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While watching the first round of Democratic debates last night, I was struck by how choreographed and transparent the Left's overall strategy was laid out. As they were clearly speaking to the activists on the far-Left side of their party, I wondered if the message resonated with moderate Liberals or did it push them away. Here's the transcript: [] What themes or statements in the debate are you most concerned with? Which statements do you support? Note: I'll leave this post up for a few days so you can add your thoughts of Thursday's 2nd-batch debate.

Admin 8 June 27
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Circle jerk of virtue signaling Pander Bears. An elbow thrown in from time to time so the Alphas could get more eucalyptus leaves.

You get a vote there just for technique in language and metaphor. 😉))

Although it's bamboo leaves for Pandas, and eucalyptus for Koalas.

Good catch. I’ll be more food specific next time.

Pander new favorite term


It is the overall lack of reality that scares the living daylights out of me. These asshats live in a fantasy land where everything is black n white!

Good thing we have the conservatives/evangelicals to remind us of all the gray areas. ;'p

@Babou well somebody’s got to do it!


The problem is not even in the policy positions they stake out. The problem is their hopeless dependence on fantastical idealism. They honestly believe in what they're saying like Miss American Contestants used to believe it when they said they want world peace. Yeah, okay. Great. World peace would be good. But, how are you going to do it AND maintain sovereignty of countries? Or, let's go global with it? Where are the lines drawn? What is Iran going to do when our new world order says they can't continue to violate human rights? What are bad people going to do with laws that say they can't be bad people? Oh yeah, the ignore it. Bad people hold world peace in their hands--not good people. What good people hold is violence of the threat of violence, and that's not going away under ANY system. This is what the left can't accept. They're done dealing with reality. They're ready to stick tape over the whole thing and label it Utopia and pretend like it's Utopia. This culture war is first and foremost. That's what they were all talking about. At that level, the whole thing gets really simple. You're on this side or you're on that side. That's why those fools get up there and say ridiculous things and the crowd applauds like it has meaning, not even considering that they're up there selling fantasy. None of this is politics. Politics are down the road. Whoever wins the culture war will see their worldview trickle into policy. That process was already happening. Trump voters disrupted what was happening, but who will Trump voters vote for next? He's the only one that even remotely looks like he's working for what we want. Anybody else on the scene currently will cede ground back to the Globalists.

chuckpo Level 8 June 27, 2019

The DONALD is not a SWAMP RAT and that really upsets them. I also do not see a replacement, but hopefully we will have SIX more years to find one.
Maybe Pence. I think he may be the only reason no one has taken DONALD out, to them he maybe scarier!!!!!!

@Garsco I think we need someone from outside of the SWAMP! I think Donald is good for 4 more, but we need to be looking for a replacement and not one from the Swamp.

I’m all for the rainbow connection, the age of Aquarius, a one world government so we can finally work towards getting off this rock and exploring past the membrane of our small sphere.
One problem though.
There isn’t a single person on this planet I’d trust with that much power.

@Cheetolini yep a person or organization with that much power would be trading goods for votes, in order to maintain that power. When faced with potential loss of power, we would see secret police and spies looking through everything to keep the exalted ruler in power. I love the USA, but it may be to let coastal leftists take their piece and let the conservatives take what's left. Who knows- a bit radical but too much power in the hands of bad people leaves an ugly mess.

Good education campaign would go far to fixing this.
We are not a country. We are a nation of 50 countries we call “States” each with their own constitution and laws conforming to a republican style of governance, neither of which may supersede the national. Just like the EU. (Minus republican styled, which is why ours works)
“As California goes so goes the nation” is the most totalitarian statement to come out of the left since forever.

If more people understood our system, they would understand the power of not being a collective.


True, but this is not atypical in primaries. Both parties' primary candidates target their bases. To your point, what is amazing is how far Left the Democrats must go to pander to their now Leftist base.


B. H. Obama called it " the fudamental transformation of the United States of America". A process the modern democrat party is wedded to. It means a demographic transformation. A governmental transformation. An economic transformation and a redefinition of individual rights by negating the Constitutional protections of the bill of rights. Open borders, socialist giveaways, confiscatory taxes all crowned with a putrid set of rigged human rights and international controls that eliminates our constitutional individual liberties.

This process is nearly half complete with a deep state so entrenched that our highest court will not allow us to ask about citizenship when accessing representation in the federal legislature. Meaning that alien invaders have the same weight and right to a vote in congress as a native or naturalized citizen. At some sad point this will not be tolerable and Patriots will have to rise up to protect the Constitution and true citizens. This is what the democrat party is working towards and they and it sicken me!


