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Weltansicht comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Well...I watched #1 will get to the others when I have managed time to. I am not on that religious frequency to be polite. It has been quite difficult to love America, her idealism aspirations yes, but her actual behavior, the long, very long list of atrocities, lies, and antinomy hypocrisy ...
Weltansicht replies on Mar 14, 2021:
@Kalki gave up on CNN by their own actions and the actions of all the others' true agendas
Still locked and loaded (and beer too!) lol
MikeHunt comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Sadly, i lost mine when the boat capsized (saved the beers though)
Weltansicht replies on Mar 14, 2021:
I feel your pain, me too, but the aluminum recycle is valuable!
Do as they say not as they do
Forra888 comments on Mar 12, 2021:
So very true!, right under our noses while we quietly swallow their bulshit. Why?
Weltansicht replies on Mar 14, 2021:
I wish I knew, my friend, I wish I had that answer.
what can I say
Haraldson comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Would that be the *high* horse ?
Weltansicht replies on Mar 14, 2021:
Good advice to be happy.
Forra888 comments on Mar 12, 2021:
I reckon a woman wrote that. It is a beautiful perspective though.
Weltansicht replies on Mar 14, 2021:
yeah perhaps. she will change him all around, revamp him, chase away all his friends & family, make him sell his paid for handyman special house that he completely remodeled make him buy a condo put him in debt up to his eyeballs, sell his classic muscle car because it doesn't fit her image, buy the newest high profile SUV, get him on anti-depressants then complain that he wasn't the man he use to be LOL
Good advice to be happy.
Poncho69 comments on Mar 13, 2021:
Weltansicht replies on Mar 14, 2021:
Thank you. I may have have accidently whacked you on a reply on a different post, my apologies. Too much commotion going on around me to think clearly, even now as I type.
Sheeple obey never question
FOTD13 comments on Mar 13, 2021:
My neighbor got polio!! oh that's right no he didn't because of vaccines. I'm just going to go ahead and say it, anti-vaxxers are wrong. They suffer from the same mental problems as the SJW. They have established an ideology and no amount of facts can change their mind. It's a sad testament when ...
Weltansicht replies on Mar 14, 2021:
They may be true, CDC has said polio is eradicated & none has originated in the US since 1979. I wasn't aware that anti-vaxxers are wrong from suffered mental problems AND the same as SJW...SO are you claiming that social protest is a mental disease? The 'established' ideology, where can I find that please? I would love to read it. "and no amount of facts can change their mind." any links to that would be great too. It is a sad testament when people HAVE listened to their doctors; have had reactions, even on live TV, not to mention WHO prescribed the opioid epidemic OR when the doctors injected people who thought they were getting vaccines and were given other diseases, not to mention all the medical lawsuits from various medical prescription products that were approved by the FDA. Sounds logical to me, but according to you its a mental problem, I guess you are an authority based upon your own empirical moral superiority. You and Poncho are probably curmudgeons, certainly someone's useful idiots at best, moronic shills or corporate pet flying monkeys at worst. I am not against anyone getting a shot IF they want one, to feel safe or have peace of mind. But don't put your conjectures of psychosis upon me.
Harry was such a party animal
Forra888 comments on Mar 12, 2021:
I'm ok with a young bloke partying and doing silly stuff. He doesn't intend or mean anyone harm. Some of my best memories are my most stupid or most embarrassing moments (especially when I get with my brothers)
Weltansicht replies on Mar 12, 2021:
me too. I just find the irony of the current situation. I never held it against him. Capt Kirk & Mr Spock wore nazi uniforms in a episode and they were both Jews in real life, and were alive in the WW2 time frame of knowing it first hand.
Her Majesty shooting the Royal British L85 at Markle effigy targets lol
timon_phocas comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Hey, she served as an ambulance driver in the V1 and V2 blitz of WWII. She saw plenty. Tough old gal.
Weltansicht replies on Mar 12, 2021:
That she is. I have no doubt she can drink the best of the SAS under the table too. I admire her greatly. I commented on Her Majesty's FB account years ago (apologizing for Obama's skank dress and asking/pleading to take the Colonies back as an utter experiment failure) she friended me. I doubt it was her, more likely a staffer but I imagine she got a chuckle if informed. lol
Just getting started... :-/
Alysandir comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Calling yourself, "Green Hornet," IS pretty racially insensitive when you're not actually a green person. Or, you know, a hornet. Just another white person appropriating culture that isn't his.
Weltansicht replies on Mar 12, 2021:
@Alysandir Sorry dude. I think we have done this dance before as well. My sincerest apologies once again! Maybe give me an (S) or a hey )>o<( to let me know. When I am tired or have lots of irons in the fire, I am like a ronin samurai in the heat of major battle. I have been in hyper hunter/killer mode with the trolls on 5 different platforms besides my video streaming channels, so my very sincerest apology for making you a friendly fire causality and casualty. You're not an idiot, maybe an idiot savant lol that's my sarcasm, please have a good weekend. :-)
Just getting started... :-/
Alysandir comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Calling yourself, "Green Hornet," IS pretty racially insensitive when you're not actually a green person. Or, you know, a hornet. Just another white person appropriating culture that isn't his.
Weltansicht replies on Mar 12, 2021:
I see. I was more going at the chauffeur driver stereotype but whatever. So calling yourself 'Richard the Lion-Hearted' or Blackbeard the Pirate or Chief Wilma Mankiller is then insensitive. Are the people of other cultures & races appropriating culture when their personal name is ethnically European when they are obviously not? Are does it just work one way? When calling 'Little People' little isn't that condescending about their stature and size, when its shaming to refer someone categorically very large? You are an idiot, a brainwashed minion and someone's pet flying monkey. Go take your attempted insinuations and bigotry shaming somewhere else.
