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History of The Bomb Szilard invented the The Bomb and told no one.
eschatologyguy comments on Jun 6, 2021:
It seems strange that somebody would shun the credit for inventing the bomb but would later write a book laying claim to it.
jaymaron replies on Jun 6, 2021:
@FuzzyMarineVet Szilard and Zinn build an experiment. Only Szilard knew that this was the key experiment to build. No one else thought to build the experiment. Such is the genius of Szilard. Szilard hit the ball and everyone else whiffed! It's not about facts. It's about theory. Theory leads you to better facts. Those who hate theory will only know lesser facts. Great theorists know the pleasure of greater facts. The experiment was a test of a neutron multiplier. The essence of Szilard's insight is that he was the first to realize that the key to harnessing the colossal energy of the nucleus was a neutron multiplier. Szilard and Zinn build the experiment and turned it on. The device output more neutrons than were put in. Szilard and Zinn invented the neutron multiplier. The words "neutron multiplier" don't feel intimidating. A nuclear bomb is intimidating. The key to building a nuclear bomb is a neutron multiplier. When Szilard and Zinn did the experiment, nobody had seen a nuclear bomb and nobody at the time understood the importance of the experiment. Szilard and Zinn did. After they did the experiment, they knew that this meant nuclear bombs can happen, and they were the only ones in the world that knew. Szilard said: "We knew the world was headed for grief". The Shadow Knows! Few ask *how* The Shadow knows. That's what's important. Szilard was the high school mathematics champion of Hungary. That's like being the football stud of Texas.
Hi-rez: [jaymaron.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 6, 2021:
The question that I wanted to ask if I got into Grad school: Why did it take 5,000 yrs from the invention of the wheel (approx) to the steam engine, but only 150 years from the steam engine to landing on the moon? From blood letting to brain surgery in 100 yrs. What changed in society to drive ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 6, 2021:
@tracycoyle Land carrying capacity, in people/km^2: Hunter-gatherers 1 0th century agriculture 10 18th century agriculture 30 21st century agriculture 100 Hydroponics 300 A transition occurred where the dominant profession was once farming and then it wasn't. The Founding Fathers were farmers, and they drafted a farmer-friendly constitution. Call them the Founding Farmers. Farmers understand the reality of feedstock and cityfolk don't. It's all math. Farming is hard and cityfolk can't farm. The best way to humble a city is to siege their food. Cityfolk abandoned farming to think about other things, but the things they chose to think about are dumb. They should have stayed on the farm.
Hi-rez: [jaymaron.
tracycoyle comments on Jun 6, 2021:
The question that I wanted to ask if I got into Grad school: Why did it take 5,000 yrs from the invention of the wheel (approx) to the steam engine, but only 150 years from the steam engine to landing on the moon? From blood letting to brain surgery in 100 yrs. What changed in society to drive ...
jaymaron replies on Jun 6, 2021:
@tracycoyle I agree that we have entered a dark age. America used to be a superpower of bridges and dams. America's bridges and dams humbled the rest of the world. And we built each of them in 1 year and with minimalist government. Today, California can't build anything even if given 10 billion dollars and 10 years. In 1869 America completed the trans-continental railroad. California still hasn't built a commuter rail connecting San Francisco and Los Angeles, in spite of having had billions of dollars and decades thrown at it. Lame! California has frequent blackouts, and they can't turn on the power because the power lines are above ground and they start bigly forest fires. California can't bury the power lines because the electric utilities are billions in debt. California has abundant freshwater and they decline to harness it with an estuary dam. Lame! Who suffers? Not city folk. Farmers suffer, and California Democrats don't give a damn about farmers. California is a failed state. Schools have gone Khmer Rouge. They have become anti-education. Leftist teachers want to make kids stupider, not smarter. The Fauci debacle illustrated that science is dead, and that independent thinking is dead. The true casualty was the crushing of independent thought by leftists. Let's take it back! Any time anyone challenges your independent thought, cite the Fauci debacle. Case closed! We win!
History of The Bomb Szilard invented the The Bomb and told no one.
HistoryCorner comments on Jun 6, 2021:
Do you know what made the physicists leave Germany in such large numbers?
jaymaron replies on Jun 6, 2021:
@sqeptiq Obviously, the reason for the mighty British Navy was to escort merchant ships carrying spices. Because native British food is bland.
It would appear that fakebook has become a shill for China. []
WayneHawthorne comments on Jun 1, 2021:
So far I have poached over 80 (Friends) from Fakebook and successfully introduced them to IDW (Slug).
jaymaron replies on Jun 2, 2021:
@bobbo666 @JerryErvin @WayneHawthorne @Rick-A @eschatology What an opportunity, mocking Democrat refugees from failed Democrat cities seeking sanctuary on Republican turf. Yes, mock them ruthlessly. Seize every opportunity to praise Trump. Loud and proud. The moving van companies did a good deed and published their moving van data, which shows vans flowing from blue states to red states.
I doubt all the mainstream medias acknowledge such.
angelo comments on Jun 2, 2021:
Last stats I've seen say that 19 of the US's top 20 most violent cities are Democrat run.
jaymaron replies on Jun 2, 2021:
It would appear that fakebook has become a shill for China. []
WayneHawthorne comments on Jun 1, 2021:
So far I have poached over 80 (Friends) from Fakebook and successfully introduced them to IDW (Slug).
jaymaron replies on Jun 1, 2021:
@WayneHawthorne Freemasons bah! World Economic Forum bah! True power rests with the Intellectual Dark Web Lodge. Do you want the power?
It would appear that fakebook has become a shill for China. []
WayneHawthorne comments on Jun 1, 2021:
So far I have poached over 80 (Friends) from Fakebook and successfully introduced them to IDW (Slug).
jaymaron replies on Jun 1, 2021:
@WayneHawthorne Hero! What else can we do to coax people to Slug? Slug has better features than Facebook. Better features beget better discussions.
NYPost: JBS, world's largest meat processor, was hit by a cyberattack and had to shut down its North...
Mechanic comments on Jun 1, 2021:
The US response to the Barbary Pirates seems appropriate here.
jaymaron replies on Jun 1, 2021:
@timon_phocas @Mechanic @toronto_Georgia What a glorious story, Jefferson vs. The Barbary Pirates! This story deserves glory. How many times has America saved Europe's ass? WW2, WW1, and the Barbary Wars. For centuries the Barbary Pirates were enslaving white Europeans and Europeans couldn't stop it. America could. For Europe it was a home game and for America it was an away game. Europe is close to the war and America is far from it. Even from all the way across the Atlantic, Jefferson kicked the Pirate's asses. Ideally, farms should be immune to cyberattack. Farms should be our last bastion when civilization collapses. Plan for a Mad Max world.
So I'm reading that Baltimore City schools are once again planning to advance students who failed ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir @RaikaRah @iThink @sqeptiq Parents, when choosing where to live, tend to take into account the quality of a district's school. A school in a city and near a university tends to be better than a rural school. Live in a good district and your kids get a great school and great ...
jaymaron replies on May 31, 2021:
@Krunoslav I grant the point that the stock market is corrupt. It seems that the fundamental substance of value is not energy. It's political power. Yes, if you have power over the stock market, the stock market is a high-return low-risk investment for you. Kissinger: Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. Leveraged trading can be yugely profitable, but it comes with the risk of an occasional apocalypse, and you can lose more than you invested. Unless you control the stock market and you can squirm out of an apocalypse. This is what happened in the Gamestop scandal. Traders held a leveraged position that collapsed, but they used their power to shut down trading and squirm out of it. The margin call came and the oligarchs simply ignored it. They didn't pay up. Hence oligarchs can enjoy the profitability of leveraged trading without the risk. This is extreme jackassery. Oligarchs are stealing from plebes. Truman: You can't get rich in politics unless you're a crook. The Clinton Foundation was a factory for converting political power into money. When Hillary lost the election in 2016, donations to the Clinton Foundation ceased. Did Nixon use political power to get rich? He didn't. Nixon was focused on doing his job, such as defending Israel. Nixon was not a crook. Hillary is a crook. The best investment that exists is to bribe a politician.
So I'm reading that Baltimore City schools are once again planning to advance students who failed ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir @RaikaRah @iThink @sqeptiq Parents, when choosing where to live, tend to take into account the quality of a district's school. A school in a city and near a university tends to be better than a rural school. Live in a good district and your kids get a great school and great ...
jaymaron replies on May 31, 2021:
@Krunoslav The more convertible something is, the more useful it is as a currency. The most convertible substance in the universe is energy. Energy is the true object of value, and the value of other assets like gold hinges on energy. For example, to convert energy into metal: Dried seawater is 4% magnesium salt, hence magnesium ore is universally available. Energy can convert magnesium salt into pure magnesium, which has value. The value of magnesium is determined by the energy required to extract it. This is the concept of "embodied energy". Gold is produced by crushing rock into dust, then dissolving it in acid, then electrolyzing it with electricity. Crushing rock takes energy. Making acid takes energy. Electricity takes energy. The value of gold is determined by the energy required to extract it. In the stock market, there does not exist a stock that is simultaneously high-return and low-risk. The laws of the stock market forbit it from happening. At present, solar cells are a low-return low-risk investment. As their price decreases, there will come a day when they are a high-return low-risk investment. Upon this day, people will ditch the stock market and buy solar cells. At present, wealth is measured as energy (Joules). After the solar cell revolution, wealth will be measured as power (Watts). Wealthy people will own massive solar cell installations.
