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The American Revolution was an epic story, with an epic cast of characters.
Mechanic comments on Apr 10, 2021:
Not the revolutionary war, but Mike Rowe has a good story from the war of 1812 that is worth the listen. It is episode 60 of the way I heard it podcast.
jaymaron replies on Apr 10, 2021:
In O'Reilly's book, in the epilogue, he builds a bridge between the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.
The American Revolution was an epic story, with an epic cast of characters.
KeithThroop comments on Apr 10, 2021:
As I recall, there was a lengthy miniseries about George Washington some years ago, and it was pretty good on this issue. I believe it was this one: That is part one of the series, but I think the whole thing is on YouTube. As I recall, it deals ...
jaymaron replies on Apr 10, 2021:
Great stuff. That's what we need, personal stories about real souls.
Could not help myself lol
jaymaron comments on Apr 8, 2021:
Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. Which immigrants did mighty things for America? Tesla! The Hungarians, jestingly referred to as Martians: Teller, von Neuman, Erdos, von Karman, Wigner, and Eotvos. Dr. Strangelove is modeled after Teller. ...
jaymaron replies on Apr 8, 2021:
@Weltansicht Yes, Szilard gave the U.S. military fire from the gods, but then the military cut Szilard out of it. History remembers that the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos was launched by President Roosevelt with 2 billion dollars, and what triggered him to launch it was a letter from Einstein about the power of fission bombs. The letter was written by Szilard and Einstein put his name on it.
If anyone here belongs to the ACLU could they please ask executive director Anthony D.
Andyman comments on Apr 7, 2021:
My personal interpretation of this, garnered from other things I’ve heard leftists say, is that they intend to destroy predominantly white areas of the country by introducing low income housing and seeding those areas with non white “immigrants”. This is what the left mean by ...
jaymaron replies on Apr 8, 2021:
The plot quantifies that Democrat cities are weaker than Republican cities. Never let Democrats forget this. Democrats can't blame anyone but themselves. Democrats have total total control over the cities they drove to failure. Never let them forget that it's Democrat's fault. Love the Klacic videos. Democrats will flee their failing cities like refugees and try to carpetbag in rural territory. Never let them forget that the city they're fleeing from was their fault. If they try to tell rurals how to run things, tell them to shove it up their ass. Personal experience: I have been approached by the ACLU 3 times while walking about New York City. In each case, their opening statement was: "We're the ACLU and we're fighting Trump". This is what's going on on the street. Don't let the ACLU squirm out of the fact that they have taken a side politically, and that their goal is no longer civil liberties. Do not let them virtue signal about civil liberties.
In nature everything seems to balance out.
jaymaron comments on Apr 6, 2021:
Biomass of the Earth:
jaymaron replies on Apr 7, 2021:
@Poncho69 Look at the plot. The carbon content of the upper and lower ocean is displayed in blue in the left column.
It has been reported that the first European settlers in Australia drank more alcohol per head of ...
HistoryCorner comments on Apr 6, 2021:
It actually makes sense (yeah, Im totally ruining your joke again, sorry), because access to clean drinking water would have been very limited. The only way they knew how to get clean hydration back then was to make alcohol of it. The vikings did the same thing. In lack of clean drinking water they ...
jaymaron replies on Apr 6, 2021:
@guru World freshwater magnitudes.
It has been reported that the first European settlers in Australia drank more alcohol per head of ...
HistoryCorner comments on Apr 6, 2021:
It actually makes sense (yeah, Im totally ruining your joke again, sorry), because access to clean drinking water would have been very limited. The only way they knew how to get clean hydration back then was to make alcohol of it. The vikings did the same thing. In lack of clean drinking water they ...
jaymaron replies on Apr 6, 2021:
Scotch is for drinking. Water is for fighting wars over. Sun is abundant and freshwater is not. Brazil is an exemplar because they have both sun and freshwater, and they succeed in harnessing them. The next round of superpowers will be biomass superpowers, and Brazil already has points on the scoreboard. Specifically, Brazil leads the world in soy and cane production, and they harnessed their can to become the world's leader in biofuel production. Yay Brazil!
In nature everything seems to balance out.
jaymaron comments on Apr 6, 2021:
Biomass of the Earth:
jaymaron replies on Apr 6, 2021:
@Poncho69 That's a rich story. The carbon content of the oceans increases with depth, and so the carbon content of the oceans can't be characterized with one number.
AcademicTimes: A new take on space elevators.
jaymaron comments on Apr 6, 2021:
A spece elevator is vulnerable to micrometeorites. Because the elevator material is under extreme tension, a micrometeorite hit triggers a large release of elastic energy. This issue makes the space elevator inviable.
jaymaron replies on Apr 6, 2021:
AcademicTimes: A new take on space elevators.
jaymaron comments on Apr 6, 2021:
A spece elevator is vulnerable to micrometeorites. Because the elevator material is under extreme tension, a micrometeorite hit triggers a large release of elastic energy. This issue makes the space elevator inviable.
jaymaron replies on Apr 6, 2021:
@timon_phocas Power in space is a prime issue. There are lots of pop sci articles about ion propulsion but they're irrelevant. Ion propulsion is a mature technology that has 60 percent efficiency for converting electric energy to ion kinetic energy. The way forward is improving the power/mass of the electricity source. Space power is limited by cooling. It's hard to cool in space. Regardless of the power source (fission or electric), the best that can be done is 100 Watts/kg. Solar cells at Earth orbit have a power/mass of 100 Watts/kg. Space fission reactors have achieved 100 Watts/kg. A radioisotope power source has a power/mass of 10 Watts/kg and this has much room for improvement. For the system using a cable and the Earth's magnetic field, the power/mass is much less than 1 Watt/kg. It's much more feeble than other power sources. In general, in astronautics, the prime issue is power/mass, and this is rarely discussed. One rarely sees numbers. Most of the exotic rocket technologies discussed in pop science articles have feeble power/mass, way too feeble to be practical.
AcademicTimes: A new take on space elevators.
timon_phocas comments on Apr 6, 2021:
This opens up a number of possibilities. Boosters wouldn't have to achieve orbit. They could hit a peak altitude, detach cargo, then return. The cargo could dock with the elevator for the rest of the trip. This also makes Virgin Galactic's model a lot more interesting.
jaymaron replies on Apr 6, 2021:
Yes, a spinning space station could catch a ship launched from the surface. The max speed that a spinning station could achieve is 2 km/s. It's a circus trapeze catch. You have to be precise, and if you miss, you lose everything.
A new 'Kung Fu' tv series debuts at a crucial time for Asian Americans []
AdrianRainbow comments on Apr 6, 2021:
Another way of looking at it would be, "white actors are denied roles in martial arts films due to typecasting", but hey no, just play the victim.
jaymaron replies on Apr 6, 2021:
If a non-white person plays the role of King Lear, it's okay. If a white person plays the role Othello, leftist mobs scream.
AcademicTimes: A new take on space elevators.
Penrodster comments on Apr 6, 2021:
A lot of cool ideas floated. I'm wondering if a moonbase with elevator makes sense? The elevator with one up and one down is interesting but we have very little need to transport heavy space materials down. That holds true until we have mining operations in space.
jaymaron replies on Apr 6, 2021:
Rail launch can get you to 2 km/s. Moon orbit speed = 1.7 km/s Earth orbit speed = 7.8 km/s Rail launch is ideal for the moon and poor for the Earth. On Earth, you have to blast through the atmosphere and on the moon you don't. On the moon you can launch horizontally and on the Earth you have to have to have both vertical and horizontal velocity. It's hard to give Earth rail launch vertical velocity because the launch track is 100 km and the centripetal acceleration of a track that ends in a ramp is extreme. Elevator launch doesn't work on the moon because the moon spins too slowly.
