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Should Supreme Court Justices rule along party lines? []
coalburned comments on Jul 8, 2020:
Who knows what motives a sitting judge might have, but their job isn't to vote along party lines. It's to act as final arbiter, and protect and interpret the Constitution. That concept seems foreign today. Like most people in positions of power and influence, the temptation to redefine the way we live is irresistible.
Thoughts on this one?
coalburned comments on Jul 8, 2020:
Two thoughts. First, as I've posted here several times, I couldn't agree more when this article states that BLM has nothing to do with black lives. The article sums up my sentiments fairly succinctly. I also agree we're at war, but what comes to mind when I hear the word "war" is more civil than what I'm seeing right now. I've never seen so much hatred spewed back and forth between ideologically divided groups. The media (all forms), politicians, and activists lie, bully and spread disinformation like it's an addiction. Where's the civility?
Couple who painted over Black Lives Matter scrawling have been charged with a "hate crime"- ...
coalburned comments on Jul 8, 2020:
Just a quick, related question... why do we call the BLM logo a mural?
This is disturbing.
coalburned comments on Jul 8, 2020:
Looks to me like the city is saying they can't come up with valid, rational ways to address a problem, so let's segregate a group and see if we can brainwash them. What nonsense. I just hit the REJECT button on this one.
coalburned comments on Jul 8, 2020:
I'm usually suspicious of stuff like this, but if it turns out to be true, yes, I'll be surprised because it's a man making the allegations. I always considered Clinton a womanizer. If there's any validity to the story, FOX would likely be extremely careful about having facts about something this big, and the rest of the MSM won't say anything until they have an alternative narrative in place to vouch for their hero. Just my guess....
As I watch my western culture and White history being attacked and destroyed by screaming liberals ...
coalburned comments on Jul 6, 2020:
Republican leadership does seem to be AWOL. Could it be election year cowering?
Hi everyone! Sorry I’ve been a little bit absent on YouTube, I’ve been sick for the past few ...
coalburned comments on Jul 6, 2020:
You do have some faithful followers. Glad you're feeling better.
Armed protesters occupying area near Atlanta Wendy's reportedly shot and killed little girl- ...
coalburned comments on Jul 6, 2020:
Will this finally bring public condemnation of these silly occupy movements? Or will they simply sweep it under the rug like all other black-on-black crime? That little girl's death is profoundly sad and senseless.
They hate you and want you dead. You cannot appease them.
coalburned comments on Jul 6, 2020:
So some of us have declared this post to be bogus. You know what bothers me, though? The post didn't appear out of thin air, so we know there are people out there who actually think this way. Look at how many likes it received. Here's what is legit....Trump Derangement Syndrome. I'll never understand how hatred for one person can inflame these kinds of passions.
They hate you and want you dead. You cannot appease them.
coalburned comments on Jul 6, 2020:
I don't know how a health care professional would know if you're a Trump supporter, so I don't know if this is legit. But if it is, lawyers must be lining up. The hatefulness alone is sickening. There are some ugly, mean people out there..
Poor pony!
coalburned comments on Jul 6, 2020:
Ouch! That's just wrong.
Challenging the science behind the masks and 6ft...
coalburned comments on Jul 6, 2020:
I'm still waiting for the science that proves masks make a difference. Maybe there's something I haven't seen. The consensus seems to be that, along with washing hands and social distancing, they "can help" prevent catching the virus. That's a little too iffy for me. It reminds me of the CYA disclaimers you hear in ads. I find masks very difficult to wear...I feel confined and deprived of oxygen. I don't care if a business wants me to wear one...I'll make a choice. But I resent the govt arbitrarily telling me I have to wear one in public places.
I knew this was coming... Foul bawl?
coalburned comments on Jul 4, 2020:
How ridiculous. Indians is about as generic and harmless as you can get. You could make a weak argument that Redskins is an offensive term, but Indians? Gimme a break.
Father whose teenaged son was killed in Seattle autonomous zone didn't get call from Mayor, but did ...
coalburned comments on Jul 4, 2020:
Good for Trump, but Durkan needs a cranial rectonomy.