So I'm reading that Baltimore City schools are once again planning to advance students who failed ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir @RaikaRah @iThink @sqeptiq A strategy for Republican states: Defund public schools! Nuke them and liquidate the assets. Let parents that are paying private school tuition deduct it from their state tax and property tax. Then the money goes from parents to teachers directly,...
jaymaron replies on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir Welcoming more boy scout stories. How did your troop tackle the wilderness? Canadians should get the wilderness survival merit badge just for being Canadian, and for making it to adulthood without dying of hypothermia.
So I'm reading that Baltimore City schools are once again planning to advance students who failed ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir @RaikaRah @iThink @sqeptiq Parents, when choosing where to live, tend to take into account the quality of a district's school. A school in a city and near a university tends to be better than a rural school. Live in a good district and your kids get a great school and great ...
jaymaron replies on May 30, 2021:
@Mechanic @Alysandir @iThink @RaikaRah @sqeptiq @Krunoslav @Farmerguy56 All metals matter! We need metal for currency, industry, muscle cars, and music.
So I'm reading that Baltimore City schools are once again planning to advance students who failed ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir @RaikaRah @iThink @sqeptiq A strategy for Republican states: Defund public schools! Nuke them and liquidate the assets. Let parents that are paying private school tuition deduct it from their state tax and property tax. Then the money goes from parents to teachers directly,...
jaymaron replies on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir For Eagle scout rank, 3 of the required merit badges were: Citizenship in the community Citizenship in the nation Citizenship in the world Was this not enough social justice? Jesus we're trying to survive the Harsh Wilderness and also be community-minded as well. Boy Scouts can virtue signal that they had social justice in their merit badge system long before the left did, and they did it while also surviving the wilderness. The left cannot survive the wilderness. What matters is that the Boy Scouts has a Wilderness Survival Merit Badge. The Wilderness trumps social justice. Physics trumps feelings. It's cool that old-school boy scouts understood the difference between local community and global community. The boy scouts are one of the greatest examples of creating local communities, along with churches and little league sports.
So I'm reading that Baltimore City schools are once again planning to advance students who failed ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir @RaikaRah @iThink @sqeptiq A strategy for Republican states: Defund public schools! Nuke them and liquidate the assets. Let parents that are paying private school tuition deduct it from their state tax and property tax. Then the money goes from parents to teachers directly,...
jaymaron replies on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir A great vehicle for this was the boy scouts. There is no boy scout school. Everything is done by parents and scoutmasters. Kids have total choice over which troop to join. Scoutmasters are volunteers that are not paid. That meant that scoutmasters tended to be cool. I give thanks for the cool scoutmasters that volunteered their energy and turbocharged our troop. The boy scouts hauls kids out of the city and dumps their asses in the wilderness. The wilderness is not pass or fail. The wilderness is life or death. In the leftist world, if you fail a grade you still get to advance to the next grade. In the wilderness, if you fail a test you don't advance. You die. Back in the day, boy scouts shot guns and rode horses. If you sent them back in time to the American Revolution they would fit right in. The most prestigious merit badge was the wilderness survival merit badge. Today, the boy scouts has a social justice merit badge. Facts don't care how you feel. The Wilderness doesn't care about your social justice merit badge. The Wilderness only respects your Wilderness Survival Merit Badge. Alas, the boy scouts were destroyed by leftists. Leftists destroyed most institutions. Parents don't need the boy scouts. They are already carrying most of the weight. If the Boy Scouts of America collapses, individual troops can carry on just fine. A troop doesn't need a federal governmental structure. A troop is a fine example of conservatism. A government that creates a system that doesn't require government is a successful government. A government that creates a system that requires government is a failed government. Raise kids in a way that you can let them go when they come of age. Traim them to fend for themselves. Al Pacino, from Scent of a Woman: If you think you're preparing these minnows for manhood, you better think again. The boy scouts used to turn boys into men. Now it turns boys into babies. Parents are carrying most of the weight for little league sports, by coaching. Let's have more little league sports. Kids should be subjected to objectivity. Pound into their heads that there is no safe space from The Wilderness. There is no safe space from nuclear bombs. There is no safe space from the laws of physics. Physics goes where it pleases. Physics is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Deal with it. Or die. Things that are objective: Math competitions History knowledge Sports The Wilderness
So I'm reading that Baltimore City schools are once again planning to advance students who failed ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir @RaikaRah @iThink @sqeptiq Parents, when choosing where to live, tend to take into account the quality of a district's school. A school in a city and near a university tends to be better than a rural school. Live in a good district and your kids get a great school and great ...
jaymaron replies on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir @iThink @RaikaRah @sqeptiq @Krunoslav @Mechanic @Farmerguy56 A currency metal has to have high value in $/kg. It also has to have industrial value. The high-value metals that have industrial value are: Rare-Earths: Used throughout the electronics industry, and for magnets Platinum, palladium, and rhodium: Catalysts for the chemical industry and for mufflers Rhenium, osmium, iridium: Superhard metals. Rhenium is used for aircraft turbines. Germanium: Fiber optics Caesium: Best drilling lubricant, in the form of caesium formate. The entire mining industry hinges on caesium. Silver: Solar cells. Most reflective metal and best conductor. That's why silver is so shiny. People like shiny things. Platinum and gold are the two metals that never oxidize and are always shiny. Elite wrist watches are made of platinum. So long as there are elite wrists there will be demand for platinum. Beryllium: Best strength/mass ratio of all metal. Lightest of the strong metals. Tantalum: Capacitors with high energy/volume. Needed for portable electronics. Scandium: Great alloy metal. Scandium improves other metals. Lithium: Batteries Gold: Electronics Units of trillions of dollars: World wealth total 400 World stock markets 80 Gold, world reserves 10.9 World paper currencies 7 World cryptocurrencies 2.0 Silver, world reserves .01 If people ditch conventional assets and buy gold, there isn't enough gold to go around. Gold would spike in value. Jewelry is bank. There will always be demand for jewelry, even if it doesn't have industrial value. So long as there is narcissism there will be demand for jewelry. Gold and platinum are used for jewelry because they are the shiniest, and they never tarnish. Silver and brass are shiny but they tarnish and you have to periodically polish them. You can leave gold and platinum out in the wilderness for a billion years and they will still be shiny. The Trump dynasty will always be there to fuel demand for gold. Dead dynasties: Kennedy, Bush, Clinton, Windsor, Habsburg, Cuomo. The Trump dynasty has just gotten started. Trump's descendants are mighty. Leftists that think they've banished Trump should think again. Don Trump Jr will kick their asses, just like Trump Sr. did. Trump: Thou shalt polish the brass in the Trump Tower every month. Trump employee: Sir, polishing the brass every month is expensive. I recommend saving money and polishing it every 3 months. Trump: Thou shalt polish the brass every month. Regardless of cost. The brass and marble of the Trump Tower are beautiful. Copper tarnishes, but it tarnishes into copper sulfide, which is as mighty as Captain America's shield. It's called "patina". Patina is eternal. A copper statue with a patina coating can endure the wilderness for...
So I'm reading that Baltimore City schools are once again planning to advance students who failed ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir @RaikaRah @iThink @sqeptiq Parents, when choosing where to live, tend to take into account the quality of a district's school. A school in a city and near a university tends to be better than a rural school. Live in a good district and your kids get a great school and great ...
jaymaron replies on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir Once quantum computers reach maturity, all cryptocurrency will become valueless.
So I'm reading that Baltimore City schools are once again planning to advance students who failed ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir @RaikaRah @iThink @sqeptiq Parents, when choosing where to live, tend to take into account the quality of a district's school. A school in a city and near a university tends to be better than a rural school. Live in a good district and your kids get a great school and great ...
jaymaron replies on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir Good question, what assets cannot be stolen by the government? The government can take your land with egregious property tax. If you invest in solar cells, the government can take the solar cells. Money will hyperinflate. The stock market will crash. I propose buying precious metals and burying them in the ground. The best ones to buy are the ones for which world production is low, and the ones that come from conflict zones. Target elements for which China is the world's dominant producer. These elements include rare-Earths and germanium. Platinum group metals jumped in price by a factor of 10 over the past four years. Currency metals:
So I'm reading that Baltimore City schools are once again planning to advance students who failed ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir @RaikaRah @iThink @sqeptiq Parents, when choosing where to live, tend to take into account the quality of a district's school. A school in a city and near a university tends to be better than a rural school. Live in a good district and your kids get a great school and great ...
jaymaron replies on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir My advice to students is to not go into scientific research. Objectivity in the sciences is dead. Science is no longer a meritocracy. Instead, make as much money as you can. That's all that society cares about. Study physics. Even if research is dead, so few know physics that having it is like having an ace. I tell my students to take physics classes just because it looks impressive on a transcript. You want to set yourself apart from someone who took social justice classes. Study as much history as you can. History is bank. You don't need a school.
