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I recently read this post providing some insight into democrats views on the current ...
jaymaron comments on Mar 13, 2021:
Rich topic. I've been watching Democrat discussion groups and I see many Democrats feeling regret over Biden, but I also see many Democrats praising Biden. My god! That means they're cheap. Suckers. And they're missing out. Jefferson is a better Democrat than Biden. Democrats chose Biden ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 13, 2021:
@coalburned Definitely put them on record. Don't let them squirm out of it. Republicans can virtue signal with "I told you so".
I recently read this post providing some insight into democrats views on the current ...
coalburned comments on Mar 13, 2021:
I'm seeing liberal friends shifting uncomfortably in their chairs. Do you find yourself wondering how they didn't see this coming?
jaymaron replies on Mar 13, 2021:
I'm wondering... Democrats bullied Republicans for years. After they're proven wrong, will they apologize? Democrats bullied Republicans over the assumption of Russian collustion, and the investigation found nothing. Did Democrats apologize? No. The next day they launched a new hoax, the Ukraine hoax. They based it on a secret informant that they refused to disclose, and the informant turned out to have nothing. After the Ukraine hoax collapsed, did Democrats apologize? No. They looked for more attacks. Democrats have the maturity of a baby. They can't handle being proven wrong. They melt down and double down with their psychological defense mechanisms. Whatever happens, they blame Trump and climate change.
Hello, my name is Derrick
guru comments on Mar 13, 2021:
I'm getting hooked on this one.
jaymaron replies on Mar 13, 2021:
@guru plus the fishing rod and a copy of Fishing Magazine
A sad-looking man walks into a bar.
Haraldson comments on Mar 13, 2021:
Lateral thinking!
jaymaron replies on Mar 13, 2021:
Lateral thinking is a powerful style of thought.
Don't eat bottom feeders
jaymaron comments on Mar 12, 2021:
As a technical point, oceans have much less biomass than land, because oceans are nutrient poor. Any food available is eaten immediately. On land, plant biomass outweighs animal biomass, and in the oceans it's the other way around. On land, only a small fraction of plants get eaten, and in the ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 12, 2021:
@Poncho69 Whenever I say something, I have articles and calculations to back it up. Textbook on the physics of climate and geoengineering.
Well, well, well - there are NO gangs, right DictatorDan?
jaymaron comments on Mar 12, 2021:
How did you get monospace font?
jaymaron replies on Mar 12, 2021:
@Haraldson thank you. test. x x x y y y
Money printer goes Brrrrr, thanks for the relief, U.S. government
MassDebater comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Wait... from what I've found a bill is 0.0043" thick... So $1,000,000 would be 10,000 $100 bills. If that were a single stack wouldn't that be almost 4 feet tall? The picture looks like he could fit $1,000,000 in his pocket...
jaymaron replies on Mar 12, 2021:
Nice calculation. Yes, you're right. Magnitude estimation is a high art. Many problems in politics can be slain with it. Democrats are magnitude blind. They are incapable of magnitude-based thought. If you want to pack as much money into a suitcase as possible, use osmium, which costs 1.6 million $/kg. Osmium is great because it's the element with the highest density (22.5 g/cm^3) and it's uncounterfeitable. It's also technologically useful. A briefcase with 10 kg of osmium is worth 16 million dollars.
Biracial student fails Critical Race Theory class for refusing to confess his 'white dominance,' mom...
Bay0Wulf comments on Mar 12, 2021:
I LIKE IT!!! So ... NOW We’re gonna REQUIRE a “Racial Purity” Test? Like ... You gotta be 100% Black to NOT be engaging in “White Dominance”? ... a “White Supremacist”? There’s going to be a heck of A Lot less “Blacks” if that’s true. Wait ... Does that mean Barack ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 12, 2021:
It also feels like invasion of the body snatchers. From time to time, a normal person goes woke and he's not the same person anymore.
So .
toronto_Georgia comments on Mar 11, 2021:
In all honesty being pissed at the government so much that you make any of these choices is very poor fuel to feed your life and spirit. Governments do shit all the time but guiding your life force by that is really unhealthy. You might be best to turn off all news, disconnect from the ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 11, 2021:
Great idea. Leftists should try this. Put it as a challenge to leftists to spend a week not reading news and not bringing up politics in conversation.
Minnesota judge reinstates third-degree murder charge against ex-officer Chauvin in Floyd death ...
Bay0Wulf comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Having spent literally hours looking at this incident ... ALL the video footage ... all ancillary information available ... I see Chauvin as actually having done NOTHING “Wrong” outside of some Extremely Poor Optics which have been deliberately and maliciously Blown All Out of Proportion. The...
jaymaron replies on Mar 11, 2021:
Once upon a time America was rigorous. The Zapruder tape got heavy scrutiny. Now we don't bother to look at the tape. The media demonized Nick Sandmann before looking at the tape, and the tape decisively exonerated him. The tape was available the whole time. Minnesota prosecutors hid the tape, and the only reason we know about it is because it was leaked. Leftists are not only unrigorous, they fabricate evidence and launch hoaxes, and they hide evidence that they don't like. Democrat voters are easily fooled, because Leftists know they're too lazy and biased to look at the tape.
The Japanese produce lots of apocalyptic movies where disasters change society.
iThink comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Auther Kurt Schlichter has a series of adventure/action novels based on the social and political collapse of USA. The main character of the stories is Kelly Turnbull. The first book is "Peoples Republic". I recommend starting there. The thing about this series of novels is that the stories and the ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 11, 2021:
In the Niven+Pournelle novel "Lucifer's Hammer", an asteroid tidal wave destroys every city on the coast and civilization collapses. In the Niven+Pournelle novel "Footfall", aliens invade the Earth. The Earthlings won, but in reality it's a lock that aliens will win. We need a story about aliens colonizing Earth, with Earthlings powerless to stop it. If Aliens appear, I'm leaving this provincial planet and going to the Galactic Institute of Technology. I'm waving a towel around.
The Japanese produce lots of apocalyptic movies where disasters change society.
Weltansicht comments on Mar 11, 2021:
Kurt Vonnegut ~ Slaughterhouse 5. His character Howard Campbell Jr. is portrayed by Bastion lol
jaymaron replies on Mar 11, 2021:
It’s funny how all these science lovers struggle with biology & evidence based science 🤡
jaymaron comments on Mar 10, 2021:
What vague junk. By making an illustration they're trying to bluff you into thinking that they understand something. That illustration is vague. They splattered paint at the canvas like Jackson Pollack. They are incapable of specific thought. They are incapable of scientific thought.
jaymaron replies on Mar 10, 2021:
@TerpSlut Did you just call me vague? Ho ho ho. It's important to develop the eye to distinguish between vague and specific. This is an important skill. It's this skill that I'm teaching. In general, democrats are vague. The way to beat them is to force them to be specific. They can't. They'll circle back to you on that. Freeman Dyson: "I'd rather be wrong than vague". Bruce Lee: "Avoid the vague" Wolfgang Pauli coined the term "not even wrong" as a synonym for vague. I'm a mathematician. Specific is my specialty. It's my turf. Look at my history of posts. You will find that I am specific. A great way to be specific is with numbers. An even greater way to be specific is with calculations, and calculations are impossible without numbers. is a stockpile of numbers and calculations. What's in yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer wallet? When I talk about the body, I'm not pulling stuff out of my ass. I wrote a textbook on it.
Just out of curiosity does anyone read my posts in No Nonsense Philosophy?
tracycoyle comments on Mar 9, 2021:
I do. I try to thumbs up anything I read or respond to. However, I don't belong to the group...maybe I should...except it is not an area I spend a lot of time debating...
jaymaron replies on Mar 10, 2021:
@wolfhnd The magic of Socrates is that he didn't ever advance a position. He didn't need to. Socrates style was to destroy the positions of others. Socrates was feared. No one ever survived a duel with Socrates. Socrates could destroy anything. When Socrates was young, a Greek asked the Oracle of Delphi "who is the smartest Greek", and the Oracle said Socrates. Cantor and Russell were great destroyers. The value of their contributions was that they destroyed the entire field of logic and made it realize it had to start over. The lesson of Cantor,, Russell, and Godel is that every position can be destroyed. Democrats are arrogant and feel that all of their positions are sacred. I would love to turn Socrates loose today. Unleash the Socrates! Mario Andretti: If things feel under control, you're not going fast enough. If a scientific field isn't revolutionizing its paradigm at least once a decade, it's not discovering fast enough. Badass scientists embrace revolution. Dumbass scientists cling to paradigms.
Just out of curiosity does anyone read my posts in No Nonsense Philosophy?
tracycoyle comments on Mar 9, 2021:
I do. I try to thumbs up anything I read or respond to. However, I don't belong to the group...maybe I should...except it is not an area I spend a lot of time debating...
jaymaron replies on Mar 10, 2021:
@wolfhnd Yes, competition is critical. Without objective competition, a field decays. The rules need to be specific, and the game needs to be meaningful. Physics and mathematics have legit competitions.