I thought it was strikingly ironic watching Rachel Maddow make the case for charging a president after his term, just as the investigation into Obama is winding up.
It’s almost like Trump uses some mind trick to have them sweep his path before he walks all over them.


It seems these politicians have been in government for a years and now saying what problems we have and will address with government control and unions leading to socialism, but with time in office have not addressed or solved any problems.


I seriously can't see any Democrat winning at all; and what's worse is as each of them lurches left of Looney Toons there's no way they'll ever be able to rescind such radical statements. They've essentially taken themselves out of consideration for 2024 with their drunken promises. I'm confident in at least 2 more Republican terms. Three if a star ascends...someone like Mark Meadows or Jim Jordan or Nikki Haley. But also, I'd like to see Condoleeza Rice, Charlie Kirk, or Candace Owens jockey for position.

It just seems the Republicans have more adults in their tent.


@JimbobNE Crazier the Democrats gets, the more moderate votes they are going to lose. And I don't think they can reliably get those juicy minorities vote anymore because:

-Asians are mad that the left is openly discriminating agains them in academia and in the working force in the name of "social justice".
-Blacks are becoming more and more aware that the ghettos they are living in are all ruled by the democrats.
-Latinos legal immigrants don't want illegals to skip the rank and get all the benefice that they worked so hard to obtain.
-And most of all, many immigrants know how precious and great the US is and do not want it to become a third world socialist shithole.

This doesn't mean that they will vote republican, but you only need a few disenchanted moderates lefties who decide to stay home to tip the balance in Trump's favor.

shj648 Level 6 June 29, 2019

I can't figure out if the far left agenda appears to be on the brink of winning this time or if they know that the next election it will sound more moderate and reasonable. The left knows if they push the agenda hard enough, enough Americans to make it reality will eventually materialize. Trump lost the popular election last time and his harsh rhetoric may make just enough people in just the right states to vote for the most popular marxists. Everyone on the right seems to think the good economy is gonna give Trump the victory, but it is very close and just like 2016 nobody should take anything for granted. Google has been working since 2016 to make sure trump loses. Watch out, 2020 will be scary until the winner is declared.

Close so far according to whom?

@TommyB I understand polls can't be trusted, but the last election showed us how many people want leftist stuff. I have no clue what the numbers are but I see too many people wedded to socialism in this country to believe that this election will be easy.

@JimbobNE, I'm not so sure. I think what we saw was how many people don't want their team to lose. Hillary was an awful candidate, and 65 million people still voted for her. As long as the parties are essentially the same, it's easy to vote their favorite team. But, if something pushes them past where they're comfortable, they may not support it--not like they'd vote for Trump, but they may not vote. The socialists trying to drag everyone left may backfire and split the party on election day. And, there's always a line. I can easily vote for Trump now, but if he was ACTUALLY a racist or sexist trying to create policies to oppress a group? That's a deal breaker for me. This wildly leftist fad may not capture the quieter Democrats. They've moved left, but they may not have moved that far left. The further crazy-left the candidates go, the more moderates they'll lose--and probably all of the independents--the ones who voted for Hillary as the lesser of two evils. Hard to say. The charade has been remarkably successful. I think the media narrative has become a lot of people's worldview.

@JimbobNE i hear ya.

My hope is that the #s still reflect the illegals & dead, that way should anyone act on heading off the massive voter fraud that will surely be attempted, it will be a smoother road.

A lot of noise right now & the censorship that's going on is vast, so it's difficult to get accurate info. But you may be right. They're fighting for their collective life & i tend to underestimate that myself.

@JimbobNE Many people voted for Hillary because back then this whole sjw far left culture isn't out of control as It is now and many people who don't follow politics probably seen Hillary as the "normal" candidate. This isn't the case anymore nowdays as it is clear that the left has gone mad, you can probably expect people that are too afraid to speak up to reject the far left with their vote when time come.


My middle finger leans to the left

Life seems to be regulated by the odds changing.


I admire everyone who can stand watching that virtue signalling bunch of one uppers without irking. Not a smidgen of respect between em. Not even to let eachother finish talking.


There was literally zero surprise in my humble opinion.


Why are they assuming that the majority of this country is going to support extreme left ideology?

"The 'right side' of history"?

65 million people voted for Hillary Clinton. If they'll vote for flat out corruption, they'll vote for anything as long as it has the Democrat brand.

@chuckpo I'm still trying to wrap my head around that many people being that stupid.