So I'm reading that Baltimore City schools are once again planning to advance students who failed ...
jaymaron comments on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir @RaikaRah @iThink @sqeptiq Parents, when choosing where to live, tend to take into account the quality of a district's school. A school in a city and near a university tends to be better than a rural school. Live in a good district and your kids get a great school and great ...
jaymaron replies on May 30, 2021:
@Alysandir The American aristocracy of today is as arrogant as the French aristocracy of 1789. What will be the Storming of the Bastille? Possibilities include: Parents storming public schools. Leftist college students storming the college administration and demanding that the college pay out the endowment to students and alumni. Endowments are a bigly pot of gold that students will covet. They'll concoct some argument involving reparations. ------------------ Great idea, charter schools. Elite students that study hard are easy to teach. A class full of such students gains lots of yards, even with a bad teacher. If a teacher sucks, elite students don't cry about the teacher. They study hard anyway. A badass student can learn even with bad teachers. Students that don't study hard are hard to teach. It can be done, but only by a charismatic teacher. Charter schools will have to find a way to teach the tail end of the distribution. I spend much time worrying about this from teaching at the City University of New York. Even in a city with charter schools, there is the problem that there are non-charter schools that are sucking up public money and increasing property tax. If a student is failing, expel him from public schools, so he doesn't leach public school money. Don't waste money on such students. The corruption in public schools is deep and unfixable. I propose that we eliminate all public schools. It's time for a good old fashioned Norse apocalypse. Unleash the Surtr!
If you're amongst Democrats and raise a Republican talking point, Democrats simply ignore it.
Alysandir comments on May 28, 2021:
Speaking as a libertarian, my experience holds that Democrats will dismiss any point they don't agree with under the presumption that it's wrong and not worth talking about, where Republicans will argue anything into the ground, even if their argument makes literally no sense. Can you give me an ...
jaymaron replies on May 28, 2021:
@Alysandir If you want to kick ass in chess you need to be able to think many moves ahead, and Democrats can't do this. Republicans have heard the Democrat arguments and constructed the Standard Republican Rebuttals. Democrats don't read the rebuttals, which is like making a chess move and not considering the opponent's reply. Republicans can think many moves ahead. A Republican is experienced in debating Democrats and he knows their standard moves, and Republicans have already countered them. Republicans have studied the chess openings and Democrats haven't.
If you're amongst Democrats and raise a Republican talking point, Democrats simply ignore it.
Alysandir comments on May 28, 2021:
Speaking as a libertarian, my experience holds that Democrats will dismiss any point they don't agree with under the presumption that it's wrong and not worth talking about, where Republicans will argue anything into the ground, even if their argument makes literally no sense. Can you give me an ...
jaymaron replies on May 28, 2021:
@Alysandir I grant that Republicans can virtue signal about their zest for debate. I'll soften the statement and say instead that Democrat talking points have no chance of winning in the Republican Stadium. The words aren't important. My only goal is the meme.
Election Lawsuits:"But have you noticed that – to prop up their version of reality – they’ve ...
dentrawler comments on Feb 27, 2021:
All I can really hope for is that one state, maybe Arizona, will overturn their results. I can't imagine a situation where all of the states where this corruption existed would do the same, but just one would make me happy. Then the media will have to eat their words...who knows, maybe one or two ...
jaymaron replies on May 27, 2021:
@Garsco Yes, this is general, that Democrats never own up to errors. After 2 years of attacking Republicans over Russian collusion, their cased died when Mueller produced nothing. After Mueller's report came out, did Democrats apologize? No. The next day they launched the Ukraine hoax, to cover up their failed Russian collusion hoax. Make Democrats eat their words. Never let them forget their errors.
parsifal comments on May 26, 2021:
The wet market in Wuhan is a fish and seafood market. Of the sixty or so witnesses interviewed, none had ever seen a bat sold in that market...
jaymaron replies on May 26, 2021:
Bats have a mass of 10 grams. They're useless as livestock. Birds are bigger than bats because feathers are much more structurally effective than skin.
Telegraph: When Australian Tesla owners need service calls, Tesla responds with petrol powered ...
jaymaron comments on May 24, 2021:
We need truck diversity. An air force has aircraft diversity. It has fighters, bombers, and transports. A pond has waterfowl diversity. It has ducks, geese, and swans. Trucks can be divided into 2 types: Long-range: Use a gasoline engine. Nuff sed. Short range: Use electric motors, ...
jaymaron replies on May 24, 2021:
@Bay0Wulf Yes, cobalt is a conflict element and an endangered element. Amazon is a predatory monopoly. Amazon packages are conflict packages. Conflict elements:
The Puckle Gun- [] The Second Amendment does NOT only apply to muskets.
jaymaron comments on Oct 30, 2020: Gun technology timeline.
jaymaron replies on May 24, 2021:
@ZuzecaSape Hi-rez version at
Did You Know?
sqeptiq comments on May 23, 2021:
🗣We want nuclear-powered cell phones!
jaymaron replies on May 23, 2021:
@sqeptiq @Alysandir A nuclear battery that produces 20 Watts can power your laptop and it weighs 100 grams. It lasts a decade. Wouldn't it be nice to have one of these? A smartphone is .5 Watts and can be powered with a nuclear battery.
Bloomberg columnist: We may have to force people to get vaccinated- [bearingarms.
FuzzyMarineVet comments on May 22, 2021:
Michael Bloombug is a runt with a Napoleon complex. He thinks he is superior to all the "little people" who don't know how the properly spend their money, so he wants to take it away from them and then spend some of it for them, and the rest for his more deserving self.
jaymaron replies on May 23, 2021:
@Alysandir Kirk: Scotty! I need more power! Kirk doesn't tell Scotty *how* to deliver more power. That's Scotty's turf. Kirk leaves it to Scotty. The mark of a good captain is who he places in charge of the engine room. If you chose the wrong person, you won't get your power. Kirk and Spock mastermind the battle strategy, and Scotty delivers the power. It's a team. Westinghouse put Tesla in charge of his engine room, and Tesla delivered bigly power. Tesla designed the Niagara hydroelectric plant, which eclipsed all previous hydroelectric plants by an order of magnitude. 30 MegaWatts! The word MegaWatt had never previously been used. Tesla coined the word MegaWatt. Feel the power!
‘Woke madness’: California to consider mathematics as inherently racist This would be the ...
KeVince comments on May 23, 2021:
an attempt to further destroy the next generation they can barley read and write, now they want to have them not be able to do even basic math.
jaymaron replies on May 23, 2021:
@KeVince For an experiment, sit in a Starbucks next to a university and listen to Millenials talk. They can't talk. They suck at oration. They can't write. They need Grammarly. They can't speak. They need Speakerly. They can't think. They need Thinkerly.
Bloomberg columnist: We may have to force people to get vaccinated- [bearingarms.
FuzzyMarineVet comments on May 22, 2021:
Michael Bloombug is a runt with a Napoleon complex. He thinks he is superior to all the "little people" who don't know how the properly spend their money, so he wants to take it away from them and then spend some of it for them, and the rest for his more deserving self.
jaymaron replies on May 23, 2021:
@Alysandir I agree about your drawing attention to the matter of appointments. Rich topic.
Bloomberg columnist: We may have to force people to get vaccinated- [bearingarms.
FuzzyMarineVet comments on May 22, 2021:
Michael Bloombug is a runt with a Napoleon complex. He thinks he is superior to all the "little people" who don't know how the properly spend their money, so he wants to take it away from them and then spend some of it for them, and the rest for his more deserving self.
jaymaron replies on May 23, 2021:
@Alysandir Once upon a time, the corrupt Mayor of New York gave cronyistic contracts to Democrats to build a skating rink in Central Park. The cronys that the mayor chose to build the rink failed to build a rink, and they spent more money than the budget. In desperation (because the public was promised a rink and it wasn't happening), the mayor gave the project to Trump. Trump built the rink, and he did it ahead-of-schedule and under budget. Trump tells the story in "Art of the Deal". How did Trump do it? He called a Canadian rink builder with a proven record for building rinks. He put the Canadian rink builder in command. Trump turned raw terrain into 17 beautiful golf courses. I agree that it should be about appointments. With Biden it's the other way around. Biden doesn't appoint. Biden was appointed. Biden was appointed by puppetmasters.
‘Woke madness’: California to consider mathematics as inherently racist This would be the ...
jaymaron comments on May 23, 2021:
California has lots of math nerds. This is a powderkeg. Caltech is the last bastion of badass mathematical education.
jaymaron replies on May 23, 2021:
@KeVince Old-school badass physicists could program in Fortran with punch cards, which were written in base 16. The aliens are mocking us for base 10. We should have used a base including only factors of 2. English units had the right idea with binary subdivision. Tablespoon= 4 drams = 3 teaspoons Ounce = 8 drams Jack = 2 ounces Gill = 4 ounces Cup = 8 ounces Pint = 16 ounces = 1 pound of water Quart = 2 pints Pottle = 4 pints Gallon = 8 pints Peck = 2 gallons Kenning = 4 gallons Bushel = 8 gallons Strike = 16 gallons Coomb = 32 gallons Seam = 64 gallons Barrel = 31.5 gallons Hogshead = 2 barrels Butt = 4 barrels Tun = 8 barrels = 2016 pounds of water = 914 kg = .914 metric tons
Relationships are a lot like algebra. Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?
jaymaron comments on May 23, 2021:
Love is chemistry and sex is physics.
jaymaron replies on May 23, 2021:
@eschatologyguy Fertile topic. Expand?