Just out of curiosity does anyone read my posts in No Nonsense Philosophy?
tracycoyle comments on Mar 9, 2021:
I do. I try to thumbs up anything I read or respond to. However, I don't belong to the group...maybe I should...except it is not an area I spend a lot of time debating...
jaymaron replies on Mar 10, 2021:
@wolfhnd In the 17th century, science was referred to as "natural philosophy". Then physics was invented and natural philosophy became physics. Everyone with sense abandoned philosophy and embraced physics, and physics advanced epically. Many still clung to philosophy, but the work of philosophers of the 19th and 20th centuries is unimpressive. If Socrates were reincarnated today, he would ditch philosophy and embrace physics.
Look after your politics-free zone.
jaymaron comments on Mar 10, 2021:
Back in the good old days, it was impolite to carry on about politics in a social situation. Back in the day, Democrats and Republicans could be friends. Your social skills were more important than your ideology. Back in the day, Democrats could carry on a conversation about stuff other than ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 10, 2021:
@Naomi Is fission possible? Can left and right coexist peacefully? The left feels that the right owes them, for example slave reparations, and reparations for systemic racism. They feel that Trump stole the 2016 election. They feel that Trump spent 4 years hurting them. The right feels that the left owes them. The right feels that the 2020 and 1960 elections were stolen by the left. The right feels that the 2016 election was legit, that there was no evidence of Russian collusion, even with an expensive special council investigation. The left bullied the right over the 2016 election. The right feels like the left should apologize for the bullying, especially after the Mueller report came out. Instead, immediately after the report, the left launched another fraudulent accusation, the Ukraine accusation, and bullied the right with it. The right feels that the left owes them for this bullying. It's asymmetric because there is abundant evidence that the left cheated in 2020 and 1960, and no abundance that the right cheated in 2016. The right isn't going to back down. The left won't back down because they never back down, over anything. The left has the mindset of a shark. I don't think that peaceful coexistence is possible. A polarizing question is: can left and right exist separately? Many on the left cannot abide separation, and they will go to war to drag the right back in, and they will justify it by claiming that the right owes them. It's domestic abuse. They won't let anyone leave. It's because their gameplan doesn't work without red state taxes. Another polarizing question is: If fission occurs, who gets the federal stuff? For example military bases. The left will demand all of it. The right will say that they contributed to building it half of it and that they should get half of it. The left will reject this argument and go to war to take all of it. It's another example of domestic abuse. The left will do everything it can to prevent the right from leaving.
Harry’s man card, if he ever had one, has been shredded
wolfhnd comments on Mar 8, 2021:
Ever notice how girls love horses and boys bikes. One wants to coop physicality and the other wants to experience it. By controlling men women destroy the thing that they are seeking. One of those small tragedies that repeat over and over because our educational system is useless.
jaymaron replies on Mar 10, 2021:
@wolfhnd The farmer's dating site.
I would argue that having riots in 100 cities suggests the government isn't working for some people.
Alysandir comments on Mar 9, 2021:
What's important is who you are rioting for. I recall disclosures in the days following the elections that Antifa/BLM roters were "standing by," planning massive protests nationwide had Trump won the election. And I thought to myself how odd that was, because - ideologically - Biden is no more ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 9, 2021:
Yes, it feels like theater. Gingrich said that if someone had submitted a novel to a publisher in 2015 containing the events of 2016-2021, it would have been rejected as unrealistic.
Check this out ?
iThink comments on Mar 9, 2021:
probably because the word trump is an ordinary noun often used in card games and in everyday language. If your subject is Donald Trump then you should capitalize it yourself because the word correct feature does not know that you are using the word as a proper noun
jaymaron replies on Mar 9, 2021:
I plan on using the word trump as often as possible in conversations.
TheIndependent: Japan's Hayabusa probe finds both water and organic chemicals in samples taken on ...
jaymaron comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Water? Bah! What matters is hydrogen and oxygen, which are present in all rocks. With nuclear power you can brute force extract the hydrogen and oxygen and make water from any rock. Water articles are red herrings. Water is everywhere. Water water everywhere. Just get there, and get there with...
jaymaron replies on Mar 8, 2021:
@timon_phocas Good point about the fake news that the solar system is arid. In the show "V", aliens invade Earth to steal our water, which is hilarious because the moons of Jupiter and beyond are half ice. Ceres has as much H2O as the Indian ocean. To catalog the natural resources of the solar system, In the Earth's crust, the elements of interest to life are, in parts per thousand, Oxygen 467 Calcium 36 Sodium 28 Potassium 26 Hydrogen 1.4 Phosphorus 1.3 Carbon .94 Sulfur .52 Chlorine .45 Nitrogen .025 Oxygen, calcium, sodium, and potassium are not a concern. Hydrogen is easy to extract. Heat sand and it outgases. Phosphorus is an open question, as to if it will be extractable or not on the moon. Phosphorus may have to come from Earth. Nitrogen is rare in the solar system. It's only available in the atmospheres of Earth, Mars, and Titan. There is no nitrogen on the moon. Carbon is easy on Mars because it's in the atmosphere. The metals that are extractible are (in ppt) Aluminum 81 Iron 50 Magnesium 21 Titanium 6.2 Metal asteroid craters are rich in platinum group elements. Minerals concentrate elements. Most metal ore is minerals. Minerals require liquid water and volcanism to form. Mars once had these and there is hope for finding minerals on Mars. The moon never had these. There are no minerals on the moon. We should prospect for minerals on Mars.
Can someone make a meme of the modern Great Republican Presidents carved into Rushmore?
sqeptiq comments on Mar 7, 2021:
Hispanics need representation. Time to put FRANCO up there.
jaymaron replies on Mar 7, 2021:
Rushmore is the Presidential Hall of Fame. I made another Hall of Fame, of people who held power and gracefully retired. Examples include Washington, King Juan Carlos, The British Monarchy, President de Klerk, and Presidents Polk and Hayes (promised to serve 1 term and honored their pledge). The French Monarchy did not gracefully retire, and it cost them. The Spanish military installed Juan Carlos as king in hopes he would behave like a dictator. They thought they could control him. King Juan Carlos instead used his power as king to institute a smooth transition to democracy. Haha. That should have been a Nobel Peace Prize. Republicans can Trump Democrats by making a Republican Ranking of Democrat Presidents. Shame Democrats by pointing out that Democrat presidents used to be cool, and that Modern Democrat Presidents pale to the Classical Democratic Presidents. Shame Democrats for backing up Biden. *That's* the best you can do? Republicans can Trump Democrats by graciously inducting Democrat presidents into the Presidential Hall of Fame. Who do Republicans respect as Great Democratic Presidents? The ones I respect are: Jackson. Gingrich said: Trump is part Reagan, part Jackson, and part Barnum. Jackson brought payback for the Corrupt Bargain. Jackson stood up for rural American and vanquished the bourgeois New Englanders. Polk. Doubled the size of America. Made pledges before the election, and as president, honored his pledges. He pledged to serve 1 term and he honored his pledge. He retired to his farm, exhausted, and passed away 3 months later. Roosevelt. Won World War 2. Many Americans achieved greatness under Roosevelt's leadership. Roosevelt's army came to be known as The Greatest Generation. In the language of hockey, Roosevelt is the King of Assists. Roosevelt's Supreme Allied Commander Eisenhower was a member of the opposing party and later became president. Today's generation is the Least Generation. Roosevelt cared about winning. Kirk: I don't like to lose. Lombardy: Winning isn't everything. It's the only thing. Al Davis: Just win baby! Trump! We're going to win! We're going to win so much that you'll fatigue of winning. It's too much winning! Kennedy. In the Cuban missile crisis, Republicans graciously backed Kennedy, gave him the ball and blocked for him. Kennedy gloriously carried the ball. Trump and Republicans handed Biden a fine ball. Biden put it down and walked off the field. Sports Hall of Fames have a seniors category, for athletes that were recognized only after their day. The Presidential Hall of Fame should have a seniors category. Back in the day, badasses like Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe were considered the standard. Today we ...
The French aristocracy of the 18th century was arrogant and it cost them their heads.
ktpinto comments on Mar 7, 2021:
We are at the fall of America. Unfortunately, it seems like the rest of the "first world" is on the same trajectory.
jaymaron replies on Mar 7, 2021:
Iron law of oligarchy: Institutions drift toward oligarchy. Iron law of leftism. Institutions drift leftward. There is no hope for humanity. Imagine what leftists will look like a decade from now. From time to time you have to destroy the institution, expel the leftists, and form a new institution. Include only proven individualists.
If I was to be living off grid, then I would be doing it for the money.
jaymaron comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Evaporative cooling. Water and a fan. Water has a colossal evaporation energy. Melting energy of ice = 334 kJ/kg Energy to raise water from 0 to 100 Celsius = 420 kJ/kg Evaporation energy of water = 2260 kJ/kg
jaymaron replies on Mar 6, 2021:
@Caseyxsharp2 Seems so.
The reality is that members of the American left have, whether they like it or not, become the new ...
jaymaron comments on Mar 6, 2021:
jaymaron replies on Mar 6, 2021:
@Cecil_J_Twillie It's worthwhile tackling the definitions. Leftists have a definition of conservatism, and conservatives have a different definition. Labels are vague. One needs to be specific about the axes and where one stands on the axes. Some axes are: Fiscal conservative vs. fiscal liberal. Social conservative vs. social liberal. Pro oligarch or anti oligarch. Pro energy or anti energy. The axes are not linearly independent. You can tie leftists into knots over the inconsistency of the axes in their ideology. The Democratic party is split between pro-oligarch and anti-oligarch. Some Democrats are wary of oligarchs, and all Conservatives are wary of oligarchs. There is common ground but the intolerance of leftists keeps them from seeing it.
