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Before being elected as president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky became the star of the popular ...
jaymaron comments on Jun 30, 2021:
@HistoryCorner @eschatologyguy @FuzzyMarineVet Zelensky was backed by an acting group known as Kvartal 95. Many among his cabinet are members of Kvartal 95. The presidency of Iceland was won by a schoolteacher. In that election, the two parties that are traditionally dominant placed 4th and ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 30, 2021:
@eschatologyguy Patton: In war, the enemy gets a vote. In a real life presidency, you don't get to write the script. The show "Designated Survivor" was bull because the choices the president had to make were always obvious, and there was always a way to win. Not so in real life. I'm writing a fan fiction novel involving Trump.
Before being elected as president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky became the star of the popular ...
FuzzyMarineVet comments on Jun 30, 2021:
Reagan also leveraged his acting chops to boost his political career.
jaymaron replies on Jun 30, 2021:
Reagan was a gifted MC and standup comedian. He hosted the show G.E. Theater and brought it prosperity, like Trump brought prosperity to Apprentice. Reagan was cancelled. Ted Kennedy ordered G.E. to fire Reagan. Reagan got revenge. Ted Kennedy is a jerk.
The NSA / Mainstream Media Spy Network. []
TheMiddleWay comments on Jun 30, 2021:
Possible DNE probable DNE actual. The burden of proof is on the claimant. If Tucker CLAIMS that his emails and texts have been intercepted, it's up to TUCKER to prove his emails and texts have been intercepted. Otherwise, I can claim Tucker is a russian misinformation spy because a ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 30, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay I invite you to get started on it. I agree that this matter warrants attention.
sqeptiq comments on Jun 30, 2021:
TFW you realize people become zombies by choice.
jaymaron replies on Jun 30, 2021:
They also plugged themselves into The Matrix by choice. They meekly accepted the lockdown. Most people spend more time online than in reality.
The NSA / Mainstream Media Spy Network. []
TheMiddleWay comments on Jun 30, 2021:
Possible DNE probable DNE actual. The burden of proof is on the claimant. If Tucker CLAIMS that his emails and texts have been intercepted, it's up to TUCKER to prove his emails and texts have been intercepted. Otherwise, I can claim Tucker is a russian misinformation spy because a ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 30, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay I don't like it either. I wish it wasn't necessary. I prefer to hang out with team players. In war, there is no morality. Democrats declared war. There are synergistic and unsynergistic politicians. Synergistic politicians look for deals that are good for both sides. Unsynergistic politicians look to hurt the other side. In classical American politics, if you were unsynergistic, you lost votes. Today, Democrats are proud of being unsynergistic. That's the charge I level on Democrats. They see their unsynergy as virtue and I see it as shame. Not only do Democrats accuse without proof, they use anonymous accusers. In the land of honor, anonymous accusations carry no weight. Carson's accusation is backed by Carlson's name, and by Carlson's reputation for being honorable.
Is this a really old idea rehashed or have the oligarchs started pulling ideas from 80's movies?
Krunoslav comments on Jun 30, 2021:
The director Paul Verhoeven is great at this. He made Robocop in 1987 as you pointed out. He made Total Recall in 1990 with Marx colonization corporatism and virtual reality conspiracies, he made the Starship Troopers in 1997, with great cometary of how government and military recruits people into ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 30, 2021:
@Penrodster Nobody is going to beat SpaceX. They're far ahead technologically. The only thing capable of rivaling SpaceX is air launch (Stratolaunch). However Stratolaunch is being unstrategic. They're building their own plane. They should just buy an off-the-shelf Airbus A380.
The NSA / Mainstream Media Spy Network. []
TheMiddleWay comments on Jun 30, 2021:
Possible DNE probable DNE actual. The burden of proof is on the claimant. If Tucker CLAIMS that his emails and texts have been intercepted, it's up to TUCKER to prove his emails and texts have been intercepted. Otherwise, I can claim Tucker is a russian misinformation spy because a ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 30, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay Democrats launched bigly investigations with no proof to back it up. Therefore it's fair game for Republicans to do it. Investigate! It's like the challenge flag in football. Republicans are entitled to throw the challenge flag whenever they want and investigate. Honor is objective. The mythology of honor was well explored by Star Trek with the Klingons. I feel that the concept of old-school honor needs study.
The NSA / Mainstream Media Spy Network. []
TheMiddleWay comments on Jun 30, 2021:
Possible DNE probable DNE actual. The burden of proof is on the claimant. If Tucker CLAIMS that his emails and texts have been intercepted, it's up to TUCKER to prove his emails and texts have been intercepted. Otherwise, I can claim Tucker is a russian misinformation spy because a ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 30, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay Ideally, proof should be required. However there exist important matters for which there is inadequate data. In these cases, honor matters. I feel that Carlson is entitled to make his claim, and that it carries weight. The overarching issue is honor. Republicans have it and Democrats don't. Attention should be drawn to this.
Rudy Giuliani: The 1st victim in a leftist political purge []
jaymaron comments on Jun 30, 2021:
Democrats hate the police, but they send 10 police men to harass Giuliani. Imagine if Republicans sent 10 police men to harass a Democrat. Democrat protesters would go nuclear. Every time a Democrat talks about police brutality, I mention the police harassment of Giuliani and other ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 30, 2021:
@Penrodster My feeling is that the fraction of cops that are corrupt is large, and the fraction of cops that are jerks is large. It's a systemic problem, and cops had the responsibility to tackle this, and they didn't. This is serious negligence. I therefore feel that all cops, even the good ones, are on the hook for being corrupt and jerks.
The NSA / Mainstream Media Spy Network. []
TheMiddleWay comments on Jun 30, 2021:
Possible DNE probable DNE actual. The burden of proof is on the claimant. If Tucker CLAIMS that his emails and texts have been intercepted, it's up to TUCKER to prove his emails and texts have been intercepted. Otherwise, I can claim Tucker is a russian misinformation spy because a ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 30, 2021:
Back in classical America, honor mattered. Carlson has carried himself with honor, therefore he is entitled to make this claim. Carlson's statements carry weight. Maddow carried herself with dishonor. She's the boy who cried wolf. She no longer deserves to be heard. Maddow's statements carry no weight. Many scientists sacrificed their scientific integrity to attack Trump, and they should be expelled from the scientific community. They ain't scientist! Scientists who kept their honor and maintained their scientific integrity should be acknowledged.
Tucker Carlson says 'Biden administration is spying' on him | TheHill
iThink comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Tucker Carlson is one of the very few news/information channel personalities I trust. If he says he's being spied upon I am sure he has good cause to say so. Perhaps he is mistaken but I give him the benefit of the doubt unless or until it is shown to be untrue.
jaymaron replies on Jun 30, 2021:
Back in classical America, honor mattered. Carlson has carried himself with honor, therefore he is entitled to make this claim. Carlson's statements carry weight. Maddow carried herself with dishonor. She's the boy who cried wolf. She no longer deserves to be heard. Maddow's statements carry no weight. Many scientists sacrificed their scientific integrity to attack Trump, and they should be expelled from the scientific community. They ain't scientist! Scientists who kept their honor and maintained their scientific integrity should be acknowledged.
Rudy Giuliani: The 1st victim in a leftist political purge []
jaymaron comments on Jun 30, 2021:
Democrats hate the police, but they send 10 police men to harass Giuliani. Imagine if Republicans sent 10 police men to harass a Democrat. Democrat protesters would go nuclear. Every time a Democrat talks about police brutality, I mention the police harassment of Giuliani and other ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 30, 2021:
@Penrodster On Democrat discussion boards, Democrats are celebrating the attack on Giuliani, not realizing that that creates a weakness in the Democratic stance. The Republican rebuttal is easy. Just say: "Political prosecution!" Democrats use dirty tactics. If you have to use dirty tactics to win, then you are the evil one. I challenge Democrats to win by playing fairly. Now that the police are not obligated to respond to a call, the police can decide who to help. That's a lot of power, and the power can be wielded arbitrarily and without check. The consequence is that the police will go corrupt. The only security you can trust is private security.
The NSA / Mainstream Media Spy Network. []
TheMiddleWay comments on Jun 30, 2021:
Possible DNE probable DNE actual. The burden of proof is on the claimant. If Tucker CLAIMS that his emails and texts have been intercepted, it's up to TUCKER to prove his emails and texts have been intercepted. Otherwise, I can claim Tucker is a russian misinformation spy because a ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 30, 2021:
I remember hearing Democrats say "I believe Christine Ford" and weaponizing this attack to hurt Republicans. It's on record. This has consequences. Now Republicans are entitled to believe whatever they want, even if they have no proof. Democrats will never hold Maddow accountable for the fact that she hammered the Russian collusion hoax with no proof. Given that, it is now fair game for Republicans to launch hoaxes without proof. In rugby, if the other team commits a foul and the ref doesn't call it, then your team should start committing the same foul. Never fall for the fallacy of the cold war. There is no such thing as a cold war. All wars are hot. Democrats are waging war against Republicans. In war, anything goes.
Is this a really old idea rehashed or have the oligarchs started pulling ideas from 80's movies?
Krunoslav comments on Jun 30, 2021:
The director Paul Verhoeven is great at this. He made Robocop in 1987 as you pointed out. He made Total Recall in 1990 with Marx colonization corporatism and virtual reality conspiracies, he made the Starship Troopers in 1997, with great cometary of how government and military recruits people into ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 30, 2021:
Nice analysis. In "Total Recall", on Mars, the corporation charged for air. From Aliens: Hudson: Let's just bug out and call it even, OK? What are we talking about this for? Ripley: I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. Burke: Ho-ho-hold on one second. This installation has a substantial dollar value attached to it. Ripley: They can *bill* me. In 19th century America, what counted was how much rail you had. In the age of sail, what counted was how much spice you could move. It's a common theme in science fiction that corporations dominate. What will count in the future is launch cost in $/kg, and launch flux in tons/year. Tons launched to orbit in 2020: America SpaceX 286 China CNSA 242 America NASA 103 Russia Roscosmos 80 Europe ESA 27 Japan JAXA 8 America Orbital 7 India ISRO 2 Canada CSA 1 America Rocket Lab .7 America Blue Origin 0 America Stratolaunch 0 S Korea KARI 0
House Democrats propose government-run credit reporting system - The Government is so perfect at ...
eschatologyguy comments on Jun 29, 2021:
The CCP will file enfringement of Social Credit System copyright against the Democrats.
jaymaron replies on Jun 29, 2021:
@toronto_Georgia @SpikeTalon @eschatologyguy It's about time we stole some technology from China. Democrats plagiarize the Babylon Bee for ideas. They see the Babylon Bee as a source of suggestions.