Bloomberg columnist: We may have to force people to get vaccinated- [bearingarms.
FuzzyMarineVet comments on May 22, 2021:
Michael Bloombug is a runt with a Napoleon complex. He thinks he is superior to all the "little people" who don't know how the properly spend their money, so he wants to take it away from them and then spend some of it for them, and the rest for his more deserving self.
jaymaron replies on May 23, 2021:
@FuzzyMarineVet @SpikeTalon @eschatologyguy @Derf @WayneHawthorne @Alysandir @TyKC @energymixer Bloomberg blew 500 million dollars and all he got was a podium at one debate. Trump blew 500 million dollars and got The Presidency. Trump is the King of Bang For Buck. Bloomberg is in dead last. Hilary spent twice as much as Trump and Trump kicked her ass. Bloomberg had to spend 500 million to get a podium. All Trump had to do was ride an escalator with Melania and the voters gave him a podium. Whereas Bloomberg was desperate to get on the stage, Trump gloriously skipped a debate, and the debate he skipped got poor ratings. Tulsi Gabbard has good bang for buck. If only she had raised more money. Every vote Jeb Bush got cost him $100.
Bloomberg columnist: We may have to force people to get vaccinated- [bearingarms.
Derf comments on May 23, 2021:
They don't have to force anyone to do anything, all they have to do is offer free seating to anyone who gets a vaccine at any sporting event, and the sheep will come
jaymaron replies on May 23, 2021:
@Derf Good point. That's how we got hooked on facebook and youtube.
Massive volcano erupts in eastern Congo "There goes the massive costly carbon dioxide reduction ...
jaymaron comments on May 23, 2021:
@angelo @eschatologyguy @HistoryCorner In general, one must consider magnitudes. Most Democrat arguments bite the dust when subjected to magnitude analysis. The physicist Helmholtz said: I find no satisfaction in formulae unless I can feel their numerical magnitude. Feel the magnitude! ...
jaymaron replies on May 23, 2021:
@eschatologyguy Cool story! Have any more stories about Pinatubo?
jaymaron comments on May 22, 2021:
@ajhilder @Alysandir @sqeptiq @Naomi @guru Let's stamp out human privilege. Stamp out human supremacy. Berkeley should drop the SAT and start admitting dogs, cats, and geese. Once upon a time, 1 million years ago, a Dog Congress was held. The Dog Chairman said: "It looks like humans are going ...
jaymaron replies on May 22, 2021:
@Alysandir @ajhilder @Naomi @HistoryCorner @sqeptiq @Cecil_J_Twillie In Star Trek, the Enterprise cruises around the galaxy encountering new civilizations. This sounds like fun. More examples of this include: Odysseus and The Odyssey Jason and the Argonauts James Cook exploring the Pacific Islands Lewis and Clark Viking longboats I foresee a future where cities collapse and land yacht culture thrives. I'm going to get a land yacht and paint it like a Viking longboat. It will have horns. It will also have a gun turret, like Car Wars.
Greece was once a mass of rock that was completely underwater.
jaymaron comments on May 22, 2021:
@HistoryCorner @FuzzyMarineVet @sqeptiq The Viking Age corresponds with the "Medieval warming period" from 950 AD to 1258 AD. During this time the sun was brighter and there were few volcanoes. The Viking Age was ended by the Indonesian Rinjani volcano, which triggered the "Little ice age". ...
jaymaron replies on May 22, 2021:
@FuzzyMarineVet The sun is dimming. The sunspot cycle shut down. The Earth's magnetic field is decreasing fast, which means more cosmic rays, more cloud seeding, and a cooler Earth. If an ice age happens, I'm not letting Democrats live it down.
Greece was once a mass of rock that was completely underwater.
jaymaron comments on May 22, 2021:
@HistoryCorner @FuzzyMarineVet @sqeptiq In 1600 BCE, the Aegean Island of Santorini exploded in a volcanic eruption, disrupting Greek civilization. Santorini was one of the dominant centers of civilization at the time. Greek civilization collapsed sometime around the same time as the Santorini...
jaymaron replies on May 22, 2021:
@FuzzyMarineVet @HistoryCorner @sqeptiq Yes. And the identity of the Sea People is unknown. Crete was a major center of civilization, and the Santorini volcano destroyed the civilization on Crete. Bronze is copper + tin, and bronze is stronger than copper. Both copper mines and tin mines are rare, and they are never in the same place. Producing bronze requires a trade network, and in the Greek Dark Age the trade network shut down.
Greece was once a mass of rock that was completely underwater.
jaymaron comments on May 22, 2021:
@HistoryCorner @FuzzyMarineVet @sqeptiq The Viking Age corresponds with the "Medieval warming period" from 950 AD to 1258 AD. During this time the sun was brighter and there were few volcanoes. The Viking Age was ended by the Indonesian Rinjani volcano, which triggered the "Little ice age". ...
jaymaron replies on May 22, 2021:
If you want to go full viking this weekend; here's a start.
Hamulus comments on May 22, 2021:
But if you're out and about raping and pillaging, don't forget your mask... This sounds like Tibetan throat-whistling (or the freaky chick from "The Grudge"). Is this part of Viking music tradition, or a new thing?
jaymaron replies on May 22, 2021:
@HistoryCorner @Hamulus @energymixer Viking metal. The fine art of metal was lost in America but it seems to be alive in Scandinavia. Anyone have perspective on this? The Norwegian rugby team should sing Viking metal before games.
US Army Blocks Comments On Its Woke Recruiting Ad Because Of Overwhelmingly Negative Reaction ...
MikeHunt comments on May 22, 2021:
Well, fuck these faggots, i know olde timee story but i wonder if my pappy would have shot his way on shore at Omaha, knowing what this country would become _2 purple hearts btw)
jaymaron replies on May 22, 2021:
@sqeptiq @MikeHunt
A blue whale’s tongue weighs as much as an adult elephant.
jaymaron comments on May 22, 2021:
@HistoryCorner @Mikehunt @sqeptiq Whale lives matter. Whales have the biggest brains. Mammal biomass is dominated by humans and domestic animals. The non-domestic mammals with the most biomass are whales.
jaymaron replies on May 22, 2021:
A blue whale’s tongue weighs as much as an adult elephant.
jaymaron comments on May 22, 2021:
@HistoryCorner @Mikehunt @sqeptiq Whale lives matter. Whales have the biggest brains. Mammal biomass is dominated by humans and domestic animals. The non-domestic mammals with the most biomass are whales.
jaymaron replies on May 22, 2021:
@MikeHunt Yes, oil saved the whales. Coal saved the trees. If we hadn't discovered coal, every tree would have been cut down to power trains and smelt steel. DIVERSITY, INCLUSION & EQUITY?
Alysandir comments on May 21, 2021:
I have little time for ideological narratives that can't even manage consistency of thought. For example, we are hearing now that merit is bad. That working hard, studying hard, being better at what you do than others, and expected to gain a competitive advantage because of that, is both racist ...
jaymaron replies on May 22, 2021:
@Alysandir @1914wizard @Samuelcolt @Beachslim The NBA should mandate height equity. 1 in 7 of people in the world that are over 7 feet tall are in the NBA.
The difficult viking life. ...
jaymaron comments on May 21, 2021:
@HistoryCorner @KeVince @Forra888 @Weltansicht @sqeptiq We need to revive the spirit of Shackleton. Crossing the North Sea in 1200 AD was more dangerous than going to the moon today, yet NASA is unnecessarily obsessed with safety. If we stopped fussing about safety, we would be on Mars now. ...
jaymaron replies on May 21, 2021:
@Weltansicht @HistoryCorner @KeVince @Forra888 @sqeptiq Don't say he's hypocritical. Say he's apolitical. Once the rockets come up, who cares where they come down. That's not my department, said Verner von Braun.
Breitbart: Disney owned ABC feels the impact from disasterous Oscars ratings.
Garsco comments on May 21, 2021:
The Oscars won’t be the only cash cow advertising “event” networks will be reaping negative rewards on in the next couple of years. Fewer are watching the networks in general and the Oscars, the Emmys, the NFL, the NBA et al are garnering a collective ho-hum from Americans who don’t care to ...
jaymaron replies on May 21, 2021:
The networks paid bigly money for broadcast rights for future sports events, and the contracts extend way into the future. If the sports audience diminishes, the networks are toast.
