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When I was younger and first reading up on transsexuality and transvestism some numbers jumped out at me:

1 in 100 males are transvestites and somewhere between 1 in 10,000 to 30,000 are transexual. So where are all the transvestites? I was listening to the Joe Rogan podcast and his guest mentioned the numbers are now closer to 2 in 100 kids in highschool identify as trans gender.

So does that mean that many kids who used to be transvestites are now beings pushed into the transgender world? When I look at sex ed documents for school they mention that for sexual orientation you can be hetrosexual, bisexual and homosexual and gender is shown as a spectrum. No where does it mention paraphilia. This is an important omission as the incidents of paraphilic behaviour in men is far greater than the numbers for transexuality.

It is extremely difficult to separate transvestites out from transsexuals as they share a desire to wear opposite sex clothing. Personally I had a lot of trouble with this growing up as it was easier to think I could be 1 in 100 as opposed to 1 in 10,000. Things only straightened out for me latter in my 20's and I knew what path was mine.

If schools are not teaching the full range of sexuality, but instead focus on a portion of it, I believe that many young kids are being steered down the wrong path. Puberty blockers, hormones and surgeries are the last thing that transvestites need. They enjoy their hetrosexual sex and the ones I have met all have children.

By ignoring paraphilia in sex education I think a lot of damage is being done to younger transgenders and it is little wonder why they seem to be so angry at the world.

Chanel 6 July 17
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Transsexualism is completely different then transvestism.
I think that's why they created the transgender umbrella ( iys made up in my mind).
Transvestism is now berried under it.
Transsexualism on the other hand is a clear medical situation, not fluid, and if untreated, will 100% lead to suicidal end.

TaliNY Level 1 July 20, 2020

that podcast with Abigail is SO good and SO important. I'm going to post it here now. Yes, schools and education need to teach all of it.


So this isn't a paraphilia exactly, but I was so close to being one of those kids that transitioned young and grew up to regret it. I'm 23 and while transgenderism was sort of a topic when I was a kid, it wasn't nearly as pushed as it is now. Starting from when I was 5-6 up until I was about 11, I told my parents I should be a boy. I dressed pretty much entirely in boy's cloths and regularly was mistaken for a boy by other kids and adults. Pretty much as soon as I hit puberty, that totally ended. I was just a tomboy and wasn't interested in feminine things- I played sports and collected Pokemon cards instead of playing dress up. While I knew that boys and girls had different parts, the gravity of that never really hit me and I guess I just assumed that the main difference between boys and girls was their interests and how they acted.

Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but the amount of kids identifying as trans in high school honestly doesn't bother me. Most kids try on identities until something feels right. The problem is when those kids medically transition without sufficient evidence of genuinely "being in the wrong body".

To prevent this, I totally agree that cross-dressing paraphilias need to be discussed. In addition to that, cisgender kids who are gender non-conforming need to be told that they're allowed to stray from traditional gender roles without being trans.

"cisgender kids who are gender non-conforming need to be told that they're allowed to stray from traditional gender roles without being trans."

So true. I only left school in recent years, and there were 2 girls in my friend alone (all-girls' schools breed many problems) brought up the idea of them not being fully female. One still claims to be "bigender" because she's a tomboy, and the other once told me she was "having a gender crisis" because she didn't want to wear a dress to the school formal. I was honest and told her "just because you don't like dresses doesn't make you less of a woman", because it doesn't. I wouldn't call myself a Feminist, however seeing the idea that not being a feminine woman means you aren't a woman at all is such a, dare I say it, misogynistic worldview. There is a difference between gender roles and being legitimately transgender.

"the idea that not being a feminine woman means you aren't a woman at all is such a, dare I say it, misogynistic worldview"

HARD YES. I'm so scared that kids like me are going to transition and regret it. I think transgenderism real, but it isn't solely defined by being uncomfortable with with gender roles.

Another thing I was to bring up that's tangentially related: Transgenderism isn't just being uncomfortable with your sex organs. It's that PLUS the desire to have the opposite sex organs. When I first started growing breasts, I was extremely uncomfortable with them, but it wasn't because I wanted a man's chest. It was because the change scared me, especially since I started getting them at 10 years old. I think young people also need to be reassured that being uncomfortable in their changing bodies doesn't necessarily mean that they're trans. It's okay to feel weird in your body and often that feeling passes as you grow up.


I wondered this very thing: WHERE DID THE TRANSVESTITES GO??

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