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Hypocritical Social Justice : 2020 Year In Review

ariellescarcella 7
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I recently discovered your channel after getting into the argument that transwomen should not be permitted to compete against bio women nor should bio women have to identify as “cis.” What is “cis”? It’s a chemistry term, I know, I looked it up. I’ve historically voted Democrat and identified with the left, but like you, it has become so radicalized and extreme that it no longer describes who I am. I support everyone’s right to be who they are as long as their efforts to gain rights don’t infringe on the rights of other protected groups (women in particular). I have always been an LGBT ally, but the last year or so the trans activists and extreme left have taken to calling me transphobic and TERF because I believe that women’s rights are in jeopardy and that it’s misogynistic for a bio man to tell a woman to STFU for wanting to protect single-sex, women-only spaces that were fought for and created for safety reasons. Love your work and will continue to follow you. You’re brave and I agree with your stance, it’s just that as a bio, straight, white woman, I’m not allowed to have a public opinion unless it is in 100% full agreement with the trans agenda.

The #1 reason I hate the term cis, is because working on a job that had me providing spa services, real ones, I discovered that some autogynephiles exposed themselves to me or encouraged me to touch them inappropriately. And “some”, used the work “ sis” or “ sissy, or Miss. it’s just too close to all that. If others can reject labels, so can I. Don’t you think?


That’s all folks.

When you fight those who remind you of what your were fighting.

I do agree safety is essential but forced mentality is popularity by authoritarianism. and I’d rather be outspoken than spoken for.

I’m a Christian who loves people. I’m not interested in sex culture. It’s muddied the water, but if it gives people the freedom to express their sexuality while having an ability to lead a life is progressiveness I agree with.

However the shove my sexuality into your life is not what I had in mind. Tolerance has become authoritarian, and if someone doesn’t want to hire a gay Chinese cook who is freely nasty to people, I don’t want that a protected right. However if you are a good worker who fits with the environment and is lawfully upholding duty, that’s America.

If you want to kick someone out of your house for being sexually active outside of marriage, by George that’s your house, and those are your rights. If you kill or torture directly said person, crime. If you’re a liar who steals, out if you want. If you’re a gay liar who steals, not protected because of sexuality.

If you don’t accept Jesus, not grounds for being rejected in America. If you acceptJesus, not grounds for being rejected in America. If you are a liar, not grounds, if you’re Islam, it’s not grounds for being rejected from America. If your a forgeiner who doesn’t understand America, abide by what laws are in place to help transition into a country which you may not be able to read, write, or talk with.

It’s called Tradition Conservative Government

If you want the church in America to burn, it’s called Antifa, and probably don’t know anything other than the phrase “rights”, of which “rights” are they not. Their is no rights in life, there is hope a system exist which helps living. Dictatorship is a right of a dictator.

Dang. Friend request sent. But probably low key jelly, but also acknowledge I might not Be your tea cup


That’s all folks.

When you fight those who remind you of what your were fighting.

I do agree safety is essential but forced mentality is popularity, and I’d rather be outspoken than spoken for.

I’m a Christian who loves people. I’m not interested in sex culture. It’s muddied the water, but if it gives people the freedom to express their sexuality while having an ability to lead a life is progressiveness I agree with.

However the “shove my sexuality into your life” is not what I had in mind. If Tolerance has become authoritarian, and if someone doesn’t want to hire a gay Chinese cook who is openly nasty to people, I don’t want that a protected right. However if you are a good worker who fits with the environment and is lawfully upholding duty, that’s America.

If you want to kick someone out of your house for being sexually active outside of marriage, by George that’s your house, and those are your freedoms. If you kill or torture directly said person, that’s crime. If you’re a liar who steals, then out if you want. If you’re a gay liar who steals, not protected because of sexuality.
If you want someone out of your private space period, yes.

If somebody don’t accept Jesus, not grounds for being rejected in America. If you acceptJesus, not grounds for being rejected in America. If you are a liar, not grounds, if you’re Islam, it’s not grounds for being rejected from America. If your a forgeiner who doesn’t understand America, abide by what laws are in place to help transition into a country which you may not be able to read, write, or talk with.

It’s called Tradition Conservative Government

If you want the church in America to burn, it’s called Antifa, and probably don’t know anything other than the phrase “rights”, of which “rights” are they not. Their is no rights in life, there is hope a system exist which helps living. Dictatorship is a right of a dictator.