Why are we threatened by tradition? []
ZuzecaSape comments on Apr 6, 2021:
I thrive on tradition.
jaymaron replies on Apr 6, 2021:
Yes, tradition is a handy tool. Let's loudly celebrate holidays like Independence Day, Thanksgiving, and Veteran's Day.
Compulsory education is violence against families and children.
wolfhnd comments on Apr 6, 2021:
Public education was necessary when most parents had no education and few resources.
jaymaron replies on Apr 6, 2021:
Good point. Parents help with the community by coaching little league sports and by participating in the Boy Scouts. Parents should participate in teaching as well. Then the roaches under the rocks would be exposed. The bad teachers would be exposed.
Corporations face GOP blowback for criticizing Georgia voting law ”The Wall Street Journal’s...
jaymaron comments on Apr 4, 2021:
The PGA is heroically refusing to move the PGA championship out of Atlanta. Watch golf and hockey! Ditch basketball, baseball, and football. Squeeze ESPN. They have lots of...
jaymaron replies on Apr 4, 2021:
@Garsco Whenever a leftist crybullies about being excluded by Republicans, Remind them that universities exclude Republicans.
Powerful article.
FuzzyMarineVet comments on Apr 3, 2021:
The only science that the "Progressives" respect is political science, but only the leftward quarter of the the field.
jaymaron replies on Apr 3, 2021:
Democrats are fond of the mantra "follow the scientists" Bull! Scientists disagree. Democrats follow scientists that agree with their prejudice and they attack scientists that disagree. Democrats are not scientists. Many scientists sold out and sacrifice objectivity in favor of pandering to the crowd. Democrats censor scientists they don't agree with, and they attack them. If you want something done right you have to do it yourself. You have to do the science yourself. Democrats almost never tackle the science themselves. Greta Thunberg has never been seen in a science classroom. You would think that given that she's been anointed as The Climate Chosen One that she would take the trouble to learn climate science. Nope. Democrats hold up Thunberg as their idol. They hold up a non-scientist. That's unscientific. Do the math!
Don't eat bottom feeders
jaymaron comments on Mar 12, 2021:
As a technical point, oceans have much less biomass than land, because oceans are nutrient poor. Any food available is eaten immediately. On land, plant biomass outweighs animal biomass, and in the oceans it's the other way around. On land, only a small fraction of plants get eaten, and in the ...
jaymaron replies on Apr 1, 2021:
@Poncho69 The good news is that bans on whaling have resulted in an increase of whale biomass. Overfishing has depleted the ocean of large fish, and it will take time to recover. For many species, ocean fishing is no longer viable and we have to use fish farming. The lower ocean has low power input and it takes a long time to grow fish there. It will take decades to repopulate the lower ocean. I would find a phosphorus deposit somewhere on the ocean floor and use a hydrogen bomb to blow it up. This would fertilize the ocean.
Trump and the Nuclear Football. Is anyone asking where the football is now?
Alysandir comments on Mar 31, 2021:
Wasn't there a news story that briefly broke a couple weeks ago about Congress trying to secure the right to make the nuclear call? I guess even the Democrats are afraid Joe will press the ...
jaymaron replies on Apr 1, 2021:
This seems like a straightforward interpretation of the constitution: The football belongs in the hands of the executive. What a lack of transparency regarding the football. Hoping for a press conference... Reporter: Where is the nuclear football, who has it, and what is the command structure for using it?
"Russia proposes its Arctic shipping route as an alternative to blocked Suez Canal" [google.
jaymaron comments on Mar 30, 2021:
The Canada passage and the Russia passage are only open for a month of the year, and travel time is variable because of ice. One needs satellite help to avoid icebergs.
jaymaron replies on Mar 31, 2021:
@ZuzecaSape It would be nice to see more local manufacturing. It has to become a thing of virtue signaling to buy local. A style of local manufacturing is to build stuff yourself. Have a public factory where you can build your own furniture. What else are you going to do with your time, play computer games?
This is an old leaked document but something everyone should see! These elites needed Technology to ...
KeVince comments on Mar 30, 2021:
Europe has cought on to what is going down that is why their 5g towers keep catching fire and one of their main data centers in France spontaneously combusted.
jaymaron replies on Mar 30, 2021:
California is a 3rd world country. They can't turn on the power without starting fires. They have abundant water and they don't harness it. They can't build a commuter rail connecting LA and SF. This is embarrassing because the transcontinental railroad was completed in 1868. When the Earthquake hits we will find that they didn't have a plan and it will bust them back to the stone age.
This is an old leaked document but something everyone should see! These elites needed Technology to ...
dmatic comments on Mar 30, 2021:
Working my way through this very interesting 'document'! Thanks for sharing it! Amazing! Look at this quote: "The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest sort, so that the moat of ignorance isolating the inferior class from the superior class is and remains ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 30, 2021:
@dmatic Newt Gingrich often cites an essay written by Nassim Taleb titled "Intellectual yet idiot", describing ivy intellectual arrogance. George Carlin: The oligarchy is a club, and you're not in it. Caltech stuffs science and mathematics into you with a fire hose. It's the Shaolin Temple of Technology.
This is an old leaked document but something everyone should see! These elites needed Technology to ...
dmatic comments on Mar 30, 2021:
Working my way through this very interesting 'document'! Thanks for sharing it! Amazing! Look at this quote: "The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest sort, so that the moat of ignorance isolating the inferior class from the superior class is and remains ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 30, 2021:
The quality of the education given to the upper class at elite universities is poor. For quality education you have to find conservative universities or institutes of technology.
Since well before Nov election day I've been telling people Biden suffers with Alzheimers Disease.
Garsco comments on Mar 27, 2021:
I’m not optimistic about the country’s future but I think there’s still a chance that the left will overplay their hand. We’re hanging by a thread depending on the likes of Manchin and Sinema in the Senate to save the day. But then when I see things such as the capture of our military, no ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 28, 2021:
@REN777 Yes, every town and every county should hold a caucus.
Bill Gates Is LITERALLY Going To BLOCK THE SUN in June!! - YouTube
toronto_Georgia comments on Mar 26, 2021:
Hmmmm, June. Isn't the sun necessary to grow crops?? Never mind its megalomania Bill. Not to worry, he has fake meat for you along with lots of lab designed GMO foods that he can grow on his lands. No one else should be allowed to produce food should they? Wasn't dust blocking the sun during ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 26, 2021:
A space mirror has much potential for finesse. It's more than brute force blocking of sunlight. A space mirror can chill a spot on the Earth, causing cloud formation and rain. The clouds reflect sunlight and cool the Earth. The rain helps crops. Crops are more a function of water than sun. A space mirror makes rain fall on land instead of the ocean. A space mirror can mass-produce clouds. The hard part with clouds is formation (cloud seeding). Once a cloud forms it sticks around. A space mirror can change the direction of a local air flow, by creating a temperature gradient, which is a force. Together with a supercomputer simulation, a space mirror can manipulate global air flow. A space mirror can kill a hurricane. Baffled that we don't already have them. I'm not at all worried about climate change. A space mirror can fix the Earth. The problem is already solved.
When the population is still rising don't panic
Serg97 comments on Mar 24, 2021:
Why is everyone so uptight about this??? Aren't the environmentalist saying we need to reduce the world population??? Maybe, another round of the Black Death would make them happy!!!!
jaymaron replies on Mar 24, 2021:
@azjc Anything that preferentially targets cities. Plagues, tsunami, Earthquakes, and leftism. Farmers laugh at Earthquakes. Cows laugh at Earthquakes. When the Big One hits, San Francisco won't be laughing.
