47 4

Do you see the tragic killing of Floyd George more an act of pure evil or pure incompetence?

We all understand that his death is powerful symbol of what is perceived by many as proof of systemic racism in police departments - and even widely in society at large. We all fully support peaceful protests and want positive results to come from them.

As a symbol of systemic racism, the Liberal media has an incentive to portray the event as evil as possible. The more these police officers are dehumanized into racist thugs, the more easy it is for protesters to dehumanize those they are protesting.

This question is more about how do you the events?

Was Floyd George's killing an act of...

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Admin 8 June 4
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Just some thoughts here. I think it's hard to know what runs through the head of a man or woman who is required to strap on a firearm to got to work each day. I have known corrupt cops and I have known straight arrow cops and there is an edginess, for lack of a better word, about both. That edginess can put even the law-abiding off, and I think it tends to isolate the policeman from those he is tasked with policing. In American culture we have, since the 1960's become accustomed to hearing police officers called "pigs." What we have not become accustomed to is being inside the skin of a man or woman who must wear a gun to do his or her job safely and is likely as not to be disrespected simply for the fact of the job that they do. Yes, their are bad cops. There are bad lawyers. There are bad judges. Their are bad mayors. There are bad presidents and senators and congressmen. There are bad journalists and editors. There are bad professors. There are bad mothers and fathers. But we must understand that when we condemn any of these professions as a whole we might be condemning any hope of salvaging what is left of our republic and our civilization.

Pandemic lock down has put the whole country ill at ease and filled us with pent up energy and in some cases rage, but it has done nothing to change the fact that the law must be observed and enforced and when individuals, groups or communities at large ignore this collapse is inevitable.

Well said. We humans tend to see the actions of a few and assign them to the whole group. Nothing ever has been or ever will be perfect, if it was there would be no reason for us to be here. We all have skin in every situation we encounter and it is our responsibility to figure out the best way to approach it.

Well said! I agree with this. It seems like a primitive and tribal way of thinking to decide that we hate an entire because of the actions of a few members. I wonder if that's built into our primate brains. (Though, if it is a "primate brain" thing, it seems that deep thinking might be one way to override it.)


Don’t look now, but the narrative has already left George Floyd in the dust. It makes no difference if he was a good Christian who’d turned his life around or a porn star working security at a sketchy club with suggestions of shady connections to organized crime and one or more of the alphabet agencies. His role, and his usefulness, was completed when he died and his death lit the fuse.

When the topic is a bogus issue like “systemic racism,” there are no individuals who have any relevance at all. Not Floyd, not the dirty cops. Under systemic racism, no individual black man will ever be anything other than an oppressed victim. No white person will ever wash the stain of racism from their soul. It’s not about being a racist. It’s not about making sure bad cops are brought to swift justice. It’s not about how we live our lives. It’s not about anything any one person does. It is simply the noxious air we all breathe.

The George Floyds, the Michael Browns, the Trevon Martins exist solely to support the narrative. Facts are irrelevant. If they were, statistics on police shootings, which make a mockery of the “open season on black men” meme, would have an effect. When we let ourselves get sidetracked by the minutia of George Floyd’s unfortunate life, we simply play our unwitting roles in a long-standing drama that is now coming to fruition.

When accusations against you are grounded in lies, you don’t defend yourself, you attack the liars. Systemic racism is just one more lie in the furtherance of the effort to delegitimize the nation. We are now hearing the next stop on the journey—defund the police. Suddenly, as if sprung from the same well that shut down the country for no reason, it’s the latest universal talking point from the left. That’s all the have, talking points. Russia; Ukraine; impeachment; virus; racism; and now, no police.

I mourn for George Floyd. I don’t care what back story might have lead to that grim day, I rejoice that four bad cops are in custody. But don’t get distracted. The left is finally going fully public about their intentions, and the tactics they’re willing to use. After 50 years of pretending that “they don’t really mean THAT,” there’s no longer any excuse. They really do mean exactly THAT. This is a war, and so far, the country is losing.

George Floyd had a criminal record and apparently was trying to pass a counterfeit bill. The response by the police in this situation was a criminal offense and looks very much like racism at least by the officer who knelt on his neck. Racism does exist, profiling does exist and suspicion and distrust of black people does exist. The black community is actively steered away from full integration with all of society.

