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Do you feel guilt and shame due to the color of your skin?

Excerpt from James Lindsay's "The Problem with White Fragility" [] :

"In 2018, the “whiteness educator” Robin DiAngelo published a bestselling book called White Fragility. This book is intended to teach white people about their own racism. More than that, White Fragility teaches white people about the ways they resist learning about and challenging their own racism because of something DiAngelo calls their “white fragility.” White fragility is characterized by DiAngelo as a kind of inability to face the “racial stress” of being accused of “racism” and “white supremacy,” leading them to act out emotionally or to refuse to accept the accusation.


DiAngelo’s idea of “racism” separates all white people into just two categories: racists who admit it and racists who won’t admit it. “Racists” and “racists.” This second group, she diagnoses, suffers from “white fragility” and is the target of her book."

While not trying to appear to favor one side of the debate, here are 5 Reasons the Book “White Fragility” is Shallow and Destructive

"White Fragility" has been a NY Times "Best Seller" for over a year with Ibram Kendi's "How to be an antiracist" in close second. It has been argued that both book's mission is to sell guilt and shame to whites and incite violence towards anyone who doesn't publicly support the message. Are you buying it? How to stop the people who are making these books their new bibles on how to treat themselves and others?

Are books like "White Fragility" promoting...

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Admin 8 June 10
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50 comments (26 - 50)

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As for White Fragility... figures the NYT would rave about over that. To suggest just two categories of white people, to me sounds limited and borderline coercive.


A deliberate strategy very similar to those used by cults to induct new members by persuading them that they suffer from an intractable condition of “sin” and “guilt” for which only membership of the cult holds the cure and which they use to induce subservience in the inductees, who start to exhibit all the signs of Stockholm Syndrome towards their new masters.

henrydz Level 6 June 10, 2020

Cultural Marxists have consistently undermined our culture to the point that we have no consciousness of ourselves as white and many that do feel unnecessary shame. Not me I still let my kids play with toy guns as well. it is OK to be white (and armed)!


In 1952, when I was five, we were visiting in the big city of Calgary, a city of 130,000 people. At a traffic light in the downtown area, a man walked across the street. I said "look Mom, there is a man covered in soot." It was not an uncommon sight after a person had cleaned their sooty coal and wood bricked chimneys, to be covered in soot.. Mother corrected me and said "no, that is his natural color because he comes from a country where the sun is very strong. He was only the first black person I ever saw.
Oh, I said.


For decades, and with growing regularity, I'v been called a racist, a Nazi, a Fascist, a hater, a xenophobe, deplorable, and a red-neck. Maybe it's time to embrace the label.

Yeah, I'm a racist. Deal with it! And f^ck your "color" fragility!

Tycho Level 7 July 3, 2020

Anyone else see the religious nature of all this? Hope, faith and trust placed in ‘government’. They have a creed -PC culture and #’s; confession of sin but no absolution; an Original Sin-Racism; and apocalyptic narrative - Climate change is the end of the world-de jour. now a catechism in “repeat after me” “I have white privilege . . . “. And if you agree, you are a righteous saint. You disagree? -you are a heretic at best and pure evil at worst. Oh, and be sure to tithe to BLM etc.


I am white. I don't believe I'm a racist. If I am being a racist, I sure do want someone to call me out on it. But I don't want to be tricked into thinking I'm something that I'm not due to circuitous logic. I think that's what this kind of rhetoric is potentially doing. I can accept the idea of "white privilege" as an umbrella concept, to a certain degree, but I cannot and will not accept an "all white people are racist" concept. No. If that's the definition we have of racism, then it's a faulty definition.

I think racism has to be a thing that can be a two way street. If a white person can be racist against black people, it has to also be true that a black person can be racist against white people. The problem I've run into in the past is that my fellow liberals don't want to agree to that idea. In their minds, racism = white people being racist against darker skin tones. I don't think that's fair or logically sound. Just my two cents.


I feel embarassment, anger and sadness toward whites that buy into privilege and fragility. It's the groundwork for genocide , while we embrace replacement migration and grovel at the feet of groups that hate us.

Not sure what the solution is. I don't think people come back from this stuff. Means you have to catch those not too far gone, talk some sense and ostracize the radicals.


LOL I refuse to accept a false accusation. Period, end of story. Anyone making the accusation because of my skin color is the obvious actual racist. And I really love it when people resort to that meaningless barb. It means they lose the debate; they've got no credible basis for their position, and they've just made a jackass of themselves, because they have no idea who I am and what I've invested in this life which thoroughly negates the accusation. The left have coddled black people and played them like a Stradivarius, much to their own detriment. And they are starting to wake up, which scares the hell out of the establishment left. So now the uneducated tools are screeching to try to drown us out. Good, because the behavior of the imbeciles will be their downfall, along with their slave masters. And I include treacherous politicians, globalists and demons like Soros among them.


I don't believe people can be racists. I think what we call racism is "culturalism". Your race has less bearing on your personality than your sex. However, the culture you were raised in and the experiences of living as both and individual and a culture weigh heavy on your personality. It's why people in Ghana, for example, are very different than people living in Atlanta though both may share some physical traits.

I think the idea of "whiteness" as a shared experience is based off of people who think the entire white world consists of the US and Western Europe. Colonization was not a trait of Eastern Europeans and Russians. In fact, they were invaded, colonized, and had their citizens carted off to other lands to work. Hence "slavs". If history matters, if "lived experience" matters than blacks, and indigenous peoples of N. America share more in common with Polish people than they do the Japanese and Russians have more in common with those currently living in Africa than blacks in America.

