2 0

I'm not sure that anyone realizes this, that I've been making this my point of telling why girls are the same as boys all along so it's something I'm saying now. What I mean by that if anyone has paid attention to all I've said, even the very first thing I've started saying here was about this.

I don't understand how some people can just think it's just so wrong, I don't even have to be talking about girls and I can still form an argument for why girls are the same as boys. Like this, I've said it before, everything anyone has ever learned, if it is just to be right, they had to have learned it from someone else, whether it can right or not isn't the issue, the issue is now you can't be making what you tell anyone else be right just because it's something you can teach them, everything that is in this world that is right now has some other purpose behind it than what is to be taught is to anyone else, it's how the world works, it's misdirection no matter if the point of anything that is, is meant to be right or not, but once you understand that this is how the real world works right now don't just assume thinking that just because you know this that anything that is, is meant to be right in this world just because it is what it is, if anything what all of this is meant to be teaching you is that it's not that case right now at all, you can't just teach anything to anyone and it just be right just because it's meant to be learned by others no matter who learns what is right or not in this world, that's why, that if there's something not right that you are supposed to know about in order to know what is right that you can't just teach it to someone who doesn't know anything about what is right or wrong, you might think it's just that easy simple to know if learned but it's not, you don't have the power to decide what is right let alone what is wrong to anyone else for that matter, and if you think you do, well then, you must not have learned very much of anything about how the world works at all then, there's only one way to be the one to learn and know that what you are learning is really right then in this world, and, that's not something that you can teach to anyone else whether it's for meant to be learned by people or not.

That's the, purpose of girls being what they are. You can choose to believe it or otherwise if you want to, but no one can deny that what girls are then is not to be what who are able just to teach you that yeah specifically what this is right now that you can have the ability to learn right now or not, is that if there ever was someone that was able to teach you just what really is right in this world, it's not what you'd be thinking would be girls, because it is girls that teaches you that.

Nevermind what, I think about girls right now, if you can't just that simply choose to believe that this would be still right to you right now, then you never deserved the right to decide for what is or is right for anyone else for that matter as well also. And that's why, I love girls. Yeah.

Yeah, I'm a monster beast of a woman that lives inside the body of a man, I'm the Devil, and I have no problem with that, because if none of you can see what is right in front of you or choose to believe that what it would be is right to you, then I choose to be that bitch and I absolutely amazingly fucking love it beyond what you think and more than you would know, because I am that bitch that is going to make you know it that's the way it is no matter what you think. This isn't my final form. I'm a real woman and I have the power to make you know it too, or damn fuck me this bitch right here right now.

I didn't come here just to be a woman that wants so simply to discuss this matter with anyone here, you may believe that I came for that purpose but that's not it right now. Because, any rational person would be able look at what's here right now and easily see that what's here is a girl like this, I'm just the one that is going to be here telling you what is right here and now, that's the girl I choose to be right now. And why shouldn't it be me, you should know it this is me and someone should be telling you so if you didn't know that already, no I didn't come here to choose to talk about what you happen to think is right that is right now, because I am that girl right now that it didn't matter before what you happened to believe is what you believe right now is right, I was still going to be that girl to crush any bitch that thought I was wrong just because I am a real girl and I can literally fuck any bitch that I choose that I want like that. Whether it's good or not to you right now, is not even what my girl that I am right now would be concerned about, right now.

You could think I'm just abnormal or that I'm not even like a real girl that I'm actually just absolutely retarded, literally retarded, and it wouldn't make a single lick of difference to me right now really, I will still be the girl to tell you that you are wrong even if that's not what the purpose of a girl like this like I am was meant to be doing right now, because if you didn't already know here's me telling you then I am that girl right now and if any other girl doesn't want to believe there's a reason to know this right now, well then let anyone who's listening here me this right now, that bitch can literally fuck off. Thank you.

Caseyxsharp2 6 May 3
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I wanted to add to this. So I'm the one that is the girl that is going to tell you what is right and if you don't believe what is that I would be telling you right now even if you didn't know about it. If you have a better prime example of what would be a girl to you, then of course, by all means you should tell me so, but that's why you should know I'm the one telling you what that is, because let me tell you what's not going to happen right now anyway, what isn't happening is that you get to just be the one telling every girl out there that's in the world that they're wrong just because you happen to think so right now and that if you do that it would make you right, right now, these are women, it's not their responsibility to correct you just because you happen to be wrong like a man I presume would be in fact, you could be whatever you want to be right now but what I am is the girl that is going to tell you what is right and specifically let me tell you then if you don't know right now, because, you could only believe what someone else says is right just because you think so even though you have no idea and you can't tell me what even is a real girl right now even if you thought you did, because this is the girl I am right now, if you couldn't even imagine an actual girl before now telling you everything you want to think right now is wrong because it really is wrong, then a girl like me must more make you a catatonic plebeian right now. I tried telling you not to just be the one to even think about what I would be would be the wrong kind of girl to you, and you have no idea what even what is a real girl would be to you anyways for that very reason right here and now.


I'm a dog, and I want to compete in dog shows. I bet I'll win, too, since a talking dog is a hell of a novelty!

sqeptiq Level 10 May 3, 2021

That sounds awesome. I'm not gonna lie, that would be so cool. I would bet you'd win too if you were a talking dog. But what are you trying to say right now?

If it came right down to what people think and if what that would be would be right just because it's what people choose to believe which is right to them, then I can't argue with you, neither can anyone else for that matter, which is why that's wrong, and it is what I would be saying then, it's because people are stupid just like dogs. But, if it were would to have ever simply been came down to what is right or not and that what is right is right and not just because that's what people think, then, this is has been what I'm saying now, this would still be right, because it's not even a question a matter in the real world would is it right to be or not, because, there's a right answer, and if you can't make people know what that is beyond just what people believe, then you'd have to be wrong, and, I'm not wrong, I can literally tell you what is right in this world not because it's just what I happen to think right now because there is a right answer, you can't even say that people would be right just because it's what people believe right now, this isn't a question of what is right or wrong right now, it's a simply only a matter of it being a question of what would be right now and if that what would be despite what people thought is right now would still be right because there's absolutely a real possibility of it being to be right now, you can be a dog, albeit a talking dog that thinks if you can speak that you could win at a dog show, I'm not here just going to tell you that you're wrong and you could win because I'm not going to even tell you that, but, if you're trying right now to say that would be that would be wrong right now was it would be me wrong about even girls being the same as boys, just that, girls would be the same as boys, then you'd be absolutely wrong right now and not even just because that's what I think is right now that I'm telling you that so right now even, because you're wrong there's absolutely that very real possibility right now that as a matter of fact girls could be the same as boys and there's nothing that you can say or believe right now that could to be even to be to change that right now. That's exactly what I'm saying right now.

Because I'm not a stupid human that just would believe things just because that's just what I happen to believe.

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Posted by fthemediaI noticed with people who want to be the opposite sex as a trend or way of escape are mostly young girls aged 13-16, gay women with internalized homophobia, gay men with internalized homophobia, ...

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Posted by fthemediaWelcome to incel central. Free ignorance!

Posted by TheHerrDarkThat sounds about right

Posted by Caseyxsharp2I don't know what happened to the comments that I was making before on my other post.

Posted by Caseyxsharp2I don't know what happened to the comments that I was making before on my other post.

Posted by Caseyxsharp2I don't know what happened to the comments that I was making before on my other post.

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