Oregon Counties Officially Voted To SECEDE Over Failed Democrat Policies, Texans Push Secession Bill...
sqeptiq comments on May 21, 2021:
50 states, new borders! 👍🏻
jaymaron replies on May 21, 2021:
@guru @DinsdaleWalden @sqeptiq Every county should declare themselves a sovereign state. Suburbs should secede from their host city and form new cities. We need someone to get the party started by boldly seceding. Once one entity secedes, an avalanche of secession will follow. Democrats will try to crush the rebellion and they'll overdo it. Democrats will re-enact Waco. Democrats have been working hard to justify a crushing by labeling Republicans as domestic terrorists and Nazis. Democrats feel that the slaying of Ashli Babbitt was justified. It will be like the shot heard round the world at the Battle of Lexington. We will see American soldiers killing Americans. This will ignite patriotic morale in Republican America. Democrats will find themselves with an ungovernable hornet's nest on their hands. The Capitol Tea Party was a fine protest, justified because Democrats enacted taxation without representation, they enacted tyranny of the majority, and it was proven that they stole the 2020 election. Democrats responded by crybullying. They used the Capitol Tea Party to label Republicans as domestic terrorists and to justify taking away the civil liberties of Republicans. Democrats used the Capitol Tea Party to enact apartheid, with Democrats above and Republicans below. Remember Lexington! Remember the Alamo! Remember the Goliad! Remember the 2020 election steal!
The Old Celts Were Wealthy! There was a very good reason why Julius Caesar embarked on the Gallic ...
eschatologyguy comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Soon it will be for food, water and other resources.
jaymaron replies on May 20, 2021:
Whiskey is for drinking and water is for fighting over.
NationalInterest: Railguns are a nascent super weapon.
Sensrhim4hizvewz comments on May 20, 2021:
Control of space will be the pinnacle of geopolitical reach and power. No nation will win any war against any other nation that has control of the skies, literally. If conflict ever broke out between current world powers, the very first battle would take place overhead with the removal of the eyes...
jaymaron replies on May 20, 2021:
I see Democrats hating the Space Force because it was formed by Trump. Hating the Space Force is as dumb as hating the Air Force in 1942.
NTD News: Oregon Counties Vote to Secede Into Idaho PoliticsJack Phillips May 19, 2021 ...
sqeptiq comments on May 20, 2021:
Any Idaohoans want to cede Boise to another state?
jaymaron replies on May 20, 2021:
@sqeptiq Yes, ditch the cities. The only states that aren't handicapped by a large leftist city are Idaho, Montana, North and South Dakota, Wyoming, and Alaska. But even these states have small leftists cities, such as Boise.
"No one is thinking if everyone is thinking alike." — George S Patton, US general (1885-1945)
Hamulus comments on May 20, 2021:
Wasn't aware of this quote, thanks. It's a cracker! I've mostly only heard the soldiery ones. You know "Good violence now is better than perfect violence in a week." or whatever that was and "A pint of sweat can save a gallon of blood."
jaymaron replies on May 20, 2021:
Patton: A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. Voltaire: Perfection is the enemy of the pretty good.
NationalInterest: Railguns are a nascent super weapon.
sqeptiq comments on May 20, 2021:
Waiting for Glock to come out with one.
jaymaron replies on May 20, 2021:
@timon_phocas A railgun needs a heavy capacitor bank.
Colonial pipeline pays millions in ransom: report []
jaymaron comments on May 14, 2021:
@eschatologyguy @angelo @Poncho69 The NSA is mighty. It has many Princeton mathematics professors on its payroll. At Caltech, Professor Preskill runs the mighty quantum computing center. If America gets hacked, it's the government's fault. The government set up a vulnerable system. In spite...
jaymaron replies on May 20, 2021:
@Poncho69 @eschatologyguy @BubbaLouie @angelo Fortran is still here! I made this video of bird tracking data with Fortran. Fortran is the High Valyrian of programming languages. It's the fastest and it's unburdened by bloat. God programs the universe in Fortran. Fortran is still the dominant language in computational physics. Fortran is to physics what Latin is to the Catholic Church.
REVEALED: Trudeau's COVID app was collecting your data all along It is not known what information ...
sqeptiq comments on May 19, 2021:
Deport Trudeau and Fauci to North Sentinel Island together.
jaymaron replies on May 19, 2021:
REVEALED: Trudeau's COVID app was collecting your data all along It is not known what information ...
sqeptiq comments on May 19, 2021:
Deport Trudeau and Fauci to North Sentinel Island together.
jaymaron replies on May 19, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay @BubbaLouie @sobieskirocks @JohnBurke The Founding Fathers were mostly farmers and they built a farm-friendly constitution. Call them the Founding Farmers. Many presidents farmed after their presidency, such as Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Monroe, Tyler, Polk, Lincoln, Grant, T Roosevelt, Truman, L Johnson, Eisenhower (had a farm on the Gettysburg battlefield), Nixon, Ford, Carter (peanuts), Reagan (ranch), Bush 41, Bush 43 (became a painter), Trump (Mar a Lago, far from DC). Harrison had a farm. He would have farmed after the presidency but he died in office. Obama stayed in DC after the presidency. We didn't make The Swamp inhospitable enough. More mosquitos! Why is Obama in DC? To build a cabal. Bill Clinton didn't farm and instead built a cabal called the Clinton Foundation. If politicians were sincere about tackling global climate, they would ban air conditioning in D.C. Declare air conditioners to be weapons of mass destruction and declare those that use them to be domestic terrorists. The Founding Farmers should have included a clause in the constitution: Retired presidents must farm. The Republican Party has become the Farmer's Party and the Democratic Party has become the City Party. Obama's "Waters of the United States" act (WOTUS) was a weapon to hurt farmers, by using the water on their land to bully them. Obama is a jackass for this. It's time to define a new psychiatric disorder: city psychosis. People who live in cities have a hard time transitioning to rural. Morpheus: Most people aren't ready to be unplugged. The Matrix was all about escaping The Matrix. Turns out most people willingly plug themselves in. Nobody pedals anymore. Everyone uses electric transport devices. Before long, humans will devolve into weak masses of flesh surrounded by a machine, like the Daleks. It's well established that the more rural the territory, the better the wrestlers. Wrestling is based on balance and rural people have good balance from walking on uneven terrain. City folk have poor balance because they walk on level pavement. Trump missed an opportunity. Trump, though he is rich, has the ability to connect to farmers. When Dukakis drove a tank he looked ridiculous. If Trump were to drive a tractor he would make it look good. Trump should have held a farming publicity stunt and farmed. I'm imagining Trump in plaid. Farming is complex. That's why we have Agricultural colleges. There is much physics, chemistry, and biology in farming. Most city folk would be unable to understand it. It takes only 1 day of farming to be filled with a sense of awe for how hard farming is. Farmers, am I wrong?
REVEALED: Trudeau's COVID app was collecting your data all along It is not known what information ...
sqeptiq comments on May 19, 2021:
Deport Trudeau and Fauci to North Sentinel Island together.
jaymaron replies on May 19, 2021:
@JohnBurke @sobieskirocks @sqeptiq I would love to see a reality show where city Democrats are forced to survive on a farm in North Canada. "Rural Survivor".
In Canada, the Hudson Bay region seems to be "missing" gravity.
jaymaron comments on May 19, 2021:
Continents are less dense than the ocean floor. The reason continents don't sink into the ocean is because they're "floating" above the ocean floor.
jaymaron replies on May 19, 2021:
@HistoryCorner @BubbaLouie @guru Yes. If the continents were more dense than the ocean floor, they would sink into the Earth and the ocean floor would move in to fill in the space left behind by the continent. There are pop science articles about a New Zealand continent called "Zealandia". Trouble is that Zealandia is mostly under water. Zealandia is a failed continent. Great continents know how to win. Zealandia should have stuck with Australia. If it wasn't for volcanos, all of New Zealand would be underwater. Iceland wouldn't exist. On occasion continents collide and have a jousting match and the less dense continent ends up on top. The more dense continent gets ground under. When a plate eats another plate (grinds it under), the associated earthquake is called a "megathrust earthquake". Megathrust earthquakes cause tsunamis if they happen in the ocean. When one plate scrapes past another (such as San Francisco), the associated earthquake doesn't cause a tsunami. The Pacific ocean is getting squashed by the surrounding continents. The continents are grinding the ocean floor underneath them as they advance, causing megathrust earthquakes. Also, the material that was ground under later on comes back up in the form of volcanos. This is the "ring of fire" around the Pacific. This is how the Cascades volcano chain happened. The Atlantic ocean is expanding and never has megathrust earthquakes or tsunami. The only way a tsunami can happen in the Atlantic is by asteroid strike. If an asteroid more than 500 meters in size hits an ocean, every city on the coast is toast.
It's like a crack party!!!!
guru comments on May 19, 2021:
You might need some more oil in your diet.
jaymaron replies on May 19, 2021:
In physics, The time derivative of position is speed The time derivative of speed is acceleration The time derivative of acceleration is "jerk" And so on. The next three items in the sequence are called "snap", "crackle", and "pop". These are technical physics terms.