The return of the king... LOL []
sqeptiq comments on Jun 28, 2021:
Doubt he'll run again, though. His ego wouldn't allow him to risk a second loss.
jaymaron replies on Jun 28, 2021:
@RemiDallaire @sqeptiq At CPAC Trump said: "Maybe I'll run again and beat the Democrats a 3rd time" The CPAC crowd erupted into ovation. If Democrats strike Trump down, he will become more powerful than they can possibly imagine. Trump will return as the governor of a seceded state. After Napoleon lost the command of France, many nations stepped forward and asked Napoleon to lead them.
Six Things YOU DO That Gets You Arrested After a Self Defense Shooting | Ethical Preparedness ...
iThink comments on Jun 27, 2021:
First Rule: NEVER shoot or shoot AT anyone unless you absolutely have no other option. Running away/Driving away is your first option! Oh and dial 911 asap! I know it goes against human nature but "carrying a gun makes cowards of everyone" That is to say that backing down - escaping a ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 27, 2021:
Never talk to cops. They're jerks. They'll use anything you say against you. They're malicious. They have no sense of fairness. Only your lawyer should talk to the cops.
Reason video: Is California over? []
WorldSigh comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Something else Florida and Texas will soon have... a huge influx of democrat voters, who will proceed to elect super majorities. Then, like locusts, they will move on to the next state, and the next state, and...
jaymaron replies on Jun 27, 2021:
From time to time, you have to abandon the cities and move to the frontier, to stay ahead of the locusts. It's the cycle of life. America has a fine history of frontiersmanship. We should revive it. Build an Institute of Technology in Wyoming. San Francisco is way overdue for an earthquake, and when it happens, it will turn out that corrupt Democrat politicians didn't save up for the emergency. They will cry to Republican states for money, and they should get no pity. They didn't prepare. When a tornado destroys a rural midwestern town, SF never helps. Any time a Democrat locust comes to Republican territory, mock them for being carpetbaggers.
sqeptiq comments on Jun 27, 2021:
A Nuremburg trial for Herr Doktor Fauci!
jaymaron replies on Jun 27, 2021:
@1patriot @sqeptiq @MDonaldson @Josf-Kelley @1patriot Nominations?
Tony Heller: Fields Of Climate Destruction According to Congressional climate experts, there are ...
timon_phocas comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Howdy @warminster100, Climate catastrophy is always 10 years off. Close enough to be threatening, far enough away to forget when it never arrives. Always.
jaymaron replies on Jun 27, 2021:
Fifty years ago, physicists predicted that we were 50 years away from fusion reactors. Today, physicists predict that we are 50 years away from fusion reactors. There is a Breitbart article that lists all the failed catastophe predictions.
Wonder what bozo dreamed this one up (referring to attached image)?
jaymaron comments on Jun 27, 2021:
From the film "Angels and Demons" Robert Langdon: The Illuminati were initially peaceful. Scholars. Then the Catholic Church attacked them, drove them underground, and radicalized them. There are two kinds of fascists. Fascists and anti-fascists. After England killed Americans at the battle...
jaymaron replies on Jun 27, 2021:
@Bay0Wulf Freedom of association is also freedom of disassociation from jerks. I discriminate against jerks. I like to hang out with cool people.
Xi Jinping has left ‘unification by force the only option’ with Taiwan | Sky News Australia ...
angelo comments on Jun 27, 2021:
It's not a matter of if, It's a matter of when!
jaymaron replies on Jun 27, 2021:
@eschatologyguy Boycott the Olympics in China and stage an alternative Olympics in Taiwan. The world needs to be ready for a sudden Chinese invasion of Taiwan. It could happen at any time.
Journalisms paradox: if you make a truly unbiased newspaper, you won't get many subscriptions.
bobbo666 comments on Jun 26, 2021:
No, I cannot buy your premise. An unbiased newsie would contain: factual news, comics, ads, sports, and an editorial section wherein the paper can share its viewpoint. I can remember how this was the model back in the 60-70's. Each town had 2-3 newsies and one was liberal, one was conservative, ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 26, 2021:
@bobbo666 Those were the good old days, where there was no politics in the sports section. It was a safe space from politics. Now the sports section is full of political land mines. There should be trigger warnings. I want to enjoy sports in peace.
DeSantis Shoots Yet Another Shot Across ‘Indoctrination’ Bow Florida’s governor Ron ...
sqeptiq comments on Jun 26, 2021:
There's a shortage of conservative sociologists, and that's a fact.
jaymaron replies on Jun 26, 2021:
We need more diversity in academia. More Republicans!
sig heil YouTwitFace liberal donkey cavities
sqeptiq comments on Jun 6, 2021:
I doubt Adolf would much like Mad Maxine Waters.
jaymaron replies on Jun 26, 2021:
@Weltansicht Though the Nazis were evil, they were also charismatic. They could rally. They could stir emotion. The Nazis would ditch Pelosi because she can't do that. Pelosi would make a lame Nazi.
Louisiana Gov.
Sensrhim4hizvewz comments on Jun 26, 2021:
This issue will come to a head when transwomen begin to dominate a number of sports, which appears to be happening. Will biological women refuse to compete? Will the trans community be forced to compete like their paralympic competitors do...their own sub-group?
jaymaron replies on Jun 26, 2021:
Excommunication is a powerful weapon, but only if used sparingly. If you excommunicate too many people then they will form their own protestant church and declare independence. Democrats don't think ahead. Once a trans wins a women's event, there will be a flood of trans, until it gets to the point that women can't even qualify. Women will say Screw you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And form their own exclusive invitational event, where you have to be a biological female to be invited. The competition between biological females will get bigly ratings. It will be watched by Republicans everywhere. The women in the competition will find themselves getting bigly endorsement offers. Nobody will watch the trans competition. Defund sports! Make athletes earn their money by endorsements. If they're jerks, then too bad. Megan Rapinoe stated that she hates half of America, which is half of the fan base. Dumb. Unprofessional. Even worse, she whines for more pay.
Unlike the short swords of the Romans, the Celts would carry longer swords which were used almost ...
FuzzyMarineVet comments on Jun 26, 2021:
There are many examples of Norse and Celtic swords found in burials that have a moderate carbon content. It may be possible for such a sword to bend without breaking and have to be straightened before continuing. But such a blade can still hold a useful edge for some time before it needs ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 26, 2021:
Y = Yield strength: Maximum tension before a material deforms irreversibly. Measured in Force/Area = Pressure = Pascals. U = Ultimate strength: Maximum tension before a material breaks. Same units of pressure. Define X = Y/U Physics law says: X <= 1 "Brittleness" is defined as a material that has X close to 1. A brittle material doesn't deform. It breaks before it deforms. A malleable material has X significantly less than 1. For metals, X ~ 3/4. A malleable material, if taken past its yield point, deforms but doesn't break. You still have some room. Strength is a totally separate matter from malleability. A material can be malleable but weak. A material can also be brittle but strong. Diamonds are strong but brittle. It takes epic strength to break them, but they break before deforming. Diamonds are undeformable because their strength comes from crystalline chemical structure. Most metals are malleable. If you force them hard enough, they will deform smoothly before breaking. The question is how hard you have to force it to deform. This is the "yield strength" Y. The point of an alloy is to increase flexibility, and this is done by using a mix of metals to prevent crystalline structure. A mix of metals gives amorphous structure, which is more flexible than crystalline structure. Viking swords bent because they were weak. They had a poor yield strength. Vikings did not mastered steel alloy. There is a tradeoff between hardness and strength. Strength comes from flexibility (see, and hard materials are inflexible. Specifically, a hard material has a low "Poisson ratio", and materials with a low Poisson ratio tend to be inflexible. It's a rule of thumb in the world of alloy physics. Expanded discussion of elasticity physics:
My latest from Sky News Australia! On Ron DeSantis being awesome, and Britney Spears' controversial ...
picklee comments on Jun 26, 2021:
We need to invade Nimbin and purge the Communists out of Australia 🇦🇺... Dam Hippies, Commies! Key word “FREE” love 💕 Love is not for Free! Love is expensive.
jaymaron replies on Jun 26, 2021:
@picklee That was an epic episode! Cartman is usually a jerk, but in this episode, he discovers patriotic courage within himself and becomes a hero. It's rich in parables that apply to current events. Can you give us a sermon on the episode?
My latest from Sky News Australia! On Ron DeSantis being awesome, and Britney Spears' controversial ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Jun 25, 2021:
Governor DeSantis just signed a bill which would force university students and professors to publically disclose their political beliefs or else lose funding. Unless you think it's okay for the government to monitaraly reward or punish you based on your political beliefs, there is nothing awesome...
jaymaron replies on Jun 26, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay Yes. Subtle issue. Good point, about execution. Ideally, government should be as small as possible. Ideally, if the government has to do something, it should do it elegantly. Minimalistically. DeSantis's action has the right intent but it's inelegant. Elegance is an essential concept in mathematics. A proof should be elegant and compact. Mathematicians know the fine aesthetic of elegance. I feel that the matter of executive elegance requires attention. Biden's executive orders are egregiously inelegant. What would you propose for elegant executive orders?