HistoryCorner comments on Mar 12, 2021:
This is why one should never have MSM as a main news provider. Thank you for posting this.
Weltansicht replies on Mar 12, 2021:
YOU are ALWAYS most definitely welcome.
There is a call for a legal ban on conversion therapy. Do you support it?
KeithThroop comments on Mar 11, 2021:
As a Christian I do not support the ban because I believe that homosexuality is sinful and that people who convert to Christianity can expect to be delivered from it. For those who still struggle with this sin after conversion -- as all Christians tend to struggle with some sin or other -- we would ...
Weltansicht replies on Mar 11, 2021:
@KeithThroop In my Jewish experience, there are several outreaches for the afflicted of homosexuality, usually from the orthodox mainstream but there are other undercurrents that would make the Gomorrahans blush with embarrassment. I am speaking as someone who has been thrown out/asked to leave a certain reform synagogue for questioning their liberal (and by reform standards very liberal) interpretation of Torah ~ the books of Moses for the Christian viewpoint, and the position taken by that rabbi, and publishing it in the newspaper in his weekly Sunday column for the greater community and the university. I take my orthodox Rabbi's viewpoint anymore. It is between that individual and G-D. It is not up to me to judge or be jury & executioner. If someone needs help, I will help them. If they curse at me in vitriolic diatribes, I try not to take it personally and just say whatever. Although the current state of affairs in Israel troubles me greatly, there is not much I can do about it. I live by Jeremiah 33:3. I have been shown plenty, that to understand the report of it would be abject horror to comprehend it all.
There is a call for a legal ban on conversion therapy. Do you support it?
coalburned comments on Mar 11, 2021:
If it's proven to be successful, let it remain an option. People should be free to choose. As for the stated risks, think about the things millions of people do every day that lead to depression, anxiety, and self-destructive behavior. If banning an optional therapy is ok, there's a very long ...
Weltansicht replies on Mar 11, 2021:
You are right on people should be free to choose. I am against the indoctrination/grooming of impressionable young minds, influencing their freedom to rightly choose what they wish or even what they would have become without outside mitigation. I think you are on track with the long list and chopping block analogy.
Trump asks you to remember him - twice. You'll never forget him will you guys?
Weltansicht comments on Mar 11, 2021:
And remember he HAS the nuclear launch codes suitcase wwwooooohhoooooo HAHAHAHAAHAAA
Weltansicht replies on Mar 11, 2021:
@bastion YES you are hysterical lol ~~~ on the serious note side ~~~ I got to go but will cat & mouse you later alligator HAHAHAHHAAHAAAAA
Trump asks you to remember him - twice. You'll never forget him will you guys?
Weltansicht comments on Mar 11, 2021:
And remember he HAS the nuclear launch codes suitcase wwwooooohhoooooo HAHAHAHAAHAAA
Weltansicht replies on Mar 11, 2021:
@bastion what ever trips your trigger lol
Trump asks you to remember him - twice. You'll never forget him will you guys?
Weltansicht comments on Mar 11, 2021:
And remember he HAS the nuclear launch codes suitcase wwwooooohhoooooo HAHAHAHAAHAAA
Weltansicht replies on Mar 11, 2021:
@bastion I know ~~~ launch codes 10, 9, 8, 7....uh what's next he says....LOL You are projecting your emotions again LOL
Trump asks you to remember him - twice. You'll never forget him will you guys?
Weltansicht comments on Mar 11, 2021:
And remember he HAS the nuclear launch codes suitcase wwwooooohhoooooo HAHAHAHAAHAAA
Weltansicht replies on Mar 11, 2021:
@bastion with you?!? NEVER. I got so much crap on your President candidate that I can't get through the avalanche of selection of probable responses. HAHHAHAHAAAAAA
govols comments on Mar 10, 2021:
All that can't possibly natural? hereditary???
Weltansicht replies on Mar 10, 2021:
hereditary. my ancestry also produced children late in life, according to general specifics of biology. I am 100% natural. (Also married.)
President Trump
Penrodster comments on Mar 8, 2021:
Florida became one of my "acceptable states to live in."
Weltansicht replies on Mar 9, 2021:
I lived in Florida, 2004-2005 hurricane season. Add on top of that the predatory lending going on in the housing market, amongst a few other things, and you might understand my view on some things.
The power of positive thinking and it would suck to be you lol
Penrodster comments on Mar 7, 2021:
That might be the cocaine. Coffee has more subtle effects.
Weltansicht replies on Mar 7, 2021:
I never have done that. Kahlua in my coffee yes I have! LOL
Which song really grinds those gears? 🤣
sobieskirocks comments on Mar 7, 2021:
"Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?" by Culture Club. Yes, yes I do. Besides that, almost everything current. Utter garbage.
Weltansicht replies on Mar 7, 2021:
same here, it was like the only way to keep it out of my mind or synapse path ways
Why hasn't anti-Muslim sentiment gone down after the spike due to 9/11?
Weltansicht comments on Feb 23, 2021:
I don't trust the source as reliable but dangerous & consider what else they have lied about. It could be a diversion distraction ploy. If anybody is going after 'radicalized' Muslims, it would be Bill Gates via the CIA ...
