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Do you think the current "fat acceptance" or "body positivity" movement helps or hurts men and women?

Body Positive

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ariellescarcella 7 Oct 3
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It has good intentions then the SJW crowd got a hold of it... now discussing healthier ways of living can be considered abusive and bullying. Eating disorders are an epidemic in the USA and that includes over eating to obesity. Obesity is a major cause of death in America.

If your friend was a drug addict and you stood by and said nothing or you bought them their addictive drug, you would be an enabler. The same thing goes for enabling people to be obese. It isn't healthy.


Saw your video about fat positivity and I have to say that I disagree with you. I've been a fan of yours for many years but I have to point out that you saying that fat people are unhealthy in a lot of cases maybe that's true. Here's a little story about me I have cerebral palsy, I am also obese. I don't deny it you have to remember that mental health medication makes you gain weight so as a bigger woman. I take medication that makes me also gain weight even if I don't want to take those medications, my mental health will suffer. I also have a disability that affects movement and muscle makes it very painful and medication also makes you gain weight do I have diabetes, NO! do I have high blood pressure, NO! do I have high cholesterol NO! I'm all around very healthy. I know many bigger women like myself to eat right, workout etc but are still big. I know it's not the case for everyone but we are here.


It's both but it does more harm then good because we need to accept people but the encouragement of being fat has dramatic health affects


In my opinion "Body Positivity" is a bit misguided because it's one of those "sounds wonderful but is actually unhelpful" ideas. In order to help people who are overweight feel better about who they are and make changes to their lifestyles, what is needed is "Attitude Positivity" not "Body Positivity". A person's body is either on the healthy or unhealthy side, fit or unfit side, nourished or malnourished side, etc. and we all have to accept that basic fact. But in order to help them make some positive changes they need to have an optimistic mindset (positive attitude) and have the resources they need to make the necessary changes. And I also think we need to change the current standard attitude in the fashion industry of "ultra thin or ultra skinny" is normal and healthy, when it's actually not normal and not healthy! I think we need to normalize a healthy range (not including underweight and overweight) of different sizes so that people can feel comfortable with whichever "healthy body size/weight" is natural to them (one size is neither healthy nor realistic for everyone). "Fat acceptance" is also only helpful as long as it is coupled with an attitude of optimism and encouragement, similar to mental unwellness. There used to be a lot of shame and discouragement around any form of mental unwellness, but now we have a more compassionate and optimistic attitude ✌️✌️✌️.

gHAB87 Level 5 Oct 11, 2020

It hurts because its normalizing obesity


I believe we should be kind to all, and not fat shame or discriminate, however being unhealthily over weight is dangerous. And I acknowledge it is hard, I once weighed 120kgs (265lbs) and it was not great at all! I lost 40kgs and never felt better, and am still classified as overweight based on BMI.


I've been overweight my entire adult life. I've been fat shamed since I was 10. I know what it's like being fat and it's miserable. A few years ago I started a ketogenic diet and lost about 70lbs in 9 months. I felt so much better, my physical and mental health improved. I have gained some weight back as I've slipped back into old habits during lockdown but I'm nowhere near the size I was.
The thing I find most troubling about the fat acceptance movement is it discourages people from taking control of their lives. I agree that the cycle of fad dieting is harmful and leads to further weight gain and in order to have lasting success an individual needs to examine their relationship with food. I still struggle with binge eating and appropriate portion sizes, particularly when I'm emotional or anxious (COVID hasn't helped with any of that). But ultimately it's about taking personal responsibility and accepting the need to change and do things differently.


Intermittent Fasting on Reddit, lots of people who did not buy into the do nothing to improve yourself hopelessness of body positivity thinking and did something positive. Yea, they have the photos to prove it too!


The Magic Pill, a movie about what is wrong with the SAD (Standard American/Australian Diet) diet.

The impact of fructose, the common link in high blood pressure, insulin resistance, T2D, & obesity. Very detailed into the metabolic pathways.

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