When you mentioned the Travon Martin case, I think that case was all about racism. When I heard about it I believe that I would stake everything I have that if it was Martin chasing Zimmerman with Zimmerman being killed that Martin would have been arrested an jailed on the spot.

That being said the black community holds a good share of the responsibility for correcting this. There are those who see themselves as victims of the system and seem to expect someone else to do something about it. There are many responsible citizens, loving, caring, good people and honorable people and heroic people. It will take a concentrated effort from within the black community to encourage all to make the effort to do something about it along with those outside helping to make those efforts work.

Protests are our right and bring attention to an issue, but most of the time people go home, put away their signs and think they have accomplished something. After the signs go away it is time to get out and do useful work to help make things better.

Well said sir !
The left exploits people of color, the young, the naive, the habitual mindless voter who votes democratic because their parents did etc.
America’s enemies are contributing money and fake news and generally stabbing us in the back whenever and wherever the opportunity exists.
The internet killed legitimate media so the six corporations that own the remains use them as revenue streams.
They have to stoke the fires of fear and racism and partisan insanity to keep those bucks rolling in.
Turn off the propaganda and drain the swamp !


AmeriCan’s understand, that we as a society, need law enforcement and Our children need an education.
You are public servants and we appreciate your service.
The blame is on propaganda media, and politicians who exploit hate and fear.
Those who do the crime will do the time, after they have been judged in court.
Media is being used by the forces of darkness, and has become the enemy of our Republic.
Partisan politics has become too divisive and government too corrupt.
If we don’t get control of them, they will succeed in inciting a race war, which they will use as an excuse to disarm and subjugate us.

Police and teachers used to be public service. Cities can’t afford to pay them what they are worth without taxing us to death. Charlotte, NC pays law enforcement about $50 Until they rise in rank.
Even so, we are hundreds of officers short, because people won’t subject themselves to that kind of disrespect and danger.
It takes years of training to get a young cop up to a level of competence, where they will react the right way at the right time and place. There will always be a few rotten apples. Fellow officers and internal affairs try to weed them out but a few will remain.
Media should be culpable, for lives lost and property destroyed as a result of riots they incite.
This isn’t our first rodeo folks.
It’s been fifty years since baby boomers caused the same kind of chaos.
How many times did you hear the phrase “ unarmed black teen aged “ repeated by media before people died in Ferguson ?
How many times do you supposed the the knee on the neck video has been shown ?
Does ANYONE know what the dead man did ?

The blame is on propaganda media, and politicians who exploit hate and fear.
Those who do the crime will do the time, after they have been judged in court.
Media is being used by the forces of darkness, and has become the enemy of our Republic.
Partisan politics has become too divisive and government too corrupt.
If we don’t get control of them, they will succeed in inciting a race war, which they will use as an excuse to disarm and subjugate

David42 Level 7 June 4, 2020

Best description so far!


The cop responsible was incompetent and not trained properly. He was also stupid not to heed Floyd's cries that he was unable to breathe properly. The other cops should have intervened and are partially responsible. The death however is no excuse for the rioting that is taking place. These violent rioters are opportunists, eager to cause havoc and provoke a reaction which will damage the President.

Yes, i agree. Rioting and looting desecrate the memory of George. There is a distinction between peaceful protesters and looters. The police appear, in some circumstances, to not be able to tell the difference. They escalate peaceful situations that encourage retaliation.


Well Gee ...
Then, there’s this ...

“According to statement of probable cause filed with the Fourth District Court, the autopsy performed on George Floyd on Tuesday indicates “no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation.” The statement goes on to note:

Mr. Floyd had underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease. The combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death.”

ALSO ...

“In addition to fentanyl and methamphetamine, the toxicology report from the autopsy showed that Floyd also had cannabinoids in his system when he died.

Floyd also had heart disease, hypertension and sickle cell trait...”

Maybe it wasn’t a “Killing” after all?

Would NOT be the first suicide by cop, not the first modified insurance scam.