My latest from Sky News Australia! On Ron DeSantis being awesome, and Britney Spears' controversial ...
sqeptiq comments on Jun 25, 2021:
Exile Britney's dad to the Aleutians.
jaymaron replies on Jun 26, 2021:
@sqeptiq America's Siberia. When we deport people, we should deport their asses into the middle of a desert. Put Brittney's dad in conservatorship, under Britney. Sometimes old people fall to dementia. A wise old man spent his life building a family, so that he has children and grandchildren to take care of him. It's the cycle of life. Someday Britney's dad will fall to dementia, and when that happens, no pity! He blew his chance to get any help from Britney.
My latest from Sky News Australia! On Ron DeSantis being awesome, and Britney Spears' controversial ...
Daveclark5 comments on Jun 25, 2021:
Our governor, DeSantis nails it once again. @Jaymaron. No reply button, but I can tell you that our Governor seems to be right on track on many different issues. 1. He didn’t follow those who chose to censor real scientific knowledge about the Covid 19 foolishness. (e.g. he refused to be a ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 26, 2021:
@Daveclark5 You're a man of Florida? Can you give us some stories about DeSantis? Trump campaigned enthusiastically for DeSantis, back when nobody thought he could win.
Unlike the short swords of the Romans, the Celts would carry longer swords which were used almost ...
Stratslinger comments on Jun 26, 2021:
"Time out! Let me straighten my blade so I can hack you to pieces!" "Okay."
jaymaron replies on Jun 26, 2021:
In kung fu films, they sometimes take timeouts to stretch and rebalance.
ArsTechnica: Rocket Report: China announces it will build a new booster that bears an eerie ...
coalburned comments on Jun 25, 2021:
China has been plagiarizing the world for decades. I'm not surprised their efforts to develop spacecraft look familiar.
jaymaron replies on Jun 26, 2021:
China stole the full design for an American fusion bomb.
TownHall: KurtSchlichter: Republicans Are Questioning Whether They Want Trump Again.
jaymaron comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Democrats struck Trump down by cheating in the election, but Trump will become more powerful than Democrats can possible imagine. A state will secede and Trump will be the governor of that state. Democrats will have to treat Trump with the respect of a foreign head of state. A foreign head of ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 25, 2021:
@RobBlair I agree. Humor is an essential tool. Logic has no effect on Democrats.
There is your reason for global warming... []
Andyman comments on Jun 25, 2021:
Climate change, formerly called global warming (until we went through a decade of global cooling) and before that deemed the impending ice age has never been about the climate at all. It’s about creating a phony crisis to scare the population into willingly ceding all of their freedom to the ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 25, 2021:
Climate change is a dumb term. It's merely fluctuations. Things fluctuate. Adapt or die. This is about stage hogging. Democrats are stage hogs. Whatever the climate does, Democrats bellow. Democrats never take time to listen to the Republican argument. Democrats are scientifically and morally negligent. Democrats have been wrong about the climate so many times that they should shut up an give Republicans a chance on the stage. Any time a Democrat invokes climate, I interrupt him and say: "Boy who cried wolf! Shut up"
TownHall: KurtSchlichter: Republicans Are Questioning Whether They Want Trump Again.
jaymaron comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Democrats struck Trump down by cheating in the election, but Trump will become more powerful than Democrats can possible imagine. A state will secede and Trump will be the governor of that state. Democrats will have to treat Trump with the respect of a foreign head of state. A foreign head of ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 24, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay It's quantum mechanical. There's no way to know if Trump was being satirical or not. We have to accept this uncertainty. Gingrich wrote a book titled "Understanding Trump", which was well received by the Trump family. The Trump family gave Gingrich a set of family photos to use in the book, and Don Trump Jr. wrote the foreword. It can legitimately be said that Gingrich understands Trump. Gingrich: I said "Understanding Trump", not "Predicting Trump". Trump's brain is a quantum mechanical object. No one should pretend that they can predict Trump. Reagan tweet: I've just signed an executive order outlawing the Soviet Union. We begin bombing in 5 minutes.
TownHall: KurtSchlichter: Republicans Are Questioning Whether They Want Trump Again.
jaymaron comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Democrats struck Trump down by cheating in the election, but Trump will become more powerful than Democrats can possible imagine. A state will secede and Trump will be the governor of that state. Democrats will have to treat Trump with the respect of a foreign head of state. A foreign head of ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 24, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay Trump knew it was satire. Trump was also being satirical. With the left, logic doesn't work. You have to use satire. Yiannopoulos said something similar. He said that the only way to get through to leftists is to troll them. Leftists are not sentient. They can't pass a Turing test. A leftist can be simulated with a simple algorithm: If Trump said it's good, it's bad. If Trump says it's bad, it's good. If Trump were to tweet in praise of air, Democrats would suffocate themselves. Recently, scientists were busted for making deliberately wrong statements, because they thought it would hurt Trump. The credibility of leftist scientists is at an end. Henceforth, whenever a leftist scientist makes a statement, I will point out that they rejected the Wuhan lab leak theory because Trump stated it, and this error cost the world millions of deaths. Yes, hatred of Trump led to scientific errors that caused millions of deaths.
TownHall: KurtSchlichter: Republicans Are Questioning Whether They Want Trump Again.
jaymaron comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Democrats struck Trump down by cheating in the election, but Trump will become more powerful than Democrats can possible imagine. A state will secede and Trump will be the governor of that state. Democrats will have to treat Trump with the respect of a foreign head of state. A foreign head of ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 24, 2021:
@RobBlair @govols Troll leftists. I'm going to pose as a leftist with a cause. I'm going to demand that dogs be admitted to universities. I bet leftists will pick up the cause.
TownHall: KurtSchlichter: Republicans Are Questioning Whether They Want Trump Again.
jaymaron comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Democrats struck Trump down by cheating in the election, but Trump will become more powerful than Democrats can possible imagine. A state will secede and Trump will be the governor of that state. Democrats will have to treat Trump with the respect of a foreign head of state. A foreign head of ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 24, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay Gingrich said something in the same spirit. He said that if someone had published a novel in 2015, containing the events of 2016-now, the novel would have been rejected as unrealistic. It's as though leftists see the Babylon Bee as a source of suggestions.
TownHall: KurtSchlichter: Republicans Are Questioning Whether They Want Trump Again.
jaymaron comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Democrats struck Trump down by cheating in the election, but Trump will become more powerful than Democrats can possible imagine. A state will secede and Trump will be the governor of that state. Democrats will have to treat Trump with the respect of a foreign head of state. A foreign head of ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 24, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay I'm writing a Trump fan fiction novel, the setting being the Wild Wild West of 2021, with fleets of land yachts cruising around in search of golf courses. Cities have collapsed. Republican counties have seceded and formed a league of patriotic counties. In Blizzard County, the county commissioner, Boss Frogg, is a corrupt man funded by leftists and he tries to impose CRT on the county. Parents rebelled and staged a recall election, where Boss Frogg was defeated by Trump. Trump then builds golf courses in Blizzard county and makes it a golf nexus. Trump gives rallies in Blizzard county that people travel far and wide to attend, and it gooses the Blizzard County tourism industry. Would you like to write some scenes? Invent some characters?
Magna Carta, wrung from the unwilling King John by his rebellious barons, is signed.
Tom81 comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Just waiting for that to be attacked next... I'm sure someone will label it as racist/sexist/classist/transphobic 'white supremecy' soon enough...
jaymaron replies on Jun 24, 2021:
Shame other countries for not being as advanced as England. Shame other countries for failing to draft a constitution. Ask what was special about England that they did it.
"Hell yes, I'm a liberal.
jaymaron comments on Jun 23, 2021:
When Reagan was president of SAG he fought communists, and Wayne fought with him. Communists tried to shut down the film industry with strikes, with the goal of gaining control of the film industry. Reagan learned early on that communists are jerks. Communists didn't want people to work. They ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 24, 2021:
@JacksonNought Almost all Democrat talking points can be destroyed by invoking magnitude. Whatever the sins of McCarthy, the sins of communists are much worse. The topic is the sins of communists. Mentioning McCarthy is a deflection. Whenever someone is deflecting, chances are he's lost the argument. McCarthy was decades ago. He's gone. Communists are still here today. Communists are jerks that care only about their own power, and they're especially jerks because they hurt other people to get power. That is the issue. The fact that communists destroy Republican lives to get power. That is the charge I level against communists. This charge must be answered.
Are you familiar with the term "hostile (or anti-homeless) architecture designs" typically referring...
Naomi comments on Jun 23, 2021:
I've never seen these bench designs as anti-humanity to be honest. Some are nice to look at but not necessarily comfortable to sit on for a long time, others are not much to look at but can be surprisingly comfortable to sit on, etc, etc. Since they are constantly exposed outside, slanted surfaces ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 23, 2021:
I like camping out on benches and watching birds. City people are weird. They'd rather have a studio in a skyscraper than a house with a yard.
The medieval period was one that was rich in technological innovation.
jaymaron comments on Jun 20, 2021:
In the 1880s, the government gave frontier land to citizens, in the amount of 160 acres per family. If we assume a family has 4 people, this is 6.2 people/km^2. At the time the carrying capacity of land was 100 people/km^2. There was more than enough land for everyone. This is never the case in ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 23, 2021:
@Hamulus USA leads the world in farming productivity per km2. Iowa leads the USA. Iowa's productivity is substantially larger than the other states. This means that the rest of the world has much room for improvement. America leads the world in fertilizer per km2, especially Iowa. For modern industrial farming, the yield is purely a function of fertilizer and water. Producing fertilizer takes energy. Fertilizer is made by: Methane (CH4) -> Hydrogen (H2) (Steam reforming) -> Ammonia (NH3) (Haber process) -> Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) (Fertilizer) The ultimate limit to land carrying capacity is from energy, for fertilizer and water.