When the population is still rising don't panic
JacksonNought comments on Mar 24, 2021:
If those top plagues happened today, we'd be gonners. We're lucky COVID isn't more deadly, because people would rather everyone die than stay at home for a few weeks.
jaymaron replies on Mar 24, 2021:
Yes, the historic plagues had higher death rates. This makes a big difference for plague defense strategy. The Clancy novel "Executive Orders" features a plague attack on the U.S. where the death rate was high (ebola. 90%). The president locked down travel and vanquished the plague. In this case it was the right move because the death rate was high. If the death rate is low, lockdowns are unstrategic. Politicians inflate plague deaths. Many deaths are from flu, or from pre-existing conditions, such as a bullet.
When the population is still rising don't panic
jaymaron comments on Mar 24, 2021:
Historically, plagues destroy cities and return civilization to the farm.
jaymaron replies on Mar 24, 2021:
@Bay0Wulf Yes, the leftism plague. No cure. This *is* the zombie apocalypse.
Her IQ test came back negative.
jaymaron comments on Mar 23, 2021:
Mini AOC
jaymaron replies on Mar 23, 2021:
@Haraldson The left feels it's okay to bully kids into going trans. The left bullies kids that go Republican.
Near George Floyd Square: Revolution by day, devolution by night The neighbors surrounding the ...
Kalki comments on Mar 21, 2021:
Humans are amusing, they invent polycarbonate - - and then don't use it. Taking melanin and ancestry out of the equation, I say it this way, in response to WOKETARDIA's demonizing of white hetero males, "GO LIVE IN A CAVE, CUZ WITHOUT US THAT'S WHERE YOU'D...
jaymaron replies on Mar 21, 2021:
Humans invented nuclear power and don't use it, even though it's the magic thing that saves the Earth
Mike Pompeo: Weakness begets war, it begets hostility []
toronto_Georgia comments on Mar 20, 2021:
My understanding, as I didn't watch the whole meeting, was that Blinken opened with a list of complaints against China regarding Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Uyigurs. Not exactly a warm welcome to the delegates from China. Starting such a meeting immediately insulting your adversary sets the tone for...
jaymaron replies on Mar 20, 2021:
Gingrich gives a speech where he says that to negotiate with Chinese, you need to understand the game of Go. For example, for every island China builds in the ocean, America should build 5 islands, closer to China than China's island. If they overplay, make them pay. If someone makes an over-aggressive move in Go, then you have to fight. I feel that the right strategy is for America to list all its grievances against China, up front. It's the only thing the CCP understands and respects. Trump tariffed China, which compelled China to negotiate. Without tariffs, they would not negotiate.
Biden wants to tax my income. And I'm Norwegian! - YouTube
jaymaron comments on Mar 16, 2021:
California has a tentacle tax. They tax you even after you leave the state. If you spend more than 60 days in the state they declare you a resident and start taxing you. California has the highest state tax in the nation. If California wants to stop people from leaving, they'll have to ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 19, 2021:
@Weltansicht Thank you for the stories! Cosmically, the duty of a governor is to create a environment that attracts businessmen, not repel them. Kenobi: It was said you would destroy the sith, not join them!
Biden wants to tax my income. And I'm Norwegian! - YouTube
jaymaron comments on Mar 16, 2021:
California has a tentacle tax. They tax you even after you leave the state. If you spend more than 60 days in the state they declare you a resident and start taxing you. California has the highest state tax in the nation. If California wants to stop people from leaving, they'll have to ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 19, 2021:
@Weltansicht Fascinating! Can you expand on Florida tax?
Putin calls out Biden 🤣
jaymaron comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Trump pointed out that leaders that are evil are also sharp, and if you want to negotiate with them, you have to be sharp.
jaymaron replies on Mar 19, 2021:
@Serg97 In the Roman Republican, offices had a term of 1 year and couldn't be repeated. After serving, you had to sit out for 10 years before running for another office. Most positions in the Athenian government were decided by lottery, and they couldn't be repeated. There are many great ideas from anciient constitutions. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Constitution
Putin calls out Biden 🤣
jaymaron comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Trump pointed out that leaders that are evil are also sharp, and if you want to negotiate with them, you have to be sharp.
jaymaron replies on Mar 19, 2021:
@Serg97 Democrat ideology is dumb by design. Democrats don't want smart people in the party. They excommunicate smart people. Democrats want people that are dumb and easily manipulated. Republican ideology is intelligent by design. Republicans don't want dumb people taking over the party. Alinsky rule for radicals: "Never go beyond the expertise of your own people". It's easy to do. This is how to crush radicals. Any propositions for Rules for Crushing Radicals?
Inquisition At the start of the 1600's the Roman Catholic Church was all powerful in western ...
jaymaron comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Excommunication is a powerful weapon, up until the point where the excommunicated form their own protestant church, and then it's game over. The Catholic Church should have expected that the King of England would nationalize the Churches of England. It's political. Cancel culture is a ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 19, 2021:
@Poncho69 In general, all institutions evolve leftward and toward oligarchy. From time to time you have to ditch the institution and start over.
Putin calls out Biden 🤣
jaymaron comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Trump pointed out that leaders that are evil are also sharp, and if you want to negotiate with them, you have to be sharp.
jaymaron replies on Mar 19, 2021:
@Haraldson Democrats have dullness built in. They give you the narrative and there's no room for creativity. Curious minds need not apply. In the world of Democrats, you cannot rise by intelligence. Upward mobility is a function of how loud you scream, and how many identity zombies back you. Rising in the world of Republicans is not easy. There are few that can do what Limbaugh, O'Reilly, and Carlson do. To do what they do, you have to be sharp. Put it as a challenge to a Democrat: Could you succeed as a Republican commentator? List of pundits:
Putin calls out Biden 🤣
jaymaron comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Trump pointed out that leaders that are evil are also sharp, and if you want to negotiate with them, you have to be sharp.
jaymaron replies on Mar 19, 2021:
@Haraldson The Democratic party is full of people that are not sharp. Can anyone name a single sharp person in the Democratic party? Fauci is not sharp. If Fauci's failures were judged by the same standard as a football coach, he would have been benched. In the War on the Plague, Fauci is the Least Valuable Player. Yesterday, Fauci said: "Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is a really good governor, I think she’s done some really good things." Democrats say "follow the scientist!". Sometimes the scientist sucks. Americans of World War 2 were sharp. Who's the sharpest in the Republican Party? I nominate Ted Cruz, Jim Jordan, Gingrich, and Trump.
Canadian Man Jailed After ‘Misgendering’ His Daughter "Hoogland is opposed to his teenage ...
parsifal comments on Mar 19, 2021:
Catering to a person’s mental illness doesn’t help. The child needs treatment.
jaymaron replies on Mar 19, 2021:
Indoctrinating kids in *any* way is evil. The people that pushed the kid into it are insane and they need treatment.
Democrats ignore Republicans.
Alysandir comments on Mar 17, 2021:
I think Reagan deserves a nomination.
jaymaron replies on Mar 17, 2021:
Good point. Gingrich has a speech where he describes the history. Before Reagan ran for Governor of California, he had given 200 speeches to worker's unions. Jesse Ventura rolled like a boss and won the Governorship of Minnesota as an Independent. Previously, he had served as mayor of a Minnesotan city. Trump and Ventura are both in the WWE Hall of Fame. Wiki: Ventura's campaign consisted of a combination of aggressive grassroots events organized in part by his campaign manager Doug Friedline and original television spots, designed by quirky adman Bill Hillsman, using the phrase "Don't vote for politics as usual." He spent considerably less than his opponents (about $300,000) and was a pioneer in his using the Internet as a medium of reaching out to voters in a political campaign. Ventura mastered the internet in 1998.