How biased can you be? Why isn't there any options such as "it's a mass psychosis" or "just a consequence of black stupidity"? And why is that you are not mentioning the fact that this George Floyd guy was under the influence of fentanol and methamphetamines when he got arrested? And why are you not mentioning the fact that he was convicted for armed robbery when he pointed a gun at a pregnant lady and spent 5 years in prison?

It seems to me your questionaire is just an expression of your ridiculous biases which are not born out of virtue as you think. But pure ignorance of what reality you live in.

Wake the hell up my friend. Just a suggestion 😘

Sums it up

Why would his prior criminal record have anything to do with having his neck knelt on until he died? This is about at least gross incompetence by the officer and possibly the other officers involved.

There is racism and evil in the world. All ethnicities, blacks included, have racists as a part of their community. That does not excuse it. Racism is destructive and the cause of great expense in the world. If we can see things with a cool head and try to figure out how to get along better, it would ease off a little on the problem.

@Pand0ro Well said. I agree with you that there is, at the very least, gross incompetence involved and the criminal record of the victim is irrelevant.


people protest police "brutality"

but they don't protest ANTIFA!

bastion Level 7 June 5, 2020

Once your hands are in cuffs, behind your back, your effectiveness as a combatant is negligible.
If your job is to serve and protect, you should never hear members of the public pleading for the life of someone in your charge.


As if we have all of the verified facts to judge the case. No one outside the controlled environment of adjudication possibly can be so assured. Ergo our system. We do not convict anyone under the mob rule of the court of public opinion

There ARE bad cops out there, just as there are racists of every description. Most are just losers, pathetically poking the world.
There are lots of losers, who will cash in, and bait the cops, so their families and ambulance chasing lawyers, can sue us for some tax money, that they didn’t pay.
Imagine, if you will;
letting the courts sort it out, instead of propaganda media and opportunistic leftists exploiting it ?


What about the pure EVIL of many hundreds of black kids killed in Gang cross-fire in the Ghetto Plantations?????????


A Bad Poll based on Incomplete and Mostly Erroneous Information.
The Answer Options Leave A LOT to be Desired.

It seems that the person responsible for creating the “Poll” has a Bias of Their Own.

  1. Has anyone seen the footage leading up to this altercation?
  2. Four Guys ... FOUR!!! Struggle to subdue this guy.
  3. It doesn’t seem like the guy was “going peacefully”.
  4. Floyd was apprehended in the commission of a crime.
  5. Floyd was being apprehended by Someone Who Worked with Him as a “Bouncer”.
  6. Anybody know WHAT a “Bouncer” IS!? Description; Usually Someone Big and Nasty. (6’3” & 228 pounds)
  7. Official Autopsy Results rule OUT Asphyxia AND Strangulation.
  8. Official Autopsy Results Fentanyl and MethAmphetamine.
  9. Floyd had Heart Disease and Hypertension (serious underlying complications)
  10. Although Floyd was allegedly trying to “Straighten Himself Out” after a Life of Crime, the Crime he was attempting to commit AND the Drugs in his system seem to Contradict THAT “Narrative”.

BUT ... I Digress ... Let me go back to Point #2 ...
It was taking FOUR (4) MEN to Restrain Him ...
So ... he was ALSO Committing the Crime of “Resisting Arrest” ...


The cop and the Floyd had baggage. They had worked together as security. This death was due to some previous interaction. Whether it was fear by the cop of Floyd or something else, I don't know but it wasn't racism. The evil left is using it because the virus scare has played out and they need to distract the masses from the discoveries that Flynn is bringing to light. Obama gate is much more important than the Floyd situation.

Phil777 Level 6 June 5, 2020

As with most situations in the news, people are very willing to offer opinions without knowing all the facts particularly in relation to motives (which are impossible to tell from a news report). I would not be prepared, from thousands of miles away in the UK to offer an opinion about something that I cannot possibly pass judgement on but there are many in this country and elsewhere that are doing so.
What I do believe is that the media and in particular social media has been used to whip up a reaction and that those now waving banners and rushing to show support are of a type. In the UK they are the ones who accused people who voted to leave the EU of being racist. Likewise anyone claiming that England is overcrowded, is ‘racist’. They see racism under every bush and throw such accusations around freely. No one is allowed to have an opinion unless it conforms with current left wing anti western dogma, otherwise they are racist. These people don’t react when there is an atrocity carried out by black, Muslim or whatever individuals or groups but cannot wait to condemn when they see something they can label as ‘white racism’. Those that I know that would be joining in with the current media inspired hysteria are left wing, anti Brexit virtue signallers whose selective morality displays a level of hypocrisy that seems to be beyond their very limited horizons.