Are you familiar with the term "hostile (or anti-homeless) architecture designs" typically referring...
jaymaron comments on Jun 23, 2021:
The duty of politicians is to make a city as comfortable as possible. A great city Has great benches Has a functioning economy so that there are no homeless. If you're putting up hostile benches, you are a failure as a city. Move out of that city. Good point, about the elderly. What ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 23, 2021:
@Naomi New York City has good benches and bad benches. Central Park and Riverside Park have good benches. They're wide, unobstructed, and they're curved to be more comfortable than a flat bench. You can sleep on them easily. The best bench in NYC is next to the lake at 101st street. A huge bench hand crafted from real lumber, and in the same place where the ducks and geese hang out. NYC downtown benches suck, if there are any at all. Plus the area is full of trash and obnoxious people. It's uninhabitable.
Are you familiar with the term "hostile (or anti-homeless) architecture designs" typically referring...
jaymaron comments on Jun 23, 2021:
The duty of politicians is to make a city as comfortable as possible. A great city Has great benches Has a functioning economy so that there are no homeless. If you're putting up hostile benches, you are a failure as a city. Move out of that city. Good point, about the elderly. What ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 23, 2021:
@Naomi A great city has lots of birds. A city should take pride in its bird population. People should take it upon themselves to support wild birds and cats. The New York City 107th Street garden won grants and used them to buy bigly bird seed and chemical fertilizer, and the garden is well-endowed with plants and birds. It's an oasis of civilization while the rest of NYC collapses into a dark age. The 104th street garden is backwards and bans chemical fertilizer. They have a massive compost machine that is a pain in the ass to operate. The 107th street garden mocks the 104th street garden. The 107th street garden is greener than the 104th street garden. The 107th street also has lots of pots high above the ground, made possible because with chemical fertilizer, you don't need much soil. De Blasio forced the 107th street garden to install a compost machine. It's mocked and it's never used. I have sunflower seeds on the windowsill and a regular crowd of pigeons. Wild city cats.
Are you familiar with the term "hostile (or anti-homeless) architecture designs" typically referring...
jaymaron comments on Jun 23, 2021:
The duty of politicians is to make a city as comfortable as possible. A great city Has great benches Has a functioning economy so that there are no homeless. If you're putting up hostile benches, you are a failure as a city. Move out of that city. Good point, about the elderly. What ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 23, 2021:
@Naomi I have seen the scene on the streets of NYC. The reason for the hostile architecture is to deter the homeless.
New Evidence Shows GA Officials Knew About Cheating But Kept Quiet []
Penrodster comments on Jun 22, 2021:
The keeping quiet on this stuff makes it smell like a grand conspiracy. So far it can be explained by a huge number of cowards not willing to rock the boat with truth or audit. Have an audit and let the chips fall where they may. (Full disclosure: I'm thinking this definitely smells like a ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 22, 2021:
@Penrodster Wow! The Capitol Tea Partiers are being tortured. Torture is forbidden by the constitution. It's cruel and unusual punishment. Solitary confinement is torture. Plus, Republican observers are denied access to the partiers. Therefore it can be assumed that Democrats are torturing them. Denying observers is a red card foul, even worse than torture. It's a guarantee that Democrats will torture the partiers and use the torture to extract confessions. Because the partiers have now been tortured, any confession they might make is invalid. Any Democrat who tries to weaponize such a confession is evil. The torture needs to be called out, on the floor of The House, loudly for all to hear. Democrats must be put to a choice: Release the partiers and renounce torture, or accept that Democrats now endorse torture. All other issues are now secondary. The matter of torture trumps all other issues. Anyone who tortures is maximum evil.
New Evidence Shows GA Officials Knew About Cheating But Kept Quiet []
Penrodster comments on Jun 22, 2021:
The keeping quiet on this stuff makes it smell like a grand conspiracy. So far it can be explained by a huge number of cowards not willing to rock the boat with truth or audit. Have an audit and let the chips fall where they may. (Full disclosure: I'm thinking this definitely smells like a ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 22, 2021:
@Penrodster I love Mike Lindell! He has a soul. I'm hoping he creates a social media platform. Lindell and Trump have campaigned together, and they had the chemistry of brothers in arms. Lindell, like Trump, can rally. You can feel the spirit of Reagan looking down upon them. I endorse Lindell. My speaker! I also love CPAC. The story about Lindell and CPAC feels important. Can you expand? Once upon a time, Lindell was focused on making a great pillow. Seemed simple. Turns out it's more complicated than that. Because Lindell thinks hatethink, Democrats see Lindell pillows as hate pillows. All Lindell wanted to do was make a great pillow, and create good American jobs, but he got dragged into a political war. Democrats hate Lindell because he advertises on Fox. Why does he advertise on Fox? Because Fox viewers sleep on pillows. I guess Democrats feel Republicans aren't entitled to sleep comfortably. Apartheid! Lindell is advertising because he has a good pillow, and he wants the world to know. Democrats don't care if the pillow is good. Democrats don't want nice things. If Trump were to praise air, Democrats would suffocate themselves. Republicans need more rally politicians. Rally baby rally! Republicans also need more attack dogs like Jim Jordan. Congressman, NCAA champion wrestler, and thorn in the side of Fauci. Jordan's grillings of Fauci are hilarious.
New Evidence Shows GA Officials Knew About Cheating But Kept Quiet []
Penrodster comments on Jun 22, 2021:
The keeping quiet on this stuff makes it smell like a grand conspiracy. So far it can be explained by a huge number of cowards not willing to rock the boat with truth or audit. Have an audit and let the chips fall where they may. (Full disclosure: I'm thinking this definitely smells like a ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 22, 2021:
@Penrodster Ted Kennedy was a jerk. He attacked Carter, and when Carter won the nomination, Ted continued to attack Carter. Ted is not a team player. Ted is a petty saboteur. Within the Republican party there is unity and love. The Republican convention is polite. CPAC is polite. The Democrat National Convention is not polite. In 2016, Sanders supporters boycotted the convention, and on the last day, they stormed the convention floor and farted. They had spent all weak eating beans in preparation for the event. Republicans are united by ideology. There is no civil war in the Republican party. Democrats are united only by hatred of Republicans. Democrat ideology is based on "more for my tribe, less for your tribe", and there are many opposing tribes within the Democratic party. It's a powderkeg. Light that fuse. We are now in a 1-party state. In a 1-party state, the only way to advance is to purge enemies. We will see Democrats purging other Democrats. Democrats used to unite in fear of Republicans, but now Democrats have used federal power to tilt the field and ensure that Republicans will never again win federal power. Now that Democrats don't have to worry about Republicans, they will turn to attacking rival Democrats. Kaboom!
New Evidence Shows GA Officials Knew About Cheating But Kept Quiet []
Penrodster comments on Jun 22, 2021:
The keeping quiet on this stuff makes it smell like a grand conspiracy. So far it can be explained by a huge number of cowards not willing to rock the boat with truth or audit. Have an audit and let the chips fall where they may. (Full disclosure: I'm thinking this definitely smells like a ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 22, 2021:
@Penrodster Deep Throat got famous. There is Deep Throat glory up for grabs. You would think that Democrats would seize the opportunity to be Deep Throat. Once upon a time, being a Democrat gave you access to a powerful crony network. Today, being a Democrat gives you access to scandals that you can reveal! Disclose and expose! Once upon a time, journalism was about exposing. Today it's about covering things up.
Hug a tree today.
Krunoslav comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Beyond the simplicity of the sentimental message, it is a symbiosis actually. In fact if you go far back in history, oxygen was a poisons gas that killed most of the non-plant life on earth and those animals that survived and adopted to new atmosphere are where we came from. For first 100 million ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 22, 2021:
@Krunoslav This quagmire is resolved by thinking in terms of niches. Of positions on a sports team. It's a matter of diversity. There are many niches, and within each niche, many different styles for achieving prosperity. The strategy is to choose a niche and a style, and specialize. That being said, there are some organisms that prosper with the style of being all-purpose. They're ready to handle any climate. They get outcompeted by specialists, but when the climate changes, the all-around organisms prosper. Democrats whine about climate change. Losers whine. Winners adapt. Adapt or die. Humans specialize with intelligence. Bacteria specialize with biomass. Think biomass. The goal of a species is to maximize its biomass. This is true for both large and small organisms. The mammals with the most biomass are humans and cows. Not only does the species of humans dominate mammal biomass, it's also true that farm animal biomass outweighs wild animal biomass. Humans are so prosperous that even their livestock dominate. Plant biomass outweighs mammal biomass for the simple reason of specialty. Photosynthesis has a poor power/mass ratio, way to low to power a mammal. Therefore mammals shouldn't try to photosynthesize. Better to instead let plants do it, and eat the plants. Biomass is powerful. Biomass solves lots of problems, and it can solve the climate problem. Textbook on biomass engineering: It's not a question of true or false. It's a question of numbers and quantitative analysis. Avoid the vague. Do the math! Show me the numbers! For biomass, the most successful wild mammals are whales, especially sperm whales. Sperm whales also have the largest brains. 1 million years ago, the dogs held a dog caucus and the Chief Dog said: It looks like humans will win. We need to adjust. Henceforth our strategy is "survival of the friendliest". If you're friendly to humans, they give you food. When the white man came to the Dakotas, some Indians were wise and adjusted. They realized that the carrying capacity of land for buffalo hunters is 2 people/km2, and for white farmers it's 100 people/km2. White people improved the carrying capacity of the land by a factor of 50, meaning that there was enough land and food for everyone. The wise Indians learned to farm. The white man gave the Indians the opportunity to farm. If Indians gave up their tribal lands, each Indian in the tribe was given 160 acres to own individually. That's a lot of land. That's the same amount of land that whites were given. Plus, now the land is owned individually and now you can raise buffalo without worrying about them being poached. Pretty good deal. The Indian gets lots of land, plus security. The U.S. government enforces security...