Weltansicht replies on Mar 2, 2021:
@TimTuolomne Can be, or thinks it is, depending on the singularity of the players. Nazis stood up to their perceived threats religiously. Others borrow from others successes as well, like J. Edgar Hoover modeling the FBI and admiring the efficiency of the Gestapo in the beginning of course. But no I am NOT saying standing up to religious fanatics is paramount to being nazism, that's absurd.
Why hasn't anti-Muslim sentiment gone down after the spike due to 9/11?
Weltansicht comments on Feb 23, 2021:
I don't trust the source as reliable but dangerous & consider what else they have lied about. It could be a diversion distraction ploy. If anybody is going after 'radicalized' Muslims, it would be Bill Gates via the CIA ...
Weltansicht replies on Mar 2, 2021:
@TimTuolomne Perhaps. But that's a fine line for Nazism.
Why hasn't anti-Muslim sentiment gone down after the spike due to 9/11?
TimTuolomne comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Political correctness drove the US culture to bend over backwards to accept any group perceived as disenfranchised - often at the expense of the regard for the majority. Anti-"white" prejudice is a current example. The twin towers brought greater awareness to more in the US of the call for ...
Weltansicht replies on Mar 2, 2021:
I like George. I got his album Occupation: Foole when it came out early 70s. I wish he was around.
Such great things are within humanity's grasp.
angelo comments on Feb 28, 2021:
All mere speculation atm. Yes, i'm aware that what was once Sci Fi is now reality. but, Fermi's question of " if they're there, why aren't they here?" holds true. There must be civilasations out there in the infinite cosmos, perhaps a million years more advanced than us. If the theory/Sci Fi of ...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 28, 2021:
Good question. Perhaps they are. Such as the alleged encounter with Eisenhower after the formation of saucers flew over Wash DC, but let's just take that as heresay. Or we are in galactic quarantine, too hostile or something. As for Fermi's question, its arrogant and obtuse in the sense of developmental importance. Much like is a 5 year old really aware of the bigger world picture, were you aware? Under Werner Von Braun ~Nazi rocket scientist and NASA director~ proved we could go to Mars. And that was before our computer tech input of today. Consider the technology of going to the moon. The voyage now to Mars is less time than when men went on sailing ships across oceans, and certainly submariners have stayed under the ocean surface longer as well.
I would love to hear what she thinks of eating Tide Pods lol
Cancelled comments on Feb 27, 2021:
WTF is a tide pod? ... Actually, ya know what? - I don't wanna know.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 27, 2021:
@Alysandir don't forget the toilet bowl lickers, they'll get offended that you didn't mention them lol
People Trying To Cancel Henry Cavill Because He Dated Gina Carano [small-screen.
Weltansicht comments on Feb 26, 2021:
What's next? Are they going to cancel the WWE from when it was the WWF and Trump was in the ring and on the program?
Weltansicht replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@Alysandir I somewhat remember that statement somewhere else, maybe Mark Dice, the industry threw him out of the screenactors guild & some other cancel culture psychosis activities. :-(
Such great things are within humanity's grasp.
angelo comments on Feb 26, 2021:
There's one tiny problem with that. The limiting speed of light! Warp speed and Star Trek was a Sci-Fi series not based on science.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 26, 2021:
I know. Was more referring to settling Mars ect. & probes to Alpha Centauri and beyond, dreaming. But thank you for your sincere polite comment :-) Awhile back I came across the Alcubierre Warp Drive, so who knows... and a video
I never get asked to babysit.
angelo comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Now why would that be I wonder!
Weltansicht replies on Feb 26, 2021:
I let them on the computer unsupervised I guess....
Fortune Cookie culturally appropriated lol
guru comments on Feb 26, 2021:
It's called "pocket billiards" in Australia.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 26, 2021:
I thought it would be some Aussie humour of roo & joey twins HAHAHAHAHAAAAA
So white people are being told to be less white, but when white people try to enjoy other cultures ...
sobieskirocks comments on Feb 24, 2021:
Don't sweat it. Nothing we do will make liberals happy so just enjoy your life and know anything you do will offend someone.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 25, 2021:
@Geofrank a long time friend on FB shares your sentiment and he's a self proclaimed Hedonist, hardcore.
So white people are being told to be less white, but when white people try to enjoy other cultures ...
Weltansicht comments on Feb 24, 2021:
I know a few others more recent than Al Jolson lol
Weltansicht replies on Feb 25, 2021:
@Alysandir YOU got it exactly. "Do as I say but don't dare do as I do" seems to be the motto/creed of the intolerance of the self-proclaimed tolerant psychosis.
There's no such thing as racism, just stupid people.
Weltansicht comments on Feb 23, 2021:
I don't know if I can change mud into a diamond, as your mind appears to be made up with vociferous statements of your opinion and declaring them to be fact. Now if you said Bill Gates and the vaccine to forcibly inoculate them to change their minds with video proof: ...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 24, 2021:
@Kalki Morgan Freeman on 60 Minutes with Mike Wallace about Black History Month and racism.
Why hasn't anti-Muslim sentiment gone down after the spike due to 9/11?
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 20, 2021:
The Washington Post article from where that graph comes from makes it a point to state that Jews are the most targeted with hate crimes with Muslims being second. and if you look more closely, you'll see that other religions are in third place with anti-christian hate crimes coming in forth. Yet all...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 24, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay Yes I agree, they use to teach 'comparative religions' when I was in school, to be inclusive and understanding, but I grew up as a military brat so exposure to others' ways of life was natural, never derogatory. You might squirm or go eww! on some food selections, but it was just somebody else's way of life. Of course we had to hide under our desks during nuclear bomb attack drills, so go figure. lol The only 'why' was the push of the Islam when the Christian concepts are abhorred and outlawed, even lawsuits. That may contribute to the rise in resentment, which inevitably may all be controlled by the social engineering and direct manipulations of the Oligarchy/plutocracy/corporations.