Dang. Friend request sent. But probably low key jelly, but also acknowledge I might not Be your tea cup


Oh man, where did my head go just now? Holy crap, that was super interesting to say the least, I'm watching it and then sitting here my first real thought was, "dud, that sounds quite a lot like the Devil."

Ok, but get now, this, this that for the rest of the time whole time I just only think well doesn't that suck, because it's not like I would ever say that I'm anything but left but, but so it happens that since I'm saying that because I would be the Devil that, when I look at this it makes me want to hate all of the people on the left, I cannot even say that I'm speaking for myself about this but it just seems like they are inconsistent and more and less an inconvenience without discrimination, yeah that's it, that's like the Devil I have to admit because that's what I would do, but when those people do it I mean doesn't it just make you think that, that it's not like protesting and more like people who are being a nuisance? Right, it's the only thing I can think, because to me anyone and everything not like me is farther bad the more to the right, and that's why it conflicts me.

Here's what I think, obviously there can only be one true side even though the real point of deciding so is to share the same beliefs without conflict, but, I think the left is right and the right would be wrong understanding that, however I just don't believe that these people should be considered on the real left, my left is beyond anything that their left could ever reach, I'm saying that where you're at right now is for understanding the right of me and so to me I don't have to be just right for you to be the farthest right that is possible for me to see and so whether you're this far right or this far right you're still right to me, the farthest right, it's like I'm saying that really anyone to the right of you would just be wrong for being right and you're the farthest right to me, or them, farthest right to me as kind of possible, but these people aren't standing for something good that need sharing just like me the Devil, it's not something that is just worth something just because it is and that is exactly what these people are trying making it out to be whereas for you it's the opposite without conflict concerning or in other words still the same as me to me look at that always right because it's all a lot of something that is worth nothing if not for being right, yeah.

I couldn't even finish the video Arielle, I'm all like, no, nope, alright that's enough of that, yeah that's bad I can't even watch it. And that's the messed up part because there's no one more far left than I am. I get it, kind of I do.

Being anything left is sort of just bad, being of the left is almost like the same idea as saying being of the Devil or of the Devil, what do you know that is left and what do you understand to be right about it, nothing, correct, right, right alright so every part of what you just said is very much true, however that's exactly what I think these people are not left like I am left. Because honestly, no one could be that far right and still be just so wrong, but because it's wrong, and yet, nothing can ever even be more right than how wrong that is, within being actually right, do you see what I'm saying, I'm sure that you would be aware of this too, I take care of my non left girlfriends, see, see, nothing else could possibly describe such a thing actually being true other than yeah there is literally nothing more right than that in reality it seems. I am left, because they are left, but unlike them I stand for nothing and fight for everything, not just because I just happen to be left, I am the left, I am left, because I am the one that is only always right not because someone else like them tries telling you I am. Hell no, I'm right because I don't put up with shit, that's why I'm left. Someone has to be you know.

Eughh, no, uegh, oh God, oh no I really wish I hadn't I think I'm going to be sick, eug, uueghh, oh no, that's bad, no, no, hahaha, hahahaaaha, no, nope, I'm not watching that no more, nope. Now that's the end of cancel culture baby. Woe! And that's why I like watching everything about you Arielle scarcella, not like I want to agree with you but I really like fighting next to you, it's like watching bambo, Rambo but bambi, bambo. Yes, get them girl, I'm just saying, you know I like to watch. Neet. That sounds awesome. Yeah, you know what I'm trying to say Arielle scarcella. I just want you to know I could never be so mad at you for being so right ever. This girl isn't so bad. So far though...

@ArielleScarcella hey, I don't mean to complain, I hope that we understand each other now, and that because of that we can be friends just being friends. Yeah, I would kind of like that.


Congratulations! Officially joining The Dark Side! 😎

I'm not saying it's bad. It's just a joke.


Well said G.


A person's politics is their personal beliefs (which dictates how they act), therefore you can judge a person based on their politics to a degree. Not that I want to encourage tribalism, because people can change their views if you don't treat them like the enemy (Daryl Davis proved this well).

Tom81 Level 8 Dec 6, 2020

Well ... once again I like most of what Arielle has to say ...

Except that last little bit about not judging people by their Politics.