Just heard.
wolfhnd comments on May 18, 2021:
My saying is there are no non trivial absolute truths. Science doesn't deal with truths for the most part. The Newtonian world was an approximation refined by relativity which will be refined by quantum physics. Some approximations are of course so accurate that they approach a universal ...
jaymaron replies on May 18, 2021:
@wolfhnd @tracycoyle @sqeptiq Yes, there is a hierarchy of successively more fundamental theories. It's all about analysis and controlling the error bars. Use the simplest theory that gives accurate results. Don't use a fancy theory if it doesn't improve the accuracy. When you get a physics major, not much time is spent learning the laws of physics, because there aren't many of them. They fit on one page. Most of the time is spent learning mathematical techniques for calculating things. Anyone who virtue signals about "truth" is oversimplifying the problem. Rigor is more important than truth. There's no point in being "true" if you can't prove it. If you can't prove stuff rigorously, you will find that most of your truths are false. Any time someone starts fussing about the cosmic meaning of quantum mechanics, physicists say: There is no cosmic meaning. Shut up and calculate. It's not about truth. It's about calculation.
WHITE PILL ALERT! Americans Revolt Against Critical Race Theory (CRT) Remember - CRT is just ...
sqeptiq comments on May 18, 2021:
Anti-white in the first instance, anti-Asian in the second (the dreaded "proximity to whiteness").
jaymaron replies on May 18, 2021:
They hate success and they want to loot the successful.
Do you think sloths are cute?
jaymaron comments on May 17, 2021:
Once upon a time American megafauna dwarfed African megafauna. American lions kicked the ass of African lions. Mammoths and mastodons dwarfed African cattle. The American Safari was the Major League and the African Safari was the Minor League. Mammoths and Mastodons went extinct because of ...
jaymaron replies on May 17, 2021:
@HistoryCorner When times are prosperous, species tend to evolve to larger size. History consists of mostly prosperous times and occasional disasters, and the disasters cause mass extinctions. When the mass extinction happens, the largest species bite the dust.
1945 July 16: USA tests a fission bomb based on plutonium-239, the "Trinity Test".
HistoryCorner comments on May 17, 2021:
Pure desperation is a good motivator. I wish we will never be that desperate ever again.
jaymaron replies on May 17, 2021:
@Hamulus @timon_phocas @HistoryCorner @Garsco World War 2 was decided by a conspiracy between Szilard, Bohr, Heisenberg, Fermi, and Chuck Norris. Szilard invented the fission bomb in 1933 and told no one. Instead, he worked in the shadows to steer politics in the direction he foresaw. Nuclear fission first became known to the world at large in 1939. By then it was too late. Szilard's conspiracy had already won. Szilard was the driving force behind the Los Alamos Physics Dream Team. Once upon a time, Einstein wrote a document describing the existence of the fission bomb, and handed it to President Roosevelt. It took someone of Einstein's stature to get Roosevelt's attention. But once Roosevelt read the letter, he saw its meaning and immediately ordered billions to be dropped on a fission bomb project. The document that Roosevelt read was not written by Einstein. It was written by Szilard, the Genius in the Shadows. Szilard discovered the fission bomb in 1933, and it took the world 6 years to catch up. Szilard is The Shadow. The Shadow Knows!
1945 July 16: USA tests a fission bomb based on plutonium-239, the "Trinity Test".
HistoryCorner comments on May 17, 2021:
Pure desperation is a good motivator. I wish we will never be that desperate ever again.
jaymaron replies on May 17, 2021:
@HistoryCorner Los Alamos had aces in their hand. They had electronic computers, recently invented by Doctor von Neumann. It was a team win. Experimentalists produced good fission data, theorists provided good calculations, and von Neumann's computers amplified the calculations. The Los Alamos team knew the values for the critical mass of uranium-235 an plutonium-239 by theory and computation, before an experimental detonation took place. And they were right. They got it precisely right. Such is the badassness of the American Los Alamos Nuclea Physics Dream Team. Germany didn't have computers but they had Heisenberg, and Heisenberg is so badass that he can do in his brain what any computer could do. Heisenberg calculated himself the value for the critical mass of uranium-235. Hitler asked Heisenberg for a report on the practicality of nuclear weapons. Heisenberg stated that the critical mass for a uranium detonation is 500 kg. Hitler concluded that nuclear bombs are impossible, because 500 kg of uranium-235 is too much to produce. Hitler abandoned the nuclear weapons program. At the same time, President Roosevelt dropped billions on Los Alamos. Doctor Heisenberg fibbed to Hitler. The critical mass of uranium-235 is 50 kg, and Heisenberg knew it. The Physics Dream Team of Los Alamos knew that the critical mass of uranium-235 is 50 kg. Heisenberg used his mighty physics powers to become Director of German Physics, and he used his Director power to sabotage German nuclear physics. There is a famous meeting between Heisenberg and Bohr, where this was all plotted.
1945 July 16: USA tests a fission bomb based on plutonium-239, the "Trinity Test".
HistoryCorner comments on May 17, 2021:
Pure desperation is a good motivator. I wish we will never be that desperate ever again.
jaymaron replies on May 17, 2021:
@HistoryCorner @Hamulus Los Alamos called the mighty Doctor Feynman and invited him to join the Los Alamos Military Physics Team. Few were invited. It's an exclusive club. Los Alamos wanted the Right Stuff. Only the best of the best of physicists. Doctor Feynman is the American Sir Isaac Newton. Doctor Feynman declined. Doctor Feynman is a man of peace. Los Alamos was built in the middle of the New Mexico desert, to discourage people from wanting to be there. Much like the American Capitol was built on a swamp, to discourage politicians from wanting to be there. Los Alamos has a bigass wall around it. It's a prime center of national secrets. I've been to Los Alamos. It's a nerdy place. Only nerds want to be there. Los Alamos is a filter that filters out non-nerds. Then Doctor Feynman gave thought to Germany and the fact that German Physics is mighty, and that the leader of German Physics is Doctor Heisenberg, and Doctor Heisenberg is mighty. What if Doctor Heisenberg and Germany build the bomb first? Game over man! Game over! Don't bring a fist to a knife fight. Don't bring a knife to a gunfight. Don't bring a gun to a nuke fight. Whoever gets nukes first, wins. Nukes are the ultimate Trump Card. Doctor Heisenberg is mighty. Doctor Heisenberg can do it. American physicists knew it and they couldn't deny it. They knew that Heisenberg was capable of building The Bomb. Doctor Feynman called Los Alamos and told them he changed his mind. Doctor Feynman hustled his ass to Los Alamos and went all in on bomb physics. Doctor Leo Szilard: Wars are won by physicists.
America's wisest Republican, America's best reincarnation of the Founding Fathers, is Newt Gingrich.
GeeMac comments on May 16, 2021:
Thanks for the post @jaymaron. Are the 6 lectures recent, or were they made over several years? The newest one I found was from two yrs ago (43:04 min).
jaymaron replies on May 17, 2021:
@GeeMac @toronto_Georgia @pbuck0145 @Beachslim @sqeptiq Gingrich lectures on understanding Trump. Part 1: Youtube censored parts 2 through 7.
The first rocket was invented around 1100 AD in China.
eschatologyguy comments on May 17, 2021:
There is a small barangay (pronounced ba-rang-gai) or barrio in Mactan Island that is famous for fireworks making. Did you know that aluminium powder is actually a better fuel for gunpowder than charcoal powder?
jaymaron replies on May 17, 2021:
@eschatologyguy @guru has a gallery of the flame color of every element.
The first rocket was invented around 1100 AD in China.
eschatologyguy comments on May 17, 2021:
There is a small barangay (pronounced ba-rang-gai) or barrio in Mactan Island that is famous for fireworks making. Did you know that aluminium powder is actually a better fuel for gunpowder than charcoal powder?
jaymaron replies on May 17, 2021:
@guru @eschatologyguy Aluminum + oxygen gives more energy than carbon+oxygen, however it's hard to get aluminum powder to explode. The point of gunpowder is that it burns fast. You can mix in a small bit of aluminum to improve the energy output, but you need gunpowder to get the fire started. When solid fuel (ammonium nitrate) is burnt, there is a small bit of oxygen left over. In bombs, a small bit of aluminum is added to the ammonium nitrate to react with the leftover oxygen and improve the energy output. Calculations in You can use copper instead of aluminum. Copper improves the energy output of an ammonium nitrate bomb, but not as much as aluminum does. In ancient times, copper was extractable because it is smeltable in a fire. Aluminum was not extractable because it can't be smelted. Extracting aluminum requires electrolysis, which was invented in 1800. The green explosions in Game of Thrones are ammonium nitrate + copper.
Does anyone have analysis of the Icelandic Age of Sturlungs and the Battle of Haugsnes?
HistoryCorner comments on May 16, 2021:
I'm not 100% sure what kind of analysis you need. The Ásbirningar won because by their excellent strategy they managed to take the Sturlung clan by surprise. The whole battle was seemingly about one thing: power. I know there is written some books about the battle, with an in depth description of ...
jaymaron replies on May 16, 2021:
@HistoryCorner Haven't head the story. How does it go?
