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Should women be able to vote? Of course I think so, but weigh in for yourself in this discussion: []

WilyRickWiles 8 June 18
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I think no one should vote because I think government should be abolished and people should cluster in like-minded communities. Voting is the rule of the mob.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is on the winning team. They only realize it sucks when say, oh, Trump is elected. Then they hate voting and beg the military to throw a coup.

I would much prefer to live in a semi-autonomous commune where everyone takes a limited and rotating turn running things out of duty.

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one...


I think we should vote as families. If there is no father, the mother votes.

NateJ Level 4 June 19, 2020

This has to be a joke.

Hello. You would be surprised, I'm afraid; we have misogynists here.

@Naomi "Should women be able to vote" is a prime example of the kind of argument that is so outside my realm of thought that I can't even comprehend it. I'll have to just chalk it up to misogyny and idiocy, yeah.

@RavenMStark In this day and age. I agree.

@RavenMStark I resemble that remark! Hard to imagine me being misogynist....

@tracycoyle I'm willing to try to understand, if you're willing to explain it to me.


No, George Orwell’s 1984 “He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones. It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy.”

Woman, as a rule, don’t value freedom, they want security and will vote in anyone who promises them it. Men want freedom, or they used to. The only men that should be able to vote are those with skin in the game, if you’re a net drain on society then you should get no say; man or woman.

pnw1234 Level 6 June 18, 2020

What kind of generalisation is that? Lol!

@Naomi Perhaps a tad. Okay, after much reflection I have decided that @Naomi can still vote; no other woman are allowed at this time unless they can find someone worth voting for. 😉

@pnw1234 You are funny. Take care.


Given the attitude of many women, I'd gladly give up MY right to vote if it happened to all women.

Then I remember it was MEN that gave women the right to vote and I realize stupidity doesn't have a gender/sex.

So, I'll keep my vote and keep letting women vote, hoping that the bell curve is distributed.....normally.

women should be able to vote. idiots of both sex shouldnt haha

Hello. May ask what is "the attitude of many women" exactly, please?

@Naomi The attitude that 'if we just all care for each other, we will make a better society'. It ignores the reality that there are lots of people out there that DON'T care, that will take anything given, will not BE good humans. That war sometimes is AN ANSWER. That we all CAN'T always just get along. That if you are nice to people they will always be nice to you. That women can do it better than men (politics, leadership).

Making decisions based on emotional states rather than potential outcomes; facts; logic.

And yes, LOTS of women can base their decisions on facts and logic and consider the consequences of their choices - LOTS OF THEM.

However, way, way too many seem incapable of it.

NOTE: Many, many MEN are no better.

@tracycoyle I would agree that as a general rule (general rule with many exceptions), women are more emotionally attuned than men. When I began taking testosterone, my emotions did shift (in a way I love).

But if this is the argument, my question is this: How do we determine if a vote based on emotion is better or worse than one based on logic? It seems to me that there is a strength in emotion too.

In my philosophy of life, having a different way doesn't necessarily mean someone has a worse way.

@RavenMStark Whether a decision is a good one or a bad one is based on two things: what is the goal and how well did the decision lead to that goal. Note, there is no 'feeling' about it. It is something that can be measured concretely (usually). Good intentions are not sufficient, nor should they be. The phrase "the road to hell is paved with good intentions' exists for a reason. It might be nice, or even good, for everyone to have everything they need to live the life they want, but it certainly ISN'T good from those things to be handed to anyone. People make bad decisions and end up with bad circumstances - eliminating those circumstances doesn't help those making bad decisions, they will fail to learn.

So, what are the goals with regard to voting? We want representatives (note, not leaders) that, broadly, work towards the goals of our society. What are those goals? Constitutionally, they are to protect our rights: amongst them, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Protect the country, ensure domestic tranquility, promote trade. Which candidates promote those things, how successful have they been in the past in doing so?

It is not governments responsibility to give us a good society - that belongs to us individually. And no, government is NOT a good way to make it happen. There are about 250 million adults in this country and what constitutes a 'good society' is very much NOT agreed to by the majority.

When someone can't tell you what are the three branches of the Federal Government, can't name their representatives, can't define the role of government, can't tell you what the economic system is and how it works, you have got to believe their vote is not based on something concrete, or measurable.

And NONE of the above has anything to do with male or female. Except in practice, by a razor thin majority, men MIGHT think more concretely. In our 250million adult population...maybe 8 or 9 guys more than women think that way. And I might be overstating it by 6 or 7.


By your definition, a decision is good or bad based on 1. the goal and 2. how well the decision led up to that goal. Given one of the examples that followed, "for everything they need to live the life they want to be handed to them," you determine this concept to be bad. But what if someone's goal is to sustain a person, rather than to strengthen a person? If they deem sustaining a person to be better than strengthening a person, then your GOALS disagree. They may be meeting THEIR goal perfectly well by giving a man a fish instead of teaching him to fish.

This is really is just a philosophical argument. My personal opinion isn't that people need everything handed to them. I'm just trying to point out that what seems like a bad decision to me might seem like a great decision to someone else, if their goal is different than mine.

Again, you lay your argument out well. I don't want to lose the main topic of the conversation by going on a new tangent about the point of government and voting. At any rate, I agree with how you've described it. I particularly loved this: "It is not governments responsibility to give us a good society - that belongs to us individually. And no, government is NOT a good way to make it happen. There are about 250 million adults in this country and what constitutes a 'good society' is very much NOT agreed to by the majority."

But what I don't understand is why you say this "And NONE of the above has anything to do with or . Except in practice, by a razor thin majority, men MIGHT think more concretely. In our 250million adult population...maybe 8 or 9 guys more than women think that way. And I might be overstating it by 6 or 7." and also seem to be saying that you don't think women deserve the right to vote?

Or were you being sarcastic and I missed it?

@RavenMStark The argument about 'should women be allowed to vote' is based on numerous false premises. The biggest is that men make better decisions. And men gave women the right to vote.

Yep...just a bit of sarcasm.

@tracycoyle Tracy, you scared me for a minute there!!! I am too literal for this. Haha!!


No, They shouldn't. As an effeminate man at my core, I can tell you something about the womanly perspective in life: we are not crazy, but... you know how when you make plans to do something, you sometimes envision it in order to motivate you, which is pleasurable? Has it happened to you? That's what men do before getting into action. Us effeminates give into the fantasy and let ourselves cross over into that wonderful world where that future project is already made and become SO happy for a while. And we get pissed off if you bring us back to reality when we are day dreaming. It's almost like a super power and I LOVE it, but it does not conduce to sobering and productive voting. We are the most subjective creatures ever. That being said, we should have some sort of counsel, a parallel to the government in regards with respect and influence, minus any economy interests nor power. That way we can take control of internal affairs by using our introspection to judge with empathy in case-by-case basis with no temptation of earnings deciding in either way. We would go back to letting the money making to the men. And we would also constantly be trying go maintain, improve and enhance our culture in every way we can without the use of force, but purely by talking and understanding. It aounds silly, but consider it for a second. It's not like rehad centers, prisons, the riots, school shootings, the destruction of families, etc etc etc are working very well with this system, are they?

A1fredo Level 8 June 18, 2020

Wow! Four voted NO while two voted YES.

Naomi Level 8 June 18, 2020
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