@JobyOneKenobi, interesting. I'm not sure intelligence has anything to do with it, unless you redefine intelligence. I don't understand. I guess that it's something to do with getting stuck in idealism--the way you wish things were. But, isn't that kind of dumb if you can't distinguish between what's possible in this world at this time and some fantasy you concoct? It's hard to explain. I'm like, 'I'm sorry, but you can't have world peace because those people over there literally don't want peace. You can have what is, and then you can work toward that world peace, but you don't get to implement a policy (say destroy all of your weapons to defend yourselves) and pretend like everyone's just going to fall in line. Those people who don't want world peace are salivating over you dropping your guard. MLK Jr had his dream and then he had his plan to achieve it. The entire left has this dream without ANY responsible plan to achieve it. They just want it to be that way. You may be right about the intelligence thing. It's hard to understand.

@chuckpo they have definite ideals but connecting the dots between each ideal and what it will take to reach the finish line is very hazy at best. I think intelligence or lack thereof definitely applies here. Ironically they view intelligence as their strength but it doesn't mean much when it is driven by being misinformed or even worse, uninformed.


U.S. voters are too intelligent to give control of government to the Democrats while they continue to pursue their regressive leftist goals. Until the Dems re-embrace classical liberalism, DJT and the GOP will be chosen as the lesser of the evils.

Remember the voters gave us O!

@Serg97 I believe they have learned from their mistake.

@pbuck0145 We can HOPE!!!!!

Can you send me wherever i need to go to find evidence that the Dems EVER supported classical liberalism? I am a classical liberal & i must've missed a huge chapter somewhere lol. Would sure like to remedy that if i can. Thanks

@TommyB Bill Clinton opposed an extended welfare state lmao


You'll have to do better than that lol. He talked a good game & didn't mean a word of it when he did. Sorry but tat's a non-starter.


My ears perked when I heard Tulsi Gabbard speak. For me, she was the outstanding one. Apparently the same was true for Google Searchers. She’s the Democrat’s saving grace. The Democrats should revisit grace. Comparing her to her opponents is injustice to her! Any ten minutes of her Joe Rogan interview is gold. I picture her Democrat colleagues doing their best to silence her. If Trump is re-elected, it would do us well if he (effectively) enrolls Gabard in that 2020 administration. She’s worth keeping around.

She and Andrew Yang are the two democrats that i would gladly vote for, but right now both of them is getting eviscerated by the far left.

Gabbard appears on the Carlson show and they have a productive conversation about Iran.

Carlson and Gabbard discuss censorship.

Carlson and Gabbard discuss justice reform and the takedown of Harris.

Maher invites Coulter onto his show.

Yang courageously walked into Breitbart headquarters and interviewed.

Can anyone think of more examples of ambassadorial conversations between left and right?


There are hopeful signs, I think that more and more centrist/moderate/apolitical peoples is starting to see just how crazy the Democratic party have become and their crazy messages during the debate will only confirm this view.

shj648 Level 6 June 29, 2019

Did you notice how Harris is in the center of the photo? Any significance?

Jurecki Level 7 June 28, 2019

Centered and focused, is that a 'black woman' for minority votes? Also notice Biden is looking at her. Another significance?

@MilesPurdue and the other women are on the fringes....


Lmao when Tim Ryan basically insinuated that the Taliban did 9/11 I fell out of my chair laughing

At least the Taliban gave aid and shelter to bin Laden. Poor Saddam did squat WRT 9/11. And his innocent oppressed subjects even less.


Feel free to tell me to fk off because I am a foreign scum and all that, but it seems to me that ordinary hard-working people not just in the US, but also Australia and the UK, really need to reconsider the way the power is allocated and representatives voted in, i.e. how the whole system is set up.

Something is very wrong here; it seems to me that with every election we are all much worse off, no matter who is voted in, and those who own us are much better off.

With every election, we are just more divided and more miserable.

I won't resort to any Latin proverbs here or theories of how those in power rule, but if an ordinary person thinks that choosing a Democrat or a Republican, a Liberal or Conservative, Labor or whatever else will somehow make his/her life better, then that ordinary person is deluded.

I also won't resort to any newer quotes about definitions of insanity and correlation between doing same things and expecting different results, and here I might be in the minority, but I do think the whole political system is rotten.

Peejaay Level 4 Jan 12, 2020

Put them all in wooden shacks until they shut up and protect our rights.

Yandarn Level 7 June 29, 2019

Reminiscent of the Hunger Games.

obrenee Level 2 June 28, 2019
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