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Hi Arielle. I'm huge fan, I love how you actually form your own opinions unlike so many other influencers these days. I was just thinking about what you said about trans people in relationships and how to categorize it because I saw this post in my feed of this (obviously female) trans man and another girl saying they're in a straight relationship! It confuses me - and I hate to ask you to rehash something you've already said, but how do you deal with this?

ghost_person 3 Jan 8
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i think its possible for them to be socially straight., but if he didnt have bottom surgery, technically they'd be homosexuals during sex.


I'm not Arielle, but I'm a trans man and I can give you some info about my own life that might help you form your own opinion.

I identified as trans for 10 years before I began taking any hormones. During those 10 years, I dated and then married the same woman I'm married to today. I chose a "social" transition back then, meaning I changed my name, preferred pronouns, and hair and clothes. No hormones, no surgeries.

I thought of myself as male. My wife thought of me as male. She referred to me as her husband.

Sometimes other people understood and other times they thought of us as a lesbian couple. It has always been my philosophy that my transition is about ME, not anyone else -- so I didn't care what others said or thought, as long as I was happy and my wife was happy.

I think of myself as a straight male. My wife identifies as pansexual. Before I was on T, maybe outsiders saw us as lesbians. Now that I've been on T for some time, outsiders seem to think of us as a normal straight married couple. Nothing has changed for us, in our relationship. It's just my outward appearance that's changed.

I'm not sure if that gives you any insight or helps your opinion any. If you have any questions for me, go ahead and ask. I won't take it personally or get offended.

thanks for the reply - I appreciate it massively. I really did want to hear arielle's take tho (as a fan, I'm sure you get it)

@ghost_person I get it. I would love to hear Arielle's perspective too!

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