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Country Living In Bible Prophecy (15:21)

I don't know about Chad Kreuzer's exegesis, but he may have something here.

eschatologyguy 9 July 5
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Not sure about his exegesis either but the hermeneutics might be more accurate.

My personal experience ~ plenty of city people come here, thinking they are going to do this or that, and show us a thing or two; the usual arrogance and condescension. Typically think we are lazy ect., lay around a lot because of the heat and that we are good for nothings. Well, usually they do not last more than a year or two here. This year the weather has been extreme and excessively hot, but not record breaking either. Also, it can get cold here as any place up north, and as much snow, not usually but possible.

Does not take long, usually a day when they get out there going to work the place and get infested with ticks & chiggers. Most are not aware of the poisonous snakes like copperheads or timber rattlers or cottonmouths. We also have scorpions.

They usually have a delusion dream of living off the land with no practical experience, maybe gardening from where ever they are from, maybe some experience hunting a little bit. But no idea usually of the insects we have here, and IF they are going at it economically or organically, they are always in for a rude awakening of the amount of intensive work involved. If they are not good and practical at management of time and energy resources, they are sunk.

As for growing food for profit to make money, you might get some competition at the farmers' market. Also certain crops, you have to give a certain portion or amount to the government, and others are highly regulated. []

As for the biblical exodus, you can take the people out of Egypt but you can not take Egypt out of the people. As in the verses of let's go back where we had plenty of food Exodus 16:3. The forty years was a massive die off, simply because they refused to adapt or change, even after witnessing all those miracles first hand.

You have to consider the assimilation of the Israelis in Egyptian society, it was nearly total. Then consider the facts of when they came to Egypt by Joseph's hand and shepherds were an abomination to the Egyptians. Genesis 43:32 or Genesis 46:34.

I chuckled at the Isaiah 33:16 We have plenty of ammo in rocks here. If you are willing to work at it, plenty of curly dock to harvest, grows wild. Along with a buckwheat. This year acorns are scarce, maybe the wild persimmons too. Wild pecans are usually plentiful because they grow by water usually. We also have chinkapin/chinquapins. Plenty of food, just have to work at it, process it.

I have had those city slickers say to me that it was too much work, too hard, we'd never do that. My response was 'well maybe you don't get as hungry as I do'; which is also our response when they say something derogatory condescending about working with horses and other animals.

My kids have the right idea though. It is better to learn how to do this NOW as a fun family project than have to learn how to do it because you need to do it.

The ones that ask questions, how did we get this to work, or what do you do on something; they do well. Sadly lots of unethical locals take advantage of new comers, figuring/justifying that they are just extended stay tourists to be exploited. But the ones that persevere and learn to adapt and throw out the preconceived notions programmed into them by society, they thrive.

To be blessed with country living requires a certain mindset, and arrogance of supposed intellect does not belong in the mix.

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