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On what basis do you decide whether you like someone or not?
coalburned comments on Oct 30, 2019:
My approach is to generally like people until they give me a reason not to. Group traits mean nothing to me when I'm at the interpersonal level. I understand how people form opinions of certain groups, but I don't understand why they pre-judge individual members of a group. Seems completely illogical. And I definitely don't understand why anyone thinks it's appropriate to publicly disparage someone solely on the basis of a group they belong to. Keep that sh*t to yourself.
Trump Cancelling Government Subscriptions to ‘Fake News’ NYT and Wa. Post – Summit News
coalburned comments on Oct 29, 2019:
What took him so long?
Mike Pompeo Arraigns Washington Post Over ‘Sick’ Headline for ISIS Leader’s Obituary
coalburned comments on Oct 29, 2019:
Most initial reactions are driven by deeply rooted convictions. Nice try, WaPo, but you showed your a-- again.
coalburned comments on Oct 29, 2019:
But who's worse, the scumbags who peddle this garbage, or the mindless sheep who feed off of it?
Wonder how this will turn out? Signs at sex offenders houses for Halloween... []
coalburned comments on Oct 25, 2019:
"Unspecified trouble"? This smacks of govt overreach. As much as I despise sex offenders, this is a bad precedent. The punishment for a crime shouldn't be modified arbitrarily by local law enforcement. It's a slippery slope.
Why has the resistance to President Trump reached such apocalyptic proportions?
coalburned comments on Oct 22, 2019:
It's always about the Benjamin's. Or power. Sometimes it's hard to figure which is the prime motivating factor, but the love of money has always been the root of bad behavior.
TheBlaze: O'Rourke says criminals will "do the right thing" I've long suspected you need a room ...
coalburned comments on Oct 20, 2019:
That guy in mind-numbingly stupid.
What is really happening in Sweden, Greta? - YouTube
coalburned comments on Oct 20, 2019:
Fascinating. Sobering. And a warning for the US.
Why wasnt MLK day renamed..? [] []
coalburned comments on Oct 15, 2019:
Does anyone really think all this nonsense of removing statues, holidays, etc is going to make people happy? Or woke? Will it somehow imbue black communities with a sense of pride or respect? We'll see how it plays out, but I think most of us know the answer.
[] The Truth About Socialism. Heartland Institute.
coalburned comments on Oct 14, 2019:
Whenever I discuss socialism (not one of its hybrids) with people, I point out the suffering that results every time you put all your eggs in the govt basket. I'm always told that if you get the right govt in place those problems go away. I remind them that every govt is run by humans who are inherently prone to moral failure, that power inevitably corrupts, and no system that is centrally controlled by a relatively small number of people will never adequately serve the people. I get a lot of blank stares from people who really think about the human element. No system is perfect, but the one we have has been incredibly successful.
Is this seriously the official title of a scientific article..?
coalburned comments on Oct 14, 2019:
Lol...The closing comment is hysterically insulting.
Attorney General Bill Barr Will Ask Zuckerberg To Halt Plans For End-To-End Encryption Across ...
coalburned comments on Oct 4, 2019:
If the govt wants to digitally spy on us, they will. If big tech wants to, they will. That Pandora's box will never be closed. As a user I choose platforms based on what I believe is being done with my data. That's all I can do.
Mattel creates a PROPAGANDA tool - YouTube
coalburned comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Lucas gets it!
New York City bans people from saying "illegal aliens" and other politically incorrect phrases- ...
coalburned comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Virtue signalling at it's worst....
Can relate to this guy []
coalburned comments on Sep 29, 2019:
This guy nails it. Perfectly.
Well his quote about sums up their strat and reasoning.
coalburned comments on Sep 29, 2019:
Hmmm...I can't decide which quote applies best here. "For extreme diseases, extreme methods of cure, as to restriction, are most suitable." - Hippocrates "You can't fix stupid." - Ron White
I am retirement age.
coalburned comments on Sep 23, 2019:
I'm retired, kids are gone, and my interest in politics is simpler than it used to be. I can relate. There's a lot of truth in what you've stated, and even though I'm cynical by nature, I don't think our country's future is a lost cause. I'll admit there are some big challenges, but if we passionately protect our freedoms and strenuously reject mandatory mediocrity, I have hope.