India says OPEC+ decision to hit consumption-led recovery, hurt customers | World | WION News ...
TimTuolomne comments on Mar 6, 2021:
Anyone who actually understands what ”fracking” is, can tell you that its another little boy crying “wolf” thing by the Left to distract you from their dismantling of the Constitution.
jaymaron replies on Mar 6, 2021:
Fracking is one of humanity's greatest inventions. Civilization advances by expanding energy. The steam engine gave us a means for converting wood to mechanical energy. Trains followed immediately. The Bessemer process enabled steel to be made with less energy. Steel warships followed immediately. The internal combustion engine gave us a means for turning liquid fuel to mechanical energy. Cars followed immediately. Liquid fuel allows for a more compact and powerful engine than a steam engine. Tesla built the first large-scale hydroelectric plant at Niagara, creating the world's largest source of electricity. Manufacturing boomed in Buffalo. Fission reactors expanded America's energy production. We could have infinite nuclear energy if we wished. Fracking expanded America's hydrocarbon energy production. Coal gave us a way to power trains without needing wood. If it hadn't been for coal, America would have cut down all its trees to power trains. Every time a leftists hates on fracking, I will declare that the inventors of fracking should get the Nobel Peace Prize. Drill baby drill! Frack baby frack! Nuke baby nuke!
The reality is that members of the American left have, whether they like it or not, become the new ...
jaymaron comments on Mar 6, 2021:
jaymaron replies on Mar 6, 2021:
@Cecil_J_Twillie Above the horizontal line. Potentially to the right or left of the vertical line.
Hawaii & Samoa under TSUNAMI WATCH after 8.
jaymaron comments on Mar 4, 2021:
Earthquake map:
jaymaron replies on Mar 4, 2021:
@Krunoslav Tsunamis happen in the Pacific and not the Atlantic because tsunamis are caused by plate convergences. Pacific plates are converging and Atlantic plates are diverging. Tsunamis are caused by plate overlap Earthquakes, also called "megathrust Earthquakes". Unless a meteor hits. If a meteor hits an ocean, every city on the coast is destroyed. This was the theme of the Niven+Pournelle novel "Lucifer's Hammer". Imagine that. Every leftist city destroyed. Rural America is unscathed.
Hawaii & Samoa under TSUNAMI WATCH after 8.
jaymaron comments on Mar 4, 2021:
Earthquake map:
jaymaron replies on Mar 4, 2021:
@Krunoslav America once had the world's mightiest volcanoes. Make America Great Again! What a tourist attraction that would be.
Developing | New York Stock Exchange says it would no longer delist three Chinese telecommunication ...
jaymaron comments on Jan 5, 2021:
Fascinating topic, defying executive orders. The CDC defied a presidential XO banning critical race theory indoctrination. Can anyone think of more? If there is no punishment to violating an executive order then there will be an avalanche of violations. There will also be indirect ...
jaymaron replies on Mar 1, 2021:
@eschatologyguy This feels more like the revolutionary war than the civil war. In the revolutionary war the rebels had the moral high ground and in the civil war they didn't. The revolutionary war required unity and putting aside politics. Reality was being enforced.
Penrodster comments on Feb 28, 2021:
I was shocked by how much fed govt owned. Anyone else see an overlap with democratic voting counties and federal ownership? If so, what's up with east coast?
jaymaron replies on Feb 28, 2021:
Back in the day there was market competition of governments. The Feds had to coax states into joining The Union. There was pressure to write a good constitution because they had to coax states to ratify it. The Constitutional Convention would have meant nothing if the states had not ratified their constitution. Many of the original 13 states joined The Union on condition that The Union cancelled their debt. It was a buyer's market. States wanted to be part of The Union. The Union proved to be pretty good, so good that the independence-minded Texans voluntarily joined. But as Timon_phocas pointed out, Texas joined on its own terms. They earned those terms by earning their own independence, by kicking Santa Ana's butt. The film "The Alamo" is available for free on youtube. Remember The Alamo! Remember The Goliad! Remember The Steal!
Penrodster comments on Feb 28, 2021:
I was shocked by how much fed govt owned. Anyone else see an overlap with democratic voting counties and federal ownership? If so, what's up with east coast?
jaymaron replies on Feb 28, 2021:
There is also an overlap between government workers and democrat voters. Democrats like big government because government workers tend to vote democrat. It's vote bribing. It mafia government. Republicans can virtue signal that they decline to do this. Drain the swamp!
Boston Public Schools Suspend Advanced Program Because Officials Were ‘Disturbed’ By The Number ...
jaymaron comments on Feb 27, 2021:
We've become Khmer Rouge Cambodia. Advanced programs are necessary to cultivate scientists and mathematicians, and to empower nerds. Democrats are racist against nerds. SAT bias at elite universities: Asian -140 White 0 Hispanic +130 Black +310 This is apartheid. ...
jaymaron replies on Feb 27, 2021:
@MosheBenIssac Universities factor in your neighborhood and social credit score in admissions. Praise the lord that we have Turning Point USA to provide a social network for republicans in college. I agree. Any republican that gets a full tuition scholarship at a leftist university should go, just to be a nuisance. I agree that it's fair game to game the system.
Boston Public Schools Suspend Advanced Program Because Officials Were ‘Disturbed’ By The Number ...
jaymaron comments on Feb 27, 2021:
We've become Khmer Rouge Cambodia. Advanced programs are necessary to cultivate scientists and mathematicians, and to empower nerds. Democrats are racist against nerds. SAT bias at elite universities: Asian -140 White 0 Hispanic +130 Black +310 This is apartheid. ...
jaymaron replies on Feb 27, 2021:
@dd54 I agree that it's about power. In a society that respects merit, merit has power. Leftists don't want anyone else to have power. They attack all other sources of power. Meant equity rather than equality in my earlier statements.
Boston Public Schools Suspend Advanced Program Because Officials Were ‘Disturbed’ By The Number ...
jaymaron comments on Feb 27, 2021:
We've become Khmer Rouge Cambodia. Advanced programs are necessary to cultivate scientists and mathematicians, and to empower nerds. Democrats are racist against nerds. SAT bias at elite universities: Asian -140 White 0 Hispanic +130 Black +310 This is apartheid. ...
jaymaron replies on Feb 27, 2021:
@Alysandir Feels like we've gone beyond even forced equality and now stupidity is being virtue signaled.
Boston Public Schools Suspend Advanced Program Because Officials Were ‘Disturbed’ By The Number ...
Alysandir comments on Feb 27, 2021:
Harrison Bergeron holding on line 1...
jaymaron replies on Feb 27, 2021:
TimTuolomne comments on Feb 27, 2021:
Fed exceeding its Constitutional authority again. Convention of States!
jaymaron replies on Feb 27, 2021:
Great idea. Even if secession hasn't happened, it would be glorious to see a convention of red states. Call it a caucus.
A measure of the quality of a city is how it treats its animals.
Alysandir comments on Feb 23, 2021:
I seem to recall a story from last Summer about the rat population in NYC becoming so desperate for food - since the lockdowns meant less trash and discarded food from pedestrians and commuters - that they were coming up in the daylight to attack pigeons.
jaymaron replies on Feb 23, 2021:
James Bond brandished his hairy chest and said: "Bird does not make nest in bare tree".
It's a badge of honor at this point.
jaymaron comments on Feb 23, 2021:
Even leftists are getting banned on facebook. Wonder if this will wake them up. Facebook is betrayal. Facebook became powerful because of the energy that people put into it. Facebook used the power given to it by its contributors to hurt its contributors. Many conservatives were making enough ...
jaymaron replies on Feb 23, 2021:
@toronto_Georgia Facebook used to have rich group discussions. Today, I dare not post in any facebook discussion. I use facebook only to connect to friends with chat, and I'm encouraging them to transition to the Intellectual Dark Web. I tell them that facebook uses their private chats in its social credit score.
A measure of the quality of a city is how it treats its animals.
Alysandir comments on Feb 23, 2021:
I seem to recall a story from last Summer about the rat population in NYC becoming so desperate for food - since the lockdowns meant less trash and discarded food from pedestrians and commuters - that they were coming up in the daylight to attack pigeons.
jaymaron replies on Feb 23, 2021:
Damn good point. Upper West Side Broadway is rich in restaurants, and they support both the birds and the homeless. I have a friend George who is homeless on Broadway, and he feasts on fine food donated by restaurants. Food used to not be a problem, and now it is.
Biden is writing executive orders faster than the supreme court can strike them down.