All of this--ALL OF IT is meant to create a divide between "the people" because there are most of us than there are of them. We can't possible stop fighting or we would see that the giant Oz head is an illusion run by a tiny man behind the curtain.


It would be interesting to see how the conundrum of "poor white trash" fits into this dialog? As I grew up the "social strata" that had the "PWT" group at or below the black community. Go figure?


Amusing poll, I voted something else.

It's hard for me to separate what is brainwashing or ideology from what is organic. That said brainwashing is usually only effective if it is based on some commonly held belief about reality. Under psychological torture a soldier can be made to acknowledge his war crimes or even join the enemy. It isn't hard to see how the trauma war makes it easier. In the West we have been at war with poverty, racism, and drug abuse for a long time. There have been many casualties and innocent victims. It has dragged on for so long exhaustion has set in. It isn't just race either since WWI we have been at war with war. The proof that we have surrendered isn't in capitulating to the demands of some crazed Marxists, anarchist, or a failed minority. It's in the fact that we have decided not to reproduce ourselves.

It's all happened before.

"There is considerable evidence to show that Roman society in the late Republic and early Empire was afflicted by a low birth­ rate. Augustus in 18 B.C. found it necessary to pass the lex Iulia de maritandis ordinibus in the hope of raising the birth-rate by penalizing the unmarried and the childless. In 9 A.D. he attemp­ ted to supplement this law with the lex Papia Poppaea. The very existence of this legislation indicates that the problem of childless­ ness was widespread and long-Iasting, a view which is further supported by references to this subject in Latin literatureI)."


The mouse utopia experiments point to a possible explanation. Historians call it Luxus, biologists social epistatis amplification. While in mice it seems to be caused by a pheromone disruption in humans it seems to be a weakening of immunity against mental pathogens.

wolfhnd Level 8 June 10, 2020

The former Soviet Union reported populations comparable to the US, but Satellite images indicated that their population was much less than they were reporting. When people are lazy, complacent and/or have no hope people stop having babies. The effect is fairly well known at this point--as we are living in the middle of it.


I would add when people become sociable not prosocial beyond virtue signaling for social status.


It is dangerous, but only for those who buy into it. I think that it is mostly written for economic gain.

Do these people really believe in what they are writing? Is it all about how labeling people and reaching out to a certain group's agenda can become extremely profitable best-selling books, bringing fame to the authors?

People sell goods, not ideologies. This is definitely dangerous.

Imastel Level 6 June 10, 2020

White and proud


No. We should be judged not by the color of our skin but the content of our character. Hmm, where have I heard that before?


They want to fucking kill white people, plain and simple. Been saying it for years.


Have you ever seen a white person rage out at the merest criticism by a non-white person for making a racially insensitive comment? That being said, now is a time for action, not reading lists.


It is all about " divide and conquer", alway has been alway will be!!!!!!!!!!
This one even divides white people into two groups, believers and non-believes!!!!!!

Serg97 Level 8 July 27, 2020

I’d only use that book if I ran outta toilet paper. No need to read it as I hear about how awful I am as a straight male.....

Harp Level 4 June 28, 2020

Although presented to the public as a "desired" political aspect, there is no cultural benefit. It foments division and righteous anger. Each country has a culture that cult adherents wish to supplant. It is done in an effort to gain power, both collectively and individually. It must not be permitted as a valid change to existing culture!


That diangelo bitch can lick rev. Al sharptons ass crack.


the fact that these books are so popular is a sad commentary on the world--particularly the USA.

They're not actually that popular, though, come to think of it. Such books receive academic welfare from universities and leftists reviewers/promoters.

Whereas books like Atlas Shrugged, receive no support from any organization and are still best sellers of all time despite a constant drubbing from the above mentioned institutions.


Racist is a word invented by the left. I pay no attention to it. I bow to the magic negro of Hollywood. The ones that act white, are do gooders and just wuv everybody. Bill Cosby personified that and was "Americas Dad" Until he spoke out against the decades of Gangster Rap Music and Culture that is, and how it is destroying black youth with a crime is OK mentality. Then all of a sudden he is brought up on charges 30 years old by the ME TOO police.

I used to say, Cos for President. What a disappointment to find out he was such a creep!


Shame one must join to vote, rejected.

Yeah, that's mostly to avoid spam ... and yes, to help with membership. Thanks for joining!

Welcome to the revolution!


Thank goodness we have Jews like Robin DiAngelo to guide us through our journey of white fragility. Without Jewish people like her I would still think like a racist caveman.

I found this article interesting... seems like Jewish people have their own form of declared "fragility". []. I did some quick google searches and seems like she doesn't discuss her religion or if she's Jewish (perhaps she is?). My guess is that her book could have been written by someone who isn't Jewish. I personally don't see much benefit calling out a jewish angle as it feels like a red herring... something to distract from the core debate: white fragility. Unless, perhaps we can show the irony that white fragility dehumanizes white people as being alert to dehumanization is well-supported by Jewish people.

@Admin if you go to her web page, right below is Tim Wise and Bill Bigelow. Bill is part of the Howard Zinn project. They are all part of the same ethnic group. Maybe a coincidence. The thing is their work is infiltrating schools though the education of educators, and these ideas are mass subversion tactic very similar to what was carried out in The USSR. Do you know who was behind the subversion of Russians? Either you have your head buried in the sand or you are part of the controlled opposition.

@Admin just let me know if you want me to leave this group. I’ll delete my comments and go. Respectfully,

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