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This was passed on to me from a devote Christian friend. Not sure what I think.

I do know that in the early pert of the Iraq warn a "Star Gate" suposedly was seized and a US base built around it to protect it. They also removed a ton of classified documents and antiquities during the inital part of the invasion.

Declassified Documents Reveal Fallen Angels

toronto_Georgia 8 June 8
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Psalm 82 tells us that these heavenly hosts in the YHWH's divine council, of whom these rebellious supernatural and unseen principalities and rulers would fall under, would die "like men."

Psalms 82:6-7
"I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes."

But how can spirits die "like men"? I am persuaded that these beings will possess the leaders that will battle against the Messiah in Armaggedon, and they in their earthly avatars will be killed there.

The antichrist himself will die in this battle and no less than Lucifer will possess him (close study of Isa 14 needed here; cross ref Ezek 28:7-9).

In short, these beings will be dethroned, defeated and bound, after experiencing the "dying like men" prophecy.


The Anunnaki?

sqeptiq Level 10 June 8, 2021

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Posted by eschatologyguy Warning: Rather dark content.

Posted by WeltansichtPsalm 122:6 Tehillim 122:6

Posted by Weltansicht For KosherTorah School Students The Private Teachings of R.

Posted by Weltansicht For KosherTorah School Students The Private Teachings of R.

Posted by eschatologyguy A Likely Scenario (based on many prophetic passages) The Left never sleeps and they never stop plotting utterly sick, perverse evil.

Posted by eschatologyguyA covenant in a generic sense is a peace agreement.

Posted by eschatologyguy The idea or concept of being allowed to escape the coming tribulation was already prophesied back in Job and Psalms and the prophets.

Posted by WeltansichtAhh, to be as children ;-)

Posted by WeltansichtFrom Jerusalem Hashem bless all of us with a wonderful, healthy, sweet, and productive New Year… A year of peace.

Posted by WeltansichtThe rabbi has not done a live FB session in a long long time, so it must be insightfully important. 8 PM EASTERN His page: []

Posted by eschatologyguyI have a high respect for these two guys, but the more they shoehorn Russia in as the endtime bogeyman and claiming it to be "prophetic," the more incredible they sound.

Posted by WeltansichtNot sure if it is prophetical, but there are ways to support Israel, despite the globalists' apartheid boycott divestment and sanctions movement. []

Posted by eschatologyguy Most Troy Black's "prophecies" missed the mark. I wouldn't be surprised if that's where he got his revelations from. Careful with "internet prophets."

Posted by eschatologyguy The Philippine Department of Education just opened the door to let the LGBT ideological insanity in. Clueless leaders being clueless. What could possibly go wrong?

Posted by WeltansichtBehold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of ...

Posted by eschatologyguy One world government has its appeal with science buffs who are told by popular physicists like Michio Kaku, Neil DeGrasse Tyson and others that this would be a necessary development to allow a ...

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