Should there be legal restrictions on trans athletes competing in schools?
govols comments on Mar 17, 2021:
I would probably say no in all cases, but for reasons that wouldn't fly in today's Overton window. I think it's unfair to teach boys of their advantages when they, on average, lag girls developmentally early on. Then teach them their aggressiveness harms girls. Then tell them to compete with girls ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 17, 2021:
@govols One of the biggest fouls committed by the trans community was: A trans (biologically male) athlete competed in a women's MMA fight and cracked the skull of the female fighter. The trans athlete did not disclose that he was a male. That's vile. Then the trans community gave the trans athlete an award for courage. That's vile. The trans community is not looking to make friends. The female that faced the male athlete is the courageous one.
I recall there were arguments that the idea that we Second Amendment proponents needed guns to be ...
GermanGrunt comments on Mar 16, 2021:
They dont want to "fight" the population, cause the whole conflict is about "who" is allowed to "harvest" data/consume/slaves . The last World war was about , who was allowed harvesting global oil , and other Ressources. This one is about Data.
jaymaron replies on Mar 16, 2021:
Great point! The Fabian strategy is to avoid battle and out-farm your foe.
BabylonBee: New kinder, gentler M1 Abrams comes with a changing table. []
RobBlair comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Explosive diaper plating
jaymaron replies on Mar 16, 2021:
Involve a fan.
Another huge snowstorm in America. Must be global freezing.
jaymaron comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Catchy! Global freezing.
jaymaron replies on Mar 16, 2021:
@Poncho69 The overall cycle intensity is diminishing.
BabylonBee: New kinder, gentler M1 Abrams comes with a changing table. []
RobBlair comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Explosive diaper plating
jaymaron replies on Mar 16, 2021:
We need to design a diaper bomb. That's nuclear deterrent.
Big Tech functions as a social credit system wherein people censor themselves in order to get their ...
CuriousFury comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Like love hug sad angry
jaymaron replies on Mar 16, 2021:
@CuriousFury Rich topic. What should a social credit system reward? During the Revolutionary War there were courageous patriots that sacrificed themselves for the realm, and there were royalists sellouts that took bribes from Britain. Britain defined a social justice score. The patriots won, and upon winning they owned the moral high ground. The social justice score algorithm changed. Those who had the courage to fight and sacrifice could virtue signal. History books glorify these people and the royalists were forgotten. After the Revolutionary War, royalists tried to coat tail on the glory. Bull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What matters is who's courageously standing up for freedom *now*, before the Revolutionary War, before it's hip. What sacrifices have you made for freedom? Conservatives should formally define their own social credit score. How would you define it?
This happened in my town yesterday.
Naomi comments on Mar 15, 2021:
A bit of background: A young woman went missing in the London area a long time ago. The police have been working on the case and they charged a police officer with the kidnapping and murder of the woman a few days ago. You know the latest trend (don't get me wrong; I'm NOT trivializing the ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 16, 2021:
@Serg97 @CuriousFury @Naomi @Forra888 @w0tn0t We could call the 50 Magnum the Bunker Buster. An option for a cannon is the Barrett M82 50 caliber rifle. Gummaster: It would be the proudest moment of my career if I could make something for you Mr. Bond. Gunmaster: Here you will find only craftsmanship and quality. Mass production, your Walther PPK for instance, I leave to others. Bond: On a cost per bullet basis Scaramanga must be your best customer. Gunmaster: That is true but he seems to only fire them occasionally. Has anyone played the Arcade game "Crossbow"? You have to hit moving targets that are tiny, and you only have time for one shot. It's legit gun skill. Yay small businesses! It would be nice if small businesses got orders instead of big businesses. It would be nice to glorify individual craftsmanship. If you ordered a custom gun from the gunmaster, how would you design it?
Given all the canceling of people for 'racist' comments, you'd think that the entire genre of Rap ...
Alysandir comments on Mar 16, 2021:
It's only racism when white people do it. When anyone else does it, it's "empowering." We live in a time where W.A.P is good and Dr. Seuss is bad.
jaymaron replies on Mar 16, 2021:
It's only cultural appropriation if white people do it. Does white culture get appropriated by other cultures? Yes it does. Are the appropriators grateful? No they're not. For example, they're appropriating The Renaissance. Content of your character.... Your culture doesn't matter. What matters is how much style you have.
Another huge snowstorm in America. Must be global freezing.
jaymaron comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Catchy! Global freezing.
jaymaron replies on Mar 16, 2021:
@Poncho69 Global dimming! The sunspot cycle shut down. The sun is getting dimmer. Global darkening! The Earth's magnetic field is decreasing rapidly, meaning more cosmic rays, more cloud seeing, and a colder, darker Earth.
Did Obama use federal tax money to fund woke army?
iThink comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Federal grants and loans offered to Science, money well allocated IMHO. Caveat - before bestowing those grants and loans there needs to be an open and transparent (to the American taxpayer) investigation to determine the worthiness of the entities being considered as candidates before ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 16, 2021:
@Haraldson Yes. To vote in Athens you had to show up personally. Admission of new citizens was rare.
This happened in my town yesterday.
Naomi comments on Mar 15, 2021:
A bit of background: A young woman went missing in the London area a long time ago. The police have been working on the case and they charged a police officer with the kidnapping and murder of the woman a few days ago. You know the latest trend (don't get me wrong; I'm NOT trivializing the ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@Serg97 Glorious!
Another huge snowstorm in America. Must be global freezing.
eschatologyguy comments on Mar 15, 2021:
More CO2-belching coal-fired power plants needed.
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
Let's turn North Canada into a Garden of Eden. Vast land with vast potential.
This happened in my town yesterday.
Tom81 comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Obviously, the lighthouse was promoting violence towards women by looking phallic... Because architecture is sexist 🙄...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@Tom81 The crybaby students of the University of Wisconsin destroyed the statue of Lincoln, and they weren't satisfied. They then destroyed a boulder. The boulder was obviously a testicle symbol.
This happened in my town yesterday.
Tom81 comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Obviously, the lighthouse was promoting violence towards women by looking phallic... Because architecture is sexist 🙄...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@Tom81 At one end of the Capitol mall is an obvious phallic symbol, and at the other end is an obvious tit symbol. It's a fine example of gender balance.
This happened in my town yesterday.
Naomi comments on Mar 15, 2021:
A bit of background: A young woman went missing in the London area a long time ago. The police have been working on the case and they charged a police officer with the kidnapping and murder of the woman a few days ago. You know the latest trend (don't get me wrong; I'm NOT trivializing the ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@Serg97 Iron Man: They say that the best weapon is one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once. That's how dad did it. That's how America does it. Iron Man: Is it better to be feared or respected? Is it too much to ask for both? From Sir Samuel Baker's description of the 2 bore rifle: "I very seldom fired it, but it is a curious fact, that I never fired a shot with that rifle without bagging" If an elephant is charging at you, you're only going to get one shot.
Two liberal icons, Robert F.
