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In an era of inclusively, is it time for the Pride parade to ALSO celebrate heterosexuality?

In its 50 year run, the Pride parade has been a way to highlight the struggles, improve self-esteem, and celebrate the growing equality of gays and lesbians (with trans people rights still being negotiated). Now that all people share equality the benefits and challenges of marriage, the parade seems to have evolved into a way for corporations to virtue signal and for people to celebrate the joys of sexuality in all its varied manifestations - except heterosexuality.

The LGBTx struggle has been hard fought with claims of homophobia on one side and claims of violating God's law on the other. However, once the Marriage Equality Act of 2015 was passed and the "Gay Marriage Armageddon" did not transpire, it is surprising to see how little residual resentment from the resistance remains. Is there room in the Pride parade to acknowledge straight people for this or would this be a slap on the face?

What do you think?

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Admin 8 June 13
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I believe that the strongest, healthiest, best societies are built on the traditional family. I don't want to deny others whatever gets them through the night. I was never able to find a woman to marry, so I'm an old bachelor. While I shouldn't be subject to special punishments, disadvantages, and persecution for that, I don't see my situation as something that should bring pride. Our society should celebrate strong, healthy families. Everything else should be tolerated but not celebrated.

On top of that, most of these events are not about dignified celebration of a different orientation but become an exhibition of fetish and depravity. Instead of heterosexuals joining that kind of nonsense, more homosexuals should reject that kind of nonsense. Again, they can do what they want to do in their own bedrooms, but they don't need to make their entire orientation about the lowest aspects of those choices.

WftRight Level 6 June 13, 2020

I've long believed that sexuality is a personal issue, so can't say I'm eager to back anyone on that regardless if they be hetero, homo, or bisexual. I'm heterosexual, but for the most part don't feel compelled to talk about such in public, guess it's just not that interesting of a topic in my opinion, so in this case it wouldn't apply to me much.


I am a white male 78 yrs old in a few days. What would be ideal is not having to have special recognition days. If two women (or men) love each other and want to marry they can just go ahead and do it. If a woman feels like a man, fine. If a man wants to dress up in women's clothing, have at it. When we no longer feel like we have to make a big public display of ourselves that would be best,

Pand0ro Level 7 June 13, 2020

Your family would be worried, though, if you dressed up like a 8-year-old girl. Only joking. Lol!

@Naomi Not my family, they would just laugh and tell me how weird I looked.


ALL people, regardless of lifestyle, should have kept their sex activities in the bedroom behind closed doors. It is nobody's business to think ow whether someone is gay, straight, bi, tri, etc. Sexual equality is pretty much covered under the law now. Everyone needs to stop throwing their sexual preferences in everyone else's face. If people would stop allowing their egos to control them, more than half these problems would solve themselves because it wouldn't matter. Finally, the Alphabet folks get their parades, their media attention, and their legal rights, they need to allow straight people to have the EXACT same privileges, and both groups need to stop trying to one-up the other.

FatMike Level 5 June 13, 2020

Sorry, typo! Should've read nobody's business to KNOW.


So one of the main problems I have is with just straight up pride in this in general. It's one thing to fight adversity, but it's another thing to just be shoving it in people's faces. I'm not a fan of Pride, but if there is pride for lgbt, then there should be for straight people as well.

I am bisexual and I have never gone to pride and never planned to.


On one hand, the LGBT Pride campaigns never had inclusivity as a goal. Their purpose was to deny that there was such a thing as "normal." To use Kurt Schlichter's term, they will never include "normals" in their movement.

OTOH, I think the libertarian streak in the Conservative movement has great appeal to to anyone who wants what they do between their sheets to be a matter of indifference to the wider society.


I am not concerned about a few percent of the population, as long as my rights are not infringed.

How do you determine WHO those few percent are?

@BubbaLouie, why should I care who they are?


Time to just drop this subject, focus on equality w/o bias for any group, Vote Libertarian!!!


At this point we should have "Who the Hell Cares" week and be done with all of it in one fell swoop.


Why is it necessary for any group to parade their sexual preferences through the street?
What you choose to do with your wedding tackle is your business. My personal preference is that you keep it in your pants outside of your home!


If you feel the need to celebrate one, then you should be compelled to celebrate all. When you start to let your sexuality define you, then you've got problems. I'm heterosexual. However, I'm a father, a husband, a friend, a coworker. My sexual orientation doesn't define me. I define me.


Oh, my. This might be a the very top of my IDGAF list.

Can I have that shirt, though?


I simply don't support the LGBT movement and think it's bad for the individual and society. Just like premarital sex, contraception and adultery, it has degraded the institution of marriage and detracts from the dignity of the human person.
I just ignored the parades until they started exploiting children. Drag kids twerking in front of gay men. The perverts ogling these kids are bad enough, but what kind of parent thinks that's ok?

Jack89 Level 2 June 13, 2020

If it is genetic as they claim?

Would it not be like being proud because you are white?

I understand being straight and white is a privilege but a little logic would be nice.

wolfhnd Level 8 June 13, 2020

In my post, I mentioned that I think Pride isn't just about celebrating LGBT-ness, but about celebrating accomplishments. For example, I was not legally allowed to marry my wife until "gay marriage" became legalized. So, I can celebrate the achievement of being legally able to marry the woman I love. Does that bring some logic to it?


Certainly awareness of the accomplishments of previously persecuted groups may reduce prejudice.