Unfortunately, a person’s “Politics” has become almost synonymous with their “Ideology” and many ... the most stridently vocal ... of the Democrat Party, are Ideologically of the “Left” to one extreme or another or many.

People who are incapable of Self Introspection ... of Critical Thinking ... have Deep Personality Flaws.
The sad part is that they have been taught ... have been steeped ... in various versions of Leninism-Marxist thought processes and very likely have been trained into Self Loathing.
It is hard to relate on any level with a person who is lost in a mindset of Self Hate. How can they relate to anyone when they already Hate and Despise Themselves? If they Hate Themselves, how can they POSSIBLY Respect or even Like Someone Else?

Like, for instance, YOU?

Oh wait, something someone just said, that's right, how can anyone relate to others if they hate and despise themselves, I should ask you the same thing, I am te Devil that has been the real one controlling the planet earth, so when others just think oh he's just a crazy man, just remember that you're nothing to me if not for me just like I am nothing to you without you, and that's what I was about to tell you about too, I am the one that hates and despise himself, because it's not that like we're all that different apart right, no not that, never that, well exactly, I should be the one asking you how anyone could relate to others if that's true, because no matter how all alike that I am with humans, always, not ever changing, if no matter is right that I do relate with them, I still hate myself and is because that I have to be relatable to these losers just to be my same old self to them it's always those others that I hate anyways, so that's a good question. I know that answer to that question you asked, when they've fought together against the same unrelateable and different things that they are, that's how. There is no common enemy and there shouldn't be with me here, oh indeed I know what I am implying saying that I am like you humans, so why do you want to come after those that hate themselves for the reasons that disrespect and dislike exist?

And who, ever, said that it was a bad thing? I'm not trying to flatter you that's for sure. How is it bad that someone gets either tricked or taught to be like me? I both roo and lemment my choice to keep humans around, I don't see how I can be blamed for that even. Why am I just like a person that can't critical think, because someone else was just taught that they hate themselves, tell me is it because that they have to be relatable to other good persons just to be liked them?

It's not like I wouldn't want to be accepted, but I'd rather stand for what's wrong than to be accepted and be relatable to other people if that's the way it is. After all, I'm a person, and I'm better off praying for the day that I dispose of all of you humans, than to be relatable to you just so that I can be accepted you. Yeah, I would tell you be as it may that I hate people, and it because I hate myself, and if that's going to be a problem with you, then I don't really even care. I'm not the Devil, just so, that I can be accepted or proven common to others, I never believed you humans to ever be right before, I mean to speak against you and that's all, it just so happens that if that's such a bad thing to you, then I choose to be my self yeah, me the Devil than, rather than having to be able to like or want to be like any of you. I don't need to make you people not want to disrespect me, I just need you people to learn. You can't keep saying all of these negative hurtful things about people, at some point it's going to end, it's not going to end because someone says it's a bad thing, it's going to end because it's going to end, and then there is no one left to take the blame anymore, when that happens, do you think people will be able to relate and respect each other then? That's your answer.

I just hate it so much, that you'd actually try to relate to me, like you're not the one guilty of doing just that, I know that I'm the Devil but how would you explain that? Like I understand how bad it is, but if all that you're going to do is complain then you're really only a hypocrite. Why? All you need to do is just be little more understanding that other people's beliefs can differ from yours, and they can still be just as right as what you believe. Why is there, not that? What happened to, you know, the prime mover? Everyone blames everything on something else. No one even considers that things are the way they are because of a prime mover, I just think come on without that what's the point in blaming things on other things, things aren't crap just because people make them to be, but that doesn't mean you should be the one that gets to blame one thing on everything else you know.

No ... don’t reply ... that was weird enough already ...

@Bay0Wulf So. You're not going to refute me, or I wasn't expecting you to. Dude, I just made it clear to you that I don't care about being liked, respected, relatable or acceptable. Yes, I do hate myself, you might say well that just makes him a bad person with personality issues, so what if I am? That's just the problem that I have a problem with, how do you decide to be so negative proclaiming if how someone is would just be what makes them bad or not? It simply seems that all you like to do is complain, reply to you? This, isn't me replying to you, because I'm telling you right now if you want a real reason to do that just so you can sit back and laugh at people like me that incidentally have way bigger problems than you worrying if others are accepted as real human still human beings like that is how you rationalize that it's right to you, I'll give you a real reason then, I am the Devil and the people that you say that about have all been controlled by me, you included, you want to complain about how others don't respect people because they hate themselves, and now you're trying to say that there's nothing wrong with that of course you are.