He's nailed is calmly, with a quote: []
coalburned comments on Jul 4, 2020:
I like that. The best estimate I can find is 6% of us are far right. I'm going to guess that there are 4x as many of us on the far left. That means 70% of us fall into the relatively wise category. Folks, that gives us a huge advantage if we'll just stop letting the media, politicians, and activists divide us. Doesn't mean there won't be differences and debates, but we have more similarities than we realize, especially when it comes to the everyday challenges we all face. I bet if we unplugged as much as possible from media sources (including social media), and had real discussions with real people, we'd see real change.
Just a Little Prick
coalburned comments on Jul 4, 2020:
I'm currently reading "No Such thing as a Free Gift", a well-researched book about philanthropists in general and Gates in particular. There's no question that philanthropy, as practiced by the ultra-wealthy, not only has made Gates ever wealthier, but he wields unprecedented power when it come to health care policy.
What makes America Great?
coalburned comments on Jul 4, 2020:
I'm late to the game here, and I'm glad because reading some great comments here gives me hope and a reason to smile on this, my favorite holiday of the year. I love this country. Yes, we're going through a difficult phase, but our constitution is not outdated... it's still a masterpiece, and I pray goodness and truth will prevail in the end. I wish you all a blessed day.
Washington Redskins deliberate name change to appease woke mobs- []
coalburned comments on Jul 3, 2020:
I couldn't care less about the "woke mobs". Their whining means squat. If the team wants to consider a name change, they should be consulting only one source...leaders from the American Indian community. And maybe Elizabeth Warren. :)
So enjoying nature, going to parks or hiking is now white supremacy.
coalburned comments on Jul 3, 2020:
As of about a week ago, when coverage of the riots became passe and covid took over the news cycle again, my response to the nonsense I'm seeing can be best summed up in one simple verb....REJECT. I hope we're all at the point where we're ready to stand up as one and simply reject the ridiculous nonsense being regurgitated by more media sources than we know what to do with (and I'm including social media in this). Enough is enough.
Joe Biden announces that he is Joe Biden's husband. []
coalburned comments on Jul 3, 2020:
He sounds inebriated. But maybe he sounds like that all the time. I try not to listen to him, so I wouldn't know. I'll say it again...who he picks as running mate is going to be critical.
A three year old video, still relevant today. PJW []
coalburned comments on Jul 3, 2020:
Good stuff.
Alyssa Milano Says Redskins Name ‘Cannot Be Tolerated Any Longer’ After Selling Redskins Gear
coalburned comments on Jul 2, 2020:
Why does that woman feel compelled to come out from under her rock every few months to say something profoundly stupid? She must think it keeps her relevant.
Babylon Bee - memes like a boss
coalburned comments on Jul 2, 2020:
LOL...I saw this earlier today. I don't know which is funnier, the gag name or that photo.
coalburned comments on Jul 2, 2020:
She expects sympathy with all those tears? Truly delusional....
Meanwhile in Britain []
coalburned comments on Jul 2, 2020:
Hijacked? It was started by radicals.
FBI Hires Top-Rated Italian Bodyguard Hiluigi Clintonelli To Protect Ghislaine Maxwell | The Babylon...
coalburned comments on Jul 2, 2020:
LMAO ... That's hilarious.
Breaking: Epstein pal arrested. Hope she hangs in there
coalburned comments on Jul 2, 2020:
Ba Dum Tss.....
Should we uphold equality of the law?
coalburned comments on Jul 2, 2020:
Excellent description of the nature of evil. I'm all for equality of justice. I wholely embrace the principle that black lives matter. I wholely reject the tenets of BLM, one the most divisive, poisonous organizations in existence today.
How long before she is arkancided?
coalburned comments on Jul 2, 2020:
Grab your popcorn, folks...
MarketWatch: Summer of Stupid marches on.
coalburned comments on Jul 2, 2020:
But is she as dumb as the guy who got clawed by a jaguar while trying to take a selfie with it? Maybe a toss-up.
Not only is this absurd it is also getting too personal with students.
coalburned comments on Jul 2, 2020:
Thank God all my kids are past college age. If I was a parent with kids in high school right now, I'd be very torn about encouraging them to go to college. No matter how you raise your kids, I'm not sure many of them are able to withstand what I can only describe as an onslaught of leftist thinking when they get to college.
How do you know if someone is projecting "hate" or "just venting"?
coalburned comments on Jul 2, 2020:
I avoid hate like the plague, but I do vent sometimes. The way I judge whether somebody is expressing hatred or anger is based whether or not they allow dissenting viewpoints. People who hate can hear only their own voice.
