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This is directed mostly at those who place themself on the right side of the aisle, since the inability to think the unthinkable has characterized our approach to the political/existential crises facing our nation for the past 50 years. The left has not only been thinking the unthinkable, they’ve adopted the unthinkable as their M.O. Clearly, it’s not unthinkable to them.

What’s unthinkable, from the standpoint of a conservative patriot who loves their country and recognizes it as the last, best hope for the cause of freedom and individual rights in the world? That it may be time to say good-bye to those who so vehemently disagree with that assessment. Derek Hunter poses the question thusly: If We Let Seattle Go, Would We Even Miss It?


Derek Hunter is one of the more reasoned, restrained pundits. Decidedly conservative, always worth reading, but until this column, refraining from the open antagonism towards the opposition shown by Kurt Schlichter, or Ann Coulter. Yet, the very title of his column shows that he’s already divided the country into two groups: Us and Them, and suggests that We would not miss Them were they to sever all ties with their mother country, as is the case with The CHAZ, right now, even as we speak.

Is it time to start thinking the unthinkable?

The afore mentioned Kurt Schlichter, my favorite go-to guy when my attitude towards the left needs a healthy booster shot of scorn, derision and contempt, has been writing a series of novels since 2014, wherein he imagines the country (or countries) that would remain after a formal split between the Red and Blue states. He placed this series in the safe future of 2040, more or less. In a time when we still had an African American president, Donald Trump hosted a successful reality show, The FBI was trusted, Nancy Pelosi was irrelevant, no one knew Adam Schiff existed, and Occupy Wall Street was a strange footnote to the Obama years, 2040 seemed like it might even be a little too near for reality. Still, the books do a great job of imagining what a country and its government might be like were the left granted total power to implement their agenda. The vision has been both entertaining, amusing, and horrifying—far more of the latter as the ensuing 6 years have brought his world of 2040 closer and closer to our own present.

Is it time to ask, “What good is the left?” They’ve ruined every major city they’ve been able to get their hands on. They speak with open scorn of the founding documents for the single greatest system of government ever devised, as well as the men with the vision to create it. They’ve ruined New York, which is more than a once-great city, it’s a cornerstone of our culture. They’ve turned the paradise which used to be California, another cornerstone of out culture, into a feces infested hell hole. And still there is the unending theme from all corners left: we’re better than you; we should have to right to do things our way; you don’t count; you should sit down and shut up. It is we who have no use for you.

So let them prove it. Let’s call their bluff. You want California? New York? Most of New England? Michigan, Minnesota. And, of course, Washington State? Anywhere else who thinks the socialist utopia is at hand, but for the Deplorables voting for Trump? Fine. Viya con Dios. And good luck with those trade deals you’ll be wanting to negotiate with all the racist states you leave behind. In Schlichter’s novels, Dallas becomes the new capital of the United States, while the Peoples Republic of North America gets to keep the buildings, but none of the soul, of Washington DC. That’s what we see playing out before us now. The soul of America is missing from every utterance and deed of the left. They hate us, and view the political levers engineered into the system so many years ago as nothing more than the means to destroy us and the country we still take seriously.

As John Lennon famously said to the rest of The Beatles at their last business meeting, “I want a divorce.”

Edgework 8 June 14
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"So let them prove it. Let’s call their bluff. You want California? New York? Most of New England? Michigan, Minnesota. And, of course, Washington State? Anywhere else who thinks the socialist utopia is at hand, but for the Deplorables voting for Trump? Fine. Viya con Dios."

One major problem with this idea as I see it. The West Coast has maritime and military/national defense resources that are invaluable to the security and the economic well being of our country. WE CANNOT AFFORD TO GIVE THOSE AWAY.

I too have been very well entertained and simultaneously terrified by Schlicters literary vision of 2040 USA.
I look forward to his next book(s).

iThink Level 9 June 14, 2020


That’s part of that “unthinkable” stuff I was talking about. Sherlock Holmes, perhaps, offers us guidance: When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, is the truth. I’m not talking about why we should try to preserve the country—that argument is obvious and needs no debate. I’m talking about the real possibility that it cannot be preserved, not in it’s present state. Look to the near future, no further than November. Whoever wins, half the country will be in open revolt.

Does the left think that the currents that swept Trump into office and still provide his support will magically shut up and go home just because Joe Biden and whatever socialist mouthpiece runs with him are somehow jammed down our throats? Does anyone on the right think opposition to Trump will abate if he wins re-election? And if Republicans take back the House and keep the Senate... what? The left will suddenly start working within the structures of government? Suddenly the media will become fair and objective? Pelosi and her ilk will suddenly wake up and realize supporting street violence is maybe not such a great idea? That trying to usurp a duly elected president was a path they might not have wanted to go down?

If there is a divide in this country, and one side has shown no interest in bridging it, and is, in fact, committed to exacerbating it, what justification is there for the other side to keep talking about unity. It is the lack of unity that has brought us here.