So white people are being told to be less white, but when white people try to enjoy other cultures ...
sobieskirocks comments on Feb 24, 2021:
Don't sweat it. Nothing we do will make liberals happy so just enjoy your life and know anything you do will offend someone.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 24, 2021:
woo hoo I got to approve your comment lol
There's no such thing as racism, just stupid people.
Weltansicht comments on Feb 23, 2021:
I don't know if I can change mud into a diamond, as your mind appears to be made up with vociferous statements of your opinion and declaring them to be fact. Now if you said Bill Gates and the vaccine to forcibly inoculate them to change their minds with video proof: ...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 24, 2021:
@Kalki Perhaps. Racism is learned, stupidity is not. I like your shirt though. Reminds me of the Fighting Whiteys.
Why hasn't anti-Muslim sentiment gone down after the spike due to 9/11?
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 20, 2021:
The Washington Post article from where that graph comes from makes it a point to state that Jews are the most targeted with hate crimes with Muslims being second. and if you look more closely, you'll see that other religions are in third place with anti-christian hate crimes coming in forth. Yet all...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 24, 2021:
@TheMiddleWay Not sure if this helps your understanding, but it shows why a undercurrent of resentment exists possibly.
Why hasn't anti-Muslim sentiment gone down after the spike due to 9/11?
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 20, 2021:
The Washington Post article from where that graph comes from makes it a point to state that Jews are the most targeted with hate crimes with Muslims being second. and if you look more closely, you'll see that other religions are in third place with anti-christian hate crimes coming in forth. Yet all...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 24, 2021:
@Lightman trying to answer your 'when did Islamic terrorism start' I would say RFK assassination by Sirhan Sirhan OR The Barbary Pirates Wars 1800s as in 'From the Halls of Montezuma To the shores of Tripoli'
Some days, I really hate my job in security. HAHAHHAHAHAAAA
GeeMac comments on Feb 23, 2021:
That guard looks like Putin 😂😂😂
Weltansicht replies on Feb 23, 2021:
never know lol
There's no such thing as racism, just stupid people.
Weltansicht comments on Feb 23, 2021:
I don't know if I can change mud into a diamond, as your mind appears to be made up with vociferous statements of your opinion and declaring them to be fact. Now if you said Bill Gates and the vaccine to forcibly inoculate them to change their minds with video proof: ...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 23, 2021:
@Lightman Yes I believe that. LOL
Why hasn't anti-Muslim sentiment gone down after the spike due to 9/11?
Weltansicht comments on Feb 23, 2021:
I don't trust the source as reliable but dangerous & consider what else they have lied about. It could be a diversion distraction ploy. If anybody is going after 'radicalized' Muslims, it would be Bill Gates via the CIA ...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 23, 2021:
Happened same time as Waco.
Why hasn't anti-Muslim sentiment gone down after the spike due to 9/11?
stevie-f comments on Feb 20, 2021:
My opinion, ordinary people are tired of being branded as racists for voicing legitimate criticism of the ideology of Islam. I think too often the SJW wokies on the Left conflate criticism of Islamic teaching with an animus towards individual citizens who happen to be believers. I also suspect ...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 23, 2021:
Well said. Reminded me of a meme I had seen and I went hunting for it.
Why hasn't anti-Muslim sentiment gone down after the spike due to 9/11?
DrHiebert comments on Feb 22, 2021:
9/11 had NOTHING to do with Muslims!!! 9/11 was an INSIDE JOB by the Zionist neocons to start a phony war on terror in order to crush Israel's enemies in the middle east...GIVING ISRAEL COMPLETE HEGEMONY in the Eastern Mediterranean. ...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 23, 2021:
I think the nation of Turkey would disagree on the complete hegemony.
When you are "Too White" for Coca-Cola.
ZuzecaSape comments on Feb 23, 2021:
I'm too White for most Whites.🤷‍♂️
Weltansicht replies on Feb 23, 2021:
@ZuzecaSape I thought so ~ suspected it heh-heh-heh I've had this book since original printing lol
There are two policies in China that at least superficially I believe to be founded in common sense.
Weltansicht comments on Feb 22, 2021:
I dunno....there was a BBC article that addressed the same subject 'to prevent the feminasation of male adolescents' they do have a lot more males than females cultural preferred.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 23, 2021:
@iThink yes it closed years ago, got on hit list late 80s & closed early 90s AFTER millions of dollars in upgrades, new buildings, new weather school that never got used ect....shipped all that stuff to Texas to bases there WHERE there were no buildings at all in place for weather, fire fighting training, & more, no housing for anyone including dependents and the Texas local community went on price gouging frenzy, among some other things....there was an airman who got orders to report to the base in mid 90s from a NC base a few years after closure....I could go on & on.....
I really didn't need to know lol
sqeptiq comments on Feb 23, 2021:
Only Depends can hold what he has to put in 'em. 💩
Weltansicht replies on Feb 23, 2021:
LOL you reminded me of this meme that I got FB jailtime for, and I fought it, they said hate speech and I said she's a politician and fair game for satire or were you denying her right to be mocked because she's not white. They deleted everything of course, but I got screenshots and shared it before they did lol
When you are "Too White" for Coca-Cola.