KeVince comments on Feb 22, 2021:
Perhaps the court should challenge the president on incompetence as he could be determined mentally unfit. They do have the power to do this.
jaymaron replies on Feb 22, 2021:
What a hilarious powderkeg of constitutional crises! The insanity amendment may not work anymore, because it requires the president's party to invoke it. Democrats are doing the opposite. They formed a shield around Biden's dementia. It needs to be this way, that the invocation has to come from the president's own party. Otherwise there would be chaos. It would be a nuclear war of insanity accusations. It's a war that cannot be won. What if the Supreme Court strikes down an executive order and the President ignores it? The President has a military and the Supreme Court doesn't. The only thing stopping this is congress. In old-school America, congress would eject a president that defied a Supreme Court ruling. Modern democrats won't. AOC tweeted explicitly: "Pack the courts". Biden refused to answer the question of court packing. In old-school America, a president that bipasses congress with executive orders would be impeached by congress, even by his own party members. Congress protected its turf. Checks and balances yo! No longer. The president and congress are both controlled by external forces. FDR found this out the hard way. Democrats owned the presidency and congress but not the court. FDR attempted to pack the court and democrats rebelled. The spirit of checks and balances was still alive. Trump: For every new regulation I add I will strike down 2 dumbass regulations. Trump executive orders are like anti-orders. Trump hits birdies and Biden hits bogeys.
Jackie Robinson was a great baseball player, with a career batting average of .
timon_phocas comments on Feb 22, 2021:
Petty politicians, modern day ward heelers like Harris and Clinton, try to appropriate the mantles of great men like Jackie Robinson. He endured torrents of abuse (on the field and off), performed at the pinnacle of athletic excellence and did it all with grace. They somehow expect their pedestrian ...
jaymaron replies on Feb 22, 2021:
Robinson was a hero, and additional heroes are the Dodger's owner and manager, who stood up for Robinson. Ask democrats if they know their names and shame them if they don't. They are Branch Rickey and Leo Durocher. Someone should erect statues of these fellows, loud and proud. Wonder how democrats will react to these statues. The Dodgers players threatened to mutiny over Robinson and Durocher said: "I do not care if the guy is yellow or black, or if he has stripes like a fucking zebra. I'm the manager of this team, and I say he plays. What's more, I say he can make us all rich. And if any of you cannot use the money, I will see that you are all traded." Robinson drew bigly crowds immediately upon starting in the major league. In the Negro league he drew bigly crowds. At UCLA he was varsity in football, baseball, basketball, and track. Chances are he was popular on campus. Rival teams might have felt sheepish for not signing Robinson before the Dodgers. Peyton Manning was a potential #1 draft pick. The Colts held the #1 pick and asked Manning if he wanted to play for the Colts. Manning answered like a sportsman. He said: "If you don't draft me, I will spend the next decade kicking your butts." Sportsmanship is a beautiful thing. Sportsmanship trumps politics.
Jackie Robinson was a great baseball player, with a career batting average of .
dentrawler comments on Feb 22, 2021:
The powers that were also understood the social climate of the time and realized that in order for hiring of Black ballplayers to succeed, the first would have to be somebody with a personality that would eventually win over white America. There were numerous players in the Negro Leagues with ...
jaymaron replies on Feb 22, 2021:
@dentrawler Most major sports teams are in big cities, and they funnel money from rural America to cities. The Packers stand out as a rural team. The population of Green Bay is only slightly larger than the capacity of Lambeau field and games always sell out. Rural America should demand that the sports leagues expand and add rural teams. Where could teams be added? You need a big stadium.
Jackie Robinson was a great baseball player, with a career batting average of .
dentrawler comments on Feb 22, 2021:
The powers that were also understood the social climate of the time and realized that in order for hiring of Black ballplayers to succeed, the first would have to be somebody with a personality that would eventually win over white America. There were numerous players in the Negro Leagues with ...
jaymaron replies on Feb 22, 2021:
Many modern athletes went maximum polar. The American women's national soccer team alienated half of America and they disinclude christians from the team. The UK has three national teams: England, Scotland, and Wales. America needs to form a rebel national team that's apolitical.
Creativity - that's what I am always drawn to.
jaymaron comments on Feb 20, 2021:
The world consumes bigly energy on concrete. Concrete alternatives are great! Now give them iron bars. Buildings are a composite material made of concrete and iron rebar. Concrete has great resistance to compressibility but poor flexibility and poor tensile strength. Iron rebar has great ...
jaymaron replies on Feb 21, 2021:
@Naomi Plastic bricks are more flexible than bricks, concrete, or stone, and so they might prove to need less rebar.
Congress Escalates Pressure on Tech Giants to Censor More, Threatening the First Amendment ...
timon_phocas comments on Feb 20, 2021:
Howdy @Garsco, It looks like they don't understand the secondary effects of their censorship. To paraphrase Princess Leia, "The more you tighten your grip, Zuckerberg, the more alt tech systems will slip through your fingers."
jaymaron replies on Feb 20, 2021:
One could suppose that King George III was obsessed with the tightness of his grip.
Does a country's wealth come from its energy use?
FissionMeister comments on Feb 15, 2021:
Energy, the capacity to do work and in its "raw state" energy is the only true global currency. If a country has "energy" in its raw state, is able to efficiently convert it to useful work, yielding a product in demand by others outside the country, it can use this "advantage" to stay wealthy....
jaymaron replies on Feb 18, 2021:
I agree, that hydrocarbons and nuclear are the way to go for the near term. Leftists keep claiming that solar and wind are ready for prime time but it never happens. WInd and solar are still a feeble fraction of American power. Coal saved the trees. If it hadn't been for coal, America would have cut down all its trees to fuel trains. Nuclear reactors can do cool things besides the usual heat and electricity production. If people knew how cool they were they would want one, especially people living on frozen tundra. Fission reactors can: Produce electricity Produce heat for the chemical industry. Heat buildings with discard heat. Create valuable elements and isotopes by transmutation. For example, cheap tungsten can be transmuted to valuable rhenium, osmium, iridium, platinum, and gold. Reactors can create isotopes necessary for the future of Space War such as Californium-252, Californium-254, and Curium-251. Extract valuable elements from spent fuel, such as rhodium and palladium. Extract radioisotopes from spent fuel, which can be made into nuclear batteries. These include strontium-90 and caesium-137. Serve as a neutron source for scientific research. Neutralize radioactive waste with discard neutrons. A neutron is a terrible thing to waste. If you generate them with accelerator spallation they cost 120 million dollars per kilogram. A chief goal of reactor design is maximizing temperature, which maximizes efficiency. The dominant industrial chemical produced by reactors is hydrogen, which requires a temperature of 925 Celsius, and so this is the target. Fast neutrons can fission all the fuel and slow neutrons can't.
Does a country's wealth come from its energy use?
JeffHoneyager comments on Feb 15, 2021:
Nuclear (SMRs) - Small Modular Reactors. I did the math. Our small city has about 50,000 people. With 2 SMRs, each the size of a school bus, could power all the residents at about $10 per month. ZERO carbon emissions, very small footprint - no big energy required. Spread the news: ...
jaymaron replies on Feb 18, 2021:
Another alternative is Stirling generators. They're simple, unlike turbines. Shovel biomass into a Stirling generator and it generates electricity. Pay the shoveler for the electricity he produced. Put them in the California forests and clear away the biomass that's causing fires. The carbon in the biomass is going into the atmosphere no matter what, either by Stirling generator or by bacterial decomposition. Biomass is a terrible thing to waste.
Does a country's wealth come from its energy use?
JeffHoneyager comments on Feb 15, 2021:
Nuclear (SMRs) - Small Modular Reactors. I did the math. Our small city has about 50,000 people. With 2 SMRs, each the size of a school bus, could power all the residents at about $10 per month. ZERO carbon emissions, very small footprint - no big energy required. Spread the news: ...
jaymaron replies on Feb 17, 2021:
India has bigly thorium and they're working on thorium reactors.
Only Half Of Americans Have Heard Of ‘Cancel Culture’ [huffingtonpost.
David42 comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Half of all voters are below average Mostly democrats
jaymaron replies on Feb 16, 2021:
If your opinion is always the same as that of the crowd, then you are no smarter than the crowd. Where the hell is the spirit of Galileo, where scientists stood up for their scientific judgement, even if it went against the crowd. Scientists that sell out to the crowd disappoint me. I'm stripping them of their "Doctor" title.
So here’s some interesting info on the Keystone Pipeline.
jaymaron comments on Feb 16, 2021:
We need a pro-pipeline protest. A pro-energy protest. While the Atomic Energy Commission sat on its ass, nuclear engineers stayed busy and designed new reactors. We have badass modern designs that we can't build because the AEC hasn't approved a new reactor in decades. Shame! France gets ...
jaymaron replies on Feb 16, 2021:
Now is an opportune time for a protest. Stage it in Texas while it's cold.
GatewayPundit: Wind Turbines freeze-up in Texas ice storm.
w0tn0t comments on Feb 15, 2021:
Solar panels must be "working well" under all that snow - where's that little muppet Greta?
jaymaron replies on Feb 15, 2021:
Not studying climate science. Given that she's been annointed the Climate Saint, you would think she would take the trouble of taking science classes. Nope.
America waged the Revolutionary war without needing a federal goverrnment or a president.
DrHiebert comments on Feb 13, 2021:
Alberta and Saskatchewan will join y'all. There is a movement in western Canada to separate and form our own state. This Liberal shitshow is literally burning down our economy and ruining our society
jaymaron replies on Feb 13, 2021:
What would the Canadian secession map look like??