New Evidence Shows GA Officials Knew About Cheating But Kept Quiet []
Penrodster comments on Jun 22, 2021:
The keeping quiet on this stuff makes it smell like a grand conspiracy. So far it can be explained by a huge number of cowards not willing to rock the boat with truth or audit. Have an audit and let the chips fall where they may. (Full disclosure: I'm thinking this definitely smells like a ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 22, 2021:
@JohnBurke @Penrodster @eschatologyguy Quack quack! Low-level officials aren't talking for fear of retribution from oligarchs. We need to bust some low-level officials and give them proper jail time, to make them sing and implicate high-level officials. Find the right strings to pull and unravel the cabal. 1700 private jets parked at Davos. Think there might be a cabal? Watching Democrat discussion groups... Democrats love to forcibly insist that there was zero election fraud, and they endorse censoring anyone who disagrees. They strongly feel that anyone who feel that the elections weren't legit is an erectionist. Leftists strongly feel that the elections were legit. If fraud is found, Democrats will emotionally melt down like babies. This implies that fraud exists. Democrats are circling the wagons. There must be something they're circling them around.
Hug a tree today.
Krunoslav comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Beyond the simplicity of the sentimental message, it is a symbiosis actually. In fact if you go far back in history, oxygen was a poisons gas that killed most of the non-plant life on earth and those animals that survived and adopted to new atmosphere are where we came from. For first 100 million ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 22, 2021:
@Krunoslav Dr. Ward's book is legit. I endorse it as a physicist. I've chatted with Dr. Ward about it. At the American Museum of Natural History, Dr. Ward gave a public lecture about it, and held a book signing. Dr Tyson was also involved. Astrobiology is my turf. I wrote an astrobiology textbook and I teach it in classes for the museum. A brain is required to operate muscles. For human, the brain consumes a substantial fraction of the energy: 20 Watts/ 100 Watts = .2 This is the largest ratio for all animals. For elephants and whales, the brain consumes insignificant energy. It baffles me that they don't have even larger brains. Whales have 10 tons of sound transmission and reception organs. They can hear each other across the ocean. They sing recreationally. Cats have good balance but they have weaknesses. They can't control angular momentum in their limbs. Their brain isn't large enough. Not even most primates can. The only animal that can is humans. Humans differ genetically from other primates principally by brain genes and wrist genes. Humans have the most complex wrists of all animals. Only humans can throw a rock. Chimps can't. They're too clumsy. The ability to throw a rock or a spear, or wield a club, is what first set humans apart from the other animals.
Hug a tree today.
Krunoslav comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Beyond the simplicity of the sentimental message, it is a symbiosis actually. In fact if you go far back in history, oxygen was a poisons gas that killed most of the non-plant life on earth and those animals that survived and adopted to new atmosphere are where we came from. For first 100 million ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 22, 2021:
@Krunoslav This is covered in Peter Ward's book "The Media Hypothesis", where he discusses the relationship between Earth geology and Earth biology. Glucose + Oxygen -> 30 ATP of energy Glucose + Sulfur -> 2 ATP of energy Aerobes have a decisive energy advantage over anaerobes. An aerobe will kick the ass of an anaerobe in an MMA fight. Not only is oxygen poisonous to anaerobes... anaerobes also get outcompeted by aerobes if there is oxygen. When oxygen appeared, anaerobes retreated underground, where there is no oxygen. A human brain consumes 20 Watts. There's no way you can power this anaerobically. Therefore intelligent life requires an oxygen atmosphere. Detailed proof:
Yep, modern "logic"
Alysandir comments on Jun 17, 2021:
Well now, what's REALLY important is that Americans stop using energy because China and India aren't going to stop any time soon. So those taxes you're paying go to indirectly subsidize a sweatshop in China - you know, the kind where they put nets around the building to stop the suicides - who might...
jaymaron replies on Jun 21, 2021:
Not only does China produce the most carbon, they have a poor value for energy/carbon. America can virtue signal that it has a good value.
The medieval period was one that was rich in technological innovation.
jaymaron comments on Jun 20, 2021:
Land carrying capacity Year People/km^2 -10000 2 Hunger-gatherer. Non agricultural 0 15 Early agriculture 1500 25 Crop rotation 1700 50 1850 100 Industrial ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 21, 2021:
@Hamulus The plot is for world energy for the production of primary materials. It's the first plot every politician should look at before deciding policy. Democrats have never envisioned such a plot. They don't calculate in terms of energy, and energy is everything. There is an applied mathematics for college students called the Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM). It used to be dominate by American colleges and it's now dominated by Chinese colleges. Every politician should have an applied mathematician on his staff. I was on the U. Wisconsin MCM team. mining.html
PJMedia: Another unanimous SCOTUS decision.
TheMiddleWay comments on Jun 21, 2021:
Good decision but will have dire consequences. Sports dominate colleges already and now if they have to "pay" their atheletes, it's going to get a whole lot worse... as in colleges will be pure athlete production mills with the academics as a "nice to have" but not necessary for the successful ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 21, 2021:
Colleges have already abandoned legit academics.
Bill Maher: Nothing is ever good enough for leftists, and this is why people hate Democrats- ...
jaymaron comments on Jun 21, 2021:
@SpikeTalon @coalburned @angelo @GeeMac @stevie-f @Beachslim On Watter's World June 19, Watters exhibits a list of people who are mocking wokeism. Bill Maher John Stewart Charles Barkley Chris Rock Watters speculates that the "Emperor has no clothes" moment has happened, and that an ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 21, 2021:
@coalburned Rock and Chappelle were among the first to see it. You can find articles by Rock from a decade ago where he mocks wokeism. He said he stopped doing college shows because college students had become a poor audience.
The medieval period was one that was rich in technological innovation.
jaymaron comments on Jun 20, 2021:
Modern crop plants are 50% edible food and 50% inedible material. In non-GMO corn, much less of the plant is edible material. Prehistoric cows had an average mass of 400 kg and modern cows are 800 kg. Modern cows crank out milk due to selective breeding.
jaymaron replies on Jun 21, 2021:
@HistoryCorner @Hamulus Slug needs big discussion. Big discussions are great.
The medieval period was one that was rich in technological innovation.
jaymaron comments on Jun 20, 2021:
During the years 1311-1884 the tallest structure in the world was always a Christian church. World's tallest buildings: Height Year (m) Gobekli Tepe, Turkey 15 -11500 Pyramid of Djoser 62 -2650 Meidum ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 20, 2021:
@Hamulus In the old days, soup was defined as a way to sneak junk filler into the food. For feeding people with minimum money, your first move should be to construct the plot below. While I was investigating the shelter system, I found that nobody thought to construct the plot. It never occurred to them to think in terms of calories/$ and protein/$. If I were made dictator of the shelter system, I could feed 10 times as many people with the same money. There is a glimmer of hope. There is a soup truck that drives around Manhattan, and the cook that makes the soup is a genius. He surely has an inadequate budget, yet he produces a tasty soup. Nutrition:
The medieval period was one that was rich in technological innovation.
jaymaron comments on Jun 20, 2021:
During the years 1311-1884 the tallest structure in the world was always a Christian church. World's tallest buildings: Height Year (m) Gobekli Tepe, Turkey 15 -11500 Pyramid of Djoser 62 -2650 Meidum ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 20, 2021:
@Hamulus The Dutch East India company has the acronym "VOC". From about the 1790s onward, the phrase "perished under corruption" (vergaan onder corruptie, also abbreviated VOC in Dutch) came to summarise the company's future.
The medieval period was one that was rich in technological innovation.
jaymaron comments on Jun 20, 2021:
During the years 1311-1884 the tallest structure in the world was always a Christian church. World's tallest buildings: Height Year (m) Gobekli Tepe, Turkey 15 -11500 Pyramid of Djoser 62 -2650 Meidum ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 20, 2021:
@Hamulus I went undercover and investigated the homeless shelter system, and found that this Democrat-run system is vastly inefficient. It's not necessarily about Republican vs. Democrat. It's about being uncorrupt and being efficient with money. Democrat arguments are a table with one leg. Democrats stake much on the premise "Democrats care more about the poor than Republicans". This is way false. Democrats should be zapped for this false premise. Most people in the shelter system don't give a damn about the homeless. They're in it to collect government salaries. Analysis of the shelter system:
[] 50. Quit the riot squad
Inspiration comments on Jun 20, 2021:
Seems the Commisioner has a Mental Health disorder , put her in the front line with her pen to shield her and she might get the message.
jaymaron replies on Jun 20, 2021:
Leftists have few tools on their belt. They usually fall back on "racist' or "mental disorder" to attack their foes. The American Psychiatric association declared that being a man is a mental disorder. Leftists consider being white to be a mental disorder. I can play this game too. I consider being a Democrat to be a mental disorder.
The medieval period was one that was rich in technological innovation.
jaymaron comments on Jun 20, 2021:
During the years 1311-1884 the tallest structure in the world was always a Christian church. World's tallest buildings: Height Year (m) Gobekli Tepe, Turkey 15 -11500 Pyramid of Djoser 62 -2650 Meidum ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 20, 2021:
@Hamulus Modern companies have to waste money on an HR department. It's required by law. Modern companies have to spend bigly money on lawyers, because the government is run by lawyers and the government deliberately constructed laws that require lots of lawyers to handle. In the old days, if you had an idea you could just do it. Now, whatever you try to do, somebody sues you. The patent system is a hinderance to productivity. The patent system is bull. Destroying the patent system is an easy way to redistribute wealth from oligarchs to plebes. Baffling that Democrats haven't though of it.
The medieval period was one that was rich in technological innovation.
jaymaron comments on Jun 20, 2021:
During the years 1311-1884 the tallest structure in the world was always a Christian church. World's tallest buildings: Height Year (m) Gobekli Tepe, Turkey 15 -11500 Pyramid of Djoser 62 -2650 Meidum ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 20, 2021:
@Hamulus The 4th largest cathedral in the world is the cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York, and it's jestingly referred to as the cathedral of St. John the Unfinished. Medieval cathedrals were built faster than modern California can build rail. California still doesn't have a commuter raill linking SF and LA, and they've been working on it for decades. They've already received billions in federal aid for something they should be funding themselves, and Biden just gave them another billion.