It was a Global Climate Picnic Day: Go on — Show us you mean it guys — cut the cord to the coal ...
coalburned comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Hundreds of billions of dollars globally each year for climate research says only Jesus himself can exorcise this demon.
...and changed the glory of an incorruptible God.. []
coalburned comments on Sep 20, 2019:
This is why I agree there should be no prayer in public schools. The fact that it happened at a seminary, though, is nuts.
One perspective
coalburned comments on Sep 20, 2019:
Ultimately, everything is a spiritual battle that many are oblivious to
Pentagon: Border Wall Going Up About One Mile Per Day
coalburned comments on Sep 20, 2019:
Damn...took me 3 weeks to build my privacy fence.
An article about the worlds worst and strangest hair styles []
coalburned comments on Sep 19, 2019:
So there really are aliens among us...
Individualism over collectivism- []
coalburned comments on Sep 19, 2019:
Extremism in any form is bad. Look at any abusive government and you'll find a healthy degree of extremism at its core. Right or left makes no difference. They both rely on suppression of individual liberties. Good article.
Teen Climate Activist Tells Congress Climate Crisis Is Linked to ‘Colonialism’
coalburned comments on Sep 19, 2019:
Beats me. Why do we listen to adults that say equally moronic things? At least kids are kinda cute working through that awkward stage, right?
The nothing burger is back again... Get a coffee...relax...Mark is gonna show ya. []
coalburned comments on Sep 18, 2019:
"I'm a good looking man" "That's a helluva book" 😂😂😂 This guy's a hoot Rep Lee on the other hand...the truth shall set you free? How deep did you dig in your bag of original content for that one? Could you be any more cliche?
Good News for the World
coalburned comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Bad news always sells. Remember the song "Dirty Laundry" by the Eagles? The internet and social media have just taken it to a new level. What I think is unprecedented is the amount of news that is fabricated. That's my biggest concern. Really hard to find the truth these days. Good article.
coalburned comments on Sep 17, 2019:
I agree with his take on YouTube. I've learned a ton of useful stuff there that would have been very difficult to learn any other way.
[] Please Pass this on to everyone you know with college age children
coalburned comments on Sep 17, 2019:
What concerns me is the way schools and universities are indoctrinating students, knowing full well that they have fertile minds to work with. It's the worst form of manipulation. If students don't have the opportunity to thoughtfully consider both sides of the coin, it's no wonder we're seeing so many close minded people in that age group. So sad.
Biden is one missed shot away from attending a Debate Naked, Smeared in his own Feces.
coalburned comments on Sep 16, 2019:
LOL...Poor Joe. Always trying to stay relatable.
[] AOC Says It is Barbarism to not Provide Housing for Everyone. Housing is a Human Right.
coalburned comments on Sep 12, 2019:
I wonder if this woman spews stupidity in hopes that at some point the odds will catch up with her and she'll actually be right. Keep trying, missed again with this one.
Apparently this doesn't violate Facebook's community standards.
coalburned comments on Sep 8, 2019:
If that's for real, it's complete bs. I wonder if the extent to which I loathe fb would be considered hate speech.
Do you think this is legitimate? In the UK all adults will become organ donors from spring 2020.
coalburned comments on Sep 8, 2019:
I don't consider it a violation of individual liberty since they're not denying the freedom to choose. But I don't agree with the govt presuming they know what's best to do with a deceased's body. At least they allow the option to opt out.
Finland: Christian MP Under Police Hate Crime Investigation After Posting Bible Verse – Summit ...
coalburned comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Hate crime...what a clever invention for thwarting free speech.
Nolte: MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell Proves the Elite Media Have Zero Standards | Breitbart
coalburned comments on Aug 30, 2019:
Maybe we should look at our standards. Why do we allow the media to get away with what they do? Over and over and over...
Electoral College is racist?
coalburned comments on Aug 30, 2019:
I can't think of a single argument to support AOC's claim. Just because she says it doesn't make it so. You gotta back it up, and she can't. I think everyone realizes that the word racist is a meaningless label tossed about carelessly by people who can't come up with a viable argument to support their pov.
Robots at your local WalMart []
coalburned comments on Aug 30, 2019:
They're not Wal-Mart blue?
[] She's baaaack!! And just as stupid as we remember
coalburned comments on Aug 30, 2019:
If CA, IL, and NY were red states, does anyone honestly believe we would hear even a whisper about the electoral college?