Memo from the BLMified corporate world: First, we were told not to use the technical term ...
coalburned comments on Jul 2, 2020:
I'm not going to change a thing in how I speak. I'm done with the lunacy.
Kayleigh McEnany triggers 'reporters' with solid answer on why Trump called BLM group a 'symbol of ...
coalburned comments on Jul 2, 2020:
That young woman is nothing short of amazing. I've never seen anyone so well-prepared in such a high-profile role.
Joe Biden owns the Democratic Party's insanity- []
coalburned comments on Jul 1, 2020:
We better pay very close attention to who he picks as a running mate. If, God forbid, he makes it to the White House, I don't think he'll make it 4 years.
New flu virus with 'pandemic potential' found in pigs. Here's what that means.
coalburned comments on Jul 1, 2020:
MSM sourcing CNN... Talk about the blind leading the blind. These people are shameless in the way they prey on people's fears.
Here's the article removed by Forbes for perpetuating 'wrongthink'! A climate scientist apologizes ...
coalburned comments on Jul 1, 2020:
I read that article yesterday or day before. I thought it was pretty remarkable and enlightening, particularly that he didn't see climate change as even one of the top threats to the environment. Forbes is going to wrongthink is way into the same class of leftist drivle as CNN, MSM, WAPO, and NYT.
First post here! Was wondering what you guys think about eugenics?
coalburned comments on Jul 1, 2020:
Eugenics is moral nitroglycerin. For starters, who gets to decide what traits are desirable in a human being?
Did you know men can get pregnant?
coalburned comments on Jul 1, 2020:
I guess so, if your logic dictates that a trans male is actually a man. How many genders can get pregnant nowadays? I've lost count.
After 3 weeks and 4 shootings, Seattle dismantles its 'autonomous zone'- []
coalburned comments on Jul 1, 2020:
So much for the mayor's summer of love. How could they expect anything different?
coalburned comments on Jul 1, 2020:
And just like that, the video is gone. I get a message saying the account has been terminated. Fortunately, I was able to watch it before it got pulled. I wanted to go back and look at a couple of parts of it, and it was gone. I'm talking about in the last 15 minutes. Unbelievable.
Face reality, but don’t become demoralized. []
coalburned comments on Jul 1, 2020:
This is my favorite video of yours. I really like the message. Online is fine for sharing ideas, but offline is where the real work gets done. Let's stay strong, stay positive.
A couple of weeks ago, I posted a link for a free download.
coalburned comments on Jun 30, 2020:
Worth downloading. I'm enjoying your articles
Official Resolution Calls for Democratic Party To Change Name Over Racist Past ...
coalburned comments on Jun 30, 2020:
That's actually pretty funny.
White Supremacist Mass Shooter' At Jefferson Square Park Turns Out to Be Hispanic Homeless Man ...
coalburned comments on Jun 30, 2020:
Our best defense against being misinformed is to presume everything you read in the MSM is false.
Forbes Censors Award-Winning Environmentalist's Apology Over Three-Decade 'Climate Scare' - So Here...
coalburned comments on Jun 30, 2020:
"Climate change is happening. It’s just not the end of the world. It’s not even our most serious environmental problem.". Amen. The most serious problem we face by far is living in this present climate of hate.
President of leftist DC think tank attacks St Louis homeowners, says he 'would beat their brains ...
coalburned comments on Jun 29, 2020:
He'd like to think.... Clearly, he's having difficulty in that department.
Breaking News Two more Covid deaths
coalburned comments on Jun 29, 2020:
That's from Babylon Bee, right?
New video! An SJW's Take On The Evils Of White People.
coalburned comments on Jun 29, 2020:
Waaaah! I'm so ashamed of my whiteness now! Ok, not really. I wonder how many innocent YouTubers will come across your video and not realize it's satire. Good job, though!
Wisdom from the Ministry of Trurh
coalburned comments on Jun 29, 2020:
How could someone be so prescient...