My comment goes to a general social phenomenon that I have always found interesting. Compliments such as your so pretty or your so intelligent strike me as odd. We have become so focused on immutable characteristics that complimenting people on their character is rare.

@wolfhnd That is interesting and I understand where you're coming from with that opinion. I too would like to see people complimenting each other based on character. I would love people to see and judge me by my character, rather than any "letter of the alphabet" as some put it. 🙂

I was just trying to answer your question related to Pride (the LGBT event).


“Pride”? Forced “Inclusivity”?

Here in the USA there is allegedly a Constitution and a Bill of Rights which are supposed to be extended to cover Every Single Citizen of these United States and the Territories thereof.

Over the decades of my life, I’ve watched them being Picked Over and “Refined” and “Amplified” in such a way as to give One or More “Special Groups” “Special Rights” all allegedly to give those “Special Groups” “Equal Rights”.

Mainly various Politicians and Government Officials (Bureaucrats) have willingly and willfully Pandered to whichever “Special Group” might be most beneficial to THEM Themselves.
The LEFT (Socialistic, Communistic, Liberals ... “Do Gooders” ) have carefully looked for, identified and promoted ... even Created DOZENS of these “Special Groups” in order to create discord, distrust, unrest and uncertainty ... to Create “Schisms” that fracture Our Society ... Our Government ... Our People ... into smaller and smaller Groups. This is being done On Purpose in order to Increase the “need” for MORE Government ... a form of Government that they are striving to be in Control of.
Politicians originally pandered to this “movement” but, increasingly, are BECOMING the Power Structure in the Government at All Levels. People who even 20 years ago would have been seen as unfit to run a Day Care Center are being Elected by “Special Groups” who aren’t even recognizing that THEY Themselves are LOSING the few things they gained when they proclaimed themselves “Special” and, in the process, are LOSING even the Basic Rights as Guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. WORSE, they are actively seeking to Grant Enough Power to these “NEW Politicians” to Change Those RIGHTS.

Should HETEROSEXUALS “Join In” a PRIDE Parade?
Even Observing things like the Pride Parade makes a Mockery of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Whether the People Participating in the “Parade” realize it or not, they are simply a Display of STOOGES for those who have Used Them to Undermine the Very Rights THEY Fought for.

Should “Heterosexuals” join the Parade?
NO. I think the Parade should simply Cease to Exist because people Wise Up to the Concept that they are simply being USED as a “Propaganda Tool”.

As to Who Marries Who ... why is the Government involved? Civil Unions are a Government Function. Marriage is a RELIGIOUS Function. The various Churches ... Religions ... should be the ones to determine what sort of Marriages should be permitted. Maybe after being “Married” by One’s Faith/Religion, the people so bound should be required to have that bond Codified and Recorded as a Legal Civil Union by the Government.
One should not need to be Married to enter into a Civil Union and Entering into a Civil Union has very few Prohibitions that aren’t Legally Defined.


I don’t care what people do, but don’t want to know either. When folks feel they must discuss their sexuality, the lose my respect. Who wants to know? Are they bragging or complaining? Way too personal, and should be private.

I do strongly object to the Gay agenda that forces itself into the public schools, and attempts to corrupt children. Leave the kids alone, damn it. Just leave the kids alone!

Just curious, do you only apply your principles with gay people, or straight people too? For example, if a man at work has pictures on his desk of his wife and kids, or if a woman is recounting her vacation with her husband to you, are they not rubbing their sexuality in your face? Maybe we should remove the words husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc and simply use the word partner, as it is gender neutral and therefore no one will ever know your sexuality.


I voted for "something else." I identify as straight myself. I am a trans man who has never identified as a lesbian. I am in a long-term marriage with a cis woman (who identifies as pansexual). By this logic, I'm already a straight person included in Pride, but I still fall under LGBT and my wife also falls under LGBT.

Now, I've only attended Pride festivities a few times and mostly in the last 5 years, so let that preface my opinions. In my understanding, Pride is not JUST about celebrating love and LGBT-ness, but about celebrating our accomplishments. We are celebrating the accomplishment of attaining rights and freedoms. These rights and freedoms were already there for straight people, so there is no real "accomplishment" for a purely straight crowd to celebrate, if that makes sense.

I do think there could be a place for straight people at Pride. It's just a different place than an LGBT place.


I don't believe anything about body functions is a right for anyone. I'm creative and an artist and have faced discrimination for that and other reasons because of a certain non-conformist intellect while growing up in mainstream society. I don't scream for rights. Suck it up and be a man, or woman.....


As a (semi-normal?) married heterosexual male, I'm not particularly interested in LGBTSx issues. To be perfectly honest, it seems to me that for a lot of those who are LGBTSx are just desperately crying out for attention and to be recognised as "special". Yes, I 'get' that there are many people who feel trapped in the wrong body or gender, including people I know personally from school, work, or otherwise. I don't go around trumpeting my 'straightness', nor do I take great pride in being heterosexual and ordinary. Life is hard enough without making it more complicated.



wolfhnd Level 8 June 13, 2020

Pride parades represent the fragmented society we have been conditioned to accept...........with guilt! How can you expect lasting change when you turn the majority against you?


Time to expose cultural Marxism for what it is: A deliberate attempt to fragment society and pit us all against each other.


I for one would never march on the same street with such fools. (I tried to be nice, there are many words I could have used other than fools.) LOL


So you want us to play identity politics, do you? You are terrible. 🙄😂🤣

Naomi Level 8 June 14, 2020

The end game of the LGBT is pedophilia.Sanctify that.

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