America waged the Revolutionary war without needing a federal goverrnment or a president.
rway comments on Feb 13, 2021:
You've got the right idea... but not a great example. That Revolutionary council of State reps was unable to get food, medicine, supplies, or paychecks to the soldiers; due, in part, to in-fighting about who should provide what portions. It was a considerable sacrifice, to our benefit, that many ...
jaymaron replies on Feb 13, 2021:
Rich question, how to structure a league. The Ancient Greeks knew the Persian invasion was coming and they spent a decade building warships. They found a way to put aside their city vs. city wars and unite against the Persians, and they were well equipped. Ancient Rome was usually in democracy mode but they occasionally went into dictator mode, usually when unity was needed to fight off an invader. Cincinnatus was appointed dictator, defeated the invaders, and resigned the dictatorship 15 days after being appointed. France never carries its weight in NATO.
The police should NOT come to her assistance at all.
angelo comments on Feb 13, 2021:
I honestly wonder what goes through people's heads when they vote for this scum? I read somewhere, that 19 of the 20 most violent cities in America are all run by democrats.
jaymaron replies on Feb 13, 2021:
Blue cities have a higher murder rate than red cities, and higher debt.
TheVerge: NASA delays moon lander contracts, as the Biden administration mulls the moon program.
jaymaron comments on Feb 3, 2021:
The usual conspiracy theory is that the moon landing was faked. It's the opposite. The conspiracy is to keep us off the moon. In the show "Space Force", Americans got to the moon and spent their time virtue signaling. The Chinese were already there and they were busy mining. The Federal ...
jaymaron replies on Feb 10, 2021:
@Mike999333 Helium-3 is often touted as a fusion fuel, but few mention that helium-3 can only be created in a fission reactor. Lithium-6 + Neutron -> Helium-4 + Tritium Tritium -> Helium-3 (beta decay with a 12 year half life)
For what it's worth. Are you a staunch supporter of NON-GMO food?
jaymaron comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Rich topic, increasing the productivity of land. The number of people that 1 km^2 of land can support is: Hunter-gatherers 1 18th Century European farmers: 10 21th Century American farmers: 50 (Mechanization, fertilizer, genetic engineering, pesticides) Hydroponics: 1000 It's a ...
jaymaron replies on Feb 10, 2021:
@JeffHoneyager The world populaton density is 1 person per hectare. Plenty of space. I laugh at people that pack themselves into cities.
America is in interregnum.
jaymaron comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Hoping someone writes a MAGA history book. Is anyone watching "Liberty's Kids: American Revolution"? It's on youtube. Inspiring. Thomas Payne wrote the "Common Sense" pamphlet, which went viral. It wasn't easy to go viral back then because you had to write with a quill, set type, and pay for ...
jaymaron replies on Feb 9, 2021:
@govols It's like Hazard County. In the film "Walking Tall", the sheriff is evil and harasses The Rock. The Rock runs for sheriff, wins, and fires the entire previous police force. Democrats support pro-crime DAs and they are likely trying to install pro-crime sheriffs. Kenosha wasn't a protest. It was an invasion of a small town by big-city thugs. Kenosha should have taken a stand. Rural territory needs to establish local militias. This is Kenosha!
This is gonna start a war, whatever.
Bay0Wulf comments on Feb 3, 2021:
And then ... there’s all types of plastics ... including synthetic materials used in clothing (nylon, rayon, dacron, spandex) .. and sneakers and sandals (cordura nylon) ... not to mention asphalt in paving and shingles ...
jaymaron replies on Feb 3, 2021:
Oil is a precursor to the plastic and chemical industry. Natural gas is used to make hydrogen, which is used to make ammonia (nitrogen fixation), which is used to make fertilizer. Hydrogen and ammonia are also precursors to the chemical energy. You need hydrogen to crack oil.Coal is needed for metal smelting. The plot shows how much energy is required to make raw materials.
Topic not talked about enough when it comes to sustainable development.
rway comments on Feb 2, 2021:
Atmospheric Carbon has been in steady decline since ocean critters first started making shells, dying, and sinking to the ocean floor. We've got about 1.3 Million years before the entire biosphere collapses from too *little* carbon. That's a long time... true. But it's blindingly ignorant to want...
jaymaron replies on Feb 2, 2021:
Ocean iron fertilization. Dump cheap iron dust in the ocean and algae grows. For every kg of iron, more than 1000 kg of carbon is captured. Put the iron in the ocean subduction zones near antarctica and then the algae sinks to the ocean floor, sequestering the carbon. This works because the oceans are nutrient-poor. Plenty of sun and water. The only thing holding the oceans back is nutrients. Every time someone tries to do an experiment on ocean iron fertilization, greenies show up and harass the experimenters. This is life in action. Biomass is powerful. Harness it.
Palin: Drill baby drill! Biden: Thou shalt not drill.
KeVince comments on Feb 1, 2021:
May be we should go back to the days of horse and buggy, shit covered streets that were ground to dust and breathed by the people that lived in the cities and every time it rained turned to open sewers that ran into nearby water ways. those where the good old day's of cholera and dysentery.
jaymaron replies on Feb 1, 2021:
@KeVince Rich topic. Another use of coal is as a foreign policy tool. Many nations don't have an indigenous energy source and many don't have a pipeline infrastructure. Everybody has power plants that are coal-ready. If I were president I would have ships full of coal cruisiing around and I would dangle them like carrots.
Palin: Drill baby drill! Biden: Thou shalt not drill.
Alysandir comments on Jan 31, 2021:
I simply wish we could just have a chart that everyone agrees on, where we could see the pros and cons to all energy types, instead of having to deal with politic rhetoric that picks and chooses what it believes. For example, everyone driving electric cars, believing that they're doing "their ...
jaymaron replies on Feb 1, 2021:
Palin: Drill baby drill! Biden: Thou shalt not drill.
KeVince comments on Feb 1, 2021:
May be we should go back to the days of horse and buggy, shit covered streets that were ground to dust and breathed by the people that lived in the cities and every time it rained turned to open sewers that ran into nearby water ways. those where the good old day's of cholera and dysentery.
jaymaron replies on Feb 1, 2021:
Coal saved the trees. If it wasn't for coal, every tree in America would have been cut down to fuel trains.
Palin: Drill baby drill! Biden: Thou shalt not drill.
Alysandir comments on Jan 31, 2021:
I simply wish we could just have a chart that everyone agrees on, where we could see the pros and cons to all energy types, instead of having to deal with politic rhetoric that picks and chooses what it believes. For example, everyone driving electric cars, believing that they're doing "their ...
jaymaron replies on Jan 31, 2021:
Yes, the manufacture of the battery releases CO2. The true value of electric vehicles is stealth and reliability. An EV is quiet while small gasoline vehicles are noisy. A small gasoline vehicle can't be soundproofed. This is important for the livability of cities. An EV is reliable because it consists only of a battery and electric motors. A gasoline car has a gasoline motor, flywheel, gears, a crankshaft, and a muffler, all of which are expensive and can break. Leftists are irrationally afraid of gasoline. Equip an EV with a detachable gasoline generator. Detach the generator if in a city or in sport mode. If driving long distance, include the generator. Gasoline cars are far from the most significant contributor of CO2. The right way to save on driving energy is to have compact city vehicles with low air drag.
Never forget that the election of 2020 was a farce
jaymaron comments on Jan 31, 2021:
It's a religious schism. Republicans feel that Trump won the election and that democrats stole it. Democrats feel the election wasn't stolen. It's irreconcilable, especially since democrats are ruling with the style of "tyranny of the majority". Democrats have formally made America an apartheid ...
jaymaron replies on Jan 31, 2021:
@iThink Agree, that it should be written as a fake election. It's tempting to get carried away with rhetoric. Leftists do. They want rhetoric privilege. I think that a conservative rhetoric history book could be hilarious. Satire opportunity. A fundamental difference between conservatives and leftists is that conservatives have a sense of humor and leftists don't. Leftist history books are unfunny. Wondering what democrats were thinking with the 26000 troops. They propagandized that it was to guard against an imminent erection. Turned out to be a fake erection.
Never forget that the election of 2020 was a farce
jaymaron comments on Jan 31, 2021:
It's a religious schism. Republicans feel that Trump won the election and that democrats stole it. Democrats feel the election wasn't stolen. It's irreconcilable, especially since democrats are ruling with the style of "tyranny of the majority". Democrats have formally made America an apartheid ...
jaymaron replies on Jan 31, 2021:
@iThink Biden is a fake president. I am still going to refer to Trump as President Trump. How do we write this for the history book? "Biden seized power in a military coup, with 26000 troops in the capitol" The religious schism will manifest as 2 sets of history books, the conservative book and the leftist book. What more should we add to the conservative book?
I just heard that the DEMs/LIBs/Commies, (what ever) have decided to target A public office for TAKE...
jaymaron comments on Jan 30, 2021:
In the film "Walking Tall", the sheriff is evil and he bullies The Rock. The Rock runs for sheriff, wins, fires everyone in the department, and starts rehiring from scratch. In Dukes of Hazard, Uncle Jesse should have run for County Commissioner and unseated Boss Hog. The left will try to buy ...
jaymaron replies on Jan 30, 2021:
@Serg97 This seems maximum scary. Imagine if a city mob invades a rural town and the sheriff is leftist and pro-crime. If there's something strange in the neighborhood, who you gonna call? America has a fine tradition of local militias.