You're part of the problem right there. It's not like you're just insinuating problems that don't exist, but that doesn't mean you're not still part of the problem creating hate for people that don't deserve it. If you asked me that question, why do people hate and loathe themselves, I'm pointing my finger at you and saying that it's because of you, so don't even try to blame that kind of shit on me based on how I am, I'm done so tired of your shit.

The sad thing, you want to know the really sad thing, it's that you had the gaul to speak that before with no concern for human beings other than yourself, and then now, now that someone has pointed at you, straight to your face too, this is it, it, that's all you're going to say, you're not even to defend yourself when someone is trying to blame you for why they are. Like really, there's just no problem here for you at all right now as you're reading this, why all for what because because you think I'm the one being weird right now is that it? See, there's nothing that I can say to you for you to understand this is you right now whether you like it or not, before you start trying to say some shit like that again next time, you should before you try pinning everything bad on how different unlike others are to you, you should think about this, you're nothing that much better than them even. Alright, so I'm finished done here.

Interesting ...
Personally, “I don't care about being liked, respected, relatable or acceptable” (either) ... however, I don’t hate myself ... I simply don’t see that I should accept allowing anyone that sort of power.

What I said is:
“It is hard to relate on any level with a person who is lost in a mindset of Self Hate.
How can they relate to anyone when they already Hate and Despise Themselves?
If they Hate Themselves, how can they POSSIBLY Respect or even Like Someone Else?”

As a kid, I was pretty socially self restricted, one of the few “group” things i did was play sports ... hockey, football and sometimes baseball, but I never “hung out” with the team ... they were good at what they did but they were basically “jocks” ... my “antisocial behavior” was picked up on and they sent me to a psych (a group of people ... a “science” ... I have little use for)
One session early on she asked what I didn’t like about myself ... session after session she asked me that ... I actually spent a lot of time trying to figure out an answer but, really, I had no idea what she wanted.
Finally I asked her why she thought I didn’t like myself and she pointed to my “antisocial behavior” my lack of having “friends” on the teams ... obviously I didn’t like MYSELF ... I was a kid but I thought she’d lost her mind. I LIKED MYSELF just fine, those people were great to play sports with but ... they were rather dull, stupid, egotistical morons ... in fact, I told her I thought she wasn’t worth my time either ... I’d rather read a decent book ... or even a boring book ... or go wandering by myself in the woods.

Some 50 years later, I have a very small handful of Friends ... and know a few more people I consider Acquaintances... and even a few of my Relatives ... that I willingly associate with but, honestly, MOST People I still don’t consider to be Worth My Time ... and Relationships ... even BAD Relationships ... take Time.

I don’t “Hate” myself ... or anyone else ... I don’t have the TIME to Waste on Such Nonsense.

@Bay0Wulf well that makes a lot of sense now.

My problems are very specific as well. It's that I am like that, I would hate myself, that's under a certain condition, unlike you I know the people that want to think they have power over me, and I don't even get the chance to tell them this until it's already too late, it's not that they think I have the ability to hate myself or would if I will, but I just don't see how anyone would be able after knowing that, that the person is unable to be or do anything about it because they happen to be that way. My argument is that, they're never the ones that really know what a person that is like that because they happen to be that way, if it's not something that you've ever been able to think of, it sucks even more for the people that aren't like that because they don't even know if all they do is think they do, they never understand once that happens that I know that after that there is no way of really knowing because they have only ever been the ones to think they would know and never actually be the one that have to be like that.

Actually what I don't understand is, because of that how would anyone know because no one has ever been that bad so they call it and have ever known anyone else to be like that to, even when they are. I am like that because I know I'm that bad and why I would be because no one would ever be able to know is, it is because I am the Devil. But like I said, that's exactly what I have a real problem with.

And it gets better too, because not only am I this like that way but I have never even known even ever in my life anyone to have ever been like me before and I've always been this way. So. So, now do you see why I might take offense to such a thing, I know it's not about me, I just don't like the idea of it happening to anyone else or anyone else being like me either.