ZuzecaSape comments on Feb 23, 2021:
I'm too White for most Whites.🤷‍♂️
Weltansicht replies on Feb 23, 2021:
Congratulations, you put me in a paradox, an antinomy. Not many do, or have ever done so. Makes me think I should go buy a lottery ticket, might be the day. Usually/normally I do not go for the Nazi Aryan creed, but in this woke coke perimeters, you are absolutely undeniably right about being white. Well done. If you play chess, I imagine you are quite formidable.
There are two policies in China that at least superficially I believe to be founded in common sense.
Weltansicht comments on Feb 22, 2021:
I dunno....there was a BBC article that addressed the same subject 'to prevent the feminasation of male adolescents' they do have a lot more males than females cultural preferred.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 23, 2021:
@iThink I remember someone saying (@ Chanute Air Force Base) that it was only a matter of time & hormone urgency that it would be said, 'Hey boys, those fellows in the Middle East have 4 wives, maybe you should go take some from them'
From the French revolution.
Serg97 comments on Feb 22, 2021:
Good quote, but I question the EDUCATION part given where the Educational System is today!!!
Weltansicht replies on Feb 22, 2021:
Well that is quite true, when you consider the time line from then to now, and the different evolution/deevolution societies have gone through or are in.
Educators Fired For Not Doing "Wakanda Salute" at Anti-White Trainings Somewhat explains the ...
Alysandir comments on Feb 22, 2021:
I reserve judgment on this, simply because the story is so completely absurd that it defies common sense. I mean, I only BEG for a company stupid enough to fire me because I refused to do a salute from a comic book movie depicting an imaginary country. How would you lose that lawsuit?
Weltansicht replies on Feb 22, 2021:
I personally thought the lawsuit will get tossed because the damages sought seems frivolous litigation. But for the absurdity, got plenty of examples of that on both sides. So who knows? Guess they got nothing better to do than to ignore the education criteria and the responsibility of being part of raising children into adults that can function in society.
Affirmative Action
Lightman comments on Feb 21, 2021:
I'm not sure its about affirmative action.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 22, 2021:
@eschatologyguy my fault I guess, thought I was responding to the 'Try a long press on the pic...' The Einstein statement was a response to your ' What I see with the meme is a license to dumb down because the kids are "fish" who cannot "climb". ' I figure there are cultural nuances that you might not be aware of, such as forced busing and move kids around to different school systems 'to integrate them'; or government consolidations of school systems and to hell with quality and justice for all. And again busing them, to centralized facilities. You should watch the movie "Lean On Me" and maybe you will understand the meme and how it relates to an education system in America.
Affirmative Action
Lightman comments on Feb 21, 2021:
I'm not sure its about affirmative action.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 21, 2021:
@eschatologyguy Yes and your point is? If you think it is a license to dumb down kids from Einstein's quote, you are missing the forest because of the trees. Einstein's teachers said he was retarded, did they not? How can it be a fair selection when its the same exam but different candidates with different backgrounds?
Affirmative Action
eschatologyguy comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Nifty meme, but how does it relate to an education system? Kids aren't different kinds of animals, are they?
Weltansicht replies on Feb 21, 2021:
@eschatologyguy Yes that is what the proper English verses the slang of someone's upbringing. In my case, I grew up military brat, and we always had a mix of cultures. But they are different in ability. When I was in school, they broke you up into groups, mathmatically and reading ability, to help those who were behind & below the grade or they were left behind for a repeat year. Some places though push them through and you have people who have graduated and can not read. And I don't think they teach writing at all anymore, let alone cursive writing.
Affirmative Action
Lightman comments on Feb 21, 2021:
I'm not sure its about affirmative action.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 21, 2021:
You are right, it is not about A.A. ~ I just put that in the caption for something to say ~ conversation started, not meaning to inflame or cause a riot or anything, just putting it out there.
From the French revolution.
eschatologyguy comments on Feb 21, 2021:
This is actually what Marxists in academia are doing: dumbing people down. The new Marxists are counter-revolutionary.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 21, 2021:
Yes they have been actively dumbing down, focused on demagoguery and not critical thinking skills, or just plain problem solving. Take a good hard look at the Common Core math thinking, and it explains the cognitive abilities or lack there of, of entire generation(s) of public education students.
Affirmative Action
Forra888 comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Brilliant wit and fact, I pinched a copy. Thank you
Weltansicht replies on Feb 21, 2021:
Your welcome. Anytime.
Affirmative Action
eschatologyguy comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Nifty meme, but how does it relate to an education system? Kids aren't different kinds of animals, are they?
Weltansicht replies on Feb 21, 2021:
No obviously kids are not different animals, common sense. But they DO identify in a fashion with animal characters, like Winnie the Pooh story, or the Backyardigans, or Aquanauts. The meme is to show the differences of the individuals, in concept through animals, as in strength and abilities. We are not all cookie cutter automatons, or Ken & Barbie Dolls either, are we? Some are tall, some are short. Some skinny, some fat. Some good at math, others good at reading. In reverse, the cultural biased was always used as to bolster the disparages of misrepresentation allegedly. Now its being used extensively further against the establishment by the protocols of a different society with a different agenda and absolute control. Despotism?
You are here roadmap with 'fiction' indicators.
stevie-f comments on Feb 19, 2021:
One of my favourite movies is the original 1975 *Rollerball*, with James Caan and John Houseman. *Corporate Society* as depicted in that film is also becoming a chilling reality in 2021 when one considers the power and reach of unelected big tech.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 19, 2021:
@stevie-f Have you ever seen 'Network' ?
