39 6

How many good friends do you have from other political tribes?

Remember back when sites like Facebook started and everyone was excited to reunite with friends and acquaintances from our past? Then, during and after the 2016 election, we had the "Great Unfriending" where it became increasing harder to be gracious when some of these "friends" posted their different political views. Since many have now limited their peer group to those who are politically aligned, it's rare for people to have friends from another political tribe.

What about you? How many good friends do you have that:

  1. love you as a person
  2. have political views significantly different from you
  3. and is happy to friendly discussion or even debate them with you

What do you think is the future of friendships and its political implications? Is it possible to mend bridges? Do you treat these good friends with opposing views differently than you treat members here with similarly different views? If so, why?

How many good friends do you have from the "other political tribe"?

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Admin 8 Jan 14
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Fortunately im cynical enough not to let politics get in the way of friendship. But not so cynical as to have friends who are fascists or racist.

N0DD Level 7 Jan 15, 2021

I'm a bit strange, I've never had a single close friend of my own political alignment

DeJake Level 6 Jan 15, 2021

@DeJake Well, anarcho-capitalism/Voluntaryism is pretty rare.


I have some naive, and opposing political views, and have had some really ding dongs arguments, but overall, still friends with them all.

angelo Level 8 Jan 15, 2021

I've good friends with different politics... we just don't discuss politics or religion so we keep it that way.



I have friends who worship the party I think will destroy America. I just have a hard rule with them, we do not discuss politics.


Facebook basically destroyed all of my friendships. I had problems on that platform from early on that, for the longest, they just baffled me. Starting with my Facebook friends turning, virtually overnight, from being anti-bullying to becoming bullies. I only got a clear understanding of how that happened when the platform took its mask off to openly go after President Trump. They were doing nothing new just being wide open and obvious about what they'd been doing all along. Mark Zuckerberg is a bullying fascist that promotes only perspectives he approves of as he marginalizes all others. Marginalization is bullying and the type of censorship Facebook practices is marginalization. What got promoted was never true. Facebook doesn't care if the country is racist or not, but it desperately wants people to think it is. Deleted my account a couple days ago because it made me ashamed to be on it, and I haven't one fond memory of it.


I am a misanthropist. Humans are a virus with "shoes". "Mother nature is on the run". If I want friends I have dogs. Those who do not agree with me usually submit death threats. Those that do agree with me, are deficient in other ways. I'd rather be a solitary person free from the constraints of a culture of boobs, bores, bimbos.


I like and get along with most people but few I would call friend. The definition of friend is someone you know, like and trust. Most people are warm, friendly, co-operative, helpful and understanding. When it comes to talking politics and religion. They can be opinionated, narrow-minded and dismissive.
Firstly, I have to further separate the left and right. The left today, in my view, is mostly composed of progressive/socialists. A lot of the left, the classical liberals and moderates, have either felt disenfranchised and hanging or moved in with the right. The middle of the political spectrum is where all reasonable people sit. The extremes are where the dangerous live and the progressive/socialists are politically extreme. The extreme right is also dangerous but does not nearly have the numbers the extreme left does. They have been vilified since WWll and whenever the right gains some political power their specter is cast by the left as a shadow on the right. All of a sudden the right are completely extremists when in actuality the extremists are never the ones that hold the reins of power. I think most conservatives wonder what the extreme right is doing on the right side of the spectrum. Personally, I feel the national socialists are socialist and belong on the left with the other socialists. The political spectrum would serve the public better if it went from no government/anarchy to total government. It would not then take a degree in political science to place the various ideologies somewhere on the spectrum. It would be according to the size of government. I myself am a minarchist who believes in limited government and on a national level with a very limited mandate.

With that out of the way, or maybe it isn't for some, the left having been smothered by the progressive/socialist movement and hellbent on destructive policies to "fundamentally transform" the nation, is deceitful, disingenuous, hypocritical, bullying, cunning, sly, manipulative and destructive. How can you be friends with the likes of that. The extreme right is fringe and never holds the reigns of power and, up until Obama, the extreme left didn't either.

I have never thought of conspiracy theorists being a left or right thing. But conspiracy theories arise out of vacuums and nature despises a vacuum. We are not really being fed information by the MSM and those that don't believe CNN or MSNBC or the NY Times or the Washington Post are left to make up what's really going on out of what information they can get from other sources. This era is unprecedented in that we're seeing a lot of what was considered conspiracy on the global scene decades ago coming to fruition and national sovereignty being usurped by global interests. I don't know how leftists can believe what comes out of the MSM. Since they do I understand why a lot of them hate America. It is systemically racist, half of the population is deplorable, parents are too ignorant to raise children, the rich are greedy, the poor are oppressed and only the Democrats care.

Social media are a group of sanctimonious billionaires that now feel they know how to run a government. I don't blame them actually. The first hearing I listened to in congress regarding social media made it clear to them how idiotic some of our legislators were. They knew little about technology and the social media magnates must have had a good laugh running circles around them. But social media has a sinister side. They have not been honest about their product because the product is us and our information. They use the misnomer "customer" to define us which is misleading.

After the left, including the MSM made up Russian collusion lies (somehow not a conspiracy theory) for four years harrassed and threatened the right with doxxing and bullying and cancel culture where any association with Trump or the right led to loss of jobs or livelihood, social status, etc., and has only intensified lately, you know they are out to destroy.

Simply said, the left is out to bring down the west, not just America, and that'll take a lot of force. And they are willing to use any means possible. You would think the left hadn't read any goals of Alinsky, or Marx or other socialists or the history of Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot. Or can't see the impoverishment brought to the citizens of Venezuela today. In their view though, only the west is evil. I actually think that anyone that is a socialist either knows nothing of it other than its sanctimonious cliches and superficial calls for equality, and is thus a useful idiot, or they really think they are a grade above the plebes. A rather hypocritical stance for someone striving to achieve equality.


Most of my family is of other parties, and we don't talk politics. Most of my friends are of the other kind. I don't care tbh. I have a bunch of right thinking friends and that's all that matters.


I have friends of multiple political views. That is likely because I keep most of my views to myself.

More than political views, my question always is are they a good person. If they are that is good enough for me.

Ericwt Level 4 Jan 15, 2021

To be honest, you do have to adopt a agree to disagree attitude with some, otherwise the friendship and in some case family ties do come undone......personal testimony


I've been a republican since I was 14. I did my research and agreed with more values on the republican side than the others. It doesn't mean I voted republican every election, but my value alignment hadn't changed.
I had friends for years that had different points of view, political-wise, and we used to have in-depth discussions about elections and politics and life in general.
And then Obama was elected, and I suddenly was a racist. I hadn't changed, and neither had my points-of-view.
And things just got worse from there.
Anyone who was shocked that I voted for Trump hadn't been paying attention.
My closest friends have the same views as me, although some of them are much more extreme than I am.

ktpinto Level 7 Jan 15, 2021

Most of my closest friends were friends before either of us took up an interest in politics, and then as we grew older, we found ourselves in the same political tribe, not because of politics, but because the personality traits that made us friends to begin with happen to be the traits that predispose us to the same political leanings.

But the few friends that didn’t fit that pattern, I have stayed friends with as well. I don’t think I’ve lost any friends over politics. Friendships that have drifted apart have been for personality reasons, and some of those were from both political camps.


Many, but I wouldn't call them real friends. More like acquaintances. No real friend would berate you for your political views.

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