Ask democrats a specific question: If you were president and the red states seceded, what would you ...
jamesdomus1861 comments on Jan 30, 2021:
Oh, I can only WISH the states would say 'bye bye' to the fed. And then we could start over with the Constitution and limited government. I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I thought it was smart that the masses only directly elected House of Representative members. In your state, you vote...
jaymaron replies on Jan 30, 2021:
How would you structure the new conservative constitution?
Ask democrats a specific question: If you were president and the red states seceded, what would you ...
iThink comments on Jan 30, 2021:
ask him what year it is and where does he live - and what is his his stage of Alzheimers disease he won't be able to answer those questions. Someone would step in and either prompt him or help him off the dais.
jaymaron replies on Jan 30, 2021:
@iThink A potential scenario is that the Harris faction uses the 25th Amendment to eject Biden. To test for dementia you need to force the patient to think. Biden reads pre-prepared speeches and never answers questions. There is a written test. Trump daringly took it and aced it. That shut down the democrat squawking about Trump's intelligence and brain fitness. Dare Biden to take the test, with republians monitoring. Take issue with his refusal to take the test. Trump outworks everyone around him. Biden is good for 1 hour a day. Trump does it without alcohol or nicotine. Biden should be tested for doping. Hilary was busted for doping. Her staff was packing syringes and her campaign car was a fully-operational ambulance. There are videos of Hillary having epileptic seizures. Trump's eyes and head are stable. Hillary's eyes and head bounce around. Trump has one head position and Obama has 3. Obama cycles around between position 1, 2, and 3. Obama can't hold any given position for long. Trump's brain is unified and Obama's brain is fractured into 3 parts. Obama is schizophrenic. When you learn American history it's handy to first memorize the presidents and then, for any given event in history, take note of who was president. For European events, take note of who was the monarch. Biden can't associate events with who was president. What are some more signs of dementia?
Ask democrats a specific question: If you were president and the red states seceded, what would you ...
iThink comments on Jan 30, 2021:
ask him what year it is and where does he live - and what is his his stage of Alzheimers disease he won't be able to answer those questions. Someone would step in and either prompt him or help him off the dais.
jaymaron replies on Jan 30, 2021:
Biden does not have a functioning sense of chronological order.
A meme makes the news. cnn stonks reddit 4chan welikethestock
jaymaron comments on Jan 30, 2021:
What Wall Street did was straight up theft, when they halted trading. Reddit traders earned the money fair and square. Even more than fair. They did it in spite of the fact that big brokers were colluding against them. The big broker collusion was straight up theft, even before the trading ...
jaymaron replies on Jan 30, 2021:
@REN777 Investigative journalism is a fine art, an art that democrats lost. Even pure journalism is a fine art. The ability to be neutral.
I am henceforth referring to the democratic party as the American Communist Party.
Garsco comments on Jan 29, 2021:
This equity-centered government policy obsession is pure communism for the masses. It will destroy individual human initiative.
jaymaron replies on Jan 29, 2021:
Loki: Humanity was made to be ruled. Hoping that there are still individualists out there.
This is required reading if you want to fight back against cancel culture, the form has been franked...
Alysandir comments on Jan 28, 2021:
Cancel culture is bigger epidemic than COVID. Witness the recent phenomenon where Gamestop and AMC stock prices have skyrocketed due to a grass-roots effort to stick it to hedge funds that were attempting to profit through shorting stock for two companies being driven out of business by COVID and...
jaymaron replies on Jan 28, 2021:
That's pretty damn scary. There doesn't seem to be any deterrent to insider trading, and oligarchs can manipulate the market. Oligarchs and the government are colluding. There is no question that big tech is using their data for insider trading. Their monopoly gives them the biggest data pile. Breitbart published an article stating that America's richest 10 people got 500 billion dollars richer during the plague. The lockdowns are all about crushing small businesses. Small businesses can't play the stock market because they're not financial heavyweights. Oligarchs have plenty of cash to short the small business market.
America can defend Taiwan Elbridge Colby The Wall Street Journal An hour ago January 28, 2021...
Rick-A comments on Jan 28, 2021:
I believe Biden will be pushed into this by the industrial military complex. Biden will have no say in the matter!
jaymaron replies on Jan 28, 2021:
The military industrial complex should run ads in Taiwan. Taiwan should be a prime customer.
Irate farmers storm Delhi on tractors as tear gas deployed and internet cut off in scramble to ...
jaymaron comments on Jan 26, 2021:
The general question is: how to help farmers? Attack the source. The government should goose the farming industry to increase production, and to decrease farming costs. Ways that the government can goose the farming industry: Provide Indian farmers with free access to patented seeds. ...
jaymaron replies on Jan 26, 2021:
@Krunoslav It's great that Indian farmers are well wary of large corporations, and of government. In America, the general boycott strategy is to favor rural over urban. Buy from farmer's markets instead of grocery stores. Make it a matter of virtue signaling, your food source. Mexican gangs farm Mexican land with heinous environmental carelessness. They produce "conflict avocadoes". They also mine gold with mercury, another heinous environmental offense. Let Indian avocadoes be "virtue avocadoes".
American, Protector of the Realm.
Weltansicht comments on Jan 25, 2021:
The only one on your list that I have a problem with is the Spanish American War. America overran the Republic of the Phillipine Islands after helping them be independent for 3 or 4 years. We gave Cuba back, because at the time, it was a concern of having an offshore state in the Union. Takes a lot ...
jaymaron replies on Jan 25, 2021:
America built itself into a great nation, and America is also a great nation-builder of other nations. America manufactures greatness and exports it. America conquered and ruled many nations. In almost all cases America restored independence to the conquered nation, and the conquered nation usually prospered. Lately, our nation-building sucks. Successful nation-building: Japan The South after the Civil War Texas (Became a state) American Samoa (Source of football players) Cuba (Was doing well before Castro) Kosovo War: Croatia, Kosovo, and Bosnia-Herzegovina were liberated from Yugoslavia. Nations that didn't prosper: Philippines after the Spanish-American war Philippines after WW2 Mexico Haiti Panama Iraq Libya Granada
American, Protector of the Realm.
Weltansicht comments on Jan 25, 2021:
The only one on your list that I have a problem with is the Spanish American War. America overran the Republic of the Phillipine Islands after helping them be independent for 3 or 4 years. We gave Cuba back, because at the time, it was a concern of having an offshore state in the Union. Takes a lot ...
jaymaron replies on Jan 25, 2021:
Gadaffi warrants study. Once upon a time there was a secret nuclear collusion involving Libya, Pakistan, and North Korea. Qadaffi reported it to the United States and handed over all his nuclear material to the United States. Qadaffi established an aquefer irrigation system without incurring national debt. Qadaffi established free education, including college. Qadaffi provided free health care to all Libyans. Qadaffi improved Libyan literacy. Chairman of the African Union from 2009-2010. Gadaffi was granted a 15 minute speech to the General Assembly of the United Nations, a great honor. Alas, he overdid it by speaking for 90 minutes. Qadaffi held power over Libya for 34 years. Not easy to do. Hillary screwed it up. Things were going well in Libya before Hillary, and went poorly after. Poor nation building. Hillary was one of the worst Secretaries of State of all time.
The Resistance will come from red states and from Native American tribes.
ZuzecaSape comments on Jan 25, 2021:
If you can't beat 'em, wampum.
jaymaron replies on Jan 25, 2021:
@Freedomlover68 How do you get IDW to print symbols?
Gendral neutral playing cards ??? Soooooooooooo brave []
jaymaron comments on Jan 25, 2021:
What are we supposed to call the chess pieces?
jaymaron replies on Jan 25, 2021:
@RemiDallaire Under democrat rule, pawns stay pawns. A Biden executive order revoked the pawn's en-passant privilege. Trump empowered the pawns. Trump pawns can move forward 2 squares at any time. Their capture privilege is extended to 2 diagonal squares.
Gendral neutral playing cards ??? Soooooooooooo brave []
jaymaron comments on Jan 25, 2021:
What are we supposed to call the chess pieces?
jaymaron replies on Jan 25, 2021:
@RemiDallaire To make chess gender neutral, you have to give the king and the queen the same move set. Unleash the king! The left will squawk: White privilege! White moves first! That's why a chess duel consists of an even number of games, with each player taking turns playing white.
Leftists write a history depicting Trump as a Nazi, with the goal of discrediting all republicans.
timon_phocas comments on Jan 25, 2021:
Howdy @jaymaron, Fine summary. Democrats got us into the Vietnam War. Nixon extricated us from that unholy, stinking mess. All while being relentlessly pilloried. Nixon's arms airlift to Israel was awesome. He realized there would be howls of outrage for a single planeload of ammo, so he...
jaymaron replies on Jan 25, 2021:
@Setright America used to win. The generals in World War II were sharp, especially Bombs Away Le May, who engineered the American air combat strategy. The generals in Vietnam were less than sharp. With better generals, America would have won. Also, the leftist cancer was growing and they sabotaged America's stance. Trump: We're going to win so much, you'll get tired of winning. Lombardi: Winning isn't every thing. It's the only thing. Kirk: I don't like to lose. The left doesn't like to win. I miss winning.