You are here roadmap with 'fiction' indicators.
stevie-f comments on Feb 19, 2021:
One of my favourite movies is the original 1975 *Rollerball*, with James Caan and John Houseman. *Corporate Society* as depicted in that film is also becoming a chilling reality in 2021 when one considers the power and reach of unelected big tech.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 19, 2021:
You are here roadmap with 'fiction' indicators.
stevie-f comments on Feb 19, 2021:
One of my favourite movies is the original 1975 *Rollerball*, with James Caan and John Houseman. *Corporate Society* as depicted in that film is also becoming a chilling reality in 2021 when one considers the power and reach of unelected big tech.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 19, 2021:
@stevie-f Yes. But who makes the decisions? lol
From Fringe
Serg97 comments on Feb 19, 2021:
Always keep in mind, ain't none of us getting out of this live!!!!!!!!
Weltansicht replies on Feb 19, 2021:
Well let's enjoy the LSD infused soma coffee and watch our feet disappear on the coffee table lol
Brits received warnings from Facebook after passionately talking about "Faggots and Peas" (yummy!).
Alysandir comments on Feb 18, 2021:
I remember an oldish British cooking show called, "Two Fat Ladies," where they once made a dish called, "Bubble and Squeak," because apparently that's what your colon does after eating it.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 19, 2021:
I finally remembered the name of the other show besides the Fat Ladies singing, it was the Galloping Gourmet, not as grand as The Fat Ladies antics, but did get the cooking message part across. They all made it enjoyable, not drudgery, and quite enlightening when you can laugh at yourself :-)
You are here roadmap with 'fiction' indicators.
stevie-f comments on Feb 19, 2021:
One of my favourite movies is the original 1975 *Rollerball*, with James Caan and John Houseman. *Corporate Society* as depicted in that film is also becoming a chilling reality in 2021 when one considers the power and reach of unelected big tech.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 19, 2021:
Mine too. Six Corporations controlling running the world. Soylent Green was on track too. Jonathan E #6 always reminded me of Patrick McGoohan in The Prisoner 'You are #6"
Brits received warnings from Facebook after passionately talking about "Faggots and Peas" (yummy!).
Weltansicht comments on Feb 19, 2021:
Funny yet not surprising, proves once again Americans have gone bonkers. To project your culture appropriations unto someone else's culture is appalling. Just like the 'amen' & awoman' snide remark. It use to be 'bum a fag' or 'let's go smoke a fag & look at some tits' meant go to the park, sit ...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 19, 2021:
@Naomi Let me be blunt and smoke a blunt lol I am a Captain Space Cadet all the time too! :-)
Ah, the good old days lol []
vangr comments on Feb 19, 2021:
Can I suggest, going forward, that you put a little more information in your "catch phrase" or headline so that people will click on you post? I almost passed it by, as I often do when there appears to be little reason for me to spend time clicking on a post. I am glad I did because I really enjoyed...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 19, 2021:
Thank you, I will try to. Its no excuse or a very sorry excuse but I am stretched thin. Most of the time its just off the cuff, or I have so much other crap to do, it just seems like I never get back to it. I will make a sincere effort to be a bit more focused, and thanks again for your polite insight. :-)
Invest in Halliburton lol
Serg97 comments on Feb 19, 2021:
Obummer, you need to make sure the Joe has his earphone in at all times, that way you can tell him what to say at all times!!! Maybe he/you could avoid all these gaffs!!!
Weltansicht replies on Feb 19, 2021:
c'mon man
A question for Leftists: []
Edgework comments on Feb 19, 2021:
Zerohedge always has deep analyses of the issues. “ So, again, I ask leftists: If you are the rebels, if you are the freedom fighters, then why are all the elites you are supposedly fighting against on your side? Why are evil people your most avid allies?” The silence will be deafening.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 19, 2021:
The issues of cognitive dissonance. Sometimes its not silence but very vociferous attacks, if you touch the reality of the emotional psychic core and make them question their self deception. Lots of times they are looking for verification of what they known deep down to be fundamentally wrong. Its just easier to find support in the group/herd and go along with the flow as they have been conditioned to. But to question, ah, that takes some real fortitude.
A question for Leftists: []
TheMiddleWay comments on Feb 19, 2021:
The problem with articles like this is that they talk about leftists as if everyone thinks that way and conservatives as if everyone thinks that way. As one that leans left, I do not think that all conservatives are insurrectionists but some are. I do not think that all conservative values are ...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 19, 2021:
Quite true. It is not all clear cut and articulate. Not to mention the cloak and dagger of both sides. Common sense, if it still exists on both sides/wings of the same machine, is that articles written like this, have to be generalized in order to make any headway. Insurrectionists from either side of the same coin, make it very difficult to communicate when they are verbally or physically assaulted you with vitriolic emotions and demagoguery. Reminds me of when I use to read the newspaper years ago, it could be a well written article that I did not agree with but I could see their point of view and thus I could understand, and it would have the authors name and news service or name. Other articles were pure drivel and would just say news wire service and no authors name, ever.
Time to improvise...
Haraldson comments on Feb 19, 2021:
I'd be looking at the neighbors dog if that was mine :)
Weltansicht replies on Feb 19, 2021:
@guru use the poor dog as bait for the redneck inbred cannibal hillbillies lol
I doubt Cuomo will escape from this unscathed, question is, will they turn on him completely and let...
RitBorg comments on Feb 19, 2021:
Nothing will happen. Biden/Harris administration is corrupt and the voters of NY will only push the blue button on Election Day (trust me, I’m a NYer who is invested in the political process here) What about the legislature you ask? They fear him and won’t touch him. Don’t worry, our ...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 19, 2021:
I doubt Cuomo will escape from this unscathed, question is, will they turn on him completely and let...