The medieval period was one that was rich in technological innovation.
jaymaron comments on Jun 20, 2021:
In the 1880s, the government gave frontier land to citizens, in the amount of 160 acres per family. If we assume a family has 4 people, this is 6.2 people/km^2. At the time the carrying capacity of land was 100 people/km^2. There was more than enough land for everyone. This is never the case in ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 20, 2021:
@Hamulus They should have fused the farming technologies of the Aboriginals and the English. It's sad about the Indians. Many learned to farm and integrated with America, and you don't hear about these Indians. Many chose instead to kill whites and steal their food. These are the ones you hear about.
The medieval period was one that was rich in technological innovation.
jaymaron comments on Jun 20, 2021:
In the 1880s, the government gave frontier land to citizens, in the amount of 160 acres per family. If we assume a family has 4 people, this is 6.2 people/km^2. At the time the carrying capacity of land was 100 people/km^2. There was more than enough land for everyone. This is never the case in ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 20, 2021:
@Hamulus I think it was possible for them to keep their way of life. The Indian's prime food source was buffalo. All they had to do was learn how to farm buffalo. Whites could farm buffalo because they had security. They didn't have to worry about the buffalo being stolen. Whites could produce buffalo in vast numbers on a farm, much more than could be produced in the wild. If your way of life is to hunt wild buffalo, you will find that other tribes will poach your buffalo. It leads to a scenario where each tribe kills as many buffaloes as they can, so that the other tribes don't get them. You need individual land ownership and you need security.
The medieval period was one that was rich in technological innovation.
jaymaron comments on Jun 20, 2021:
Land carrying capacity Year People/km^2 -10000 2 Hunger-gatherer. Non agricultural 0 15 Early agriculture 1500 25 Crop rotation 1700 50 1850 100 Industrial ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 20, 2021:
@Hamulus It's noteworthy that Wikipedia is weak on information about carrying capacity, and there is no tidy table of numbers. It's a bigly important topic. Democrats, you whiffed! It doesn't feel like Democrats care about the realities of how the economy works.I had to calculate the numbers myself using fundamental physics. Sugar cane produces .5 Watts/meter^2 of food energy and wheat produces .2 Watts/meter^2. A human produces 100 Watts. The question of white men and American Indians cannot be tackled without first understanding carrying capacity. A peaceful solution was possible between Whites and Indians, made possible by the fact that there was abundant land, even more than whites could handle. There were few Indians to begin with, given that the carrying capacity of land is low for hunter-gatherers.
Portland police union rails against 'defund police' commissioner after riot squad resignations | Fox...
sqeptiq comments on Jun 20, 2021:
Small wonder there's an ammo shortage!
jaymaron replies on Jun 20, 2021:
@Rick-A The Continentals had guns stashed at Lexington, and England sent troops to take them. The Continentals said "You shall not pass", and the English fired on them. The government came to the McCloskey house to take their guns. This was the modern shot heard around the world. Republicans should have had a local militia in place to defend the guns.
Portland police union rails against 'defund police' commissioner after riot squad resignations | Fox...
Mechanic comments on Jun 20, 2021:
Knowing unions, the only reason they care is that they are upset that they are getting significantly less money in union dues if that many people walk away. Those parasites do not care about the cops or citizens just their stream of money.
jaymaron replies on Jun 20, 2021:
@Rick-A Yes, the air controllers were greedy. Reagan granted their demand and they agreed on a deal, and it was a greedy demand. Then the air controllers got even greedier and increased their demand, and it was a massive increase. Reagan then rejected them. Many consider this Reagan's most important foreign policy decision. It signaled to the Soviets that Reagan was a boss.
Portland police union rails against 'defund police' commissioner after riot squad resignations | Fox...
sqeptiq comments on Jun 20, 2021:
Small wonder there's an ammo shortage!
jaymaron replies on Jun 20, 2021:
@Rick-A When "the shot heard round the world" in 1775 happened, Americans had good hearing and swiftly mobilized to fight. Plus they were egged on by Thomas Paine. Today, Americans have poor hearing. Many events that qualify as a "shot heard around the world" have already happened, and there is feeble response. CRT may be the galvanizing issue. Parents are a sleeping bear that has been awakened, and now they're stoked to kick ass at school board meetings.
Portland police union rails against 'defund police' commissioner after riot squad resignations | Fox...
Mechanic comments on Jun 20, 2021:
Knowing unions, the only reason they care is that they are upset that they are getting significantly less money in union dues if that many people walk away. Those parasites do not care about the cops or citizens just their stream of money.
jaymaron replies on Jun 20, 2021:
Unions care only about power and money. In the 1960s the Hollywood film studio unions staged a strike to shut down film production. Their goal was money and power, and their tactics were evil. They made it impossible for people who wanted to work to work. At the time, Reagan was president of SAG and fought the strike. That's when Reagan learned that communists are actually like Spanish Conquistadors. They only care about increasing their power. Communists wanted to rule the film industry. The episode strengthened Reagan's resolve to fight communism. Later on, the aircraft controllers union staged a strike, thinking that the fact that aircraft control is vital to national security would give them negotiating power. They were wrong. Public employees should never be allowed to strike, especially those involved in national security. Reagan fired them all. Government workers tend to vote Democrat because Democrats like big government. That's what it's all about. Wisconsin Governor drained the Wisconsin swamp and fired a large amount of government workers. The workers protested and held a recall election, and Walker won. The government workers stayed fired. The communists in Hollywood have been trying to cancel Republican actors since WW1. Reagan was the anchor of the hit show "General Electric theatre", bringing it bigly ratings, like Trump brought bigly ratings to Apprentice. Ted Kennedy pressured General Electric to fire Reagan. Kennedy canceled Reagan. Ted Kennedy is a jerk. Later on, Reagan went on to become president and kick Ted's ass. Democrats tried to cancel Trump and he then became president. Hahahaha! You can't cancel Reagan. You can't cancel Trump.
Looks like Berlin leads the Great Reset.
Alysandir comments on Jun 20, 2021:
I recall reading a practical proposal to incorporate solar energy capture into common roadways, and always wondered why that did not get further traction. I mean, if Penn & Teller's Bulls--t is to be believed, the entire world's energy could be provided by a several square km plot of solar panels in...
jaymaron replies on Jun 20, 2021:
@Alysandir @Krunoslav @Tom81 @sqeptiq Yes, let's draw attention to this. What if it's cloudy? What if it's winter? A road should be a road and a solar farm should be a solar farm. They don't mix. They shouldn't try to be both a road and a solar farm. They should stay in their lane and specialize. Solar panels make poor road material. Even worse, the solar panel road scheme has the panels in small hexagonal sections, which will lead to a rough road. Putting solar cells on roofs is way less efficient than building a bigass solar farm outside the city. A bigass farm simplifies BOS costs. (BOS is balance of system, the cost of everything except the solar cells). A home system has high BOS cost. Besides, the power generated on a roof in a city is small compared to the overall power being consumed by the people in the house. Rooftop decks are great, especially in cities. They're valuable. Roofs should be used for decks, not solar power. It's hilarious that the solar road hoax went viral. Democrats are gullible. Anyone with common sense can see that it's bull. Democrats should be shamed for biting on this bull. Democrats love to virtue signal and pass around articles about tidal power. Bull! The world's untapped tidal power reserves are tiny, way to tiny to matter. Also, the power density in Watts/meter^2 of a tidal station is tiny, way smaller than a solar farm. There is a wave power scheme that fills the water with buoys. The power density is tiny, and it wrecks the view. Dumb. Yet Democrats love to pass around the articles. Putting solar panels on the roof of every building in a city will lead to lots of blinding flashes from reflected sunlight. Windmills are a debacle for scenery, and they generate noise. Solar farms are stealthy and silent, and they have a smaller land footprint. To be efficient, a wind turbine needs to be tall. Most turbines are more than 100 meters tall. They can be seen from great distance. Solar farms belong in sunny deserts at southern latitudes. Power density in Watts/meter^2 Solar farm 25 Wind farm 10 Bamboo 2 Typical tree 1 Sugar cane food energy .5 Wheat food energy .2 Tidal power. Way less Wave power. Even more way less Growing food in cities is dumb. It's hilarious that the Seattle autonomous zone tried to grow food to sustain themselves. The population density is way too high. Farmers were laughing at them. The only good reason for having solar cells on your roof is if you're rural, or off-grid. Tidal power magnitudes:
jaymaron comments on Jun 19, 2021:
You can feel it. Every Democrat is afraid to criticize the Democratic party, hence there must exist threat of punishment for those who do. Gabbard is courageous. Gabbard defies the Democratic party. Carlson has had Gabbard on his show many times, and he treats her with respect. It's not easy ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 20, 2021:
@MDonaldson The Republican party needs secret undercover agents in the Democratic party, to create chaos within the Democratic party. Feed the Dinos!
The earliest known crossbows were invented in the first millennium BC, not later than the 7th ...
Tom81 comments on Jun 10, 2021:
It's such a shame they're illegal here in Australia. Would love to have one...for 'historical' purposes...
jaymaron replies on Jun 19, 2021:
@guru @eschatologyguy @Tom81 @KeVince @HistoryCorner The thing that decides the badassness of a bow is the elastic energy/mass of the material. For the string, use kevlar. For the rigid bow, use titanium alloy. Energy/mass in kJoules/kg: Titanium alloy 1 Kevlar 80 Medieval black powder 2000 Modern smokeless powder 4000 This is why guns trump bows. Elasticity:
Riot declared during fight between Proud Boys, antifa in Oregon City, police say Will this now ...
Alysandir comments on Jun 19, 2021:
Watch the MSM characterize this as Proud Boy "terrorists" attacking "innocent protesters." Bet me.
jaymaron replies on Jun 19, 2021:
@Alysandir @Mechanic It's a question of odds. Obviously, no one will take the bet at 1:1 odds. The question is if it's 2:1, 4:1, or 8:1? It's not about predicting the winner. It's about beating the spread.