Leftists write a history depicting Trump as a Nazi, with the goal of discrediting all republicans.
timon_phocas comments on Jan 25, 2021:
Howdy @jaymaron, Fine summary. Democrats got us into the Vietnam War. Nixon extricated us from that unholy, stinking mess. All while being relentlessly pilloried. Nixon's arms airlift to Israel was awesome. He realized there would be howls of outrage for a single planeload of ammo, so he...
jaymaron replies on Jan 25, 2021:
Johnson's win in 1964 was partly because his platform had goodies for rurals, such as the Tennessee Valley Authority. Today, the democratic platform is anti-rural.
When people move out it's interesting to see the treasures they left behind
jaymaron comments on Jan 24, 2021:
Many presidents added sports venues to the White House. For example Eisenhower added a golf green. Post with the full list:
jaymaron replies on Jan 24, 2021:
Nothing highlights the difference between the State Sector and the competitive private sector than ...
jaymaron comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Nice set of numbers. For the Falcon rocket, the engines are 40% of the cost. One engine is $2 million, there are 27 engines, the payload is 64 tons, and the launch cost is $150 million. The payload cost is 2340 $/kg and the engines contribute $900/kg. SpaceX pioneered the methane engine, ...
jaymaron replies on Jan 24, 2021:
@Eric123 The closer to the sun, the higher the temperature. For most elements, melting point increases with density, so inner planets have more dense elements than outer planets. A planet tried to form in the asteroid belt and failed. Collisions stripped off the outer layers, exposing the metal core, and this core is the asteroid 16-Psyche. 16-Psyche is the largest metal asteroid and all other metal asteroids come from 16-Psyche. The Psyche spacecraft lauches in 2022 and arrives at 16-Psyche in 2026. It has a gamma spectrometer to measure element composition. It doesn't have impactors. It depends on cosmic rays to stir up gammas from the asteroid. The Psyche spacecraft is being launched by a SpaceX Falcon Heavy. Platinum sinks to the core because it's dense and because it doesn't mineralize. Rare Earths mineralize and don't sink to the core. The mineral is less dense than the element. We can tabulate the degree to which a core concentrates an element. Define: R = Density of the metal in the core / Density of the metal in the crust We can scale R relative to iron. r = Density of iron in the core / Density of iron in the crust Q = R/r = Enrichment quality of the metal The value of Q for various metals is: Ruthenium 762 (Highest Q of all elements) Platinum 329 Rhodium 284 Osmium 263 (Densest element) Iridium 208 Nickel 52 Palladium 44 Gold 42 Cobalt 14 Iron 1 Tungsten .51 Copper .13 Silver .03 Thorium .00046 Uranium .00027 Rare Earths are in the same chemical class as uranium and thorium, and they are enriched in the ore of uranium and thorium. This ore will be a future source of rare Earths. India has vast thorium. Thorium can also be used for nuclear power, and so it's a guarantee that India will mine the thorium. India is already developing thorium reactors. Uranium and thorium have negligible concentrations in metal asteroids. You won't find rare Earths in metal asteroids. Iron asteroids are 10% nickel and 1% cobalt, and this has as much value as the platinum. They are 90% iron, and the iron can be used as a carbon-free energy source. Bringing back a km sized asteroid can supply the world's energy demand for a year. The iron can also be used for industry, which means that the world doesn't have to burn as much coal to smelt iron. If I were president I would use a fusion bomb to bring an asteroid to the Earth. Earth industry hinges on steel production, and the space industry will as well. You can't launch bulk steel from Earth to space, and so the steel will have to come from metal asteroids. Table of metal abundances in metal asteroids:
Nothing highlights the difference between the State Sector and the competitive private sector than ...
jaymaron comments on Jan 19, 2021:
Nice set of numbers. For the Falcon rocket, the engines are 40% of the cost. One engine is $2 million, there are 27 engines, the payload is 64 tons, and the launch cost is $150 million. The payload cost is 2340 $/kg and the engines contribute $900/kg. SpaceX pioneered the methane engine, ...
jaymaron replies on Jan 23, 2021:
@Eric123 Platinum group metals don't form minerals and so they readily sink to the core of a planet. Elements that form minerals don't sink to the core. The mineral is less dense than the element. Rare Earths are in the same chemical class as thorium and uranium, and both of these elements have negligibly low concentrations in metal asteroids. Metal asteroids are unlikely to contain rare Earths. Numbers in Metal asteroids are for platinum-group elements, plus germanium. Germanium is important because it's necessary for fibreoptics, and 80% of the world's germanium comes from China. For rare Earths, we're going to have to find new sources on Earth. One possibility is the mud near undersea vents. The question of endangered elements is fascinating. Politicians should be paying attention to this.
Canada and Brazil are water superpowers.
sqeptiq comments on Jan 23, 2021:
I've sometimes heard it said that the wars of the future will be over water.
jaymaron replies on Jan 23, 2021:
Whiskey is for drinking. Water is for fighting over.
This is unacceptable! After two weeks of sleeping on cold marble floors, Congress boots National ...
Thefallenangel comments on Jan 22, 2021:
Trump gave them permission to use his DC hotel.
jaymaron replies on Jan 23, 2021:
Glorious! 5000 men. That's a lot of snoring and farting. The garage would be uninhabitable. Bad for morale.
To paraphrase Fauci: "Under the Biden administration I will be more transparent, and I will stick to...
JobyOneKenobi comments on Jan 22, 2021:
I haven't trusted that little prick for months. If you are a true scientist you can't sit in front of congress and condemn large social gatherings but have no opinion on large groups of people protesting.
jaymaron replies on Jan 22, 2021:
@JobyOneKenobi Where the hell is the spirit of Galileo? Back in the day, scientists had courage. They stood behind their scientific judgement, even if politically inconvenient. A contemporary of Galileo was the scientist Giordano Bruno, who stood up for his science and was burned at the stake by the Catholic Church. The age of Galileo featured secret societies that valued truth and courage. These societies were glorious, and your status in the society hinged on how much science and courage you brought to the table. History remembers the glorious Galileo and does not remember his critics. When I watch scientists sell out and bash republicans because it's popular, I am disappointed. The Intellectual Dark Web is glorious! To which scientists should we give the "Galileo Award"? I nominate Dr. Nir Shaviv, a badass physicist and The Man for climate science. His videos tackle the matter of sunspots and cosmic rays, and they destroy the leftist consensus climate stance. To which scientists should we give the "Science Sellout Award"? Once upon a time, congressman Poindexter handed out "Golden Fleece" awards to shame pork spenders.
To paraphrase Fauci: "Under the Biden administration I will be more transparent, and I will stick to...
JobyOneKenobi comments on Jan 22, 2021:
I haven't trusted that little prick for months. If you are a true scientist you can't sit in front of congress and condemn large social gatherings but have no opinion on large groups of people protesting.
jaymaron replies on Jan 22, 2021:
Congressman Jim Jordan (college wrestling national champion for the Badgers) zapped Fauci in a congressional hearing. Fauci: I don't want to opine. Jordan: You've opined about a lot of things, Dr. Fauci
If you think Donald was hated, wait to see how many enemies Joseph makes.
jaymaron comments on Jan 22, 2021:
More Machiavelli! The Praetorian Guard must have possessed power, because many assassinations were due to the Guard.
jaymaron replies on Jan 22, 2021:
@dentrawler This is reminiscent of the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714). King Charles II had a weak brain, like Biden, but the Spanish royalists propped him up because they were afraid of opposing factions. Charles II was of frail health because he was a deeply inbred Habsburg, and he went senile. He was never educated because the royalists were afraid that it would stress his frail brain. The royalists endeavored to keep him alive as long as possible, because the succession was uncertain. Ever since he was born, Europe was waiting for his death, but Charles II continued to baffle Christendom by staying alive. Wilson, for the last 2 years of his presidency, was a vegetable because of a stroke, and democrats hid it. Democrats hide Biden. In 1700 the Spanish Empire included the Spanish Netherlands, large parts of Italy, the Philippines, and much of the Americas. Charles's closest heirs were members of the Austrian Habsburgs or French Bourbons. Acquisition of an undivided Spanish Empire by either threatened the European balance of power. England and France attempted a compromise similar to the Missouri Compromise. They proposed partitioning the Spanish Empire into two parts, but it was rejected by the Spanish. The Spanish insisted on winner-take-all. Charles II named Philip of Anjou, a grandson of Louis XIV, as his heir. A competing contender was Charles, younger son of Leopold I, the Holy Roman Emperor, which was Habsburgland. Philip accepted the kingship and was proclaimed king of an undivided Spanish Empire on 16 November 1700, leading to war between France and Spain on one side, and the Grand Alliance on the other. Because of Biden's dementia, the executive branch is a power vacuum, with many factions rushing in. The only thing holding it together is hate of republicans, but now they never need to worry about elections again. It's a powderkeg. The fundamental axis of civil war may be: Biden royalists vs. Those not in Biden's favor.
Several states consider becoming 'Second Amendment Sanctuaries' - YouTube
jaymaron comments on Jan 22, 2021:
Democrats are fond of sanctuary zones. Make it bite them in the ass. What should Republican states sanctuary? 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment Nuclear reactors. Kick agents of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission out of the state. Fracking Tapping the water table. Fact is, the underground aquifers...
jaymaron replies on Jan 22, 2021:
@dentrawler It's like a game of go. Red America has to get to a coast. Options are South Washington, Southeast Texas, and going north through Canada to the Hudson. Canada will fission, like America. If America fissions, you can bet that Blue America will try to blocade Red America.
