3 3

I really enjoyed your video. I always love it when a non-gun owner or someone who is anti-gun wants to learn about or even try shooting a gun. I do have a question to ask you first. At the start of your video you say that you want to narrow or close the divide between people. Posing the question " should LGBT people & women be able to carry guns for protection"? That seem like a divide already, why not just ask "should people be able to carry guns for protection"?

Is the Second Amendment outdated? & Is it still important? I am pro 2A & an owner. typically you'll get the "well hell ya it's my right". I really hate that answer, while yes it is it is also so much more. The first ten amendments to our constitution are referred to as THE BILL OF RIGHTS.These are the rights that the citizens of the United States are telling the government what we can have and what they can't take away. Let's take this a step even further the second Amendment is the last stand against a tyrannical government. The forefathers saw this and made sure that it was included in THE BILL OF RIGHTS for a reason, this was not an after thought this was very purposely done. So the answer to your question is no the Second Amendment is NOT outdated & yes it is still very important.

What side of the political spectrum do I see myself on? I am a conservative, definitely NOT a far right conservative. I would call myself a constitutionalist.

James_Robert 2 Mar 30
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Also to chime in. The second amendment is purpoesly written open ended. A lot of liberals make the argument that " Well it was a law that was thought up when there was muskets." That argument holds no water. Our founding fathers specifically said " The right to bear arms" for a reason. It was purposely worded that way because they knew with time comes advancement in technology. They were very very smart


You're right. what if they start trying to take away other rights.


Ohhh i like the term "constitutionalist"

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