Alysandir comments on Mar 14, 2021:
The part I find most concerning is the role of the military. In addition to military figures going after Tucker Carlson, I recently heard a report that one of the reasons that then-President Trump did not send in the National Guard to either Seattle or Portland during the height of the riots is ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@Alysandir Good point, about how British felt. The show Liberty's Kids well covers how Americans felt and lightly covers how British felt. They don't mention many of the points Alysandir raised. It seems worth being sensitive and delving into how the British felt. Previous to the Revolutionary War, Americans and British fought together against French and Indians. Most likely the British saw themselves as the MVP of the war. Yes, it's about power. A common power issue is markets. Many wars are fought over control of markets. Controlling markets is even more profitable than taxing. Just ask today's oligarchs. The most intolerable of the Intolerable Acts was the requirement that Americans could only trade with British. After the Revolutionary War, many states were in debt. They joined The Union on condition that The Union forgive their debt. Liberty's Kids has a scene with the Green Mountain Men of Vermont, rugged courageous patriots. Upon seeing their attitude it's clear that they would Never Give Up on independence. Liberty's Kids portrays the spirit of rural American pioneers. The British in Britain can't understand that. Liberty's Kids portrays King George as arrogant and as a dumbass. His actions guaranteed the Declaration of Independence of America. Maybe he thought he could crush the rebellion. But it does no good because even if Britain wins, it has on its hands an ungovernable hornet's nest. The Green Mountain Men would vanish into the wilderness and continue the rebellion. Democrats today are acting like King George. They are unaware that they are re-enacting the Revolutionary War. They have the sensitivity of an anvil.
Two liberal icons, Robert F.
Alysandir comments on Mar 14, 2021:
The part I find most concerning is the role of the military. In addition to military figures going after Tucker Carlson, I recently heard a report that one of the reasons that then-President Trump did not send in the National Guard to either Seattle or Portland during the height of the riots is ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@Alysandir Rich topic. So much to analyze. Beyond Republican and Democrat. Consider escalation vs. de-escalation. Democrats escalate. They're crybullies. If a yellow card foul is committed against them they use it to justify a red card retaliatory foul. In their minds they have the moral high ground. From the point of view of those they bully, Democrats are regarded as crybulliers and occupiers of the moral low ground. The difference is irreconcilable. Leftists like mobs. Mobs are intrinsically escalatory. A mob cannot deescalate. The Capitol Tea Party was a fine example of de-escalation. Upon seizing the Capitol, did the partiers escalate? No. They partied. They took photos for memes. It was a meme mother load. Everyone was jubilant. No act of violence was committed by Republicans. The Capitol Tea Partiers didn't bring guns, such is their commitment to de-escalation. The officer that shot the partiers escalated. The victim was unarmed and not doing anything violent. The officer did not warn the victim before shooting. Egregious escalation. He escalated all the way to life and death in an instant. He shot her in the neck, guaranteeing death. No verbal warning. No warning shot. No warning wound. Shoot to kill. Democrats refused to disclose the identity of the officer that shot the victim, therefore creating an environment where Republicans can be shot with impunity. Egregious escalation. Democrats label the Capitol Tea Party as a violent act of erection. Republicans label it as proof that they are peaceful. Democrats used the party to justify egregious escalatory attacks on Republicans, and they see themselves as upon the moral high ground. Republicans see this as an unjustified denial of civil liberties and as Democrats upon the moral low ground. The difference is irreconcilable. After the party, Democrats ganged up and destroyed the career of the musician Ariel Pink, on the premise that Pink was part of the party. Pink wasn't, and it was proved. After the proof, did Democrats apologize and restore his career? No. It's still destroyed. Republicans view this as a lack of rigor by Democrats. They view Democrats as witch hunters, with no care as to if the hunted is innocent or guilty. They want to hunt. Republicans view Democrats as morally negligent. Democrats claimed that the partiers were violent, without proof, which is morally negligent. Upon proof that the partiers did not commit violence, Democrats ignored it and pressed the claim of violence, which is morally negligent. Democrats fancy themselves upon the moral high ground and Republicans see Democrats as morally negligent. The difference is irreconcilable. There is a vast number of examples of Democrat witch hunts upon people who were proved innocent, yet the witch hunt ...
This happened in my town yesterday.
Tom81 comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Obviously, the lighthouse was promoting violence towards women by looking phallic... Because architecture is sexist 🙄...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
From 1311 to 1884, the tallest structure in the world was always a Christian church tower. Badass! The Catholic church was the leader in architecture and technology. Some of the church towers were destroyed by lightning. The Washington Monument survived because it has a lightning rod, invented by Franklin. How did Franklin invent the lightning rod? By making the epic discovery that lightning is an electric current. Badass!
This happened in my town yesterday.
Naomi comments on Mar 15, 2021:
A bit of background: A young woman went missing in the London area a long time ago. The police have been working on the case and they charged a police officer with the kidnapping and murder of the woman a few days ago. You know the latest trend (don't get me wrong; I'm NOT trivializing the ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@Forra888 @Serg97 Sir Samuel Baker, a big game hunter of the 19th century, describes the 2 bore rifle: Among other weapons, I had an extraordinary rifle that carried a half-pound percussion shell—this instrument of torture to the hunter was not sufficiently heavy for the weight of the projectile; it only weighed twenty pounds: thus, with a charge of ten drachms [270 grains] of powder, behind a half-pound shell, the recoil was so terrific, that I spun around like a weathercock in a hurricane. I really dreaded my own rifle, although I had been accustomed to heavy charges of powder, and severe recoil for some years. None of my men could fire it, and it was looked upon with a species of awe, and it was named "Jenna-El-Mootfah" (Child of a Cannon) by the Arabs, which being far too long a name for practice, I christened it the "Baby;" and the scream of this "Baby" loaded with a half-pound shell was always fatal. It was far too severe, and I very seldom fired it, but it is a curious fact, that I never fired a shot with that rifle without bagging: the entire practice, during several years, was confined to about twenty shots. I was afraid to use it; but now and then it was absolutely necessary that it should be cleaned, after months of staying loaded. On such occasions my men had the gratification of firing it, and the explosion was always accompanied by two men falling on their backs (one having propped up the shooter), and the "Baby" flying some yards behind them. This rifle was made by Holland & Holland, of Bond Street, and I could highly recommend it for the Goliath of Gath, but not for the men of A.D. 1866
This happened in my town yesterday.
Naomi comments on Mar 15, 2021:
A bit of background: A young woman went missing in the London area a long time ago. The police have been working on the case and they charged a police officer with the kidnapping and murder of the woman a few days ago. You know the latest trend (don't get me wrong; I'm NOT trivializing the ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@Serg97 Thanks for the stories. Welcoming more gun stories. Yes, making the bullet lighter (therefore faster) and longer can improve the penetration power. Democrats want to tame guns, with restrictions on magazines. The goal of a gunfight is to win, not virtue signal. In a gunfight people dive for cover. The SW50Mag makes cover irrelevant. Shatters masonry stones. Goes through 12 inches of wood. In a gunfight you want the luxury of being able to blow ammo. Have big clips, and lots of them. Have a 22 with a 30 bullet clip.
This happened in my town yesterday.
Tom81 comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Obviously, the lighthouse was promoting violence towards women by looking phallic... Because architecture is sexist 🙄...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@Tom81 Fixed
This happened in my town yesterday.