We can’t afford to give up on the idea of unity, you say? I say we can’t afford to continue ignoring the implications of its demise. Somebody needs to start making plans.

@Edgework yes it does seem as though there is an element of inevitibility of a violent and bloody revolt however the election works out. It has slipped from the realm of plausability and into the realm of probability.
The only thing that might prevent it is the historical fact that those of us on "the right" tend to NOT act out violently unless we are physically under attack in the very real sense.
We just do not riot. It's not in our DNA as it is in the leftist mob.
Here is another unsettling thought along these lines. Do you think our foreign enemies and maybe even some of our "allies" can resist the impulse to invade USA in such a crisis moment as a 2nd American Civil war?
I think such a war makes us extremely vulnerable to attacks from countries like, China, Russia, Mexico, Cuba...the list is long.
We the American Right would be beset on all sides...enemies literally coming from all directions.

Maybe it betrays my nationalist bent, but these days I can’t help but cast the opposing sides as Americans vs. traitors. I know, call me chauvinist, but there it is.

One thing about Americans, who by definition are free to pursue whatever goals we please and tend to like to be left alone to live our lives as we choose; when we’ve been stirred to action, it’s because it’s been triggered by forces that definitely don’t want us left alone to do as we please. That makes for a somewhat disorganized approach at first, but it also pisses us off, and the fact that something has seen fit to intrude on our lives to piss us off, pisses us off even more. We want to get back to our lives soon as we can, which means crushing the offending obstacle as completely and totally as possible. (i.e. Berlin, circa 1945)

The one thing we lost at the end of the last Cold War was simplicity and clarity. There had been just them and us, and it made things real easy when it came to choosing sides. I think we’re entering that phase again now. It is going to get progressively easier to choose.


I more and more worry that we might need to split the country. While I don't like that idea, splitting the country is better than letting the entire country turn into another Venezuela.

The problem with splitting the country is that the lines are not easily defined. The simple "red states" and "blue states" division would leave too many people displaced or behind enemy lines. This division would create too much disruption in trying to make things work.

If I were going to make splits, I would make much finer distinctions.

I would split California at I-5 from San Francisco to Los Angeles. The Soviet Republic of America would keep everything from Marin county north of San Francisco to some dividing line between Los Angeles and San Diego. Everything else would become one or maybe two states within the United States. All of California east of I-5 would remain in the United States.

I would make a similar split in Oregon and Washington. Portland to the Seattle/Tacoma area along I-5 and west to the ocean would be either a second Soviet Republic or would become part of the San Francisco to Los Angeles soviet. Maybe one or two of the other leftist enclaves in Oregon would be able to join the soviet state, but most of southern and eastern Oregon and all of eastern Washington would remain in the United States.

In the east, I would let the soviet state run along I-95 from the D.C. Beltway as far north as the soviets wanted to vote themselves out of the United States. Maybe they could have a little bit of Florida's Atlantic Coast to retire and vacation.

In the central part of the continent, the soviet state could have a quadrangle cornered roughly by Chicago, Madison, Detroit, and Cleveland.

Three of the biggest problems would be Austin, Minneapolis/St. Paul, and Denver. We'd need to find a way to break their power over their states. If we just made the leftists realize that they were completely unwelcome in these places, maybe they would leave for the new soviet country or countries. Maybe we would have to build walls and fences around these places and confine them to their own little countries.


I agree Edgework. The Left's agenda is nothing less than to shred the Constitution, so as a partner in the two party system, they don't qualify. They are like the defendant in a murder case who claims the court has no jurisdiction.

It is in the best interests of our nation for those of us who have any persuasive power at all to convince everyone that the Libertarians - (who by definition are Constitutionalists in some way, even if they can't exactly agree on which way) should be one of the partners in the two party system, and to convince current Democrats that their leadership couldn't care a sweet fig about their utopia, and only panders to them for power.

That might actually prevent the Union from splitting into fragment(s). But if it doesn't, I'm moving to the one that is most original Constitution.


Jefferson's ideal of a yeomen's republic is entrancing, but it would also be bankrupt. So would our country without the coastal corridors.

I think large swathes of leftist territory may be having a "Giuliani Moment." They've not only read about the results of leftist policies, they've seen them up close and personal. We'll see.

I hope you are right, however I feel it is a mistake to underestimate the stupidity of a fat and happy electorate.


It's a great idea, but just like the democratic cities that have turned to ruins, as soon as these states become shambles, what do you think they will do. This old saying comes to mind; Give them an inch and they'll want a mile.

FEWI Level 8 June 14, 2020

I'm certain I'm repeating myself from somewhere else on Slug, but I think they should let these autonomous zones learn what autonomy really means. Close 'em up, cut 'em off and see how well they can provide for their basic services: water, power, fuel, food, policing and firefighting. It would be an interesting experiment like putting three shrews under a bell jar in a lab...with no food except each other.

And let's see how Edgework's rightist utopia does under those circumstances as well!

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