A Spartan specialty was a black soup made from salt, vinegar, and blood.
jaymaron comments on May 16, 2021:
Klingon cuisine. The feast starts at time = 2:20
jaymaron replies on May 16, 2021:
Israeli Troops ENTER Gaza, This Looks A Lot Like WAR And Israel Wants It To Be FINAL []
jaymaron comments on May 14, 2021:
The Fabian Strategy from Ancient Rome is to avoid direct battle and instead outfarm the foe. In war, you want to devise a strategy so that time is on your side. If you can't, then the war must be won fast. In the Middle East, it's hard to devise a strategy that puts time on your side. Most ...
jaymaron replies on May 16, 2021:
@bobbo666 Agree. The world's money is flowing into the Middle East and into American elections.
Hamas shoots 1,000 missiles at Israel.
angelo comments on May 16, 2021:
It's neigh impossible to live next door to a people that want your destruction. And all because the Jews would not accept Mo as a prophet 1400 years ago. It really goes back to that period of time. All other tales are just that. Ask even a moderate moslem what he/she thinks of Jews and you'll get ...
jaymaron replies on May 16, 2021:
@angelo Jews didn't accept Jesus Christ, yet Christians are fine with it. Christians and Jews get along. Mormons are capable of getting along with people who don't accept Joseph Smith. When Mormons declared Utah to be an independent state, they just wanted to be left alone. They weren't out to destroy nonbelievers. Republicans have accepted Trump as their Savior, and Democrats reject Trump. Furthermore, Democrats wage war on those who accept Trump. Democrats are intolerant bigots. It is a truth self-evident that Trump is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The Roman Republic had an office called the "Tribune of the Plebes", which could also be called the "Speaker of the Plebes". The speaker was untouchable. The oligarchs and the senate were forbidden from arresting him or censoring him. Why did the oligarchs accept the existence of a Speaker of the Plebes? Because otherwise the Plebes would have revolted. Trump is the Speaker of the Plebes. Trump is untouchable. An attack on Trump is an attack on all Plebes.
3 months after the American Declaration of Independence, the Staten Island Peace Conference was ...
Garsco comments on May 16, 2021:
We’ve seen just how difficult it is to dismantle what you’re describing: the deep state, the swamp. That power=wealth entrenchment won’t give up easily. But it’s what is needed. Our traditional means of government may not be strong enough to dislodge this.
jaymaron replies on May 16, 2021:
Alligators love to eat politicians.
3 months after the American Declaration of Independence, the Staten Island Peace Conference was ...
Garsco comments on May 16, 2021:
We’ve seen just how difficult it is to dismantle what you’re describing: the deep state, the swamp. That power=wealth entrenchment won’t give up easily. But it’s what is needed. Our traditional means of government may not be strong enough to dislodge this.
jaymaron replies on May 16, 2021:
@Garsco The Founding Fathers put DC in a swamp to make it undesirable to be there. Then politicians drained the swamp and built a comfortable bourgeois city. We need the swamp back. Flood the swamp! Flood it until politicians flee DC like refugees. Mosquitos laugh at the Capitol Wall. Once upon a time, the Roman city of Pompeii exploded in a volcanic eruption. San Francisco is way overdue for a bigly Earthquake that will sink the city into the sea.
It is a generally accepted fact that America is hyper-polarised.
Alysandir comments on May 15, 2021:
If you gauge the polarization of America on social media, you'd likely think we're mere minutes away from all-out civil war. But in practice, it is not a mischaracterization to say the vast majority are blissfully ignorant to the sheer levels of partisanship going on. Why? Well, for starters, ...
jaymaron replies on May 15, 2021:
@Naomi @Alysandir @Bendingo @sqeptiq @Rick-A The data well supports Alysandir's characterization of cities and leftism. In the left hand plot, text size scales with city size. The X axis corresponds to state vote and the Y axis corresponds to city vote. Most red states have a big blue city. The only states that don't are Alaska, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. These will form the core of secession. Rural counties from neighboring blue states will secede from their states and join the red states. Sections of cities will secede from the city and form a new independent city. The largest red city is Oklahoma City, but the downtown section is blue, and the region around U. Oklahoma is blu. The right hand plot is an election map of Oklahoma City, and the blue patch near the bottom is U. Oklahoma. All states have a flagship university that is leftist, and it sucks up the resources of the state. Defund the flagship universities. Destroy them and start over. They're too deeply infested with leftists to be saved. Establish Institutes of Technology in rural areas and ditch the deadweight humanities departments. The rural sections of America and Canada will secede, and they will merge to form Camerica.
Canada PROHIBITS Protests & Other Media Corruption - Oh Canada! Viva on the Street! []
Serg97 comments on May 15, 2021:
I have a question!!!! Why do Canadian complain about living in the Socialist Society that they created????? Socialism means, the Government has Control!!! What part of that is confusing???? Yes, I know, The US of A is headed down that same road, thankful I most likely won't live long enough to ...
jaymaron replies on May 15, 2021:
@Krunoslav @Serg97 Andrew Breitbart taught me the left doesn't want compromise. They want to crush you. Yes, to be effective, you need a dictator. Ancient Rome had two modes of government: Senate mode (peacetime) and dictator mode (wartime). Usually it was in Senate mode but on occasion the Senate appointed a dictator. A dictator was necessary in a time of crisis. Upon resolution of the crisis, the dictator was expected to resign. The American Revolutionary War didn't have a federal government and it didn't need one. 13 independent states held a Continental Congress, and they appointed Washington as Commander of the Military. It's easy to fuse power and hard to fission it. Examples of power fusion are corporate mergers, increased taxes, and the formation of organizations. An example of fission is secession. Organizations inevitably veer leftist and oligarchist, and then they become corrupt. Give up on them. Free thinkers should ditch the organization and let the organization collapse. Instead of building an organization, build a posse. Have a local militia. Be minutemen. Be able to assemble on a moment's notice in case of crisis. Upon resolution of the crisis, disband the posse.
NYC urban savages go on subway slashing spree []
sqeptiq comments on May 14, 2021:
NYC could melt down economically.
jaymaron replies on May 14, 2021:
@dizzynews @forra888 @sqeptiq New York City has bigly debt. New York City leads the nation in billionaires. If they leave, NYC is toast. The apocalypse will start when cities go bankrupt.
Newt Gingrich: Pipeline cyber attackers should be 'subject to death penalty' []
KeVince comments on May 11, 2021:
the people that can't stop a telemarketer are going to go after a hacker that attacking critical infrastructure. that makes me feel real safe.
jaymaron replies on May 12, 2021:
@KeVince @eschatologyguy Fortran is the High Valyrian of programming languages. God created the universe with Fortran. Fortran is the fastest programming language. Fortran is unburdened with clutter, unlike Python and C++. If the banks are using Fortran, I think that's a good thing. Fortran was invented by physicists. Today, Fortran is still the dominant language in computational physics.
Yes, anything past 4 is a dessert. 😆
HistoryCorner comments on May 12, 2021:
Black coffee matters!!!
jaymaron replies on May 12, 2021:
@HistoryCorner @sobieskirocks @TheMiddleWay @govols @sqeptiq @Mechanic All olives matter.
Orwellian Persistent Fear is coming for your soul
sqeptiq comments on May 12, 2021:
Getting ready for a *Road Warrior* life!
jaymaron replies on May 12, 2021:
Yes, anything past 4 is a dessert. 😆
HistoryCorner comments on May 12, 2021:
Black coffee matters!!!
jaymaron replies on May 12, 2021:
@HistoryCorner @sobieskirocks @TheMiddleWay @govols @sqeptiq @Mechanic Black rifles matter.
In peacetime, there are many factions.
HistoryCorner comments on May 12, 2021:
Is that a picture of Sutr?
jaymaron replies on May 12, 2021:
@HistoryCorner Can you brief us on the mythology of Sutr? The Dungeons & Dragons book "Deities and Demigods" is great.
In peacetime, there are many factions.
eschatologyguy comments on May 12, 2021:
Just as there were allies and there was an Axis in WW2, I believe it will be the same for WW3: 7 revived Empires which are now all under Islamic rule, vs. (the remnants?) of the 7 (Micah 5:5, ref Ezek 28:7) "terrible of the nations" (global non-islamic military mights), as prophesied. And what of ...
jaymaron replies on May 12, 2021:
@eschatologyguy @HistoryCorner @adriaan23 @Mechanic Gingrich wrote a set of fiction novels about the contemporary spy world. They have the flavor of Tom Clancy and "24". In the novels, Israel and Saudi Arabia team up against Iran. Democrats turned America into an apartheid state, with whites and Asians at the bottom of the totem pole. Whites and Asians will ally against identity gangs. At Berkeley, a gang of black students blocked the front gate and forbade whites and Asians from passing. Antifa is a hot potato. Put Democrats to the question: Are you pro-Antifa or anti-Antifa? Make Antifa the axis of the war. You are either for or against. Put moderate Democrats to the question: What is worse? Christian evangelicals, or Antifa? Chose your side. Choose the most heinous factions in the Democrat party and challenge Democrats to renounce them. If they don't, tell them that silence is endorsement. Shame them for their endorsement of Antifa. Democrats and Oligarchs are trying to start a war where the axes are bull. Democrats are trying to trick good people into fighting each other. Don't let them do it. Republicans need to take control over the axis. Identify the evil and bite into it like a pit bull and don't let go. A standard Democrat talking point is: Trump is bad, and you voted for Trump, therefore you are bad. Hold up the hypocrisy mirror. Antifa is bad, and Democrats endorse Antifa, therefore Democrats are bad. The ultimate axis is the CCP. You are either pro-CCP or anti-CCP. Republicans can virtue signal that they are anti-CCP, and they can shame Democrats for being pro-CCP. Hopefully the CCP axis will inspire the creation of PATO, a Pacific Treaty Organization. An attack on one is an attack on all. The Mayor of Portland previously endorsed Antifa and now he declared war on Antifa.