RitBorg comments on Feb 19, 2021:
Nothing will happen. Biden/Harris administration is corrupt and the voters of NY will only push the blue button on Election Day (trust me, I’m a NYer who is invested in the political process here) What about the legislature you ask? They fear him and won’t touch him. Don’t worry, our ...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 19, 2021:
How did Hillary get to be a senator from NY when she never lived there? and wasn't there some guy that was popular that was running in primary against her and had an accident/car maybe?
Took them 10 days to censor it.
AdrianRainbow comments on Feb 18, 2021:
Perma booted for the same 'dangerous individuals' BS after posting " Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong' .
Weltansicht replies on Feb 18, 2021:
@AdrianRainbow me too...some of the groups I belonged to, now I got a 3 day penalty box
Took them 10 days to censor it.
Krunoslav comments on Feb 18, 2021:
Is that on Facebook?
Weltansicht replies on Feb 18, 2021:
Here's the original notification, the previous is the 'See Options' that pops over this original. Hope I explained it coherently, on my 1st cup of coffee lol
Took them 10 days to censor it.
Tom81 comments on Feb 18, 2021:
I'm guessing with all the new things they want to censor, there's a backlog, even with all the thousands of CCP agents working overtime to earn their 50cents. Plus you probably didn't put in enough 'offensive' keywords for the Facebook/Skynet algorithms to pick it up as a priority. Nice work though...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 18, 2021:
Thank you.
Took them 10 days to censor it.
AdrianRainbow comments on Feb 18, 2021:
Perma booted for the same 'dangerous individuals' BS after posting " Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong' .
Weltansicht replies on Feb 18, 2021:
I lost my original account, from when they headhunted me and invited me from MySpace, back when they were known as 'thefacebook'. I lost years of friend contacts worldwide, pictures, all those Participation trophy notifications & milestones they gave me, gently reminders of previous posts of happier moments or events here on the farm or of life. I got terminated for responding to the FB news post of 2 child rapists of a little girl. All the other posts were hang them, shoot them, cut off their penis, lock them up with segregated prisoners and let jailhouse justice deal with them, ect. I posted a GIF from the FB library and said deal with them the same way China deals with their muslim insurrectionist problems.
Took them 10 days to censor it.
Krunoslav comments on Feb 18, 2021:
Is that on Facebook?
Weltansicht replies on Feb 18, 2021:
Yes. I was experimenting on their supposed standards as always, pushing to see how far their cognitive dissonance imbecilities takes them down the road of hypocrisy. I might try the Kissinger one next, or the one I have of Sleepy Old Joe Biden and Menachem Begin rebuttal. I still laugh at the absurdity of their censorship of Cthulhu in the canals streets of Venice.
Woke famine engineering []
wolfhnd comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Eventually this technology will be necessary as witnessed by almost every science fiction space adventure. I prefer to think of it as a dangerous new frontier than something sinister. Being human is defined by technology. Stone tools and fire allowed us to evolve larger brains but there were ...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 17, 2021:
@wolfhnd 'don't expect a lot of scientific interest' ~ follow the money i.e. science grant funding I live and work on a farm, I understand the animal husbandry and genetics, natural selection, and the enviromental changes. Sadly, most of them don't, example milk comes from a box lol
Woke famine engineering []
wolfhnd comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Eventually this technology will be necessary as witnessed by almost every science fiction space adventure. I prefer to think of it as a dangerous new frontier than something sinister. Being human is defined by technology. Stone tools and fire allowed us to evolve larger brains but there were ...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 17, 2021:
I was thinking on the 'allowed us to evolve' & 'Accelerated evolution' ~ but in the other direction. More on (moron lol) of the lack of use, which is why/how people survived before, they used more of their brain power. Simple problem solving, innovation out of neceesity ect. How much brain power does the general sheeple use? The current winter storm shows the ignorance and lack of preparedness most of them have. I would like to say because they are too busy with life but with lockdown that is mundane. Maybe with the blizzard and everybody hunkering down, the covid will 'suddenly' drop off the screen.
hmmmm 🤔 🙈 🤪
Alysandir comments on Feb 16, 2021:
How dare you poke fun at the narrative; that's -10 social currency points for you. Better check yourself before your weekly food ration gets canceled. /sarcasm
Weltansicht replies on Feb 17, 2021:
Cancel culture started on me decades ago lol and that puke that said that ' happy' at the alleged Great Reset @ Davos is really and truly was a German born and card carrying REAL Nazi party member. 1938 if I remember correctly, & prime time impressionable age, if you apply Aristotle or corruption by Lenin :-/
hmmmm 🤔 🙈 🤪
2FollowHim comments on Feb 16, 2021:
You live in a simulation of good weather. Not exactly weather. Fake weather.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 16, 2021:
Last night's -9F is not normal for here, where I live. Woo hoo I love global warming lol
Oh the things 'it' COULD say to some of the trolls here LOL
Haraldson comments on Feb 13, 2021:
All is not lost, yet, it could be a she-wee, couldn't it?
Weltansicht replies on Feb 13, 2021:
well she-it ~ heh-heh-heh lol
Its been a long day
Haraldson comments on Feb 13, 2021:
If only we could monetize all that $h!t she keeps spewing
Weltansicht replies on Feb 13, 2021:
she-it would cause computers & robots to commit self -destruct sequences heh-heh-heh
forgive me Fred
Haraldson comments on Feb 13, 2021:
There's no shortage of competition
Weltansicht replies on Feb 13, 2021:
sort of reminds me of:
The left is actually trying to live this.
bastion comments on Feb 11, 2021:
Orwell was a leftist.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 12, 2021:
@bastion well I guess everyone has a hobby. Understanding comes from G-D, and so does wisdom. I don't know if they pretend to read, or if they can read, irrelevant if they can't remember what they read. Hilarious maybe, sad more likely. Maybe it is to the point to laugh or to cry. Have a good weekend Bastion.