Is the culture war really a war waged by the unintelligent against the intelligent?
coalburned comments on Jun 29, 2020:
Pretty good article. I think there are intelligent people on both sides of the equation, but are those who target humor with their intolerance intellectually inferior, or intellectually lazy? A generation ago, the Left boasted about it's open-mindedness. They preached fairness, tolerance, non-violence, and equality. I think they took tolerance to the extreme sometimes, but that was far, far better than what we have today. Instead of doing the work required to engage in thoughtful discussion and debate, it seems there are those who prefer the lazy route....create parameters for "proper" behavior, and marginalize those who don't abide by them. What happened to the Left? Maybe some of you who remember those days can enlighten us as to how the party of tolerance became a party of suppression.
A good friend of mine (a boomer).
coalburned comments on Jun 29, 2020:
I'm a boomer, but I try not to live in the past too much because getting jerked back to the present hurts too much! My hope is that the majority of us have the same values and are willing to fight for them. That's the only way I can cope...through hope.
VDH: The 2020 elections aren't about Trump anymore. They're about anger []
coalburned comments on Jun 29, 2020:
There is so much truth in that article, to the point it's almost depressing. We're approaching my favorite holiday of the year. I love my country, but this year is the first time I've wondered if we haven't gone over the edge, headed toward a future none of us really wants. I've never before felt that we are giving up precious freedoms we've fought hard to protect, and might not find them again if we lose them. I'm a child of the 60s, so I know what it's like to go through social upheaval. But this feels different. People are uglier and less tolerant than ever, as evidenced by the cancel culture and political correctness. Our online communities have their place, but if we don't get out and literally reconnect with others, I fear we'll lose the sense that we have more that unites us than divides us. We have to stop letting evil forces (I don't know what else to call them) drive a wedge between us.
Unpack your issues...
coalburned comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Why do I laugh at all your groaners?
Town hall: NYT says Russia's GRU is paying bounties to the Taliban for killing US soldiers and Trump...
coalburned comments on Jun 28, 2020:
This is the problem the Times has created for itself. The minute I see this is their reporting, I assume it's a lie.
BLM mob threatens to 'shut down' Target store: 'stop calling the police on black people'- ...
coalburned comments on Jun 28, 2020: I can figure...some number of blacks apparently think they should be able to do whatever they want with no consequences. Why else would they want a cop free zone. And how exactly will that improve conditions for the black community? People make no sense sometimes....
Of all the things that could matter to a person in life.
coalburned comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Life without Trump
The wearing of a mask reflects one of two things.
coalburned comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Regardless of one's underlying motive, I consider the wearing of masks to be pointless. No one has been able to confirm their efficacy, and the masks that potentially do the most good most likely cause oxygen deprivation. I'll take my chances and use time-tested common sense measures to avoid getting or spreading any virus.
Haha, so I did three hours of commentary yesterday (a two hour live stream and an hour of TV), and ...
coalburned comments on Jun 28, 2020:
But we'll all benefit, so thank you, Daisy!
A couple updates to the group - Restricted to people over 18 Obviously, I have no way to ...
coalburned comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Man, I completely agree with you on this! TWO thumbs up!
Cosmopolitan magazine covers in 2000 verses 2020.
coalburned comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Wow. Women sure have changed.
DaisyCousens thought you would enjoy this: "Because Trump was only a 1-Y, he was eligible to ...
coalburned comments on Jun 28, 2020:
This is true. I'm sure some will say Trump would have found a way out of it, but wiggling out of serving was commonplace. My draft number was 8...I was going. So I enlisted in the USAF while I watched several friends find a way out of serving. Not that I'm complaining, though...military service was a great experience and the turning point of my life.
What's up Larry. []
coalburned comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Larry totally gets it. Hard to argue with the facts. By the way, where's the outrage over these idiot politicians appropriating black culture? Wearing a kente cloth stole while you take a knee? Talk about demeaning. You fools think blacks don't see what you're doing? You should be standing up, not taking a knee. How about working with your fellow legislators to enact meaningful change instead of pandering to people's emotions in hopes they'll vote for you and your guy in November. Y'all make me sick....
TV show The Simpsons announces it will recast all nonwhite characters voiced by white actors- ...
coalburned comments on Jun 28, 2020:
It will be interesting to see if viewers catch on and do something about it. Nothing speaks louder than falling ratings.
Black community elders shutdown and shame anti-statue protest... []
coalburned comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Finally... Let's hope this becomes a trend.
