the studies in this "review" were from Europe. NONE from the US. None of the Studies included error bars, yet the review did, and almost everything was within the error bars, some as large as 20% (ie 9.5% +/-) suggesting low confidence in the findings. All of the Studies had low numbers of participants - a problem with ALL studies of trans people due to the fact THERE ARE NOT A LOT OF US OUT THERE! From their conclusion: > A key limitation to identifying the effectiveness and safety of GnRH analogues for children and adolescents with gender dysphoria is the lack of reliable comparative studies. The lack of clear, expected outcomes from treatment with a GnRH analogue (the purpose of which is to suppress secondary sexual characteristics which may cause distress from unwanted pubertal changes) also **makes interpreting the evidence difficult**. The size of the population with gender dysphoria means conducting a prospective trial may be unrealistic, at least on a single centre basis. There may also be ethical issues with a ‘no treatment arm’ in comparative trials of GnRH analogues, where there may be poor mental health outcomes if treatment is withheld. However, the use of an active comparator such as close psychological support may reduce ethical concerns in future trials. > > The studies included in this evidence review are all small, uncontrolled observational > studies, which are subject to bias and confounding, and are of very low certainty as assessed using modified GRADE. So, to use this as something definitive to the contrary is invalid. Further, the societies in which these studies were held, while politically liberal, tend to have significant conservative social mores AND are homogeneous. Reconsider MY post on Trans teen suicide: And anecdotally, given MY efforts with teens and interactions with dozens of them, supports the findings that blockers HELP. But also, medical transition usually means SOCIAL transition, during puberty, ie HIGH SCHOOL, not exactly a stable social environment that has significant pressures without the complications of transsexualism. Suggesting, in ignoring those pressures, that ONE portion of the treatment doesn't ...
One of the things I dislike about IDW community - the set up where literally every new post shows ...
tracycoyle comments on Jul 21, 2020:
The problem with 'down grading' posts is that it becomes a way to silence differing viewpoints. Using a comment count to 'promote' a post seems more useful. I used TweetDeck on Twitter early in Twitter's existance to filter the, at the time, huge flow of tweets. It worked well, till Twitter bought and basically destroyed all the supporting apps. It made Twitter unmanageable. At the current and trending size of IDW/Slug, I don't see a problem with the home page, but it could become unmanagable if it grew expontentially quickly.
I'm looking for sweet feminine girly chicks videos on YouTube for a project, and it's IMPOSIBLE to ...
tracycoyle comments on Jul 2, 2020:
I'm thinking you fail to understand the nature of a Google search.... ! :)
Sounds like science...i knew lots of tom girls too that grew into beautiful women
tracycoyle comments on Apr 30, 2023:
So, 12% of the boys remained gender dsyphoric. I agree the prevalence of people calling themselves trans is way out of proportion to reality and historical 'norms'. A recent study of high school students found 11% claiming to be transgender. That is 100 times the historical numbers. ***BUT*** that doesn't mean WE don't actually exist.
I am so tired of marxist SJWs consistently telling anyone that questions or stands in opposition to ...
tracycoyle comments on Jun 11, 2021:
Thank you for the links and POV
New poll results: 1 out of every 3 democrats lies as much as the other 2.
tracycoyle comments on Oct 30, 2021:
I didn't know tiki torches were a symbol of white supremacy....


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