In peacetime, there are many factions.
Mechanic comments on May 12, 2021:
That’s the million dollar question, or with inflation perhaps the trillion dollar question.
jaymaron replies on May 12, 2021:
@Mechanic Dr. Evil: One billion dollars! [Laughter] Dr. Evil: One trillion dollars!
Yes, anything past 4 is a dessert. 😆
HistoryCorner comments on May 12, 2021:
Black coffee matters!!!
jaymaron replies on May 12, 2021:
@Naomi @HistoryCorner @sobieskirocks @TheMiddleWay @govols @sqeptiq
Yes, anything past 4 is a dessert. 😆
govols comments on May 12, 2021:
I drink both coffee and whisk(e)y straight...unless I mix the two with Bailey's.
jaymaron replies on May 12, 2021:
@Naomi @HistoryCorner @sobieskirocks @TheMiddleWay @govols @sqeptiq Irish car bomb.
Yes, anything past 4 is a dessert. 😆
HistoryCorner comments on May 12, 2021:
Black coffee matters!!!
jaymaron replies on May 12, 2021:
@HistoryCorner @sobieskirocks @TheMiddleWay @govols @Naomi @sqeptiq
Human Stock
T35-C comments on May 12, 2021:
Pleas tell me thats not real.
jaymaron replies on May 12, 2021:
@KeVince @sqeptiq @T35-C Given that masks are mandatory, the government will declare that a vaccine lanyard is mandatory. It will happen. They'll make people get a tattoo with a numeric code on it. If the CCP plague had a high death rate, there would be a reasonable case for hustling vaccination. Given that the plague has a low death rate, the smart thing to do is wait and polish the vaccination.
Prime Minister Trudeau should not receive one vote in October's election.
1patriot comments on May 11, 2021:
i have 10 pages on him and i quit adding to it after the last election!
jaymaron replies on May 12, 2021:
@1patriot Canadian and American leftists generate scandals faster than you can write them down. It's great to have these comprehensive lists.
PJMedia: Contrary to revisionists claim, there was no all-black regiment in Santa Anna's army.
jaymaron comments on May 11, 2021:
@HistoryCorner @sqeptiq Santa Anna's army slaughtered everyone at the Alamo and at the Goliad, and then they tried to slaughter the remaining Texans at the Battle of San Jacinto. Had Santa Anna's army won, they would have slaughtered the remaining Texans. That's not something you want to be ...
jaymaron replies on May 12, 2021:
@eschatologyguy @HistoryCorner @sqeptiq @timon_phocas At one end of the National Mall is an obvious phallic symbol, and at the other end is an obvious tit symbol. It's a fine example of gender balance.
[] Is this the end of America?
Pand0ro comments on May 4, 2021:
Believing that there was substantial fraud, even after numerous investigations said there was not enough to change results does not make it true. There was some fraud found on both sides, but not enough to make a difference. Our division is the result of over 25 years of Democrats having nothing of ...
jaymaron replies on May 12, 2021:
@Pand0ro @Garsco @sqeptiq @ajhilder In the Revolutionary War, the states had to have a unified stance to gain the respect of foreign nations. The Declaration of Independence was necessary because it was an act of unity by the states. Unity was necessary to coax France into joining the war on America's side. Republican states will secede and they'll have to: Establish some kind of unified league structure. Gain the allegiance of foreign powers. American Democrats are pro-China and American Republicans are anti-China. Many foreign nations are anti-China and this will help in securing their allegiance.
OMG, I just posted about her, but this is extremely amazing.
jaymaron comments on May 11, 2021:
Logic is hot.
jaymaron replies on May 11, 2021:
@A1fredo @sackClothProphet @Hamulus How did Benjamin Franklin get his start? When he was a young boy he was a lowly worker in a print shop. Franklin wrote a set of articles and proposed that the shop publish them, and the shop refused. Franklin then submitted his publications to the shop anonymously by the name of the lady "Silence Dogood". The shop printed the articles and the readership embraced Silence. The articles took off and became best sellers. Though lady Silence was anonymous, many men stepped forward and proposed marriage to her.
OMG, I just posted about her, but this is extremely amazing.
jaymaron comments on May 11, 2021:
Logic is hot.
jaymaron replies on May 11, 2021:
@A1fredo @sackClothProphet @Hamulus It's not mansplaining vs. womansplaining. It's logicsplaining vs. feelingsplaining.
PJMedia: Contrary to revisionists claim, there was no all-black regiment in Santa Anna's army.
HistoryCorner comments on May 11, 2021:
If you have to make up history to look good.... You look bad. I'm sure there's some very fine black ladies and gentlemen in history, aren't they good enough? Why take a piss on their grave and promote imaginary heroes instead?
jaymaron replies on May 11, 2021:
@HistoryCorner The astronaut Sally Ride was a physics professor at U.C. San Diego. I was in the audience for one of her talks and she is an entertaining speaker. Back in the day, aeronautics and astronautics brought out the best of America. The first astronauts were selected from the best fighter pilots and the best physicists. The Right Stuff. Today, leftists select the Wrong Stuff.
PJMedia: Contrary to revisionists claim, there was no all-black regiment in Santa Anna's army.
HistoryCorner comments on May 11, 2021:
If you have to make up history to look good.... You look bad. I'm sure there's some very fine black ladies and gentlemen in history, aren't they good enough? Why take a piss on their grave and promote imaginary heroes instead?
jaymaron replies on May 11, 2021:
@timon_phocas @HistoryCorner @sqeptiq What a chance to shame leftists with their lack of knowledge of history, by pointing out cool people that they didn't know about. Ever heard of Chevalier de Saint-Georges? CSG was a black man that was in the top tier of swordsmen in Europe. Then he picked up a violin and mastered it in a day and became a celebrity violin soloist of Europe. He also composed and improvised. He was highly regarded as a commander in the French military, and he was a celebrity in the Parisian social scene. Grace Hopper got a PhD in mathematics at Yale University and went on to become an admiral in the United States Navy. She was a pioneer in electronic computers and created the first compiler (Cobol). The U.S. Navy has a destroyer named "Grace Hopper". Conservatives have sportsmanship. They can appreciate a great individual, regardless of their race or gender. If leftists were sportsmanlike, they would respect great white men, and they don't. Shame them for it. Bombard them with stories about great white men. Can anyone name more cool historical figures that the left are oblivious to?
Democrats Celebrate Swindling Americans Into Believing Farthest-Left President Ever Is A ...
sqeptiq comments on May 11, 2021:
Bumblin' Joe is too senile to have an ideology of his own.
jaymaron replies on May 11, 2021:
@Garsco @sqeptiq Biden's stance can be predicted by a simple algorithm. He goes with the crowd. Can anyone think of an instance where Biden took a stance that was against the crowd?
Up until the First World War, military uniforms tended to be brightly colored.
jaymaron comments on May 10, 2021:
@KeVince @Tom81 @forra888 @eschatologyguy Not only did Europeans need to learn Colonial military tactics, the Colonials needed to learn European tactics. Franklin sent Barron von Steuben from Prussia to the Colonies to teach them military tactics. There is an episode of Liberty's Kids starring ...
jaymaron replies on May 10, 2021:
@KeVince How did it go? Can you suggest more shows?
Words of wisdom not typically conveyed by that cohort, in my opinion based upon many decades of life...
Alysandir comments on May 9, 2021:
I'm going to say something controversial here, but I think a lot of white people do not understand that the black community has their own version of what we often refer to as "white trash" and they are just as irritated by them as we are by ours. I'm frequently reminded by this bit from Chris ...
jaymaron replies on May 10, 2021:
@Alysandir @Obbop @pbuck0145 College Fix: Why comedian Chris Rock stopped doing standup on college campuses. Eddie Murphy, during a comedy set in 1983: "people that get offended easily, you should all just get the fuck out"
Physics matters...
sqeptiq comments on May 6, 2021:
Black holes matter!
jaymaron replies on May 10, 2021:
@dd54 @sqeptiq Chuck Norris spaghettifies black holes.
This meme was shared to me [] []
iThink comments on May 9, 2021:
Politicians first commandment - Thou shalt never let a crisis go to waste - and its adendum. If there is no crisis then invent one. I submit that if the Novel virus had come along a few years ago (COVID16 maybe?) we never would have had an "opioid crisis".
jaymaron replies on May 10, 2021:
@iThink @Weltansicht @eschatologyguy Seems like this topic warrants expansion. What is the state of the Pacific Alliance?


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