Charges Dropped Against Truck Driver Who Drove Rig into Group of People Protesting George Floyd’s ...
dd54 comments on Jun 19, 2021:
He shouldn't have been charged in the first place as those people shouldn't have been on the highway in the first place and then attacks the driver. One day the progressive neomarxists minions will feel the bite of the terror and destruction they have unleashed via mob rule. Portland, Seattle, ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 19, 2021:
@dd54 @sqeptiq @eschatologyguy @Letemdangle Charge the protesters with jaywalking. The protesters are unclear on the concept of "highway". Deer? Leftist? All the same.
Proud Boys Clash With Antifa In Portland In Unchecked Fight, They KNOW There Are No Riot Police Now...
w0tn0t comments on Jun 19, 2021:
Keep up the good work #ProudBoys - there is #ANTIFA scum to "clean up"
jaymaron replies on Jun 19, 2021:
@W0tn0t Proud Boys should formally select a mascot and a set of team colors. It helps us root for them.
June 19, 1953. It was a better USA back then, much better.
Alysandir comments on Jun 19, 2021:
Just to give this some context, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed as spies for the Soviet Union, via the electric chair, in 1953. There has been much debate over the years over "were they or weren't they," including some discrepancy in grand jury testimony. However, KGB archives released ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 19, 2021:
@Alysandir When the Soviet Union tested its first fission bomb, the bomb turned out to be an exact replica of an American bomb, built by the Soviets using blueprints provided by the Rosenbergs. The bomb is the proof.
Parent ERUPTS Over Critical Race Theory and Goes MEGA VIRAL This parent is going viral for ...
dd54 comments on Jun 19, 2021:
I applaud this man's attempt to speak coherent rational truth to power and everyone that sees this dogma of critical theory as incompatable with Western Civilization's values. As Krunoslav aptly points out in his comment to @Alysandir communists & their comrades understand that violent revolution ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 19, 2021:
@Alysandir The left loves "us vs. them" thinking. It's the only way they know how to think. From watching Democrat discussion boards, I've seen that they're obsessed with branding Republicans as Nazis. They post frequently on it. They say things like "how could Republicans be hoodwinked by Trump into becoming Nazis". They sincerely believe that Republicans are the Nazis. I don't think that anything will ever change their minds. I think they're irreversibly brain dead, and that they will happily enable Democrat Naziism in the name of attacking Republicans. I feel that Democrats are capable of becoming like Nazi Germany. They don't see Republicans as human beings. They take joy in the suffering of Republicans. I see Democrats as morally negligent. They boast of censoring Republicans. I counteraccuse that this is negligence. Democrat discussion boards are obsessed with labeling the Capitol Tea Party as a domestic terrorist insurrection. They post and post. They want the partiers punished. They're obsessed.
Parent ERUPTS Over Critical Race Theory and Goes MEGA VIRAL This parent is going viral for ...
Alysandir comments on Jun 19, 2021:
Going viral on the Right-leaning sources, I fear. The Left-leaning ones see this man as a race-traitor and bootlicker and won't hear him.
jaymaron replies on Jun 19, 2021:
@Krunoslav @Alysandir What matters is if the fringe is under the control of the party, or not. If a fringe faction of your party commits a heinous deed, the entire party is responsible for the deed. Even if moderate democrats don't commit heinous deeds, the fringe does, and that will drag the moderates into war. Moderates need to understand this. BLM riots are not under control. There are extremists committing heinous deeds. That's the issue.
It’s sad how Wile E.
Weltansicht comments on Jun 19, 2021:
He was the safety test dummy for Acme.
jaymaron replies on Jun 19, 2021:
@Weltansicht Wile E Coyote is an advertiser for Acme products, just like Tim Allen is an advertiser for Binford tools on Tool Time. Both Wiley and Tim like devices with bigly power. They like Watts. They like to push a device to its limit. But if you overdo it, things go awry. Wiley an Tim always overdo it and things go awry. It turns out that the system to support the power is more important than the power source. For example, the limit on the engine power of a Tesla comes from cooling. The Porsche Taycan kicks Tesla's ass not because it has a more powerful motor, but because it has better cooling. Fortunately for Tim, he has the responsible Al at his side to talk some sense into him. Democrats are like Wiley. Everything they do backfires.
Daisy, now that the US is the laughing stock of the world thanks to Joe Biden who's G7 summit trip ...
FuzzyMarineVet comments on Jun 19, 2021:
If it isn't obvious by now, let me clue you in. the goal of Buy-den's masters is the destruction of the United States of America and the enslavement of the world.
jaymaron replies on Jun 19, 2021:
Oligarchs will cripple America so that America can't challenge the oligarchs. But the oligarchs aren't done. China exists as an independent power, and it is formidable. China will attack the oligarchs and win. The only force capable of challenging China is America, and now America is crippled. It doesn't make sense. You would think that oligarchs would be trying to cripple China with leftism, but they aren't. Think like England. Whatever is the most dominant European power, England forms a coalition to strike it down, to restore the balance. England doesn't want anyone in Europe to get too powerful. You would think that oligarchs would play America and China off against each other, and weaken them both with leftism. Keep the balance of power. But oligarchs let China take the dominant position, freeing it to attack the oligarchs. Baffling.
In the early 1600s, five Native American tribes who were former enemies formed the Iroquois ...
Josf-Kelley comments on Jun 19, 2021:
Reclaiming the American Revolution: The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions and Their Legacy by William Watkins "Second, federalism permits the states to operate as laboratories of democracy-to experiment with various policies and Programs. For example, if Tennessee wanted to provide a state-run ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 19, 2021:
People are voting with their feet, or more precisely, with moving vans. Moving vans are flowing from blue to red states.
InterestingEngineering: Elon Musk says SN16 might do a hypersonic test flight.
eschatologyguy comments on Jun 19, 2021:
Is Elon planning on throwing his hat into the US military-industrial complex?
jaymaron replies on Jun 19, 2021:
@timon_phocas In 2020, SpaceX launched 286 tons to orbit and NASA launched 103.
DEFUND THE UNIVERSITIES Dinesh D’Souza Podcast Ep 1 [youtube.]
sqeptiq comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Cut the humanities. Especially the frivolous "studies studies" fields.
jaymaron replies on Jun 18, 2021:
STEM departments should secede from the university and form an institute of technology. Leave deadweight humanities departments behind. In general, leftists see education as a way to steer money to leftists, to fuel crony networks. They don't care about education, and they don't care about cost control. Leftists are taking Republican tax money and spending it inefficiently, plus they use it to indoctrinate kids to hate Republicans. It has to stop.. Leftist teachers wrecked the education system so bad that I think we should start over. I think we should defund all public schools, from K through college, and make all education private. Many students don't want to be educated. We shouldn't waste money on them. Leftist teachers had their chance and they blew it. They wrecked education, so they can't whine if we defund it. They think they have the moral high ground just because they're teachers, but they don't. Once upon a time, people from Wyoming went to Boston for education. In the future, people from Boston will go to Wyoming for education. The Wyoming Institute of Technology will rule.
Joe Rogan Slams “Fing Terrible” CNN Hosts; “Everybody Knows They’re Not Real” ...
FuzzyMarineVet comments on Jun 18, 2021:
We knew this all along. Joe Rogan just hasn't paid attention.
jaymaron replies on Jun 18, 2021:
@Hamulus I agree that integrity is important. Pity that there are few who value integrity. Stephen Miller: Your honor and your integrity are your most valuable possessions. Gingrich's novels about the Revolutionary War glorify integrity.
Statues of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Jefferson, Washington, Lee, Jackson (Stonewall and Andrew), and...
sqeptiq comments on Jun 18, 2021:
What a role model!
jaymaron replies on Jun 18, 2021:
Any time anyone tries the talking point that Harris is the first woman to be vice president, and that she broke a glass ceiling, say: Margaret Thatcher! Glass ceiling already broken! Glass shards all over the floor. Also point out that Thatcher is cooler than Harris. Anyone that cites Harris as a role model should be shamed for choosing such a poor role model, and for not noticing better role models. The same applies to Hillary. Upon the bookshelves of many men, you will find Thatcher biographies. The lamest presidential slogan of all time was "I'm with her". If someone says they're voting for Hillary because she's a woman, ask them how they would vote if Thomas Jefferson was also on the ballot? Would you vote for Hillary over Tom? I'll bet there are lots of women who consider Harris a disgrace to her gender. Not with her!
Joe Rogan Slams “Fing Terrible” CNN Hosts; “Everybody Knows They’re Not Real” ...
FuzzyMarineVet comments on Jun 18, 2021:
We knew this all along. Joe Rogan just hasn't paid attention.
jaymaron replies on Jun 18, 2021:
@Hamulus I beheld Rogan's standup comedy sets at the Laugh Factory in LA, and they were great. This was before he was famous, before even Fear Factor. This is what propelled him to fame. Since then, Rogan's standup skill has declined. Watch his early work. He doesn't have the magic he once had. This is true for most comedians. There are many comedians that were once funny and now are not. Rock and Chappelle are still funny. Rock often speaks of how college audiences are no longer fit to listen to standup comedy. Most comedians caved to leftism but Rock and Chappelle didn't.
Joe Rogan Slams “Fing Terrible” CNN Hosts; “Everybody Knows They’re Not Real” ...