[] Who Is Funding Black Lives Matter And Why?
coalburned comments on Jun 28, 2020:
I think this one succinctly hits the nail on the head. BLM has little to do with improving black lives and much to do with promoting far left ideology. Blacks are once again being exploited, and I say that because the BLM statement of beliefs says nothing about what actually plagues black communities...broken homes, fatherless families, and little emphasis on education. It reads more like a feminist/lgbtq manifesto.
So, there's gonna be a new Robocop. Any predictions how this will turn out?
coalburned comments on Jun 28, 2020:
RIP Robocop
Am I the only one that is noticing a changing undercurrent in IDW/SLUG since the name ...
coalburned comments on Jun 28, 2020:
I've seen a number of new members, which I think is good.I haven't sensed a changing undercurrent per se.
coalburned comments on Jun 27, 2020:
The answer lies in the verses that follow where you left off. "When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished, saying, Who then can be saved? But Jesus looked at them and said, With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:25-26
Well now your Master bedroom is a 'racist' term that must be removed from the description of your ...
coalburned comments on Jun 27, 2020:
When will we all stop being slaves to this nonsense?
Have you lost a good friend to the "Culture Wars"?
coalburned comments on Jun 27, 2020:
Fortunately, I haven't lost anyone who I consider to be a friend to the culture war. I have acquaintances who I wouldn't associate with and who probably wouldn't want to associate with me, but they're people with whom I don't discuss politics or religion. Those are relationships I would consider to be of minimal value anyway. The relationships I value tend to be with people I consider to be thoughtful and fairly open-minded. If I was still working I might have a different answer. When you're retired, you can more easily control who you spend your time with.
coalburned comments on Jun 27, 2020:
Joe is in his basement because the party put him on time out. The dude is a liability.
Here's an attempt at a first poll: Because I was thinking about how the left seems to attract the...
coalburned comments on Jun 27, 2020:
I honestly have no idea, so I'm guessing it's about the same on both sides. I don't actually boycott, which to me means zero business with a given company. But there are some companies with which I will do the absolute minimum I have to. Google is a good example.
These ghetto terms.
coalburned comments on Jun 27, 2020:
Me, too (no, I'm not referring to that worn out hashtag). Our language gets invaded too often by words that sound pretty silly.
Certainly seems like double standards to me.
coalburned comments on Jun 27, 2020:
The attacker tries to justify his behavior by saying the store manager made a racial slur. Is that a viable defense in any state? And are whites the only ones who can be charged with a hate crime? If this isn't a hate crime, what is? Maybe someone with a legal background can enlighten me.
Are druggie jokes now off limits? []
coalburned comments on Jun 26, 2020:
Comics always have fun with our foibles, so drug jokes aren't off limits. This particular joke was in poor taste imo because it references someone who died recently. But an investigation by K-State? Gimme a break. It's a case of bad judgement, not criminal intent.
Pretty funny.
coalburned comments on Jun 26, 2020:
LOL...that's awesome.👍
And the left will release the Kraken []
coalburned comments on Jun 26, 2020:
I don't use either, so I don't know if it would bother me that advertisers might pull their support for either platform. I can see their point...damned if they do, damned if they don't. Look what we've wrought!
Pelosi and House Dems response to the monument mob prove why Dems should all be voted out- ...
coalburned comments on Jun 26, 2020:
Pandering, pandering, and more pandering, which proves the Dems have little of substance to offer.
Cambridge University defends and promotes embattled professor who said 'white lives don't matter'- ...
coalburned comments on Jun 26, 2020:
Day by day, institutions of higher learning are proving themselves increasingly irrelevant.
Screengrab says everything thats wrong today
coalburned comments on Jun 26, 2020:
Disturbing is putting it mildly.
The really sad thing is.
coalburned comments on Jun 26, 2020:
Don't you just hate it when the chickens come home to roost?
Coloring book sold at Walmart.
coalburned comments on Jun 26, 2020:
Since when was Joe a Moderate? Pretty funny, though.
'Black people are often more racist than white people': Ex-F1 chief Bernie Ecclestone weighs in on ...
coalburned comments on Jun 26, 2020:
Racism exists within all ethnic groups. It's one of the unfortunate byproducts of the human condition. What I find preposterous is the reframing of the discussion, attempting to make it a white-only problem. Shame on anyone who does that.
Black Lives Matter does the Democrat's dirty work, here's what a BLM 'tough guy' told FOX News- ...
coalburned comments on Jun 26, 2020:
That guy is delusional, and he has a mic. That makes him dangerous.