Tom81 comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Obviously, the lighthouse was promoting violence towards women by looking phallic... Because architecture is sexist 🙄...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
If the left starts freaking about about phallic-shaped objects they'll go nuts. The world is full of phallic-shaped objects. Gallery of the largest obelisks in the world: Multiple choice question. What was the purpose of the Washington Monument? A) To glorify Washington B) Stonemasons showing off C) To erect the largest phallic symbol in the world D) All of the above American stonemasons were badass, and they were a key factor in Revolutionary War. Washington and Franklin were stonemason heavyweights. Texas kicks ass. The San Jacinto Monument is taller than the Washington Monument, and the star at the top is 220 tons. It's a lone star, but it's a bigass star. At the top of the Washington Monument is a lightning rod, invented by Franklin.
This happened in my town yesterday.
Naomi comments on Mar 15, 2021:
A bit of background: A young woman went missing in the London area a long time ago. The police have been working on the case and they charged a police officer with the kidnapping and murder of the woman a few days ago. You know the latest trend (don't get me wrong; I'm NOT trivializing the ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@Serg97 Dirty Harry: I've seen 35s bounce off windshields. That's why I carry a 45. The biggest handgun that exists is the Smith & Wesson 50 Magnum.
jaymaron comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Democrats whine about the state--based electoral college. Without the state-based electoral college, the small states wouldn't have joined The Union. They would be independent today. If big states bully small states then the small states will secede. During the Revolutionary War there was ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@1914wizard Great point, about the size of states. Yes, socialists hate individual style. They hate style. They place identity over style. Identity is lame. Strive instead for charm and style. Conservatives have style and socialists don't. Socialists are just not cool. Washington was appointed commander of the Continental Army partly because he was Virginian, and Virginia is a big state. Virginia was also a slave state. Without Virginia, victory over Britain doesn't happen. In the forming of the Constitution, if the North had insisted on outlawing slavery everywhere, the south would not have ratified the Constitution. Leftists never acknowledge that the situation was subtle. They oversimplify and attack. They strawman.
Bagdad once held the greatest library on earth.
jaymaron comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Libraries destroyed: -206 Epang Palace ? Library of Alexandria 364 Library of Antioch 392 Library of Serapeum, Alexandria 651 Library of Ctesiphon 976 Library of al-Hakam II 1029 Library of Rayy 1151 Library of Ghazna 1154 Library of Nishapur 1193 ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@CuriousFury Good stuff. Yes, they all qualify as library burnings.
Two liberal icons, Robert F.
Alysandir comments on Mar 14, 2021:
The part I find most concerning is the role of the military. In addition to military figures going after Tucker Carlson, I recently heard a report that one of the reasons that then-President Trump did not send in the National Guard to either Seattle or Portland during the height of the riots is ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@Alysandir Yes, this feels more like the Rev War than the Civil War. In the Rev War the rebels had the moral high ground, and in the Civil War the rebels had the moral low ground. The show "Liberty's Kids: American Revolution" (on youtube) portrays the Rev War. The Rev War began when British soldiers fired on Americans, with the Shot Heard Round the World". Good question, about which nations will stand with Red America. There exist many conservative nations, and many nations who recognize that Red America is on their side against the CCP. The MVP of the Rev War was Franklin, who among other things, coaxed France to America's side. What a boss. While Washington was freezing his ass off crossing rivers in winter, Franklin was partying at the Palace of Versailles. Franklin was a celebrity in Europe because of his writings and his personality. Trump has the potential to be the ambassador we need to coax nations to the side of Red America.
Two liberal icons, Robert F.
Alysandir comments on Mar 14, 2021:
The part I find most concerning is the role of the military. In addition to military figures going after Tucker Carlson, I recently heard a report that one of the reasons that then-President Trump did not send in the National Guard to either Seattle or Portland during the height of the riots is ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@Alysandir Lots of people on the left want war. I doubt that the oligarchs can stop the mobs. Cosmically, there will exist factions that favor cold war over hot war, and factions that favor hot war over cold war. But once the powerkeg goes off, you can't get the powder back in the keg. The world is headed for grief. American Civil War 2 could trigger a World Civil War. Every nation has left and right factions that are at odds with each other. Every nation is a powderkeg. The whole magazine could detonate.
Two liberal icons, Robert F.
Alysandir comments on Mar 14, 2021:
The part I find most concerning is the role of the military. In addition to military figures going after Tucker Carlson, I recently heard a report that one of the reasons that then-President Trump did not send in the National Guard to either Seattle or Portland during the height of the riots is ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@Alysandir Rich topic. In Civil War 1, immediately after Lincoln's election, southern states seceded and commenced seizing federal bases in Confederate territory. Lincoln didn't defend the forts and let the Confederacy have them. Until Sumpter. Lincoln refused to evacuate Sumpter and the Conferacy attacked it. Immediately after, Lincoln called for raising 75000 troops and got enthusiastic response. War was on. Even if states don't secede, they have nuissance value. They can declare sanctuary zones and undermine the fed. The fed will try to crush something and overdo it, triggering outrage among red states, and war will be on.
Two liberal icons, Robert F.
Alysandir comments on Mar 14, 2021:
The part I find most concerning is the role of the military. In addition to military figures going after Tucker Carlson, I recently heard a report that one of the reasons that then-President Trump did not send in the National Guard to either Seattle or Portland during the height of the riots is ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
When red states secede, who gets the federal goodies? Democrats will insist on keeping it all. Seceded states will insist that they contributed to making half of the goodies, so they should get half. In particular, seceded states will insist on keeping the federal military bases that are in the state. Democrats will refuse. War is inevitable. We are re-enacting the Fort Sumpter powderkeg that triggered the first Civil War. Democrats will use the threat of keeping all the federal goodies as a bludgeon to stop states from seceding. This is the essence of domestic abuse. Democrats are domestic abusers. Had Republican states known that they would be subjected to domestic abuse upon joining The Union, they never would have joined.
Did Obama use federal tax money to fund woke army?
Alysandir comments on Feb 28, 2021:
One school of thought is that IF the government were to prioritize student loans, it should be in fields where we have a shortage of qualified candidates and have to rely on H1B visas to supplement the workforce, such as software development. But the problem there is that it will NEVER be more ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
Agree. Better to get a legit degree in legit science than to get a degree in teaching. Not all degrees are created equal. Jill Biden's thesis proves that education degrees are less equal than other degrees. Teachers unions want teacher pay to be tied to seniority and level of degree. Bull! That's a subsidy to teacher's colleges. That makes it impossible for a teacher who is skilled, but young and without a doctorate, to get good pay. Teacher's colleges are bull. Democrats require certification from a teacher's college to teach at a public school, which is a bullfrog subsidy to teacher's colleges. They need to be crushed. Destroy the certification requirement. Destroy the public schools and go all private, with vouchers. Teacher's colleges are leftist. They're weaponized against conservatives to deter conservatives from the teaching industry. We need market forces in teaching, and teacher's unions oppose market forces. Public school teachers are public employees, yet parents and students have no voice in selecting them or in deciding their pay. It's taxation without representation. It's price gouging. Even worse, leftists teachers indoctrinate. Republicans are forced to pay leftists teachers that indoctrinate their kids to leftism. Republicans need to enforce market forces for teachers by zapping bad teachers. Have parents and students confer and select a set of teachers that they agree are bad, and protest them. Protest them at the school, where they can't ignore it. Have the students refuse to attend the bad teacher's class have them instead go to a class with a good teacher, a teacher that the parents and students chose. Demand that the school hire the good teacher.