The Movie” V for Vendetta “ should be required viewing.
We have seen your beautiful country invaded by moors while your worthless government looks on

@David42 I highly recommend the film.


A small percentage of blame should be directed at the Police Union.
The existence of the Union makes it extremely difficult to fire employees- especially Civil Service workers. I believe the killer cop here has a long record of complaints from citizens who he abused previously. I think there are some 20 such complaints on record.
He should have been fired long ago.
So at least some small part of blame should be laid at the doorstep of The Union itself.

iThink Level 9 June 4, 2020

What is to know, What is to see????? Blacks commit crimes 10 x the amount of the general population. Ever hear of Gangster Rap????? I'm


Whatever it was, the enemies of freedom are exploiting it for every penny and clause they can get.


it was an honest mistake : i think he was on drugs and covid stopped him breathing.

bastion Level 7 June 5, 2020

Question, why doesn't the criminal who is struggling with the officers have any of the blame?

Suzden Level 5 June 5, 2020

It’s an election year and the virus was running out


Looked like a cop hardened towards black criminals. Which is understandable. I mean you go to one hood where anything is possible and then miles away you overreact.
Not a good situation. Having lived in multiple areas in south central LA during the height of crip v blood era, I refuse to support any group such as B L M that lumps all black people or every black community into one basket. The white kids are willfully ignorant to the fact that in areas of Latino Black Asian communities, they are not welcome.


All police should be trained in jujitsu ( a "take them alive" Marshall art )


What if this whole tragedy was a psyop designed to start a race war that would enable violent riots? It's not far fetched. The radical left would do something like that in order to cause chaos and thus enforce martial law to bring in the new world order. Don't you think it was convenient that they pinned him down in broad daylight in public knowing it would get recorded?

Gnosis Level 4 June 5, 2020

As we form opinions on the circumstances of Mr Floyd’s death it would be nice to have the whole story about the preceding events that led up to his being restrained by the officer. As always, there is always more to the story.


There are so many threads to George Floyd's story. I read at stories he was a gentle man, that he helped out at his church, that he urged young men to avoid violence. I've also read he had a long, violent police record and that he was arrested after passing counterfeit money.

Maybe the positives are like the myths about Michael Brown (the "Gentle Giant" of Ferguson, Missouri) who was at least a part time teenage thug. Maybe the truth about George Floyd is a blend of the good and bad stories.

If there is truth to the bad stories, the police would believe themselves to be responding to a violent criminal who had to be dominated. This is not an excuse for ignoring regulations, but it is a possible explantation of their behavior.

He also served time for robbery and had fentanyl in his system at the time of his death.
It is a very confusing string of events. The only certainty is we are all being played, one way or another!

And This ...

“According to statement of probable cause filed with the Fourth District Court, the autopsy performed on George Floyd on Tuesday indicates “no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation.” The statement goes on to note:

Mr. Floyd had underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease. The combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death.”

How does that impact the conversation?


If you focus on the incident of George Floyd's death it can be easily described as wrongful. The officers involved should have been aware of what was going on. There was no excuse in any way for Mr. Floyd's death.

Who is to blame? The responsibility falls on those who commit acts of hatred, in all communities. It falls on those who disregard the due respect that everyone deserves. It falls on those who expect the impossible.

There are endemic problems in isolated communities that spring from the circumstances of isolation. The most significant changes have to come from within those communities themselves. It is a human fault that it is easy to place blame on others. It is difficult to take responsibility for things we have control over. All sides need to ask themselves what is causing this situation, what can I be doing better to correct it. One thing we seem to be ignoring today is a sense of humility. Many religious texts recognize it as a virtue. We do not know enough individually or collectively to fully understand the world, and we should not be acting as if we do.

Pand0ro Level 7 June 4, 2020
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