Gina Carano Gets Fired For Pointing Out Lefty End Game []
Alysandir comments on Feb 11, 2021:
I am not disturbed that she was fired. Frankly, as much as I agree with Gina Carano and enjoyed her character on the Mandalorian, A) Disney has every right to fire a public facing employee that does not represent the company in the way Disney wishes, and B) Gina has known for some time now that she ...
Weltansicht replies on Feb 11, 2021:
ah... you have just defined what narcissism does to their victims "not what you pretend me to be in order justifying destroying me." Well said. My kids and I liked her acting too.
“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by ...
Rick-A comments on Feb 11, 2021:
French politicians, high profile intellectuals, and journalists warn that ideas from the U.S. about race, gender, and post-colonialism are an existential threat to their country. Should have smitten the “woken” fools with a frozen wet fish!
Weltansicht replies on Feb 11, 2021:
@parsifal All the 'concerted effort' follows the Art of War by Sun Tzu, I recommend James Clavell edition translation (the guy that did 'Shogun') As for China ~ I was under the impression they had naval bases on both sides of the Panama Canal in South American countries.
I can think of numerous examples []
FrankZeleniuk comments on Feb 11, 2021:
I think we are being acclimatized to not believing our own senses. And so war is peace, ignorance is strength, and a "peaceful"protest is not a riot. We can be told anything and we must believe it. People being disappeared....Naaahhh! Never happen!
Weltansicht replies on Feb 11, 2021:
You are on track. Cognitive dissonance is a symptom of a far larger psychological problem. The clinical term ~ the psychological moment ~ is for the brainwashing, for when the subject will believe anything, even the preposterous, as the unequivocable truth.
“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by ...
Rick-A comments on Feb 11, 2021:
French politicians, high profile intellectuals, and journalists warn that ideas from the U.S. about race, gender, and post-colonialism are an existential threat to their country. Should have smitten the “woken” fools with a frozen wet fish!
Weltansicht replies on Feb 11, 2021:
@parsifal yes it is 28th but the 'global perception' was ranked at globally at #2. As for import yes again on plethora of everything, some what overboard on the 'give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses yearning to breathe' scum of the earth intake. I stand by on the #1 export of military hardware & technology, just monitor Halliburton and some other 'defense' contractor companies that trade stock market & other markets. All the foreign students that come here for higher education, you don't think they are not getting indoctrinated as well as the American leftist students of the educational system?
“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by ...
Rick-A comments on Feb 11, 2021:
French politicians, high profile intellectuals, and journalists warn that ideas from the U.S. about race, gender, and post-colonialism are an existential threat to their country. Should have smitten the “woken” fools with a frozen wet fish!
Weltansicht replies on Feb 11, 2021:
I read somewhere awhile back, that the US was the main exporter of liberal socialism & communism via all the foreign students that attend and study at US universities and then go back to their respective countries. Perception wise the US is #2 in quality education globally. Reality of the US citizenry is much lower and sinking faster. On top of that, the US is #1 nefariously in other areas too.
The left is actually trying to live this.
bastion comments on Feb 11, 2021:
Orwell was a leftist.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 11, 2021:
Yes and he was being pragmatic. You of all people should be taken lessons from him to heart.
I assume probably not politically correct
Forra888 comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Feminists look out, this post is obviously about yr empty heads and delude thinking.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 11, 2021:
@Forra888 maybe they will all hold hands
And Dominion says?
Mike999333 comments on Feb 10, 2021:
The b**** on the left ! Wait ... 🤪
Weltansicht replies on Feb 11, 2021:
Off for a quick burger & a wax job...
Weltansicht comments on Feb 10, 2021:
that's my she-man!
Weltansicht replies on Feb 11, 2021:
@Mike999333 well I was going to say my she-it but was trying to be nice punfully painfully :-/
I assume probably not politically correct
dirtbill comments on Feb 10, 2021:
oh my do we have enough time?
Weltansicht replies on Feb 10, 2021:
white rabbit is running out of time and down the rabbit hole lol
I assume probably not politically correct
Forra888 comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Feminists look out, this post is obviously about yr empty heads and delude thinking.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 10, 2021:
have no fear feminazis ~ your foes will commit suicide
How Trump Made Millions While President
govols comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Net worth pre/post presidency?
Weltansicht replies on Feb 10, 2021:
Well well well....
ZuzecaSape comments on Feb 10, 2021:
I'm glad there are still #WhiteSupremacists in the #WhiteHouse. Biden's next executive order will be t send #Blacks back to #Africa.
Weltansicht replies on Feb 10, 2021:
actually, on the serious side, they can all go to Liberia at the taxpayers expense, save money in the long run, I believe they use American currency as theirs or use to, and there's no white privilege either
Well well well....
day500 comments on Feb 9, 2021:
So even buckwheat was racist
Weltansicht replies on Feb 9, 2021:
naw...he was a little kid being culturally appropriated and exploited by Hollywood lol
Well well well....
w0tn0t comments on Feb 9, 2021:
Look at all these racist white supremacists ....
Weltansicht replies on Feb 9, 2021:
@w0tn0t maybe its a secret sign of the NAACP ~ sort of like the secret handshake of the Order of Water buffaloes on the Flintstones lol


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