Did Obama use federal tax money to fund woke army?
iThink comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Federal grants and loans offered to Science, money well allocated IMHO. Caveat - before bestowing those grants and loans there needs to be an open and transparent (to the American taxpayer) investigation to determine the worthiness of the entities being considered as candidates before ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@Haraldson Great idea! The law was that the Tribune of the Plebes was untouchable. He could not be charged with a crime. The oligarchs had no choice but to accept a Tribune of the Plebes because otherwise the Plebes would have stormed the Bastille and guillotined the oligarchs. Trump is Tribune of the Plebes. Democrats don't understand this. An attack on Trump is an attack on all Republicans. The constitutions of Sparta, Athens, and the Roman Republic had lots of good stuff that we need now. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Constitution Ancient constitutions:
Myanmar Coup: Yangon industrial suburb witness anti-China protests | Latest English News | WION ...
angelo comments on Mar 15, 2021:
The question has to be asked. Had Trump still been in the WH, would CCP dare to meddle in Myanmar?
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
When Obama was president, the world walked all over him. That ended when Trump became president. Trump = Churchill Biden = Chamberlain Xi = Hitler Myanmar = Hong Kong = Poland Uigher detention camps = Auschwitz
Myanmar Coup: Yangon industrial suburb witness anti-China protests | Latest English News | WION ...
Poncho69 comments on Mar 15, 2021:
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
@eschatologyguy Americans are unaware of the CCP's duplicity and involvement in their country's coup. They're unaware even that there was a coup.
Newsom Recall Election Increasingly Likely as Campaign Pre-Verifies 1.
ZuzecaSape comments on Mar 14, 2021:
I'm suprised the State legislature didn't change the recall law or even abolish it before this happened. Surely they saw this coming.
jaymaron replies on Mar 15, 2021:
California did try to rig recall law. To sign the recall petition, California law requires that the petitioner appear in person and with photo ID. Your address must match state records. You are required to sign while being observed, and your signature is checked with the database. You must be alive. Then you're given a tattoo to prevent you from signing again.
RealClear Politics: Rep.
Bay0Wulf comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Astounding how FEW “Democrats” seem to know this. Astounding to realize that They Are STILL Supporting Slavery by Other Means under Other Names.
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
Nixon courageously backed Israel in the war and gave them bigly military supplies. Democrats resisted supplying Israel. Thank you Nixon. An Israeli soccer team is called "The Trumps". Israel has a town square called "Trump Square".
Newsom Recall Election Increasingly Likely as Campaign Pre-Verifies 1.
ZuzecaSape comments on Mar 14, 2021:
I'm suprised the State legislature didn't change the recall law or even abolish it before this happened. Surely they saw this coming.
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
@ZuzecaSape God can't be deported. God can't be censored. God can't be cancelled. God can't be impeached. In Hell there is no worry of being deported. Hell is more comfortable than Biden's cages. Watching CNN is hell. Trump is obviously the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Trump took on bigly suffering to fight for us.
Newsom Recall Election Increasingly Likely as Campaign Pre-Verifies 1.
ZuzecaSape comments on Mar 14, 2021:
I'm suprised the State legislature didn't change the recall law or even abolish it before this happened. Surely they saw this coming.
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
Omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. There is no safe space from God. No sanctuary zone. No autonomous zone. GOD Agents go where they please. They walk through walls. Heaven has a wall. The wall has a gate, but it's guarded by Gandalf. The Gates of Hell are always open. Hell has cages. Hell is socialist. All its services are free. No ID required.
Busy day.....
jaymaron comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Live by the hoax, die by the hoax. Everything democrats do bites them in the ass. They don't think ahead.
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
PhysiciansWeekly: Physiological barriers to space flight and Mars colonization.
pbuck0145 comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Despite the allegations of some "visionaries", Earth's biosphere is the only environment wherein humans will ever survive and thrive.
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
@Edgework Kirk boldly goes anywhere, but then he comes back. Kirk prefers to spend shore leave on planet Risa.
Where are all the animal activists? []
Weltansicht comments on Mar 14, 2021:
They can try to get mine but mine will kill them. They are all bonded together for protection. They will not tolerate any stranger capturing a member. They are just like the Siamese cats that protect the valuables in Thailand Buddhist temples where stupid tourists and thieves get killed by them. ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
Goose attacks man.
PhysiciansWeekly: Physiological barriers to space flight and Mars colonization.
jaymaron comments on Mar 14, 2021:
It takes 4 tons/meter^2 to stop cosmic rays. Earth's atmosphere is thick enough and Mars' isn't. The surface of Mars experiences heavy radiation. You need 1.5 meters of rock to stop cosmic rays. This is also a problem for the trip to Mars. The spacecraft needs radiation shielding and will have ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
@eschatologyguy Almost all pop sci articles are ignorant of the radiation problem. Their mission plans won't work. The physicist Eugene Parker recognized the radiation problem in 1960 and sent out memos. Physicists got the memo and thenceforth included radiation physics in the mission plan. Pop scientists didn't read the memo.
PhysiciansWeekly: Physiological barriers to space flight and Mars colonization.
pbuck0145 comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Despite the allegations of some "visionaries", Earth's biosphere is the only environment wherein humans will ever survive and thrive.
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
@eschatologyguy In the show "Space Force", there is a battle on the moon between America and China where they destroy each other's habitat modules with spears.
TRTWorld: French minister calls for English to be replaced with Latin as the official language of ...
jaymaron comments on Mar 14, 2021:
England defeated France in the War of 1812 and settled the matter of the World's language once and for all. Wars have consequences. France, you lost. A result of the war was the Louisiana Purchase. Vast land that was destined to be French became American. America lost the war to China. ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
TRTWorld: French minister calls for English to be replaced with Latin as the official language of ...
jaymaron comments on Mar 14, 2021:
England defeated France in the War of 1812 and settled the matter of the World's language once and for all. Wars have consequences. France, you lost. A result of the war was the Louisiana Purchase. Vast land that was destined to be French became American. America lost the war to China. ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
Fraction of the world's native speakers, in %. Chinese 12 Spanish 6 English 5 Hindi 4.4 Bengali 3.0 Portuguese 2.9 Russian 2.0 Japanese 1.7 W. Punjabi 1.2 Korean 1.0 French 1.0 German 1.0 Vietnamese 1.0 Italian .8 Latin 0 It's over for America. I'm learning Japanese and Hindi.
TRTWorld: French minister calls for English to be replaced with Latin as the official language of ...
jaymaron comments on Mar 14, 2021:
England defeated France in the War of 1812 and settled the matter of the World's language once and for all. Wars have consequences. France, you lost. A result of the war was the Louisiana Purchase. Vast land that was destined to be French became American. America lost the war to China. ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
To pile it on, the French once possessed Mexico and lost it, and Mexico ditched French for Spanish. The French tried to make Russia speak French and failed. France once possessed Vietnam and lost it. America stepped in and Vietnamese learned English. In World War 2, in the first bracket round, France lost to Germany and French found themselves learning German. In the World War 2 bracket final, America and England defeated Germany and saved France's ass, so that the French could continue speaking French. Say thank you France.
When Our Dictionaries Gave Up The Ghost ”Blatantly tossing out something with such clearly ...
jaymaron comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Someone should preserve a copy of the Oxford English Dictionary before leftists vandalize it. Ludicrous word proliferation. You can't keep up. A language should strive to be as compact as possible. It's as dumb as using Chinese characters instead of a phonetic alphabet.
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
An essential feature of the language of mathematics is that it is in its most compact and elegant form. It is pithy. The Oxford English Dictionary is masterfully pithy. Its definition for the word pithy is pithy. Pithy: Much matter in few words. Not only will leftists dictionaries multiply words beyond necessary, in violation of Occam's razor, they will also use unpithy definitions.
Good news! The Gutfeld show is henceforth happening every weekday at 11.
timon_phocas comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Howdy @jaymaron, The Woke Mob is forcing us build what will become our own media giants. I think they will succeed because they'll recognize they have to respect the worldviews of their audience.