WATCH: African migrants traveling north clash with Mexican military police as they "demand" passage ...
coalburned comments on Aug 30, 2019:
Oh the irony of Lauren Southern's closing statement...that's exactly what we do in this country.
A link to the full Inspector General’s report on Comey. []
coalburned comments on Aug 30, 2019:
Coney's a bigger POS than I thought.
This is terrible.
coalburned comments on Aug 29, 2019:
There's nothing wrong with being vegan. There IS something wrong with being grossly negligent and lacking common sense to the point where you're clinically stupid.
My wife spoke with a National Guard soldier coming off of 6 months of active duty on the Mexican ...
coalburned comments on Aug 29, 2019:
#3 is the only one that surprises me, but only because I'm not familiar with how cartels operate.
[] She's baaaack!! And just as stupid as we remember
coalburned comments on Aug 28, 2019:
I guess it took time to become even dumber. I can understand her handlers coming up with provocative remarks to keep her in the headlines, but why say things that are so easily discredited? Makes no sense whatsoever.
Not that I care. But Illan is getting some elsewhere []
coalburned comments on Aug 28, 2019:
Profanity aside, I love this guy. 😄
CBN: Cameron Arnett, losing a career for faith []
coalburned comments on Aug 28, 2019:
That's an encouraging article. I love his closing statement. Thanks for sharing.
NYPOST: Trump copies the WWE playbook []
coalburned comments on Aug 27, 2019:
I'm trying to decide if the writer is being serious. Assuming she is, someone should remind her that politicians are a crafty lot who are very good at stirring up support. Trump has his way, and while it's not always my cup of tea, it seems to be working. Is it any worse that his prospective opponents who engage in identity politics, virtue signalling, and are shameless in the ways they pander for votes, knowing full well they can only deliver on maybe 10% of their promises?
Mark of the Bee? []
coalburned comments on Aug 26, 2019:, I love The Bee
mmnonline: shifting culture, Christianity losing influence []
coalburned comments on Aug 26, 2019:
I like the focus of the article. The only way to live out your faith is to live it out. I think we get offended too easily by a society that is increasingly hostile to a Christian world view. Christ predicted this would happen. Ignore the haters and live the example he set. Christianity is growing like crazy in places where people have been oppressed for decades, and it's dying in places that have enjoyed prosperity for decades.
Daily Wire gets a D for this misleading headline.
coalburned comments on Aug 26, 2019:
Yeah, I saw that and thought it was misleading, too, because my first impression was that she'd be a direct challenge, not one that is diluted by swamp water.
When you talk about culture.
coalburned comments on Aug 26, 2019:
That's an interesting break down of how a lot of music is being made. I don't know if computers have ruined music...that's pretty subjective. Every generation has their tastes, and I would agree that music has a strong influence on culture. My musical tastes change on a somewhat regular basis. The one constant is that I much prefer the instrumentation to be 100% human, if you will.
Do you think greed is actually good for economy?
coalburned comments on Aug 26, 2019:
Morality is always relevant regardless of what we're taking about. I think the first thing you have to establish is what constitutes greed. are you talking about the desire to improve your quality of life, or your financial position? Or are you talking about rampant materialism and exploitation of others? A healthy amount of greed is the basis for any economy, right? The question is, what are the "greed benefits" (that sounds weird to say) of a given system? With capitalism, society as a whole benefits more because the system allows a high degree of flexibility to achieve financial success. Granted, some don't achieve it, but who said life was fair and everyone is supposed to be a winner? With socialism, the means of achieving financial success is much more controlled, with wealth being managed by forces you have absolutely no control over. Give me a free market any day and let me have the freedom and opportunity to do the best I can. I will never be wealthy, not even close. That's because of certain choices I made. But I absolutely love the fact that I at least had the opportunity (greedy bastard that I am).
chuckpo bites the dust.. Was he banned or just left, inquiring minds want to know.
coalburned comments on Aug 23, 2019:
I haven't been on here for a couple of days. Say it ain't so!
Sweet Socialism: Obamas buying a $15M estate in Martha's Vinyard []
coalburned comments on Aug 23, 2019:
And his worshippers will think it's completely normal, even deserved.
