
This group is for website announcements and a few "Topic-of-the-day" type posts. Please note that "Topic-of-the-day" posts may contain some positional bias in hope to foster discussion. The bias may not reflect my personal views or this website's.

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This group is for website announcements and a few "Topic-of-the-day" type posts. Please note that "Topic-of-the-day" posts may contain some positional bias in hope to foster discussion. The bias may not reflect my personal views or this website's.

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Posts Tagged "truth" By Admin (137) Posts by originator only

Oct 23, 2020Oct 2020

Posted by Admin
POLL Do facts matter in elections anymore? The US electorate is facing a crisis of credibility where the word "debunked" or "conspiracy" is all some people need to see to not believe a news story. Others will believe the exact opposite ...

How much do you believe the political news that you read?

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Sep 19, 2020Sep 2020

Posted by Staff
Why do so many believe that black men live in fear of being shot by racist police?
Aug 26, 2020Aug 2020

Posted by Admin
POLL Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"? It's human nature to see patterns. From faces in clouds to stock market charts, the human brain likes to prioritize affirming data and disregard opposing data. A famous 1948 ...

Is there any truth in Qanon or the "deep state"?

  • 13 votes
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Aug 13, 2020Aug 2020

Posted by Admin
Open call for articles for our magazine
Jul 2, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by Admin
How do you know if someone is projecting "hate" or "just venting"? Anger and outrage seems to be at a post-millennial high... is it a sign of "hate" or "venting"? Does it matter if the statements are based on truth? Is one more ...
Jun 27, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by Admin
POLL Have you lost a good friend to the "Culture Wars"? Tell your story. Was it mutual? Are you sad about it? Have regrets? Ideas on how to move forward?

Have you lost a friend to the "Culture Wars"?

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Jun 24, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by Admin
What happened to the Intellectual Dark Web's influence? The IDW became popular as it was perceived that the core members were standing up against false narratives - primarily related to identity politics. Bret Weinstein says the ...
Jun 18, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by Admin
What views can get someone kicked off Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc? As the attack on free speech escalates, many taboo topics and opinions are no longer being allowed on the major social networks. As an independent, non-profit...
Jun 17, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by Admin
POLL What is your mental image when you hear the term "Transwoman"? Transgenderism is a controversial topic both outside and inside the trans community. Within the community, there is a split between those who just want to be treated ...

When I hear "transwoman", I think of:

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Jun 9, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by Admin
Does it feel as if the US is experiencing some sort of political coup? Tucker Carlson says: - in just a few years, a small group of emotionally-charged activists took over a culture. - obedience to it's rules now is required ...
Dec 24, 2019Dec 2019

Posted by Admin
Is it time to rebrand this site away from the "Intellectual Dark Web" and into something more general about cognitive liberty, freedom of speech and Enlightenment values? Our guiding goal is to elevate truth and undermining the false narratives that...
Aug 10, 2019Aug 2019

Posted by Admin
Is the homeless "epidemic" getting better or worse? The media portrays the cities of the US west coast as teaming with homeless people while national rate of homeless is going down. Is this due to a migration of homeless or something else?
Jun 12, 2019Jun 2019

Posted by Admin
Is science-denialism the same on the Left as it is on the Right? Conservatives (mostly in the US) often deny scientifically-backed man-made climate change whereas people on the Left deny scientifically-backed Race-IQ ...
General & Hellos
Apr 11, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by Admin
What's new at We’ve come a long way! From the site’s inception just a few weeks ago, we have amassed a population of over 20K users, many of whom return on a regular basis to take advantage of our platform to ...

Photos 127 More

Posted by Admin Does teaching "white guilt" also cultivate a "white pride" backlash?

Posted by Admin Is it time to take a knee on the Superbowl?

Posted by Admin Why not equality right now?

Posted by Admin How's Biden doing?

Posted by Admin How many good friends do you have from other political tribes?

Posted by Admin What did Trump do, if anything, to incite violence?

Posted by Admin Is free speech dead?

Posted by Admin Is free speech dead?

Posted by Admin Is free speech dead?

Posted by Admin Under what time and circumstance is the use of violence warranted?

Posted by Admin Now what?

Posted by Admin What do you expect to be achieved by this week's pro-Trump DC rally?

Posted by Admin What did you learn in 2020?

Posted by Admin Should pedophiles be allowed to have "child" sex robots?

Posted by Admin Do you have a "line in the sand" regarding political or social change?

Posted by Admin Should big tech firms hire more Blacks and Hispanics?

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