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Why hasn't anti-Muslim sentiment gone down after the spike due to 9/11?

Source: FBI Crime Statistics

Over the next decade, do you expect anti-Muslim sentiment in the US to...

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Charter 6 Jan 17
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My opinion, ordinary people are tired of being branded as racists for voicing legitimate criticism of the ideology of Islam. I think too often the SJW wokies on the Left conflate criticism of Islamic teaching with an animus towards individual citizens who happen to be believers.
I also suspect people are tired of the phrase Islamophobia being hurled at any criticism of radical Islam which, by any any reasonable standard, is entirely legitimate.
I think the term Islamophobia needs to be challenged. A Phobia is broadly defined as an irrational fear. But a fear of the extreme intolerance and authoritarianism of strict Islam is not at all irrational. And regular people know this.

Well said. Reminded me of a meme I had seen and I went hunting for it.

@Weltansicht Yep, that nails it


In a country where one political side claims - in all seriousness - that their "violence is speech," while their political counterpart's "speech is violence" - and in some circumstances, their "silence is violence," as well - what then is a hate crime any more?

I mean, when De Blasio had the gates to Jewish parks welded shut to keep Jews from congregating, was that a hate crime? Based on the lack of reaction from the MSM, apparently not. But cracking down on BLM protests that became violent, IS a hate crime. Insisting that police are necessary for the community, IS a hate crime. Hmmm.

When people react to the lack of government concern in the UK when immigrants "groom" (read: sexually assault) young women - going so far as to suggest to the victims that they should keep quiet about it - it's labeled "anti-Muslim rhetoric." Why is that? Why does it cease being concern about a serious crime committed and becomes instead about where the alleged perpetrators are from?

Given the manipulation of language and the political narratives being pushed, is there real anti-Muslim sentiment? Or is it a resentment of our media and our governments for promoting this manipulation that both excuses bad behavior and punishes any reaction to that excusing of bad behavior?

That is, are we truly anti-Muslim, or are we upset with how the MSM and government are treating Muslims as a protected class, to the detriment of others?


They were city-owned public parks closed during a time when all city parks were closed to the public, not to prevent "Jews from congregating".

Come on now; did they weld shut parks in other neighborhoods? And this was hardly the only example of extra scrutiny given to Jewish neighborhoods.

Also, just because you provide examples of actual anti-Muslim sentiment, that neither proves that there is an overwhelming anti-Muslim sentiment, nor does it discount frustration people have with the MSM/government narrative.


I think people aren’t anti-Muslim, as much as they are Muslim-fatigued.

There was a wave of hatred for Islam after decades of hijackings, bombings, kidnappings, hostage takings, embassy attacks and even tossing a wheelchair bound American off a cruise ship and into their Mediterranean, capped off by the 9-11 attacks. Its ridiculous to pretend this is religious prejudice - people are outraged at the savagery. Many of the world”s 57-odd Muslim-majority states and Islamic Republics are ranked among the most dangerous places on earth: hell holes of violence, tribal infighting, grinding poverty and a hatred of western modernity.

Why can’t we move on, like we did with the Germans and Japanese after the horrors of WWII?

Simply because hard leftists have declared Muslims an aggrieved victim group to be placed on a pedestal and protected from any and all criticism. The same empty headed woke-progressives who fight for the rights of women and homosexuals, are also fighting for Islam, where gays are tossed from rooftops and women are stoned to death in the public square for adultery.

Today’s anti-Muslim sentiments are driven not so much by Islam as by the actions of two-faced progressives who insist on placing a token, hijab-wearing woman, front and centre in every medium, and delighting in any negative comment from the public to support their theory that every westerner is a knuckle-dragging racist.

As with most other post-modern narratives: the left exploits the victim group to attack the West and achieve their progressive objectives.

GeeMac Level 8 Feb 20, 2021

The Muslims have not changed their rhetoric or renounced their imams, certainly no Christian is going to change their opinion of them. The unchristian population probably will, over time, change its view from negative to positive because of State control of speech and assembly. The short term future for the citizens of the world is gloomy indeed.