CNSNews: Tucker Carlson describes BLM as the armed militia of the Democratic party.
coalburned comments on Jun 26, 2020:
I hope people wake up soon and realize what's going on. BLM, Antifa, most of MSM, Open Society Foundation....the list is long. All want to fundamentally change our way of life. Those who think that's an ok thing will be appalled when they realized the freedoms they've lost if it comes to pass. Free speech alone has never been attacked like it is now. What comes next? Be careful what you ask for, folks. Be even more careful about what you allow others to take from you.
Spike? Not really. Look at the numbers that tell the real story. []
coalburned comments on Jun 26, 2020:
I hope people take all covid-related news with a grain of salt. The true story around the virus may never be known, but one thing is certain...the numbers have been inflated and manipulated to justify various govt and corporate actions. I don't trust anything were hearing.
Where is a good place to live besides NY?
coalburned comments on Jun 25, 2020:
If you're from NYC, anywhere is good. I'm partial to the Gulf Coast, southern MO, northern AR, and rural TN and KY. Lots of good places.
Well I never! 😱😱 "Blowing Smoke Up Your Ass" Was Much More Than Just A Saying
coalburned comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Gee...from medicinal benefits to political indoctrination. Who'd a thunk?
The worst and worst of Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez! []
coalburned comments on Jun 25, 2020:
A well-deserved skewering of two of the most clueless, misguided people on the planet. Nice job, Daisy.
coalburned comments on Jun 24, 2020:
No surprise at all. People who shun our laws will have to deal with lawlessness. Did they think human nature wouldn't manifest itself in their little utopia?
‘Tear Them Down’: BLM Activist Shaun King Calls For Destruction Of Jesus Christ Statues, ...
coalburned comments on Jun 24, 2020:
He's a hate-monger and should be dismissed as such.
Why do black lives only matter when a cop is involved?
coalburned comments on Jun 24, 2020:
Why black-on-black murder is largely ignored is a true mystery. The only thing I can come up with is once attention is turned there, you no longer have a racist bad guy or "system" at which you can vent your anger and frustration. And of course the media will never go there because they benefit tremendously ($$$) from racial strife.
I am trying to figure out why so many get stuck in the Republican/Democrat rut.
coalburned comments on Jun 24, 2020:
I agree there are many who have Libertarian leanings, but there are degrees of it, and I don't see many, including myself, who are libertarians in the purest sense of the word. Add to that the fact that our political system is deeply entrenched in a three-party system, which makes it virtually impossible for a third party to win. It's an unfortunate fact of life for those who might very well be in the majority. Probably the best chance we would have is to overhaul the Republican party and rename it.
They are so desperate to find those elusive racists.
coalburned comments on Jun 24, 2020:
This is exactly what I've been trying to tell people, but could find the right words. Well said. We're dealing with people who don't want racism to end. Yes, there will always be some element of it as long as humans are in existence. But it's foolish to pretend only one group is responsible or that someone is inherently racist due to the color of their skin (which, of course, is a horribly racist thing to say).
He offended our religion. 1A
coalburned comments on Jun 23, 2020:
I think it refers to King's assertion that statues of Jesus are a "gross form of white supremacy", and should be torn down.
Prominent researchers say a widely cited study on wearing masks is badly flawed- [reason.]
coalburned comments on Jun 23, 2020:
I only wear a mask when required to conduct business. I see very few health pros wear them in public. My hunch is that people who wear masks are also more conscientious about washing their hands and taking sensible precautions, and that's the real reason numbers have declined. If they really have....I'm not convinced they were anywhere near what has been reported to begin with.
Mike Pence 2024 question??
coalburned comments on Jun 23, 2020:
While I think pence would make an outstanding president, I think he's seen enough. I also think he feels he'd have to sell his soul at some point, and he's not cut out for that.
Cop finds tampon in his Starbucks frappuccino and local Sheriff's office open investigation- ...
coalburned comments on Jun 23, 2020:
No foul play? Sounds pretty foul to me.
Billion-Dollar Seattle Company Fleeing to Phoenix to Escape CHOP Zone Unrest, Poor Quality of Life...
coalburned comments on Jun 23, 2020:
I love nothing less than a mass exodus of businesses.
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