Babylon Bee forced to admit that "Fake News You Can Trust" isn't real news... []
coalburned comments on Aug 19, 2019:
Man, I love The Bee. Lol
AG Barr on Epstein--Do you trust him?
coalburned comments on Aug 13, 2019:
I agree with what he's saying and trust he will do everything he can to get justice for the victims. That said, I'm convinced people in high places, like the Clinton's, have a bulletproof degree of plausible deniability and multiple layers of insulation between themselves and the truth. I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong, but they won't be touched. Some heads will roll, probably starting with the staff at MCC, then like most things of this nature our attention will drift elsewhere.
CityJournal: Epstein's Death is very Strange []
coalburned comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Man, there are a lot of questions to be answered, starting with why a high profile prisoner who attempted suicide once was taken off suicide watch and deemed no longer a threat to himself after less than a week. The whole thing stinks.
Trump raises over $12 million at Hampton fundraisers despite unhinged leftist mob.
coalburned comments on Aug 12, 2019:
Good for him! I'm trying to remember...was there any outrage when Obama benefitted from well-heeled and celebrity donors? Or was that Hillary? Hmmm....
So, this meme landed on me with a comment: "Well, Tescos (a UK supermarket chain) are sacking 4300 ...
coalburned comments on Aug 12, 2019:
Technology has been replacing human labor for decades. It might eliminate jobs, but in many instances it results in more consistent delivery of goods and services, and often at a lower cost to consumers.
Another Clinton associate was suicided... []
coalburned comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Does make you wonder. Epstein rubbed elbows with a lot of wealthy and powerful people, but if the various reports are to be believed, he was in a bit deeper with Clinton. Who knows. But for a very high profile guy on suicide watch to commit suicide begs a lot of questions.
My beloved and I are having a debate.
coalburned comments on Aug 9, 2019:
I couldn't agree more! Craig is great, Connery is the classic.
A YouGov poll today suggests the overwhelming consensus currently is that intelligence is less ...
coalburned comments on Aug 9, 2019:
Those are really bad questions....pretty amateurish poll imo. Without opportunity, your intelligence level doesn't matter, does it? I'm sure the argument could be made that those with higher intelligence will be more successful given the same opportunity. But that's not what's being asked. Those who participated in the poll probably lowered their intelligence level a bit.
Biden: 'Poor Kids Are Just as Bright and Just as Talented as White Kids'
coalburned comments on Aug 9, 2019:
Seriously, Joe? Did you have some sort of epiphany? You're an idiot if you think anyone thought otherwise. What a drongo (thank you @RobBlair for that one)
Dunderhead - a stupid person - in a sentence - "Biden is a dunderhead.
coalburned comments on Aug 9, 2019:
Thank you for expanding my vocabulary! 😄
“It’s both clear language and in code,” Biden said.
coalburned comments on Aug 9, 2019:
What a low blow. Biden has no class whatsoever. I wonder what his party is thinking right now. Maybe they wish they'd thought of such a ridiculous angle? Or is he an embarrassment to them?
“It’s both clear language and in code,” Biden said.
coalburned comments on Aug 9, 2019:
Biden is trying to force a talking point. While there are pockets of white nationalists, it should only be considered a national problem if you're going to treat ANTIFA the same. Trump isn't a white nationalist. I'm still trying to figure out what he has said or done that supposedly makes him one. Break it down for us, Joe...we don't understand the code. Or perhaps, Joe, you shouldn't conclude that a sick, twisted POS took 22 lives because he's a white nationalist. He took 22 lives because he's a sick, twisted POS. And sick, twisted people have a mental orgasm over the prospect of their actions being immortalized by the ensuing media, FB, and Twitter frenzy, not to mention getting the attention of Congress and POTUS.
A Detroit diabetic was deported to Iraq, where he’d never lived.
coalburned comments on Aug 8, 2019:
Is this more tragic than the number of US citizens with severe mental problems who die every day after being dumped onto streets across the country because they can't afford proper care?
Wow! Jesus Was A Buddhist Monk Named Issa Who Spent 16+ Years In India & Tibet. | Self Develop Shop
coalburned comments on Aug 7, 2019:
From a Christian perspective, this sounds like nothing more than a clever angle to sell a book. Jesus want just a prophet, and he's certainly not than just a part of the spirit of the Lord. That sounds like a fanciful view from someone who didn't actually meet him. Jesus IS Lord, the very essence of God.