FuzzyMarineVet comments on Jun 18, 2021:
We knew this all along. Joe Rogan just hasn't paid attention.
jaymaron replies on Jun 18, 2021:
@Bay0Wulf Maddow committed a red card foul of journalism. Maddow claimed that Trump is an agent of Russia, with no proof, which is a yellow card journalism foul. After Mueller failed to find proof, Maddow failed to acknowledge that she had no proof, a red card journalism foul. Even worse, rather than admitting that they had no proof, Democrat journalists immediately launched a new hoax to deflect from their foul, and the new hoax also had now proof, and was struck down. This was the Ukraine hoax. It even backfired on them. It turned out that the Bidens were responsible for the corruption. Democrats never acknowledged any of their fouls. Whenever attention is drawn to a Democrat foul, Democrats commit a new foul to deflect attention from the previous foul. Plus, Maddow is a narcissist. She doesn't care about the truth. She says whatever gets ratings, and whatever promotes her own career. After it was proven that Prime Minister Chamberlain was wrong, he gracefully owned up to it, resigned, and paved the way for Churchill to lead and kick Germany's ass. Everyone wins. If you're carrying a rugby ball, there's no shame in being tackled, as long as you pass the ball before you hit the ground. Maddow should resign like Chamberlain. If she doesn't, she has proven that she cares about attention for herself more than the truth. Maddow should pass the ball to the people who had it right all along. Maddow is a ball hog. Maddow furthermore used emotional persuasion. She emotionally stated that Trump is a Russian Agent. This is a red card journalism foul. If you have to use emotion to promote your point, You ain't journalist! Emotion often works in journalism. It never works in physics. If you try to prove a physics point with emotion, the physics crowd will burst out with laughter. Democrats use Floyd as a banner. Let's single out Maddow and unleash the artillery. At present there is no deterrent. Democrat journalists can lie without deterrent. Republicans need to establish deterrent. Maddow needs to be shamed. Democrats bluff. They double the bet with a weak hand. They don't realize that that entitles the opposition to redouble, and then the Democrat has to show his hand if he wants to win. And if the Democrat loses, there's a price to doubling recklessly. It means he now goes down quadruple. Democrats think that they can always double freely and squirm out of a quadruple loss. Hold them to the quadruple loss. This is the essence of the Gamestop scandal. Oligarchs doubled, the plebes doubled them back, and the Oligarchs lost. The oligarchs illegally shut down trading to avoid going down quadruple, and they got away with it. No charges were filed for this obvious egregious economic crime. If they overplay, make them pay. If they double with a ...
Joe Rogan Slams “Fing Terrible” CNN Hosts; “Everybody Knows They’re Not Real” ...
FuzzyMarineVet comments on Jun 18, 2021:
We knew this all along. Joe Rogan just hasn't paid attention.
jaymaron replies on Jun 18, 2021:
@FuzzyMarineVet @Bay0Wulf @RealAlexJones I agree, Rogan is being narcissistic. Instead of proudly boasting that he discovered that CNN is fake news, he should apologize for whiffing. He should be praising the people that saw it years ago. Narcissist! After American won the Revolutionary War, if you had courageously fought in the army, you had social capital. You were a member of the exclusive Patriot Club. Hamilton led a charge at Yorktown and later became Secretary of the Treasury. Loyalists took the easy way out. While patriots were freezing on the frozen tundra of Valley Forge, loyalists lived in houses in cities. After loyalists lost the war they were obliged to flee to Canada. Karma bit them in the ass. When America collapses, let it be remembered who saw it coming, and remember who had the courage to fight like a patriot. Remember the people who sold out and shame them. Sellouts will pretend that they were patriots all along. When they try to do this, laugh at them, and then boast of your courageous deeds. Hannity's predictions came true. He is vilified by Democrats but they should now kiss his ring and acknowledge that he was right. Democrats should humbly watch an episode of Hannity. Rachel Maddow's hypotheses have proven false, and she should be held accountable. Maddow is the Boy Who Cried Wolf. Maddow's show no longer deserves to be watched.
Another irony spiral.
jaymaron comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Once upon a time, the finest LSD available was "Caltech LSD", made by Caltech students. It was decisively more pure than any other source of LSD, and it was highly sought after as a brand name. Caltech students were the best chemists. I love the character Josh Hoberman from "The Magicians", who ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 18, 2021:
@Hamulus Most superheroes got their superpowers through physics. If you want superpowers, learn physics. Iron Man. Physicist and mechanical engineer Magneto. Physicist. Mutant. Control over magnetic fields. The Hulk. Physicist. Irradiated with gamma rays Dr. Manhattan. Physicist. Atomized in an "intrinsic field subtractor". Bruce Wayne. Physicist and mechanical engineer. The Beast. Physicist. Mutant. Professor X. Physicist. Mutant. Telepath. The Owl. Physicist and mechanical engineer. Ozzymandias Physicist. Master of Shaolin kung fu. Howard Stark. Physicist and mechanical engineer Jarvis. AI created by Tony Stark. The Vision. AI created from Jarvis. Possesses the mindstone. Vibranium body. The Shadow. Shaolin monk Dr. Selvig. Astrophysicist Jane Selvig. Astrophysicist Silver Surfer. Astrophysicist. Possesses the silver surfboard. Mr. Fantastic. Physicist. Acquired superpowers from cosmic rays. The Thing. Engineer. Fighter pilot. Football player. Acquired superpowers from cosmic rays Physics of superpowers: My page on "Action Physics": In the Harry Potter universe, magic is based on how hard you can feel. This is a dumbass idea to base magic on. Star Wars force powers are based on midichlorians, another dumbass idea. Superpowers should be based on things that are objective and measureable. The source of physics power is mathematics power.
Another irony spiral.
jaymaron comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Once upon a time, the finest LSD available was "Caltech LSD", made by Caltech students. It was decisively more pure than any other source of LSD, and it was highly sought after as a brand name. Caltech students were the best chemists. I love the character Josh Hoberman from "The Magicians", who ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 18, 2021:
@Hamulus I love how the team went to Fillory on a dangerous mission, and left Josh behind, not thinking he was up to it. When they arrived at Fillory they found that Josh was already there, waiting for them. Josh once immobilized an invading army by spiking their punch with magic psychedelics. Josh integrates cooking, psychedelics, and magic. I like Newt Scamander for his connection to animals.
Hug a tree today.
Krunoslav comments on Jun 18, 2021:
Beyond the simplicity of the sentimental message, it is a symbiosis actually. In fact if you go far back in history, oxygen was a poisons gas that killed most of the non-plant life on earth and those animals that survived and adopted to new atmosphere are where we came from. For first 100 million ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 18, 2021:
Oxygen is required for ozone. Ozone is formed with oxygen and UV. Previous to the era of oxygen and ozone, there was too much UV and the land was uninhabitable. The only safe place was underwater, because visible light passes further through water than UV.
Stupid But Equal.
Alysandir comments on Jun 17, 2021:
Harrison Bergeron was intended to be satire.
jaymaron replies on Jun 17, 2021:
Now that leftists have reached the level prophesized by Harrison Bergeron and Animal Farm, it's time for a new round of satire. How much worse could it get?
G7 sumshit
jaymaron comments on Jun 16, 2021:
We've lost 50000 km^2 to sea level rise and gained 25000 km^2 from land creation. We can easily outpace sea level rise with land creation, especially if we correctly harness energy. Plus, beachfront property is valuable, and land creation projects are usually profitable. I say that sea level ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 16, 2021:
@Sensrhim4hizvewz The ozone layer is continuously regenerated by solar UV, on a 5 day timescale. As long as the sun exists, the Earth will have an ozone layer. The Earth can't lose its ozone layer. In the Antarctic winter, there is 6 months of no sun, and the ozone layer is depleted. Who cares. Nobody lives in Antarctica. Come summer in Antarctica, the sun regenerates the ozone layer. The big fuss was over the "ozone hole" in Antarctica, and leftists claimed it could expand and consume the Earth. Bull.
G7 sumshit
jaymaron comments on Jun 16, 2021:
We've lost 50000 km^2 to sea level rise and gained 25000 km^2 from land creation. We can easily outpace sea level rise with land creation, especially if we correctly harness energy. Plus, beachfront property is valuable, and land creation projects are usually profitable. I say that sea level ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 16, 2021:
@KeVince I remember as a kid being taught in school: Humans are different from other animals. Other animals adapt to the environment. Adapt or die. Humans use their brains to adapt the environment to them. Leftists teach that humans shouldn't change the environment. They furthermore teach that leftists don't need to adapt to the environment. Food will fall from the sky like magic. The unfit won't die. They will get free food. America has a glorious tradition of mastering the environment. America led the world in rail, steel production, telegraph lines, bridges, dams, nukes, commercial aircraft, supercomputers, and space. In 1869, America completed the trans-continental railroad. Today, the mighty civilization of California is incapable of building a commuter rail linking LA and SF. Even with billions in federal money. Lame! California has collapsed into a dark age.
Some recent videos on Critical Race Theory and what to do about it.
sqeptiq comments on Jun 15, 2021:
Imprison about 100 radical professors, and the rest will fall in line.
jaymaron replies on Jun 16, 2021:
@sqeptiq Send leftist professors to re-education camps. Send them to a farm. The wilderness is not pass or fail. The wilderness is life or death. Education should be objective. Mathematics, writing, and history.
Teachers Demand Who Goes To Your Kids Birthday Party 😱 []
Alysandir comments on Jun 14, 2021:
"To your child's SCHOOL party" And that's the key distinction. If you're having a party for your child AT THE SCHOOL, then yes, the school gets a say over who gets to attend. Personally, I don't understand the whole concept of throwing a child a birthday party during the school day, but okay,...
jaymaron replies on Jun 15, 2021:
@Krunoslav @Alysandir A good party should be hard to get to, otherwise you get flooded with riff raff. The kid could make his birthday party an overnight wilderness survival adventure. Just after the American Revolutionary War, it was a party, and anyone who had courageously fought in the war had special status at the party. Freedom of association also means freedom of disassociation from jerks. Leftists don't respect freedom of disassociation. In a healthy society, the thing that gets you invited to parties is being a pleasant person. There is incentive to be a pleasant person. Modern Democrat elitist bourgeois society is not based on social charm. It's based on power and money and group identity. It's a dysfunctional society. There is no incentive to be a pleasant person. Modern Leftists are mostly unpleasant people. They get especially unpleasant and hostile when around Republicans. Schools should have legit team-based activities, based on objective goals. Because it's a public school, everyone on the team gets playing time. It leads to a healthy society because your status on the team hinges on your contributions to the team, and on your ability to be a fun teammate.


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