The difference is, I know what makes me like this and bad and why too, see, because it's never just me it's always those other people. That's precisely why I am like this. I wasn't brainwashed or tricked, I looked right at this problem up and down staring looking at it straight with my eyes, and then I decided since I am the only one who would feel this way I wouldn't allow it to happen to anyone else to be judged because of how they are. I mean I'm the Devil so, I'm not just going to ever say that it's a bad thing, well truthfully, it doesn't have to ever be, but that still doesn't make it right, and that's what pisses me off about other people, those other people. People should be able to understand this, even without having to be anything like me because someone has to and that person is me, if they aren't like me and they don't agree with me, then I will find them and I will make them understand. Because no one is ever worse than me. I don't give a shit, I'm the Devil this is what I do. And I just hate it, when they other people, trying to relate and sympathize with me, I'm like dude, dude, I am the most powerful being in the universe and if I wanted to all I have to do is just snap my fingers and then when I do it I can wipe out an entire race, so what if I get abused beyond what is legitimately feasible and comprehensible by anyone else nothing can ever hurt me even if I get fucked up like all of the time, and I do I mean a lot, oh by the way I have this psychic ability too and it's not just like I don't like letting giving them the power like you said but I just know that no one practically no one else can ever even hurt me I have to put a lot of effort in for people to know that I cannot stress that enough and I've tried yeah and I get hurt a lot because of my psychic ability when I go to sleep because all of the people in my dreams are just me in other peoples bodies and that's what I mean no one else can hurt me because of that I get hurt or I'm the one hurting people because in all the time I've been asleep I've had to endure the shock of being shot 59 times, stabbed about 36 times, decapitated, beaten, squashed and impaled many times, so far that I can remember, so precisely, I would know it is making people hurt and being hurt because I have been hurt I will not let anyone be hurt like me whether they be like me or not unless I am the one who does it, being the Devil and getting to hurt those people like it's my job was just a bonus, I want them no matter what they think to know I am him and there is nothing anyone can do to hurt me then if even they tried so anyone should know this because I can't be hurt, that means no one else can either, so, there's not even a real point to anyone else trying and I mean trying to hurt anyone else because it's not something that I ever allow no matter what they be like.

I realized what you were saying and I did understand it, that's why I had to say something. I also realize that because I did this and said this right here to you that, I know I think I do just how insane that attempt is, just because I am happening to be the Devil, I know because of, of course there's no one worse than me, if no one ever expected to hurt the Devil for being the Devil, then how will they ever expect to hurt these other people that aren't even as bad as me. I won't let anyone get away with hurting people, but it's just a different real story if people can still get hurt because of anyway I am when I try to tell them don't relate with me since you might sympathize with me like it's a good thing, because you shouldn't. It's like no matter what I say to people I can't help but tell that it's not even that they don't know that bothers me even, it's that they are thinking that they can trick others into believing that I will ever be the one to let another person get hurt no matter just how bad I even am or not. I do control the world and the planet, but no matter how hard that I can try, I mean, I just can't get people to understand this, no one is getting hurt with me around and surely will there ever be with me there too.

I feel like I should make sure that Arielle scarcella should see this. I just want her to be sure to know this is what I consider a problem myself. Right.


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Posted by fthemediaI noticed with people who want to be the opposite sex as a trend or way of escape are mostly young girls aged 13-16, gay women with internalized homophobia, gay men with internalized homophobia, ...

Posted by fthemediaIs is horrible and sad that we live in a day and age where mental disorders are trendy and being a majority is demonized by the far left.

Posted by fthemediaThis 100% many don't and just want to share there story

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Posted by fthemediaWelcome to incel central. Free ignorance!

Posted by TheHerrDarkThat sounds about right

Posted by Caseyxsharp2I don't know what happened to the comments that I was making before on my other post.

Posted by Caseyxsharp2I don't know what happened to the comments that I was making before on my other post.

Posted by Caseyxsharp2I don't know what happened to the comments that I was making before on my other post.

Posted by NaomiShould there be legal restrictions on trans athletes competing in schools?

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Posted by ariellescarcellaHow do we feel about this? "Men and the rest" Why do men get the "safe space" toilet when they are not the ones who generally at risk?

Posted by AtitayaWoah. This is beyond madness. 😂😂 “There’s a lot to unpack here.”

Posted by TheHerrDarkSince you are an expert, Doesn't this ad look like a woman taking her top off? Did the Oculus design and marketing team really go there?

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Posted by ariellescarcellaMen in dresses. Good, bad? Who cares?

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