Obama blames Trump for mass shootings, like they never happened during his presidency.
coalburned comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Hatred of Trump is such a worn out theme that those who employ it are like bleating sheep, mindlessly folloing a narrative. It would be laughable if not for the fact there a lots of sheep out there.
NRO: Snopes fact checking the Babylon Bee []
coalburned comments on Aug 3, 2019:
I love The Bee, too. The thought of Snopes fact-checking them is as funny as some of the stuff The Bee puts out.
Prescient question of the day x2
coalburned comments on Aug 3, 2019:
Great find on Gillibrand!
CNN, reaching new heights of stupid.
coalburned comments on Aug 2, 2019:
Crowder's comeback is priceless. 😄 Stuff like this makes me wonder who CNN considers their target audience. I don't know anyone who would ponder this garbage for even a second.
2018 results, listed below are the top five most dangerous cities in America and how long Democrats ...
coalburned comments on Aug 2, 2019:
Did the source for this mention what type of crimes makes these cities the most dangerous? I'm curious because I spent almost my entire life in KC and StL before moving south. StL has some well known issues, but I'm surprised to see KC that high.
Rep. Collins unloads on Dems and their 'stunts' in Congress
coalburned comments on Aug 1, 2019:
I'd love to see this clip go viral. When will Americans as a whole finally get fed up with lip service?
Sam Seder auditions with the chairman of the Libertarian Party as he explores a bid for their ...
coalburned comments on Aug 1, 2019:
We need Libertarians. We don't need a Libertarian party candidate. Three-way races never end well for conservatives and libertarians.
Taxpayers lose when the government gives out 'free' stuff- []
coalburned comments on Aug 1, 2019:
Every one of these candidates is essentially attempting to buy votes. Pandering for votes isn't a very sophisticated strategy, but right now I think these folks just want to get their name in lights and see how they rank. At some point the question of how all this stuff gets funded will have to be addressed. They can't just say the rich will pay. There has to be a legitimate, workable plan, and if one can't be articulated, they better have something else interesting to talk about. There are some who are naive enough to think the money will magically appear, but fortunately most voters are smarter than that.
Titania McGrath We all know that the word “woman” is offensive because it contains the word ...
coalburned comments on Jul 31, 2019:
But doesn't the x have a sexual connotation? And what about that first name?
FL College doubles down on suspending student due to range pic... []
coalburned comments on Jul 30, 2019:
Regardless of opinions about the photo in question, the article makes a good point that I find to be of greater concern...the stigmatizing of people who proudly support the 2nd amendment. The left knows it's easier to change the culture than to change the Constitution.
The President Is Right About Baltimore - The Resurgent
coalburned comments on Jul 29, 2019:
I've posted on this a few times lately. Racism/racist are tossed around so carelessly the days that they are almost meaningless words. Trump was correct about conditions in Baltimore. I wish he would choose better words, but that's how he rolls. But it for sure doesn't make him a racist to call it like it is.
Why Democrat’s obsession with race won’t win them minority votes. []
coalburned comments on Jul 29, 2019:
Alan West is right....the words racist and racism are virtually meaningless today, stripped of their true meaning by those who misuse them in their attempts to manipulate public thought. I think more and more minorities are seeing that Dems are pandering for votes, revealing their belief that minorities are incapable of being self-reliant and independent. Don't be surprised if you see a growing number of minorities to shift to the right.
Too bad there Rob.
coalburned comments on Jul 29, 2019:
Reiner's just one more on the left who is so consumed by hatred that he can't think correctly. Let's hope more people realize what Van Drew is driving at...we have bigger fish to fry.
BabylonBee: Trump finally loses Baptist support when video shows him dancing.
coalburned comments on Jul 20, 2019:
Lol...I love the Bee Fake news you can trust!
Those protesting Muslim parents are in the right - spiked
coalburned comments on Jul 20, 2019:
Personally, I don't want public schools within a hundred miles of anything that has a moral component. That includes religion, prayer, evolution, creationism, sex ed, and politics. No way I want any govt institution teaching my kids or grandkids right and wrong. And for the record, I'm a Christian. That's right....I don't want God, religion, or prayer in public school. Cuz they'll inevitably f it up.