If you think Donald was hated, wait to see how many enemies Joseph makes.
jaymaron comments on Jan 22, 2021:
More Machiavelli! The Praetorian Guard must have possessed power, because many assassinations were due to the Guard.
jaymaron replies on Jan 22, 2021:
@Krunoslav At present there are many factions. Once war breaks out, there can only be 2 sides. There will be a sorting. What do you think will be the fundamental axis of division?
If you think Donald was hated, wait to see how many enemies Joseph makes.
jaymaron comments on Jan 22, 2021:
More Machiavelli! The Praetorian Guard must have possessed power, because many assassinations were due to the Guard.
jaymaron replies on Jan 22, 2021:
@Krunoslav In war, it's often strategic to focus firepower. Democrats focussed firepower on Trump as a proxy attack on Republican America. Republicans should focus firepower on Biden. What a target. Biden is a sitting duck. Cook his goose. Pin the tail on the donkey. Democrats don't understand that Trump is more than a man. Trump is the elected representative of Republicans. An attack on Trump is an attack on all Republicans. The more Trump is despised by democrats, the more Republicans love Trump. We have entered an age where it's not possible to gain the good will of all of America. What now matters is gaining the fanatical support of a faction. This is how democrats roll. The best plan is the James Bond plan. Create chaos so that nobody else's plan works.Light the fuse on every powderkeg. The only thing keeping the democratic party together is despiseal of Trump. Biden is continuing it by calling republicans domestic terrorists. But the democratic party is full of factions and there is no democrat that enjoys the goodwill of all democrats. It's not possible. It was proved by the 2020 democratic primary. Nobody could break away and win. It was full of chaotic lead changes. Biden only won because he was the least despised. Johnson won in 1964 because he courted rural votes with rural development projects. Today, the democratic platform is explicitly anti-rural. Good point, that Biden's plan will cause global disintegration. Then democrats will miss Trump. Note that the world wasn't disintegrating under Trump. Democrats used climate change as an all-purpose scapegoat. Whenever something bad happens in the world, blame Biden. I'm wondering if there will be a new Waco, where Biden sends in the military to crush a Republican sanctuary zone and they overdo it, leading to Biden being despised. Obama's VA was a debacle and Trump reformed it. I've seen homeless shelters that are more luxurious than the parking lot. The military is funded by federal tax, which means that Republicans are funding half the military but have no control over it. Compelling argument for secession. Energy begets economic prosperity. Trump goosed the energy economy and Biden will kill it in favor of the green deal, leading to economic contraction. What do you think will happen to the military and national guard if America fissions? If you are the governor of a seceded state, what do you do about the military?
Several states consider becoming 'Second Amendment Sanctuaries' - YouTube
jaymaron comments on Jan 22, 2021:
Democrats are fond of sanctuary zones. Make it bite them in the ass. What should Republican states sanctuary? 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment Nuclear reactors. Kick agents of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission out of the state. Fracking Tapping the water table. Fact is, the underground aquifers...
jaymaron replies on Jan 22, 2021:
It's all about power. If democrats don't have federal power, they declare local sanctuary zones. If they have federal power, they seek to conquer rebel sanctuary zones. Leftists in the 60s embraced free speech because they didn't have power. Now that they have power they hate free speech. For the succession party, we don't want the cities. Rural New Mexico and Rural Texas should secede from their states and merge to form Red Rural America.
jaymaron comments on Jan 21, 2021:
Growing 1 kg of biomass requires, in grams, Nitrogen 15 Potassium 15 Phosphorus 2 Calcium 2 Magnesium 2 Sulfur 2 Nitrogen can be obtained from Martian air. Potassium is found wherever there is sodium salt. Mars had water and it's likely that there are sodium salt deposits. Endorheic ...
jaymaron replies on Jan 21, 2021:
@timon_phocas American miners are badass. I can hear them saying: "Just get us there. We can extract anything". Send the drilling team from the Armageddon film to Mars. Imagine what American miners could do if they weren't hobbled by dumbass environmental regulations. Musk likes making badass electric vehicles. Surely he can design a badass Martian prospecting rover. Musk knows how to automate a vehicle. Bench NASA and put Musk in the game. When Americans first tackled the frontier, they didn't waste time with science. They got to the business of harnessing the natural resources. To prospect the moon, drop impactors onto it from orbit. They hit the moon at 2.4 km/s and vaporize material, giving you a spectrum. This finds all the metal asteroid craters, and identifies the ones rich in platinum. Same deal for Mars. The impact speed is 5.0 km/s. Baffling that we didn't do this decades ago.
A few hours ago SpaceX launched it's 16th Star-link Falcon placing another 60 Star-link Satellites ...
jaymaron comments on Jan 20, 2021:
Launch cost = 2700 $/kg Satellite mass = 260 kg Satellite launch cost = .7 M$ Cost of fleet of 1000 satellites = 700 M$. A global satellite broadband network is possible for a mere 1 billion. SpaceX can crank out launches. We will see many more Starlinks. One supposes that there are other ...
jaymaron replies on Jan 21, 2021:
A Falcon engine is 2 million dollars, there are 9 of them, for a total cost of 18 million. The payload is 23 tons. The total launch cost is 2700 $/kg, and the engines contribute 800 $/kg. It seems worth saving the engines. SpaceX engines are better and cheaper than the competitor's engines. They have awesome power/mass. Musk: Nothing beats the power/mass ratio of a rocket. In the future, I predict that air launch will eclipse ground launch. The aircraft gives you a speed boost of .3 km/s, and it gets you above most of the atmosphere. The rocket can go sideways immediately, whereas a ground rocket has to go up before it can go sideways. Once upon a time, SpaceX partnered with Stratolaunch, which does air launch. SpaceX exited the partnership. Air launch presently uses commercial aircraft moving at Mach .9. In the future, air launch will happen with Mach 5 ramjets. For the upcoming Space War, what matters is how much stuff you can get to space. In WW2 what mattered was bomber capacity. The critical number is the launch cost in $/kg. SpaceX has a value of 2700 $/kg, the best in the business.
Most of the world's platinum-group elements come from Sudbury, Canada, or from Vredefort, South ...
DrHiebert comments on Jan 21, 2021:
I think the global elites have dibs on that area and they will develop it when they see fit. Conspiracy theory? Well, knowing what we have learned through this never-ending pandemic, and the recent globalist election steal in the US, it would be naive to think that such a powerful resource could ...
jaymaron replies on Jan 21, 2021:
The endangered elements are platinum, rare Earths, gold, silver, cobalt, phosphorus, lithium, tin, and tungsten. The mines that produce these elements are the most important spots on the Earth. Almost all rare Earths come from the Bayan Obo mine in China. America used to produce rare Earths at the Mountain Pass mine in California, but it went bankrupt. Senseless regulations. If I were president I would command that the Mountain Pass mine be operated at maximum capacity, regardless of environmental impact. Drill baby drill! If America has a secession party, the Mountain Pass mine ends up in the hands of democrat California.
A few hours ago SpaceX launched it's 16th Star-link Falcon placing another 60 Star-link Satellites ...
jaymaron comments on Jan 20, 2021:
Launch cost = 2700 $/kg Satellite mass = 260 kg Satellite launch cost = .7 M$ Cost of fleet of 1000 satellites = 700 M$. A global satellite broadband network is possible for a mere 1 billion. SpaceX can crank out launches. We will see many more Starlinks. One supposes that there are other ...
jaymaron replies on Jan 21, 2021:
@Eric123 The setting of many science fiction stories is that space is dominated by oligarchs and corporations. In the 19th century the frontier was hard to get to. You needed rail, which spawned rail monopolies. Rail monopolies wielded their monopoly power to crush small businesses. Space is even harder to get to. Only a massive corporation can do it. The Space Age will spawn monopolies. Notice how many billionaires are building a space program. Musk has the potential to be the good guy. He ditched California for Texas, and he courageously tweeted condemnation of social media censorship. The difference between Musk and other billionaires is that Musk is tackling reality at the highest level. Musk has to make rockets work. If you fail in the rocket business everybody knows about it, because exploding rockets stick out. Other billionaires are not tackling any kind of reality. They make money by market manipulation and collusion. Real Billionaires tackle reality. People that tackle reality are more likely to be sensible than people who don't.
eschatologyguy comments on Jan 13, 2021:
IMO, they should try their theories on planting crops in orbit or on the moon first.
jaymaron replies on Jan 21, 2021:
@timon_phocas Good point. Lunar "soil" is shattered rock that has never been weathered.
Fuck me but not by you. chuckle []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 21, 2021:
Classic.. endless entertainment by those infected by TDS. Another of Trump's accomplishments, that will go down in history. Besides his tweets. Which themselves became a phenomenon . Trump broke the mould of stodgy, bureaucratic Leaders. MSM attacks him from every corner. What else is there to do....
jaymaron replies on Jan 21, 2021:
It seems hard to cure TDS. It doesn't matter how many socialist countries have failed. The only thing that will cure democrat TDS is if their country fails, or if they're conquered. And fail it will. Democrat cities and states have far more debt than republican cities and states. After the secession party, the blue half of America will fail economically, and it will be conquered by China.


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