LOL, 'changed things for American Muslims'. Oh the poor fucking dears.


Political correctness drove the US culture to bend over backwards to accept any group perceived as disenfranchised - often at the expense of the regard for the majority. Anti-"white" prejudice is a current example. The twin towers brought greater awareness to more in the US of the call for violence against non-Muslims, and even moderate Muslims embedded in the Quran, as opposed to the knee-jerk reaction that everyone should be accepted, no matter what their beliefs.

In the future, if political correctness continues to accelerate under the current cultural climate in the US, we can expect that awareness to dim considerably, once again providing the opportunity for Muslims to more easily create damage to our culture, as has happened many times in the past. Reading Winston Churchill should bring that to light.

If, on the other hand, light begins to shine on reason in the US, as more of us say "enough" with the political correctness, Muslims could more rightly see increased hostility in the US.

"Political correctness is fascism disguised as manners." - George Carlin.

I like George. I got his album Occupation: Foole when it came out early 70s.

I wish he was around.


Sorry these few will be a bit off topic but someone made a comment that needs to be fleshed out with some facts.

A doctrine of black supremacy is as dangerous as a doctrine of white supremacy. God is not interested in the freedom of black men or brown men or yellow men. God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race, the creation of a society where every man will respect the dignity and worth of personality.
— Martin Luther King Jr., Speech at the Southern Methodist University, March 17, 1966.


Better question ... why hasn't it continued to rise?


Expect the globalist media to step up their thought reform efforts.


A group of people that would oppress others will experience push back from those they are trying to oppress It matters not the group, the push back is even stronger if that group uses violent means to force others to conform to their wishes or beliefs. When the leaders of a group encourage violence to farther their cause it will bring push back against the whole group even though only a few practice violence.

KeVince Level 8 Feb 22, 2021

It'll depend on "peace in the ME"
The stance of various Muslim countries towards the US
The number of Islamic terrorist attacks globally.


The sentiment will probably remain the same.


The anti Muslim sentiment is totally justified though!

MarcW Level 5 May 5, 2021

Its not like 9/11 was the only terrorist attack they did. There have been many terrorist attacks around the world that originate with muslim terrorist groups. Also, they have been caught doing horrible things to their own people in the name of islam, such as decapitating people or brutally torturing Christians. Until they stop doing that and renounce the parts of their religion that call for that, there will be fully justified anti-muslim sentiments in America.


It will Increase, especially during the Biden/Harris administration. 9/11 was a false flag, like C-19 outbreak. Staged AF, It's just sad that people are so stupid to fall for that!

LukeGP Level 7 Mar 28, 2021

They hate us, they are abusive to women and they hate dogs.


Weatherman, also known as Weathermen and later the Weather Underground Organization, was an American left wing terrorist organization that carried out a series of bombings, jailbreaks, and riots from 1969 through the 1970s.
Not based on Christianity.

Of course there are lots of Terrorist groups that are non-Christian and lots that have nothing to do with "white supremacy".


It will decrease for two reasons (at least):

  1. Muslims will continue to slither over America's borders in droves.
  2. Muslims will produce children at a 3 to 1 ratio to traditional Americans.
    In other words, their population will grow while white American populations will continue to decline.

Why the Hell aren't Conservatives advocating the forced removal of Muslims across the West? Just what they Hell have they conserved????


Without constant reminders of terrorism, how will we justify the TSA, NSA, and other authoritarian bullshit? With constant reminders of terrorism, who wouldn't have anti-Muslim sentiment?


9/11 had NOTHING to do with Muslims. It was an inside job by the Jewish Neocons in DC and Zionist Lakud in Israel.


It’ll probably stay about the same.


As the definition of hate crime becomes more eroded and lenient, the more hate crimes will go up.

Like how when "rape" started to cover more and more actions, the higher the rape case numbers got in universities.


I have no problems with Muslims, just their doctrine coupled with radical terrorist behavior. In the past 30 days, close to 600 people were murdered/killed in the name of Allah. []

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