Libertarianism’s Place In Society Libertarianism as a unifying spirit is only conceivable because...
coalburned comments on Jul 20, 2019:
This is good food for thought. Thanks for sharing. After reading this I agree there are many in power now who seek to force culture to submit to politics. I can't help but wonder how much has already happened, particularly through the courts? I'm also curious how big tech factors in. We live in a world that seemingly can't live without it. That puts a lot of power in their hands.
coalburned comments on Jul 19, 2019:
It was never about the environment. But until people wake up and call BS every time someone tries to use misinformation to their advantage, we can expect a steady parade of bogus stories in our collective newsfeeds.
Sad trend...
coalburned comments on Jul 19, 2019:
Sad indeed. Alan West recently wrote an outstanding article on how the word racist has become virtually useless, like so many other words employees the left uses to avoid respectful debate and marginalize anyone who has a different point of view. Either you agree with them or you get a label.
Willie Horton and the "Squad" Wille Horton was a violent criminal in Massachusetts.
coalburned comments on Jul 19, 2019:
Interesting take, and I hope you're right.
[] It never was about CO2
coalburned comments on Jul 17, 2019:
Really good article. Thanks for sharing.
coalburned comments on Jul 17, 2019:
Ironic that not long ago there was the battle over net neutrality. Here we are in a battle over a different kind of neutrality. The outcome of this one is more important though.
DEATH SENTENCE for Tom my Robinson, sent to maximum security prison, better known as a “jihadi ...
coalburned comments on Jul 17, 2019:
This is about as wrong as it gets.
If you see someone wearing wearing Nike's.
coalburned comments on Jul 11, 2019:
Wow...a rather entertaining and elightening thread in response to what I suspect was a tongue-in-cheek OP. You definitely won't see me wearing Nikes. They're crappy shoes!
Equality I used to think that a lot of the problems in our lives, and in society in general, ...
coalburned comments on Jul 4, 2019:
Awesome post. Nuff said...
Sky Views: What happened in Alabama is like an episode of The Handmaid's Tale | US News | Sky News
coalburned comments on Jul 2, 2019:
I live here, and I was appalled by what this young woman has to face. Some are crying foul that the shooter walked, but the grand jury determined her actions were consistent with Stand Your Ground laws, so I don't have a bone to pick there. But this young woman chose to have her baby. She didn't choose abortion. If she had, the result would be the same...the tragic death of an unborn child. Someone please explain to me why the willful termination of an unborn child is ok, but the unplanned, unwanted, accidental killing of the unborn is manslaughter.
ANTIFA mob viciously assaults journalist Andy Ngo at Portland rally... []
coalburned comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Uh, news flash to all cities that offer a safe haven for pieces of garbage like antifa to exercise their hate. Your turn is coming. It's only going to get uglier as Nov 2020 draws closer.
NAZI's are left wing, moron
coalburned comments on Jun 29, 2019:
People love using the N-word because it grabs attention or because it's an easy way to label someone you want to portray as evil or vile. It's becoming a useless term. Frankly, I couldn't care less what Ms Barking thinks about anything.
Is it antithetical for a Libertarian to win an election?
coalburned comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Because Democrats would never run a candidate who espouses limited government. Libertarian ideals align more closely with the Republican party.
Watching msnbc for the debate pregame. The gushing is palpable.
coalburned comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Any tingles up the leg?
If you're not a little liberal when you're young , you have no heart.
coalburned comments on Jun 27, 2019:
I'm not sure about the second part. I do know a few older folks who use their brain and are still liberal. But the first statement is so true, and if you don't think that's why the Left wants to lower the voting age to 16, think again.
[] Do you want your weather forecast to include opinions on climate?
coalburned comments on Jun 26, 2019:
No. In context it's meaningless, regardless of your view on climate change.
Welcome to Chicago, MF. [] Better on you than in the drink.
coalburned comments on Jun 26, 2019:
I like his response. Can you imagine the outrage if one of Obama's daughters was treated the same?
coalburned comments on Jun 26, 2019:
I was in the Air Force when the Shah was in power. We had Iranian military working next to us every day learning how to use equipment we were selling them. It was a very different world. This article doesn't surprise me that much. To answer your question, other countries can only be trusted to the point where their survival is threatened.
Bernie Sanders wants to cancel all student debt and make college free, at a cost of $2.
coalburned comments on Jun 25, 2019:
The Democratic leadership has to be squirming right now. It's so obvious that candidates are pandering for votes. The party has to be concerned at this point that as candidates try to one-up each other, anyone with half a brain is going to see through the craziness.
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