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
Trump could be the ultimate reality show. Just follow him around. I'd watch that. Trump knows how to gather a crowd and gain ratings. Apprentice yo! Trump could create a new show called "The Candidate". We need new Republican politicians with game. Gutfeld has a skit on last Saturday's show called "All Trump Network", where the mainstream media laments that Trump was the driver of their ratings, and they miss him.
Do we give our money to the church to help the poor?
jaymaron comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Churches are carrying the load for handling the homeless problem. Without churches,, the homeless problem becomes vastly worse.
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
@Serg97 And Democrats hate Christianity, and they hate Churches. Churches were one of the prime victims of the lockdown Nazis.
Texas Dem Blasts Biden Delegation’s Border Visit: ‘They Didn’t Talk to Anybody’ ...
jaymaron comments on Mar 14, 2021:
And they denied access to Republican observers. Please please please hoping someone infiltrates the facility and takes pictures.
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
@toronto_Georgia The people in the shelter system are required to submit themselves to psychiatrists, and there are many corrupt psychiatrists. Psychiatry is used as a weapon of control. Democrats talk about replacing police with psychiatrists. Bull. The police world has due process and the psychiatric world doesn't. The psychiatry world is judge, jury, and executioner. They can make any judgement they want, without check, and they can take any action they want. They often take strong action. Once people have the experience of being bullied by psychiatrists, they will miss the police. Psychiatry wards are torture chambers. There are no civil liberties. No way out. No lawyer. No court. The psychiatrist can keep you there as long as he wants. He has dictatorial power. And psychiatrists can't handle rebuttal. They melt down emotionally like babies. As a scientist, I judge the world of psychiatry to be weak. It's well known that psychiatrists are the weakest type of doctor, the ones who did most poorly in medical school, or the ones who were lazy. There exist techniques that work. Alexander Technique and Feldenkrais Technique are mind-body techniques. The Altech and Feltech communities are large, they are well trained, and they have game. The world of music conservatories has embraced these techniques. It's now standard practice when learning an instrument to use mind-body techniques. Altech and Feltech practitioners are far more wise with emotions than psychologists or psychiatrists. The way to emotional serenity is with mind-body control. Almost all psychologists and psychiatrists are totally ignorant of Altech and Feltech. It's a shameful scientific whiff. Alexander Technique textbook:
wolfhnd comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Have you seen my explanation of Masks? Masks serve the same purpose as live virus once did in inoculation. They reduce the viral load reducing severity of disease and speeding up herd immunity. Same thing happens with the six foot rule. That of course doesn't work if you are stuck in a ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
wolfhnd comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Have you seen my explanation of Masks? Masks serve the same purpose as live virus once did in inoculation. They reduce the viral load reducing severity of disease and speeding up herd immunity. Same thing happens with the six foot rule. That of course doesn't work if you are stuck in a ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
@Garsco Democrats are magnitude blind. Innumerate. Democrats are incapable of magnitude-based thought. They confuse million and billion. At least Doctor Evil knows the difference. He just wasn't up to date on inflation. Hyperinflation coming. I'm hearing Doctor Evil say "One Trillion Dollars!"
Do we give our money to the church to help the poor?
jaymaron comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Churches are carrying the load for handling the homeless problem. Without churches,, the homeless problem becomes vastly worse.
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
@Garsco I can only speak for the New York system. Here, there are churches doing heroic work, such as the Broadway Presbyterian Church, Saint Francis Xavier Church, and Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. New York is also heavy on Buddhist temples that do philanthropic work.
Texas Dem Blasts Biden Delegation’s Border Visit: ‘They Didn’t Talk to Anybody’ ...
jaymaron comments on Mar 14, 2021:
And they denied access to Republican observers. Please please please hoping someone infiltrates the facility and takes pictures.
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
@toronto_Georgia I have been anthropologically studying the shelter system. In the NY system, the number of government employees in the system is of comparable magnitude as the number of homeless. Even if you solved the homeless problem, the city would then be stuck with a large number of government employees still on the payroll. The shelter system is really a government crony machine and a way to grab tax dollars.
Texas Dem Blasts Biden Delegation’s Border Visit: ‘They Didn’t Talk to Anybody’ ...
jaymaron comments on Mar 14, 2021:
And they denied access to Republican observers. Please please please hoping someone infiltrates the facility and takes pictures.
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
@toronto_Georgia FEMA is needed in Los Angeles, San Francisco, etc.
wolfhnd comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Have you seen my explanation of Masks? Masks serve the same purpose as live virus once did in inoculation. They reduce the viral load reducing severity of disease and speeding up herd immunity. Same thing happens with the six foot rule. That of course doesn't work if you are stuck in a ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
Good point. This is a job for applied mathematics. There is a college contest for applied mathematics called the Mathematical Contest in Modeling. We should emphasize it. America used to dominate the competition and now China dominates. Fauci never uses mathematics. The blame for the plague rests with the CDC, for failing to embrace mathematics. Ignore chemists and biologists. If you want mathematics, bring in physicists.
Migrant children’s camp at 729% capacity Biden’s border policy is abysmal []
Penrodster comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Interesting CBS is willing to report this now. Sleeping on the floor in shifts makes it sound like Calcutta conditions. Wonder how much that lawsuit will cost? I wouldn't blame Biden. I'd blame whomever writes the script Biden reads off the teleprompter. Wish we had some idea who that was....
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
Good point, that the blame does not rest with vegetable Biden. Nevertheless we need to blame someone. We need a scapegoat. We need to pin the tail on the donkey. We can't scapegoat Biden's handlers because they're hiding in the shadows. Blame Biden.
Fed or Lead? How Social Media Algorithm MISLEADS People - YouTube
iThink comments on Mar 13, 2021:
if you are a real grown up person - a grown ass man - then you should already have learned to think for youself and to believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. NOBODY can force-feed a view point to you unless you're an uninitiated plebe.
jaymaron replies on Mar 14, 2021:
Seems obvious to conservatives. Seems unobvious to leftists. Leftists refuse to watch conservative news because leftist news told them not to. Where is the spirit of Galileo? If you don't read conservative news, you are neither right nor wrong. You're "not even wrong". You are uncurious. You are gullible. For the right, facts trump feelings. For the left, feelings trump facts. Sensitivity trumps feelings. Feelings are lame if you're insensitive to the feelings of others. If you don't read conservative news then you are insensitive.
Portland Police "kettled" the ANTIFA troublemakers, lol.
MilesPurdue comments on Mar 13, 2021:
At least the Portland Mayor is starting to see reality.
jaymaron replies on Mar 13, 2021:
Last summer the mayor defunded the police by 16 million. Now he's asking for 2 million for more police.
I recently read this post providing some insight into democrats views on the current ...
toronto_Georgia comments on Mar 13, 2021:
I have not heard a peep out of the Dems and Never Trumpers that I know. Eerily silent in fact. That to me speaks volumes. Add to that the New Big Bold Infrastructure Bill Pelosi is working on now, expected to cost at least $2T, Biden is considering raising taxes as a way to pay for the ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 13, 2021:
@eschatologyguy I only give cats food that I would eat myself. I give them fine meat. I eat with the cats. Animals connect to food.
CBSNews: utter chaos in Biden's border detention facilities.
jaymaron comments on Mar 13, 2021:
Imagine if Trump went there personally and pointed out the appalling conditions.
jaymaron replies on Mar 13, 2021:
@timon_phocas Hilarous! Can someone meme this?


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